tv [untitled] March 28, 2012 2:30pm-3:00pm EDT
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from fines to. start on t.v. dot com. hello this is our team or school top stories at ten thirty pm most of the time it's syria's opposition that's now being called on the stop the violence as president assad signs up to the u.n. peace plan but it's fear the factions are too divided. five the world's fastest growing economies are how marrying out an alternative to the governance of the i.m.f. and the world bank has to be to india. and britain is in a panic through fuel stations running dry as motorists get in a spin over a potential tanker drivers strike that's despite knowing gusto that should be told
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yet. i'm kevin zero in on the page two of the stories in full it's thirty minutes but next is back to washington just a few moments. i'm on the streets of d.c. to tell people in the nation's capital what our viewers had to say on twitter facebook and you tube and see which comments we should keep or delete. do you know who it jim young can. i go to. the green guy
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way i think he's the north korea scuse me to you guys obvious i guess. south korea president obama nominated him to be the head of the world bank and he's also the president of dartmouth college mike jones wrote in to say that hillary clinton wants a job so do you think that she would be a better choice to want to keep or delete it out. she's like a famous girl like oh people know her so i feel for him but. i can't say i agree with everything about her but i mean i don't know who's on the kid and so i can't really compare i love hillary but i don't know about the world bank position gary told us that no matter who is nominated the world bank is a corrupt organization that takes advantage of coronations do you think we should keep or delete. i have no idea. why should we keep it or delete it. the world as you can see it's fully integrated so people are always saying something in public but when it comes to and this shit different things happen john
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base wrote in to tell us it's time for america to let someone else run the world bank maybe someone from edge of galloping country do you want. to lead now i would i would believe that because i believe it does need to stay with us i think we should keep it. with the policies of the obama administration our financial industry is suffering greatly. and it's in question is sure that we remain. part of that was trying to find out what you guys think of obama's nominee to be the next president of the world we asked you for your predictions whether you think that he might actually change the tradition of being an american what's like most people just weren't really sure what the world bank or who the nominees were but thank you for your responses as usual and here's our next question for you earlier in the show we spoke about the impact of occupy wall street movement which has been
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declared all but dead by the media i'll think wires are promising a resurgence so do you think we're going to see an occupy wall street style american spring or the snow you think on facebook twitter and you tube and you know his response just might make it on their. well the f.t.c. is calling for more internet regulations to protect consumer privacy one hundred and twenty page report that they released yesterday the federal trade commission called on congress to enact legislation to regulate data brokers saying that they would have to give consumers access to the information that's collected about them and allow them to correct and update that data now when it comes to the issue of a do not track feature and so the f.t.c. stopped short of calling on congress to force it on the companies and said they applauded the industry for making significant progress on its own and warned them that they do expect self-regulation and for them to voluntarily create that option so i mean seem kind of straightforward the report has critics on all sides let's
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try to break it down see what it could actually mean for us consumers joining me to discuss this to happen we call it chief political correspondent or seen at second thanks for joining us tonight and so let's break down this report let's first start with what it is that the f.t.c. is saying and they would like to see and legislation in terms of regulating data brokers who exactly is the data broker that they say that well we know that liberal trade commission would define it as if we released this hundred twenty page report so we were in there they could just get one paragraph or half a page to what it actually is i mean is it a news organization that has a contact list is that what you probably expect which is lots of. us search those types of companies that have a lot of information about us but aren't currently regulated like the credit report companies are but you actually didn't define it we don't have to believe it's intentional i do and leaving it open ended i just love when they make legislation i
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guess it's not legislation it's not congress he had but when they make things so vague and broad that it's all open up for interpretation but the idea of it sounds nice but i can go online i can see what they have about me i could edit it if i wanted to you know in real life. terms though you know if you think there's any problem for that is there any actually legislation on the books yet or that's making its way through this and written it looks like it well if you look at the history of credit reporting in the united states i mean we've had this are credit reporting act that's about thirty years of history of regulating how credit reporting services work you get your stores are ruined. for a credit card or mortgage knows how this work works it doesn't work well i don't have as much access as i would like me trying to correct stuff is really problematic and so if we go down that path but i'm not sure if it's going to be the best one on the other hand there are some problems with with the current site that we're talking about the f.t.c. has filed
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a bunch of lawsuits against them ready in the last three years i think we've seen two lawsuits filed so i'm not saying that nothing needs to be done there's not sure that the f.t.c. the the right track with this there for one thing goes like this goes back to the previous point like the definition of what's gone on about all right but then you have any idea for what you think is the right track with these you know it's something that definitely has american concerned about so much of their information being shattered out there and then sold for third party. right one approach is what the google is doing what twitter is and facebook are moving towards which is giving the people who use services well a lot of information about what information is being collected i mean if you create an account on a web site you go there frequently buy stuff from them you can see your previous orders on amazon you can see what information google has a doubt you would be nice if more company did and i think that the industry is
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moving in this direction just moving more slowly than a lot of folks would like that's what we like to see who still think it's a data broker which which are these companies like choice point and lexis nexis that you don't really have much interaction with you let much more interaction but they google or facebook or twitter you use them i want to get back to the google point but first let's talk about this do not track feature which the f.t.c. isn't saying that congress should enforce and we already saw you know companies like google and some other sign on to say that they are going to start offering it voluntarily but at the same time you know can we really trust them to do it but it's not trustworthy and isn't mean can't trust anything you know i or do we start seeing it going to one category of. well this is an area where you're some actually seeing a lot of innovation you have the w three c. which is the a web standards body moving towards this major browser manufacturers for volumes or
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add on's are some ways to implement it and. sort of self-regulatory body for internet after ty's ing. some policies just in the last few months are not part of this i would move as a way to regulation but it does show that if some smart technologists turn their minds to solving a problem they can actually do it the the one and one ongoing issue is that even definitions of what do not track needs are varying and you saw commissioner roche earl glued to this and his statement was appended to the end of this report because some people think the do not track means do not collect anything and some people mean beginnings of doubt so until washington figures out what they mean then probably regulation and legislation is premature so again we have to wait for washington to figure it out maybe i don't know as telling them what we would like it to be you know and there's a lot of people out there they also are saying that do not track wouldn't be the
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best thing because then you know it might bring ad revenues down i think there is even some really fear mongering saying that it would completely demolished the internet but with her and this time i want to go back to your saying about google you know the fact that they at least tell people what information i'm gathering about them we now see lawsuits in new york and los angeles going after google for this new privacy policy of theirs that they rolled out and they're trying to make these class action lawsuits and they're saying ali is it a violation of their previous privacy policies but also violations of federal laws if you think they have a case probably not i mean you're seeing a lot of class action lawsuits filed against google and facebook and twitter and especially peaceful now we're going. going public i mean these companies have a lot of money there so i'm especially but google and facebook and so they're just attractive targets for lawsuits and a lot of them are you know you spend
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a few thousand dollars to draft a complaint and maybe you'll get rich and maybe you'll get a million dollar settlement it's a pretty good return on investment but i think very few of these go anywhere. i have a prologue they saw anything give you an opportunity to opt out don't have any say it stop using their products i mean look if they're doing something wrong the federal trade commission the state attorneys general have been very active in the f.t.c. in the case of actually it's all three companies how it has been settled and so with and google's settlement last year with the buzz said if they do stuff in terms of sharing information extremely they have to get explicit permission from i'll summarize what if but if it's you know sharing information internally that's that's not covered and i'm not as worried about that as a piece of information extremely. and why i think it's going to be a long hard slog to figure all the legislation when they have it i don't think that
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the debate is going anywhere thanks so much for joining us tonight thank you. time for our last break that evening that coming up some people will take every chance a dread to have less rights than cold war rivalry and i was happy when i told final word tonight i don't have the hour. scrub from website and non-science to drive a wedge between blacks and. wealthy british style. markets trying to. find out what's really happening to the global economy
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with much stronger no holds barred look at the global financial headlines kaiser reports. so resistant saluja. so for. the rays of leukemia for example a thirty eight times the expert. breast cancers more than sends on child cancers fourteen times if you get the exact juices bullish huge numbers there's not nothing that you have ever found in any of the male ocean studies anywhere ever there is a wedding that brings victory. to its creator. he's not alone some are more severe than others we have something that is born without skulls without organised and sometimes with their legs totally missed what it means death to those who would point it out. hand man.
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owns to those who use this window. and they're celebrating and they don't realize that stand looking at their own future cuts. a lens this is just. so subtle. thanks. i have. leakage and i'll show you some extent how much i have leakage. our guys it's time for tonight's tool time award and snipe it's not going to a specific person or an organization so this tool is going out to everybody out there that's here margaret
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a little hard out in season eight of the recent conversation between president obama and the gates of the media is going crazy over the last twenty four hours over this exchange between the two world leaders it was caught on camera. all right so there we heard president obama telling russian president meet me today they have to have more flexibility on missile defense after the election probably was the most caution move especially since obama's been caught in hot mike moments before but let's admit not necessarily shocking obama's champion the reset all throughout his presidency and it's pretty common practice that presidents do things during their second term that they might not have power politically viable and they had another election on the horizon especially with an issue as sensitive as missile defense and how the system works no one is immune every politician is simply working towards their next election which is messed up but it's nothing new
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who really gets me is not be easily predictable political response and the right wing one that points out the obvious to go see he has great conversations about things that will be able to achieve after getting reelected some more of the completely out of date outlook on the world the cold war era of fear mongering if you will so you've got mitt romney's take on the clip if he's planning on doing more and suggest to russia that he has things he's willing to do with them he's not well a to tell the american people this is to russia this is without question our number one geopolitical foe they fight every cause for the world's worst actors the idea that he has a more flexibility in mind for russia is very very troubling you. oh yes so troubling that the u.s. president would be flexible with the countries we work with on a regular basis on iran or afghanistan in the when it really is terrified that one nuclear superpower would want to have a working relationship with another nuclear superpower and france and i thought
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according to all of our military and intelligence assessments which fear mongering is the purpose of those it was a wrong and china that are the main photos and bad guys but some people to see that working relationship between russia and the u.s. as selling out the president told the russians. yeah the new things that obama is selling out on missile defense and he actually isn't alone on that. but other little details or what other little off my conversations are selling out american national security or making big changes in an american military policy if you know. that's right corinna laura ingram obama sold our national security in ten seconds flat pretty impressive if you ask me now following the media firestorm obama felt forced to respond and he basically explained the obvious this conversation with mcveigh that was in line with the
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stance that he's consistently take it which is that he would like to continue negotiations with russia to reduce nuclear stockpiles and to work on missile defense which has been a touchy back and forth issue all along so let's take a listen to the reaction of the hans and franz crew that. i want to reduce our nuclear stockpiles and one of the barriers to getting the living trust and cooperation around missile defense as you say he says he said this before so it should come as no surprise. because there is steve doocy chime in there with the zero yes see that's exactly what happened if obama gets reelected he would get rid of all of our nuclear weapons every last one in just four years i mean i know is that a million times on the show but do these people really not know that currently we have enough nuclear weapons to destroy the world many times over and will long after obama is out of office and it's rare that i actually have to know that dreaming of a world free of nuclear weapons is a good thing but yes according to these folks we've been all like a whore with thousands of pens who can admit that they only need
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a few to get the job done because that's a totally rational stance now russia has not been silent either president reagan had this to say about romney's number one focus on it. closest machine. number one. oh sure. you may have thought of the cold war and they with the collapse of the soviet union at the relationship between the us and russia was in the process of a reset with the obama presidency but as long as the right is running around making statements like this without question our number one geopolitical foe. with that i'd say the relations are bound to be tense so for example a conversation that really didn't reveal anything we didn't already know and then using that to create a full on fear mongering frenzy rights cold war hacks arts and i told my winners.
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guys it's time for happy hour joining me this evening lauren lyster host of the capital account here in our city and comedienne wreaths thanks for joining me thank you so. everyone has heard. this over and over and repeated and we went after it but one more time if we need to here are all those ridiculous take on the hoodie and the role that it played in trayvon martin's murder. but i am urging the parents of black and latino youngsters particularly to not let their children go out wearing hoodies i think the hoodie is as much responsible for trayvon martin's death as george zimmerman was. absurd but listen to
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this so does he point out that fox news. used to sell on their web site and that there it is there it is the fox news sunday and then they claim with a sweater to suddenly vanished and it's no longer available to buy fox they said this is what it was discontinued in two thousand and ten but when there's no one really. i'm sure actually existed fox is way too much of like they want to capitalize on everything i think like a pretty good i think they would want to capitalize off of her role they want to carry coddling the i didn't know you told they would if those were on the website the people of great they're selling like hotcakes this is great i don't think they would have pulled them i think it's a good looking as a guy who wears hooded sweatshirts i think it's very important clearly asking to be killed clearly i got here safe i don't know how so you should be under basically it's possible i'm a suspect as you go to work for this was not all guys who were disclosures are the same we've been stereotyped for years but we're all very different when we're.
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going to do or heard of but you're not sketchy like we are like in the street right you're not suspects but also it's very important that we know that not all guys who have mustaches. or is racist is rule do it i just want to say on record that he does not speak for us and you know fine but if your mustache disappears we're going to be very wary of how your comments were going to ask but yeah i think it's ridiculous that a guy has people with mustaches you don't point fingers at other people that look suspicious because they know how you look i want to actually give you the last laugh houses shouldn't throw violent stereotypes the seventy's pornstar mustache let's move on to the next story. which is. that we can feel it take a look at the. well officials in one colorado city have now canceled the annual easter egg hunt and they are blaming parents gone wild for hot usually involves
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children running around a park but organizers say the parents were too pushy at last year's event ruined the event for everyone. so why not buy this shocking parents are so intense these days i definitely remember i think maybe my first easter in america you know i was four years old and i think my parents are trying to help me out because we like woke up early. as a little kid i was crying and upset about it so i understand they want to help but like if you ever been out one as an adult the difference of these adults watching kids they suck at it there are so incompetent out of they never they're right in front of them and it's very frustrating if you're if you're a thinking adult to watch a little kid just screwed up and you know fairly and that's a key point here is these easter egg hunts today aren't even hundreds they put a bunch of eggs in the grass how was that i know what it what it can you know there are there is one like every. this throws them eggs so you don't know at least three feet down bury it up if you can
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a little more difficult totally if your four year old can't pick up eggs from grass you have way bigger problems then you know overbearing parents. let's see so. what does a caller have national national organization for marriage they are the leading opponents of same sex marriage in the country they're all about saving the sanctity of marriage and you know we've seen them put out some pretty scary ads. there's a storm gathering the clouds are dark and the winds are strong you have a free summer advocate for same sex marriage should take an issue far beyond same sex couples do you want to bring the issue into my life my freedom will be taken away. what are strong what does that mean there's a storm coming there there is a good parody of me that i would too because it was so absurd but it turns out that . some documents internal documents were made public in
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a main court yesterday and this is actually what it said the strategic goal of this project is to drive a wedge between gays and blacks two key democratic constituencies with an internal report on two thousand and two thousand called not a civil right project well you can tell that they were going to be creepy from that and yet it is like not a character after you see the weird you don't get mad where they're like clearly there's a need let me once again people actually put this in their documents as an organization doesn't shock me that's the way that they think what you're going to write that down and say our biggest call your guys got to make sure the gays in the. total divide yeah you know they just have to look at what would jesus do and i think that they'll find the answers to many of the questions that their personal outmoded would jesus would be smart enough to maybe put them in a drawer something that didn't get leaked out it was you know they really were it was public. because it was a confidential document and had to be made public in
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a court and it's just some stuff there i don't know if i don't think we have time for this next clip but basically apps technology they're ruining everything for teenagers just listen to the stories of this girl in australia to throw a party when her dad is out of town right like anyone who does and her dad who is five hundred miles away decide to check in on his home's energy use with his flick so beat her energy monitor there is an android out and realize that the air conditioning is running at all the lights were on that are there and she got busted . so the lesson in this is that the children of preppers and conservation nasheed not throw parties in their own homes do you hear him on anything like trickle engineers so i guess that would make sense maybe this was. i mean new year's eve and teenage daughter like you don't you know that the bigger that is the figure out there your daughter your girl party you can't you can't leave her alone you know
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that's a good point and i think there's a business idea and that's no you could just rename it now when you know you need like a lot of blocking absolutely have to block their parents you know it's like taking . your eyes were born there when everybody's. got a bit of a big joining me tonight if that's it for tonight's show thanks for tuning in and make sure that you come back tomorrow credit card for a republican presidential candidate will be joining us in the meantime never get to become a fan of the lower show on facebook and follow us on twitter and you missed any of tonight's show or any other nights you can always catch it all you tube dot com slash the i want to show that's is the.
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