tv [untitled] March 28, 2012 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT
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it's the syrian opposition to act towards ending violence despite their crippling divisions as the assad government backs the u.n. sponsored peace plan. five of the world's fastest growing economies meet the hammer of their own vision of the i.m.f. and the world bank future financial fire wall also. russia this is without question our number one geopolitical foe cold war told makes a comeback on capitol hill these republican senators tomar no concessions for russia which wants guarantees u.s. missiles will be aimed its way.
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this is r.t. welcome it's a pm your moscow my name's kevin now in our top story tonight syrian rebels are under pressure to accept the u.n. but peace plan after damascus rubberstamp the deal that includes appeals for a ceasefire but no calls for president assad to step down something the opposition and washington have been calling for the u.s. is pushing for the rebels to unite with some factions rallying behind the syrian national council of a conference in turkey sisera firth wraps up the day's events. both come out of the meeting is. that opposition that's really struggling to get its act together they've been meeting here in istanbul hundreds of the syrian opposition members to discuss and to trying to hammer out some common objectives and really lay to rest the concern savor the very fractious nature but it seems that that was at least it
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did and they were able to unify and in fact the picture that came out we saw walk out from some of the members disagreements and said the criticisms of the syrian national council and the object is that they put forward saying that they were trying to impose their will to be much indeed it is very concerning because the essence of course is try to pitch is the foremost as an exile governments in waiting are very similar to libya's and t.c. but that hasn't really been the reality of what's happened and we seen a fierce criticism coming from the different opposition factions and spells saying that the syrian national council ineffective and they're very foreign if for what's going on inside the country so that it was an optimistic pitch and it's going to make the western countries and governments very nervous and anxious days to wit back seeing president assad out this is not really clear at the moment whether
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there is a viable alternative if the opposition sort of failing to present its united front for will bring peace to syria without for a mood for intervention and breaking the worse economic hold of the world and dominated talks between the leaders of russia china india the creation of the alternative to the i.m.f. or the world bank is totally adjourned the five the world's explode the economies read artist bruce reed is in you delhi for us. but the fourth annual brics summit that's going on here and via the emerging economies brazil russia india china and the newest member of africa will be meeting here the leaders of those countries for the next two days russian president dmitry medvedev landed here in delhi early this morning by lateral meeting on the sidelines of the brics summit the russian president and president hu were discussing syria both leaders have said that they backed kofi annan plan for a cease fire in syria but leaders have said that they don't want president assad to
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step down which is something that western powers have been saying another country that the two of them have been talking about is iran both countries have repeatedly said russia and china that they are again think sions on iran be able leave that iran is developing a peaceful nuclear program obviously there are a lot of things to talk about between china and russia one of the key things being trade in recent years china has asserted itself as russia's biggest foreign trading partner actually laughter trade between china and russia increased by forty percent reaching eighty three point five billion dollars one major proposal here that's said to be at the top of the agenda for all of these countries is an alternative bank between the brics countries that would serve as an alternative to the western led financial institutions the traditional ones like the international monetary fund and the world bank there is also talk about creating some sort of brics basket
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currency that could serve as an alternative to the dollar as the global reserve currency here is more on what the leaders of these brics countries are set to talk about in the next two days heads of state from the five leading emerging economies brazil russia india china and south africa the brics nations meet for their annual summit could make up forty percent of the world's population are expected to contribute almost half of all global g.d.p. growth in the next eight years and have a rapidly growing influence in international affairs. but i would be is it is required me. to believe would be because he joined the geopolitics and. afterward the summit this year is expected to discuss a new joint being between the five other breaks countries are interested in chinese
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investment in infrastructures and. of their resources so obviously a bank will be a very very useful buccal for this kind of investment and i can believe it will raise the code of. brigs stock exchange this is not happening before this is a new exceeds a new tradition the political leader it believe that a brick bank could merge see it growing up and on the power between these countries than to a don't realize this doubtless meant they also believe that it could serve as an alternative to what financial institutions like the international monetary fund and the world bank certainly brics hopes to be able to alter to remove the overall predominance of the institution by the united states and the european union countries the brics countries have been busy this year not just in
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guarding against the impact of europe's financial crisis moving away from the dollar as a reserve currency to a bricks driven one is also still firmly on the agenda it would become moody it would be good to see. you could be. pushed to. europe it is just breaking the want to pull your of this the summit will be hoping to advance further in the economic interests of the brics group further loosening reliance on western germinated global economic architecture preassure either r t new delhi india. to a top story syrian rebels under pressure to accept the. back to six point peace plan and let's bring into the conversation as she returns is joining us on the line from london has long been covering events in the region actually very good afternoon from moscow the syrian opposition is getting criticized all round for being fragmented by nato also by arab states as well as within its own ranks why do
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you think the rebels still lack unity well i suppose they have very different ideologies i mean their leader was burhan ghalioun so one professor widely criticized the leading opposition figures even said an opposition under the cloak of fanatics hiding behind a veneer of stupid liberals like you think of that description of a number of things but the opposition completely fragmented and this six point plan which i hope we get all told about it was like it's like a charter for al-qaeda or some rates a point system you say that will i mean look back and let's pick a razor more about europe get your thoughts behind washington's already voicing skepticism over assad's acceptance of the u.n. peace deal and peace initiative rather what is the future of it if it doesn't have the backing of the opposition any case. well i'm surprised they are accepting it that proves that they want their on a different agenda and if president really accept
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a plan like this then maybe even president assad may be losing his marbles too you know the artillery fire and civilians is bad enough in the case of this six point plan ok working with the u.n. i understand that stop fighting so what is true is one of the syrian government has to do when they are faced with a laugh it's rebels with arms that are being supplied to them i suppose president after the supposed to do absolutely nothing humanitarian assistance we have seen worryingly how humanitarian assistance under the guise of it say in countries like we have seen geopolitical players starting to use that guy's release prisoners some of those prisoners are salafi just militants allied to. our here ian afghanistan love so much and we have allowed journalists and i would say that i would tend to agree with all that we've seen activist journalism and i would also say that in the past hour or so we've british journalists have died on the scene which eerie and well it's really a u.k.
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journalist it is the most dangerous place in the world to be a journalist and i'm not a peace plan i learned about what you just said a charter for al qaida expand briefly if you could. because the release of all those prisoners which is point for the the idea of stop fighting these are all going to play into the foreign hands that are behind huge elements of the opposition is opposition usually fragmented but we knew that the regional players are funding some elements of the rebels that are fighting president assad would love nothing better than the six point plan the fact that hillary clinton. the fact that the opposition's are members the opposition don't agree with the six point plan this is the kind of six point plan that needs to be instituted in the united states i love the fact that you have poverty alleviated in the united states i love the fighting stop there it is a bizarre documents. and kofi annan i'm not sure what his position is i know that the iranian government said that he was visiting terror and he would even visit to
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iran just like the present un general secretary for the role of the u.n. very suspicious and beats the turkish prime minister is in tehran what is going to happen in the syrian context will be decided further afield washington and. outside of the orbit in fact the bric summit in new delhi gives us a new perspective a very a changing world they have been unable to unseat president. for all his faults has been a protector for palestinian rights which is the cornerstone of everything that will happen in the middle east for the foreseeable future are to this peace plan b. the u.s. and its allies supported of course but crucially it doesn't call for assad to step down south can it ever be workable anyway of those countries and the opposition if it didn't start has to go well the six points in effect create a context on the ground within syria that allows opposition militants to attack installations of the assad regime presumably those behind this plan we're thinking
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it allows militants to be able to attack and overthrew him through violent revolution because that's what the so-called peace plan seems to be suggesting you for president says he is not allowed to fight militants that are against the syrian government he has to release all those prisoners and he has to allow freedom of association. in the context of the way the u.n. may see it what is it but a coup for the allowing of militant violent revolution against this bulwark of. the duty it was in the middle east that it is doing something to fight the prosimian corner when the united states does nothing but support israel which is bombing gaza every day in french taking the time to be on the program to those appreciate that you have this. thanksgiving. i was serious seeks an end to its ongoing crisis we look at another country in the region still struggling with
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the consequences of revolution find out about a fresh struggle clashes in libya and its continuing violence the authorities admitting they failed to bring stability to just a couple of minutes time also as well just as in britain call for heavy handed riot police to face justice that says one activist seriously injured in the street demonstration and himself and the dog. the front runner in the us republican nomination is accused president obama of trying to ingratiate himself with russia mitt romney claims obama's foreign policy puts america's national security in danger this comes of it was overheard assuring to be from a bed of more flexibility on arms control issues of the presidential election in november also wants guarantees from washington that the planned missile defense system in europe would not target russia a group of republican senators has demanded the biters makes no concessions to russia one is called moscow a thorn in america's side
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a view shared by many republicans is that he's done it and she can report. the run up to the presidential election in the u.s. . the perfect time to drag down the good old cold war skeleton from the closet and. russia this is without question our number one geopolitical foe in the world of the presidential hopeful mitt romney russia is america's prime enemy while it's president elect you should remember this. i think president represents a real threat to the. stability and peace of the world but that's in the world of mitt romney what about well america there is no evidence of any popular support for bashing right. for hostility towards russia so this idea that somehow or another russia is a concern for americans it just doesn't add up at all with
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a very small sliver of people asked about romney's comments president medvedev advised them to stop reverting to olden days hollywood steering types and take a look at the calendar. and you can go i would advise all u.s. presidential candidates to make reasonable statements it wouldn't do them any home to do so and to chip who will choose it's the year twenty twelve one hundred seventy s. and the current leaders of the two countries may have long delayed the cold war to aggress but for some it's just too good to like girl boy to return to those cold war simple days. russia is not the only foreign policy bandwagon the republican presidential hopefuls are capitalizing on the list also includes china iran's syria each candidate except ron paul trying to sound tougher than the other
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strategies they put forward warming arming isolating threatening i want to be china i want to go to war with china these guys around for us and the end of it and looking for ways to do. it too or to harm us of course should take military action it is unacceptable for iran to have a nuclear weapon but what if all of what that trigger happy candidate suggest on foreign policy actually happens i worry about the world in which romney became president because i think he would adopt a more militaristic foreign policy his world is depicted in a miniature sketch it's some kind of him if it's cool and very on the real view of the world if america takes up a much more aggressive stance towards lots of foreign countries it will be a much more dangerous world they'll also be dangerous. for america because we can afford to do that mitt romney will most likely win the republican nomination and
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america will face a choice between him and president obama polls show the majority of americans disapprove of obama's policies but most experts agree that he will leave them out of leeway in the election because too many americans are just plain scared at having someone like romney as their future leader i'm going to share their reporting for our team. americans for my chief nuclear negotiator told me that washington and moscow have a lot more in common than any republicans would like to see. obama is in a tough political spot because i think he would like to find an arms control solution republicans are making it difficult for him to make i think give him the room for maneuver that he needs to find a practical solution and i don't think that research has failed at all in fact on some issues like afghanistan there's a lot of cooperation i even think in areas like syria where two or three weeks ago there was a lot of angry rhetoric about sides physicians you know i think even on syria the two sides are becoming
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a little more pragmatic and moving towards each other so there are a lot of strategic reasons for the united states and russia to work together. in particular you know there are two big countries that face big problems challenges both domestic and international and on most of those issues i think they're similarly a lot. if you'd like to see more of that we've got the full interview with coming up on this channel in ten minutes time tonight. next a british student who suffered a near fatal blow to the head in police clashes during a student gondo is on trial him self for violence elfin meadows and fifty others ended up in hospital after the fighting during protests i would cherish in fees he could be jailed for five years and convicted but as that is i would bet it explains his supporters want to see the police face justice over brutality. fiercely defending the rights of protest against what they call
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a corrupt system these demonstrators are here to support an alleged victim of police brutality who's now victim once again despite nearly dying from injuries sustained that is sanctioned protest that's alfie meadows not the police facing trial for violent disorder strictly unjust and rather he should be the police here elfie if she believes she's in charge of law itself and is a victim of violence or not that he sends a message at least in a sense it's a lie and if you approach this day you are basically fair game alfie alleges he was beaten over the head with police battens this is the immediate aftermath of the assault the impact was so hard he suffered bleeding on the brain and lost the ability to speak the scars a gruesome reminder of the emergency brain surgery that saved his life alfie had been demonstrating against university tuition fee hikes along with thousands of
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other students but police were out in force two and more than happy to show them the strong arm of the law alfie was one of over fifty who ended up in hospital after the protests most of them students but the only ones who have been charged in connection with the violence are the students themselves a year on not even a single policeman has been investigated the same protests or a disabled activist dragged from his wheelchair and pulled along the road despite. this video evidence you know officers with charged but the courts haven't been afraid to hand down strict punishments to the protesters one student got fifteen months behind bars for merely throwing a placard that didn't even hit anyone another jailed for a year and a half just for throwing a joke shop smoke bomb these kinds of events and which even if they are. technically correct are trivial in the sense of they didn't cause any harm nor could they have caused you know police officers dressed in full riot gear and so on
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so the real victims here are not you know others are the police there but they are the protesters who have been beating the target in the obvious case virtually killed our female as was charged soon after lodging a complaint with the police regulator it's inquiry conveniently suspended because of this trial after spending the last fifteen months recovering from his injuries he could now face up to five years in prison either bennett r t london also for most today multiple explosions set off a massive fire in thailand as we were reporting on lying. about fireworks exploding at a factory causing a blaze that took hours to contain for you see more of those dramatic videos online from us it's also on our you q. page plus the mystery of the kremlin kept reports of the disappearance of president medvedev feline friend gets the social networks pairing so the russian leader takes
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to twitter to try to sort it out of the tale told at r.t. dot com. libya has admitted it's failing to bring stability with tribal leaders threatening to declare a separate state in the south but after fifty people were killed in two days of clashes there the country suffering continual violence with former rebels still bearing arms a year after the revolt journalist and blogger neil clark says the national security council has done more harm than good since it began. because possibly to achieve its goals let's look back on our last year. peace democracy human rights in libya we've actually had the very opposite and there is no peace in libya because of the fifty people killed in the last two days every over one hundred people killed a human rights watch has been appalling attacks or black africa has been ethnic violence racist targets unpunished i mean the people who committed these crimes
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have been un punished there's been desecration of british war graves in again of. an issue the fact is the sea is not in control of a country as a lot of us are scaling on. because she's in a real mess for the main problem because he's a bit east of russia with arms and the fact is now you've got the issues you've got different tribal divisions or heavily armed you could have to fight it government in tripoli it's not in control of its territory and so you've got a real recipe for. who's to blame because it's the west powers who gave these arms to gravel's to topple gadhafi and already it is getting astrology for the days of it happening because there is lawlessness there and it's a person that's what's happening in iraq. international news in brief now this particular petrol pumps in britain ahead of a possible thank you drive a strike some stations already run dry after a government minister suggested people should fill their tanks and stock up with fuel despite the fact that no industrial action is yet been called leaders are
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condemning the potential strike which they say will put lives at risk. the damage to one of the fukushima nuclear reactors is far worse than previously thought with fatally high levels of radiation and dangerously low levels of cooling water a probe was said into the reactor for only the second time since it was crippled by last year's earthquake disaster it means decommissioning their facility will be much more difficult now and the cleanup is set to take decades. but pope has ended his visit to cuba with a huge mass on the site of the country's communist revolution oppressing a crowd of hundreds of thousands he demanded greater freedoms for the catholic church during his three day trip the pontiff called on the government to continue opening up to more reforms. an american pilot terrified his passengers by running through the cabin screaming about threats and al qaeda camps and was in charge of a domestic flight when he shouted they were all going down and he was subdued by
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passengers after being locked out of the cockpit before being led off while handcuffed to a chair after the plane made of the murdered sea landing in texas thankfully everyone is safe and sound. all right let's dive into the world of big business now is coming up to outside it's exactly twenty five minutes prostate not any joy or wall street and you all know this slipping further into the red we'll have the latest figures in a moment the top story this hour russia's announce the biggest emerging market for several years the billion dollar euro bond will cover the country's boringly for the year but the chief economist of russia says there are all the reasons for the move. well the first goal rationale of trying to finance. budget deficits is the dominant theme and this euro bond issue i think the dominant theme is for russia to have a return to capital markets that is successful. and their return to capital
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markets that facilitates the borrowing of russian corporates have brought. let's check the markets it's been a bad day for all e.u. bosses because london frankfurt closed around one percent down the street swung self off for a strong start both of. them off a percent below is not too positive economic data released earlier here in moscow both main markets ended down lower commodity prices haven't helped them stalks weaker crude prices pushed nucor lower russia's biggest lenders also finished in the red off the nets rose but below expectations we could come as lost earlier gains as world gold prices hit two week highs yesterday this slightly off but at the moment silver still above thirty two dollars though oil has dropped from the highest close in more than a week after reports confirmed u.s. stockpiles of increased crude brants now around two dollars euros swung into the
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red on the. recent highs against the euro and the greenback and in corporate news news corp is once again under the scrutiny of the law this time for sabotaging its competitors the police in australia and britain are expected to look into allegations rupert murdoch's company the codes of pay t.v. royals then gave away the small cogs alone viewers to get their programming for free which is currently being investigated for phone hacking did noise the latest allegations and you're up to date kevin more stories on our website dot com slash business good stuff very much for that now shortly we'll be hearing tonight from a former u.s. nuclear envoy about why america and russia need to get their heads together over nuclear bomb numbers that's coming up after the headlines in just a few moments and make every now and.
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