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tv   [untitled]    March 25, 2012 6:00am-6:30am EDT

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the latest news now on the week's top story of the previously divided u.n. security council sends a strong and united message to both sides of the syrian conflict foreign arms in rebel hands are still considered one of the main road blocks to peace. but to lose gunmen who murdered seven people including three children is killed in the standoff with police intelligence services are criticized for failing to stop them despite tracking him for years. and no end to the strife in egypt a fresh football riots erupted in port side as raging fans went there for a stray sions with the suspension of their club.
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thanks for joining us on this sunday at two o'clock well the u.n. arab league envoy kofi annan is in moscow natasa head is a cut in the coming hours is to work out with russian leaders how to solve syria's long and deadly conflict moscow backs the gnarls mediation efforts with president medvedev expected to stress that peace is not possible all arms supplies flow to the opposition fighters for more on this now we're joined with our g.'s peter oliver peter the international approach toward syria seems to be leaning towards a diplomatic solution what does kofi anon want to achieve with this trip to moscow . well kofi annan is going to sit down with president dmitri made good of informative. and try and find a way in which russia can help bring about a peaceful solution to the crisis in syria now we understand from one of president
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may get his foreign policy advisers. the main points that the russian side will be putting across is that moscow believes that peace in syria is unattainable as long as weapons keep finding their way into the hands of the syrian opposition so they want to make sure that they have foreign weapons on forward have the money to buy those weapons on finding their way towards the syrian opposition they could be used to continue island south moscow also want to see a swift halt to that violence and get the opposition to the table as you talk now with the moment the opposition refused to talk with the assad government this is a point that they want to see change they want to see talks to try and hammer this out i mean this is something that's been nearly a year now we've been talking about to see both sides sit down and talk out a solution is sort of fighting it out now. we understand that also it's going to be
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said the president of and the russian government believe that it's unlikely that the group called the the friends of syria will be able to bring around a solution to this now they're going to be meeting on the first of april a stumble quite dismissive of their chances of being able to. do to get a solution. they also they basically want to see regime change in the country something this is a strongly backed by the united states but strongly opposed by by russia kofi annan here today to to for these talks but he then leaves and goes on to china china of course the other u.n. security council member that vetoed the resolutions on syria had vetoed resolutions on syria previously now this comes. a week in which we've seen a team of representatives from kofi anon because the former u.n. secretary general when it comes to diplomacy he's he's pretty much one of the biggest names in the business he said to team to syria to to talk with the assad
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government though after what they described as very businesslike talks. they reported back to him and if you put forward a plan for how he sees peace coming around in syria now that plan will impose revolves around a ceasefire both sides putting down their weapons and getting to the table to talk of course something that strong about by moscow as well humanitarian aid being allowed to get to those areas which need it most a dialogue between these two sides are the same that really we are now looking at the international community saying the. solution is the only real viable solution to the crisis in syria we also want to see the nations with i said because she's with the syrian government and the opposition to get together to try and hammer out a solution into how they can bring around a peaceful end to this ongoing crisis in the middle eastern country right here all
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over in moscow thank you for that report peter. he was has described the u.n. security council statement on syria as a positive step towards bringing pulls out an american activist question washington's approach to the crisis. as we've seen in the past what the u.s. government does is it takes these what seem to be innocuous nice sounding resolutions and then drives you know a mack truck through them and says oh well this justifies military intervention this justifies bombing attacks in the no fly zones and so forth and i would assume that the russians are going to be very cautious about the wording of their resolution but but i think we should keep in mind that no matter what they do with these these resolutions these interventions they always end up with a worse situation where there's much more death and destruction is so forth if there is intervention my position is just leave this to the syrians to resolve it's
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led to the disastrous consequences we've seen in iraq and afghanistan elsewhere around the world where people despise the u.s. and that's why some of us are saying it's time to dismantle this whole regime change foreign policy of interventionism in undeclared wars meanwhile reverberations from the syrian conflict are being felt across the border in lebanon and on a boy to reports divisions there are worryingly similar to the conflict next door. it's an air of c.g. on the mediterranean with a penchant for everything. lebanese tripoli looks a lot like its libyan namesake and increasingly it's being drawn into the revolutionary violence it's home to sizeable alawite and sunni communities and with the syrian border just half an hour drive away tensions are already boiling over the road separating the alawite and sunni communities here in tripoli is up with the serious street and attitudes to what's happening there divides lebanese more
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than anything else this country stands to lose the most from the distance gratian of its neighbor we have another police came just a few weeks ago one night bullets started to flow across the street the clashes clean bill lives of two people and pushed the rest deeper into their ideological trenches residents of these alawite raised money to put out this impromptu memorial to their leader and the countries they consider their protectors like it was going on here russia there is also no second guessing on whom they consider that enemy america's freedom is a euphemism for american interests. human rights of freedom. serious ruling baath party has its regional office here its chiefs meeting bashar al assad in person was the most memorable event of his life while the prospect of a un sanctioned foreign intervention in syria is now minimal he says behind the
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scenes syria still remains a front here for regional powers syria is from here about maybe half an hour and everything you know we're. going from. going from government to syria. from jordan from here from everywhere or can cross the street in a hospice. all run by a sunni charity attitudes are strikingly different most of the patients here are young men from the homs province and some like mohammad don't hide their affiliation to get free syrian army his take on who is responsible for the bloodshed is not hard to guess. i have a warning for the russian people if they don't change this will cut all ties with them once the revolution reaches its victory you still have time to make the right choice but. the hospital's administrator shows us some of about five hundred
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patients they've treated since the uprising began. allegedly committed by assad's regime amount to crimes against humanity when i ask him whether they've revolution is worth all the suffering and destruction his response is not exactly humanitarian but we have many destruction and we have more than i can no more. we hear you. i think. has to pay some. something. and changing to better life to keep it you warning communities apart the lebanese government has dispatched an army contingent to this city for all its resemblance of the libyan
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capital lebanese tripoli is still trying hard to avoid the libyan scenario it's not going to artsy tripoli lebanon. the main international focus still on syria unrest elsewhere in the arab world installing largely unnoticed. peaceful anti regime demonstrations across a brain that has been met with rubber bullets and tear gas prices surety forces are leading to more civilian casualties details just ahead. i'm protesting the propaganda hundreds of israelis rally in the country's economic capital against what they see as the government's goal of war in iran. french police this week the gunmen in toulouse who killed seven people including four at a jewish school and three soldiers ahamed murat was killed after a thirty two hour siege of his apartment he refused to surrender and tried to
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escape through a window french intelligence has been criticized for not acting earlier as the man had been under surveillance for some time in iraq was a frenchman of algerian descent he said he had ties with al qaida and underwent training in afghanistan his brother who said he was proud of his actions is being charged as a terror accomplice journalist barry lando says migrants who haven't been accepted into society could end up being a threat to security. this is been a problem here bars that we sent there as was already used to have been concerned for more than a decade there are probably now probably hundreds of young then mostly women also in france. and i read back on the lot of them but who are french citizens who may have been to afghanistan and pakistan and who may fall similar who leaves then you have the same problem of course throughout europe to italy and in england
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in spain. where you have similar kinds of young people who are in serious economic difficulties a lot of them with the economy in very bad shape throughout the continent and a lot of them living in slums how do you deal with this problem. one teenager dead and sixteen others injured the aftermath of another riot in egypt between the military and football fans in ranged over the suspension of their club for two years and all happened in the city. where angry crowds walked streets with a burning tires while the military fired warning shots and tear gas i suspended it south follows fatal fighting at a football match last month at sa seventy four people killed a number of police officers are already standing trial for that disaster many egyptians grind them for complicity with rampaging mobs lawrence davidson professor of middle east history at west chester university says the country is truly on the
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brink. he has no no standing law and order actually. that is state beings are such a key the government does not control the hari is. not going to come out of the barracks unless confront to. very very large way and so the populace is essentially on the tomb and that means that unpopular decisions are made you're going to get this sort of seventeen years kind of outburst of anger and there is no capacity to control it where is there any capacity to actually prevent the reasons for going there is no central control in egypt now egypt has unveiled the line out of
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a long awaited government panel tasked with creating a lot of democratic and inclusive constitution the list does down unaided by islamised something more liberal groups have warned against and just over a year since the revolution there are fears that not all that much has changed. khalid telling could be opposed to boy for egypt's revolution young educated a t.v. talk show host and politically active he was among those whose protests on the two square toppled the regime of president mubarak last year but like many others who were on the streets with him he doesn't feel things in egypt have changed for the best was merely more than we were in against mubarak as a person we were against the whole system against oppression and injustice a lot of scarcity were program illusion their actions sure applied to seem to me used by. the ruling military council or staff replaced hosni mubarak who rejections accused of corruption nepotism economic mismanagement and human rights
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abuse but a thorough look at scarce policies unveiled a situation eerily similar if not worse now you get caucus that are suspended with live ammunition in a sort of rubber bullets as was the case in the past you get labeled strikers who get referred to little bureaus other than before the courts in the last year you have more than thirteen thousand egyptian citizens who are processed on military wants that's where you more than what we're going to bid during this thirty years of wood the streets of cairo teeming with tourists before their evolution are now considered on sea even by those who have lived in the egyptian capital all their lives you can find the police in the street and even if they are there they don't truly help anyone. you know it's like a kind of they are punishing the people because the they're done that evolution so they're not doing their or their work and they don't care about what happens and
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deliberately neglecting. every single crime that is happening and they just didn't choose to turn their back and some believe revolutionary parties choose to turn their backs on the military council is questionable policies seemingly comfortable with the way things are. and so a lot of revolutionary forces sided with the military council and started making deals and for evolutions was given more ground and ignore them in the hands of the interim most of the political elite and. fixing things not changing them a real possibility now is the revolution entering a second stage this time prompted not just by the young and the educated but by the poor and the unemployed whose numbers have been steadily rising since the military council came to power the situation is really getting worse and i believe that these people who are really suffering nowadays because they can't even. afford to
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work to feed their or there are families and these people are already there are going to leave the sky there's no wave of revolution if you can what you want to call it like a second wave of emotion but it's going to be really really aggressive and really really violent and bloody is there is that are here is where is filled with vendors in your cellars i will you but if you are tense but from time to time things get heated up again those who have spent their days and nights here just a little over a year ago top of the all better cuisine say their job is far from over and the revolution continues to go as cartier cairo. coming up for you on r t the secret files keeping some construction workers in the u.k. out of a job. details of an illegal employment a lot was demerged which goes all the way to the top including the police. hundreds of people have rallied in tel aviv to protest what they see as
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a frenzied drive for war against iran by their own government campaigners fear the mounting pressure could escalate into an all out conflict the effects of which would be disastrous our correspondent polls where has been watching approach us unfold this has been a demonstration of its kind and it comes after months of increasing war rhetoric by the israeli leadership what protesters here are saying is that israeli prime minister cut his own election campaign and heart and that is what is motivating him is of course on this big wave going through his book you love if you are the one that you sincerely believing that. the recall appointment and wishing to destroy the iranian nuclear program this may seem some totally crazy in this direction and recent poll suggested that some fifty eight percent of israelis are against a military strike now the manson faubus demonstration began about a week ago when an israeli couple launched a campaign online in which they posted messages of support and love for iranians
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ordinary iranians responded with the only suggest so if you look at facebook and other social network sites you'll soon it's just like is raw nerves iran we are not a war with your country any rainy and saying we love you as well we are not a war with anyone demonstrators are interesting to say that this call by the israeli leadership is irresponsible if you need to large numbers of people being injured and hurt and it's not clear how or when any kind of military strike with iran will end but whether or not the israeli government will listen to the voice on the street remains to be seen policy r.t. tel aviv. the u.s. has threatened to punish any sanction punished with sanctions rather any nation that doesn't join america's embargo over reigning or oil among those nations are india turkey and china which reacted with astonishment denouncing what it says is effectively blackmail the sanctions however when in fact u.s. allies such as japan or the e.u. which depend on iranian oil francis london
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a director of the insane in holdings ltd thinks it's not surprising this is their u.s. big before and foremost the global agenda for everybody i was. you know with me or against me this is the this is really what u.s. . policies. you put your view should be there if you're not undecided you suffer for its allies their job and do you. set the rules for other countries like china which is not on such friendly terms with the u.s. there is another set of rules so these through create a huge improvement expected between china and the u.n. . construction workers in the u.k. are speaking out after discovering piles of information were being kept all know without their knowledge unable to get jobs or without knowing why and now seems
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that their political activities were being monitored and in some cases being used against them as archie's laura smith reports. from working for speaking the truth these trade unionists and whistleblowers all fighting back after years of wondering why they couldn't get a job these skilled engineers now know their names were on an illegal blacklist. in two thousand and four former union organizer steve hadley was mysteriously sacked and for the next four years he wondered why he couldn't get another full time job then a friend told him about a blacklist held by a private company and accessed by some of the u.k.'s biggest construction firms sure enough he uncovered a sixteen page pile on himself the cause and the detail approach hi i was sorry what political party political activists were three g.
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again things were for part it was clearly gripping the employers were distributing this amongst themselves much of the information it had style is clear it's probably left wing newspapers and union magazines but some comes from a different source altogether the police i was in their name as a participant on an article freshest demonstration know this information doesn't cause their employers could only have called from the police i mean we go to agree with the employers keep of blacklists it's an illegal saying. that it opens up a whole new dimension when those. forces are going for the most it it almost marks of a place that working on a building sites one of the most dangerous jobs in the u.k. last year alone there were fifteen deaths. the construction industry many of the bands work say the reason they're on the blacklist is because they blew the whistle on poor health and safety standards because they say construction companies make to
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increase profit filed held by the now shut down consulting association sue the police are complicit in companies exploiting workers and destroying anyone who stands up to the i believe it so the most senior levels taken place colluding with the guard rector's of no national companies i can see people that i don't like because of trudging through these because we raise concerns around quite right she's an open society and because of the politics blacklisting devastates the lawyers the bits of victims highly qualified people unable to use their skills steve had lee's marriage breakdown put your horse in jeopardy a culture from a guy from geography your relationships in jeopardy you can't pay your bills anymore the company that held headley style has now been closed down but he and his colleagues believe there are more blackness that happened yet. they say they'll fight until they know the extent of state security involvement in their persecution
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north smith o. t. . crane has been caught up in fresh violence this week as an entire regime rallies erupted into fierce clashes with police throughout the country rubber bullets and tear gas or were used to disperse rallies in the capital of manana and some other are predominately towns clashes also broke out in the north of the country where mourners buried a woman who according to human rights groups was killed by tear gas the day before military forces have been accused of killing scores of protesters and have arrested now zas since an anti-government revolt broke out last year they were based political analyst omar in the shall be says the violence in bahrain is one sided. the regime is lead author minority ordered. that considers itself in a minority religious group facing a majority of the population that are calling for democratic reform is frustrated at this fact there is now has
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a new since like of the last month and that today is saying that it's doing negotiations with the demonstrators that is a that is a fallacy it's not true it's not happening i mean there were some contacts but there were no true negotiations they're just saying this for propaganda in order to calm down the international pressure in fact i just want to remind of the regime called upon the saudi army to interfere and that with weapons and guns to crush the demonstrators who are it happened to be that they are the majority of the regime is a minority of sunnis but that is not the reason for the conflict or there is no conflict there are just people calling for their credit. and you can always look at our website r t darkened for more on that story and many others. in the british government is under fire for a hike in tax on petrol which small businesses play well cost short term gain. a. of occupy wall street activists marched to protest police brutality with fourteen
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arrested on another weekend of a police intervention. russia's recent presidential election was the country's first to see webcams and start at polling stations it was designed to help ensure transparency in the voting process but could now be adapted for many uses elsewhere artie's it. looks at what those could be five hundred years worth of live video recorded in one single day was poured out electing the next leader of russia cameras were installed polling stations and wanted to work any possible fate but the relatively few violations were overshadowed by the payment provided. we've drilled the most advanced software to the most remote regions of russia if not for the elections it could take another five to seven years now we can do video conferences callers can be lectured by the first professors from russia who grew old. that's just one of many ideas about how to
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use the two hundred fifty thousand cameras the interior ministry's investigating a police station and causing a trim and died from serious injuries sustained in custody a string of such incidents gives way to the argument that there can never be too much money train the all seeing eye all the webcam will make things harder to hide under the carpet and russia's police stations are so where critics have argued for a while we need to come under greater scrutiny and we are proposing a webcam should be installed in preliminary custody cells they should be directed on policeman on duty and in the rooms were suspects or questioned you it would not violate the rights of those detained as their faces would be hard to read but it will save the detainees themselves from police abuse. and meanwhile parents want to protect their children from another type of abuse corruption in schools with the
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annual nationwide state exams due to take place in june they are lobbying for classrooms to be equipped with c.c.t.v. . it's crucial for us that all children during all types of exams on equal terms there had been numerous complaints in the past about unfair competition but there had been no proof now there will be. york. any ideas on the table authorities have launched an official competition for the best project to use the costly equipment and with everyone allowed to have their say the people's big brother looks set to stay if you are t. more scope. but still to come this hour all the sports nears and. looting of the latest from the russian premier league where former tottenham striker oman but the chant god has finally opened his account since returning from england's first i'll recap the week's headlines for you up next.
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