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tv   [untitled]    March 23, 2012 10:00pm-10:30pm EDT

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welcome to the lone show where the real headlines with none of them are see from a lot of washington d.c. now it's not going to take a look at the battle over energy and the environment here in the u.s. president obama asked federal agencies to fast track the southern portion of the keystone pipeline we have to ask if that's really even going to win him any political points especially since it's expected to make gas prices rise even more and we're going to our financial check up lauren lyster host of the capital account here on our to speak about obama's nominee for the world bank and bank of america's
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right program and then lockheed martin won big in the obama administration's twenty eight thirteen budget but some are trying to claim that it's because they're simply better than the rest not so we're going to take a look at the money trail or you have all that and more for you tonight including a dose of happy hour but first let's take a look at the mainstream media has decided to. i thought let me just start this one off by talking about a piece of news that considering the track record that this administration has not of can really find all that surprising administration has proved new counterterrorism guidelines for how long the national counterterrorism center or the and the teeth we can hold that of yours here's a little breakdown about it from fox news. embattled attorney general eric holder signing off on new rules allowing the u.s. government to spy on american counterterrorism officials are now allowed to keep
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tabs on anyone for up to five years even if they have no ties to terror until now the national counterterrorism center had to destroy information stored in government databases when there were no clear ties to terror now apparently coming to light up the case. all right so despite the fact that there is no relation to any terrorist activity or investigation the government has decided that they want to keep all that data they have about you anyway because you never know when you're going to need it somewhere down the line and the reason i showed you that fox clip is because sadly fox news was the only cable network that even touched this story today and that little over you details basically that all they did regurgitation of a new policy without any analysis of it and they've done and the reason i find that all the more disturbing is because every cable news channel out there got a lot of time today this guy's the coroner's report and we used instead. new
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information now on the death of music icon whitney houston authorities releasing autopsy results ruling her death last month as an accidental drowning coroner says houston drowned in the bathtub after using cocaine but toxicology tests also show there were multiple drugs in her system there are a lot of sounds in her system also flexeril a muscle relaxer was for. their sister did use cocaine immediately before her collapse and chronic cocaine use perhaps might have caused her to have a heart attack so hard to say yes and drug use contributed to it aren't just these also contributed to her death the polls show that the four year. old who is who are sixty percent blocked. i don't get me wrong i was a huge whitney houston fan and it's always so sad when you see a big icon pass away but i'm not kidding you these people spend hours and hours discussing and analyzing every single little twist and turn and possible scenario and possible way to interpret the coroner's report on the contrary when it comes to
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a new policy from the administration that affects all of our civil liberties well that's not worth bringing in your all star team of legal analysts to talk about you have got to be kidding me so basically with going on here is that the n.c.t. see the rules are going to be changed now they want to keep all the information that they gather for longer just in case and five years that's a hell of a long hell of a lot longer than the original hundred eighty days but as much as we all want the country to be safe while the out already be on top of the hour we really willing to have the government consider each and every one of us a terrorist to see it that's essentially what's happening if you look at the language within the guidelines of the and c.t.c. and what it's meant for it's supposed to receive intelligence exclusively pertaining to domestic terrorism as marcy wheeler points out language also makes this exception for non terrorism related information saying that at times they have to access and that includes information held by other executive departments and
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agencies so with this new language here's marci concludes if you're in the u.s. government's tax social security age as immigration military other federal databases by bureaucratic magic you've now all been turned into domestic terrorists with this policy because even though the n.c.t. thing is only supposed to have information pertaining to investor terrorism. well it was so much easier for them to keep it all right but if its purpose is to monitor data for domestic terrorism investigations and there are no monitoring all data then either they need to change their entire mission statement or realize that they're making it so you know it's as if we're all possible domestic terrorists now this is just another expansion of power another slight but our civil liberty is another swipe at the constitution and of course if you throw the words national security or terrorism in their own acts like it's no big deal at least not the impression you would get from the mainstream media considering if they either ignored this information altogether or just read the new guidelines as decree and
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moved on so this is your mainstream media everybody they want to spend hours discussing the details of whitney houston's death and when it comes to the death of your rights that's where they choose to miss. oh it's been quite a week for the battle over energy resources the environment and of course political capital resident directed federal agencies to fast track the southern and controversial portion of the keystone x.l. pipeline this week that's four hundred eighty five miles from oklahoma to texas byron medalists are so happy not only because of the damage the environment but they're also trying to remind americans that this oil isn't going to stay at home and instead of helping to reduce and might only bring gas prices up then comes a report from the new york times highlighting they're actually getting closer to energy independence and we've been in decades as the forty five percent of imported liquid fuel in two thousand and eleven was
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a huge drop from just six years ago so far it's getting anywhere in this debate and will obama's attempts through both sides work come november here to discuss that with me is kate call the really associate director of the sierra club beyond oriel campaign kate thanks so much for coming on tonight and for having me so for starters i guess what's your reaction to this this move by the president this well we're incredibly disappointed with this move by the president but the truth is you don't have to be an environmentalist to dislike the star since pipeline like you said this is going to raise prices in the midwest that in thirteen states so this pipeline essentially equates to higher gas prices for americans and that's just the wrong way to be selling so when you break that down a little bit then for for the viewers as to why on earth with this raise gas prices in the u.s. because the way that it's sold out innocent not only is it going to create jobs for those people that we're building the pipeline but that it's going to make us less reliant on foreign oil share so what this pipeline does is it's an export pipeline and it's connecting midwestern gas with big export portsdown english gulf of mexico
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and the idea is to get this market reach the higher priced world market oil prices and the company isn't it's a painting that will make two to four bill. and dollars a year off this pipeline and that translates into higher gas prices for americans unfortunately but is it specifically is it specifically higher gas prices for americans in that region to like right in the northwest or excuse me the midwest yes it's thirteen states in the midwest where the company believes that we will see increased prices and they will see increased profits so then do you think the president is going to win any political points with this move because on one hand i guess you could say well he's trying to appease you know the people that really want the pipeline to go through states that i can give you half an hour but they're going to say that's not enough and that of course you know people like yourself have been advocating against it the whole time this is a bit of a sock in the face all the oil lobby is the most powerful lobby in america and what we're seeing right now is a political ploy to please the oil industry so whether or not this translates into
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american votes you know i'm doubtful i've been down the ground talking to people in texas and oklahoma they are extremely upset environmentalists across the country are extremely upset. but the oil industry is very very powerful and essentially what we've seen is them you know they've brought the big amor. all right what if we also just expand this a little bit to this report in the new york times the look at what's happening now and you can say that it's because of certain invasions that we have maybe because americans are driving more fuel efficient vehicles thanks to things like fracking that now the u.s. is closer to being and you're g. independent i guess you could say you know forty five percent dependent it's still not exactly energy independent but we're closer than we were decades ago so do you think that you know that's a good sign that americans are saying well if at least that's the argument is that we don't want to be reliant on foreign oil or foreign energy anymore then maybe this is the right step it's also i think the report is a great headline and i think that we absolutely do want to be energy independent
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but the truth is like you mentioned right now we're looking at is about half of the oil that we use in this country we import that's not energy independence there's a lot of good things that they're tracking we are driving more fuel efficient cars and the president's new fuel economy standards americans are going to be saving one point four trillion dollars over the life of that program and reduced fuel costs and we're seeing a big signs you know the electric vehicle industry is moving forward the average electric vehicle the average person that drives the leaf for example as opposed to a coal rola saves ten times in their fuel cost per mile so these really huge steps forward based on technology and i think it's really exciting to think we need to be careful that we don't go too far drill baby drill and when you look at where the money is behind those advertising campaigns behind those political campaigns it comes back to the oil industry and anything that benefits the oil industry you got to ask questions about that high gases benefit the oil industry i guess prices do not benefit the american consumer. ok and so what about the natural gas industry
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right you could say that the two are fairly similar but in the same time we've seen some blows this week we saw the e.p.a. say when it comes to the case of to make pennsylvania that the water there was ok and that practice of fracking had actually contaminated it well and that's great news i mean from an environmentalist perspective what we want to do is make sure that you and i are able to turn the tide and ensure the clean water that we expect in america so it's not about going after that industry it's about making sure that industry is safe and we've seen in texas and north dakota and new york huge problems with water poisoning. that being said this industry the natural gas industry is also proposing right now nine new export ports if this is really about energy independence why are they proposing to export this abroad and so i think we have a duty to take a step deeper and look at the profits that are behind this explosion and really think hard about whether that's getting america in the right place for you and i you know the rest of american consumers are it's when i just want to export it then
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i guess you could say that it's all about. making money and so in that sense will the americans actually early will you and i assure you from me about making money not is not a bad thing in and of itself the problem is for the last ten years we've seen our oil production and natural gas production go up in this country and we've seen gas prices high. and we've got to find a way to get out of that and listen but so what do you think you know needs to be done and that sense because if you listen to perhaps some of the media if you listen to some of the republican candidates out there they think that you just change the guy the white house and boom gas prices are going to go down and it's that simple and then of course you have the president that's also saying that if you look at the tensions the middle east right now what's going on with iran all of that contributes to it but are we not also paying enough attention to perhaps the role of you know speculation yes unfortunately gas prices are very concerned it's complex there's a lot of different factors at stake speculation on wall street is a huge problem and it is. something that congress has the power to change and we'd
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like to see a little more we'll have our congress actually clued in place and regulation so that you know goldman sachs and morgan stanley don't continue to get rich by the oil crisis. most of the oil in this world is controlled by a cartel opec has tremendous power oil is a global commodity like corn like rice and that means that we are not going to be able to drill our way out of this fix the prices that elsewhere and every time we build pipelines like he said x.l. pipeline which help our industry reach export ports and get that oil to the world price a world market we're going to see an increase in gas prices now i'm curious right because one of the things is that we think about well if we can just get rid of this reliance on foreign oil or maybe even so i would realize that oil is something that it's a finite resource in this world right we're also heavily dependent on it and you can say that wars have been fought over it then you have a report coming out by the director of national intelligence and wrote it secretary state hillary clinton presented it as makes the group saying that water is going to
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be an expert here we've heard the same thing about food shortages so in that sense you know will never end well the big concern about water right is global warming and we're looking at droughts across the southwest we're looking at huge water issues that are going to be coming in the years to come the military has also highlighted this problem to stop global warming we need to address burning fossil fuels oil accounts for forty two percent of the carbon pollution that the u.s. puts into there and so until we can reduce those are burning fossil fuels through higher fuel economy think better transportation options electric vehicles we're not going to solve the gas precision we're not going to solve these other big are more strategic lobel problems and i guess before we can get there you have to get people to start caring right unfortunately you've seen one poll after another these days it just shows that even gun people when it comes to the environment seem a little apathetic there is that i think it's in the wake up gallup poll this week that showed that sixty percent of people under thirty five are all about sustainable energy. they're not as interested in cars anymore there was this great
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article this week about g.m. has hired in t.v. to come in and help them figure out how to get young people invested in cars so i think we're going to see a generational change but i think where it is is it's a it's about real solutions to our pocketbooks as americans do care about their pocketbooks and the truth is sustainable energy if done right i feel economy electric vehicles that are transportation options will also reduce the amount we pay every month for gas i don't you write that right all right hey thanks so much for joining us for having. hard time for our first break of the evening but when we come back the new pattern order to google has people wondering who's hosting their own calls and how much of the paid for the information that's learned how to have a new segment with artie's lauren lyster follow up on the financial headlines of the. you know the story at the scene so. you think you understand it and then you know here's the
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part of it i realized everything. is a big. list . welcome to the learn to sell the real headline not. the problem with the mainstream media today is that they're completely disconnected from the viewers and from what actually matters to us and
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so that's why young people just don't watch t.v. anymore if they want news they go online and read it and we're trying to take those stories that people actually care about and transfer them back in t.v. . is the state english speaking russian channel it's kind of like. russia today has an extremely confrontational stance when it comes to us. and we all know that advertisers are constantly trying to find new ways to reach
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consumers as that are highly targeted to their likes and their needs internet cookies are to track your every keystroke and site visit to companies like facebook are always trying to make a profit from selling your habits to advertisers but this week google is a war of the new pattern that would allow advertisers and companies to take their targeting to an entirely new level i was panels applied for in two thousand and eight it was just recently awarded and basically the technology has been patented with the advertisers capitalize on your location and everything that's happening around you so here's the pattern sets this information about an environmental condition of a remote device is received the environmental condition being determined based on a signal output from a sensor of the remote device or a sensor couple of the remote device and advertisement is identified based on the environmental condition and the advertisement is provided to the remote device so that was a really boring way of just saying of the background noise on a phone call with a google know where you are or what type of things are going on around you so they
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would send an ad targeted for that to regulate your phone let's say that you know you're on the phone to your at the beach or no time at all and add them up on your phone trying to sell you a bathing suit but that pregnancy is part of the equal demand and we wonder just how that noise and also this might really work. again i'm sorry but what i meant. i would google think i'd want to go to the. yeah you know i just intimations jumping in front of the train. you know i don't care what he does that stupid ass do not own the sidewalk or. nevermind it's just google trying someone breakers'. nine dollars three thousand
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girls shirts. i mean know why because. i'm just i'm having trouble concentrating i'm sorry it's not finished when i'm. finally something i can actually see noise cancelling headphones things. yeah i don't know seems to me like it really could be a hit or miss thing is affected isn't really the issue here i pad or does it mean the product is on the horizon or even in the works but what it does me is that somebody a google thought in two thousand and eight that advertising based on environmental conditions was something that really might be worth pursuing and i find the thought of advertisers tech companies listening in to my every phone call as a way to make more money off of me i think that scary as hell and what point are you to draw the line when we stop and say no to companies just because i use your product doesn't give you the right to be privy to my private conversations
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whereabouts and every action where people are not natural resources just waiting for the highest bidder to come by and mine us for all that we're worth and like i said this product isn't in the works yet but it's definitely in sync with the way the advertisers and service providers have been moving as of late because remember google makes billions of dollars from advertisers and in the end they email the search engines the video sites they aren't the product you are so next time you're on your phone and you hear a noise on the other end of line and you think you're you just remember that google might be asking the exact same question. hi guys it's time for our financial check up on some big stories coming out this week and actually even just today when it comes to the world of finance and the global economy and of america is trying a new pilot program a right to rent where if you're home you've got to pay rent but we're going to ask that's really a good deal for america it's that
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a new report is coming out of the e.u. did an investigation into u.s. ratings agencies let's just say the results don't look so good and the news that we just got today which is nothing short of scandalous turns out that junk or zion gave direct instructions to transfer hundreds of millions of dollars from customer accounts so let's break that all down joining me to discuss is laura lister host of the capital account here on r t y thanks so much for joining us tonight thank you for having me so let's get into this entire imus global scandal that we've been seeing in john course i was on capitol hill he was testifying before congress you do that after you swear an oath and we have a little a little tidbit of what he said when he was there take a listen. or simply do not know where the money is or why the accounts of not been reconciled to. so what do we know now though the takeaway from that is him saying i don't know where the money is which is what we've seen with this ok everybody that i have spoken to could obviously at the for viewers
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that are new to this story the issue here is m.f. global went bankrupt and one point six billion dollar customer money is missing ok customer money from segregated accounts frank a bank account a loan it's not supposed to be taken and used by a brokerage firm that is sacrosanct that is against the regulations i mean this is it caused a massive amount of. just royal us markets and faith in u.s. markets from all over the world so this is it has a really large implications it's a really big deal there you have course i'm saying i don't know where the money is everybody goes on this is criminal this is fraud why isn't the c.e.o. being held responsible and when i say people say this is criminal these are former regulators these are people whose money has been stolen that are hedge fund managers lawyers pro bono attorneys that are representing customers i mean a wide swath of people a lot of that we've talked to because we've been following this story from the beginning so i would have been you know on top of that ever get out of the way but it's not only that the c.e.o. has resigned i mean these guys were getting bonuses just the other week until they
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made the charter as wanted exactly the trustee may give them bonuses the trustee the whole other sketchy issue but what has come out bloomberg has obtained a memo from the treasury of the treasurer and at the time from october twenty eighth just days before they get my bank saying that john ordered the transfer of customer funds from a customer fund account two hundred million dollars to j.p. morgan to make up for a shortfall so there is an e-mail allegedly saying that john course i knew about this transfer so that's the first big huge issue and the second is that j.p. morgan which is a huge through line and a story a lot of this is that really a to big to fail angles were j.p. morgan seems to be pulling a lot of the strings here they knew that these were customer funds they think well yeah they asked for a letter saying that these because they're concerned. the end of global money in with customer fund accounts they asked for a letter making sure that these weren't customer funds they never got the letter they kept the money anyway so there's all sorts of big issues that this brings up
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it'll be really interesting to see what happens on a hearing wednesday but the bigger picture is if somebody doesn't pay for this how are people going to have faith that there are plenty of layering about that you know are you going to have any faith but why haven't we already gotten used to this unfortunately in a certain respect no i don't think we have a lot of because although he may be going to bail us out of global what happened before i'm a global radio entire financial collapse and so nobody's paid for that yes you're absolutely right about that i think what's different about this is you have all of these maybe allegations of fraud and settlements that have come from the financial crisis and things that are definitely could be perceived as criminal and there should have probably been much more investigated and probably prosecutions i think this is taking it one step further because this is going to be people getting away with actually reaching into your account and stealing your money from a segregated account this is like if you wake up one morning and you are and have a baby account at j.p. morgan chase that chase bank and j.p.
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morgan has taken out money to make good on a trade because of a margin call i mean it's that will so in that case i want to bring up a story that i spoke about earlier this week with anthony rendez which is that we have this twenty five billion dollars massive settlement between the federal government between forty nine of the states and it was the biggest settlement in history and this is supposed to make i guess americans feel better all of those robo signing foreclosures and then it turns out that about five billion of that are going to actually pay out in cash and the other twenty billion also you know do you think about those with words backed securities invested it turns out the banks are probably just going to take the money from them yeah i think it's a crappy deal for those who don't understand that there is you don't think about this is that you know i mean i think that's bad i think it's a bad settlement but i think that the m.f. global case is just a. really glaring case out right now of course there's so much fraud in the mortgage crisis and you know i do not think that the deal is
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a good deal ok they certainly get credits from that settlement for doing what they basically should be doing anyway doing their job so they're not even paying that money outright not to mention that they're getting out of a lot of penalties that they would have had to pay and homeowners that lost their homes what they're going to get a couple grand yeah that's a really good deal for losing your home unfairly not to mention only going to be about seven hundred fifty homeowners and there's more than four million people who have lost their homes in this country and really doesn't even scratch the surface yeah let's move on real quick to obama's nomination to be president of the world bank right i mean this seems like somebody that everybody actually likes i know you know and of course there is always this element of will it continue to be an american as it always has been going to change that here we have somebody whose career born this is supposed to look a little different i mean you have to ask and i have seen this analysis that this could be a good choice to placate emerging countries which have called for a greater role in leadership at these kind of institutions but it doesn't get to the core argument about that alone which is that this need to be
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a more meritocratic open process this still would be the u.s. selected nominee the u.s. has had a stranglehold on this position since the world bank began so it's believed that it will continue the u.s. has the largest amount of shareholders in the bank and the biggest position and people don't see this tradition changing so i think that's really the core question that still remains i think there's a little less than there would be if this was larry summers that's what everybody has a holiday he was going. on out there ok i guess this one's a little bit more favorable pick than are and i guess and then i guess i said seven hundred fifty people seven hundred fifty thousand people excuse me that are going to be getting about eight hundred thousand dollars out of that so it's still pales in comparison to the number. it's already dealt with this issue so you're totally right there we get psycho right around the next time laura thanks for joining us tonight thank you. i will take another short break but when we come back he says
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that putting on a hoodie being black or latino is almost like a bull's eye so for all the rivera woods are full time awards night and i defense contractor lockheed martin has invested millions of dollars in lobbying washington and that's what it's made up we're going to talk about how they made a play better than almost anyone else. let's not forget that we are in the foreclosure machine right now. i think. we'd want to well. we haven't got the big shows here you can say get ready because the air freedom. there either.


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