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tv   [untitled]    March 23, 2012 10:30pm-11:00pm EDT

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the above and they alone if else they'll get the real headlines with none of them are the problem with the mainstream media today is that they're completely disconnected from the viewers and what actually matters to those viewers and so that's why young people don't watch t.v. anymore if they want news they go online and read it but we're trying to take those stories that people actually care about and transfer them back in t.v. . you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so poorly sleep you think you understand it and then he glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm sorry welcome to the big picture .
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little. leg. our guys it's time for tonight's tool time award and tonight's award goes to fox news host are all the repair he is the ace reporter used to be most famous for being escorted out of iraq by the pentagon for giving away the positions of u.s. soldiers back in two thousand and three but after this morning he will now be famous as the man who blamed the hoodie for the death of trayvon martin the up until now you may have thought it was an actual person that killed trayvon and that
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person would be george zimmerman but according to her although it turns out that it was really just a piece of cloth a hooded sweatshirt here's the dire warning that i am urging parents of black and latino youngsters particularly to not let their children go out wearing hoodies i think that who he is as much responsible for trayvon martin's death as george zimmerman was well thank god we have such an astute political and social commentator to warn us about the dangers of a piece of clothing the literally every single kid in america where it turns out that a hoodie takes on a whole different cultural significance when the person wearing it is a white. you have to recognize that this whole style was seeing yourself as a gangster you're going to be against you want to be will keep will go to perceive you as a menace that's what happens it is instant reflex action yeah you see not only does
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wearing a hoodie instantly make you look like a criminal but chasing an unarmed black man down the street killing him in cold blood pencil barely an instant reflective action for most americans and i for one know that when i see a black or latino guy in a hoodie my first instinct instinct is to whip out a gun chase him down the street and kill him oh no way that is make sense does it so i wonder what a young person of color has to do you not to get gunned down the street what sort of attire be permitted go for her although it may be a suit because that has please don't kill me written all over it before you get all painted let's let rather clear a few things up here which he did earlier today on twitter it turns out that he's just trying to save the lives guys he tweeted justice will come visit him in and the florida shooter but i'm trying to save lives like trayvon parents alert hoodies can get your kids killed yes parents don't be alert that there are stand your ground laws in florida and twenty three other states across the country which
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empower random citizens to gun down kids without so much as being arrested so don't be concerned that we live in a society where racism is still incredibly prevalent beeler about a sweatshirt because that's what will get your kids killed minutes later he responded to the growing outcry tweeting this so it's not blaming the victim it's common sense look like a gangsta anthem armed schmuck will take you at your word so logic is perfect if you put on a what it's worth your while being glad you were announcing to every single person on the street that you are a gangster if why you're just saying hello it's raining and i've got a hood on but if you're black that hoodie is like putting a bull's eye on your chest but what schmuck doesn't want to hit a bull's eye right so just to recap in are all those world and really it's really trade. and as parents of course that he was gunned down the shock was acting on instinct which tells him that a black going to what he is thinking said what happens next hole that simply wasn't in his control software is saying that a hoodie and a man who chased
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a young armed boy down the street and killed him are equally to blame for his death or alter a vera is tonight's top time winner. now as our regular viewers know we've been keeping close tabs on the n.y.p.d. s wide net surveillance of muslims all throughout the northeast for no other reason than being muslim and that's pissed off everybody from new jersey governor chris christie to civil libertarians obviously to the f.b.i. officials and it turns out that those aren't the only law abiding citizens of the n.y.p.d. was exacting all over the u.s. to monitor a new a.p. investigation has revealed that the n.y.p.d. was spying on activists as far away as new orleans according to interviews and documents and april two thousand and eight and like p.d. sergeant attended the people's summit this is a protest a meeting of american canadian and mexican leaders in the big easy which was very much saying and of course the n.y.p.d. says the surveillance was all part of a threat assessment and in pinky swore but it wasn't political now they should
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really just tell that to the activists and the organizers who recounted catalogue by the n.y.p.d. are doing nothing other than engaging in constitutionally protected speech as one journalist mentioned and report jordan flaherty told the a.p. the only threat is the threat of ideas so next thing you know the n.y.p.d. will be assessing the threat of mardi gras beads on talk of new yorkers out of the big easy to have a good time because right somebody has got to keep the big apple safe but once again i might be here standing glider spying tourism they say that they have the right to send undercover cops anywhere public can go for so-called operational planning the federal government to differ according to reports last month the justice department started considering whether or not to launch an investigation into and y.p. surveillance of muslims now the n.y.p.d. is traveling down in new orleans to monitor protests and dragging muslims all over the northeast that one can only imagine how they're reacting to the occupy movement they just last night we had we spoke with truthout jason leopold for discuss the
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department of homeland security's role in monitoring the movement and truthout was the first organization to file a formal request and they got. almost four hundred pages worth of material there is no smoking gun from v.h.s. in terms of unconstitutional surveillance i wondered last night whether or not the n.y.p.d. other local police forces might be the ones that are really doing the heavy lifting aka the dirty work now we haven't seen the results but leopold so did he expect that the department suppression of the occupy movement to surface faster than you can say for them in violation if and when those documents are disclosed that is. but you also try to go local to the n.y.p.d. the freedom of information law in new york and do you think that that's where i mean that to me sounds almost more fascinating it remains to be seen what they'll turn over there's no question in my mind that the photographs video clearcuts threat assessments. so it's a matter of time before they leave me you know what they'll turn over and what's
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privilege. today's revelations of the n.y.p.d. spying on lessening activists for their political leanings as well as the revelations about their spying program on muslims for their religion all that seems to add some weight to leopold suspicions now obviously we're going to have to wait and see until the documents come out but there's one thing that we learned from this boy of documents the truth not received as if the feds were actually cautious and knew their civil surveillance would be highly scrutinized so maybe they're leaving it to local law enforcement to really get in there and we know it and why p.t. . now we talk about the influence of defense contractors in washington all the time the military industrial complex at work keeping defense budgets high keeping us taxpayers on the line for weapons projects they can last decades and cost billions if not a trillion case in point the f. thirty five joint strike fighter the most expensive weapons program to date recent government accountability office report shows that cost overruns in the first four
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procurement contracts are more than a billion over budget combined but the air force is sticking with it and they're just going to have to settle with fewer planes so you think of the company behind the f. thirty five lockheed martin and they might face a penalty they might lose the trust of the government to be awarded so many contracts unfortunately it's far from the case and found a lot he just secured a major strategic win in the obama administration's twenty thirteen budget request lauren thomson is a former lockheed advisor and he claims that basing this on excessive influence over government is. early august a conspiracy theory but i bet that we can prove wrong so joining me to discuss it is derek crow political director of new foundation kerik thanks so much for joining us tonight and i know first of all when you look at this twenty thirteen budget that's been proposed by the obama administration do you see lockheed martin as a clear winner. well i think lockheed martin has is and has remained a winner for years despite the fact that they're one of the most corrupt and guilty
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of misconduct companies that does business with the federal government and i just have to say you mentioned lauren thompson's article i mean i think we should take lockheed martin and give them a little bit of credit that they know how to spend money effectively when it comes to getting profits for their shareholders and if it wasn't profitable for lockheed martin to be dumping eleven million dollars in the last year and a half into lobbying and a hundred twenty six million over the lifetime of the company into lobbying they wouldn't be doing it they know exactly what they're doing they're trying to buy our congress out from under us yeah but at the same time we talk about this article which i found i don't know i'm using and disturbing and just odd on so many levels so he claims of the people out there that think that maybe the influence that lockheed martin then in effect has over washington those people are all just conspiracy theorists and really it's the lot he just doesn't such a good job that they're you know they're better. pray tell me how they're better execution if they're thirty five straight biter is supposed to be an example what i
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would love to be able to do better execution if it were anything remotely approaching true i mean the simple fact is they don't even act as good stewards of the money they're given they have more than sixty six instances in pogos government misconduct database for contractors and one of the most find in corrupt companies that does business with the federal government the f. thirty five is a prime example it was approved by a gentleman in the pentagon named people aldridge who right after he got done approving that spending and then some f. twenty two spending which is another lucky product that month he went to work for lockheed martin on their payroll he left the pentagon went straight to that company now it's absolutely clear from that there's no way that you know all of which could have been making good decisions on behalf of the taxpayer and he had his eye on the exit and that's just legal corruption that's granted all over the pentagon and it's something lockheed martin relies. now we actually have some figures here two five thought about how much thought it is that you know involve how much money they like to give and this comes from the sunlight foundation so since one thousand nine
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hundred ninety lockheed has given twenty three million over twenty three million dollars basically in campaign financing they spent one hundred twenty five million on lobbying and hiring some of the biggest republican and democratic lobbying firms and washington received over twenty million earmarks received thirty one grants and fifteen thousand plus contracts in the federal government and had two hundred fifty seven of their people on one hundred thirty five government advisory committees so i think that unfortunately we all kind of assume that this is what happens in washington this happens all the time they do you think that lockheed is really mastered it are they better than the other defense contractors that it will head of this is a great article out of is what they call them the perfect pay to play company and they're really correct i mean lockheed martin if you look at where most of their political donations go to they go to buck mckeon who is the chairman of the house armed services committee that has oversight on a lot of the programs that they have an interest in within the federal government
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and it's that way on the on our perpetrations committees on the senate appropriations subcommittee on defense it's like been all over the federal government they know exactly where to put their dollars to get the most results and they don't care about your political party by the way they'll give to whomever is sitting in those chairs it has decision making capabilities over the money that they have an interest in lockheed martin is is great at navigating the system that exists between staffers wanting to get pentagon jobs in pentagon employees wanting golden parachutes when they get out of the pentagon they make a place for them on lucky boards and in their various offices around the country lockheed martin knows how to entice and seduce these people to get exactly what they want and i think the numbers that you have they're just showing and it shows that they know that the money they're spending is a pact. i bet if i were let's say you know you were northrop grumman or that you were boeing would you look at perhaps you know the budgets of some of these
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contracts and say hey it's not fair when you want to call your competitor out and say that really you're just paying to play or is that not profitable for that you know do they get a little piece of pie or subcontract so north of gets that or excuse me locking martin get something or do they just want the same practice to keep on going just in case they learn how to start winning well i mean the thing about that is that yes in one way they do kind of benefit somewhat with lockheed martin wins because they act as sub contractors on those contracts but the moment they point out this kind of legal corruption that's going on is the moment they also indict themselves i mean right under lockheed martin listed the most find the most corrupt companies in that misconduct database are boeing northrop grumman general dynamics and companies like that they all work this game they all donate millions and hundreds of millions of dollars of lifetime of their company to lobbying and to campaign contributions because they know they can buy or rent politicians and you know the success of their businesses is in large part due to utilizing this model that
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lockheed martin is so i'm sure they're a little bit jealous that lockheed martin is so good at it but they've built quite a lot of success on it and by the way all three of those companies that i just mentioned they're so good at it that their c.e.o.'s are in the top zero point zero one percent of the richest americans based on their. just more proof right of what everybody already knows meanwhile we can't get any infrastructure projects built but all these weapon systems just keep on getting the funding. from the pentagon from congress a real tragedy thank you so much for joining us tonight. thank you. are we taking our last break but only back friday and on happy hour facebook decides that they care about privacy and belvedere. right after the break. story. is if you understand it and the. other part of it
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and realize that everything. you don't. know is a big. mystery . well the loner so you'll get the real headline but not. the problem with the mainstream media today is that
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they're completely disconnected from the viewers from what actually matters to those viewers and so that's why young people just don't watch t.v. anymore if they want news they go online and read it but we're trying to take those stories that people actually care about and transfer them back to. our state run english speaking russian channel it's kind of like. russia today has an extremely confrontational stance when it comes to us.
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to tonight's fireside for. this we've seen one story take the country by storm the tragic and fatal shooting of trayvon martin a seventeen year old boy in sanford florida who was simply holding skittles and iced tea while he was walking down the street and how can we forget also wearing a hoodie for months and billions so far there's just no way to justify the actions of george zimmerman the killer here and the line of reasoning that very few continue to deny is that trayvon crime if you want to call it that was walking while black marches in florida and new york and other cities take place across the country this week calling for justice for trayvon and a problem of justice has said that they're going to look into this case and even process the. it weighed in today telling reporters that if he had a son he would look like trayvon wasn't important because aside from
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a few right wingers out there nobody is scared of calling this a story where race played a role we want to confront racism we have to be able to talk about it openly as a society and not to shy away but the sad thing is that all the stories that capture the nation's attention like trayvon are few and far between occurrences like this issues like this are not trayvon cases the entire combination of the various levels and types of injustice that we see but the truth is that everywhere racism plays a role in our criminal justice system throughout the entire country just look at the makeup of prison populations look at a supreme court case we mentioned this week questioning whether juveniles should be given sentences of life in prison without parole in cases of homicide black youth are ten times more likely to be given those sentences and their white counterparts plays a role in our schools look at the statistics that we spoke about last week that showed that punishment is handed down in a much harsher way for minority students black students are three times more likely to be suspended from school and their white counterparts the death sentence is much
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more likely to be given to minorities and none of this is meant to take away from trayvon story his case is particularly poignant because he was completely innocent of any wrongdoing while the way the case is being handled by the local authorities and the aftermath just reeks of the injustices in the entire system the way in which he was killed is based on a personal internal racism within the shooter himself but what i'm trying to say here is that we should take trayvon case we should make sure that becomes a catalyst for change don't let this gruesome reminder that we're not opposed racial society be just another story that the media embraces for a week or two and then forgets i think unfortunately that's what we saw in the case of three davis suddenly the death penalty was being judged seen in a public light we saw the state of georgia put a man to death who was killed could not be proven without. reasonable doubt we asked about would bring about change but so far it hasn't let's not trayvon be just
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let's not let trayvon be just another night another black child's face to becomes famous for all the wrong reasons realize that this goes on everywhere that there are journalists out there highlighting the injustices every day and they all deserve attention because the more that we know the more i hope we can change. time for how we are enjoying being our key correspondent christine for south and politicos david guetta needs thanks for joining you guys happy friday happy friday and for some people friday started last night like our own jenny churchill who went to the midnight showing of hunger games with currently a lot of the do that all over the country take a look. the hunger games opened tweens teens and most of the valley actually headed out to rave theater at town square to see that film it's based on
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a series of books by suzanne collins and stars jennifer lawrence just josh hutcherson and liam hemsworth moviegoers were more than pleased with it. so all the tweens and jenny tara show went to go see the midnight showing last night i'm just really just jealous because. i want to see the video showing what happens with these movies and i guess there's the same thing with harry potter is that you know certain charities organizations try to kind of join in and so there's one called hunger i want to launch a campaign called hunger is not a game to support one of their campaign to me food aid more efficient and lines gates is saying no and they said they're trying to piggyback off their motion picture and causing damage to lionsgate and our marketing efforts i mean it seems to me they're just trying to raise awareness and using this as an opportunity to do so awareness about a subject that's very serious but i saw the letter online that lionsgate wrote to oxfam some of these other charities that said please take any mention of hunger is
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not going off the website and threaten to have it removed for copyright purposes if they don't so pretty serious about it. bottom line you know any publicity is good publicity right i get very skeptical about some of these controversies juno right when a movie. because it's good for everybody right hunger games isn't more everybody is talking about it and they're trying to so a movie i mean it would make it makes sense too though if you just you know think about the story that hunger games it's like why not. take advantage of what let's talk about. newt gingrich first of all i'm not the only one we constantly have these polls and whatnot talking about the president's religion. a poll of likely republicans in alabama shows that only fourteen percent believe pres obama is a fellow christian and mississippi the figure is twelve percent and the majority there say a strong majority say he's
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a muslim. so you wonder why these obama is a muslim rumors don't go away maybe you think people like. he was asked basically why so many voters continue to mistakenly believe that obama is a muslim and he said you have to ask why they would believe that it's not because they're stupid it's because they watch the kind of things i just described you basically said it's obama's fault for acting like this is dog whistling. throughout the campaign any even to all the language he uses socialist kensi in it's all foreign you know never go as far to say you know we have a black president that far but it's all this coded language and it appeals with a certain amount of voters in the south and you see it because i mean if it were going to release his birth certificate a sitting u.s. president people still won't believe it doesn't matter what anybody says they're never going to believe it and it's not fun because he was acting so muslims and so when you and when these debates come up as we've just seen in the past few weeks
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the past month really of the contraception debate but part of obama's health care plan that requires businesses employers to pay for things like birth control that is very easy to turn into obama's war on the catholic church obama must be a muslim because he wants to attack the church so you know and it's very easy to spin that by grocers is aware of why newt gingrich is where is yeah i mean which is that you know a little bit fresh actually makes you have a little bit of hope as there is but then with santorum still doing i have to actually. let's move these things this is an ad that. has put out and it basically had to get paul. a little unlike some people are always goes down smoothly and the photo disappeared from their facebook page and from their twitter account within an hour. and complain they said we have
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fans. well you think if you go too far this is where you come up with something you know the brainstorming session and you're what you guys think it's funny but you don't go the next step and go through with it sort of and then someone stops it because you've got to always think about the other perspective with who is real when actually what they were trying to do is make it look like she was about to get rates because that's what people are saying i'm going to feel like because he's such a scrawny guy in the picture it's just funny guy and like he's smiling and people do you like see he's smiling and she'll like a really strange look or you know not only i'm not offended really this is what i was going to but obviously about if you can we put out a full time right there another way for us to look at it again. i mean the girl doesn't look happy grabbing her. arms were around her in a little plane the truck just pulled up and she's running and like no stay back i
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mean. now she wants. to marry you i mean as much as i don't think she was terrified i just think she looks like she's running but who knows where to belvedere i've got to go that's her space which. is running loury home he's not running away from exactly. like that i think we're trying to do our next story but just for a little update for our viewers we spoke about the fact that certain employers were trying to ask people to hand over their face but passwords that's crazy and facebook is actually coming out on the side of the facebook users saying that that's not cool and it's also not you know not allowed to nations suddenly facebook i was going to be your password is really girlfriends and boyfriends well if you give me a call because i'm a. parent i think i'm going to have a very weak ad there are nights out thanks for tuning in and make sure that you come back on monday ravin hop vice president of media matters could be joining us for our monday hangover and in the meantime don't forget to become a fan of the
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