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tv   [untitled]    March 26, 2012 12:00am-12:30am EDT

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farewell handshakes on the fringe of a nuclear security summit in seoul as presidents men get even a bomb hold their final meeting in the syrian conflict at the forefront. to many parties who have interest in the thirty's should be silenced for the. party speaks the architect of the libyan revolution against the luck of the former mt seeley the voicing what many had long suspected plus. it's easier to. deal with a dead soldier than the kidnapped soldier a criticism of
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a controversial israeli army policy which calls on soldiers to avoid kidnap at all costs if it means taking a life that one country. and welcome to r.t. broadcasting live from moscow but with no end in sight it's the crisis in syria is still dominating international attention and expected to be in the spotlight at a meeting between the leaders of russia and the u.s. the outgoing president. president obama on the sidelines of a nuclear security summit in the south korean capital seoul for details on this let's cross now to our tease. this meeting that will be the final one between the two presidents so what's expected to come out of it. well you can pretty much assume that
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a lot of things are expected to come out of it of course we cannot keep our hopes too high but this is going to be a sort of a summary for gold president of course as you mentioned this is the last meeting in his present capacity for. clear about of course of almost space so that the two presidents will have a lot to discuss this is going to be a summary of everything that's happened over the past several years of course there was the restart the famous restart with the red with the button and of course there were significant achievements made we have to mention the start treaty the start treaty which was signed by the two countries. even though she shows that the united states has played a major role with russia's extension to the world trade organization those are the . those are these what you can say are on the plus side of the of the relations between washington and moscow but yet there are a lot of issues which they still need to tinker around a lot of things which russia and the united states disagree on. of course the issue
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with with iran israel and of course syria syria as you have mentioned is expected to dominate the talks of course at this point we do not know exactly what will be said the presidents are expected to meet for another hour the whole meeting will last for almost two hours. of course. we've just mentioned is one of the primary issues on the table. who is now heading the syrian mission from the united nations is was in washington in roscoe on sunday and after talks with the. russian president said. basically intrinsic in order to prevent the bloody civil war in the middle eastern countries you have to remember this is one of the major points where russia and united states disagree on that washington wants regime change they have said that they're going to help syrian opposition and not. away we can assume that they will provide some sort of financial system to the syrian
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opposition and not supply route them with arms but russia says that regime change is unacceptable everything has to be solved by the syrian people the opposition and the current government in the bloody diplomatic way and that is one of the major disagreements between russia and washington and that of course is expected to be the dominant issue which will be carried through the talks between the presidents of two countries of course once that once that wraps up we of course will figure the latest news. is really going to thank you for. well international peace envoy kofi annan is now headed for china being secured russia's backing for his efforts to bring the bloodshed in syria to an end comes as the syrian national council the rebel of royalty claiming to be the country's true government calls for a pact among opposition groups yes and see has been these in support with groups splintering away from it it's now every anti cell faction. in attempt to move
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them back to swing. your positions in turn even for i think only western support. but a lot of the struggle to become a protracted one for syria to take such a particular path is the fact that there's no coherent opposition leadership has emerged and aside from the fact that our political division there isn't one political authority that has control over the armed groups whether. f.s.a. the free syrian army or other groups on the ground they haven't been able to expand their support base within their country and they haven't been able to unify politically and that's kind of what explains this inability to. solid reaction the west doesn't have any in syria it's been very large but it doesn't really have a clear plan of action and you saw the sanctions by you i mean then really it's a real it's a joke it's it's sort of when you don't have any other initiative or any other
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pressure to apply this kind of sanctions on the president's wife and his mother so all of that really is the lack of ideas in the western about what to do in syria and i think where it's significant is russia seizing the initiative. putting on a certain pathway. well sharmeen ally in the middle east expert from oxford university believes that the elements of the opposition ignoring calls for peace may soon for themselves isolated. the external based opposition which is largely supported by external players and doesn't have natural constituencies in syria may be completely sidetracked in the seat six six point plan i think that's a positive development. the plan actually specifically. the opposition should enter into dialogue with the regime and i'm not i'm wondering if
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that was not. placed there to maybe sidetrack the external opposition who have not been able to get their act together and increasingly are it seems being represented by the muslim brotherhood so so so you know forget what the players are saying watch what they're doing that's going to tell us what's going on and you know in the back room. coming up later this hour the verdict on libya's revolution by one of its architects altie speaks to the man who led the uprising against michael duffy the former head of the n.t. so you may think it's hard to say with all this blood was worth it. brain drain from the baltic once a booming economy that fear is running it's frightening best even a different blighted by a government unemployment. a controversial only policy calling on soldiers to avoid kidnap at all costs it's come on the fire in israel criticism follows
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a deal last year we saw there in the sofa one captured israeli soldier exchange for more than a thousand palestinian prisoners. reports it's left many questioning the price pains to hide. its lack time of year again when no one's called dr push he said life on the line for his country. when you go to. you understand you my. book. and six israeli soldiers never did come back another nineteen were returned in prisoner exchange deals for active the kidnapped soldiers was into a huge problem on a strategic level for our country which is why in the one nine hundred eighty s. the israeli army introduced its hannibal protocol it says i.d.f. soldiers must prevent the kidnapping of a fellow soldier even if it sees him killed. some other. ground on my own.
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it's easier to deal with the don't order than a kid loves order and that message was loud and clear last year when israel set free more than a thousand palestinian prisoners in exchange for one captured israeli soldier. and that price said one in five israelis is simply too high but will it force commanders to get strict and insist the soldiers kill a calm made rather than have him captured. your is going to shoot it is going to read its instincts. is the strongest this emotion familiar. but this fighters i'm not so sure he knows the power his uniform has to hold his country to ransom. i would like. to. avoid. disturbing the then cost even at
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the risk of being killed by friendly fire the ultimate price for a soldier to pay for a policy on cheap television. but that over on our website asking dot com we reports on the latest controversy over u.s. military conduct one of the troops responsible for the embassy airstrike that killed twenty four soldiers once a key ally pakistan on the knock against charged or even disappeared also on the day. of beatles the famous on the road album covers only produced in russia and some in scope that comes up with any project for the moment. is. to.
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download the official of the obligation to your i phone or i pod touch from the i choose option. watch r g life on the go. video on demand parties my old girls and r.s.s. feeds now in the palm of your. question on the dot com. accession became the start of a roller coaster ride from that period. just a few years the. growth was then reduced to begging for a bailout tourism remains a major source of income. opportunity means that many of the best brains of fleeing the country. formerly known as
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a booming bolshevik economic gains have massed a greater problem on concerning the very survival of the nation after spending some time drunk on foreign money that is now waking up to a bit of a hangover best as was has been a steady influx of tourists to the country it's also been an increasing outflow of skills to mystic labor. low birth rates play their part but more damaging is the exodus of workers to greener pastures of latvia joined the e.u. in two thousand and four when opportunity arose left his homeland for a job in publishing london especially because contrary to the comics i was struggling to get a job let's say six hundred pounds seven hundred pounds in the u.k. i mean even if you're doing a very very average show you still get twice as many times as. so
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again is by no means unique after leaving many failed to return to low wages and unemployment rates for the poor social welfare system. it's a situation most acute outside the country's glitzy tourist centers this area is just a drive from the picturesque old town. in the city's down trees the contrast is striking one of the semis is a lack of restaurant outside of a key tourist hobbs' one that's lighting the prospects for a younger working generation. away from ri your life is bleaker in the coastal town of your eclectus housing estates have become dens of unemployment with many dreaming of a new life abroad. the problem is where to get money many of my older friends have already left and i'm graduating from school very soon i don't know if our stay here
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after that with the demand for jobs abroad agencies is growing up around less fear. by one such firms oia is finalizing her move plans of pick asparagus on a u.k. farm. manual labor is what awaits many who leave regardless of their educational backgrounds seventy percent of our recruits going to gave them boarding up it's also hard to gulch or forest land falling history mostly doing jobs a lot of people not trained to do they're all hard last night shifts over the past decade latvia's population has plummeted by almost six now hovering just above two million but even with an annual exodus of around thirty thousand people many think the real figure is worse i'm afraid to say that the real there is not a little bit above. the one point of my most part of those americans who are not willing to leave who have to because for the last couple years they were unable to
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find any work. they still have families to feed that's left growing ways of latvians making imprints uproot leaving those all walks of life struggling to see any signs of hope on the horizon degrees thirty latvia. from the demise of colonel gadhafi to abandonment by the west that is exclusive interview with real man widely credited with spearheading the rebellion against colonel gadhafi. brussels forum on global security the former head of the m.t.c. office a widely different take on just why he was killed there are too many parties who have interest there he doesn't talk he should be silenced for over. who is trying to buy time. he sent to leave and that's when you use one of them was bush
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who was sent to france who were. providing some sense of. what he called with the solution whether he was killed by a foreign entity or killed by libyans who are libyans and they are from others i really don't know but what i'm saying is that many parties who have a real interest. just keep silent for it. i think what's that if you're in for about fifteen minutes time. some more international news in brief for you now is the best political forces in egypt have secured a majority in the one hundred member panel cast drafting the country's new constitution because the side of the parliament boycotted by the room minority which accuses it is a list of monopolizing the drafting process secular and liberal groups now favor religious majority will use their own islamic society previous constitution was no last year
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by the rule of the military which took charge of the coverage revolution. thousands have attended an anti us rally and moon pakistan organized an islamic political party training criticize. us for initiating talks with eternity but also threatened to resist any moves by their governments around nato supply routes through the country to resume. crossings are closed last november and usa strikes twenty four pakistani troops. ali foreign minister and thirteen other high ranking of the titians detained after last week's summit could have gone on hunger strike that's according to its brothers soldiers lead on middle ranking u.s. trained officers surrounded the president's palace on wednesday if you like the introductions were due in april but the military says seize control to most in
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order to be from tree falls. later on today in the people of l's cross-talk heated debate but another volatile country africa uganda controversial documentary film the twenty twelve. discussion at seven thirty am g.m.t. here's a preview for you. the film should have been accurate in terms of the portrayal of uganda today if you wanted to talk about it historically it should have been clear that it was a store corporate royal but instead they presented all the facts as if their current and that that and the messaging may call me famous were the two fundamental flaws i think of i'll call it twenty two hour video but i but i also think from the point of view of looking at us policy that we should not be equally simplistic all they're just trying to chase. all their children militarised.
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go ahead go ahead julie jump in paris. we're just we're not being simplistic we're saying that efforts are not made where they should be i mean in my opinion like a sad it is high time for us these africa either then a simple stock of natural resources it's also. a potential economic potential that should be embraced also so that's what i'm saying we're not being very think think that it's it's a reality. the car will take the metro that's the only dilemma for millions of residents and more so with the traffic and slew of tubes completely packed tell us what he's trying to screen for trust from the onset of the daily commute conundrum. they both believe home early. it's still dark outside. he goes on to use public transport she gets into the comforts of her in car. they
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are a young muscovite russian lady and a frenchman living and working in moscow. they both spend roughly an hour to an hour and a half to get into one except that on the map his route is twice as long as hands. and while he enjoys his book she's stuck in traffic and once the west in the way. coming from paris i think it's a it's a very difficult traffic especially by car you never know when you're alive you know when you leave but you never know when you're alive nicholas is charmed by moscow's metro with its elegant models bus relieves and retiring chandeliers one of the most beautiful of soviet creations it is also known to be extremely efficient first of all the network is amazing it's probably one of the best in the capital
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shooting the world. and also the frequency of actually plays amazing get a lot of subway everything you want to show you have never seen that in my life despite the efficiency of its underground moscow now has more than four million cars and no extra space when the roads with the city's car on growing by three hundred thousand calls every year. and i don't like that there's a lot of people and it's stuffy i think it's a question of comfort in your travel on your own no want to step on your feet so there's no dirt so you get so oracle cleaned out pretty many foreigners coming to moscow believe such attitude is simply irrational a psychologist say there is a whole list of facts is contributing to the. attachment to their cause will produce it's a new influence for the private intimate scene around each person but constantly violated when they get on the choose to go for it of it causes an almost physical discomfort in a watery add to this the social function people see a car as
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a means of lining up the social ladder and no one wants to go back down there is a memory of soviet times when people had to save their life to buy a car and it was considered pollution since then the car has become to symbolize a better life making the traffic jam a big part of everyday life a recent study on people's feelings about traveling to and from work place moscow eight for commuter unfriendliness almost half of the city's car owners spend up to three hours sitting in traffic every day while those using public transport spend less than half of that so if you are going to travel inside the choice is yours. shoulder to shoulder with strangers or your and space behind the wheel which motorists insist makes the journey worth the wait. is over party let's go. ok time now to check in with the business that. i
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care about the world start where the market's up the moment is that is the only one trading and that we're seeing. somewhere after we are gaining momentum or soon and so clearly it's explored oriented blue chips that are needed again the buy a weaker year we're seeing it's r.t.m. panasonic both word super says now carmaker monster is losing however. reports that a firm main commercial vehicle business by the end of the decade hong kong listed stocks are dragging the. bank of china dropping almost over supersize move on to the us markets there are close to figures on friday. was mainly led by gains in the financial and more than thirty stocks moving on now let's take a look at the x. change rates the euro is flat against the greenback when it comes to the ruble it's stronger against the us currency but losing against the euro now having said that
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the ruble is becoming more popular in emerging markets it's trading volumes at the chicago mercantile exchange are up forty six percent year on year in the first two months of two thousand and twelve but experts are saying that over dependency on oil may growth now let's since we're talking about all let's strike out what's happening there we're seeing that crude is currently trading in the red and that's despite expectations that economic reports show that the american economy is strengthening but we still see the main factor believe that concerns with tensions in iran may lead to military conflict and of course iran is a region where more than half of the world's world reserves and here in moscow it's now less than two hours ahead of the opening bell and what you seeing on the screen right now is the closing picture on a friday and what we saw is that the spy for most of science and meant by friday
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russian equities almost five percent last week and that's nonsense over quizes in the euro zone as well as volatility in food prices now in other news spain house launched a new low cost airline with twice starting at when c. five year as iberia express is owned by the same parent company as british airways and it will cover spanish cities including madrid and the islands why this comes after spain's north the largest airline collapsed in january stranding some twenty thousand passengers. the european bank for reconstruction and development says that moscow can become a global financial center and that's after the world bank said that the transfers are limits and world bank experts said quote the problems are on the realistic that the country has called let's also author and vast but at sea for colonists from the are so that's why he disagrees. this can go very first you can come in ten in
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ten years i think you could easily have a frightening century of there are definitely problems with the business environment with transparency with predictability of political decisions and so on but there is so many unique features about russia and about moscow the financial capital is very mobile job if russia starts taking the right decisions and there is some sense of commitment to that i think it could go very quickly. and vatsal business likes this hour we'll have another update for you in about thirty minutes and i mean start off with track on our web site that's artsy dot com slash presents the headlines are next.
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so if resistance a new job rates of. the rays of leukemia for example the surgery that joins for. breast cancers more than ten times told cancers fourteen times if you get the exact duces bullish huge numbers there's not nothing that you have ever found in any of the dim emotional study to me whenever there is a weather that brings victory. to its creator.
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he's not alone some are more severe than others we have something is born without skulls without or the least and sometimes with their legs totally to mr what means death to those who are deployed just. announced to those who choose this one of them. and the celebration and they don't realize it said stand looking at their own future counsel a moment. this is just. so signs. of. leakage and i'll show you so they stand for much i have leakers.
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is he. here.


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