tv [untitled] March 28, 2012 10:30pm-11:00pm EDT
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watched my interview with lawrence krauss on the largest atheist gathering in history rally for a reason that he bridges comments on facebook one reason people dislike atheists like this so much is their offensive use of put downs on religious people and their deeply held beliefs if they want respect and to cool it with the hateful language now i definitely understand where our viewers coming from here well atheists may be cutting and mocking they don't have the one thing that the religious right in this country has and that's power i don't think there's any reason to put down those who are religious but i also don't think there's any reason for those in power many of whom are religious to press their beliefs on the rest of us tolerance should be had on both sides and i think we've seen over the past several months that it's not the least next i want to share some of our viewer comments on american youth turning away from cars dark blood sixty six commented on you tube and story america's use shining diamonds jets cruise ships mansions no wait they just can't afford the bamboo for a tame sea giri golf and sit on you tube it costs so much to own operate
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a car that most young people see it as a burden and john bird comments on you tube it would cost me thirty six hundred dollars a year to park in my own condo that i have to pay for parking wherever i go that's probably another three thousand a year and parking over sixty six hundred a year just to park a car don't even get me on gas prices so i think of the take away here is that expense that many of us right now just can't afford i do think of the cultural shifts that we discussed on last night's show are also part of this equation and now to round out the evening or two of you are with a bevy of very important questions zero sixty five commented do they ever drink up those martinis or do they pour it back or is it just water. well i want to plead the fifth on this one the mystery of the martini must remain and that therefore tonight that's it for the night and i'll be back with more as usual next week. how many times on this show we've discussed how for profit universities have made a mark for themselves by scanning students particularly veterans keen on earning an
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education after putting their lives on the line corporate schools like kaplan divine the university of phoenix they've all pushed thirty degrees on veterans by using recruiters on military bases advertisements on the armed forces networks and slick web sites to make best think of their flexible programs are the way forward now the marketing campaigns couldn't be any further from the truth according to v.a. and senate education committee data from two thousand and nine to two thousand and eleven the eight for profit schools received the most g.i. benefits how extraordinarily high dropout rates just over fifty three percent of students who enrolled in bachelor's programs and just over sixty percent of students who enrolled in associate's programs dropped out of the schools now the university of texas on the other hand one of the largest public universities in the country they only have a twenty six percent rate of undergraduate dropouts by comparison and university of maryland only thirteen percent of undergraduates drop out unsurprisingly student loan defaults are more also more likely for profit colleges according to the
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department of education only twelve percent of students attend for profit colleges but the institutions are responsible for forty five percent of federal student loan defaults so for profit schools are failing both veterans and civilians and taxpayers are on the hook for a pretty penny to between two thousand and six and two thousand and ten the amount of military education benefits ending up at just twenty for profit colleges has increased from over sixty six million to over five hundred twenty million overall twenty ten seventy cents out of every dollar of revenue it sixty three percent of accredited for profit colleges came from federal aid and the entire industry took in about twenty four billion dollars of taxpayer money in two thousand and eight a loan that's according to the department of education so if you thought that all the grifting of veterans and underprivileged didn't was bad for profit college and southern california is coming under fire for taking it to the lunatic fringe and surprise surprise the military industrial complex is at the heart of this shape now
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just take a look at this ad from the international career development college. it's a term for eleventh two thousand and one. now more than our nation needs qualified homeland security which we can't afford to let the stuff. i see college you can make a difference with green homeland security i am strong as a reserve just the sure i understand what it means to be committed to our country to protect the citizens of this great nation homeland security to my c.d.c. colleagues will prepare you for career. yes considering that marketing masterpiece complete with september eleventh exploitation chip star editor erica strata and cool sound effects who wouldn't want to retire and i think. well according to a thirty million dollar class action lawsuit against reported by the court house news service the school isn't quite so glamorous bride will help the lead plaintiff
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in a case alleges that i.c.c. is guilty of using unfair business practices false advertising intentional fraud negligence misrepresentation by leaving the consumer legal remedies act and unjust enrichment the list and in the real world says that most graduates have quote little or no hope of working out the united states department of homeland security despite the fact of the terror homeland security features prominently in two of their degree it's fitting that the lawsuit also alleges the program has no quality control plaintiffs argued the school trick students into a rolling because it fights postgraduate employment at a rate of ninety five percent that's a ginned up number that includes part time gig jobs that don't require degrees so in other words this program allegedly had miles to glorified security guard training. so long as matter in the grand scheme of things we've discussed doing that many times a promise show with a higher education budgets contracting or for profit colleges are increasingly being seen as an alternative to president obama's trying to regulate the industry
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as so-called gainful employment regulations are due to come out this year and remains to be seen what sort of oversight he has to offer but what if any challenger mitt romney and the president in january but people like brian will have expect that well to have a look. he was the education is just right you know is there anything in your kit bag that is addressing the. i happen to think that competition is a great. source of invention and improve and and i i see the the advent of for profit institutions of higher learning which you know the president there is some supporters of the life i sure like the idea of competition in higher education. yeah if mitt romney is elected president boehner bold desperate students can expect themselves to be taken for a right presumably struck to the roof of cart after all let's not forget some of romney's major campaign donors such as full sail university c.e.o.
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bill have been or are so-called education entrepreneurs the sort of people are the sort who see people like ryan will him as little more than a source of revenue and as romney's list of number one of those expanding veterans and underprivileged students looking to climb the national security state hierarchy and expect to end up at schools like i said you can see all these people and of having their rights protected let's not forget that mitt romney thinks that for profit schools are people too my friend. these days european leaders are signaling that the eurozone crisis has been contained for the time prime minister mario monti said that the euro zone's woes are almost over german chancellor angela merkel said that the crisis is adding and here in the u.s. while could she ben bernanke the this say that it's too early to declare victory in his usual cautious way of speaking he also pointed to improving signs the economy but as much as we'd like to talk about putting off crisis or look at weekly and monthly economic indicators because none of it matters long as we still have zombie
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banks will bailed out and propped up financial institutions still hurt us all in the long run and nobody wants to admit it joining me from our studio in new york is young woman senior writer bridge news and author of zombie banks how broken banks and debtor nations are crippling the global economy thank you so much for joining us tonight. i don't know first of all what do you think of these statements right when you hear people like angola merkel or mario monti's say that hey guys we made it crisis averted what are your thoughts. well it's not the first time they're saying it if you remember two thousand and ten after the greek first greek bailout they said the same crisis was averted and ireland and portugal had to be bailed out after those early two thousand and eleven crisis was a good number to everything was stocks were rising. we went back to the drawing board and we had to bail out greece a second time as you know so every year around this time crisis seems to be
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overrated but it keeps coming back and as you mentioned as my book explains as long as we have a financial system in europe and in the u.s. that is full of zombie banks that are bailed out we cannot fix the problems fundamentally without the problems being fixed the crisis will never go away all right said how if in your words what exactly is the bank. when you write about it in your book you want to introduce the readers to go back to the epic of gilgamesh . yes i do and that's a five thousand year old epic poem it's you know we all love zombies they're the living among us and we're scared of them because they. think they might as well in the epic actually eat with us which means they eat the same food and you know when there's not enough food and living people have gone i mean off it's the same with zombie banks they compete with healthy banks they should be dead but they're
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not because they've been rescued by their governments. then they they share the same resources they take the money away and they don't give it back to the economy because of that they actually keep blocking the return of economic growth so that's why they're back they don't need human beings but the money and that's just as harmful in an economy that's trying to recover. yeah they're hungry right because part of the problem that we still have is that you have these financial institutions that have a lot of cash and they continue to hoard it they're not exactly giving it out and lending it and then at the same time you have these banks that are just totally gaming the system gypping the taxpayers gypping the federal government if you look at some of the information that's coming out about the way that they're using these loan modification programs and you look at the foreclosure fraud settlement and so . what do you do about zombie banks because of this point there they've been
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propped up we're past the original crisis what you do with us now. well what we need to do here in the u.s. and in europe is. to get rid of them to resolve them or and want wind them down and that frank act actually has a resolution authority given to the if the i.c. and that the government can use. the european countries have similar resolution powers that they gave to their regulators they should use those and take those banks and sell the good parts of them to other banks or other investors and take the bad assets on their books put it away and and slowly sell those over years which has been done in sweden in the ninety's norway and the scandinavian countries it's been done in some asian countries in the past so it's doable and it should be done and that way the healthy banks actually will be getting the credit and they
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will be able to lend to consumers and companies and then the economy the world economy can actually. recover and go up as it should oh you make it sound so easy let's not forget there's a lot of power think that involved here and despite where di frank there's not a lot of willpower to actually enforce much of it a lot of people still think that it didn't go far enough and so just lastly to you you know you mentioned the fact that we look at the arab spring. or what's going on around the world people don't want to make this connection between monetary policy and what we actually see happening politically so tell us more about that. well of course you know there's so much money being sloshing around around the world right now fed started with printing money two thousand and eight nine and printed about three trillion dollars and the e.c.b. has picked it up last year and this year and they've printed about two trillion dollars. and all that money is rushing around it creates commodity inflation that's
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why the prices have been going up it creates food inflation in countries like the middle east and when people can't afford to buy their food then it creates rest and and you know it's not only greece where the policies of the government are are causing unrest all these monetary policy is printing money and creating worldwide inflation is hurting people who are a lot of the hood depends on on buying cheap food and affordable gasoline we complain when it hits four dollars a gallon but in some countries that actually means people can't take care of sick to the hospital so that's why all these events around the world are connected to the free money that central banks in the west are spreading around the world i guess you know the more obvious you make that people that maybe partly know as a start right i like a way to change the system thanks so much for joining us tonight. thank you for
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having me. high time for our last break of the evening but when we return the brooklyn park slope co-op voted down a ban on israeli products last night and got so heated even at mayor bloomberg time then and the comments when it was night still final work and are happy our families are going into debt just to educate our children burying her garden and alicia silverstone feeds her child like a bird all that way from that. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so for like sleep you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you knew you don't. charge welcome to the big picture.
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if. i guys it's time for tonight's rules on war and tonight once again go to new york city mayor michael bloomberg a man a really seems like bloomberg is trying to give santorum a run for his money and the battle for told times the from the right but the time bloomberg has taken time away from his own war on food to address when i know that the park slope co-ops weren't going to be exact is the last night of the story co-op which is around and politically active since the seventy's they voted on whether or not to ban israeli food products in the co-op and protest israel's
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treatment of palestinians and estimates are that shoe thousand people attended the meeting last night and it took two hours for all of them to get inside the gym where this meeting was help so this video of the line well basically is so long you can play the entire segment and still not reach the end of it so the top vote on the issue became a national story caused so much controversy of the debate the vote and all things to become obese if it's so new york magazine writer chadwick matlin who attended this meeting mockingly wrote it is because about what park slope new brooklyn or new york city know america thought about israeli politics palestinian politics and well turns out the caught vote against boycotting one thousand and five votes six hundred sixty three per usual this just couldn't be a discussion about how a certain organization in new york felt about the israeli palestinian conflict because as we've mentioned multiple times on the show as an american if you take any stance on israel that isn't explicit in unwavering support well you might as
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all be a terrorist on a plane with a box cutter and that's exactly where michael bloomberg enters the story thing as this is all playing out in new york city woomera just had to weigh in on the matter so let's take a look at his take on the co-op vote. it's nothing to do with the food the issue is there are people who want israel to be torn apart and everybody to be massacred in america is not going to let that happen. wow so if you've got concerns over the treatment of palestinians who lets not forget are people too then automatically you want all israelis to be massacred i mean really i don't organize ation considers protesting israel in a peaceful way by simply not telling the good marshmallows and firmly they're calling for the massacre of millions of people who want who wouldn't jump to that conclusion right now i can't really get on board because of those ban either because let's be honest if you were to really be comprehensive about banning food from countries where you think there are human rights violations whatever because
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it is your camp and you have been campaigning at the moment your diet would get pretty restricted pretty fast so boycotts of this nature they can get really out of control reaching the point of always being comedy and i think that most of you remember when france didn't back the us in the war in iraq and freedom fries were introduced to the congressional cafeteria. and always on the side a heaping order of freedom fries you can see the liberty caught your arteries but not anymore i guess because a few weeks ago the cafeteria at the u.s. capitol went back to calling them french fries i can't believe they did last right but the reality is if people want to discuss a boycott of something they should be able to discuss it vote on it without michael bloomberg calling them de facto mass murderers so for making an absurd jump from a vote in a local co-op to the mass murder of all israelis and about fear mongering michael bloomberg is tonight's top time where.
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i got a plan for happy hour finally this evening r t producer jenny churchill and derek thompson senior editor at the atlantic. hey guys all right let's take a look i received a lot of people wearing hoodies. and solitary with trayvon martin lately and so representative bobby rush tried to do this on the house floor to look. around someone with. a hoodie there's no room. in the line. so basically what happened is he had to be escorted off the house floor because he broke the rules which is that you can't wear a hat on the floor this is ridiculous i mean it is it's just too bad because this
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is a really serious issue the trayvon martin issue serious and times like this just make us talk about this stuff and i look at it looked so you think that him wearing the hoodie is ridiculous you know the fact we kicked him out i mean no i don't think he broke the law in order to get people to talk about the fact that he's speaking a lot for certain extent expose your broke the law if you really. are i don't really like to make a political thing i want to just make a political statement it is going to be true i mean i of course of course i'm sensitive to his end goal here i just feel like it's going about in a very distracted from the major issue i actually agree with eric and i think that this whole where the hoodie thing has gotten completely out of control and i just i i think that it's important that we keep in mind here that there is a child who is dead and that his family is seeking one chest yes very true but i mean also some stupid rules like you were on the house floor because he was the result of the crowd to be on the house floor when he was you know they were debating i'm sure with the care that's there to take her there's an actor you know
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actually to get a baby camera hat. i don't need the rules for your daughter to see the officialdom but maybe you should help the city you would imply that you held the city for a baby and i thought he possibly i don't know that might have worked well all right rather an exercise. you know schools can get very expensive these days obviously student loan debt class a trillion dollars is no bigger than credit card debt by student loans are also on the rise for for for other schools to. dozens of parents are probably a little groggy today after spending the night camped out in wellington all to secure their kids a spot in preschool some waited in line at st peter's united methodist church for nearly twenty four hours. all right so let me backtrack a little bit the point is that it's getting so crazy that you have parents standing in line trying to get their kids into preschools and kindergartens and now the student loans are even on the rise for kindergarten you know on the one hand i
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agree with you that i think it's crazy it least it seems crazy it is unique and unusual but at the same time we stand in line for lots of things that are stupid we stand in line for smartphones we stand in line for. these shoes actually no i mean that's exactly my point education is actually extremely important every piece of evidence that exists so that education from the k. to twelve level and after improves lifetime learning so why not try to get you because occasionally it's a risk i agree with you but i don't think that the education that you pay for is always the best education and i think that kids that are in public schools can you just as well and better than people in private schools if their parents are involved and engaged and if they're having their kids to do things and i don't think it is all about so it's nice to have these families are making a decision and they're saying you know given what we know about the public schools in our area versus the private schools we think that it's so important that a kid gets into this private school who are willing to stand in line just to be good for an i phone i actually don't think that's so crazy i think which which more crazy actually is the fact that we haven't found ways to smartly control education
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costs and that's what's behind all the student loan debt that's what's behind the college student loan debt and increasingly and somewhat bizarrely caregiving that lungs out in college and student loans out for people sending their kids to private schools in elementary school and high school is completely different really yeah i do i think i think they're very close i think it's along a spectrum it's investing in the human capital of your child or investing in your own human capital and from what we know in a modern globalized technologically driven economy human capital is all there is so i view with your thing. so you need to do a lot of it was rather countries or economies i guess you could say that the entire country right tries to invest in this so that you don't have to do i do is really you know we didn't have to stand in line because we all just had great schools to go to to reflect on where you live and the quality of the education you receive depend on your socioeconomic status it was pretty what a great story would be if people in nigeria egypt in sri lanka were standing in line for their kids to get into the schools we would celebrate this is underdeveloped countries realize that education is the ticket to economic
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advancement. all right i think we're going to have to leave it at that i'm very passionate about this very. much for joining me tonight that's a good night so thanks for tuning in admission to come back tomorrow sarah jaffe from alter net going to be on to talk about the life for workers for the struction of collective bargaining rights and meantime don't forget to become a fan of below the show on facebook and follow us on twitter if you missed any of the night's show or any other night catch you tube dot com slash the a lot of show and coming up next is the new.
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