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tv   [untitled]    March 22, 2012 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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welcome to the lower show we'll get the real headlines with none of the worst they can live out of washington d.c. now it's not going to be good matthew hoh about the loan you players are pushing for the war in afghanistan to go on the question we have to ask is why then do you have a twenty five billion dollars settlement with the government reach for the big banks well turns out that about twenty billion of that is really going to come out of the pockets of investors talk about a bad deal and truth that has received hundreds of pages through
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a freedom of information act requests to show how the form of homeland security was monitoring the occupy movement so jason leopold is going to join us and give us all of those details of all that and more peter knight couldn't get us of happy hour but first take a look at the mainstream media has decided to. write so for the mainstream media today then you're still obsessing over the elections and because this is just the latest gift given by the gaffe machine that is the romney campaign you're still talking about that whole etch a sketch comet. he got the endorsement everyone want to jump bush but then a top aide seem to suggest that the conservative positions that are leading romney to the nomination changes quickly as a nine hundred fifty s. era toy the other candidates jumping on the chance to take jabs at the sketch comments whoever thought it ed just sketch would get so much attention in a political campaign romney's political enemies by lunchtime at
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a sketch was viral rick santorum they say cannot be all there to sketch their romney wishes he cleared the race and to sketch comment. now would be nice if the rest of the mainstream media could take a comment like that and actually create a good story out of it you know like the way that rachel maddow did she actually went through expose how this candidate mitt romney is not only a poor pauper but a lie or and there lies the repeats constantly that need to be called out but you know unfortunately she's one of the few who do it and the rest just continue to sensationalize and talk about it as if it's all some gave and not actually some are trying to become the president of the united states and so and that's why i'd like to take out some time tonight to call out will blitzer from c.n.n. i constantly hear me criticize the mainstream media for just regurgitating the comments made by officials without question and spreading fear but i think this one actually takes the cake for one of the most ridiculous things i've ever seen check
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it out for yourself. are terrifying new reason for all of us to be pro-choice in chile very worried about us tensions with iran the chairman of the house homeland security committee and other u.s. officials are now warning that iran has a large terrorist train force right here in the united states right now they say there may be hundreds maybe even. hizbollah agents on american soil who could be ready and willing to attack has been following this hearing up on capitol hill is watching what's going on pretty shocking information if true right. are you terrified yet so the deal here is the representative peter king the one responsible for the muslim radicalization hearings on capitol hill well you still the business of trying to scare the crap out of everybody and if you'll remember before those hearings began the media also made a huge fuss over it and then once they started and it was obvious that a lot of the so-called experts the king called were anything but an account became
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clear that this massive threat of homegrown radicalization had actually materialized and if anything should be looked at across the board if you want to call lone wolves a threat and not just within the muslim community well yeah after all that the mainstream media for the most part has chilled out ignored and totally forgot about the matter and so you know i have to admit it's getting a little bit curious lately about the mainstream media's sudden chill out when it came to the issue of iran over the last few months we've seen the war beating machine in full effect and you know because it documented here for you we pointed out the media's obsession with military options or lack of respect for certain details like oh you know i i eat a reports the show there's no proof yet that iran has decided to build a nuclear weapon and they all sat around with their eyes wide open looking completely disgusted when the president said there's too much loose talk of war and that a collective yeah i couldn't believe all those irresponsible people out there that would do that. but in the last few weeks suddenly the iraq thing is kind of
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disappeared over the other stories stories dominating the news cycle staff sergeant robert bales her fifth massacre of sixteen civilians in afghanistan the murder of trayvon martin and of course the never ending stream of campaign stories that change this ever so slightly by the day but certainly war with iran wasn't on the imminent list it was the biggest threat the entire world anymore oh yeah that didn't last long because as you can obviously see here wolf blitzer is back in the game and now it's about this kara five notion that there are hundreds if not thousands of hezbollah fighters living within the united states and they might kill us any minute can you be more sensational but my bad of course out of the mainstream media is good at i just wonder if it would kill them to show an alice of skepticism every now and then instead of repeating what officials like peter king say verbatim but so i'll let you come your own conclusions here about what exactly it was the made the mainstream media suddenly forget about the war with iran that
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they've been pushing for two weeks in the meantime just know that they're back it has a chance to fearmonger on something that they very rarely choose to miss. of last month or so has been filled with bad signs for america's war effort in afghanistan and the protests the violence we saw in the country after the inadvertent burning of korans our one prison to the massacre of sixteen civilians allegedly by one staff sergeant robert bales now unfortunate as it is a tragic event seemed like it might of turn the tide amongst many lawmakers g.o.p. candidates public opinion polls even in the media suddenly discussion was about ending the war and getting out the even the white house leaked to the press that an accelerated drawdown drawdown was up for discussion but there are those stubborn few that still don't want things to change general john allen now in charge of the wars said that he believes that there is. no american troop drawdowns in twenty
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thirteen leaving the sixty eight thousand that will be left after which was this year and he's got the trio of john mccain joe lieberman and lindsey graham backing you much so perhaps the question that most new three half is why president means not you hope former state department official in afghanistan and senior fellow at the center for international policy thanks so much for joining us tonight thanks for having me ok so when i say he's got this trio of make a move and graham back and let me just read you the opening this is basically the first paragraph that's on that they wrote in the washington post where they're talking about despite the serious tragic events that i just mentioned it's heart wrenching as these events have been they do not change the vital u.s. national security interests at stake in afghanistan nor do they mean the war is lost it is not there is still a realistic path to success if the right decisions are made in the coming months. can you tell me what this magic path to success is absurd talking about i don't
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dispute that peace that there can be something beneficial in next three years if you make the right decisions but right you said it is not staying with this current madness you have now continuing this is the only continue to produce speak in an afghan civil war that began in the seventy's that's not the right steps in terms of further into the article to get in through the reference of temporal lobe and twice you know this is just the scene meredith it keeps coming back up it did have a base there in two thousand and one it was one of many locations they used to play and support the nine eleven attacks but you know my ally and a lot of other guys lines are walking the most important safe havens for nine eleven attackers who are the american more shorts academies in the american flight schools who participated in since nine eleven al qaeda has become an even flatter organization a more horizontal resolution would be centralized in their operations or around the world it's also the. a few very few in number so this notion that somehow we have
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to be only enough afghanistan participating in the afghan civil war that predates our arrival in order to keep herself so yes it's very very specious and so we have and. they also say that what happens in afghanistan directly affects our safety here at home they say that if we create afghanistan again because they go back to their party and the consequences will be disastrous for both our peoples they really play this up and so just seems like i mean why do they do this stuff they just want to play it out everywhere they can because these are the same guys the mccains the lieberman the lindsey graham's of the world are the same ones that will tell us that al qaeda is a threat all around the world and this is why we have to have a war that knows no boundaries it's tried and tested this is this is fear mongering this is what you do to. get your narrative. momentum or anything to carry it with people to make people choose your path and fear i'm sure was going to still want that path you think because we even saw you know lindsey graham after this shooting
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maybe start to waver you would think that john mccain but it's not here popular position politically not even within the republican party i think for graham and lieberman and others it's simply romney it's simply because worst group picks being tough it's good politics you know wearing a bloody shirt as i said after the american civil war is good politics for others though for senator mccain i believe for about a cropper for general allen i think these gentlemen they really do believe that they are involved in some kind of historic battle that this is some kind of battle of good versus evil if you see how crocker if you see how you see how mccain others talk about this war they reference it in terms of you know good person evil but this is some public is still work or epic struggle that we're involved in his very words i mean that's something that people should remember we don't like to think of personalities matter and decisions. like this but they certainly do and so i think
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it's a mix of just pure politics for some and others who believe that this is the course of history that they are on the right side of history so to speak and of course and you've seen that with other leaders in the past if you want to jump subjects we can go over talk about iran netanyahu certainly views himself in that way so it's something that we have to really really. understand and be careful of because there are men who are involved in this as well some women too who believe that this is the work and that is a battle of morals or a battle of good versus evil as much as anything else but at the same time right if you want to talk about this this tragic massacre that we saw a lot of people would say that this is about was something that was a historical fact madrid's that it might actually shift the direction of your seems like public opinion is certainly turned against it now everyone is willing to get out quickly and you know i mean you can good versus evil there become suddenly a lot more complicated. and i think a lot of people haven't caught up with yet it's really surprising because we've had
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mounted communications for years now for decades now they haven't caught up with the fact that when you when you combine the eternal nature of warfare which is chaotic it's barbaric it's not controllable with modern communications where not just you know the day after something happens but literally minutes after something happens you and i are talking about it. what you get is you get a workfare that is unlike anything else it's an import book almost one hundred years ago woodrow wilson understood when he was going for reelection for a second term but for us at the time the motto was vote for wilson he kept us out of war wilson said at one point to a colleague he said. he said look at that that's a that's a crock he said look any german lieutenant can push the united states and swore at any time by his own actions on the western front meaning that just the one actions of an individual could cause united states into war and will simply do nothing about it and that's what happened some german submarine captain st lucia tang.
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entered world war one and now it's even more so you know one hundred years ago stood we have now fortunes we have leaders in this country as well as military officers as well as these civilian pundits who don't yet grasp that we still think they control it we have a lot of people that we have but that to take advantage of that to so i want to ask you to about the way you think they're handling this entire situation with sergeant r.v.'s because it was five days until they even gave us a name you know and now we find out that right after this happened they went and they tried to scrub the internet of his name of everything that was ever written about him beforehand i mean is that a little weird to you you know their explanation that he did it to protect the family and i believe is private and true but also i released other names in the past and maybe some people want to claim that this is different but the fort hood shooter we found out really who he was exactly so there are there is that i also to believe that what happens when something like this occurs and bales killed sixteen
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people in southern afghanistan. the public affairs officer the pentagon goes into crisis mode and they separate task force and they pull the s. and p. off the wall for atrocities or whatever they're going to call this and they go through the traffic this is probably something you developed get on the internet and scrub it of all reference or to talk about this i think you're saying they failed because you know once the something is obvious they are going to get can't really scrub it feel like the government is constantly having a really hard time learning but just lastly to you know what do you what do you think about the fact that afghans the local population the parliament they still don't believe it was just one guy yeah i think that's you know i think that that's a mistake we keep meeting by not being up front with more information we try and you know the adage when i was a lieutenant or was was look bad news is not get better with age and i think that's what happens when you don't get all the information out there that you know right away it allows for rumors and things that are sort of through the defense attorneys
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. saying if there's no forensic evidence there i mean this could he actually get away with it i think that would be you know you can't you don't want to presuppose guilt on this guy but saying he did it you i mean this guy if he bales did do this he should be tried and i think that this is a capital crime and i think it should be ultimately executed i mean if this is a this for the sake of the well being of the united states military that's what has to occur for no other reason that let alone for all kinds of reasons that it's the right thing to you've got a future consequences if it doesn't happen with afghanistan the fact that this goes back against a larger issues of the afghan campaign if one staff sergeant by pulling the trigger sixteen times can ruin your campaign can bring about the downfall of your policy because senators and congressmen to change their mind it is it's probably not a good campaign or a good policy to begin with but you think that it's still you know fair to then say that this one guy deserves to be executed. not others that have committed.
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certainly you know atrocity there's a lot of dirty things that have happened over the last ten years not up to the level i think would question about you know making him an example and then at the same time i would say this is what has to happen but i got to wrap it up thanks very much and i think you. have time for a quick break and we come back on the twenty five billion dollar mortgage settlement at the white house attorney generals across the country were all hailing as a win for homeowners guess what the banks aren't the ones they're actually paying for but the campaign that's about the details for the first. let's not forget that we had in the park right we should work on the. i think the rock the bombings beautiful and one well. we never got the shows they're good keep you safe get ready because you give them
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the freedom. to say we would. love to be alone and felt you know that the real headlines with none of them are the problem with the mainstream media today is that they're completely disconnected from the viewers and what actually matters to those viewers and so that's why young people just don't watch t.v. anymore if they want news they go online and read it but we're trying to take those stories that people actually care about and transfer them back to t.v. . you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so foolishly you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else here's some other part of it and realized everything is just you don't know i'm sorry love is a big issue. art
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so you guys know that on our show we spend a lot of time talking about internet laws regulations how they're going to affect you and today net choice a coalition that includes big internet companies from facebook to e-bay release a list of the ten worst proposed internet regulations as they see it across the country so we thought that you should probably know about some of that now this list contains laws pertaining to everything from online dating to advertising
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revenues and in the state of the union address obama at the site innovation and small businesses. innovation is what america has always been about. most new jobs are created in startups and small businesses so let's kind of some agenda that helps them succeed. thing is some of these internet laws and regulations could actually cycle or stamp out small business and innovators and that song video killed the radio star looks like states are trying to kill the internet start currently at maryland connecticut and utah are all looking to enact taxes on digital goods so basically anything that you download states aren't happy that musicians and comedians are bypassing the traditional retail outlets releasing their songs their comedy special their books online directly to the consumer so states don't want to miss out on the tax revenue they can get from those products so they're looking for any way possible to get a piece of that digital property now if states have their way looks like artists
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become the tax collector and the new wave director buyer success experienced recently like by comedians like louis c.k. as he's on sorry looks like that might be a thing of the past now it's not just digital property that states are trying to tax you there are multiple bills in the u.s. house and senate right now that would force online companies to collect sales tax on their products for states that they don't operate out of so small business in delaware that sells online may be forced to collect sales tax for the state of the person who purchases the item is from even if the business is based in a state with no sales tax so so much for empowering the small businesses right and don't think i forgot about innovation because the next set of laws look to stifle just that the struggling economy more people using the internet to spend more wisely there's been a boom an online services focused on making the consumers like easier cheaper or book guess what brick and mortar businesses have a really big problem with that and so they're fighting tooth and nail to take down the latest internet innovations when those innovations happened to be car. on the
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mentioned car service where you have an app you push a button and you feel like you're living in the future basically and within five minutes a car rises and you can see the car coming to you on the phone. so cars the more expensive than a cab but users claim that it's faster it's easier it's more accessible than a traditional cab service so more efficient transportation service that's making more money well obviously local cab drivers have an issue with that here in d.c. they're trying to make sure that whoever is classified as a cab service instead of a car service making the company play by the same rules getting lower fares so the lower fares of mean lower quality making over cars business model useless and then there's air be in the. you can see i don't really the places other people can see the home. people are out of town for the weekend so that the whole place to myself . when i'm out of town i put my face on. helps me pay for all my winters.
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sounds like an innovative way for one person to make a little extra cash the other person to score a cheap place to stay right while states like i went to york they want to put a stop to the pad sharing trend i want to be regulated like a travel service well new york wants actual homeowners renting their rooms out to face the same regulations as hotels so laws were initially put in place to protect consumers are actually being used against not only the innovative internet companies but also the consumers themselves and the old laws can't be used legislators are being pressured by the traditional businesses to draft a new one so once again we have people who don't really understand some of the things on the internet trying to regulate it and any way possible now unlike sopa pipa and aca these regulations are very specific and targeted we have to remember that all around us lawmakers are trying to control the internet and one way or another more often it's the consumer with the short end of the stick. now if every night of this year that he o.j. other federal agencies forty nine it state attorneys general and now also the
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largest federal state settlement agreement in history we covered it here twenty five billion dollars settlement it took on the five banks for foreclosure across fraud but as we said then it wasn't exactly a good deal for american homeowners of the twenty five billion only five billion of that would be cash payments some would go to the agencies which have already said that their states are going to use those by their balance budgets as well as about seven hundred fifty thousand people that actually lost their homes and they only get checks to equal about eight hundred two thousand dollars for each of that he considered about five million people have lost their home since two thousand and six that's made it fourteen million more underwater you realize that's hardly even a band-aid on a gaping wound but there's more new details about the settlement which are only really last week tell us where the banks could be getting the other twenty billion dollars and let's just say that doesn't look good for investors here to discuss it with me as a director of economic research for the reason foundation and i said that trip ok
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so first of all can we say we've we saw this coming i feel like you may not think that the conversation about the deal was announced so we didn't have details until last week because it took over a month to actually file the settlement which is suspect in and of itself so now we have the details of this is what we're concerned about that turns out it's true that investors could wind up getting stuck for between seventeen and twenty billion of this whole wires the why are the banks going to be able to do that so the the way that this is structured is that instead of cash payments going to people who are robo foreclosed there is going to be modifications of refinancing and short sales of borrowers in the future this is a penalty that doesn't fit the crime whatsoever and the reason for that is because hud in the stages they want to win political points in the state this deal is not about robo signing at the end of the day this is about winning some kind of political battle in the fight to say the government still. something about the housing market when really they're not i found it kind of nice right when you say a twenty five billion dollars settlement is
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a good likeness i don't mean yeah history sure yeah and then when you start breaking down the details here it just seems completely ludicrous but then we don't know why is it still i don't understand why the banks getting this right because those people i mean who are retiring now we say investors so we sort of are sure got hysterical as a vest some of them are hedge funds and it's a big guy pinkos the ones that so you know you may not really care that much about they get hurt but others are thorough in case there's a pension funds that might be you could you know if you're a firefighter if you're a teacher it could be your pension fund that invested in mortgage backed securities what's going to happen is the banks to modify people's loans they're going to have to go into these these mortgages which are owned a lot of them buy by investors and say well you used to own one hundred fifty thousand dollars now you're going to only owe one hundred twenty five thousand dollars but where is that twenty five thousand dollars go which is never going to get paid back to the investor in the first place so they take between seventeen and twenty five billion not all that's going to be modifications some of that's going to be refinanced as some of it's going to be losses related to short sales but those losses are going to be concentrated primarily on investors because banks they
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don't want to do that to their own loans they're going to do it to some of their own loans to save face but a lot of that why not just go to an investor loan where you can not have to take the losses and you get the same political value when there is some kind of a promise floating around out there that they were saying that there would be a fifteen percent cap right there only fifteen percent. of the. assets and maybe it was promised that donovan apparently told her group of investors that there is going to be a fifty percent cap but we don't actually have that promise in writing anywhere and it's not in the settlement agreement whatsoever it could be that there's some kind of gentleman's agreement with the banks are going to wind up doing that because i think even if it was just fifteen percent that's not the bank's money it's the own not right still not right this is it really amounts to that why do the banks who falsely prepared foreclosure dock. humans pay that fine by going to a mortician faster whether or not it's an evil banker but going to somebody else
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and saying i'm going to write off the principal on the mortgage that you invested so you're not going to get that money and that's what i'm going to use to pay this fund even if it's just fifteen percent that's wrong that's that and it is setting a terrible precedent for the way that the justice system is supposed to work well if it's so wrong and if it's that then can be can they sue i mean i you know i want to see if you hear me saying that a couple things first the judge doesn't have to approve the settlement they probably will but this settlement has been filed in u.s. district court of d.c. that judge could look at this could look at the evidence could look at complaints filed by the bondholders in this particular case and say you know what this is wrong you can't do this but what's probably almost certainly going to happen is if that gets approved by a court that if the banks actually try to go ahead and do this that the bondholders will then wind up suing for breach of contract because it's a do this the banks are going to interpret the way that the contacts are set up between themselves and the investors for how they service these mortgages so this is by no means is this
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a done story the question is where is the lawsuit going to come and whether well the judge even approved this this measure i think is there also a chance you know i was reading through some of the various options that are out there that it's going to be and i'm not violating where like they're saying this is the government seizing private property they're actually giving you you know they do pay for it or is that when a lot less like i mean what better to go in there like that with the big banks here or back to the government with this whole thing is getting really murky because it's being separated from what act from the real problems at hand so what are the real problems at hand probably was that the banks got so backed up in foreclosure or the foreclosure is and people not being able to pay their mortgages they didn't put the resources in place to actually deal with that and they screwed up all the paperwork so then we wanted to punish the banks for the broader housing problem for more than just the row before closing and so we and so the hud in the. thought that was ok so we're going to publish with it this big the penalty with this twenty five
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billion dollars it's going to go beyond this but that's not the way the justice system is supposed to work that's not actually going out to the banks for the real problems that they cause there are many things that these banks have done illegally every day but as you see it other regulators could be going after them on this is basically the government trying to get around this issue not to mention you know the common justice to the basically just said that we can't. we can't launch any criminal investigation becoming a little too hard for us everything is going to have to be it's sort of on this case but it's horrible and this isn't really being talked about and blown up the way that i think it should be because on the day of the settlement was reached it was all over the news now that you actually have the details about it and you find out who's going to get short changed everyone's really well you know now people are targets are quite the n.b.s. investors but even even that was just a week long story not enough for anthony thanks so much for joining us tonight. all right time for our next break the evening when we come back show intel and then just how much of the front.


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