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tv   [untitled]    March 28, 2012 10:30am-11:00am EDT

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margaret why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy cause a report on our. thanks for joining our team with me karen tyrol she has a quick recap of your headlines syria's opposition now being called on to stop the violence as president assad signs up to the un backed peace plan the u.s. is pushing for the rebels to unite them but it's fear the factions are too divided and unwilling to lay down arms. bringing peace to syria without foreign military intervention is also on the agenda as the leaders of russia and china meet in india there are among five of the world's fastest growing economies who are also
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hammering out an alternative to the dominance of the i am out on the world bank. and cold war is sweeping america's republican senators who are demanding no concessions for russia which wants guarantees u.s. missiles won't be and its way its after obama was overheard assuring to meet the need of more flexibility on arms control the shoots. the u.s. and russia don't see eye to eye on washington's missile defense plans in europe but as we hear next hour both countries must combine efforts to prevent a greater danger the spread of nuclear weapons. ambassador richard burton goes he did the first start treaty the strategic arms reduction treaty with the soviet union that was years ago there's now a new start but according to some including yourself progress has stalled thank you for sitting down with us i want to begin with that start with size the new start
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was signed in april twenty ten years south has said that progress has stalled how much does the u.s. plans to install missile defense there and russians opposition to it have to do with well i think it's a factor i mean there are a number of reasons that i think the process is slow down i mean really this is been a political year obviously new presidency and a new old presidency and in russia presidential elections in the united states i think the russians are having second thoughts about rely less on nuclear weapons which is certainly a part of american policy but the disagreement on missile defense is also an important factor russia specifically has said of late that specially that it's concerned about new modifications i think that some three incept your missiles which i understand are believed or are fast enough to shoot down russian missiles
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in the sense so to russian spy the elections and despite how important national security platform is for the russian people for elections it seems like it's really up there for the kremlin despite the change that we're about to see i don't think it's very helpful but talking about all these technical intricacies i think there is a real technical difference over the capabilities not of the existing system that nato is planning to deploy over the next two or three years we're really talking about a system that might be deployed after twenty twenty. and it's not even clearer. given the fact the u.s. is going to have to reduce its defense budget simply to meet its fiscal problems at home whether that new system will ever be deployed so i think there is time for the united states russia and others to sit down and talk about these issues why do you think you asked has failed to convince russia that one missile defense system would not be directed against them and two why can't women can't they give them those
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guarantees well i think that's a very good question and i think it's because not only russia but the united states are still locked into this bilateral bipolar cold war mentality and it's a problem both the united states and russia have had trouble adjusting to a new multi-polar world and dealing with a new range of threats that the problem nuclear weapons today isn't that the united states is going to attack russia russia is going to attack the united states the problem nuclear weapons today is the spread of nuclear weapons in particular to unstable countries say for example pakistan or even that nuclear weapons could fall into the hands of terrorists and this is a problem where the united states and russia should work should work together rather than focusing looking backwards in the rearview mirror i'd like to talk a bit about president. obviously coming back to the kremlin he has experience with these things he's openly criticized it. and says that it undermines really
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trust between countries how do you see him coming back to the kremlin and playing into the both russel's foreign policy in that sense and to the disarmament program well like i think almost everybody else i don't have the slightest idea. he you know he can he can continue with the kind of. cold war rhetoric that he ramped up during the election campaign and blame the united states for all kinds of good fairy assertiveness behind the scenes or he can take a more. practical course he couldn't be more putin and the early part of his tenure in the early part. of the two thousand two thousand and one two thousand and two and seek practical solutions i think there is a practical solution to this any missile issue but as long as that both sides kind of treat this as more of a theological issue they won't make headway what about president obama how does
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that play into his reelection campaign the anti missile issue is not a big issue when the united states i mean the iran issue certainly is and but even even even so it's really domestic economics but obama is in a tough political spot because i think he would like to find an arms control solution to this problem and solve it he already backed away from the bush plan to deploy. more capable missiles in poland and the radar in the czech republic. i think that he's got us he's got a u.s. senate. with some republicans that are making it difficult making it difficult for him to make i think give him the room for maneuver that he needs to find a practical solution with. and also a budget which you mentioned there right you know that's that's that's
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a key issue here mike and we're talking about capabilities that are more than a decade out. that actually the uniformed military the joint chiefs of staff are not great advocates of missile defense and so it's it would be a tragic irony if the united states and russia unable to move ahead on arms control based on a system that will never be deployed in the in the first place not about the reset but we have to start over do you think has i felt you know i don't think the reset has failed at all in fact on some issues like afghanistan there's a lot of cooperate. and i think. fighting drugs for example i even think in areas like syria where you know two or three weeks ago there was a lot of. angry rhetoric about the two sides positions even though i think even on syria the two sides are becoming a little more pragmatic and moving towards each other so there are
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a lot of strategic reasons for the united states and russia to work together. in particular you know there are two big countries that face big problems challenges both domestic and international you know most of those issues i think there are similarly a lot you mentioned earlier that for americans and a lot of senior missile defense is not a big issue but iran it's why what's the threat well let's. remember that in the united states we hit war in the middle east for over ten years there's concern also of course that iran if it had nuclear weapons could threaten israel hussein is an important ally and there's also the threat that if iran apartment the weapons other countries other in the region like turkey or egypt might also and so it's the overall instability with the arab awakening the nuclearization of iran and the united states' involvement in that region which is is a matter of concern
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a lot of critics though would say that one there is not any proof iran has a nuclear weapon or is developing a nuclear weapon and also that there's a risk of repeating. weapons of mass destruction mistake made with iraq with what it's like you said well it was and it wasn't just a mistake i mean i think that clearly in retrospect the information to suggest that iraq had it was building a nuclear weapon was a flaw but you know i mean the problem with iran that no one is claiming now that i'm aware of that they have a nuclear weapon the question is how close are they to a nuclear weapon and i think people honestly disagree. on that question but i think there's a general agreement including agreement between moscow and washington that if iran were to apply or a nuclear weapons capability that would not be a stabilizing development for the region we disagree on what the consequences might be and how serious they would be but nobody would i think like to live in
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a crowded or near libyan or near a crowded region where iran maybe egypt maybe turkey and israel already possess a nuclear weapons capability that is not a very happy future what do you say to critics who say why can israel have nuclear weapons and iran not both in their hands and it's not a question of saying israel can have nuclear weapons in iran not it's a question of doing what we would like to do which is move towards global zero another global zero israel wouldn't have nuclear weapons either i happen to think that a nuclear weapons free zone put include both israel and iran where neither country would have nuclear weapons would be would be much better than the current situation where you mentioned earlier rhetoric yielding around iran and media reports suggesting that israel may in fact strike iran of course it's all speculation and no one can guess what happened but if that was to happen and the infrastructure never almost destroyed could that less than the threat somehow i'm not sure the
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israelis could actually destroy the iranian nuclear infrastructure it's very dispersed some of it is hard and some of it's underground so they might be able to set it back but i don't think they could destroy it. and the consequences would be very unpredictable i would assume that the iranians would retaliate in one way or another and the prospects for a regional conflict would grow so it would be a very stabilizing step in my view i'm not a proponent of an israeli strike against iran russia or the u.s. have very different approaches. is there any way that they could possibly work together to move forward on it started to happen back with six parties talks but they start again is that an option do you know i think i think they're i think they're working together now next month the so-called p five the permanent members of the security council together with germany p five plus one and cathy ashton from
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the european union will be sitting down with the iranians to talk a negotiated solution which would potentially permit the iranians to engage in peaceful uses of nuclear energy constraining their options for developing and deploy a nuclear weapons so you know this is a promising development diplomacy in the in the past has not succeeded with the iranians and i think iranians are very sophisticated tough negotiators but this is an area where the united states and russia are working together in terms of iran and missile defense and all of the issues touched on realistically. you seem to be a bit of an optimist which is a good thing but realistically how do you see all of these issues playing out in terms of the global zero initiative within the next couple of years well i think they're absolutely critical you have to be an optimist but i think the big problem is. correctly you correctly identified it is that if we fail.
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to. head off. the acquisition of nuclear weapons i think that is going to open the door to several other countries acquiring nuclear weapons and maybe three or four other countries in the region could acquire nuclear weapons that would not only be very be stabilizing but you know it's the danger and twenty first century is the danger of the spread of nuclear weapons not the build up by the united states and russia do you think that global zero is possible in the twenty first century it's certainly possible that in the twenty first century the question is whether it's possible within the next twenty years. thank you very much for being with us on our.
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it's technology innovation all the developments from around russia we've gone through huge earth coverage.
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it's syria's opposition now being called on to stop the violence as president assad signs up to the un x.-rays plan the u.s. is pushing for the rebels to night but it's fear of the factions are too divided and on willing to lay down arms. bringing peace to syria one of our foreign military intervention is also on the agenda as the leaders of russia and china meet in india they're among five of the world's fastest growing economies for also hammering out an alternative to the dominance of the i.m.f. and the world bank. and cold war ball busters sweeping america's republican senators. for demanding no concessions for russia which wants guarantees u.s.
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missiles will be a display that's after obama was overheard assuring to meet him a good deal of more flexibility on arms control the extremes. they'd share with the latest sports news now. hello welcome to the latest sports looking at the headlines. european dreams are better details bones team selection leads chelsea towards the champions league semifinals with a one nil first leg victory then sea-tac. while talk or maria sharapova remains on course for her first miami time for easing past the hour of trying now to reach the semifinals. and riders in the storm a day after from the cradle and overcome the elements to win the first ever in the circle smiling to be a race in siberia. the first of champions league football and chelsea manager
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roberto di matteo says his ball selection policy was vindicated after the blues took a big step towards the semifinals with a one zero win i've been thinking in portugal or the italian left senior stars did a drug that frank lampard and michael essien on the bench and sullivan clearly justifying his surprise choice of despise it go on seventy five minutes i'm going to nominate charles cross him as i also recall around my relatives and out of the era and say to friends of the silly chelsea to a big step towards the last ball and their first chances the victory already from high season and this can slide the first defeat in eleven european games to start the adults. really feel think it was so with an excellent performance from o t. i know it difficult because if you could. be going to last year for a couple of years. and you saw why you know they're good side you have some good.
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players there for the police with their physical big players that. are i always thought that we looked. solid defensive flea and well organized and when i was trying to go to school you put those. no suit because here one knew what we believe but we were also able to do the same on the return match because usually if you can always bring your way we're going to london with the same belief in the same confidence as if there's been a new meal or one meal or even. a match. for meanwhile in cyprus have thought came off the bench to his firearm address to a street office they get treated very spirited and they can still carry on bags enough when you drive but at seventy four minutes thanks to a pass from the brazil star ten score eight days later with a fine run as an asset it is second stoppage time to ensure the nine time european champions are favorites to leave still after all. we knew it from the start of the
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game will be difficult for them and. we know that falkirk are a lot still to come in when the other team was because of it i. was at work. to do it but. it was a game with characteristics of a possible zero zero because you're. very well the last in the park so surely things from behind are for us mere mortals the team always will give our best in the game so we can bid farewell to the champions league in the best possible way. well two more first legs will take place this wednesday night august barcelona travel to ac milan expecting nothing less than a pitched battle the star striker a little messy pitted against former teammates trap and even him of it but as a coach guardiola has lavished praise on the sweden captain spy falling out with injury and slain hero messi became his side's core time leading scorer last rate i
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would be hoping to continue his form. missing legs complete and prefer to see human beach. he's he's really his own feet and if you raise and in the american does in the most important part of the season and then. we arrive in the chambers looking again for five six years in a role in the quarterfinals is a bitch essential for the club we're so proud of that and then the other quarter final mass so you know like us about the dogs ahead of their home game against buying munich the depleted french side set a dismal club record with seven straight defeats in all competitions last week and several key players through suspension first choice goalkeeper and regular captain steve lonegan and experience since about seven hundred or both pairs however there are many good starts despite a recent find very influential midfield that's been trying to get is it out by
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a through injury i say as it stands now to vibrate or is not overawed. by a lot of play. where all well aware of this match is very important and no we shouldn't consider goal like we do against the match could be decided by small details so we all do focused we're not afraid of dying even though they have an impressive attack we'll do everything we can to get a good match and like i said we should concede goals. despite previously say his six month loan back to former size and it's in petersburg is a temp we've moved russia got then and they are short and can still leave arsenal this summer reporting on suggest going as manager also bangor is planning to sell the club's biggest earners to raise funds for a new big name acquisitions so our shaaban earns around one hundred twenty thousand dollars a week on the market the thirty year old has one year left on his arsenal deal.
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and it's now and world number two maria sharapova house shrugged off her erratic form to steamroll a french open champion winner and breeze into the semifinals of the sony ericsson open in miami the three time beating finally struck but that was guilty of more than fifty on errors in her early a match and lost her thought previous meetings with the chinese player and or in straight sets that's the russian three time major winner rewrote the record books to win six three six love in just over an hour and next play caroline wozniacki. followed ramen side second seed rafael nadal reached the quarterfinals for the sixth consecutive year with a straight set win over japanese up and comer initially corey the spaniard held off seven break points to triumph six four six all in what seemed to be his biggest challenge for the tournament so far next space joe wilfried tsonga. meanwhile despite later that he's been inconsistent plots the defending champion novak djokovic also moved into the quarterfinals after beating seventeenth secretly show
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gets a sudden five six three he'll explain it further spread. while andy roddick's joy at knocking out roger federer that was short lived the america's next opponent when minako capitalized on three this might break points in the second set to secure a seven five six love first ever win against the two time champion and now faced the top ranked american in r.t. fish. while andy murray is the quarterfinals with a comprehensive victory over frenchman jews the number four seed bt the six four six three victory with his fourth ace. and raiment night cvo tips are a bitch last night. to basketball now russians i mean it's because i have crashed out of the first ever yearly playoffs after losing two spanish bauhaus pass a loner in the third game of their best of five series trailing two nil in that. just unix had to wait on their homecourt and that's nine hundred seventy three i
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think also. strips their advantage to six points by half time. dance bosler ups their game after the long intermission. was the mastermind behind the comeback playmaker finished with a game high twenty one points to a sixty seven fifty six victory and become the first in two weeks a year early final four. in four years. and now the semifinals of the playoffs get underway this wednesday night with a regular season run as a petersburg and imo moscow well both sides should be well rested up looking from their respective quarter final series if they were leave the head to heads as the states on the record seized and two wins. buried staff first over seven final appearance. and finally the first ever snowmobile race was held this weekend at the polo circle in siberia where
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a finnish driver finished first on the extreme track and our own in separate correspondent cars out of the top of the watch. the endless and silent arctic tundra and usually hard city two thousand five hundred kilometers from moscow territory covered with months of the year there somewhere around one hundred snowmobile daredevils due to the young can really braving the minus twenty degree temperature to find out who is the we can just play experience as you can see from my face i got some bites and much except although i was i was well protected but still be so fast that there's always a risk that something happens rediscovers two hundred and thirty kilometers with just three being stops every snowmobile carries a g.p.s. navigation system for safety and for the spectators deployed it can better. we're the internet. some of the drivers reached eve's of from around one hundred and
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seventy kilometers per hour and among the dozens of men taking part in this dangerous ranger there was one woman. i don't think i'll be battling with a man to try and win this race the race itself is a real challenge for me it's very long and i want to test myself to see if i can just get through it slowly hart was ofen years as a place of exile and imprisonment during its poor hundred year history a part of the track was located near the so-called bedroom and list where away constructed between one thousand nine hundred forty seven to nine hundred fifty four which in walled thousands of prisoners from the soviet gulags and was never finished however there were no fatalities this time around and the race was finished the quickest to do this was actually finish the race given the line in completing the course in two hours and forty nine minutes before the race and of course i was expecting a lot. to be the first one it's always
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a surprise however the really wasn't the only unique event taking place. as the locals also celebrated the reindeer herders day along spectator is the chance to experience everyday life among the ethnic minorities of the north and to which can petition is in their national sports such as reindeer races wrestling in jumping always ledgers their unique weather conditions and locals like there's. this no male race. anymore as do evangelist and archie. well for science technology innovation all the elements from around russia we've got the future covered.
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please. look. at least.


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