tv [untitled] March 22, 2012 4:00am-4:30am EDT
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you need to break the stalemate the u.n. edging closer to a syrian peace plan to make both sides lay down their arms while the u.s. threatens more pressure on the regime if it doesn't propriety. french authorities are not sure whether the toulouse gunman is still alive as he said he wanted to die with weapons in his hands. the u.k.'s new spending plan dubbed a banker's budget with a hike in fuel prices dealing a heavy blow to small businesses who are driving the ailing economy.
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noon in moscow i match reza good to have you with us here on r t our top story with the u.n. showing a united stance on syria after months of deadlock the u.s. has threatened damascus with more pressure and isolation unless the latest peace plan is carried out a move indorse a special envoy kofi annan peace initiative including an immediate cease fire by both sides access for humanitarian aid and the start of political dialogue is spite this opposition leaders admit some foreign states are sending them weapons and support u.s. based journalist and author susan lindauer things by fully backing the opposition washington isn't helping solve the crisis. one of the reasons the violence has continued is that the united states is covertly financing the opposition to blaster assad's government the united states is providing tactical assistance for training military operations it's being done outside of the country just across the border however as long as as washington continues to feed this conflict it will go on but
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the message needs to start with washington washington has got to stop interfering in syria i believe the violence in syria needs to stop this is the people are suffering terribly the point is that it's two sides that are keeping this conflict alive what's good for bashar assad is also good for hillary clinton the united states must announce that it will stop supporting the rebels in syria and they will stop feeding this conflict both sides together must reach a cease fire it requires both action from both sides violence in syria spilling over into neighboring lebanon dividing its people on the crisis across the border or he's on a boy who explains how lebanon has been affected by the conflict. it's an arab cd on the mediterranean with a passion for everything. lebanese tripoli looks a lot like its libyan main sake and increasingly it's being drawn into the
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revolutionary violence it's home to sizeable alawite and sunni communities and with the syrian border just half an hour drive away tensions are already boiling over the road separating the allies and sunni communities here in tripoli is up in the syria streets and attitudes to what's happening there divides lebanese more than anything else this country stands to lose the most from the disintegration of its neighbor yet another prove a better came just a few weeks ago when one night bullets started to flow across the street the clashes claimed the lives of two people and the rest deeper into their ideological trenches residents of these awards raise the money to put out this impromptu memorial to the leader and big countries they consider their protectors but. thank you russia there is also no second guessing on whom they consider their anime america but freedom is a euphemism for american interests we don't see human rights of freedom.
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serious ruling baath party has its regional office here its chief says meeting bashar al assad in person was the most memorable event in his life while the prospect of a un sanctioned foreign intervention in syria is now minimal he says behind the scenes syria still remains a front here for regional powers syria is from here about half an hour of. the everything you know we're. going from here went on to syria we're going from lebanon to syria. or from jordan from here from everywhere across the street in a hospital run. i assume the charity attitudes are strikingly different most of the patients here are young men from behind problems and some like muhammad don't tie their fair way short of
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a different syrian army he's take on who is responsible for the bloodshed is not hard to guess. i have a warning for the russian people that if they don't change they will cut all ties with them once their revolution reaches its victory you still have time to make the right choice on the hospital's administrator shows as some of about five hundred patients they've treated since the uprising began. allegedly committed by assad's regime amounts of crimes against humanity because when i ask him why did the revolution is worth all the suffering and destruction his response is not exactly humanitarian but we have many destruction and now we have more and no more than eleven thousand as we hear you. i think all good evolution has to pay.
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something in. development and changing to better life to keep the two warring communities apart the lebanese government has dispatched an army contingent to the city for all its resemblance of believe the capital lebanese tripoli is still trying hard to avoid the libyan scenario it's not going to artsy tripoli lebanon on lebanese foreign minister and not months or thinks it's a while to work out a balanced approach to the syrian conflict and says calls for foreign intervention are hampering use initiatives. who would speak against ending the bonnet and the side of the conflict were. previously said that the syrian government had to stop its. as if it was the only one guilty of the events in syria escalated into hostilities and resistance against government forces from the very start groups fighting against the government being financed and supplied with weapons destroying
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civilian facilities. cool's for military intervention coming from within syria as well as internationally we see one party in the conflict being the other. the opposition being supported to fight the government and political transformation is not to be achieved by force and violence produces more violence every country. position if you or your position movements of the world with a person resurgent or through violence the world will go up in flames that it is unacceptable to fuel violence. undermine government institutions and destroy some for a nation and. you can see the full interview with the lebanese foreign minister coming your way here in all about twenty minutes. the french interior minister says that to lose gunmen wanted to die with weapons in his hands and that officials aren't sure whether the suspect is still alive police are laying siege to their house in the city for
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a second day gunfire and explosions were earlier heard at the scene the man claimed to have links with al qaeda and is reported to be a french citizen of algerian origin is said to be heavily armed has broken off earlier talks with police a full scale assault on the house is yet to happen the man is also suspected of killing three soldiers intelligence expert explains why police still hope to take the suspect alive. if you take human life you could speak and you could explain or you were trained or you could find the he found his way to afghanistan into pakistan where. these contacts and we were strained else were to learn to do in the camp and of course maybe he could carry if told of french fry came. to the same the same training in afghanistan and maybe today are ready to eat somewhere in france when he can but in now in france he was kind the first soviets monitoring but the point is you have so many people. who have
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a too many go that you cannot do it for each of them so we stick abodes maybe for a few hundreds if not thousands of people could be potentially dangerous in france so you have to choose you have to make some some you have to just told to choose which are the most then shows like a most done shows and to stargate both it seems that this man was not faggot it is very gentle speak with mystic what we learned today were to learn of last week is that the truth is not only the truth of organized of organized network but also the threat of for the lone wolf the easily the terrorist which is a real nightmare for the security services. and you can watch the special police operation unfolding live in toulouse on our website r.t. dot com well stay with us here on r.t. still to come this hour right now hundreds of people without power as well as israel's on happy with a green energy plan set up for a palestinian drive. and india having every citizen scanned to ensure
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a fair benefits system but find out right many feel the population is being tagged into a giant prison. but for us motorists and the elderly will be feeling the pinch in the u.k. is the government's unveiled its two thousand and twelve budget measures freezing pensioners allowances have been dubbed a granny tax what is criticism not only big companies in the rich will be protected our laura smith has more from london. government's calling this a fiscally neutral budget which basically made it they're giving with one hand and taking away with the other labor the opposition party is calling it's a millionaire's budget and people also say that it's ten calling around economic disaster just dealing with the edges of the top line of this budget is really just tax cuts for the very richest people in society from fifty percent to forty five percent hugely controversial the government says that the tax is not making any money anyway but groups like the occupy campaign say that it's basically
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a tax cut for the one percent another very controversial thing is this this issuing a one hundred year or even perpetual pones boring money that only needs to be paid back in one hundred years' time the government says it's doing that to look in low interest rates but the critics say that it's numbering our children essentially with our debt not just children either grandchildren great grandchildren but one of the most controversial parts of this budget is the raising of the tax on fuel again later this year that has a huge impact on the economy and in fact it's a measure that according to some polls seventy seven percent of people in this country are against create tens of thousands of jobs at no cost what government could say no to you case coalition government apparently as it sticks to another rise in the tax on fuel to take effect in august small business owners are feeling the pinch. over the last few years really really crippled and crunched on our
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bottom line according to the fair fuel campaign cutting the tax on fuel by just four said it would get the economy motoring and could put one hundred seventy five thousand people back in work be creation of a job to take people off to go off important benefits and. more taxes going out spending more money etc they seem to be ignoring this and concentrating on things like fifty p. rate of income tax for the rich people meanwhile small businesses. found sound untoward chapman run a company which sells an install spence's to keep your pet in your garden it employs seven people full time and runs full vans in which engineers deliver train pets to use the fences the guys can work in hampshire one day and then the next day depends on when the customer wants us all we have the increase in the eighty which obviously is going on top of fuel as well and then the actual fuel duty is well. you can't keeping
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a screen at all angles forever around seventy percent of the economy is small business the government says it's depending on third like to pre-build it but growth and development is out of the question according to sam he says the price of fuel is. the price at the pump has already hit one pound fifty five a liter in some places that's two dollars forty six and although some of it is due to the geopolitical situation including the iranian oil embargo a staggering sixty percent tax it's an easy damaging way to raise money fugit is actually a very convenient tax for governments because it's actually very difficult to avoid i mean one of the impacts is on labor mobility see how easy it is for people to troubles work jobs that might be traveling distance from home so it actually increase unemployment quite markedly if you do so used to it's a problem that filters down into the entire economy ninety percent of everything we
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have in our homes offices and shops is delivered by lorry with fuel do you see so hot i haul it's companies of course to pass those costs on to consumers resulting in higher prices for everything food clothes consumer goods piling yes more pressure recession hit british consumers nora smith forty london. my web site r g dot com you can find even more news and videos here's what's waiting for you online right now cashing in on incarceration more federal jails in the us go private as profits rise in line with a growing prison population there's concerns over the inmate conditions. so here ian villagers discovered an unidentified object falling from the skies sparking rumors and speculation and speculation i don't know more about what it could be at r.t. dot com. the u.s. and britain have accused iran of supplying weapons to syria russia though has warned against turning up the heat on tehran which is under international pressure
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over its nuclear program moscow says military action could actually encourage iran to build an atomic weapon international consultant adrian salutes he says there are valid grounds for suspicion of western actions in the region. since iraq we just cannot take seriously practically any american decoration regarding alleged weapons of mass destruction as saddam hussein was supposed to have or iran's nuclear program i put myself in the shoes of a rainy leadership and if your country is threatened all the time if the only country with weapons of mass destruction nuclear bombs in the region is israel and israel threatens iran every other day there is going to attack it unilaterally well i wouldn't be surprised if iran did think about militarizing their nuclear program why is it that the united states britain france can be trusted with nuclear weapons israel can be trusted with nuclear weapons whilst israel's behavior in the region even worldwide has been deplorable over the past decades and however iran has to be
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practically erased off the map because they want to have a nuclear program so i think where the intelligent thing to do would be to sit down this course all the grievances discuss all the strategic and security problems of all the countries in the region not just israel in the united states and try to reach an intelligent deal which is what i believe russia is trying to do and thank god for the world that russia and even china are doing this because otherwise we would have seen britain america and israel overrun iran thinking that nothing will happen as nothing happened with libya or gross genocide was committed war in iraq israel is fighting battles on its own turf threatening to demolish solar and wind power systems installed to provide electricity as one palestinian communities authority say no official permission was ever obtained activists say the real agenda could be darker as are his policy reports from hebron. in a moment hilltops of south have drawn this ancient plate when tribal ekes out
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a living from the land but they've unwittingly become the latest thaw in the side of the israeli government now. any means make any real security threat to the israeli government but the spot of earth was on the agenda when the german foreign minister met with his israeli counterparts at the center of the conflict these wind and solar generators which were bringing electricity to and lighting up the lives of some four hundred people as tel aviv complaining it was a lift in the dark but these nomads are just excited to show us how nice spin transformed they had no electricity they had no power to charge before they would need to go to the nearby city of. you know it's two hours war just to drive to the telephone and that's it but the progress of the anger of the israeli authorities they say the rhetoric about the mission and of president. all we are is that they apply for a license the product you're talking about not only did they not apply blood when
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warning was given this is in violation of the regulations they had the right to appeal they refused to appeal but in germany luke mcbain who is funding the project says they weren't too concerned with getting any israeli stamp of approval because most applications are rejected. and state of israel's. interests of them having more caring for the world or the listing and some areas. rather that you would like to see. in areas promised in a more settlements which is what some european diplomats are suggesting because it's here in these remote hills with some of the most fervent settlement activity is taking place in a statement to achieve the german foreign office said it was following the situation and described developments as worrying but it wouldn't comment on speculation. neteller it was reacting spitefully to a leaked confidential e.u. report calling for israeli settlement activity to be stopped and so while these
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nomads marvel of a first taste of the twenty first century their joy could be short lived if israel decides to rip it all away policy r.t. in the south hebron hills. take a look now at some other stories making headlines across the globe new york police have closed the city's union square to cater to the occupy wall street protesters from a second night in a row last night's raid saw at least six people arrested activists moved to the square after they were forced to abandon a previous pieces of the park downtown are demanding the resignation of the city's police commissioner for what they call a brutal tactics against the occupiers. ali rebels have appeared on state t.v. saying they've taken control of the west african country they've announced a nationwide curfew and suspended the constitution troops staged a new new wednesday taking over a state broadcaster and attacking the presidential palace soldiers are angry at the government's handling of a separatist rebellion in the north. colombian troops have killed thirty nine
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rebels in operations over the last two days the defense minister described it as the biggest blow against the fark or revolutionary armed forces of colombia in the last five years the fark had killed eleven soldiers in the area a few days earlier the colombian government says rebels are involved in cocaine smuggling arms trafficking and bomb making. portugal has been brought to a halt by twenty four hour general strike subway and ferry service that disrupted well some public of offices and schools will also be closed workers are protesting against welfare cuts and tax hikes yesterday measures were adopted in return for a seventy eight billion euros in rescue cash this is portugal see sinking deeper into recession with growth figures expected to fall. india has come up with a new initiative to get each of its billion citizens registered in an electronic database or to get new id cards allowing an easier access to basic services but as artie's previous reader reports from new delhi there are fears the project could
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turn the country into a police state. that's been in cali for having teen years but he still can't get access to benefits because it's ration card is registered back home for those like him india come up. with a twenty first century solution the herculean process has begun to get every indian spangler prints and iris scans in one massive database this code can be used for various purposes like answering the question and receiving russianness will solve the hassle of carrying many documents that should make sure everyone can receive the help they need wherever they are one fan is all it will take if the new idea project goes as planned it will be the largest collection of biometric data in the world the indian government is hoping that the twelve digit numbers will allow indians to be more mobile and personal work wherever they want by tying them to a centralized database so that they can open a bank account get it or get rations anywhere in the country but the plan also has
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its critics apart from the amount of time it will take ten years python that's a myth there is also the inevitable human rights worried about big brother state would something like. the most. people like walk heel on that struggling on a few dollars a day have no clear idea of how this is going to help them but they're willing to try it. when i actually receive the cards then i will know the benefits of having the card. finally they'll have an official identity and they'll have access to seek help wherever they are but the government may be able to follow their every move preassure either r t new delhi india. newsroom of business affairs we're really out of the european markets over well we're going to have
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a look at the official figures right now it's early days have been open for about twenty minutes or so but i can tell you they are indeed down as we look at the figures and it just seems like losses this hour for both the footsie and the dax they're both around third of a percent in negative territory would be following the situation throughout the day for you and see what the main sentiments are in the region if we stay closer to home for a few minutes or so i can tell you that the russian bosses are mixed this hour the r.t.l. . just managed to get itself into positive terry just ever so slightly that are not off the back of the read days of losses here in moscow if you look at the stocks we'll see how they're faring this hour we've got gas producers there among some of the main game is over there about half a percent are all majors one adding that as we can see we've both got gas from that point eight percent negative territory spare bank as well they just managed to dip into the red so we had some positive figures there's
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a great now as i say we will be giving you the updated data because people will figure this is an interesting one now these are indeed. sort of fronts of the industrialized nations are considering releasing strategic crude stockpiles to counter the rising prices that we've seen from international pressures let's get over to the currency as we can see the euro dollar is harboring a change of course we've just seen the european figures open up and i can tell you it's still higher at this hour we look at the ruble it's losing against both the dollar and the euro this hour. and in the news america's historic grip on the presidency of the world bank is being challenge for the first time since one thousand nine hundred forty four the developing countries how forward to credible contenders. so who are these hot shots one of them is nigerian . minister the former finance minister of columbian. moment i did ask candidates
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before the deadline on a friday true price robert zoellick who is retiring to remind you the pope is the top provider of aid to poor countries is head is one of the world's top policy makers and in other news rushes of the forty eight most favorable country to run a business in writing but by bloomberg hong kong topped the list thanks to his free market policies low corporate taxes the survey looks at wages start up costs and how a country controls inflation but russia's place in the top fifty is more quote from the last is doing business rating for the world bank where the country took one hundred twenty place. on the most it's off u.s. house for bill klaus to become one of the world's biggest bosses after achieving its top ten ahead of schedule and in an interview with artie's done you
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a bushel its president also confirm. will hold an initial public offering currently stated for the next year we're not yet public company of the company we're playing into the very people but basically we're within that took them to keep question it's called do we get to go for it and talking about the markets here but when the very day i think i think from some calls hard work to actually develop the financial markets here we sure are doing to develop for initial markets here i can offer the business today is the figures for this hour about how the markets are looking we're going to be following them throughout the day as the map is all right thanks very much for and i'll be back in a couple of minutes with the headlines.
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