tv [untitled] March 24, 2012 10:30pm-11:00pm EDT
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leakage and i'll show you to the extent for much i have a leaky. bucket but this is our seed coming to live from moscow the headlines. bringing trees special envoy kofi anna mae's and also to discuss possible solutions to the syrian crisis has more use sanctions are imposed on the arab country despite efforts by the one to secure a ceasefire. she will first has outrage in tel aviv and britain a warning to authorities against a potential anti-colonial brown a march has come as a man's tension grows around tehran's nuclear program which has prompted the
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sanctions from the who are sending you. to teenage boy that shot that up dozens injured in clashes between security forces and angry food for fans in the egyptian town of port side hundreds of people have taken to the streets of a two year plan imposed on the local team after violence at its stadium in february with more that subject. because the headlines for you up next to the kaiser report crunches the numbers in ireland which give the bank is a slap in the face. or this is because the report the global insurrection against banker. the fuse has been lit we haven't seen yet any major coup blooms yet stacy herbert talk to me max and we're seeing it as part of this global insurrection finally the irish
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apparently are waking up growing anti-tax movement shows irish stoicism wearing thin so this is from the new york times in the saying that the irish have been famously very quiet during all this austerity in order to pay off the anglo irish bondholders the unsecured anglo irish bond holders but they're saying now urged on by promoters of a tax boycott fully eighty five percent of irish homeowners have yet to pay a one hundred thirty dollars property tax that is due march thirty first the latest official figures show that just two hundred twenty five thousand property owners out of one point six million have paid a total of twenty million dollars well short of the more than two hundred million dollars the government was planning to raise to help support public services while this is getting interesting we've seen a lot of uprisings athens for example but there was no real success and pushing
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back the technocrats of the bankers from destroying the country and selling the assets off to private speculators the same private speculators are in ireland attempting to seize control of the assets the people are gathering to people it appears stays here over this could be the first movement the first country to smash the bankers in the face occupy wall street fail athens fail we need a winner ireland could be it and the article does note that is perhaps most signify . can is the coincidence which i don't think is a coincidence but they say it is that on the same day the household taxes do irish taxpayers will have to pay for billion dollars to make good on some of the monumental debts run up by the failed anglo irish bank the household taxes also the prelude to a much bigger property tax that is being demanded next year by the so-called troika
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of lenders the european union the i.m.f. and the european central bank under the terms of ireland's bailout deal or it had to happen it had to happen and one given day of payment to a lot irish would coincide with some tax obligation and the people simply are throwing up their vomiting in their in their mind they can't accept this are they going to be the first country to throw a major banking troika under the bus one of the peasants as some of them are calling themselves is quoted as saying i've never heard of bondholders or speculators or billions of euros in debts but i know all about them now i also believe the government is lying to me when it says it will be used for local services and that's one thing everyone i've met agrees on whether they've paid this or not so they know that the taxes that they are paying it's now taxation without representation they know that it's just a siphon to transfer wealth to an outside body of bankers right this is what's
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going on all over the world the wealth is being transferred to the bankers but here darling you've got this fascinating concurrence these two events happening simultaneously so the public simply knows now it's they can't pretend that they don't know this is just taking money out of their pocket and giving it to the sharks pattering gulag state of casino incompetence and they're choking on it but i want to point out that the word boycott entered the english language during the irish land war. and it's derived from the name of captain charles boycott the land agent of an absentee landlord lord earned who was subject to social ostracism organized by the irish land league an eight hundred eighty so you know i want to point out there that first of all it was an absentee landlord which is what the e.u. the i.m.f. the e.c.b. the goldman sachs and all the banks that are the unsecured bond holders of anglo-irish this is the same exact situation and i also want to say that social
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ostracism is something that was presented here in the kaiser report by looks o.c.a. a french lawyer who was presenting this to the french parliament saying that we should start using social ostracism to get people to turn their backs on bankers and see them as social pariah and it worked in the case of this charles boyd. went to town to go to a bakery or go to a butcher no one would talk to him no one would deal with them and then remember of irish history i mean a thousand coppers to protect these aren't folks from killing the land of course the economics of it it's like you know j.p. morgan had to hire a bunch of cops so that jamie diamond could you know go in and out of his limousine safe fully well i think it's also the two trucks you can see because this boycott boycott charles boycott charles ponzi now a lot of the reason for the need for the boycott is because we're paying off the ponzi scheme operators and who is the top of it but and to tell you the prime
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minister of ireland and his government was saying about this boycott he said the irish people are law abiding citizens and we'll pay the charge before march thirty first we are ready to cope with a late surge irish people always tend to leave it to the last minute to pay their bills clueless and he's in washington this week with obama in his paymasters over their last three obama piles on the prairie as enda mania takes hold so as we were saying before max they're absentee landlords in this case the new york banks. the wall street banks the london banks and here he is in america being praised while the the irish citizens themselves are boycotting obama is there encouraging end of mania as they call it ok when enda kenny met barack obama in the oval office for the second time in as many years yesterday the u.s. president showered ireland and its leader with praise he said the done extraordinary work during
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a difficult time mr obama said i expressed my confidence and his government's ability to get ireland moving again and mr kenny himself there in america said he discussed the upcoming referendum on the fiscal compact with mr obama saying we expect the irish people in their pragmatism and understanding of what the future holds to vote strongly in favor of the treaty so here you have to keep the cations massive enda kenny speaking to a foreign leader saying my people are going to do whatever i say they are going to submit to the foreign land hold nurse the landlords over in europe and he's telling them to the face of the new york times saying they're going to pay their taxes because we need to pay anglo-irish and these people my peasants will do what i say now doesn't this guy look like chucky he looks like that mad murdering little puppet chucky the killer put the clue that's at the kidney oh my god i see chuck boycott chuck schwab over to. the world being invented by matt chuckie's how
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about chuck course imax because that was another praised by obama as well a chorus line rule for fun's new proposal would require a futures firm principles to sign off on transfers exchange operators and a futures industry regulator are working on new rules that would restrict what brokerage firms can do with customer money in the wake of m.f. global holdings bankruptcy last year max you were is it already against the law what chuck corresponded of course or. i mean this is what i've been saying all along this is the monster of the brokerage industry is that we never break the law we only encounter circumstances where the law is not adequate and therefore we ask that you either rewrite the law or write new laws we never break the law there is no law there is no law that if someone tries to prosecute based on a law you just need to write new laws i mean that's best we've been saying all
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along there is no law that applies to of course and that's why they believe they are doing god's work i believe they're above the law they believe they have a god complex because the law applies to them well let's look at another banker in the headline little did i know this guy was a broker u.s. soldier accused of gunning down sixteen afghans is a con man who feds say built the elderly couple out of a million dollars so the u.s. soldier who now claims to have no memory of slaughtering sixteen afghans where did you learn that oh doesn't lloyd blankfein and don't jamie diamonds of the world don't they say they have no memory of slaughtering the global economy well he's a smooth talker who defrauded an elderly ohio couple out of their savings according to finra staff sergeant robert bales was previously a stockbroker from one thousand nine hundred six to two thousand and he enlisted in the army shortly after federal financial regulators found he engaged in fraud
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breach of duty churning unauthorized trading and unsuitable investments the perfect training to become a slaughtering out of control maniac with a gun in afghanistan would bring a broker is all about slaughtering people no we don't call it forgetfulness the term in the industry is called selective amnesia so you want to be able to selectively i mean asia about certain things that would somehow impact our bottom line the stuff that gives you more money of course you remember full detail i can tell you trade i've done twenty years ago great detail exact prices who the counterpart he was home. right but the ones our insider trading i also look to. remember well that's been used by the early over and over and now neighbor said bales was patriotic but angry over being passed over for promotion his name is bales like christian bell so played american psycho exactly resonate in this vein spelling of it remember that scene in american psycho with a companion for business cards one was a show one was off light one had to raise lettering and then the american psycho
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goes home with an axe and kills one of his coworkers i mean the same thing whether it's murdering marines in the field or brokers on wall street slaughter kill maim make but it's all and say well ok finally speaking of chucky he has those raised eyebrows well some bankers were reason eyebrows in the news greenmount an option bets raise eyebrows a heavy burst of bearish option action in green mountain coffee roasters and the hours before starbucks announced plans to launch a single cup coffee and a special brewer has raised eyebrows among some option market participants options bets on a big move up and starbucks shares on a sharp drop in green mountain stock proceeded the news the level of aggressiveness that traders early on thursday came for green mountain march downside puts was very suspicious said alan thompson options market maker timber hill a division of interactive brokers group it raised our eyebrows whoever made these
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illegal bets which the f.c.c. is not apparently has not yet decided to look into but whoever made these bets may three hundred thirty seven percent on their insider trading information in one week now does that cause any harm to the community at large max because a lot of people think this is a victimless crimes they don't see for example they see it like when sergeant bales was defrauding this couple they see it almost as a victimless crime but when you're in afghanistan you blow apart sixteen people and there's corpses and birds carcasses all over the place they say ok that's cause damn. victims but in this case they think there's no victim in this options insider trading well the victim is the economy itself because it gets burned out when you have so many insider traders while operating simultaneously burn out essentially the collateral of the economy with the any growth potential economy so you have to go into war zones increasingly more and more to seed that the bottom of the ponzi scheme so people i mean a million iraqis you know dead to to fund lloyd blankfein ponzi scheme let's be
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let's be honest about it and this guy this marine wherever he is afghanistan he let's kill some civilians to feed upon these games whether it's a defrauding couples out there or life savings or killing some kids in there you know bed at dawn it's all the same oh what happened to them i don't remember that the green room coffee trade that i made through persona we come. up oh the yacht that i bought three years ago yes i paid forty seven million three hundred forty seven dollars and sixteen cents it comes with the spec and then it's back and i can remember things brilliant like what about the crimes i committed i forgot all right ses never thanks so much for being on the kaiser thank you max much more coming your way so stay right there.
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plugs. its intentions. really cool because of. the few thousands of nuclear security. on the parties. room. automatic the kaiser report imax guys are time now to go to germany and speak with enda pendent a journalist a lars schall lars welcome to the kaiser report i makes ok larsen all you have just published an investigation into end sinar training in relation to the attacks of nine eleven first tell us about the original mainstream media reports and what have
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they said at the time about the suspicious training well there was a lot of reports in bare rooms in the wall street journal and other populations which said that insiders of the road tax could have profited from those terror attacks by speculative traits put options call options and such things but then in october november december it went on but there was abruptly over with is reporting so how much have a put option volume increase prior to the attacks and then watch errors specifically yes sometimes six fold for example related to racing on the producer of tomahawk. missiles that were used then in the war on terror but also this was a call options and then there were also put options banks that were
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placed in the w g c and also reinsurance community and swiss re but also arcs. yeah these were put options basically where you bet that stock price will drop yes well in the case of the airline stocks the put up since the volume and the prices and it appeared as though they were reflecting blown up their lives before there were any blow up airlines every miami at the time of what we saw happen in the. and i will after the space challenger disaster those that those after the trade a spectacularly based on an explosion here we saw it happen before the explosion now in the nine eleven commission report also states that there was what looked like suspicious trading but then on course or inspection they said it was a reputable firm that replace these airlines put option trades tell us about this reputable firm alex brown yet was an ex-pro which is
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a subsidiary of the dot your bank and they said that this is completely harmless what would what is really interesting here is the executive director of the cia at the time of the nine eleven attacks came directly from an experiment. no the interesting thing is that the c.e.o. of an expert on the time of september eleventh and the next day he resigned from his post even though he had contracts for three years at express so this is a little bit strange isn't it well it's demonstrate a direct pipeline of information between the cia alex brown where these put afghans are and i believe after the events something like five million dollars of profits were never claimed correct yet different numbers of it but we can say something in between two million and five million yes but it's maybe i should mention one thing
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that there are actually three scientific papers about this stuff one came from the university of zurich much chesney is the leading professor there it's called detecting inform trading in the auction markets and everyone wants to question the stock or you should read this but i was talking about the bank of course is the bank that ended up buying alex brown. what has been their response as part of this investigation it's a don't you think this has. for bank of germany because they had back then in two thousand and one dance magic said that in from trading the kurds in the international markets and question for what it a request to the judge should win a spanking but they stonewalled they won't really have a little for me for an oral information and there was basically that they said well the boards of the joint you're going to spank was informed on this stuff via charts
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and analysis from their own house but they made no real own and assessed and the same applied to other places where i went all did not want to talk with me about this stuff a topic they for example the direction was are you rex which is the future markets here in germany and the swiss futures markets they don't want to talk about for example the results of the scientific paper of professor my chesney. well presumably there are insiders who would come forward if the government offered some kind of protection or interest in finding out more about this vast knowledge insider trading around the events of nine eleven those insiders the mass spoken directly with people of all of these trades would be feel more comfortable speaking on the record if the government expressed interest without that however certain
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insiders i am sure well continue to stay behind the scenes but speaking of a german banks there in germany of course you've also done some investigative work to the gold reserves of the cycle bank and the fact that they don't actually have sixty percent of what they say they have tell us more about that lars well about six to six percent of the german gold is located in new york about twenty one percent are located in london even though the information there is very vague for example the chief analysis of the bill in milan the sperm going in or you know about the lenders banks in germany of ok him a he told me that actually this is very little gold left from germany in london but the chunk of. germany's gold is not in germany it is a new york and every time when i asked the new york fed for example or the board of
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governors of the federal reserve in washington see if they have swap arrangements with the german spank they never ever taught me anything about it they don't even repeat. never really wrote me something they have at the new york fed they have a automatic responses to and that says every time when i wrote we will come back to us soon as possible but there was never any possibility and i think there's a fear in the. bonus bank that if they pursued a topic too aggressively they would find out that the u.s. has hypothecated the gold to back up some of these bank bailouts and solve it all doesn't exist anymore in terms of anything that germany can lay claims on hope that he doesn't think that they're they had that gold actually in their name but getting back to the insider trading around nine eleven and the insiders who profited from invest knowledge trading the airline put options the inside information story in the u.s.
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of course congress is allowed to trade on inside information so potentially budget krongard are you mentioned and other congresspeople and insiders in the intelligence industry potentially profiting from trading on these parts and many of the many millions of dollars were never collected at alex brown deutsche bank from the profiteering that went on from this it's an inside information is legal so you know maybe maybe they should take more pride in their prowess as traders and step forward and let people know that they're such good traders if they're going to have insider trading lars why can't people be more braggadocio about their success trading on inside information your thoughts well i think the inconvenience the fear is that the trades were snorts are organized enough. and this is basically the official story the terror attacks came from somewhere in the orient and were no at fairbridge. home turf in the usa and so.
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yeah it's hard to determine exactly where the planning for the attacks came from but clearly there was enough insider information inside the us ahead of the attacks to at the very least they could have prevented the attacks and clearly somebody in washington felt it was in their interest to profit from the attacks could they put that ahead of the interest of those who suffered a catastrophic loss during the attacks and then it's become kind of the story of the american policy going forward is of the bankers it's a great microcosm of what's happened since then the bankers put their interest in the profits head of people doesn't matter people die in the u.s. or die overseas their profits are come first your thoughts and ours well the funny thing is you talk a lot about the financial terrorists and she we have a terror train as. period oh absolutely and i think this has become the de facto modus operandi of the u.s. and terms of what's going on on wall street this is why i think curious what your
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thoughts are about on the occupy wall street fronts they seem to under estimate the ironic all terrorist quotients operating on wall street they think that by simply waving a placard here and there they're going to arrange some traction i don't think they understand who they're dealing with people on wall street who are willing to profit from nine eleven deaths head of the interest of the general population i'm not sure if they're willing to take that on board maybe they would change their tactics a little bit there is there any kind of occupy wall street thing going on in germany lars but not really that i'd taken serious they have no real crow graham it's like the pirate party that he hears no existing in germany they have no program just improvising and i think the. well that they have good intentions but i don't think that anything good from the bad right my understanding is that the pirate party is now in germany they bent over have chapters all over the world and i know in germany there is
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a tremendous hacker community going forward do you see any any interest in that hacker community building and doing some more investigation into the missing german gold or the option profiteering ahead of nine eleven anything in the hacker community that you that you're sensing. i don't move i'm not really into this but i have a lot of respect for the german hackers and very very good i think bringing it back to the gold star largest population in germany concerned at all that the sixty sixty five percent of their gold appears to be messing you know. their own basically what you have also with all my movement you have. people are not really at. you created financially so why should they care if they don't know what the value of gold really is among central banks in politics into for example why i keep that way i have a focus on the surface because i think that. oil and other
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commodities will be paid in the future with gold but tell this to the average person on the street it will not understand why there might be a connection between gold and oil and such things and this is why i am concerned about this but the general population here in germany know and why should they and they have heard now about this from a rag a real rag good sides and so bad said lloyds and they will not fight tooth and nail that germany will get the gold back no you can forget about this and it would be totally naive to think that germany would get its go back if it exists at all and i doubt the us alright well certainly it's a story that is worth keeping an eye on. thanks so much for being on the kaiser report thank you for having me all right as it often is this other kaiser report may not as or as they say are brought out i guess
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