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tv   [untitled]    March 25, 2012 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

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day's news in the stories that shape the week kofi mans peace mission could be the last chance for syria to avoid a civil war now russia outlines its outlook of the conflict at the pay seven here in moscow. also headlining killing over to lose government uncovers a bigger problem in france as experts highlight the dangerously widespread social exclusion of minorities despite decades of attracting immigrants detailed report on that coming up for you as punishment for bad behavior of barack obama's promise to north korea if it goes ahead with its controversial satellite launch.
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of its eight pm here in moscow you're watching the weekly here in r t a roundup of the main stories for most of the last seven days with me kevin no internet and first russia says kofi peace efforts could be the last chance for syria to avoid plunging into a long lasting and bloody civil war the joy you and i are of special envoy and the russian president held talks here in north dakota discuss ending the violence and to get both sides in the conflict to talk i think pedro all of us been following that meeting today. kofi anon his is the all thought a six point plan to try and bring around peace in the country now included in this this plan a universal cease fire. humanitarian aid be allowed to. see if he gets into those parts of syria that need it most also that dialogue take
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place between the sides in the ongoing crisis there now during a meeting to present a beach made good of saying just how important the anon plan could be to the future of syria. for syria this could be the last chance to avoid a protracted and bloody civil war very much hope that your mission will be successful we will provide you with any assistance necessary at any level and then he went of course if russia is capable of providing the requirements. well for his part kofi annan has said did he hopes for russia's assistance and advice in going about putting his plan into place now the assad government seems to be willing to go to the table to have talks so russia have made the point of saying that the main emphasis should be on getting the opposition to get to the table for saying peace was impossible in syria as long as storage of weapons were making their way and
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help was making its way towards the rebels we heard from the united nations is just weak saying that they supported kofi annan proposals really a landmark when it comes to syria being discussed in the u.n. that everybody was singing from the same song sheet however we're still hearing from countries like the u.s. they say that they want to see regime change in syria that they want assad to be to be forced out we've also seen fresh sanctions imposed by the e.u. on syria in the last week as well so a mixed bag when it comes to the response in. the beach to being sung. if you will by the international community now is also reports that the rebels have been receiving not just support in terms of words from foreign countries but they actually be receiving weapons and training on the ground russia has warned against
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taking sides is that the syria crisis has to be looked at also warning against the railing of the peace plan. or a less gets more thoughts now on the syrian peace efforts and talk to sharmeen no one even middle east expert from sudan these college oxford university shorting us from beirut they're very good afternoon thanks for joining us here in moscow as you see just how important is russia's backing now for kofi announced mission. well it's very important russia has clearly taken the lead in africa to help create some time and space for the syrian government to move along with reforms that initiated last spring and of course if the ported have to leave by a number of developing countries particularly with the brics and even some regional players like iran so it's very critical in fact that russia is taking the lead in helping. move into the next phase of the syrian crisis of course is critical as
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well that the syrian opposition get on board and the not all on board it's a very fragmented opposition one group soul ready rejected announce peace plan how big an obstacle is that going to need to bringing peace to syria. actually it might be very helpful because the external based office ition which is largely supported by external players and doesn't have natural constituencies in syria may be completely sidetracked in the seat six six point plan i think that's a positive development. that the plan actually specifically says the opposition should enter into dialogue with the regime and i'm not i'm wondering if that was not. placed there to maybe sidetrack the external opposition who have not been able to get their act together and increasingly are it seems being represented by the muslim brotherhood culture i can see a train of thought. do you expect the side that is government to stick to the plan
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if it is fully endorsed what about that side of it. you know i don't know i think the government unfortunately the amount of pressure they've been under. internationally can only push them into maybe becoming more entrenched there there are positive steps that are being taken but i think how we get through the next month is going to be critical obviously violence needs to start by both sides that is part of the plan and if if the armed opposition to not stop and that's a possibility because they're not one unified force there are absolute fragmented throughout the country if they do not stop the violence and the syrian government the syrian army continues to fight them but all the pressure is levelled at the syrian government you're going to see that unraveling but i think there are some important players have now stepped up to take the lead who will try to mediate and
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i think mediation has been missing here so so there are possibilities for course you know what russia has been calling for all along with the times and it's interesting you talk about all the players in this big melting pot russia saying you don't want to support a man's mission other nations must stop taking sides and i was not going to tell you that with president obama's civil to any use of pledge. not only through as he puts it to the syrian rebels i was i'm going to work. well i think we have to stop listening to what people say and start paying attention to what they do i just wrote a analysis on this new phase in syria and i call it. a new deal making phase nato countries including the united states the european union and turkey are now looking for a face saving exit from syria so you know i think. regardless of what obama says i mean really what does that statement mean it could mean band-aids for all we know
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so so you know forget what the players are saying watch what they're doing that's going to tell us what's what's going on and you know in the back room good choice for a very informed person but a pleasure to be on the program show you know what the mideast expert from sudan to these college talks with university thanks so much. no western nations are being accused of vision on the subject of violent crackdowns against protesters with the u.s. and its allies turning a blind eye to clashes in another arab country later this hour we report on how peaceful anti regime demonstrations across bahrain were met with police rubber bullets and tear gas that led to more civilian casualties. u.s. president barack obama has threatened to punish north korea for what is described as bad behavior his comments were made in the south korean capital seoul of a nuclear summit which kicks off on monday referring to a plan satellite launched by pyongyang next month which many fear is
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a disguised missile test thoughts on this the now from steven lemon current affairs radio host and author stephen fellow partner says north korea will achieve nothing by threats or provocations interesting he says that would you assess is comments about punishment oh. you know if you were you. there's no matter whether he did he hear it. in europe they were going he was complaining about the nation what if there is wrong with north korea or anybody else. he. was the one just the way that if you will marriage and it will incorporate what it all it is their way it was you would clean up the evil that your it's. your just being to where. you really do go to be more green missiles. were watching you will never lose korea
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north korea has been a target of what he. says he will do you know of course the backdrop to all this is well the nuclear summit kicking off for monday but arrived earlier in the day visited that demilitarized zone. to the two koreas heavily militarized as it is along a number of meetings that he held there what are america's interests in the region right now can you sum it up for us briefly oh i can sew it up one word share our shadow china is growing and showing ours economically you know they have a good and years it will equal or surpass america you only hedging of years in corporate boardrooms sure who the world's no one hero but our chairs are also or very bloated. military. means speech if you want to go over the highway or to cry to the world. needs each other with presence if the middle
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east is not enough or bottle or so people are more in the other area he say east asia we have one country and we're in this chair or shy you know that america is. a very this is mean troops we're rains i believe in austria oh twenty five hundred they believe very controversial new york based. in korea koreans have been protesting for most of our. they want nothing to do it china knows what's going on china is the target korea is the poaching there stephen couple of quick last questions for you but it looks like there's an unwillingness to talk on all sides then why and who's benefiting from the stand awfully kind of just answered it just now but they they want this one hour so i'm going to ask you why who is benefiting most well what benefit most you need it needs
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through a scale of. go three is a very easy to career into or preserve regime is for clues it's so easy to call the career of a threat to the region north korea has the threat of anybody since it became north korea when they were divided up and it was the soviet russia. was a terrible idea yet now was the i did he came back to get thirty year war the war was all called a real war. in south korea we gave it it was true as war kills so much blame for it it was wondered this really is the best region people like rose. don't know untold story right well the war against korea never really ended kiran it goes on daily and now it's about who
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start developing your technology well that your people starve will cancel of you lou we agreed to a mate with you instead of for starving people so it will be ordinary korean people who. are in a vehicle just before. it goes on we're a third grader still it's a rare breed serious a pretty state where a lot of you is that want to question our. kind of assume that would be the i'm so thankful for thanks for putting it so succinctly stephen leatherman a radio host and author much appreciated. now during his visit president of words for rad saying the window of the clothes you see is closing over its nuclear program the site of military bases is the only remaining option in a few minutes we hear how the fighting talk could lead to catastrophic consequences . during a tense thirty two siege this week french police shot and killed the gunman into losing seven people the house killed three children and
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a teacher. the jewish school as well as three soldiers a frenchman of all jury has said was shot more than twenty times for officers as he tried to escape through his apartment window he claim ties to al qaeda and underwent training in afghanistan french intelligence had been watching for some time when it's being criticized no very been criticized of not acting earlier his brother who said he was proud of me as actions was in court on sunday and is expected to face charges of being an accomplice but regardless that it's called will told his friends his attitudes towards migrants made lead down a path of violence. the french arabs in france are really a little is a latent because. they don't feel like french people think that they are french and when they go back to for example they are despised people look old population because it will speak and because they don't know the culture so in
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a way they are really hated on both sides and they turn to aggression and maybe religion as a substitute for culture in france because of sarkozy's past police seize economic policies the the gross doesn't exist so you have a lot of people we sink into prisons of the immigrants and they would feel that they are not welcome so they turn to aggressive actions. as friends continues to reel from the deadly attacks pakistani intelligence says dozens of french muslims are following it for us for the steps and training with the taliban but more about on our website r t v dot com. one teenager has been shot dead and sixty eight others injured in weekend violence in egypt the military clash with thousands of football fans in the city of port furious over two years suspension that's been slapped on the club that decision followed the worst stadium disaster in egypt's history which saw seventy four people killed last month police officers have been
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charged over the tragedy with many egyptians plain black security middle eastern history professor lawrence davidson says the big no clear end the violence because no one's taking charge of the situation. egypt has no no standing law and order actually. that is a big serious search that the government is not can control the army is. not going to come out of its barracks. confronted in a very very large one. and so the populace is essentially on its own and that means that when unpopular decisions are made you're going to get this sort of spontaneous kind of outburst of anger and there's no has the you control it and nowhere is there any has to be to actually prevent the reasons for going there's no
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central control in egypt now the fragile process of creating a new constitution is already hitting the buffers i thought make a storming out of a key part of entry vote but who will draft it the power will press sagar this later this week he even though liberal m.p. say the group dominated by islamists is that is a ridiculous call reports next the squabbling is another sign for gyptian is that the year old revolutions gradual hope khalid to lima could be a poster boy for egypt's revolution young educated a t.v. talk show host and politically active he was among those whose protests on through square toppled the regime of president mubarak last year but like many others who were on the streets with him he doesn't feel things in egypt have changed for the best. and against mubarak as a person we were against the whole system against oppression and injustice a lot of scarcity were programmed illusion their actions sure they're applying the
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seem to me used by here. the ruling military council or staff replaced hosni mubarak who rejections accused of corruption and nepotism economic mismanagement and human rights abuse but a thorough look at scabs policies until the situation eerily similar if not worse now you get proper that are suspended with live ammunition instead of rubber bullets as was the case in the last you get the war strikers will get referred to military three brothers other then before the courts in the past two years you have more than thirteen thousand egyptian citizens who got processed through all military units that's where you more than what the goal of the doing just that two years of all of the streets of cairo teeming with tourists before their evolution are now considered an see even by those who have lived in the egyptian capital all their lives you can find the police in the street and even if they are there they
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don't really help and you know it's like a kind of they are punishing the people because the they're done that evolution so they're not going there and there are other work where they don't care about what happens and they deliberately neglecting their every single crime that is happening and they just they chose to turn their back and some believe revolution parties to sit turned their backs on the military councils questionable policies seemingly comfortable with the way things are. and sahar blot of revolutionary forces sided with the military council and started making deals in four evolutions has given more ground and ignore the main demands of the rule most of the political elite and rule lucian areas are looking at fixing things not changing them. real possibility now is the revolution entering a second stage this time prompted not just by the young in the educated but by the poor and the unemployed whose numbers have been steadily rising since the military
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council came to power in the economic situation is really getting worse and i believe that these people who are really suffering nowadays because they can't even . afford to work to feed their families and these people are really they are going to lead this kind this. new wave of evolution if you can what you want to call it like a second wave of evolution but it's going to be really really aggressive and really really violent and bloody these days that are serious wary still but then there's three years tellers i will you and if you would say yes but from time to time things get heated up again those who have spend their days and nights here just a little over a year ago top legal barack regime say their job is far from over and the revolution continues in those courts here cairo. bahrain's been calling fresh violence here this week because anti regime rallies are up to the fierce clashes with security forces throughout the country the opposition claims two people people
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were killed in the breast rubber bullets and tear gas were used to disperse rallies are recovered or. some other main machine has issued pardons for the victims of the violence died after a heated tear gas region forces have been accused of killing scores of protesters and the rest of thousands since anti-government revolver last year global research correspondent for the incoming it says western nations are reluctant to get involved in a situation that it doesn't serve their interest. what is and what is not interesting to see all the at and all of these a need. for the world susan very critical and still serving the jew new bible we has a very selective focus on all browsers and countries and who is all these were synced with agenda to regimes and using this in syria the regime is virtually none of the bridge in washington or london and to the whistle to read it
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is doing everything in its core to try to. prove it is against the other side and regime were as it were and insists that we do that which is very much behind the order to be firmly ensconced third and meant to be and. watching our team for the last go with kevin all into nice still ahead a flash of inspiration for russia's election cameras weeks after keeping a fair eye on the presidential poll we look at how the costly web cam network could open the shutters of a new lease of life. next though the noose is also tightening around iran with the imposing a new batch of sanctions on friday this time for alleged when rights violations it's part of a growing campaign against iran over its nuclear activities even though israel spy agency and the cia reportedly agree that iran is not developing a bomb. experts the pressure could have precisely the opposite effect. since iraq
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we just cannot take seriously practically any american declaration regarding alleged weapons of mass destruction as saddam hussein was supposed to have or iran's nuclear program i put myself in the shoes of the rimi leadership and if your country is threatened all the time if the only country with weapons of mass destruction nuclear bombs in the region is israel and israel threatens iran every other day that is going to attack it unilaterally well i wouldn't be surprised if you ran did think about militarizing their nuclear program why is it that the united states britain france can be trusted with nuclear weapons israel can be trusted with nuclear weapons whilst israel's behavior in the region even worldwide has been deplorable over the past decades however iran has to be practically erased off the map because they want to have a nuclear program. that will cover it r.t. the commonwealth of stories for you twenty four seventh's right now protest an arrest warrant activists see the peaceful demonstrations end in detention as
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fourteen they're held in new york we've got the photo footage of mine on our website also the cutting edge camera that's catching criminals in japan as it scans millions of faces in just seconds we'll tell you how it works at r.t. com. going to which here there are a quarter of million electronic eyes looking for a new lease of life in russia they were the web cams installed a great expense to provide maximum transparency for the presidential election. with a story that next catch up with kathleen koch over taking a look. those videos went viral from cultural dancing in chechnya to some quite impressive workouts five hundred years worth of light video recorded on one single day was part of electing the next leader of russia but cameras were installed on polling stations to mourn and tour any possible fruit but the relatively few violations were overshadowed by the
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entertainment provided some have already done the election and most expensive light show in russia's history. most advanced software to the most remote regions of russia now we can do video conferences scholars can be lectured by the best professors for russia and abroad. that's just one of many ideas about how to use the two hundred fifty thousand cameras and why the russians may still be undecided who they want to keep an eye on they definitely want to control not entertain the all seeing eye of the web cam will make things harder to hide under the carpet and watch us police stations are somewhere critics have argued for a while we need to come under greater scrutiny particularly after several people died chris and kate probably received a while in for. i suggest we should move cameras from polling to police
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stations it would not violate the rights of those detained as their faces would be hard to reduce with but it will save the detainees themselves from police abuse. meanwhile parents want to protect their children from another type of abuse corruption in schools with the annual nationwide state exams to take place in june they are lobbying for classrooms to be equipped with c.c.t.v. . crucial for a start all children during all types of exams on equal terms that will do their tests without help. there had been numerous complaints in the past about unfair competition that there had been no proof right now there will. be ideas on the table authorities have launched an official competition for the best brought you to use the costly equipment and with everyone allowed to have their say peoples big brother looks set to stay if you grab our t.v.
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. just ahead reporter when i was serious troubles reverberated neighboring lebanon to a few minutes the country's foreign minister gives his thoughts on a way out of the conflict about coming up here's an important chart before the could run of the main stories of the week here on out to you as well it's not exactly twenty seven it's prostate moscow time.
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with the end of the core war and the going away of the soviet union many people thought that nuclear weapons disappeared. the risk is not zero that something might be going all finest expression of a council nuclear weapons on hair trigger alert. focus of the victims produced by the as it tricks call as an extra bit you know if you keep spending a trillion dollars a year on weapons of venture you're going to blow everybody up you can you know people are dying from these weapons but until we actually see it people don't make up nuclear weapons or build a new group. that represents all of the firepower of the second world war and this second sound is the equivalent firepower of the world's nuclear arsenal today.
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morning's today violence is once again flared up the first these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. trying to hope for asians are rooted a. loser let's. just say. to sleep.


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