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tv   [untitled]    March 25, 2012 12:00am-12:30am EDT

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you're still. needs to. make your statements. to. keep my cool street and. take back neal street brick by clicking. the latest news on the week's top stories at previously divided u.n. security council sends a strong and united message to both sides of the syrian war path for an arms in rebel hands to consider the main roadblock to peace. to boost the gunman who murdered seven people including three children is killed in a standoff with police intelligence services are criticised for failing to stop a spike trekking in two years. no end to the strike in egypt pressure football riots erupting portside as a raging fans vent their frustrations in the suspension of their club.
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this is our team's weekly news review plus the very latest developments welcome to the crisis in syria is to be debated in moscow data on sunday by the u.n. and arab league envoy kofi annan it all started russian leadership russia has been backing the special envoys mediation efforts president head of is expected to warn that peace is unachievable supplies a storefront position for instance that says damascus close to the team of experts is probably on commission to discuss the possibility of implementing the six point peace plan includes a cease fire out of both sides is but is there a lot and there is another city backed by the u.n. security council and it's a joint statement washington has described the statement as a positive step towards bringing peace but u.s. based journalist and author susan lindauer. yes there are. one of the
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reasons the violence has continued is that the united states is covertly financing the opposition to bashar assad's government the united states is providing tactical assistance for training military operations it's being done outside of the country just across the border however as long as as washington continues to feed this conflict it will go on but the message needs to start with washington washington has got to stop interfering in syria the united states must announce that it will stop supporting the rebels in syria and they will stop feeding this conflict both sides together must reach a cease fire it requires both action from both sides. i mean. from the syrian being felt across the border in lebanon. reports divisions there oh . it's an arab cd on the mediterranean with it pancham for everything.
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lebanese tripoli looks a lot like it's libya namesake and increasingly it's being drawn into the revolutionary violence it's home to sizeable alawite and sunni communities and with the syrian border just half hour drive away tensions are already boiling over the road separating the alawite and sunni communities here in tripoli is up with the serious street and attitudes to what's happening there the blinds lebanese more than anything else this country stands to lose the most from the disintegration of its neighbor we had another came just a few weeks ago but one night bullets started to flow across the street the clashes claimed the lives of two people and pushed the rest deeper into their ideological trenches residents of these alawite raised money to put out this impromptu memorial to the leader and the countries they consider their protectors. thank you russia
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there is also no second guessing on whom they consider their anime america doesn't like freedom as a euphemism for american interests they don't see human rights of freedom. serious ruling baath party has its regional office here its chief says meeting bashar al assad in person was the most memorable event in his life while the prospect of a un sanctioned foreign intervention in syria is now minimal he says behind the scenes syria still remains a front here for regional powers syria is from maybe half an hour and everything in our. going from labor market. to syria with going from lebanon to syria. from jordan from.
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across the street in a hospital run by a sunni charity attitudes are strikingly different most of the patients here are young men from the homs province and some like muhammad don't hide their affiliation of a different syrian army his take on who is responsible for the bloodshed is not hard to guess. i have a warning for the russian people that if they don't change they will cut all ties with them once the revolution reaches its victory would you still have time to make the right choice but. the hospitals administrator shows us some of about five hundred patients they've treated since the uprising began. allegedly committed by assad's regime amount to crimes against humanity when i ask him whether deval lucian is worth all the suffering and destruction his response is not exactly humanitarian but we have many destruction and now we have more and no
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more than eleven thousand we hear you. i think all the revolution has. some. something. changing to better life to keep it you warning communities apart the lebanese government has dispatched an army contingent to the city parlance resemblance of the libyan capital lebanese tripoli is still trying hard to avoid the libyan scenario. see tripoli lebanon on. and coming up on the program with the main international focus still on syria unrest elsewhere in the arab world is going largely unnoticed this fall and seen demonstrations across bahrain problems but it's being cast by security forces into more civilian casualties in terms just ahead of. us
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war warning protests isn't israel have taken the streets of one of the. government against the tension. french police this week shot dead the gunman into losing killed seven people including four to jewish schools and three soldiers amid mero was killed after a thirty two hour siege of his apartment he refused to surrender and tried to escape through the window with french intelligence has been criticised for not acting earlier as a man had been under surveillance for some time. as a frenchman no jury in descent and said he had ties with al qaida underwent training in afghanistan his brother said he was proud of his actions as being charged as a terror accomplice a political analyst and it's called or says french policies and attitudes towards migrants may result in a sentence of violence. the french arabs in france. are
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really a little later because they are they don't feel like french they don't think that they are french and when they go back to for example they are these guys by the local population because they don't speak arabic and because they don't know the culture so you know wait they are really mediated on the side and they turn to aggression and maybe of religion as a substitute for another culture in france because of sarkozy's police sees it and we probably sees the growth doesn't exist so you have a lot of people saying the prisons would be migrants and they wouldn't feel that they are not welcome so they turn to aggressive actions. one teenager dead and sixty eight others injured aftermath of another right in egypt it's in the military and football fans in rage there with suspension of their club two years it will happen where. crowds streets with only time.
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to pass a suspension itself for those people fighting last month a source and open field of. traffic that disaster. they are known for complacency about making. statements and also has for us just. as the country's truly on the brink. t.j. has no standing law and order actually. that has stayed things are such. that the government is not can control bihari is. not going to come out of its barracks. can try to. very very large work and so the populace is essentially on its own and that means that unpopular decisions are raped
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you're going to get this sort of spontaneous kind of outburst of anger and there is no capacity to control it nowhere is there any capacity to actually prevent the reasons for going there's no central control in egypt now play gypped has unveiled a line up of a goal with a government panel tasked with creating a more democratic i think lucent constitution so subject to confirmation list is dominated by islamists something of the group and so on the gainst just over a year since the revolution there. just changed. khalid telling me i could be opposed to boy for egypt's revolution young educated a t.v. talk show host and politically active he was among those whose protests on the new square toppled the regime of president mubarak last year but like many others who were on the streets with him he doesn't feel things in egypt have changed for the
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best resign we were in against mubarak as a person we were against the whole system against oppression and injustice a lot of scarcity were proven lucian their actions sure they are applying the same techniques used by hitler. the ruling military council or staff replaced hosni mubarak who rejections accused of corruption and nepotism economic mismanagement and human rights abuse but a thorough look at scarfs policies unveiled the situation eerily similar if not worse now you'll get proper us that are suspended with live ammunition in a sort of rubber bullets as was the case in the past you get labeled strikers who get unfair to military tribunals or the courts in the last year you have more than thirteen thousand egyptian citizens who are processed on military tribunal knows that's where you more than what number of did during his thirty years of all of the
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streets of cairo teeming with tourists before their evolution are now considered and see even by those who have lived in the egyptian capital all their lives you can thought i was in the police in the street and even there there we don't really help any. you know it's like a kind of they are punishing the people because the of done the revolution so they're not doing their work there are other work you don't care about what happens and deliberately neglecting. every single crime that is happening and they just did chose to turn their back and some believe revolutionary parties choose to turn their backs on the military council questionable policies seemingly comfortable with the way things are. and so a lot of revolutionary forces sided with the military council and charlie congeals and for evolution which was even more ground and ignore them in the hands of the most of the political elite and. actually flames changing. a real possibility
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now is the revolution and drink a second stage this time prompted not just by the young and the educated but by the poor and the unemployed whose numbers have been steadily rising since the military council came to power and the situation is really getting worse and i believe that these people who are really suffering nowadays because they can't even. afford to work to feed their or there are families and these people are really they're going to leave the sky and there's. a wave of revolution if you can what you want to call it like a second wave of emotion but it's going to be really really aggressive and really really violent and bloody is there is that out here square is filled with vendors in your cellars i don't know you and a few tense but from time to time things get heated up again those who have spent their days and nights here just a little over a year ago top of the workers will say their job is far from over and the revolution continues we don't always quite see cairo. because your lot in the
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secret files keeping some construction workers in the u.k. out of a job details of an illegal employment blacklist emerge which would lead to the top of the police. rush for justice annoyance one of the long court battle of the american soldier accused of executing seventeen afghans proteins instigator evidence from the page. hundreds of antiwar activists are rallied in television it thirty's against a potential attack on iran israeli government is a leading cause for a strike against terror runs nuclear program ok painters fear the mounting pressure could escalate into war effects which would be disastrous. has been watching the protests unfold. this has been first demonstration of its kind and it comes after months of increasing war rhetoric by the israeli leadership what protesters here
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are saying is that israeli prime minister has his own election campaign at heart and that is what is motivating him is aboard on this big wave going through this book you love if you the one is that he's sincerely believing that he is. going to . destroy the iranian nuclear program and yes raise yourself terribly cagey in this direction and recent poll suggested that some fifty eight percent of israelis are against a military strike now the manson for this demonstration began about a week ago when an israeli couple launched a campaign on line in which they posted messages of support and love for a range of ordinary iranians responded but they only suggest so if you look at facebook and other social network sites you'll see messages like israel are loves iran we are not at war with the country any rainy and saying we love this well we are not a war with anyone demonstrators are interesting to say that the score by the israeli leadership is irresponsible it will only lead to large numbers of people being
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injured and hurt and it's not clear how or when any kind of military strike with iran will end but whether or not the israeli government will listen to the voice on the street remains to be seen policy r.t. tel aviv. campaign against iran has intensified this week human rights activist is now being used to justify for the economic sanctions this says israel's spy agency was so great a cia that iran is not developing nuclear weapons but political analyst and historian the russian says that won't stop those who are not for war. what we're seeing at the moment has been is the culmination of a long term effort by ron zonen is to force the iranian government into a corner to force them into a position where they're left with an invidious choice having to steer a course between on the one hand seeming to be bullied and giving in and appearing
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weak and on the other hand alone themselves to be provoked and allowing themselves to be forced into a confrontational position diplomatic and intelligence professionals are having their reports having their would abused for political and ideological reasons there's a political ideological agenda in washington and tel aviv to an extent here in london as well to willfully misinterpret intelligence just slant or to spin to use the term that's become used recently to spin intelligence in a direction that forces people on the path to war. rain has been caught up in fresh balance this week as i see waging rallies wrapped into fierce clashes with police throughout the country but the bullets and gas used spears. about. some. cash is also out of the country. you know women.
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some of. them. forces me to. use the rest of thousands and hold. it and this. is the violence and. the regime is the media minority or a group that considers itself a minority religious group facing a majority of the population that are calling for democratic reform so the regime is frustrated that this fact there is now has a new since like last month until today is saying that it's doing negotiations with the demonstrators that is that that is a fallacy it's not true it's not happening i mean there were some contacts but they were not true negotiations they're just saying this for propaganda in order to calm down the international pressure in fact i just want to remind that the regime called upon the saudi army to interfere and enter with weapons and guns to crush the demonstrators who are it happened to be they are the majority of shia regime is
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a minority of sudanese but that is not the reason for the conflict or there is no conflict there are just people calling for democratic reform but construction workers in the u.k. are speaking out after discovering of pounds of information were being kept on them without their knowledge and able to get jobs without knowing why things that political activities were being monitored and some cases being counted against them as not is the recent reports. banned from working for speaking the truth these trade unionists and whistleblowers are fighting back after years of wondering why they couldn't get a job these skills engineers now know their names were on an illegal blacklist. in two thousand and four former union organizer steve hadley was mysteriously sacked and for the next four years he wondered why he couldn't get another full
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time job then a friends told him about so blacklist held by a private company and accessed by some of the u.k.'s biggest construction firms sure enough he uncovered a sixteen page file on himself that goes into detail or it's. political a political activists were proper three or four part it was clearly they were the employers were distributing the snacks themselves much of the information in hadley style is clips from left wing newspapers and union magazines but some comes from a different source altogether the police i was and they're named as a participant. demonstration. this information doesn't come from the employers could only have come from a place i mean we don't agree with employers keep a blacklist it's no legal saying but it could open a whole new dimension. of forces ok. it almost marks of
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a place that working on a building sites one of the most dangerous jobs in the u.k. last year alone there were fifty tested the construction industry many of the band's workers say the reason they're on the blacklist is because they blew the whistle on poor health and safety standards to cut they say construction companies make to increase profit filed held by the now shut down consulting association sued. police are complicit in companies exploiting workers and destroying anyone who stands up to or believe it's or the most senior levels close colluding with the directors in our national companies against people that i don't like because. because we raise concerns. and because of politics blacklisting devastates the lives of its victims highly qualified people unable to use their skills steve
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hadley his marriage breakdown. from a guy from your relationships and. you can't pay your bills anymore the company that held headley style has now been closed down but he and his colleagues believe there are more blacklists that happen yet they don't cover it they say they'll fight until they know the extensive state security involvement in their persecution nora smith. with the world log on to our website r.t. dot com for the latest news video here's some of what's online for you today the israeli government tries to deprive an ancient tribe of central energy supply experts say the victim to a much bigger political game. japanese authorities are accused of meeting e-mails training data crucial to safely evacuating people from continuing to there is a great. details blaming.
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you evidence that the american soldier charged with. afghan carried out his rampage. sergeant bales returned to his unit's base at least once a tweeny shooting spree. and lawyers representing a king saying the current remembers nothing of it after the government has also stepped. in war veteran and activist. serves. as a fair and just trial. i think the question there is you know of. if we look at the have a massacre it could have taken place in iraq and afghanistan for a look at that ahead even mapping her resources where blackwater guards massacred dozens of people and these cases people got off with no deal and so one could argue that these were the people that were indicted i think more and simply thrown under
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the bus and made examples of they absolutely were not fair to the victims and their families and sort of respected surgeon bales whatever his trial was for it to be really fair to the afghan people really take their lives in consideration and so we want to talk about here we have to talk about the parents of the afghan people who are now mourning the loss of their family and the interesting thing is you know we hear that quite a bit we're not really hearing the names of the children who are going to see their parents again people who killed in their beds in the middle of the night and so i say the fair trial it should be fair for the afghan people who are there we don't like them. to some other stories making headlines around the world the. fourteen people here they're arrested in separate compiler wall street protests. for the. second nation's. smoke them to the resignation of the city's police commissioner started out to.
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the venezuelan president hugo chavez has for. the last. since last year. crushing would rather which i think he has in this country he's publicly expressed he's. sincere missed this part. they asked for little more than a tiny piece of land and a modicum of respect for gypsies travelling communities in the u.k. remain the country's most important will minorities facing persecution for the public and politicians and the like reports the new also stands accused of stirring up hostility and misunderstanding. saffir is a victim of racism she's training to be a barrister but as an english gypsy she's frequently turned away from bars for refusing to serve travellers two thousand and twelve two thousand levon this is
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happening freely every day freely discriminating against a race a culture that has a minority that has done. nothing wrong i would say it with racism because you know for example if. another ethnic minority went to a part. and i said i'm sorry you can't come in here because of who you are absolutely outcry severe blames the media the only coverage gypsies get in britain ridicules their culture despite complaints of racism and this was deemed suitable advertising no wonder when public opinion so overwhelmingly hostile your home. wife or a gift if you made your whining around the full story for the people who live in the yard feel sorry for the pain that made it look toward it that reagan is that all right this is. a human rights watchdog slammed the british government for
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discriminating against gypsies and travellers interest need to access. they need a right to a home and to a private family life respected and that is what is in presently not respected in this country. dale farm used to be the largest concentration of travelers in the u.k. housing over a thousand people had been bailiffs came october's a vixen the violent end to a decade long legal battle that's left fifty families homeless. critics say could have been averted had the government provided enough legal caravan sites in the first place one square miles all that's needed to house the four thousand gypsies with nowhere legal to live in the u.k. right now but local authorities are refusing to give up land pledging housing instead it's a matter for them there is a roof over their heads with arkansas if they wish to force them to have your fridge there if they wish to carry on living as they are outside of the law that's
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a lot of work. a roof yes it's simply not an option for a centuries old nomadic culture that's why many dale farm prefer to live outside of a law they say discriminates against them the problem is who are left are allowed to stay so long as they stay within these walls that is the lead. that's left here still quite big it's not big enough for everyone according to the local authority anyone outside of that block so all these caravans is in breach of planning regulations pursuing yet another court order to have all of these people. are the bennett. in london. a recap of week's top stories in a few moments notice.
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