tv [untitled] March 30, 2012 12:00am-12:30am EDT
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fueling the fire as un mediator struggled to get the warring sides in syria to negotiate london vows to keep cash flowing to the rebels in their fight against damascus. the french gunman who killed seven people in a shooting rampage buried in france as his legacy fast becomes the focus of a pre-election campaigning. tens of thousands take to the streets of spain protesting against labor reforms just as the prime minister set to announce a new round of austerity cuts. eight
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am in moscow i mad très a view with us here on r t our top story despite officially supporting a u.n. appeal for a cease fire by all sides in syria the u.s. and allies are still backing the opposition unconditionally britain's promise to funnel additional aid to the rebels worth hundreds of thousands of dollars amid reports they're already getting weapons from abroad laura smith has more from london. the u.s. we understand is expected to make a similar pledge this weekend's seventy nations summit whose express goal is to unite this position in syria which is hugely fragmented as we know and consists of at least four main factions and the foreign secretary here william hague says that he hopes this will help the opposition to unite as a credible force to fight against the u.k. this represents a doubling of aid to the country they've already given seven hundred fifty thousand
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dollars which was being used in areas like training for media skills and also to help the opposition to gather information on human rights abuses now it's not clear how useful that money has actually been we've been receiving a lot of conflicting information on casualties from the opposition including from here in london the syrian observatory for human rights which has been hugely inflating the number of casualties lots of conflicting figures that now this money is planning to widen the scope of the help it's destined to wards buying equipment including we understand to boy secure phones to help the opposition to communicate secretly and effectively and there are several main points really here firstly how secure is this money how does the british government know that it's not going to buy weapons and it is going to be channeled into these more sort of peaceful measures and the answer is possibly they don't secondly who is this the opposition
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it doesn't seem that we're any further forward in determining exactly who makes up this factional opposition in syria we do know that a part of it is the free syrian army which is a hugely dangerous group known to have killed a number of people and also believed to include a number of possible islamic extremists thirdly how useful is it in diplomatic terms to support ones with a view to obtaining a ticket. solution we know that president is very displeased by these gifts of money he's already said that countries must stop providing both money and weapons to the opposition they have to stop immediately if kofi annan six point plan for peace in syria is going to work that suggests that if countries carry on giving money he may just pull out of the talks altogether we're seeing austerity cuts we're seeing strikes and demonstrations literally almost every week here in this country and it's against that backdrop that the british government is sending more
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and more money to syria to cover more and more things and who knows where this intervention on this scale is going to end. with the help of syrian people's to promote negotiation and sort of just supporting one side of a conflict that's the view in four wars dot com analyst and editor patrick. it's unbelievable how it's got to this point where it seems ok to fund the opposition whatever form it is and let's not kid ourselves the u.s. and the u.k. have been attacking guerrilla forces in syria for the last year ok and we can erase that from the history books that has been happening that's been admitted by the u.s. state department has been admitted by the u.k. foreign office and all the sudden they're backpedaling now saying that it's all you know nice arab spring nonmilitary intervention and we're going to help the opposition it doesn't work if they want to help syria they need to engage the syrian government in diplomatic talks on neutral ground it's quite quite clear that
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president assad is not going to. you know accept the kofi annan peace plan as the western countries are still giving aid to the opposition and you know it could charge is already pretty caught through proxy smuggling on xp over the border in jordan and also this ongoing over the border eleven on where these coming from ok we know these are coming from these are coming from the u.s. the u.k. their allies in the region they're doing this through a third party. coming up later on cross talk with hero of l. opinions collide over whether the u.s. should weigh in with force to solve the syria not rest because. he was not the international law of united nations to maintain equilibrium after world war two it was the united states navy if you're talking about the relative peace of we've had in the world we've had relative peace because of u.s. intervention you might call it imperialism i would call it a part of the role that the united states is playing in maintaining
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a balance on your english. is no i mean this in israel a seizure is also true senior somebody with your engine in the east the united states plays a very significant role in maintaining the kind of peace that you would like to see even in iraq although you this is your focus is really. sorry in the middle of the right of all these really easily heard opened up a can of worms here lindsay you first go ahead. the problem is this if you talk to most iraqis and after all many iraqis at the time of saddam hussein and many of them all this should be intervention because this would get rid of the paper and that was what they wanted virtually nobody in iraq will say that the thing has been a success has been a lot of failure the troops had to leave the british troops there several years ago the american troops have now left for the most polls have left the country and then you have to totally broken country but quite incredibly trying to do the same again
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both in syria and in my view even more dangerously in the wrong and you know what you have to recognize that this view. of the whole of world peace has been that the americans is olds with what millions of people around the world really think is not an accurate description of the end of the second world war it's not a one correct description of the post-war period where america was involved in the most bloody and damaging war in vietnam virtually nobody to friends that war today and it is played or not. destructive for all in the middle east. is. under this still but still. the the arab league and the gulf corporation council all composed of people who are very quick to attack. who are perfectly happy to repress their own people using my stones to do so.
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and still to come here on r t fuel frenzy drivers in the u.k. rushing to the problem since their word of a possible fuel tanker strike plus. it's really creepy to have someone holding up the machine to your face that you have no idea not only the health effects of it but what they're actually use it with their larger purpose if you think it is or how soon will your dishwasher start spying on you the track three brothers plan for the privacy of americans. but first the man who gunned down seven people including three schoolchildren in front of when one of france's worst terror attacks has been buried outside the city of toulouse this followed days of debate on what to do with the body of mohamed merah a frenchman with algerian roots but as well as being a figure of public hatred there as fast also becoming a game changer in the country's upcoming election. mama never was killed by police after thirty two hours seizure him to lose his life may
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have ended that day but his story has given france's presidential hopefuls an excuse for electioneering with ever more radical rhetoric. that's given rise to a huge political debate and what's needed to the foreground of the discourse is marriage background. from now on anyone who regularly consults internet sites which promotes general hatred and violence will be sentenced to prison any person going abroad for the purpose of inclusion in terrorist idealogy will be criminally punish . said that's in addition to psychos east policy of stripping of foreign born criminals of their citizenship for their tightening border control saying there are too many foreigners in france and promising to go are radical muslim preachers from entering the country to participate in this islamic conference next month the clearly advocating the political change and it's from his view it's not occurring
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we have freedom of speech in france and they don't see. restricted to. what the french citizen any east family came from france a very long time ago so. obviously this kind of terrorism comes from inside french society it's not just something that is important for. the middle east and you cannot. take away french nationality from a french nation or this is not allowed under the french constitution and then there's marine le pen the far right national front party candidate having long pushed a more radical and the immigration line calls for the revival of the death penalty for child killers and the deportation of any foreigner who goes into suspicious trip to places like afghanistan how many mohamed merah has in the boats and planes that rifle in france for him and. and how much is perhaps only the tip of the ice
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dark it's time to wage war in this fundamentalist political religious groups high kill in which children the threat i was taught me fundamentalism has been underestimated it's going to be pretty careful i think although it's been announced after these tragic events and proposals put forward slowly for the election it goes to the one who proposes the most radical solution which would aim supposedly at solving the problem but the problem is much deeper with our now the growing number of immigrants in france about six million of whom are muslims is being labelled as a problem by some prominent figures politicians are throwing around what they call solutions but the question is whether any of these policy ideas on immigration are security are realistic and are addressing an actual problem or simply the consequences of something more fundamental the core of the problem is the tribute if you can do to create what is the goal the goal of the problem and there doesn't seem to be much consensus on that either does or sylvia r.t.
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paris there's panic in the palms in the u.k. were threatened strikes by fuel delivery drivers is already seen stations running dry or even fears that the army navy needed to deploy be deployed to the country moving this at a time of emptying oil prices that have governments of london paris and washington considering putting the market with their own reserves francis said there's a good chance the u.s. and europe will agree to release oil stocks into the market and drive down the cost of crude biospheres the war in libya tighten supplies countries belonging to the paris based international energy agency really sixty million barrels of crude into the market to pull down prices now new sanctions over iran have also been influencing cost political analyst peter ayers says the aggressive foreign policies of the u.s. and european allies could be to blame for the crisis. what one has to understand is that the reason why the price of oil has gone through the roof is because of the ongoing conflict so we've been in
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a continuous war for an awful long time now decades in actual fact and this plays a major is a major player in what is happening around the world economically speaking but you know of late. and netanyahu with threatening action against iran they force this pressure on three ran in this tit for tat over the nuclear issue that is now reduced to all flow to europe basically this put the price up which i think was the intention anyway and now to try and recover the damage done by the hike in the fuel which for pixel commodity prices and and these austerity measures that are throughout the world it's quite obvious if the don't do something drastic within a short period of time it's going to run up against i mean the election remember for war news videos and analysis you can always howard r.t. dot com here's what's online right now. wall street versus main street two thirds of americans are unhappy with the u.s. economy as they continue to pay for the mistakes of financial fat cats. and
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defeated in cyberspace the f.b.i. says it's fighting a losing battle as it continues to be a target for hacktivists i doubt all of this and more at r.t. dot com. police in spain of clash with demonstrators during a general strike against labor of forms and further economic belt tightening this is prime minister mariano rajoy is set to announce new austerity measures for the country aimed at saving tens of billions of euros and making it easier for employers to fire workers or he's jacob greaves has more from madrid. these are the sights and sounds of a protest essentially richard bets now but in the tens of thousands is
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a half foot cause of a general strike case around space you see similar demonstrations. that's a very high place but let's see and also here in barcelona there was sold by this news to clashes between demonstrators and police buildings being smashed by protesters at the sea image roots and around the country the effort has been against austerity measures put forth little points to speak i guess or full to labor law this text to make it easier to sack and boys in the future and also decrease their wages. and this labor reform deprives us working men of critically ill rights and the most outrageous thing is that it's done under false pretenses and they say that it's going to reduce unemployment but no labor reform can achieve this this will have the reverse effect we've tried in the protests we've been having for a year against privatization of public service like education and water we've
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touched on the topic of public debt when the burden of private debt is put onto the public the reason this is causing such language is owing to some of the economic conditions that the fire is staying in has the highest unemployment out of any of us a fair country at twenty three percent of the population but even the lowest thing a lot of young people out of astri's is that rising things demonstrations the reason behind that is help those unemployed of the population under twenty five about i think fifty k. already i don't know if there are situations that the obama side knows really face even the crossroads of a warm side it has a year or so has he who are increasing their pressure it's. parts to that deficit and they want. to be done in those austerity passes you see me try to prime minister and this is a threat so you know it's only space because that's haven't they the rest of the
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eurozone as well and that's madness post-primary says we take the base ignoring these themes of protest and demonstration. some time stressing that the austerity bill the budget speech passed on friday will be very very also they don't like to result to cut some outreach to the baby and if you will on the other side hope that they have these protesters except there should be austerity but the question of what cost what should be the ones. those are things jacob greaves in madrid crisis strategist lira says saving spain is a task that's easier said than done because it's forty percent the size of germany you cannot save a country that size you cannot bail him out like you would be allowed greece or ireland or portugal spain is a big country is one trillion euros g.d.p. per year. that's simply too big for any country or any group of countries in the
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european the euro zone to bail out france and germany cannot bail out spain so the only solution and i think this is inevitable is for spain to exit the euro zone go back to the devalue and start rebuilding its economy and that i think will likely happen in the next government after hoyer who i think unfortunately is going to fail and the government after that will be left wing government and they will probably exit the euro zone and go back to and devalue and do what has to be done because this government unfortunately have the best of intentions and i have no doubt that they are very capable and competent but they just don't have what it takes to do what's necessary which is exit the euro. turning now to some other stories making headlines across the globe north korea has started preparations for a rocket launch scheduled for april according to satellite images taken by a private us firm the photos taken thursday show the work underway to get ready for take off in the north west of the country washington says the exercise is
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a disguised long range missile test going yang insists it's intended to send a satellite into space for scientific purposes and meanwhile north korea fired two short range missiles off its western coast on thursday believed to be a part of the capabilities test. a suspected u.s. drone fired two missiles at a house in northwest pakistan killing three alleged militants the attack happened early friday in the town of miran shah an area known as a sanctuary for taliban and al qaeda insurgents foreigners are believed to be among the group of those hit the strike comes at a time when pakistan is calling for an end to u.s. drone strikes in the country. israel has warned its arab neighbors to curb assaults on its borders but the demand which comes in honor of earth day has been met with palestinian opposition and he israel events have been organized in jerusalem by the palestinian authority the group also urged supporters to hold demonstrations outside israeli embassies in other countries birthdays aimed at
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increasing environmental awareness. big brother could be slowly creeping into americans lives with the cia chief even joking about spying on people through their dishwashers but according to recent polls people in the us aren't seeing the funny side public here of big government has sort of made expanding unchecked security measures or he's a marine important tracks the trend from new york. ten years ago biometrics robotic spies and state surveillance grew the makings of a spy by flick starring tom cruise sort of from the tiller of today many scenes from the hollywood blockbuster minority report how about arguably calm and you know can we ality with life ominously imitating art your walking down the street at the camera takes a picture of you is able to compare it through facial mapping is able to compare it to your driver's license photo or some other photo. maybe
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a surveillance photo and say all right marina was on the corner of forty circular. three o'clock last saturday in addition to facial recognition in new york city's police department is just one of many law enforcement agencies that also require citizens to undergo an iris scan before being released from police custody. in the past six months iris scans have been taken from hundreds of occupy wall street activists placed under arrest by christina gonzales they really don't so you why they just say it's another form of identification and it's really creepy to have someone holding up the machine to your phrase that you have no idea that only the health of what there are clearly use it with their larger purposes of using it is for iris scans are like a high tech fingerprint but much faster officials can quickly identify anyone who is unique scan is on the database that technology is becoming increasingly useful
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as tracking tool in the us in the virtual world of tweets. facebook posts and search engines every internet user is defined by a data footprint if you think i'm not in his comments and blogs are protected think again through the use of what's called forensic linguistics. u.s. investigators can now uncover whose fingers are behind every single keystroke if i have a large enough sample of your writing and your postal card can tell you can compare it i couldn't even put it into a database. database. using that information finding every other post you ever did the digital data trail of every american will soon be connected to a massive building in utah a two billion dollar data center is reportedly being constructed for the u.s. national security agency the complex will allegedly be able to collect analyze and
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store all forms of personal communication including online purchases so calls google searches and yes private messages but they're actually looking at the encrypting all of the data that comes out so for example when you use g. mail you're all your e-mails are encrypted by default google has given you their service and has allowed you to say my communications are protected now the n.s.a. is center is designed around building systems that will d. encrypt that data and remove any protection that you can put onto it earlier this month cia director david petraeus painted a picture of america's dystopian free fall when describing the emergence of the internet of things the phrase refers to an increasing amount of personal information washington will eventually be able to obtain once all homo electronics are wired to a network of u.s.
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intelligence officials estimate that by twenty twenty up to one hundred billion ordinary devices such as refrigerators and dishwashers could be wired up to the internet just the way p.c.'s and cell phones are now that bottomless pit of data could allow big brother to monitor virtually anything it wants even the cia director says. very idea of secrecy will change forever. parky new york. trying to dive in the world of business with marina kosar it was a trading in asia in full swing tells more. yes it is but asians don't have much to be positive about right now there's been a lot of a negative data coming out but let's take a look at the latest figures we see that the nikkei is dropping almost a half a percent there this hour and basically what we're seeing is that in japan and a new report came out that show that industrial output fell on expectedly in february and this was due to lower overseas demand for electronic goods as well as
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cars in fact production declined in march so a level of one point seven percent compared with january and in hong kong we had a different set of information affecting their real estate stocks the clients there are driving the market and that's following the arrest of sue of the city's most prominent property tied to it and in case you're wondering the billionaire brothers who were arrested on suspicion of bribing now moving on to the u.s. markets there are closed the a the end of the trading session on thursday mixed with the nasdaq extending its losses into a third session and that's after jobless claims fell to three hundred fifty nine thousand last week even though this was slightly higher than expected it was of the lowest level since april two thousand and eight moving on so oil which is raising some of its losses following its biggest decline in the week and that of course followed reports that u.s. stockpiles are on the rise and western nations are discussing whether or not to
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release their strategic oil reserves here when it comes to currencies the euro is slightly lower against the dollar and that's ahead of the e.u. finance ministers meeting that's happening later today and that was supposed to be discussed in expanding the euro zone's emergency interventions thought when it comes to the ruble it's losing the against both the dollar and the greenback both the dollar actually say and the europe. give you a more clear picture about when there are some markets open which is in just under two hours but for now let's take a look at the closer picture on thursday that we can see that the markets didn't manage to reverse their long losing streak and impact that this was the touch of a boozy hours and on monday the my sex lost in general seven percent about all right in other news a new report claims not all phone companies are losing a staggering fifty eight billion dollars in worldwide that adds it's a billionaire ours and draw it in africa and the middle east that accounts for thirteen percent of revenue in europe it's one percent and in north america it's
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two point eight percent but when you consider the fact that last year the industry made nine hundred twenty billion dollars the last doesn't sound that big and comparison. a margin economies are joining forces with sansa gather the global financial risks at the annual summit five nations brazil russia india china and south africa all discussed and agreed to provide each other loans in local currencies this is a man suit give a boost to trade as well as a void dollar fluctuations well alex in my c. of the capitals us the agreements will provide a significant boost for russia and china but more work needs to be done. when. russian banks and russian investors can freely invest in. security then the books market will increase their speech and the russian trade. in the local currencies
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will probably reach the target machine itself and both three percent quaver even know the. trade even between russian training local currencies only book one percent which is very low compared to many other countries where the sheriff is reggie rich that he can proceed to russia has a lot to do even existing. regime in china. that's it from aspects all right thanks very much marina there's a whole day of trading on the russian market still to go so what check in with you next hour for more and we'll recap our top stories on our team coming up and then moscow out with martin anders stay with us. all.
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