tv [untitled] March 29, 2012 10:00am-10:30am EDT
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tens of thousands demand justice across spain as workers protest cuts on labor reforms with a general strike. that's amidst the pressure to cut the deficit and the spanish government the looks in and out of this the budget join me jake greece to the very latest from a tourist. petrol panic grips the u.k. ahead of a possible time to drive a strike while london paris and washington all consider releasing oil reserves to push down prices. at moscow every news it's cold for no foreign military
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intervention in syria as a divided our oblique debates the peace plan for the water one country. it is good to have you with us here on artsy today i'm rule research i live in moscow and go over a pile of public cuts sign a new label always has brought spain to a standstill let's work a stage a general strike tens of thousands of people all across the country are also got to ring for rallies on the streets of massive industrial action is seen as a tough test for the country's young government which at this point is yet to reach one hundred days in office. now joins us live from madrid jacob how is the country coping at this point with such a massive strike. well there has been a very big impact of course that was the intent behind this it's france during this
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general strike for the workers those who felt neglected under the current spanish government and some of its policies are seriously measures to have its say and to voice its anger that is something we've seen occurring throughout the course of the day here in central madrid there have been minor clashes between individuals and police and protests. there have been detainments made arrests made as well now as central madrid well the majority of the people out in the streets have been quite young every knows who really been affected by this crisis so far saying in particular is facing an unemployment crisis biggest say it's about twenty three percent of the population at present that's particularly affecting the younger the working age the twenty five and younger with them it's about fifty percent of that cross-section of society that we are expecting tens of thousands of people to be
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out here in just a very short amount of time again voicing some of the uproar and anger not just against your stero to measures also against some of the labor laws that are being enacted by dishpan ish government presence there about a problem to do with sacking people now there have been companies saying it's too hard to do that at present in spain but this legislation essentially make it much easier and offer financial incentives to sack people in the future and also lower their wages now for more on this i'm actually joined by political analyst we go and show or rather now firstly people have described this incentive when it comes to the labor reforms saying that it's not something that should be done but it has to be done because you agree that. i mean there is an agreement that labor lost in spain where obsolete and somewhat awkward the problem is that. if you deregulate
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the labor market in moments of economic crisis like this one what you're bound to have is an epidemic of layoffs which is not what we need now so this will certainly refused consumption it will certainly reduce growth and that is where we have the problem we have a problem with growth with consumption we don't have really a problem with. the cost of labor because wages in spain were always very low now there will be you don't know and do you think that this is something is only going to heighten the problem when it comes to unemployment in spain well of course because that is the main crisis we have right now we have as you as you correctly say twenty three percent unemployment now how come the regular a station a liberal a station of the labor market can solve that on the country it will i mean may be at a time of economic one answer it could help i mean that is doubtful but anyway you could make that argument but certainly at an economic downturn well i'm sure there will be more more peace missiles and the other areas in your opinion that should be targeted right now well the problem is that it is not in the hands of the
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government to solve this crisis it's a european crisis has to do with the euro it has to do with europe spain is the victim of the crisis is not the cause of the crisis so i'm afraid that while we continue pushing these agenda of of of cards and austerity measures except for and not measures to with growth. but there's no solution thanks very much we go now on the issue of a european crisis well there has been take the recently notable increase in rhetoric when it comes from europe so this is something that could really infect this is told from the italian prime minister recently saying that this problem is staying could affect the rest of the eurozone because of this the spanish prime minister has said that on friday when he set to pass a new budget it will be very very austere looking to slash about thirty billion euros this comes on the back of the bank of spain announcing the country's entered into a second recession all right jake of greece they're like and richard thank you very
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much. you came out of caught in a panic by rising petrol prices and a threatened tanker drivers strike now but with fuel costs escalating france britain and the us a discussion of possible release of the strategic oil reserves to push the prices down are things are going it has details on this story. what we're seeing in the last twenty four hours or so is that halleck by widespread panic buying the fuel up and down the country by motorists queues outside petrol stations and what's really been fueling this panic buying is is the government's handling of this crisis their first piece of advice to motorists was to tell people not to panic which immediately of course set the alarm bells ringing one cabinet minister even said it me good idea to top up your car now also feel like a spare jerry can in case of emergencies and david cameron the prime minister has even put the army on standby to drive that the tankers should industrial action go
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ahead so these drastic measures are really fueling the panic all of this comes as oil prices are record high not only in britain but also in france and america and what that means is unhappy voters and with elections just around the corner in france and america they need to do something quick to pacify the voters and so what france is now doing they're joining us for america and britain in discussing the option of the emergency release strategic release of emergency all supplies to try and drive down those prices now this is a move normally reserved only when there is actually a physical disruption of the oil supply which isn't actually the case here the cause of the oil prices increasing is really a problem of their own making one of the main reasons for oil prices escalating is the sanctions imposed on iran ikey or producing nation by america britain and france which is hitting the oil exports hard and this is why countries like germany
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and italy are refusing to back move to release emergency supplies even the head of the i.a.e.a. the international energy agency which has to authorize any such move has said the there hasn't been a disruption significant enough of oil supplies to warrant such an if so they may have trouble pushing this through but america britain and france have got themselves in this situation and clearly they have. very desperate now to limit the damage and repair the damage that they've caused themselves before it's too late for their ministrations arteries are going to reporting right there a lot of today's or the bricks summit has just wrapped up now in india creating an alternative a global lender and stepping away from the dollar as a reserve currency all among the main objectives in new delhi is artie's preassure . leaders from the five of leading a merging economies in the world brazil russia india china south africa are all here in new delhi for the fourth annual bric summit of russian president dmitry
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medvedev held a bilateral meeting with the indian prime minister manmohan singh there have been a lot of things on the agenda one of the main themes of this year is it is how these growing economic powers are also starting to have more political clout on major international issues like syria and again we saw russia and china saying that they've backed a cease fire in syria they want peace in syria but they don't expect president assad to step down they don't want him to step down like many of the western leaders have said let's take a little listen to what the russian president had to say. one of the priorities for brics for the years to come should be the strengthening of the u.n. security council. peace and security and also ensuring that the u.n. is not used as a cover for regime change and unilateral actions to resolve conflicts situations
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with them and that was another thing that all of these five leaders talked about reforming the united nations another point that everyone was talking about was iran and house think sions are not going to work on iran these five countries are expected in the next eight years to make up fifty percent of the global g.d.p. even earlier this year all of the brics countries were discussing potentially bailing out europe from its financial crisis one of the major things on the agenda was talking about a potential breakthrough basket currency that could serve as an alternative to the american dollar or the euro today all of the five leaders signed an agreement to actually give out loans in their local currencies which is another move that they're thinking about moving away. from the dollar and moving away from the euro another huge thing on the agenda here in cali was the idea of a joint bank could serve as an alternative to the last three large traditional
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financial institutions like the international monetary fund and the world bank and just a bit earlier here on the program on r.t. i spoke to talk us through i'm charles vice dean at the jindal school of international affairs he believes institutions like the i.m.f. and the world bank have frankly outlived their usefulness the problem with wine for some kind of crumbs from the hard to build. up on democracy and the munificence of the former super powers who are now just great powers before the park the point is you know most people are words i think it's great for. your own initiative but you have the initiative to build your own institutions rather than to beg for a few more. years and a few more places in the managerial of the board. of the britain which institutions
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because. i don't think can be reformed from within they have free so therefore it's better to argue nobody should thought reclusive if a new institution this is we're going to breach development and come to this summit here in delhi you have really sure to be have the capability to forge ahead with new plans new ideas and new institutions in order to govern the planet with the new ideology and a completely new sanction would be for organizing economic life on the planet. and you can catch up with her more analysis on developments from the summit just by going to our c dot com a few of the other stories a lot of you on the web site right now for example bowing to the kremlin or a voice from the past republican presidential hopeful mitt romney slams barack obama's foreign policy for putting america's national security in danger. by the riders in the storm of the first ever polar circle snowmobile race in siberia off
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of spectators a chance to glimpse life in the far north some spectacular shots to be seen at artsy dot com. moscow has reiterated its opposition to any foreign military intervention in syria as the arab league meets to decide how to mediate a solution to the ongoing crisis the groups to give its backing to a u.n. sponsored peace plan calling on the opposition and president assad to both fully comply sarah ferguson follow developments now joins us live on the program sara so does it look like a diplomatic solution will bring peace to syria despite the arab league's lack of unity on the issue. well i mean the arab league summit in baghdad today hasn't been particularly well timed out it's less than half of the twenty leaders have actually participated in the number of the countries sending that and i think envoys instead say a lot of people saying that that's possibly much more
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a political stunt than a security issue baghdad just had reports of two explosions in the area no confirmation about exactly. a lot of the details of that but i think that the lack of participation from a number of the countries thought to be much more political iraq's foreign minister had said that the country i rejected calls the foreign military intervention as a means of resolving the crisis in syria of course a series that city talk of the agenda at this arab league summit iraq's position in a number of the other arab countries of course differing quite widely from what we see some of the other especially gulf countries. many of those countries calling indeed for owning the syrian opposition and to sending in arab states the arab league really a very hand at it again at the moment as we have seen in the past by their own
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internal divisions so you discuss are you sure the lack of unity among the arab league but what about the rebel groups themselves they've not exactly been a united force in the past do you think that's going to be a problem in the in the future to get the peace process in effect. absolutely i mean everyone's very much the rhetoric that you see that i needed to try and get all the different sides on the same page. and the six point peace plan trying to act as a mediator between all the different sides to try and get everyone back on track to ending the bloodshed in the country of course the un's latest figures says more than one thousand people having died in that conflict everyone knows the devastating consequences that everything will day this is able to continue the problem is that people just don't really seem to be able to know exactly how to stop it now the syrian opposition of actually the meeting here in istanbul over the past couple of days ahead of the friends of syria conference at the weekend one of
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the analysts i was speaking to told me that really the aim is to try and create is that monolithic opposition movement the very aware that the syrian opposition are incredibly fragmented and that makes countries that would be backing that movement and backing perhaps assad removal from power a very very nervous because of course without a strong opposition anything any talks even of the post assad feature remain extremely uncertain because no one knows exactly where that would lead to coming back to the peace plan we've seen the syrian government excepting that fully and that's been met with understandable skepticism from a lot of the opposition a huge questions remaining as the arab league in baghdad today debates accepting that that's a u.n. six point plan by katie and a lot of people asking well how exactly is i going to implemented how is it going to be put in action on the ground because there's a list dialogue is going on and of course the main focus has been on dialogue but
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it's actually it's not only the words it's going to be the actions now that really counts all right off the surface for things thank you. west african leaders are in mali trying to find a way to restore order after last week's military coup several thousand people protested in the capital bamako against what they see as foreign interference in their country but takeover was led by soldiers on happy with the way the president was handling an insurgency they have already unveiled a new constitution unpledged freedom of speech and movement the actions condemned internationally and there are now threats of sanctions if soldiers don't stand down lawrence freeman from the executive intelligence review magazine thinks the rebellion was actually inspired by the arab spring mali this was an area that u.s. put a lot of military backing into and they were trying to fight the various forces no one is al-qaeda. and you had
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a military low level officer carry out a coup so you have to wonder how strong was the government this is the continuation of the arab spring into sub-saharan africa one factor there really is in the zealous nature of president obama and president sarkozy and prime minister cameron in the can't declare regime. in libya and kill gadhafi when it was not necessary there actually help this process because many of these rebels are coming back from libya very well armed with pickup trucks with machine guns and other ammunition so essentially it's the failed want policy president obama in the west together with the economic crisis that i think the two main causes for this rebellion. starting with libya let's get to the world update for you some other international headlines in brief and an e.u.
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rights group has condemned nato and western coast guards for failing to aid of both of migrants during last year's military campaign in libya only nine of seventy two people on board the vessel survived after it drifted into open seas for two weeks without assistance and nato whose watch it and maritime aircraft were patrolling the area at the time in forcing an arms embargo against libya rejected the accusations. at least seven people have been killed in separate attacks in pakistan's of balochistan province in the first shooting gunmen on motorbikes fired on a van in the outskirts of the city of quetta killing five shiite muslims in the second attack a u.n. employee and his driver were both shot dead at this point no group has claimed responsibility. and police in the philippines have clashed with farmers protesting a us free trade agreement that came into force earlier this month over sixty
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activists through paint bombs of the american embassy calling on military council it's not coming military exercises with washington the deal was initially signed in two thousand and seven but has been delayed due to political stumbling blocks in both nations. the mayor of to lose has delayed the funeral of the gunman responsible for france's worst terror attack in years calling it inappropriate and a ceremony was due to be held on thursday after mohamed father's a native algeria excuse me denied permission for a burial due to security reasons the man killed seven people including three children before he was shot dead in a standoff with police last week. right shortly is daniel with a business but for now the republican candidates are still slugging it out for the right to challenge democratic president barack obama in november election but there are many people frustrated that with only two real alternatives their views are not being properly represented at these gun h.q.
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can't reports. in american politics three is a crowd through a string of primaries two parties present their candidates for the president of the united states americans are accustomed to happen to teams they watch football games based on games of basketball if there is one team against the other team that's kind of the way they see politics as well i think it affects their thinking they think there's only two choices republicans and democrats get it they just grown accustomed to that mentality but according to a gallup poll over record number of americans forty percent now identify themselves as political independence there are many people who have expressed dissatisfaction with the current system but they seem resigned to the notion that those people who are currently in positions of power or not going to go want any sort of change and that we're not likely to see change anytime soon for an independent or third party
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candidate getting on a general election ballot is considered a doomed task in the us ralph nader an independent a renowned lawyer consumer rights advocate ran for the presidency six times harder to get on the ballot in this country by far than any western democracy fifty different state laws hundreds of different county laws it was a total nightmare created by the two parties to avoid competition is basically two party elected you can or should we call it into our police and they're all fighting for osha sleep over who's going to go to the white house so they can take up residence and take the orders from their corporate payments there's some analysts say the system works in a way to avoid any real change in the way america's government and special interests play special role the extended primary process we have in the u.s. gives special interests like. military contractors or others it gives them time.
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time to monitor the election process and put in resources to attack anyone who's not going to use it are going to give so should have a rules favorable to them so it does make it hard for an outsider to surprised establishment some believe congressman ron paul would fare better as an independent as his distinctly anti-war rhetoric distances him from the other republican frontrunners political experts say someone like paul stands no chance of winning the nomination because at the end of the day the two parties always deliver mainstream candidate. presented with just two choices many americans vote not for who they see as president but i guess the one they don't like a lot of people don't necessarily vote for who they like a lot of people so republican if they don't like the democrats or bill so democrat because they don't like what they're scared of the republican us a lot of times you have americans voting for the lesser of two evils this is the
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lesser of two bads many see the way candidates are picked illegal west as a safeguard against grass change but as that this content among americans grows over the country's foreign policy over corporate control the economy so grows the push for fresh ideas and bold actions but the question is will the system allow in bills could break the much loved and much cherished business as usual washington old i'm going to check our reporting from washington our kate. and time to talk some money with us he's done a bushel of the r.c. business to ask i understand how the world bank is feeling the heat emerging superpowers or creating an alternative. long for monetary policies boys towards the developed world but also agreed to use local currencies in the trade as brics move to use less of the u.s. dollar now let's check the markets also offering its lowest level in almost a week all news the united states have a you may release strategic crude reserves to stop
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a repeat of recent price high. they've klutzes that will bring prices down. there's been an exercise like that in the last year or so when our strategic reserves were last released and we saw the prices fall by five or six dollars a barrel at that time so it's not unreasonable to think the prices could fall by five or six dollars a barrel again if it looks like the storage tanks are going to be opened in crude put on the market. all street has swung into the red in the opening hour both of those that have down over half a cent already europe's also having a second week every main e.u. pulls down including madrid's tiebacks as the country gears up for a general strike against government spending cuts in fact spain is the only pulls down for the year to date in europe russia is no exception the most six has now dropped over seven percent in just two weeks time this take a look at major movers on thursday most of the blue chips were trading in the grid this hour michel's admitted it needs to restructure some of its loans after the
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fall metals prices k.b.p.s. down as it reveals it's looking to build its own power plant and bt bank has cut earnings guidance for last year on the exchange rates the euro's now lower against the dollar the group was gaining both against the greenback and the euro and europe today will still respond with thought all to business tried always a pleasure we'll see you next hour.
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