tv [untitled] March 23, 2012 11:00pm-11:30pm EDT
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well john harwood in washington d.c. and here's what's coming up tonight on the big picture it's been two years since obamacare became law and more americans have access to health care than ever before so many conservatives like paul ryan and mitt romney want to strip americans of such a fundamental right that and more internet it's a big picture rumble and striking a balance between private and public power is a major goal for society today and correctly reaching it will help us prosper in the twenty first century so how do we achieve this balance last very nice
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conversations and great minds and inside the daily to take it because an oil spill in brazil you're a criminal because or else bill in america you're given a first class ticket back to your mansion in england that's what our government's a laissez faire attitude about corporate crime. it's friday that means it's time to rumble joining me for tonight's big picture on the caroline may reporter with the daily caller tina deploy managing editor with crooks and liars. and simulated columnist and dan bongino republican candidate for the u.s. senate from the state of maryland great to have you back and nice to have you have you all with us let's start out with what's going on down in sanford florida the sanford city commissioners voted no confidence from the chief of police believe jr he put myself on temporary leave george zimmerman is still running around loose the guy who shot this kid over
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a million people have signed an online petition asking for his arrest george zimmerman's arrest president obama spoke out about the tragedy today. but i think about. this boy. i think by my own kids by a son he'd look like trayvon. and meanwhile the american legislative exchange council alec the n.r.a. and wal-mart the forces behind this law have not taken any responsibility for the consequences of this legislation and this morning geraldo rivera came out and said you know it's the same thing as woman wearing a short dress should expect to get raped here's a role. i am urging the parents of black and latino youngsters particularly to not let their children go out wearing hoodies i think the hoodie is as much responsible for trayvon martin's death as george zimmerman was. so what you are when it's raining and you know what it wants what do you all think is going on
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here in sanford florida carol in terms of the stand your ground law you spoke about earlier i think in this case even the drafters and author that was there wouldn't apply in this case because actually there were men percy's was chasing her so i think that but if she's kind of off the table on that one that case going to take a long ago you know number of justifiable homicides in the woods homicides for which people can't sue the gun manufacturers the n.r.a. or the gun seller wal-mart which were largest consoler in the united states has tripled since that was passed either way it's not an issue in this case i don't i don't believe but beyond that i think that this is a sort of a media feeding frenzy at this point and i think that might be a good idea a deep breath and see justice be served because i think that's what we all know that it's not great guns don't kill people who these kill people if you're right this is you know this is the saddest part about this incident is that it's not isolated that this happens you said three times more since these laws have been
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enacted but also this this attitude towards black young black men i was just in oakland oakland had oscar grant who was essentially executed by a part police officer a couple of years ago i mean these are these. they don't get as much publicity and then every so often we have a kid with skittles in his hands and we all start to pay attention and that should open up broader conversation about yes these gun laws but also why this man is not just in the he's in our he should be off the streets you know and then the issue of this legislation that apparently caused george zimmerman would think that he had every right to shoot this kid and in fact cause the police department to assert that he had the right to do it was deliberate this low. it was proposed by the n.r.a. and wal-mart and approved by the american legislative exchange council and then
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sent to the states i mean isn't that a bizarre perversion of democracy right from the get go you know and i think i have a unique perspective on this having been a police officer actually in the streets in a precinct that had nearly three hundred homicides and five point six square miles in one year i can say unfortunately you know this is a this is a horrible that we can all agree democrat republican we don't need to politicize this at all i can look at this and say if i was in the street and i saw this this this child what was he doing i don't understand what he was doing but i think the blame has the exclusive slee visit in a neighbor you know no it is not a hood you know that's my point but what was you doing wrong my point what was he was walking with the biggest people but you know i agree with you but what was he doing wrong to incite this while he was walking while black i mean the issue that that isn't discussed right now in them in the mainstream media is white privilege the fact of the matter is that african-american parents all over america for centuries have had to tell their kids you have to act differently than the white
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neighbors you know i never had to grow as it was speaking worry about my kid getting shot and i have after american friends of my age who have told me horror stories about their kids and. you know it's just it's a different set of standards and i'm basically always in a hoodie unless i'm on your shout get. on what they act differently i mean not in you've got to get your hands in your pocket not look suspicious not be by yourself at night i mean there's all these things these wrestlers that rest differently try to try to try to dress in a way you know you hear more and more to sit standing on a street corner for whatever reason and i mean you can't stand on your own street i dispute that i don't think i don't five percent of white americans even understand what white privilege i don't i don't play that part. i'll tell you what i was i was a secret service agent it's twelve years a quick. you know i was in a c.v.s. store i had i had to ice the box a lot and i came back in box and had to shave that day and i was sweaty and i had
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already on the store you know that security guard followed me around that store all day i'm white without white privilege i mean again i don't like to get into the racial dynamics of this it was a tragic tragic episode but the blame belongs exclusively on this man i don't know what this man zimmerman was thinking i mean walking this was he it was who we would all think he was thinking they always get away with this he was thinking you know afeni need to be punished for that if if if the facts proved correct he needs to be punished ok that's an issue moving along with the last sunday mitt romney was on fox news and he told america that gas prices are high because of president obama and paul krugman points out yesterday's new york times that that's actually paul krugman uses the word a lot which i thought was pretty startling because he's usually rather soft spoken that the president really doesn't have much control over gas prices right now the united states is a net exporter of gasoline for the first time in sixty two years less time has happened harry truman was president we are exporting gas and right and and some
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universities and so bill o'reilly has called for a tariff on export of gas if we stopped exporting gasoline in the supply of gasoline in the united states which we have plenty of would be so high that gas would be like a block and a half or two dollars a gallon so bill o'reilly says if the obama administration wanted to agree to ask congress to raise export taxes on the oil companies to encourage them to sell their products here think about it you know companies are regulated by the federal government they can't drill on land nor in american waters without permission from the feds and many republicans want to drill baby drill what's the point of all the oil goes to china increased production obviously doesn't mean lower prices for us i agree with bill o'reilly i love any story where bill o'reilly calls for the federal government to raise taxes it's fantastic this is great for this is this is our trade policy on steroids and we're seeing the same thing happen with gasoline and we saw it happen with manufacturing it was how's this going to help though how did . think about this for pure from a pure economics economics perspective having studied economics for
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a very long time how is increasing the price of a product reserve the export tariff going to make gas prices cheaper if the flies the only increases the price for other countries it doesn't matter is that really it was a global market that is nonsense this is yes a lean gasoline is refined here in the united states yes and and if it stays here in the united states then we end up with a lot more of it one of the ways that the oil companies are keeping these and today this is today's average prices for gasoline one of the reasons that one of the ways that the own companies are keeping these gasoline prices high is by exploiting gas to create artificial shortages. eighty four to ninety percent of price of gasoline is the price of a barrel of oil taxes that's just the economic facts really we can spin it all we want it's a global market but it's not and we have the jobs right here the jobs our domestic markets global i mean what about keystone what's his explanation for that if the president has no control whatsoever as they not to speculate he's going to say what
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the president just did as he said yeah let's get this world out of the gulf coast so we can refine it and export even more gasoline none of that is destined for the american public according to trans canada according to the papers that they filed do not intend to stop that's going to increase the price of gasoline according to trans canada and increase the price of gasoline in the midwest which one hundred thirty cents a gallon. carol well i agree with dan in terms of it being an global market and yes we can help to increase that the drilling you know you bring more supply in market x. and more to gasoline yes but we have so much more we have so much we don't want you know i want to drill we're exporting gasoline because the price is high the price would be lower if we would develop more of our domestic assets that's why we're exporting it's basic economics i just don't agree that the gas is high i mean i was in south america and there the gas prices are in leaders so it looks like it's five dollars a gallon touchingly five dollars a leader it's incredibly. and you know what people do they're able to function by having really officiant cars here we still want as you these we still want these
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giant vehicles to commute to work i just the whole idea i think this is a red herring by conservatives to try and make obama into energy president which he clearly is not the facts on the grounds that he is not an anti energy president and prices are not that high i'm hearing them and there are certain energy that's not as how did you happen to have some of your bush here that you know he's exposed before you get these are songs on bills i carry i agree and you know what we should be getting off also feels it or not i'm not an airship to do that because there is not or is a finite supply of gas and every. day since i did why are we now you know this way to. explain to the families in baltimore city when you develop you're going forms who are going to have twenty dollars extra tacked on to their bills or can't afford it doesn't affect me you explained thing i also think i just don't think i think that is a scare tactic i think they already lost more than the economy going on vacation
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president obama you know that's you know it's hyperbole but that is where they want to go when there's twenty dollars well i just i don't i just disagree i think that we all have to be invested quite simply and literally have needs to get if you can't expect people to say that also what you want more if you're going to pay twenty dollars more i did i did actually raise not more expensive if you if you take out the way that we're subsidizing the oil and gas industry most of our. military or the shipping lines from the middle east here and by paying for the tens of thousands of cancers that are caused and the hundreds of thousands of asthma that are causing every year but he was a us military are we are subsidizing this this industry by playing music so i would agree that we should and i think we should all energy subsidies and just like you know survive on their own merit i mean i think when you do that we have so we have an infrastructure already built around salary with price anderson no longer support . i mean i just i think that it's a good welfare program in america prosecutors trillion dollar welfare program for
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welcome back to the nines big picture rumble and joined by caroline mae reporter with the daily caller tina to play dupuis a managing editor with crooks and liars and a syndicated columnist and van gogh and you know the republican candidate for the u.s. senate from the state of maryland paul ryan rolled out his personal vision for america in this week we will i will actually i guess it's the republicans on the budget committee because they did pass away by one vote massive cuts to food stamps massive cuts the student loans cuts to medicaid cuts to social security but your eyes is medicare norma's tax breaks for the top one percent the top tax rate goes
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from thirty five down to twenty five percent it hasn't been there since since hartings administration one hundred twenty one which kicked off the it with a crash and it would give three trillion dollars in tax breaks to the wealthiest americans to the top one percent actually the top one tenth of one percent all paid for by cuts to education health care in fact according to a study from citizens for tax justice every millionaire america would get an average of eight hundred eighty seven thousand products instantly and that's just the bottom of the line millionaires how does how do the republicans think they can win any kind of an election with this i think it's a bold approach you know we have this trying armisen title meant culture and tyrant and thomas society and compare who compared to where we were you know twenty thirty forty years ago it's this continued. grow exponentially and i think that and actually social security paid more during the eisenhower administration that those now real dollars well in terms of just looking at it from the big picture there are a lot of people are saying wait what are we paying for what's going on our debt is
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exploding and i think paul ryan's budget is actually taking a proactive approach and our debt is just writing up a little bit for maybe you know starting to deal with some of these problems are get is exploding because ronald reagan george bush and george w. bush in aggregate ran up a nine trillion dollar debt with star wars three trillion dollars wars in iraq two trillion dollars unfunded medicare and we continue and we continue to build on it with these entitlements i continue to believe because first of all our economy is not doing as well as we would hope it would and we have all these baby they're sort of weakening you know they were they raised taxes and got us a balanced budget you know here it coincided. with a bubble i have i think you'll be proud of me i have preempted the paul ryan tax plan by going around and being rich people out of my retirement six yeah you know i decided i had to completely bypass the government in this you know this is this is absolutely ridiculous when the in the last paul ryan budget plan we use euphemisms
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like it's bold and it's brave and that is basically saying it's wrong it asked for it his last budget plan asked for a wider tax. more people to be paid tax is meeting poor people that are having their cars the readers your taxes are going on what has no those forty five percent of americans who don't pay taxes because they don't make enough money are going to be asked to contribute more people who are in the top tax rate don't i will comment on the stand i want to move to say it was every left wing talking point known to man but i just want to tell you mr president clinton never balanced the budget go to the u.s. treasury website he came close in two thousand with an eighty billion dollars it was social security funds that were spent that is a myth it is not true go to treasure that had had it stayed at that point through a budget would have balanced over time the affordable care act. obamacare is two years old today it's the anniversary so we have million new young people or. more young people now have health insurance fifty thousand americans with preexisting conditions can get insurance who were being refused before by the health insurance
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companies five point one million senior citizens are saving three point two billion dollars prescription drug costs because the donut hole has been shrunk twenty point four million women now have better access to mammograms and forms of preventative care and paul ryan's budget says do away with it in fact take forty eight million americans off. for. health care basically where does it say that where is that better get and that is the aggregate of the cuts to medicare medicaid and undoing all the stuff that i just like to run the president had to fifty five thousand dollars in cuts per person for people fifty five and younger you talk about those god what are you talking about those are the cuts pillbug to his long term budget for medicare who for medicare so he met the president united states the bill that was going to obamacare his long term budget cut fifty five thousand dollars per person people fifty five and you notice that over a ten to twenty year period it was you're ok that's not medicare that's medicare advantage medicare advantage. of medicare it's where we give money to united health
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care so that their c.e.o. can make literally a billion dollars and their last two c.e.o.'s that literally made a billion dollars what health insurance companies should be making should be paid so you know what i want now is that if this part of the health care act is so wonderful where all the plans today i the president in the administration have been there more there should i should harrigan we should be growing up this thing i think that there are three pretty significant things that have happened we're coming up on whether or not it's constitutional you know it's going to be sort of this supreme court kind of ride that studio found out you know relate to me coughing twice as much as no actually the c.e.o. said it's going to save an additional fifty billion dollars over the original estimates mitt romney said that and it's a lie right the other lie is that the. the republican plan that passed they heritage foundation came up with this great idea so you have to have everybody buy into health insurance into private plans this was the alternative nixon says yes
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this is the alternative to hillary care and this was a republican idea that everybody was for and now and so they were against it got no votes republican zero because if. we did it we got to do it is a get i think as you recall use it wasn't their idea they said suddenly when we. know this is the edges i guess i was ok it was a sketch with republicans where they just take it and it's no longer they're going to go to work certainly. apparently no one wants mitt romney to be the republican candidate for president i know you not even going to not even the birth of years of birth or conspiracy theorists have demanded that the california secretary of state produce evidence that romney was in fact born in the u.s. not in mexico where papa romney was born so the grandpa program romney could have had his multiple wives so what else will the his own party go after him up will be a his anti canine agenda stemming from his suv picture here is in from his twelve
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hour ride with a family dog seamus a stricter the strap to the roof be that it has secret wives had all over the u.s. have stockpiled enough food to last the runways through any type of crop. and seem it was giving money to a homeless person his last visit to washington d.c. . caroline you are sure you know where to go and how much i want either dog lover i honestly the or right some interesting comments but i would say that most republicans are conservatives anywhere mostly concerned about his flip flops yeah ok i think. the dog you know i dog show your humanity and he clearly doesn't have any ok and was a jab at national lampoon's chevy chase with the dog tell them how do i so they're going to largely do that yeah he did well i don't. about me i don't buy chevy chase it will be a fake dog for the me ok my answer is it will be revealed that mitt has a secret stockpile of rick santorum brand so. that's good news you know i'm.
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not sorry i thank you all for joining me tonight it's great to have you with us coming up in our conversations the great. society can prosper in the twenty first century. george park the third in addition to being a very rich guy and an american citizen george cork the third is the head of the chevron company's oil drilling operation in brazil and a few months ago the brazilian navy noticed an oil slick off the coast of brazil and tracked it back to want to show brown's oil wells total spill about three thousand barrels to put that in perspective the b.p. oil spill on the american gulf coast last year was blowing over eighty thousand
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barrels a day and by the time it was capped had dumped into the gulf coast somewhere between three and ten million barrels and did i mention that because b.p. and trans ocean had cut safety corners not only to that horrific oil spill happened but eleven men die back to brazil brazil with one of the developing world's fastest growing and strongest economies is using a lot of oil and drilling for it like crazy so like us but when george park the third company chevron leaked three thousand barrels in total into the ocean off the brazilian coast last week that resilient government took away george brock's asport so he couldn't fly home to the united states and this week they've charged him and sixteen other oil industry executives with the crime of leaking that oil and damaging the brazilian environment economy and those guys including another american who runs trans ocean in brazil are each facing decades in prison there are two things i find fascinating about the story the first is the difference in
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response between brazil and the united states to oil spills the peace tony hayward came to testify before the u.s. congress and essentially told him to go screw themselves and we let him keep his millions his passport and leave the country go back to his mansion in england and did i mention that he. words company's actions on his watch led to the death of eleven americans and millions of barrels of oil wiping out our growth closed on the other hand chevrons american employee who runs their brazilian operations george book the third whose company spilled a mere three thousand barrels of oil in brazil has had his passport paul paul was grilled by police instead of the brazilian congress and is now facing serious prison time as the first fascinating thing the difference in the response between the two governments which may have something to do with the fact that in the u.s. tony hayward's be routinely gives big bucks to american politicians it's called lobbying and campaign contributions and now super pac donations by and politicians here is not only legal it's great but if american companies chevron tried to buy
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off politicians in brazil it would be a national scandal and politicians would go to jail as well as the economists noted february twenty fifth two thousand and eleven article titled the money trail resilin has strict campaign finance laws was ill is blessed with competitive and aggressive media and the nation is institutions that investigate such current campaign finance scandals revolving around the public prosecutor's office a semi autonomous part of the federal government and it's local equivalents where money politics and scandal meet in brazil there is usually a camera somewhere nearby to take pictures it will make any later profession of innocence ring hollow which brings up the second thing i find fascinating about the story of an american oil industry c.e.o. having his passport pulled and facing possible hard prison time for an oil spill and second thing i find fascinating is that you can't find a story in any mainstream american media that only has our media not interested in investigating the corruption of our politicians by oil companies to the point that
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they can kill eleven american oil rig workers and dump millions of barrels of oil in our coastline destroying the lives and livelihoods of hundreds of thousands of americans and small businesses. but the media actually makes money from it after all all of those big contributions that b.p. gives to politicians they end up buying political commercials the run on american t.v. so surprised the b.b.c. is reporting big time about the american oil executive facing charges and prust is covering it and of course it's huge news nationwide in brazil i challenge you to ask ten american friends if any of them even know this story exists something is rotten with our politics in our media and its root is a geyser of oil and oil money and a united states supreme court it is said that money is not property it's speech and that corporations aren't and cities brought into into being by law and government
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their people go to move to amend or for information on a roll this back. we just put a picture of the need for those like nine years old so if you tell the truth. i think that's an amateur get of friends that i was traveling. and. it was kind of yesterday. i'm very proud of the world with its place.
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