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tv   [untitled]    March 22, 2012 8:00pm-8:30pm EDT

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markets finance scandal. find out what's really happening to the global economy with max concert for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into kinds a report on our key. safest person in the world is someone who's. america is a culture that was founded with a basic understanding that go in order. to some of makes the us more dangerous to millions of gun owners it's pure democracy locked and loaded into a weapon of their choice why does it seem like the second amendment is the only one americans are up in arms about. so yes we're going to keep on growing yes we're going to keep on emphasizing production yes we're going to make sure that we can get words need. to drill baby drill drill your little heart out mr president but that doesn't necessarily mean gas prices will go down so why are we so gung ho for
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oil exploration and some of our methods are making people sick to their stomach literally. and gas prices aren't the only things that are record high these days so are tensions with iran but if the world was a playground israel would be the kid pushing the u.s. down the slide toward war so is there any stopping it now will question more. is thursday march twenty second eight pm here in washington d.c. i'm liz well you're watching r t well the tragic case of a trayvon are in the seventeen year old boy fatally shot in florida has highlighted the debate over america's gun laws but it seems that the momentum in america is on the side of gun rights not gun restrictions for much of the country the right to bear arms is synonymous with liberty and guns mean freedom virginia just got
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a whole lot more free last month the state repeal the law restricting handgun purchases to one every thirty days as are counted off reports it's democracy locked and low. just across the river from the nation's capital for a slice of traditional america green spaces and tranquil farmlands offer a refuge from our been like a place where red white and blue is displayed with pride but here the symbol of liberty isn't just a flag it's this. it definitely is a sign of freedom you know to be able to own one and until now one was all you could buy in virginia every thirty days the law was supposed to curb gun trafficking but many here felt it curbed freedom instead it's not anyone's business how many guns they own or. what item from really they have the second amendment or reason. for junior repeal the one handgun permit law in february and come
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summertime the right to bear arms will mean the right to buy as many of these. as you want but there are so many different makes models and brands but you know got to have a more but for much of the world this kind of freedom may seem bizarre to young man apparently dressed in a long black trench coats open fire across the globe guns are associated with tragedies. or bloodshed and battlefields of war. but for gun owners like jim hansen and guns belong in the hands of american citizens the safest person in the world is someone who is legally carrying a firearm america is a country that was founded with a basic understanding that guns are bad in this world to people. as the most heavily armed in the nation in the world there are few diggers to be found in america as of two thousand and seven there were an estimated two hundred
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ninety four million guns in this country that's nearly enough to arm every man woman and child. and in virginia gun shots like this one people just can't seem to get enough whether it's handguns assault rifles or shotguns sales are better than ever they are booming they are definitely through the roof. and in a place where guns mean freedom that trend isn't likely to change an armed society is a polite society you know we are here because of guns as bad as it might sound we've defended ourselves and we are the free nation that we are because of. the thirty years after a powerful gun control movement struck a nation americans are returning to their roots raising the idea of winning and carrying firearms like these with zeal unseen since the days of muskets and malicious for many freedom is symbolized by the barrel of a gun its democracy locked and loaded for r.t.e.
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on loose and company of in virginia. well earlier i spoke with stephen crowder fox news contributor who happens to be a pro-gun supporter and i asked him why many americans are as passionate about the right to bear arms as they are about freedom of speech take a listen. before you mean why is it found a constitution why do people believe what the constitution is told in a store is their right some question because you have an issue that you cannot place like canada where free speech doesn't exist on the huge advocate of free speech a lot of countries aren't any huge advocate of people who are being citizens to be able to own in their own shadow is it why would there be a problem well i mean why do you see guns as a symbol of freedom. well if you look at any any and i'm not saying right now i want it's very important i don't get taken out of context saying that this isn't a taliban regime but i'm saying when you look at anything challenge tarion regime i'm not saying we never had when the united states or that we ever will one of
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their first acts is to disarm the populace and so when it comes to that i actually side with gandhi in believing that the english empire is blackest act would be robbing a nation of arms so i'm with gandhi on it's one but that's exactly why the law was read and yet it had to take into context that this was a time where people were concerned about that about fighting against their government we live in different times right now so it is the same argument apply we don't live in different times and that the threat of overreaching government is still very much existent and of course it's not only about that but of course people's right to bear arms to protect themselves from from interior threats here in this country and i'm not some crazy enter kister earlier terry doesn't believe that the government fulfils legitimate roles but let's look at the legitimate roles of government one would be the military one would be a police force because it's well the legitimate purview of government to protect its citizens from inside and outside threats the same thing happens to an american citizen it is within the legitimate curve you have your role as
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a protector of the household to protect your family and oftentimes you look at least response times in the united states especially in areas where gun ownership is very prevalent in rural areas if you don't have a gun you're straight outta luck. i do want to talk about this particular case in a very journey out where people are allowed to buy guidance i guess one at a time by now and that's their appeals and now you can buy more than one gun every thirty days why do you need to buy five ten fifteen guns that once. well i can't speak to every individual person who buys more than several guns at once but let me give you a personal example my fiance had bought a gun a gun that was for home use a gun that would be far too large to conceal and carry the next week encountered a would be rapist managed to escape and went in got her concealed carry permit any weapon that she could conceal and carry in her purse so this all occurred in a span of two weeks where she had bought a gun and of course would not be able to use that for the legitimate purpose which
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she now needed a gun so she bought another one so in that case i certainly don't think it's the government's role to say listen i know you've got a it would be rapist to intrude into your house who is now tracked in this area going several times each he can take the context in each individual situation either believe in the constitution and apply it wholly to law abiding citizens or you don't but i can't speak to the thousands of people who might buy two or three guns in the span of a month i don't know their reasons ok about the part said that the purpose of this is to stop proliferation from people buying mass amounts of weapons and taking them somewhere else and selling a gun by me and have somebody word a buying arsenal of weapons and i don't have a sham sort of red flag one by the way that we need to look no further than the fast and furious or gun walk or scandal where you have people like eric holder who have openly said he wants to greenwash the american public into giving up their guns were they knowingly were allowed guns to cross the border so again what what i think is a more legitimate threat is an overreaching government with
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a lack of transparency not a large biding citizen who is actually sizing his right to own a gun again if someone believes that it's the government's right to say how many guns you can own and tell you why you should own a gun well defined we just need to rewrite the constitution that's ok that's an argument to have but again i can't even begin to try an act is going to understand why everyone would buy more than one gun in thirty days i know my fiance did and if you think that the government would have her have the right to tell her listen sorry face the rapist in the grand rapids alley then fine that's a discussion we can have. and that was stephen crowder a fox news contributor and to get an alternative view earlier i spoke with someone who believes in grits trick being done right kevin powell activist and author of barack obama ronald reagan and the ghost of dr king take a listen. to the way of. where this is supposed to sound with. worry over i don't like the forty's it both ways
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but i know that it's like this is a result. more also. of fear power. this is a little self imposed so i was going to. do it like there was free trade or more help for the folks there in israel who also. works because we do things that we do for with us but it's a way for people who are so close family and so so on and i know that my grandparents program folder you can see in our region that with their right to do yoga teachers nurses were the most they were basically. the to cavite what about get the right to bear arms is a constitutional right why pair people of this right. well you know it's like the band they're always with the civil rights but i reckon you know the song we were
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banned from the right to vote because black people those people polled were banned from right to vote for third place that was part of the country style the artists really brought us not even the founding fathers thomas jefferson notice that there may be times when we need to look for a bit a quick look at what has happened to marcus we need to transform and the fact that a gun violence in those countries out before which is why my mayor mayor mike bloomberg of new york has been reading there to around the country doing what this is for me where i live in brooklyn new york far from nice do something wrong with that when people are getting their power back there done. that woman there to do it god is brighter for all that was good for their border leading up to this president's very wrong a mars mission about her berm this is about. in light of these recent tragedies the most everything and the teenager that was killed unarmed teenager that was killed in florida you know it's going to be hard to argue for a lack of gun not where i think. those people were which probably made the trayvon
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martin a the airbag in the sand or vice the and the stance of those is still pretty big where the. place was maybe was going to somehow do this seven million of. them i want to call you a queer if you hadn't been there and they're gone and you. do your. best i mean i feel bad for the family for all of us and the argument that pro gun people bring up all the time is the right to protect yourself the argument that a law abiding citizen should be able to have done to protect themselves because criminals will get ahold of them illegally anyway. well you know that we need to have more faith in our police department i do believe we need to have more faith in our super committee may be a large organization but i don't think that guns are the problem if there were to her and we have laws on the cities like new york city and i think they thought of new york and i can tell you you know you go undone but they can always assume other
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ways of workmen across the saudis i think that does actually encourage them bartering does encourage economists they just say yes it's not just for criminals by by so-called lower body well enforcement or me and i but at the same time right now calvin interestingly gun sales in the last are at an all time high and black friday they had record jail why have back. we with a glove told me this is. a movie. and you know i mean you just yesterday in my neighborhood young man was murdered the day light ironically was always with trayvon martin called yellow face another day and children they were literally able to describe what happened you know. it was there was a silence on it so even shoes were going to the polls were they become. violent homes for the foreclosures but at this time as we just saw and lucy's story there so much of america so passionate passionate about maintaining their their
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constitutional rights their own and they don't want any regulation whatsoever so do you see that you see these laws. or i guess done a lot of tightening up any time soon when so much of america is so it's so passionate about maintaining their right to bear arms. and i hope this isn't because i love our country and one give me one state and nonviolent party but you know i feel that you know whom work especially that more tragedies like ours is different dogs bark. on more and i think that's. the way to. go i mean. we had a loose on going to the bobby kennedy's office a whole host of you for folks said we need you for the drug going to the arrow. that would be driving for a nation. hopefully that it doesn't get to that kevin thank you so much for coming on the show that was kevin powell he's an activist and author of barack obama
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ronald reagan and the ghosts of dr tang. well more controversy this week surrounding the practice of fracking he was department of agriculture has dropped plans to require an extensive environmental review before handing mortgages to people that plan to use the land for oil and gas drilling and this has as raging opponents of hydro. hydraulic fracturing to say it eases up rules on the drilling method and they believe that the practice comes with extremely harmful health and environmental risks so another debate over energy rages on in america talk more about this i was joined by our very own christine for is out i first asked her about how fracking has affected residents in to mock tensile dania where she paid a visit to recently here's her take. well i was there almost two years ago and it is a very small city in pennsylvania a very rural area but it's you know it's a nice area it's a place where a lot of people go to retire they have these homes and what
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a lot of them found was they would move into these homes and they would discover that the value of their homes was almost completely lost if not completely lost because of fracking on their land which they were told would be a win win situation cabot oil and gas was the name of this particular company but there are gas companies everywhere they were told as many people are that if they signed away the rights to their land so that it could be drilled on they would get money that they would make tons of you know commission basically on the natural gas that was drilled from their land and it would be a great thing it would bring jobs to the area which is to bring some jobs but most of the people actually came from texas to do this. that's not how it played out basically people reported seeing you know getting open sores on their leg there was an entire street i went to called carter road in which just about every resident on that street had major problems skin gray coutts and their lives are essentially
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ruined and that was nearly two years ago and this was two years ago have you talked to any of the people you interviewed said sen how are they doing these days are they better you know i've stayed in touch with quite a few of them especially over facebook they have a bunch of groups and it's sad to say essentially their lives have not really changed when i was there i believe it was really just about this time in two thousand and nine and a lot of them had these huge imagine like a twelve person jacuzzi a huge take put outside their house on capitol hill and gas paid for them to get water delivered every single day because previously their indoor plumbing was connected to their well but their well it was polluted and so you know they're still getting this water delivered every day they still can't they don't feel safe their property values are low and that's what's crazy. the intro into this story how you said. no longer is there a requirement to do testing on this land this is an in your face example of these
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oil and gas companies really just being in bed with way too many members of congress because there's no reason why a testing shouldn't be done and you know some other things have happened as well the bureau of land management had a new set of rules where they were going to require these companies to at least a list you cannot do additional doesn't just list the chemicals that were in. you know the fracking fluid that they're putting in there's ways to get around it now and so clearly when you take away this transparency you've got to ask what's going on here and what do you think is going on i mean it doesn't seem like people's health isn't is what they're concerned about yeah i mean you know looking at this from a far away standpoint you could say are these are just small town people looking for a lawsuit but these people were extremely you know they were simple honest people and they were shocked to find that you know their animals were getting sick their selves were having respiratory problems they were having as i said skin problems so
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i am not sure exactly what was going on i think to me some of the water when this is happening i'll give sort of a brief introduction of what fracking is for those people who don't know basically millions of gallons of water are basically put down at high pressure into the earth many many many feet i think it's almost a mile down into the earth combined with sand and some chemicals and what it does is it fractures the rock and draws out the natural gas on face value this is a very good thing i think having the ability to drill for natural gas in this country i think is a great thing but what we think is happening and what even the e.p.a. has acknowledged a little bit is that these chemicals were leaking out of the area that they were supposed to stay in and they were getting into the land and into the wells these people's homes and you sound people were having or getting sick. had skin reactions has it been proven that that was in fact a result of fracking well i think if you're going to take this to a court of law which they're in the process of doing you have
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a street an entire street and many other homes in the area in which people were just fine they agreed to have drilling for take place on their land and all of them started getting the same symptoms and you know we showed in one of the stories that i did something similar. as the documentary gasland which are fox said were this person and we saw it with our own eyes he lit the water from his sink on fire so i don't know anyone that's going to tell you well that's just normal anyone that put the match to their sink water is going to see that no it's not so when you can let your water on fire you start getting skin reactions proof is in the. water catching some fire or something something is not right kristie thank you for keeping us updated on this story that was our very own art the correspondent christine is out and then there in this interview we have guy and a lot of responses and i wanted to take the time to read one of them to you this is an e-mail from niles make marley reads in your story today you all talked about how
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we do not know what chemicals are used in fracking the main chemical used to extract oil via hydraulic fracking is acid over twenty five percent of acid production in the usa is going to oil operations so i have to use it for work and have seen a thirty percent jump in prices due to demand in the last month look into it last time i checked it was not good in water supply it's interesting perspective and something we will be looking into keep your comments coming we are listening. all energy part of the picture when it comes to the conflict with iran the country gets there and to shut down the critical strait of hormuz where much of the world's oil passes through meanwhile an article in the new york times details elite u.s. war game it's a sin. elation of foreshadows of what could happen should israel launch an attack against iraq and not played out was a strike leading to an all out regional war the us inevitably drawn into the
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conflict so what are the real consequences of a war with iran who stands to benefit and who would lose out earlier i spoke to trita parsi founder and president of the national iranian american council and author of the book a single roll of the dice i asked him how much does the conflict in iran play a part in the payment upon for americans take a lesson she has quite a lot to do with it and the president is putting the blame right back at the feet of the republicans if you took note of the speech that he gave at the apec conference about two weeks ago or so he really warned against what he called his reckless talk about war because what that war is doing the talking is doing is that it's adding a lot of risk premium to the oil prices which is causing them to rise which is actually causing the iranian government to make more money out of that war that they can sell so the only losers in this action would be the president himself the republicans don't seem to mind too much at all prices are rising because the height
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of oil prices go and more difficult it will be for president obama to create jobs and that's going to be the critical variable for his reelection and obviously the republicans don't want him to win so you think the republicans they're in favor of high high gas prices this time because clearly they've already had to how they're going to hama yeah so clearly they don't seem to be too bothered by it and here is what president obama had to say today about this topic. the price of oil will still be set by the global market and that means every time there's tensions that rise in the middle east which is what's happening right now so will the press the price of gas the main reason the gas prices are right now is because people are worried about what's happening with iran. so the president is saying hey this is not my fault this is out of my control he's blaming to that he's going to turmoil in iran the fact that gas prices are rising what's your reaction to his remarks today but i
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think it also adds a lot of pressure to himself to make sure that there is a much more robust and much more persistent effort at the plume a c. in order to resolve the conflict with the iranians over the nuclear issue and there seems to be now increasing information that says that there will be meetings held sometime in april and it might be a series of meetings and if that happens if the tension is are reduced two things will happen it will significantly if there are ongoing negotiations will significantly reduce the chances of the risk of an israeli military strike and it will also slowly but surely push down the prices that will benefit the president that will benefit job creation in this country and he will be able to use that as a major plus but it will require a lot of political will from his end to make sure that the pressure to make the negotiations feel or push back and also you know people are playing the blame game as to who is responsible for these rising gas prices but we should mention that
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really what are a lot of what's behind it is the fact as well straight the way that they are speculating on energy that certainly is one factor but i would say right now it seems like the biggest portion of the oil price right now the reason why it is a one hundred twenty three or so dollars is mainly because of the risk premium and the fear that exists in the market particular over the last couple weeks that there would be some sort of a clash between israel and iran and potentially between the united states and iran that causes a lot of panic in the market that so far has pushed up oil prices about twenty or so dollars if you actually were to lead to a full scale war and then there are speculation that it could actually reach above two hundred so you're saying that just the fear that the conflict in iran is leading to. so yes prices the thing is and i don't think it is a coincidence that the iranians have been making a lot of belief those statements because they want all prices to go up high just a way for them to put pressure back on the west in response to the many sanctions
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that the west has been imposing on iran and in a way to show that the sanctions are kind of backfiring and at the fact they the pocketbooks of every every person every average that that i mean is that by surprise both ways so if you have any function that i actually do put a lot of pressure on the iranians it will also put a lot of pressure on others including those who impose them and i also want to talk about this so-called at the u.s. war game it was a simulation and basically what is a relation show is that if israel were to launch an attack at any tack on a broad that it would lead to this all out regional war and that the u.s. would ultimately or inevitably get involved what can we take away from this simulation a couple of things first of all it's not a coincidence that leak there's been an ongoing campaign for the last couple of months in which the u.s. military is leaking information about a how dangerous it would be if the israelis were to attack iran how
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counterproductive it would be and what it would do to the united states because it would drag us into a war not its main objective is really difficult to achieve militarily it's not impossible so this is a way also for the military the military to push back and make sure that the politicians of the civilians don't make a decision that would put the military again i think the center of a disaster and now in light of all this we're seeing how even just the fear of war and this rising tension in the region is not that benefiting our economy here in the u.s. who that would benefit from a conflict with iran well from one perspective one can say that the netanyahu government seems to be more fearful of a negotiated settlement on the iranian nuclear issue because of the fear. that the u.s. would go with a compromise that would not meet the israeli red lines and as a result they actually seem to be more comfortable with the idea that there would be a military confrontation but i think that is also
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a miscalculation the world lies in israel's interest because in the long term the war will not be in israel's interest either because it will bring about not only a tremendous amount of turmoil in the region but also so far israel has not had a military confrontation with any of the middle east's non arab states in fact it's we need iran and israel over the last two and a half thousand years the relations have more often than not been good and would be a very strong red psychological red line if the world were to break out between israel and i lastly just want to ask you at that point how optimistic are you that a diplomatic solution can be reached but iran well you know there's a lot of talk about how difficult this would be and it would be difficult but at the same time this is not the most complex problem that humanity has encountered does not the technical aspects of this problem it is difficult it's the political side of it that is tricky if there is a significant as sufficient political will to put into place a diplomatic process that is sustainable and persistent then i do believe that this
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can be resolved the problem is that the political will does not seem to be sufficient on all sides at the same time. all right trita pleasure to have you in this video of her coming in and was treated part of the the founder and president of the national iranian american council and author of the book a single roll of the day. and that's going to do it for the news for tonight but don't change the channel the big picture is coming up after the top of the hour and a town breakdown the shocking numbers regarding wall street and the nation's wealth inequality sadly it looking like the motto too big to fail maybe true plus are republicans really going to take the bait with their golden boy with their golden boy paul ryan's budget plan or will they finally stand up for the ninety nine percent and later it's home we'll take your viewer comments and his your take my take segment that's all next on.


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