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tv   [untitled]    March 28, 2012 1:30am-2:00am EDT

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about sam from plans to transition. start on t.v. dot com. so that time for a look at the headlines now ahead on t.v. . as the syrian government embraces a un backed peace plan embers of the anti acid opposition struggle to come together with a single unified purpose some beveled leaders walked down from their power rivals during a conference in turkey designed to rally the opposition. a private conversation between the leaders of russia and america was caught on mike the nato nuclear security summit in song that sparked
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a wave of cold war in the style drawn some republican presidential candidates are leading us politicians going to moscow in washington's number one phone. protesters in britain have called for heavy handed right police to face justice as one that's interested seriously injured in a student demonstration finds himself in the door fifty students were hunting for eight to ten while protesting against the first commission harks. with american troops home from iraq the people there have been left with the aftermath especially in a city of fallujah where the severe consequences of u.s. bombings are still being felt a special report is next. saluja west of baghdad. the rebels' bastion seems to be awakening the day after an earthquake. eight years after the war its inhabitants are still living on the
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ruins. it's a hospital doctors are fighting another war today as every day the maternity unit is on a work a deformed baby has just been aboard the fifth this week this newborn is suffering from a serious malformations the doctors think he will survive but he may never be able to walk. up and says. he needs an operation at the moment he's much too weak for us to move forward with surgery so we have him on observation so we have seen many other types of deformities he's not alone some are more severe than others and we have some levy's born without skulls without ordeals and sometimes with their legs totally twisted hard and look at this
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little lax the mother of this baby is in shock this woman has had three children all before this one all born without any health problems and this deformed baby is the first such case in her family but there's a dramatic rise in such phenomena in fallujah one birth in five and outs of its congenial affirmations. this doctor sees only one possible solution and it is radical i am i said. and i'm going to try. and since you two are not my baby was. how did it come to this all these babies were born after two thousand and four when flutey endured one of the most violent battles ever witnessed iraqi soil bombs and shells rained down on the city for several weeks fifteen thousand coalition soldiers were marshal to crush the lucia facing them were two thousand iraqi resistance fighters armed with collision
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cars and rocket launchers a u.s. air force dropped hundreds of tons of bombs. but. these pictures show fireballs falling on the city this is white phosphorus a chemical incendiary weapon today this bombing is said to have caused the malformations and the children of illusia. baghdad winter two thousand and eleven how can you tell whether city is no longer at war perhaps by observing the passers by crisscrossing the streets in iraq peace is gradually settle but the stench of war is still noticeable. the iraqi capital
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alternates between days of violence and days of peace the u.s. army is committed to point out of the country by the summer the police and the iraqi army will step in it will choose. these traffic jams are an indicator of peace in iraq. the city seems revived with businesses springing up once again and residents doing their shopping in the city center. a city center that is returning to its pre-war opulence. but is the war really over though the situation in baghdad has improved other cities have been tossed into the garbage fallujah for instance my parents' home town after the war the city was totally cut off only the inhabitants had the right to come and go freely. so when i come but i have family and friends there and i speak iraqi arabic i make contact with
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a friend in flu shot. chemistry quite list actually i'll take you up and we'll go wherever you want. this is eunice he's thirty two years old a former football player for lucia now want to point out that i first met him arguing a news report four years ago it was he who called my attention to be seriously deformed babies he came to baghdad to fetch me because it's not possible for me to get a flu shot without his help. this road is closely monitored and traveling the fifty kilometers that separate baghdad from fallujah we go through more than twenty checkpoints this city is located in the middle of the sunni triangle also called the triangle of death by the americans some fifteen hundred u.s. soldiers have been killed in this region one third of the american casualties in iraq. flew to was the first city to fight back against american
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occupation. it found fame by throwing them out of town and inflicting great loss of life. so much so that the people wondered how a small city like fallujah could resist against the world's most powerful army yes are you. in march two thousand and four four mercenaries under contract to the us army were killed in their vehicle on the outskirts of town their mutilated bodies were dragged through the streets then hung under this bridge as trophies it was one of the very first acts of violence against the united states these pictures were soon seen all over the world it was the start of an escalation that culminated in the battle of fallujah and november of two thousand and four the death toll listed one hundred thirty four g i's and thirty five hundred iraqis saluja became a symbol of the revolt accordingly the army imposed
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a very strict checks on the city of fingerprints and retina scans of every last inhabitant or recorded in the u.s. army files never has any town undergone such treatment. residents were even issued with biometric id cards. this paginate was made to answer a leaflet. seven years later that badges are no longer needed the city is now under the control of the iraqi army but flew to remains the hardest place in the country to get into. the theater for that you need a a guarantor to enter and he must be from. i've been asked to be responsible for you for safety reasons so you can just walk into fallujah no no not like that. as we approach the city the tension mounts in the car not stop filming put the camera down.
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here we are at the entrance to fallujah one hundred meters from a border post within a country. the iraqi army is checking each car that passes to take in a camera you need special permission and an armed escort. to give us freedom of movement we'd rather enter legally. as there are several cars in front of us and we're the third one we're waiting come and fetch us. thanks to abu yunus one of the soldiers lets us through for his own safety we don't film him. after an hour's wait we finally passed through the checkpoint. welcome to pollution three hundred thousand inhabitants considered the most dangerous city in iraq.
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nothing here has really changed since the battle life goes on the streets are teeming but the traces of war are still here and the iraqi soldiers carry on patrol . in this prison town it's hard to keep a low profile if you're carrying a camera so to keep us safe as we move around with influenza yunus follows close behind he'll be our guardian angel. this neighborhood is one of the hardest hit by the bombing half the buildings are in ruins not one wall has been spared by bullets. his former iraqi soldier was in the city during the american assault he lives just opposite this building totally destroyed during the bombing he noticed suspicious explosions. just coming in the just after the bombing began the landscape changed going to see
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even the appearance of the sky chips the sky became kind of yellow it lasted for several days even the explosions read normal now i've a fighter i was an officer in the iraqi army under the old regime i fought for seven years in the war against iraq some parts of missiles i've seen a lot of them i know what i'm talking about. but with these american bombs it was different because they exploded in which they produce something abnormal something that i don't think i've ever seen before to which i view. this strange bomb that this resident refers to contain white phosphorus. a chemical incendiary weapon often compared to the napalm used in vietnam. according to the geneva convention. civilians and civilian objects may not be attacked in any circumstances by incendiary bombs. basically the use of white phosphorus is banned
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in any populated zones the american army claims to have used it only to illuminate combat zones. yet in fallujah thousands of inhabitants were still in the city during the bombing . abu yunus arranges to meet me at the martyrs cemetery a former football stadium three thousand five hundred bodies are buried here resistance fighters and civilians alike. this is where all the units played football today comes to meditate the graves of former teammates now become martyrs. that are not be what they live on some of the footballers who are used to playing in the stadium very clear that even the coach we called in a collie all cowboy even he was killed by the americans and no i think thirteen players from the fallujah team are buried in their own football ground. this man is
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the caretaker of the cemetery one day in november two thousand and four while bearing the victims of the fighting he made a strange discovery. not that the americans brought the sadness at first i thought it was humanitarian aid. but when i opened them just like i found. again it could have but suppose they close intact their translator told me these corpses were americans. well that's why they've given them back when we come after. the caretaker recovered close to five hundred unidentified bodies he photographed each one before burying them in the cemetery. and then said and so we asked the doctors and they told us that if there were only bones in the clothing is intact then it's because of white phosphorus and what happened to this man. looks like it's due to
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a chemical weapon and god knows what it is but that's phosphorous to. their blood then the caretaker is in no doubt these men were killed by white phosphorus in the u.s. army use these weapons against the population what are these photos really hard to find an answer i must go to the united states. for from iraq and it's ruined buildings lost and. i made contact with ross computing a twenty seven year old former marine who fought it flew you know he looks like a teenager prostitute is already a war veteran traumatized by his experience he decided to testify oh. this is me this is in fallujah and i'm really embarrassed to say that i'm kind of posing for this picture. you know i had the bandana on and i wanted to look tough
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and you know this is the mentality that we had while we are in there. they're tough war fighters and. you know these are the type of pictures i want to go home and tell my friends about. in fallujah ross was a radio operator it was his job to relay information to the other soldiers he was there for on the front line before the ground siege actually began if this was going to be the biggest battle since way city they were bombing the city really really heavily at this point and they put us on this hill outside the city kind of overlooking it the night before before the ground seizure began and at this point i remember very clearly seeing the white phosphorus and i remember very clearly having this weird feeling about it like this can't possibly be legal i remember seeing it lakes way down in the wind like this i asked a lieutenant close to me about it. i said hey is this is this legal and he said yes
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it's legal because we're using it as a smoke screen we're not using it offensively and there are thousands of civilians who couldn't leave the city so wherever we used it it was a strong possibility that this was going to land on civilians so white phosphorus was indeed discharged above the population and i feel really guilty about it. now and fully aware of how many people are hurt and how many people we killed so it's not easy to live with ross computing decided to quit the army after the battle of fallujah. he set up an association to make american public opinion aware of his experience as a soldier in iraq. i remember that in my unit there was very little curiosity about who these insurgents where everyone just seemed content with the rumors that we had heard about them being terrorists and bathurst diehards and it's the americans of all different sorts though ross computing denounces the use of white phosphorus and
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others in the military or go out of it. in march two thousand and five an american army major made surprising revelations in this army review he claims that the use of white phosphorus proved highly effective. he adds that he used it willingly against the insurgents the major refers to such a collection as shake and bake missions according to this officer white phosphorus was used in iraq to kill. given this damning evidence the international press seized upon the story. they would have to wait until november sixteenth two thousand and five for the american administration to officially admit to the media that the city was bombed with white phosphorous. back to floozy seven years after the bombing the population is convinced that white phosphorus is still killing. such is the case with
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khalifa he lives in the jolan neighborhood one of the hardest hit by the bombing. in two thousand and five founded the first charity for war victims. though it is aimed to gather as much information as possible beginning with these files on sick children how. this child for example developed a brain tumor just after the bombing back in two thousand and four. and it's the same in this case there's a a serious now for mation problem from birth. so we record the information and then we establish a medical file and then we send it off to the doctors and charities. all we really want to try and do is find a solution and i'm helping support families. and
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if they don't we are it's a modest office doesn't have extensive resources not even a computer which to record all this information he seems overtaken by banks and you know we knew absolutely nothing about any of these diseases before when the americans came here they were supposed to bring us what they wanted him and those that have set us back to the stone age son are you. agreed to supply us with the files of sick children he says that most cases of rare illnesses concern children under ten like ziad he was born after the two thousand and four attacks with a serious note from asia he is the first case of this type of is failing. so you are many of us about when you saw him he was operated on when he was forty seven days old the house we lived in was bombed in shock when we returned i cleaned the place entirely and maybe it was because of that or i don't know your
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house was bombed during the battle yes it was hit by a missile and half the house was destroyed and thought that. the living room my bedroom all of it was destroyed the furniture to all we had left was what we're wearing was this wardrobe we rebuilt everything ourselves one year later my and my son was born with a malformation and i was told it was linked to the bombing how long did you stay in that house two years away we left the house a year after i gave birth. why are children who were not alive during the war and who were therefore not exposed directly to white phosphorus victims now from ations what do the iraqi authorities say is it a public health problem in fallujah only the ministry of the environment was willing to talk to us. let us the truth is that we haven't been able to do any
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environmental service i mean it was impossible to carry out any tests at all the bombing started in two thousand and four then once again in two thousand and five and two thousand and six all the way up until two thousand and ten it was only in two thousand and ten that the americans left the city. and at that time if a citizen bent down to pick something up for example may look like a potential bomber an american sniper might even shoot. that happened several times i can tell you. all this to say it was not impossible for us to go to any of these zones with our equipment and carry out our tests it was far too dangerous. in fallujah nobody has the means to investigate the causes of these illnesses not even the iraqi ministry of the environment. this upsurge in the form children is in
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among the authorities priorities. the former rebel stronghold has been sidelined by its own government a code of silence reigned in perugia. since the end of the war just one study has shed some light on this it was carried out in fallujah in two thousand and nine and was published in a major medical review. this document contains worrying results about the rise in the number of the four babies they reveal an explosion and such cases since two thousand and five one year after the battle for. aberystwyth on the west coast of wales the author of this paper is professor chris busby a british scientist specializing in radioactivity. he secretary of the european committee on radiation risks. chris busby is
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a regular mainstream media guest in his black parade he has become an easily recognizable figure on the b.b.c. for al-jazeera he was recently consulted on the consequences of the nuclear crisis at fukushima. unlike the iraqi authorities he has investigated influenza but the way around that is to just knock on the door and say scuse me. how many people got cancer here in the last five years and who lives it in a series and what because if you know who lives. it and even then predict how many kinds as they should have on the basis of the national average of the rates and so on and just compare them with the numbers that they report on the one divided by the other is a rather some risk. so you did you frank you. know the way i've got so many people after my guts i'm not going to come stick myself a proper pulitzer so my hope tonight is that you know well all i did was i
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told them what to do i said look i'll tell you what to do i'll create a questionnaire. based on the ones i've done and even for an iraqi team recruited like response being a task was complicated some places they would say they got beaten up because they saw they were from the secret service of the state or something so then we had to start sending people around with some local person that everybody knew consulate something and after that it was ok and we just finished it when the iraqi government found out about it and then they put something on the television saying to the terrorists and anybody who answers the questions because joe. but it is too late when it isn't. on top of the questionnaire chris busby asked for samples of soil and water samples of residents here were also taken the test results are astonishing. denise says on who's on the soil samples of we measured sixty two different elements so we have to struggle month area
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melania jimmy among them cobalt and. cesium and calcium and you name it we looked at them and what we found was that the only element that could explain that level of congenital malformation and cancer was you're right. he believes it's not the white phosphorus that is harming the inhabitants of flu just but you're a male. so for instance in fallujah the rates of. the rates of leukemia for example are thirty eight so i'm sort of expect both. breast cancers moon stands on its toes cancers fourteen times i forget exactly as with a few numbers there's not nothing that you have ever found in any of the milosevic study anywhere ever this is what the highest rates of genetic damage in any population ever study is worse than in russia.
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why is for a loser compared to here oshima how did uranium come to be in the city. official no nuclear weapons were used in fallujah. the a. move to. just say. six to. six months and. weeks to come up. the british scientists.
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know how sometimes you see a story and it seems so for life you think you understand it and then he glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realized everything you thought you knew you don't know what i'm charging welcome to the big picture. above. the bed.


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