tv [untitled] March 29, 2012 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT
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so. welcome to the alona show where you'll get the real headlines with none of the mersey are coming live out of washington d.c. i'm christine for south filling in for a loan and today the brits are meeting today in india we'll talk to economic analyst gonzalo lira about the role these new emerging economies will play in the global economy and i'll talk with associate editor for alter net sarah jaffe about why some people think we might be entering a second gilded age and after two decades with the f.b.i.
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their number one hacker tracker is leaving the bureau claiming that we are losing the cybersecurity war i'll talk to cato's jim harper to try to figure out if the threats are real or just fodder for new regulations i have all that and more for you tonight including a dose of happy hour but first let's take a look at what the mainstream media has decided to miss. so there's something going on today regarding an issue that applies to each and every one of you it deals with your rights and your freedoms as an american and how those rights have changed immensely in the last few months based on a new law a law that's now being challenged all right tea partiers i'm not talking about health care it's something much more important and more far reaching but you want to know it because here's what you would have seen surfing throughout the mainstream media today. you want to be a mega millionaire the jackpot has gone into orbit some players already making
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plans for the five hundred million dollars or so fortune and we spend more money than any country on the planet. person on health care the president knows that as gas prices continue to rise his approval ratings will fall or rather his popular anchorman character ron burgundy you know what announcement on cold if only barely escapes a huge fast moving wildfire and now florida senator marco rubio is officially endorsing presidential candidate mitt romney we have a new. now that sheldon adelson may be closing his pocketbook to newt gingrich like happens when you pair and elephant with a smartphone nine justices now deliberating after referee go three days of grueling hearings on the health care overhaul tuesday's wisconsin primary is simpler and final opportunity to convince republicans that this race isn't over study datsun weighs just over four ounces new details and new developments in the shooting of trayvon martin gas prices are up at the pump the national average for regular gas
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just a gallon three dollars and ninety two cents. all right ron burgundy santorum bowling all of those interesting i guess but none of those items are where the mainstream media should be talking about they should be talking about the national defense authorization act now if you watch the show if there's no way you don't know about and the military spending bill that's a whole lot more than just how much money is spent on what it also includes at some questionable and that is a very polite word provisions specifically i'm referring to section ten twenty one a provision that permits the indefinite military detention without formal charge or public trial of anyone suspected of participating in aiding a terrorist organization engaged in hostilities against the united states and that includes u.s. citizens but president obama said it would not in fact be used on u.s. citizens part was not taken out of the bill which is now the law of the land and
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the last several people have taken to court in the case hedges of the obama had this is chris hedges who will be on the show on monday he's a reporter with truthdig who previously worked for other publications including working as a middle east bureau chief for the new york times and he has himself interviewed members of al kato members of the palestinian liberation organization hamas and many more. i just said under this law even being associated with terrorist groups could land people in jail and hearings kicked off today and plaintiffs also include pentagon papers whistleblower daniel ellsberg writer and linguist noam chomsky and a lot so brian the founder of the web site us day of rage all of them argue that some of these provisions in the n.b.a. could impact them directly because of their work either in activism or journalism. you know the journalists up here serious journalists we're not saying they're going to come get us tomorrow they're think we're all crazy theory and have
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a chilling effect and informally anecdotally i'm hearing it from many many journalists when they're on it you know across the country you change how we do our work so that the harm got legal and that's why i think it's important kate. all right so i guess we shouldn't be surprised that this is not the lead story but attorneys fighting the law say it violates free speech and due process plaintiffs say it turns this country into a quote homeland a battlefield they could eventually allow for the indefinite detention of journalists who report the views of groups the u.s. government considers to be terrorists a journalist can't do their jobs you are kept in the dark under the shade of ignorance so lots of knowledge to me like a whole lot of other countries the u.s. likes to criticize only with n.g.a. we're following in those countries footsteps on our reporting on some of the court hearings or a debate even if it's pundits on fox news talking about why the president and the military need this power but no when it comes to the national defense authorization
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act it is eerily quiet because that's what the mainstream media decided to mess. well today was the annual meeting of the minds for the five countries known simply as bricks the leaders of brazil russia india china and south africa together to talk about some of the ways they might be able to work together to make moves that make a difference on the global chessboard now it's only a one day summit but these countries together make up half of the world's population and one fifth of global economic output and some of their supporters see their mission as creating a new global architecture of sorts on the docket this year a pretty unified front when it came to the subject of military intervention isn't for. iran and syria the group is vehemently opposed to any outside military involvement and they also talk about the role of drift in decisions regarding the
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global economy and i want to talk about some of these things that cannot make analysts gaulier oh hey there. this is a group that has really been able to speak in some cases with one voice on a number of issues like a few critics of breck's ask you know what is this group accomplished since its inception back in two thousand and nine. well two years existence is very little to accomplish much so that's. the point people not be worried about because the fall they are the largest economic group on the planet the united states economy the g.d.p. of their states last year was of course many fifteen one trillion dollars the equivalent for europe saddam was about sixteen troia the brics that is was a russia india china south africa account for over eighteen trillion dollars last year that's the size of their g.d.p. from now their interest rate is prorated about thirty percent per year that's the
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trade within those five countries so this is very important this is a key group that the mainstream media is not paying attention to but progeny paying attention to because you know it's the biggest economy in the world now if these five countries start to implement a a close trading system among themselves and exclude europe and united states well then we're going to see some serious serious shifts in the global economy and i think one of these leaders also sort of feel that power not only with trade but with the economy especially as a lot of them are you know what we call emerging markets and there's been a lot of talk probably as a result of on the so-called south south of element from this formation in the future possibly a joint development bank what what's it you know what a possibility is that this could actually happen that those five countries forming a make it seems to me they want to have an alternative to you know institutions like the world bank which they complain as always been led by thin the american guy
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in africa is always led by a european a they think you want to have an alternative is that viable yes it is because he issue of the summit is that they're going to be saw any agreements to trade among themselves in their own currency and have swap agreements that is currency exchange agreements between their central banks you know to slot the beck . for instance they can meet at each other's denomination. for instance between russia and brazil say you know they'll. accumulate currency in either one of those two countries their central banks will stop those differences in are going to change the balance of trade which is a typical. function of the central bank this is important because it creates a sub sustaining cycle among countries south africa is really small and the really the ones that would matter for us are brazil russia india and china those countries if they start doing this is independent bloc will be sent an economic challenge to
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the west that is to european the euro zone and to the american free trade. this is really really important now if they manage to create an analogous institutions in the world but bank that's all good fun but that's not really important it's the currency swaps which seems so obscure but that's that's your issue because it's moves the trade between those private interests as i said before they are trading there are there and there are trade among themselves throwing at a rate of about thirty percent a year it's only two hundred thirty billion dollars per year at this front but if you're growing that area that number from you know by thirty percent every year year after year you know very good numbers and some become huge and that is when these five countries were present a serious challenge to us but it seems uprising to me that just these five countries i mean if they're going to sort of create
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a wall around south african signing trade it seems hard to swallow that they'd be able to function without the help of the last and all. that that's not an issue that i'm sorry i didn't mean to imply that they're really at war there any such saying not all who continue to trade with the west but the point is that the dollar will no longer be the undisputed research for its now its own has been in research for and see it's part of the agreement the tacit agreement between the united states and saudi arabia well as the united states supplied military protection and saudi arabia guaranteed that it would only trade oil in dollars per saudi arabia's the largest exporter of oil in planet as the robbers proven reserves and profit so this ensured that the dollar would remain as the. currency of choice in the world's global trade but if these five countries succeed in this scheme to stop each of those currency and maintain
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a. foreign currency exchange among themselves this will erode the dollar status now why is this important because it will become harder united states to fund its deficit remember people only buy that as foreign countries are made by u.s. treasury bonds because the dollar is the world's trading currency now if gas that's status as you wrote it if the dollar is no longer it will be sort of currency if it becomes atomized among you know that was in the russian ruble or the indian rupee and so forth then there will not be that meets and by treasury problems because after all foreign countries you countries are buying treasury bonds because they need those dollars in order to buy oil and other commodities which are currently priced in dollars as that is eroding this information of the brics it's a start a fact in the american economy specifically the american ability to fund itself yet
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debt and that will put added pressure on the federal reserve to go into the. no printing press no and print out more dollars and less accelerating the dollars that we serve it's well let's talk to certainly this tipping the scales of the economy is one of the most important things that these countries talk about but they also seem to want to make sure that the rest of the world knew their position on military interventionism certainly china and russia are to have that opportunity for united nations but they made sure that everyone knew that all greeks countries are unified in the fact that they are vehemently opposed to any sort of intervention in iran in syria why do you think that this is necessary for them to sort of put that out there. because they depend on it well for their oil i mean both india and china the world's higher oil to india and china is iran they want to
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make sure the iranian oil continues to flow their way reasonable prices and the more uncertainty and more warmongering what's going on the west. the higher the price of oil and the kurds in china they certainly don't want that so course they're going to be making clear that there is no war with there was no war and we think it's they just want things to just settle and new as they are it's a but they are you know that they love iran they just what it means going to start as you noted to not be worried about their domestic economic situation which is perfectly reasonable just now i just want to get one more question in as we're almost out of china. what do you have to say to those people and a lot of people as you said the mainstream media is not really covering this at all some people are taking a look at this and just and thank if is just a photo op really what would you say to those people. wait five years and when the dollar reserve.
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all right you can all make an allowance gonzalo lira thanks so much for joining us my pleasure having. time for a big break but when we return we'll stated on collective bargaining rights you write into a second gilded age and then i will look at why america hates contact and i'm not talking about the one for her and me out. of a good. story. and the. other part of it and realized. it was a big. mystery
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. gilbert the real headline is that. the problem with the mainstream media today is that we disconnected from the viewers and from what actually matters to those viewers and so that's why young people just don't watch t.v. if they want news they go online and we're trying to take those stories that people actually care about and transfer them back in t.v. .
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is the state run english speaking russian channel it's kind of like. russia today has an extremely confrontational stance when it comes to us. last february months before occupy wall street began some populist movement take shape in wisconsin when public sector workers collective bargaining rights were in jeopardy more than a year later just might recall campaigns for now outlaw known as x. ten is still in tact it led to lost wages difficulties recertification and a loss of bargaining power over vacations benefits working conditions sick days and
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overtime alter net compared the situation in wisconsin to ohio where some attack on collective bargaining rights led to a public referendum that ended up overturning the law so looking at the two even the situation around the country is the republican attack on unions taking workers back to the gilded age or has it maybe rekindled a populist movement by reminding it what's at stake joining me from our studio in new york is sarah jaffe associate editor at alternate. let's talk a little bit about this i know that this act and went into effect on june twenty ninth twenty eleven in wisconsin talk to me in specifics here what exactly have workers had to give up. they had to give up a lot i mean the comment that marty below from told me was that this is actually reminding workers of value of their union because they can't bargain over anything except wages up to a very small cap now so things like bathroom breaks or what they can where are now
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up for whatever their employer wants to institute teachers are can be fired for having their students as friends on facebook and you know prison guards have to get a replacement to come out if they want to take a bathroom break and also if we look just sort of a money here the dollars from what i understand let's take a state worker who earns about forty thousand dollars a year has lost an average of thirty six hundred dollars in a paycheck i mean that is a lot of money when you when you look at it when you talk about your household expenses for the year. do you think that they started to feel the brunt of this. so absolutely i mean forty thousand dollars a year is not a lot of money to lose four grand a freight and it's not only that it's also you know they're losing jobs their people are retiring they're not replacing them and knots hitting the economy in the state overall i mean if you look at the jobs numbers nationwide the last few months the private sector has been adding jobs and the public sector has been losing jobs
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and that's what's keeping our unemployment rate high but when you look at the public and private sector i mean you can't sort of put them as two separate entities certainly when you say there's sort of a trickle down effect when the public sector jobs disappear. oh yeah the money is coming straight out of the economy it's in it's impacting everyone and this is one of the reasons that the movement in wisconsin and the movement in ohio were not just union workers it's everybody because i mean first off people do actually still relate especially in states like wisconsin and ohio to the idea that the workers should have a say on the jobs there is that this is an idea that we value in this country and then second of all they know that if you're a teacher if you were. you know the person at the d.m.v. . or d.m.v. yes sorry who's in terminal one of these people are losing money they have less money to spend in local businesses they have less money to spend your store they have less money to spend but they go on vacation this is impacting everyone it's
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not even just impacting ohio and wisconsin the other states that just seen this go through i mean it's impacting people around the country my parents own a bicycle shop in south carolina and they rent bikes to people on vacation people in ohio are making less money they don't go on vacation to south carolina. a really good kind of in your face example talk a little specifically though and i think you mentioned a few things in terms of teachers being punished and their facebook friends with their students about some of the more specific ways in which the rights of people have sort of taken away. yeah i mean when you had a union contract like the madison teachers incorporated the teachers union their contract would specify all sorts of things like the amount of hours they can work for the same amount of money. dress code violations all these things dress codes and there is a new girl and teachers that i wrote about in the piece they are now required to report their speeding to or not their speeding tickets the traffic violations to
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their bosses how business is it if your bosses if you're a lousy driver right now if you are going to work when i write. yeah i don't think it's a standard that you should be held to on the job right that has nothing to do with whether you're a good teacher or not i know we asked this last year when we saw those protests in wisconsin and again we saw them in ohio. as much damage as this law has done for a lot of people sort of feeling it directly do you think it's also sort of reawakened spirit and reminded people of the importance of bargaining rights the importance of workers' rights it absolutely has i mean first off we wouldn't have seen occupy wall street if we didn't see wisconsin we wouldn't have seen the fight back in ohio if we didn't see what happened in wisconsin you wouldn't have seen this around the country this absolutely started there and it absolutely started with people realizing that the republican governors that came in and you know promising to create jobs in their states they're really just interested in cutting
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taxes on the rich cutting corporate taxes and hitting working people right where it hurts whether that's their wages or whether that's control it's really interesting when we hear these discussions certainly heard the party rallies and of course you see them in the back and forth debates on the mainstream media a lot of people like to say you know let's cut government make it smaller smaller. cut government jobs things like that but i want to put up a map that actually shows it turns out a lot of jobs have been cut from government public sector jobs in a lot of what we call red states states that tends to be conservative and vote republican it looks like and i think we have a graphic of this kind of ok the red states when you look at red states versus blue states there's a lot of more problems in these red states if you look here i mean it's only one blue state. so even though they like to speak a big game and sort of fearmonger. it's hurting the people in these states directly
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. yeah i mean literally these are governors that came in in two thousand and ten right everybody was concerned about jobs and these governors scott walker john case in ohio the ones in the south to my friend nikki haley who might be indicted shortly here in south carolina they all came in promising to create jobs i don't know how you create jobs and cut government which equals cutting government jobs at the same time and on top of that a lot of them came in and cut taxes they cut corporate taxes some of them cut taxes on the wealthy they're doing these things then you throw in some of these really invasive anti-woman laws these ultrasound laws that somebody has to pay for these voter id regulations that somebody has to pay for and they're actually increasing the size of government and the control of government and those two fronts and then there are people who you know needed this paycheck to continue to spend money make a living pay rent to pay the bills. and so what you're getting is
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a worse economy in the states which really should have been pretty obvious i want to kind of round this all out with something interesting that is i mean you said that the occupy movement would not have happened if it weren't for wisconsin it certainly seems that so many of the issues fought for are very much on the same page we talk about the one percent versus the ninety nine percent the plight of the public sector workers on one hand and we just found out about the c.e.o. of bank of america brian moynihan was paid seven point five million dollars last year that's six times what he made in two thousand and ten and was that an extra little gold star for doing a good job hard to say about it because a good job i mean give a stocks plunged fifty eight percent last year so. what's going on here. what's going on here is tailing upward is these people are in a position right who's on the board of bank of america that decides on his on the c.e.o. salary it's other people who make a ton of money it's not the workers it's not bank employees from bank of america
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it's not you and me right it's going to be interesting this year because i know that several unions and progressive groups are planning to do shareholder actions at a lot of the major banks and other big corporations and we'll see it because they do have to hold shareholder meetings and it's shareholder meeting season so there will be people going into these shareholder meetings and saying hey wait a minute why are we paying these guys so much money to continue to tank the economy to keep foreclosing on your working family is to i mean the list you know it's totally it's very very interesting why is he making seven million dollars and we do appreciate all your reporting on this it's really brought to light a lot of interesting stuff sara jaffe associate editor at alter net. were four years out from the collapse of the u.s. and world economies millions of americans are still struggling to find work pay their bills and feed their families now according to a survey published in the financial times two thirds of americans are unhappy with the current model the current economic model on everyone on the internet loves cats
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it seems like the fat cats of wall street don't get the same love are going to se her going to reports from the big apple. nine. zero zero zero zero zero zero decades past but this needs to look at wall street the key public tier of america's economy. its recklessness not off the financial meltdown but will wait there's just one. sense fundamentally it's an attack on the rest of the world and the bankers. are leading the army traditionally a symbol of a bullish economy and financial might the statue near wall street has for many become associated with a system of economic injustice the power of the few over the many where main street america pays about wall street remains touchable so they're making like ten thousand dollars in their bonus they were last year big deal when they're making
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still like scanner twenty times more than i am makes me angry katie is not alone pointing to a survey published in the financial times two thirds of americans are unhappy with the current economic model i'm a high school student and my action seems to be going into college to going to die trying to not get a job which doesn't seem to make sense to me there and in the restaurant business his entire life for the last two years homeless with a passion for puzzles and the yankees he sleeps in an abandoned jail in new jersey about problems you know we're ok with incarceration are being locked up every day and sometimes i don't get is how. they're able to do some of the things they're doing a good down there. that they don't get you know they're not held accountable for it this doesn't make sense and sometimes it really can be very for free you have no problem with people being angry with my criminal acts because i did it. and convicted white collar criminal sam antara says he's milked what he could out of
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the u.s. economy i committed a massive securities fraud during the 1980's we leased investors out of five hundred million dollars and we cause twenty five hundred people to be unemployed so i'm part of the bad part of the system to back up. that i got yes i feel bad that i got caught sam says he'd do it all over again as politicians today care even less but the system is flawed in the dark of the night these guys are legislating the country away from the people to the leads. among them amongst potently the bankers while in the bright of date those beaten down are left to face their demons on their own it's tough to get started when we really don't have a place to stay in. this is. the future doesn't look so bright. but on the.
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