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tv   [untitled]    March 24, 2012 6:30am-7:00am EDT

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thanks for joining us on how past the hour here's a look at your headlines searching for a syrian solution that special envoy kofi annan has to moscow to help head off the crisis that is peace efforts are being challenge bonfire of the e.u. sanctions on the regime. no rush for justice lawyers more of a long court battle over the american soldier accused of executing seventeen afghan men women and children while the episode presents or further on rommel nato's mission and afghanistan. steps up sanctions on iran freezing assets and
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blacklisting officials as existing i don't use reduce oil exports and drive prices to dangerous levels. and japan warns they will use its missile defense system if north korea's planned space rocket launch threatens its air space to launch as condemned by international powers as a cover for a nuclear weapons chats. mania up next r t as technology update delves into the world of smartphone apps bringing you the latest on how to keep your phone safe. oh and welcome to technology update just about wherever you are you're bound to
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find yourself surrounded by so many other traffic we're swiping one of the at a checkout the very latest in hand technology there's no better place in the world called here and. now this city is more often associated with sun sightseeing and sangria for the the regional capital was transformed into the center of the. universe only groups biggest tech firms were there to show off their latest offerings and highlight what to expect in the future mainstays like samsung works so in the virtues of its no and hype coming release of the next generation galaxy which by the way took home the prize for best smartphone of the year but also making a splash was a name not everyone's familiar with china's kuwait saw a break from its low cost past and mix it up with the big boys according to the latest estimates there are more than six billion vices in people's hands right now and that's nine billion playing two thousand and fifteen which means one point
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three connections for each person on the planet and whether you're interested in content devices or the behind the scenes. the gathering in barcelona has something for everyone all told around seventy thousand people descended on the exhibition center from high tech fun. and russian companies some with their own entertainment weren't going to be left out of the party the boss was on hand to show off its video messaging technology and there were those that use the work out of sight and peter service which make sure your mobile purchases are carried out smoothly there were also big hitters like the search engine enticing device makers quit their. three d. interface there's also the point you start of october which is created a multi purpose after platform and sells its services to any company needing their experience development skills but regardless of the country of origin one topic that was on everyone's lips was how to deal with growing data demands. we are moving through what we call the gigabytes society basically means that we're using
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more and more data on the move. we are believing now that all of us in average will use if you go by her day in two thousand and twenty and you give customers all the access they need russian companies like yoda have been doing all they can to boost capacity with a mind to get ahead of the curve in this state petersburg based innovative company rolled out one of the world's largest why max networks on the globe and given that growing traffic is a worldwide issue they even took their know how in technology it brought up the central american state of nicaragua december two thousand and nine saw the launch of their four g. network in capital managua and since that time they also grabbed a foothold with y. max networks and improved however since all that work there's been a major shift in the world of mobile internet just by its initial advantage appears to be losing the fight against top incoming l.t.e. . we plan to migrate our existing one math network over the next few months.
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to l.t.e. as well as washington studios so we're presently in the progress of. launching novosibirsk and we will. look to swack moscow in the very near future. and we have sochi across the north and st petersburg and. you know periodic way after that you know there's still a good amount of debate as to the relative and edges of why mexico t.-e. the two seem to offer roughly equivalent. and despite the lean towards it. t.-e. is actually considered by the international telecommunications as a technology. like higher potential speeds in the future and lower latency operators around the globe decided that l.t.e. is the way to go and the other early adopters of technology. existing links and launch
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a brand new. pressing need to do so. their traffic in russia is huge our network of macs. has. one characteristic of data compared to other countries. if you compare to two or three g. networks. you know our capacities are someplace in the neighborhood of one point. two terabytes per subscriber per. use of data so. that's going to two and three g. beds. so you know l.t.e. will give us new opportunities to expand that will give us much more greater here. and originally it looked as if all the top operators and russia were going to hook up and develop the major l.t.e. networks together all those plans for when you buy system have since fallen by the
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wayside. and megaphone are still plenty piggybacking off of the. exchanges for access to the eventual network. one of russia's so-called big three operators in ts has decided to go it alone and is developing its very own l.t.e. network. and that's expected to come to moscow this april with further expansion plans to other cities in the following months. of the company's technicians watchful eye on traffic flows. along with the existing two and three g. once here station in central moscow the company issued its. serious competition those it in ts hope that in terms of l.t.e. size doesn't matter as a major integrated operator with serious second and third generation network infrastructure already in place we'll be able to rollout on new networks much more quickly it's no secret that at least initially l.t.e. networks will be relatively limited in their coverage in situations where all four g.
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network is unavailable will be able to give our clients and use the opportunity to take advantage of all our networks about cheney asleep in the so-called seamless mode where you can switch from one network to another without losing your connection and in order to offer such an instruction service for more pay stations like this have to be installed that's because the l.t.e. network in russia will require significantly more really points. in moscow alone several thousand stations are to be equipped or it hasn't been officially announced nokia siemens networks has been chosen to provide the necessary equipment for moscow and that hardware will be produced right here in russia at the company's facility in thomson nokia siemens has opted to rely on the country's solid engine european research base to help design many of the company's newest products and that's something the exact same as worked out quite well. i am happy to be counted among the leaders at the very least where the first to have launched a planned operates according to the specific needs of russia and countries of the
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c.i.s. i'm not able to disclose any names at the moment but we're already have two large l.t.e. contracts for russia i think it's solid evidence that our strategy has been successful i think it is. one of the reasons the company has done so well is that they teamed up with a top micro chip maker out in a high tech hub in siberia that encourages investment in the country's engineering and production base with over twenty years experience mostly superfast semiconductors gives nokia siemens something that other partners simply couldn't for example a russian for business. every year. on the world.
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as we speak right now i. mean. all of the. other things on people's minds in barcelona the beautiful weather during the congress was just begging for visitors to go out in the city. to see first. street. has never been easier for more convenient. in the. technology continues to develop. a few probing questions still we know whether they eat mcdonald's.
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city. or one of the newest such. congress. in the field. has expanded. to a skilled team of several hundred strong. is the kind of program that's similar. according to these developers taken by serious usefulness with a little fun instead of a simple black screen they have a whole host of characters with which to interact. we all sorts of animated characters such as girls kid pets and all kinds of other personalities that the user can interact with so they can have a range of moods from good to bad and can hold various conversations we focus more
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on entertainment. rather than on functionality. it's quite an ambitious task to try and make something better than apple so we have a lot of work ahead of us. but what we're trying to achieve is not to be better but to be a bit different. so in an effort to make it more fun and perhaps more interesting the team has created characters like brazier for the particular company there are others like the charm spoony armed with the latest voice recognition technology this helpful little guy to field all your requests with a simple command you can see people dressed in the latest news and make further suggestions based on your reaction to what has already shown you also give you an early heads up about the weather so you will be stuck in the rain with no one. if you're looking to kill a little time or when for friends in real life we can show you new video to make the time fried by. another ever friends app to still work in progress
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but they're doing all they can to add new features for example designers here i freeze offices in st petersburg are currently working to come out with new personalities different wardrobes and expanded functionality it's more interesting for people like me are the plans to come out with real time rendering a three d. interface and improvements in artificial intelligence. also constantly working to better their l u h t m l five piece voice recognition software but despite the early success they're confident that the best is still yet to come. posts nearly one million subscribers in just the first six weeks that it's been on the market and it currently has the highest rating with a score of four point six out of five among similar products on the market which are as yet few in number but keep emerging a lot of animated characters and they will be able to do all sorts of things including assisting you with shopping you'll be able to tell them. all
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this will be available through voice. and as they kid track of your preferences and interests they'll be able to suggest things like what to do in your free time also for instance if you have a child. to his or her birthday and can suggest a gift appropriate for the child i age. book and also recommend a seller that can deliver right so you are not of the century that is that behind every blonde looks of beast interested mostly in you spending money but seriously most roads in the world seem to lead to retail many of the latest programs including those from high freq look to match potential buyers prospective retailers the company's deal hunter app for example not only shows you nearby stores and restaurants but to those with special deals at the moment there's also a pair of apps to get you in the air they're smart of programs can help you find temporary sales as well as compare prices for flights in general certainly useful
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for you and me but even more so for the sellers taking part. in retail technology. or near field communication and the ever active team that i free is visiting themselves here as well earlier this year they signed a partnership agreement with the semiconductors though i freeze goal is to find solutions for. infrastructure an application in russia like these interactive ads for the basics of this technology have been around for a while but only recently has it found its way into our very pockets. so what we have today is big. between the emergence of an iffy and smartphone going for it we're going to have additional smartphones for example there are forty eight smart phones on the market today within a few technology and that way through and you know tens of millions of units last year the estimates are between thirty to forty thirty five forty million units going into next year we're talking about something in the estimates of seventy four hundred million units or the market analysts and then as you go forward you'll see
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the higher tax rate are going to see not just in the smartphone devices but also in the fabric of well as the number of compatible devices grows so too will the companies investing in the necessary infrastructure as i free show room highlights there are more uses than you might expect. a mobile phone is better than a plastic card because it has a screen and it can use a wireless connection to upload applications and there are a variety of areas way you can use these mobile phones in plastic cards but it never fails since using n.f.c. to pay at a vending machine is simple well you have to do is most of the relevant application include the make payments i call and then you put your phone next to the receiver and the retail operation is carried out because the more i can use my mobile as a pos through ten stalls i just let the receiver scan and then walk on through. my laces project is the only one school company which provides a kind of service was simply to schools a student receives an id card which serves as
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a pulse for entering and exiting the school students parents and notified via text message each time they come in or leave and students can also use the same concept pay for lunch the school will also know how many students are there that day and therefore how many emails they need to prepare for the prospects of n.f.c. technology come from the fact that it's a universal instrument for making payments and keeping track of assorted discounts and other applications offered to an individual before they were able to usual mobiles wireless connection to upload electronic documents a money various discounts etc etc we had this technology will become a universal to the in the future will become quite commonplace. technology. company tronics manufactures.
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different frequencies. another.
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team are working to put the power. to. work in a new way simply by downloading the good roads after anyone can help in a school of forty spot bad roads more quickly and ideally more effectively and it's something we can all help with just by going about their daily routines. do you remember that we need to get the gaming component done by april.
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also we have to drop the game logic and estrus long to finish drawing older vehicles yeah after graduation we'll have more time to get it done. was that one there was the yellow one. simple idea to harness pocket size computing power spring from a project here at the st petersburg state polytechnic university. as you drive around with your smartphone a sensor was called an accelerometer takes readings noting the vibrations caused by bumps or potholes through application put such information into a file of their server words integrated with a map based on g.p.s. readings all this at a fraction of the cost of traditional methods. the right number of ways to monitor roads such as photo monitoring and laser monitoring which is special mobile laboratories that and cost up to one million dollars. one of those other certainly
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options is this more vile laboratory operated by the russian company radio and it drives around gathering useful data about the roads themselves as well as just about any other site using digital cameras on the top of the vehicle that records information about the surface below the collected data are available for an operator. fitted with a. system which allows all the info to be synchronized. and produced by the company which means they could be fitted to be attached to anyone. labs at least also use an accelerometer they're basically big boxes on wheels. and strive. to do the exact same thing that i was a mobile phones are capable of doing. all of this young. bodies
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are going to be. innovators and. that's why it's important for them to find their algorithms and programs as much as possible. and the more information that comes in from app users the more accurate their measurements will be considering that russian federal authorities around seven million dollars a year. costs. program can differentiate between need attention and speed. are more inclined to leave in place. previously these are mainly used for games and other quoits of the things. we've come up with a way to use them in a totally different way. with experience in working with programming these kinds of sensors that should be doing things that would make
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a world. and anyone wanting to make. will soon be able to. program is due to hit the app store on april first. another thing that was evident at the mobile world congress back in barcelona is the rise of enjoying an impression only apple's absence from the festivities. exhibition you can feel the excitement and energy. into a constant ecosystem and with the recent. version of ice cream sandwich it's likely only going to grow. but despite what it looks like it's more than just games for those committed to the further development of enjoy all the apps and other developments are useless if your mobile device is corrupted by malware or even worse stolen as a platform grows in popularity the threats to android based products are on the rise as well just last december security firms will be an explosion in the number
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of programs targeting androids open operating system to guard against those increasing risks there's one russian company that announced their response to these would be bad guys. long time now we've had a product the smart firings which protects uses of such devices. security and this year we've expanded our product range to cover time plates by introducing kaspersky template security now this program is a one stop shop for protecting the device as you might expect because of the powerful antivirus program upon which conspiracy has built its reputation it's unclear parade the latest cloud technology to give you one more layer of security there's also an extremely handy g.p.s. location function so even if you're the most forgetful person in the world you can always rest assured you know where your tablet is for example if you left it in the cab all it takes is a few clicks of the mouse and voila you know precisely where to find it. they share the same platform that is android the way people use tablets and smartphones is
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actually quite different it would be rather difficult to make calls with a tablet therefore. security software include school restriction text message and c.-span features then not included in the program for templates and on the flip side tablets are more convenient for surfing the web so we added a special web access to malicious phishing websites and as a result of the many years spotting those nasty computer codes is one of the best companies out there to keep your device safe they recently announced. samples in their database they see did ten thousand and in an independent test their software was only one of two that identified all the malicious programs in the same test over half the forty one antivirus programs fail to stop most of the six hundred malicious apps like so many things in this world their technology could be used not just for good but also for evil. security as well as all of
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our products employs powerful technology like low level access to files and whatnot were true this technology could be used in malware but of course it all depends on how it's applied. i'm one hundred percent sure that not a single antivirus software vendor is doing that well actually i do know one exception but i won't give the name of a competitor here. they don't use these technologies to hama anyone. because if they do it once all of their business will be ruined over not. so you can be sure that there are no programs or software gathering some kind of information that we don't actually need or information that could be strictly confidential. what is mobile devices like tablets become more popular viruses are only a threat out there for that reason because fears his latest project comes equipped with software if someone happens to nab your tab all you have to do is log into
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your personal account and switch on the program that triggers disappear ski secret mug shot application which snaps a series of pictures of the thief you can also log into a link in a confidential files on your android tablet whatever your preferred by the operating system developers like those you see today will help make sure that you stay connected for every you might be the back and say goodbye to barcelona and the mobile world congress will do next time until then enjoy the right. inuit.
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