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tv   [untitled]    March 25, 2012 3:00am-3:30am EDT

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latest news on the week's top stories the previously divided u.n. security council sends a strong united message to both sides of the syrian conflict proper for an arms and hands us to consider the main roadblocks to peace. to loose gunman who murdered seven people including three children killed in a standoff with police sergeant servicers are criticizing a grade school in spite of years. in there with the end of the strife in egypt french football riots erupted what so many raging france vent their frustrations and suspension of back.
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in societies we can use if you plus the very latest developments welcome to the program the crisis in syria is demonstrated in moscow late on sunday by the u.n. and arab league envoy kofi annan along side the russian leadership. in backing the special envoys mediation efforts and president the head of expected to stress that peace is unachievable supplies are still flying the opposition fighters says that that's because most of the team of experts as part of confines the mission discussed the possibility of implementing the august sixth icepack. cease fire from both sides of the install of windows none of this leads back to the un security council's joint statement russian however was denounced serious review organization groups meanwhile human rights watch accused rebel fighters of kidnap torture it's.
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question yes that's right activists have asked the reason for this is the nature of syria's opposition groups. in some ways you know we are now twenty nine reasons to distinguish this case from the forgive me of but in one respect the opposition is similar it is not united it is fractionalized seeing it seemingly by by the day of course him syria are in libya you had the nato doing the work of the opposition and then they fell apart and they're falling apart even today in syria they've never got it together so i think. i think that's a major or you know a major problem and as human rights says there are serious human rights violations but i don't think the american people or the american government i'm going to be able to identify with some of those groups as you know it's already an issue in the american presidential campaign asking the question well why did obama go after
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osama and now we're arming you know his people. i mean a lot of variations from the syrian conflict i think felt across the border in lebanon as artichokes on the point carports divisions there were in the senate next term. it's an arab cd on the mediterranean with a passion for everything green lebanese tripoli looks a lot like its libyan namesake and increasingly it's being drawn into the revolutionary violence it's home to sizeable alawite and sunni communities and with the syrian border just half an hour drive away tensions are already boiling over the road separating the allies and sunni communities here in tripoli is up in the serious street and attitudes to what's happening there divides lebanese more than anything else this country stands to lose the most from the disintegration of its neighbor yet another prove a better came to you weeks ago but one night bullets started to flow across the
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street the clashes claimed the lives of two people and pushed the rest deeper into their ideological trenches residents of these alawite suburb raised money to put out this impromptu memorial to the leader and big countries they consider their protectors. thank you russia there is also no second guessing on whom they consider their anime america but. for american interests we can create a great human rights of freedom. serious ruling baath party has its regional office here its chief says meeting bashar al assad in person was the most memorable event of his life while the prospect of a un sanctioned foreign intervention in syria is now minimal he says behind the scenes syria still remains a front here for regional powers syria is from europe maybe half an hour and we
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see everything in our. going from here when on to syria we're going from lebanon. or from jordan from here from everywhere across the street in a hospital right. by sunni charity attitudes are strikingly different most of the patients here are young men from the homs province and some like muhammad don't hide their affiliation with the free syrian army he's take on who is responsible for the bloodshed is not hard to guess. i have a warning for the russian people but if they don't change they will cut all ties with them once the revolution reaches its victory you still have time to make the right choice. the hospitals administrator shows us some of about five hundred patients they've treated since the uprising began. their trust allegedly committed by assad's regime amount to crimes against humanity but
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when i ask him whether their brother lucian is worth all the suffering and destruction his response is not exactly humanitarian but we have many destruction and we have more than i can no more than eleven thousand as we hear you. and i think all good evolution has to pay some some. something. with. changing. of life to keep the two warring communities apart the lebanese government had dispatched an army contingent to the city for all its resemblance of believe the capital lebanese tripoli is still trying hard to avoid the libyan scenario at some point artsy tripoli lebanon on. the main international focus today on syria on
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resto swear in the arab world is going to stop peaceful and demonstrations of course. but it's against us forces and francis terms. french police this week shot dead the gunman into losing killed seven people including four jewish school and three soldiers one hundred was killed after a thirty two hour siege of his apartment he refused to surrender and try to escape . french intelligence has been criticised for not acting as a man had been under surveillance some time. in the center city times or even on the way training can start his brother who was proud of his actions charged as an accomplice with misdemeanors and post season two was not. the sentiments. there but the french don't arabs in france are really
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illegal is related because they are they don't feel like french they don't think that they are french and when they go back to for example they are this the local population because they don't speak arabic and because they don't know their culture so you know wave they are really on the side and they turn to gratian and maybe religion as a substitute for an ancestral culture in france because of sarkozy's past police these economic policies the gross doesn't exist so you have a lot of people the presence of immigrants and immigrants feel that they are not welcome so they turn to aggressive actions. coming up paradox here protesting the propaganda hundreds of israelis from the countries and political bases the governments are building with the war in iraq. petrol prices in britain hit new
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highs countries government their pets for another rise in attacks on police in japan to small business. one teenager dead and sixty eight others injured the aftermath of another riot in egypt when the military and ends in rage they would suspension of their club for two years but it'll have going. well i would crowds work streets were going. to let you warning shots and no gas suspension itself but as a. match last month assaults the. police officers aren't. disaster and the egyptians blame them for complicity with rampaging mobs. and with some and some of these history it west has to be since the country is truly on the brink. egypt has no no standing law and order actually. that those states pigs are such
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a big government is not in control bihari is. not going to come out of its barracks. can try to you know very very large well and so the populace is essentially on its own and that means that unpopular decisions are made you're going to get this sort of spontaneous kind of how burst of anger and there is no absolute control it nowhere is there any capacity to actually prevent the reasons for going there's no central control in egypt now. but egypt has unveiled the dial up of a long awaited government program tasked with creating a democratic and inclusive constitution but still subject to confirmation misters dominated by islamists something more liberal so want against and just over
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a year since the revolution there was all that much has changed how diliman could be opposed to boy for egypt's revolution young educated a t.v. talk show host and politically active he was among those whose protests on the two square toppled the regime of president mubarak last year but like many others who were on the streets with him he doesn't feel things in egypt have changed for the best. one we were in against mubarak as a person we were against the whole system against oppression and justice a lot of scarcity were program lucian their actions should apply the same techniques used by. the ruling military council calf replaced hosni mubarak who rejections accused of corruption and nepotism economic mismanagement and human rights abuse but a thorough look at scarce policies until the situation eerily similar if not worse
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well you get proper suspended with live ammunition instead of rubber bullets as was the police in the past you get label strikers who get referred to militant buglers of the records in the past year you have more than thirteen thousand egyptian citizens who are processed through military tribunal that's where you more than what we're going to get during this thirty years of all the streets of cairo teeming with tourists before the revolution are now considered on sci fi even by those who have lived in the egyptian capital all their lives you can find the police in the street and even in the are there they don't really help any. you know it's like a kind of they are punishing the people because the of done the revolution so they're not doing their work there or their work the they don't care about what happens and deliberately neglecting. every single crime that is
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happening and they just they choose to turn their back and some believe revolutionary parties choose to turn their backs on the military council squashed into policies seemingly comfortable with the way things are. and so a lot of revolutionary forces sided with the military council and started making deals and for me collisions would be even more ground and ignore them in the man's of the relationship most of the political and. fixing things might change and i'm a real possibility now is the revolution entering the second stage this time prompted not just by the young and the educated but by the poor and the unemployed whose numbers have been steadily rising since the military council came to power the economic situation is really getting worse and i believe that these people who are really suffering nowadays because they can't even. afford to work to feed their or families and these people are really they're going to leave the sky and there's . a wave of revolution if you kind of what you want to call it like
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a second wave of revolution but it's going to be really really aggressive and really really violent and loved these days that are here squares filled with vendors or in your cellars i will you and a few tense but from time to time things get heated up again those who have spend their days and nights here are just a little over a year ago top of the workers say their job is far from over and the revolution continues it goes quiet here cairo. well still ahead here in the program a security breach dozens killed in a string of bomb attacks across iraq some cards this is the continuing lack of warning of the left a legacy author no less than inflation. presses business storming the state but if anything simpson after washington's. hundreds of people rallied untelevised to protest what they see is a frenzied drive for war against iran by their own government campaigners fear the
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mounting pressure could escalate into all out conflict effects of which would be disastrous a correspondent on a slayer has been watching the protests unfold. this is the first demonstration of its kind and it comes after months of increasing will recreate by the israeli leadership what protesters here are saying is that the israeli prime minister has his own election campaign at heart and that is what is motivating him to do the bold on this the way to. the one is that he sincerely believing that he is. going to. destroy the. race itself totally crazy in this direction and recent polls suggested that some fifty eight percent of israelis are against a military strike now going to manson for this demonstration began about a week ago when an israeli couple launched a campaign on line in which they posted messages of support and love for a brain or ordinary iranians responded with the only it's
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a just so if you look at facebook and other social network sites you see messages like israel loves iran and we are not at war with the country any rein in saying we love israel we are not a war with anyone demonstrators have been talking to say that the score by the israeli leadership is irresponsible if no need to large numbers of people being injured and hurt and it's not clear how or when any kind of military strike with iran will end but whether or not the israeli government will listen to the voice on the street remains to be seen policy r t tel aviv. campaign against iran intensified this week human rights to iran's nuclear activities are being used to justify a mix sunshines says israel's own spy agency mossad agreed to the cia that iran is not developing nuclear weapons. consultant. says there's a certain hypocrisy when it comes to scrutinizing iran's plans. since iraq we just
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cannot take seriously practically any american there to ration regarding a legit weapons of mass destruction as saddam hussein was supposed to have or iran's nuclear program had put myself in the shoes of uranium leadership and if your country is threatened all the time if the only country with weapons of mass destruction nuclear bombs in the region is israel and israel threatens iran every other day there is going to attack it unilaterally well i wouldn't be surprised if iran did think about militarizing their nuclear program why is it that the united states britain france can be trusted with nuclear weapons israel can be trusted with nuclear weapons whilst israel's behavior in the region even worldwide has been deplorable over the past decades however iran has to be practically erased off the map because they want to have a nuclear program. petrol prices in britain have hit another record high that comes off the country's government well this latest budget which is widely criticized the
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rest of the rich as artie's there are reports that changes business seen as a key driver of this economy. create tens of thousands of jobs at no cost what government could say no to you case coalition government apparently as it sticks to another rise in the tax on fuel to take effect in august small business owners are feeling the pinch fuel over the last few years has really really crippled and crunched on our bottom line but according to the fair fuel campaign cutting the tax on fuel by just four cents would get the economy motoring and could put one hundred seventy five thousand people back in work be creation of a job to take people off the dole benefits and these jobs would be created more taxes going out spending more money etc but they seem to be ignoring this and concentrating on things like. income tax for the rich people meanwhile small business is found so chapman run
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a company which sells an install spence's to keep your pets in your garden it employs seven people full time and runs for vans in which engineers deliver fit and train pets to use the fences the guys can work in hampshire one day and then the next day depending on when the customer wants us personal we have increasing the eighty which obviously is going on top of fuel as well and then the actual fuel duty is well. you can't keeping a screen at all angles forever around seventy percent of the economy is small business the government says it's depending on firms like dogfights to rebuild it but growth and development is out of the question according to sam he says the price of fuel is throttling them the price at the pump has already hit one pound fifty five a liter in some places that's two dollars forty six and although some of it is due to the geopolitical situation including really an oil embargo
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a staggering sixty percent tax it's an easy but damaging way to raise money is actually a very convenient types for governments because it's actually. very difficult to avoid we actually saw. how easy it is for people to travel to work or trucks that might be travelling distance from home so it actually can increase unemployment quite markedly if you choose to it's a problem that bill says down into the entire economy ninety percent so everything we have in our homes offices and shot to live. with you do you see so high whole it's companies are forced to pass those costs on to consumers resulting in higher prices for everything food clothes consumer goods piling yet more pressure hit british consumers north may ot london and where you can find more reports from our correspondents in the u.k. at r.t. dot com including on the blacklist find out why police are leaving information
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about construction workers which has prevented them from getting jobs. and japanese authorities are used to deleting e-mails data to see if the vacuum. trying to. lost. the details of. russia's recent presidential election was the country's first to see what comes install the polling stations designed to help ensure transparency in the voting process can now be adapted for many uses elsewhere. five hundred years worth of life video recorded on one single day was part of electing the next leader of russia but cameras were installed at old polling stations and wanted to or any possible fraud but the relatively few violations were of a shadowed by the entertainment provided. most advanced software
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to the most remote regions of russia if not for the elections it could take another five to ten years now we can do video conferences scholars can be lectured by the best professors from russia ruled. that's just one of many ideas about how to use the two hundred fifty thousand cameras the interior ministry's investigating a police station in cars zein a trim and died from serious injuries sustained in custody a string of such incidents gives way to the argument that there can never be too much money train the all seeing eye all the webcam will make things harder to hide under the carpet and roughest police stations are somewhere craig's have argued for a while we need to come under greater scrutiny and we are proposing a webcam should be installed in preliminary custody cells should be directed armed policemen on duty and in the rooms were suspects are questioned it would not
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violate the rights of those detained as their faces would be hard to read but it will save the detainees themselves from police abuse. meanwhile parents want to protect their children from another type of abuse corruption in schools with the annual nationwide state exams due to take place in june they are lobbying for classrooms to be equipped with c.c.t.v. . it's crucial for us all children during all types of exams on equal terms there had been numerous complaints in the past about unfair competition but there had been no proof so now there will be looking for. work with so many ideas. on the table authorities have launched an official competition for the best broad to use the costly equipment and with everyone allowed to have their say the people's beat rather looks set to stay if you grandchildren r t.
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once you stay in iraq was rocked by a wave of coordinated car bombings and roadside last coming up to fifty people and injuring about two hundred fifty. or so it's a lot it's saying it proved how weak iraq's. thanks when someone. attacks also so as a past thank you mr. international lawyer and he cites this as do something to help the terrorists in the country a lot of iraqis still see their country is occupied by foreign forces there are correct is from many different. parts of society that are trying to remove those foreign forces. this is a ongoing situation that is part of something that started to ten years ago with the invasion and occupation of iraq but since that time because the government has not been able to exercise control over many parts of the country it's very fertile
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territory for different types of terrorist organizations and settling in to be able to carry out violent attacks don't create the mystique and there are still thousands of outside foreign forces going to kill american soldiers on iraqi soil that are contributing he would say to security i would suggest to the situation of the insecurity. well the right to life has come under the spotlight in the u.k. of the two professors are ok to the use of so-called after birth abortions radical journal which published the article says it's an academic discussion and if any of the debate but for some people be idea hits too close to home as aunties i've read reports. surely through pos was eight months pregnant when she found out her son ruby born with down syndrome even as late as that the only advice she got was to have an abortion doctors tried to persuade her sam's condition would be
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a struggle not worth living but six years on the only struggle mother and child have had was ignoring that advice i was treated as if i was just stupid. it is very sad to think that they are the people who are giving advice their mothers they have a duty to everyone a taken and i tip is that like and they don't a lot of them i hate filled out children aware preserving they're not worth saving they're not happening and that really isn't the case but stereotypes just been taken a whole lot further by two ethicists who argue that it's ok to kill babies even after the born the controversial comments were published by the oxford educated professors in a leading british medical journal they dismiss newborns as potential and not actual persons they say killing them so no different to a normal prenatal abortion but critics branded infanticide ask the question is
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a newborn child any less of equal member of the human family than a member of a certain race or of one gender or the other the authors of stoped unethical storm by advocating after birth abortions in all cases even if the babies are not disabled the authors have now received death threats and say they were merely making an academic discussion our job is to publish arguments for and. so that people commit crimes in the long run and some of these missions are very complex and. for example i don't agree with. inclusions of the pig or i would like to defend people's right to express things you and other peoples wrote to respond to them academic discussion or not the articles prompted outrage not only amongst pro-life groups but also mothers of
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children with disabilities who declined the option of abortion definitely seems to be a trend now is to say that you need these children shouldn't be here it's not something terrible it's not awful just because it's not what you imagine it doesn't mean it's not something fantastic because having sam in our life is amazing absolutely amazing sam's a member of his local swimming club and plays football to seeing him here it's hard to believe how doctors can say his life would be a burden i've been it's. london. well stay with r.t. for a recap of the week's headlines and system. of
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