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tv   [untitled]    March 25, 2012 7:30am-8:00am EDT

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on the parties. thanks for joining us on how to pass the hour for your week's top headlines here on r.t. the previously defined in un security council sends a strong and united message to both sides of the syrian conflict the call for an arms in rebel hands are still considered to be one of the main road blocks to kate's. it's a lose gunmen who murdered seven people including three children is killed in a standoff with police and intelligence services are criticised for failing to stop them despite tracking him for years. and now into the strife in egypt with fresh
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football riots erupting and portside eat as raging fans burn their frustrations with the suspension up there. up next on our see our special report mates activist fighting for nuclear disarmament and nonproliferation. the nuclear age is the first sixty years. i can describe exactly how an underground test was. there were three two one zero almost you couldn't hear anything there was no noise at all the ground lifted up. we live under the threat of increasingly sophisticated weapons. in two thousand one hundred. treaty. signed on to a statement providing for an unequivocal undertaking to the total elimination of nuclear weapons it has been set back by principally the united states but not alone
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russia france china the u.k. all have their share responsibility. disarmament agreements are not being honored. what is happening now it is that their role is intact the trees are able to write a draft should over international law because there is insufficient body of protest from within that country ordering them to these basic principles. french polynesia and the rest into the midst of the nuclear tests. we accompanied them to ground zero with guns pointed ready to fire who are we going to fire at. i wonder who clearly crabs grab them. yet we can maybe there was a russian or american invasion nigel no end of the cold war and the going away of the soviet union many people thought that nuclear weapons disappeared so a lot of the people who were at their best under saddam and issues and moved their
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activism to the environment or fighting globalization or other issues and no one today is fighting in the streets for disarmament and nonproliferation it danger is growing with the anti-nuclear movement wake up. america was not the only western power to consider the pacific islands far enough from home to use for practicing nuclear war. in one nine hundred sixty six french polynesia out of more meaning the great secret became france's marshall islands for thirty years this earthly paradise showed under nearly two hundred nuclear explosions but more also became ground zero of the anti-nuclear movement.
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gloria cannot overcome the fact that her country collaborated in the development of the atomic bomb. and indeed general de gaulle sounded french polynesia is proud to be part of what france will become weak that is to say imagine a clear power. but to me that is disgusting. and one of them alone was imposed on us don't go off it you might in fact she makes us guilty too yeah for we are victims but we're also responsible for what's happening to us and for what might happen if france were to use its nuclear weapons. and i find that unforgettable and. behind this image of paradise like the secret that surrounds the testing and rips
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apart the people of french polynesia here economy is dependent on france and the subject of nuclear testing remains taboo but this doesn't stop more air. bristow mood right now. that i'm thinking of my children's future. was summoned to the tiny territory a tiny country before but we have a high percentage of people suffering from pirate long and bladder cancer. and it's frightening to know all that. with the help of her husband that he should teacher and mother of two uses the internet to broadcast an image of her country one that is rather different from those in the travel agency brochures. election ballot in cuba he decided to speak out about the nuclear issue because it's part of our contemporary history and it is disrupted our
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society since the sixty's. now we suffer from the bills of a modern society yes we tell our son about our country's history but when he asks us. there is some tax we were just talking about nuclear testing with a lottery yes he was wondering why they did the tests here and not in france. we explained that we are in the middle of a big ocean can be and there are only two hundred thousand inhabitants. no good it's also fewer people are likely to be affected. yes. my father is a vice president of the independence party. and he has been involved in the any anti-nuclear demonstrations. just what am i going to say to them when they ask what
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did you do to get my country into this situation it's on that's what i worry about . we were the atom bomb generation. through play football paddle your boat stance and have a good time don't worry about anything else will look after your country. france is keeping its nuclear arsenal because it needs the nuclear deterrent to discourage various threats to its vital interests. that is the doctrine that was a stablished in the sixty's and it is still valid today. that the leaders of the church and i've been one since one thousand nine hundred sixty three have never agreed with nuclear testing. but if we cannot agree to weapons of mass destruction this and so must it's not possible they are fine it's not just since the french tests we were against the american nuclear tests in the marshall islands
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a washout. long before france in one nine hundred forty six the united states and then great britain chose the pacific to conduct their testing but their tonic mushroom clouds were poisonous radioactive debris fell on to the surface of the earth and threaten the health of people all over the planet in one thousand fifty eight campaign for nuclear disarmament organize the first world wide grassroots opposition in one thousand nine hundred sixty three under the pressure of the peace movements the two western powers and the u.s.s.r. signed an agreement banning atmosphere testing france was i'm concerned and continue to detonate bombs suspended from the police. by nine hundred seventy four forty six pierced the atmosphere of french polynesia the word environment was still alien to the french however this was not the case for greenpeace or the campaign
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against the french was conceived during the first campaign against the united states because the united states was testing nuclear weapons but was testing them underground and france was still testing weapons in the atmosphere. in one nine hundred seventy one small thank you for basically decides to stop all nuclear testing and pacific soon greenpeace departs for more they find an ally in new zealand where fallout from the french testing has been detected on its soil. new zealand pass a completely international court of justice and wins. france is forced to renounce atmosphere testing but there is still another option the era of french underground testing begins it will last more than twenty years. you don't actually need to do any tests once you've configured it recently well from a physicist point of view there is no chance that it won't explode the problem is therefore to figure out exactly what conditions it's going to explode and with how
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much part which is a ridiculous justification since the purpose of a bomb is to kill people women and children so to achieve that goal you don't need to be a perfectionist i call him uncle because i've known him since i was little but i never knew she worked on moral. issues i told my superiors i want to be protected why are they protected i'm fine with my khaki police uniform shorts i can't be all that. he and the military personnel were covered from head to toe with a sheet. what about us polynesians in what about us it's not the same bomb on we're tougher when. we're tougher so we can take a dose of radiation i don't know maybe it's from eating tarot or who knows. diplo the only one i deplore is when some polynesians played
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a card about the french injecting billions here. in the force they say take advantage of it and don't go around talking nonsense. and you've got to end your association tato it's really a very honest. two thousand and one wasn't it uncle. last year head to the presidential dissociation all and all ham on the radio he was appealing to young people is a religion them to take a greater interest in the nuclear problem. so that's how we joined the socio. nucular test here devastated polynesian society not just in terms of health the environment and other things. the structures of the society were destroyed. but doesn't mean to stop the tests no jobs no money no economy will all starve that
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was the government's message. and if you were against the bomb your father or uncle worked at the site and they didn't want to protest against the bomb because that's a real rift in the family even between father and son this means i became aware of when i was about twenty four. my father went sort of crazy. he said take your wife and daughter and get out i don't want to see you anymore. and i was a teenagers then. and i said to myself who are the real crazy ones that are. all the ones who are against nuclear testing so all the ones who supported him. because my classmates for example were saying oh yeah and you clear testing so it's
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a bomb that explodes that's it. only when you hear about an activist getting arrested by the police and thrown in jail or be an illegal you meet them and i think that in her mind she wondered why is it always my father. if you don't it's true that when she was in jail it shocked me because i felt that it was too much of a sacrifice that i did you know i wonder if it was really worth it to him to make the sacrifice when others would not yes i was a little angry at all that. you do didn't shoot away on various trips to new zealand with my parents a little coffee i had the opportunity to meet some members of greenpeace the cubans know you can i think they will bring a fish across the ocean to try and start you clear tests and but it would have been
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so much better all if our people had risen up together in protest all messages to move. greenpeace irritates the french military july tenth one thousand nine hundred five while the activists prepared to sail again to morrow of france orders the sinking of their ship the rainbow warrior anchored in new zealand and harder. the bombing provokes an uproar from the international community and tremendous publicity that repeats. ten years later in one thousand and five the french president jacques chirac orders a new series of nuclear tests this time to heat the balance. both up and never actually our first demonstration was in one thousand nine hundred ninety four . as in one thousand nine hundred five if we were both in the airport. and we saw the riot police shooting at protesters. if it.
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was weird it was like watching a big movie screen. because if. it was very upsetting it was a feeling of hate. hate. the polynesian people rose up together and said you know mr chirac please stop. again just brush it away and said something my decision is final. one person one person decided the entire future of my children. my grandchildren and my great grandchildren. states and see in. january one thousand nine hundred six. new clear test of polynesia what turns out
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to be the starting point for a long term research. medium he says in the last tests justified an enormous investment to build new equipment new missiles new bombs the laser megajoules and you aircraft coming so everything is being updated between now and twenty twenty. only interesting things that results from countries like the and i did states. some of the other western nations in developing new nuclear weapons that excites the interest in countries like korea and iran who want to join the nuclear club. two thousand and six is a landmark year the united states the united kingdom france russia and china all we invest in their nuclear arsenals the message is clear it is necessary to their security on the other hand the same countries keep telling non-nuclear nations that
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acquiring nuclear weapons is a legitimate leaders would be fooling themselves if they think that this type of system can continue and we are still living in a system that emanates from the end of the second world war five countries of the security council have special powers and it's even more problematic if these five countries are also the five countries with nuclear weapons so in a sense it gives the impression that having nuclear weapons gives them this special status i was going to have one law one standard we're going to have to do class world increasingly countries particularly golding world are saying that they're not going to live in a two class world. system because of the forest where french we are in our passports and also the french but second class citizens yes second rate and that is do you remember with all sunset the other day. if we had been full in michigan we'd
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never have had nuclear tests to see how that's what i was called back than the last hour before i think that when we were have our independence. the whole truth of all the tests and their consequences will come out because. well it is our people are taken for ignorant and that has to stop and you know we are not ignorant. today we want the truth and we're going to get it for i have always maintained that their bombs were clear that they were exploding clean atomic bombs but in two thousand and six they conceded to some follow up throughout french polynesia. measurable is that i see the camp cast and the stands are test which were carried out the year i was boring. if you and i know that i've had a thyroid problem for two years now. and i wonder if it's connected to the nuclear
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tests i mean this is. this shows that one hundred and ninety six radioactive follow it's were detected in french polynesia. but we don't know the dose. and they're not telling us but they know. in france it takes time for things to be made public particularly with respect to nuclear testing it's top secret it's a defense secret so there's no information at all. the problem exists in french polynesia either as the collective anxiety brought aboard my cycle sociological poisoning or in terms of the code of silence that has prevailed over the radioactive fallout. but our duty here if there is a psychosis it's because the government created it we want to know the radiation dose of those fallouts o's they tell us there were one hundred ninety six of them
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with no health consequences or the truth has to be told and that after years and years of the sadness fear of secrecy let's call it by its rightful name. is lee popular people who live there are worried and rightly so because i think they deserve the truth they need people to campaigning for transparency doesn't necessarily make you a doomsayer it would. in general we have a higher rate of fire with cancer as you compared to some regions it's much higher in the war but if we have a higher incidence of leukemia than elsewhere it's probably due to the calm but that needs to be proved we have to hurry and tick. samples from people who are still life viva easiest way to find the people who worked on more is to tour the
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halls outside the un college department in the hospital of competing. for you i love this here he worked at least in. a repair facility for navy ships returning from the states. and now i have lung cancer he has cancer in his left lung. and up a shirt political he worked on more war for a very short time only six months and the second time they brought him home because he was having trouble breathing. he had three brothers who worked the more war and all three died of this yes. yes yes they died. so this is his wife she has it's my tirade. and it's starting to get bigger look yeah and later it will be here easy but i'm not saying it's because of moral or no i can't we don't have scientific proof but we have lots and lots of questions about it
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that's all i don't want to say that we should be criticizing. it. also in addition to the serious nature of their illness if you say anything they insult you they tell you all you want is to benefit from french money to pay them oh my goodness i prefer my husband to mine and the fact that his illness has gotten worse and i'm going to lose him so it hurts i don't care about money even if yes that's the way. he the four years they have been checking me more each day before they couldn't figure out that i had a kidney tumor. in the other. i am waiting for someone to say clearly your illness was caused by eating too much pork too much of this or that one also or it's because of the nuclear testing. what have we done it
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has to stop them i'm sorry give you a load of nonsense and then just say bye guys don't worry you can eat fish you can grow food and there's no problem. well yes there is a small problem but it's not serious it's clean. water. is used a lot of it just left behind for that's what we're talking most of that. is. getting the water and when it gets in. it could be a problem. what is the legacy of one hundred fifty to undergo nuclear tests six seven hundred kilos of plutonium underneath merola what does that mean. one
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tenth of a millionth of a gram of plutonium can cause cancer. so it's radioactive half life is twenty four thousand four hundred years or i don't care that means it will take more than two hundred forty thousand years before it can be considered harmless beautiful since this assumption that it will not go anywhere which is held by testing authorities i think in more than one country turns out to be not quite right. recent research done by the us government in there about it indicates that in one test site has migrated quite far from the past already within forty years. one of the additional problems that had been discovered in the last fifteen years turned out to be a very complicated substance chemical behavior is very difficult to characterize
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it may migrate faster in the water. than before and so now we have to worry about. you know we have seven hundred kilos down there. nobody knows if more rule is stabilize. the heart of moral is beginning to cave in that's the legacy we're left with and they want us to close the book on more no no never. said so cute to the seven hundred kilos of deuteronomy i'm buried in else oil. and i ask myself is because well it's worth having the children see poor when they're faced with a tragedy. and that's good indeed happen to them. is
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feeling good for now and all it would take would be a tsunami like that. is when i heard him talking about the legacy on judical that. i saw my daughter. hugging and kissing me. and i thought if i don't do anything unusual every one day she'll blame me if you put that's what motivates me to fight the nuclear threat and struggle for my country sing dependence.
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please. let's just say. it's. just so.
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pissed so. was. going to kill started here before going to logan and now it's killing the fire chief. chief. choose your place change your stance if needs to. make your statements. support the and keep my whole street the monks take back all stories brick by clik.


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