tv [untitled] March 26, 2012 1:30pm-2:00pm EDT
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hello this is r t moscow is covering any of the top stories for you the man who led libya's anti duffy uprising exclusively talks to us at r.t. to say the too many powers are interested in silencing the colonel mahmoud jibril also accuses make so now of abandoning the country after ousting the old regime. is something the syrian people have coffee and says it's for them to decide whether president assad stays in highlights that it's reasonable to set an artificial deadline for a resolution. and pressure mounts on north korea over its satellite plans as world
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leaders gather in seoul for a nuclear security summit ahead of the meeting u.s. president barack obama promised to punish if it goes ahead with a launch. i'll be back in thirty minutes for the news in full twix now and then the arab spring so dictators ousted in power change hands next that a look at the deep imprint it left for the people of those countries. yes he was supposed to sleep but his face was glowing from the inside i didn't kiss him there was something strange about the situation slept until morning undisturbed and he left. and right around two o'clock on the symbols seventeen about us my cousin commodores easy carted his goods to the market place it. was friday so he had to sell it's all in two days in order to get
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a return on the most. common good hammad worked a lot that he needed money to buy a car so that he could sell his goods and transport them. to three security guards keeping away from his spot in the market the power of those so he headed to their boss at the city council. but without even listening to him she turned him out of doors the. situation of was unbearable for him because. he bought some gas mother's home and set himself on fire in the market and that's the whole story. for the tragedy of sports heroes in tunisia and other countries it was the start of the arab spring.
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unlike most of the population of the bustling city of karachi such a move but are can afford to stay in bed longer. the doors of his barber shop open at ten am. but often his first customers don't arrive until noon. mubarak treasures these morning alice is no relation to the post president but he spends his time checking up on the latest political news. politics is far more popular than football in egypt these days. i have a kind of this is been the best year of my life there is freedom in the country and
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i can say anything i like to anyone we didn't have such freedom in the past but this freedom is free for all you don't need to pay for it there hasn't been a better time for me and my job since the revolution. seventy three dead and more than a hundred football the inclusion of the future but that morning or victories of. theirs went very very wrong. on the first of february two thousand and twelve a local team in the egyptian city of port saeed hosted the football club from cairo after the match boost fans attacked the stands with a cargo team supporters set the right result in seventy dead and more than one hundred injured. only the fans want is a fair investigation. and justice.
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ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah. two weeks after the tragedy in food so eat thousands of alice the fans marched through the central streets of cairo. and the aim of our march is to demonstrate to the authorities that so many people are demanding an inquiry into the bloodshed but we maintain that it was a plot masterminded by security forces more than i could so many fans knock it out of there. why were all the exits clubs not know nothing. of the events in port saïd the national football championship was suspended indefinitely rallies and marches of the ways fans gather together.
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ah ah ah ah. ah ah ah. ah ah ah ah ah. ah ah ah ah ah. was a college student till last february today he leads a youth political movement which seizes every opportunity to take to the streets what are you doing here these are the slogans of the revolution i don't touch it. enough. then looking at such graffiti often leaves me speechless who i'm going to express how i feel with a picture or words whom i thought from if they're trying to tell us that we're a generation of thugs and that's an important points we commend them well i can see that this is something entirely different. to how i'll be frank with this chrissie she often makes me stock in which rags are you trying to say didn't feel like this
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nearly as often under mubarak. and i thought i had all this is simply amazed at the end. and if it's. bad. mohammed bouazizi self-immolation interim izzy's sidi bouzid took place eighteen months ago since then the economic situation in the town where the chinese ian revolution started has taken a turn for the worst. the young vendor was driven to despair by joblessness unemployment rates have gone up but local use of found a way to spend all their free time almost every wall is covered in graffiti. we do have liberties but otherwise. i see no changes if.
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people are free to talk with the many journalists who come here. there is no pressure from the government or the police like it if you want but during the revolution people were more united than they are now because. a he said was some of the first local blow best post news of the young vendor setting himself on fire you tube and facebook spread reports of a horrifying act far beyond his hometown the tunisian revolution was the first arab internet. that he's an isa maintain they have done just as much for the new free tunisia as their fellow country when it was easy. before it was easy viewed what he did in city was seated in december two thousand and ten most people did not know him as before but after that he became their hero elmira they started writing about him on facebook not a lot of us not of the mainstream media coverage of this either a lot more national t.v.
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you know the radio the press this information had to repeatedly been reported on the web before it was shown on al-jazeera and. the great arab information revolution initiated by young enthusiastic tunisia is being carried on by professionals t.v. channel al-jazeera actively covered events in karas tie his square in the military conflict in libya the lives of the overthrow moammar gadhafi today the information war has focused on syria. journalist refeed look fee is rarely seen on the streets of damascus the man shuns public appearances wherever he goes he is followed by two arms bodyguards there's a reason for the caution a short while ago two unidentified men fought on the car carrying a reporter for several months refeed has been waging his own information war the
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vessel's against cooked up reports concerning events in syria's hotspots such as the now world renowned city of homs i i think. we can now cross to our correspondent reporting from the field hospital. we are now of a medical unit ok to have one of the houses. there are a lot of rooted for the surrounding houses you can see it with your illinois. sharma's staten. island dam him for having killed my younger sister. i'm blind because of him his wife must. come on this video shows a field hospital of the so-called free army that's. been organized and equipped by certain organizations. this footage is all orchestrated and i hope you see the face
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of a wounded child i think couldn't so now i needn't tell you about the emotions of syria or anyone else experiences seeing the suffering of a child on al-jazeera screens. however before the report is sent to the channel the girl's father shows up to tell her what she must say on camera notably about bashar assad. moreover somebody standing behind the camera tells the girl's father what he must say to his daughter before she repeats his words. that. you. are all a. legend limitless. but refused to close his daily explosions about zero western channels insisted on syrian t.v.
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but so far he has failed in this information. no he has been hiding with her children for several weeks they managed to escape from homs a city that has plunged into massive unrest the woman says she's received several death threats and hometown. after we had collected thirty three thousand signatures against the revolution we started receiving threats my home was set on fire and destroyed because me a lot of suffering and i kept going but then i received a very open threat saying count your children before going to bed early. says the threats were followed by the kidnapping of her eldest son mohammed the twelve year
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old boy was killed in a note placed on his chest said i was murdered by bashar these are my son mohammad closed that's where a bullet hit here and here. and also here. here's the blood of my family i washed in water but the blood remains that's what my humble he was wearing . doesn't know how long she will have to hoyt in damascus. to go back to homes. but television still churns out horrifying pictures from her hometown. the right. of. every. day on the. issues that so much of the mayor's an emergency she's
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a lot of people are hearing the documentary film that went viral on you tube about ugandan child soldiers and warlord joseph kony has engendered very strong. if. any is believed to be ok. if to see if he. could just leave. since. the financial mismanagement of the company to make the best of my. business the only true museum rafa ashraf is very much like the poetic euro the songs easy and unexplored religious consoles lost trust the media. something somebody was going.
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on. and there's a good fellow functioning movement. in the field a modicum of good law bodman good but with a blood alcohol a bomb so got a book beat up well good well let me put it in the book you have not ever smoked of you bought up a lot of little of the buffalo green the caught up with one of movement new gods got built like that looked up also talking about it all going by you know the times let me look a little put them in some lovely country like i'd like to get a load of my employees to go to hold on to the god that don't want to end up buckle assad may not get it but. don't let it be a lot of people go out there not knowing if i come up. you know give them a couple of folks up to cut the morning a couple of books most recently about the beautiful beautiful apartment above the
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moon it was the locomotive publicist the most does such a live look if you know exactly when it come to. us to let. the. get. me. out of it on a. different unis ian revolution has failed to achieve its goals we wanted it to be beneficial to the people we wanted jobs there were half a million people unemployed we wanted the revolution to produce freedom and dignity but now we're back to square one many people are homeless but those who have a home and live in poverty. won't preference as the new generation that emerged during the turbulence arab spring he and the young people like him see protest and defending the gains of the revolution as a major commitment. so
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his square is the focal point of the revolution in egypt even a year after the resignation of hosni mubarak it is still the center of public attention. where for most of us a fellow one way if. it's but. you know what up with the way he did. down the ballot. many of those who were involved in the events of february two thousand and eleven have no less than a little not a not by accident that. they live in tents not put up a makeshift gallows here the protesters have promised the former president and marshalltown tawi the country's current rule of.
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each day the never ending noise of toil here accompanies the world. of touch him but are. his shop is situated close to the restless where. aside from his other activities young revolutionary khaled is the presenter of an analytical talk show a local channel it just so happens that the box barber shop is the closest place where it can have his head trimmed before going on there are you one of the revolutionary youths. one of the ones from talk years where. i like you guys you are the best generation and. nothing was happening in egypt before so it's a few minutes later the conversation predictably drifts to the much of the few football club fans the ultras came from another place they came from the streets where the palace of the nile stands tonight yes indeed i swear to god it was going
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to real heroes. all over them that missed the paralyzing the traffic in central cairo for several hours the marches from the football club fully reached that destination justice palace ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah. the fans lit flares and chanted the wood justice outside the closed doors nobody emerged from the building to meet the families. that's evening the local t.v. talk show presided over by khaled focused on the football fan demonstration and what caused the mask poor sayit the young revolutionary insists that when the tragedy occurred on the first of february two thousand and twelve the police did nothing to stop it the media outlets attempts to suppress the news.
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it wasn't just a group of thugs attacking the scene and killing others that's not the point and the point is that they punished fans what they. done for the sake of the revolution this means that the author of these are to blame the military council interior ministry and other government structures. i believe all of them and those events i think the media has a judy to come out with a clear position instead of distorting the truth as. people in revolutionary egypt have changed their attitude towards the revolutions principle mouthpiece the qatar based al-jazeera news channels i will never think it's true but during those eighteen days al-jazeera and other channels to do a good deal to film the public about the goings on it was quite unlike what the gyptian television was trying to demonstrate but after that channel began was in line with the requirements of the government sons or its other. three journalists
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from al jazeera is lebanese bureau sit in the spring of two thousand and twelve they were leaving the channel because of disagreements with its editorial policy the main complaint concerned its coverage of syria the journalist say the channel's qatar executives both pictures of government opposing government troops from t.v. screens. the problem is that we have independent media there is no independent media the media in general was i don't think. like you know promoting pollutions in. egypt tunisia or whatever but i don't think for example that the revolution in behind so there is in two thousand and eleven the news channels one of its most experienced correspondents been joe his interview using today's sheik. and feed castro for a long time he was in charge of the channels iranian bureau they held
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a similar post to the office in lebanon in the spring of two thousand and eleven as i left the child for. raul saying he was not going to cooperate with a news outlet which sacrificed objectivity for politically sponsored programming out of you know how with him and i realized that i could not work and resigned with it i suddenly understood that i was afraid of those revolutions such thoughts appeared when the revolution in libya broke out of course i think that moammar gadhafi was a disk in the ought to have stepped down would my fears grew on something that on face value looked like the beginning of a new arab reality with its revolution and change something very different underneath than any a fifty years. was at least. belief that it was a shock. that's at least not yet. cairo
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has followed a new routine for a year and as a rule less processions take place in the daytime just off to lunch the thousands of demonstrators include people from all walks of life you display what is angry at low salaries football fans and religious radicals of every description often demonstrations hold rallies near the papa show run by mubarak kids shivers each time his name is chosen by the crowd. that. was. the bomber gives us his weight pledge allegiance to revolutionary ideals but in the evening he prefers to bring down the shutters over his shop window just in case. then i know what i should be yes i did say this about the revolution has been
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a success i mean ask you a question if you remember students going off university campuses such things only happened in the one nine hundred seventy s. and. yesterday they held a rally in front of the defense ministry is the truth yes it is what does it mean it means that we have freedom isn't that so they used to be locked inside their university staying under control and supervision if they did anything wrong the next day they got arrested which was a case so it is freedom what else. does
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the day draws to a close in cairo a young activist who is just getting going first he attends a congress of the liberal policy that by his father an eminent politician after that he meets fellow rights campaigners there is a vast social gap between rural and his peers keeping vigil in tahrir his square new lives in a large flat in the most fashionable neighborhood of the egyptian capital he often travels to foreign countries and speaks back slim to english. and of fish doctors which most of them. he has radical views on the future of the revolution many years some people the you what is happening now is you know the after party for a very wild party that that happened however i thought they disagree i don't even think the party we got the party says let me come find maybe there was a house warming at the beginning but we're still waiting for the actual revolution to happen. from time to time nor his friends perform with the youth
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leisure center on the banks of the molten tantrum. the young revolutionaries. play unusual instruments strictly speaking pay off instruments a tool they make music from trash picked up from the street the progressive musicians pulled a group designed by lee which is local slang for garbage collectors. this is where the actual zabbaleen a found. one hundred thousand people in this district on the outskirts of cairo. on. their lives depend on garbage designing gather it from all of the car and bring it back to their neighborhood these people to have opposed the view of the revolution. get their main concern
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isn't that some tyrant is being trampled all because freedom has arrived rather since they could business has been grooming for the zabbaleen. what are you sure we did a good deal of collecting cheering the revolution everybody was running apart like mad or enjoying themselves in cafes oh that produced a lot of garbage. it is for that reason that the inhabitants of the trash neighborhood pin great puts on the arab spring and they don't want it to dry out and the come a scorched summer that is so typical of the middle east public on rest means garbage and garbage is that life.
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