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tv   [untitled]    March 30, 2012 6:00am-6:30am EDT

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with the first signs all over the rest of israel closes off the west bank in preparation for the day demonstrations are now looking at right here at live pictures from a checkpoint in golan heights on the israeli syrian border we can see people there now throwing stones at the security forces position just beyond the camera here and our correspondent paula is in the region if she's at a checkpoint between ramallah and jerusalem and we will check with her shortly for the latest details there from among the. fueling the fire as u.n. mediators struggle to get the warring sides in syria to negotiate london evolves to
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keep the cash flowing into the rebels to continue their fight against a mosque has. thousands of u.s. allies plan to commit yet more support to the opposition as an international conference on sunday for me in just a moment. at the recent shooting rampage carried out by a french gunman in toulouse presidential candidates in two pre-election rhetoric over extremism and immigration. spain's prime minister is set to announce a new wave of austerity measures one day after a nationwide strike led to violence between protesters and police.
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it is a pleasure to have you with us here on our. life. has been various truck points between ramallah. and israel's military had already closed off the. west bank in anticipation of any violence the annual march commemorates the death of six arabs killed by israeli police during protests over government confiscation of land in northern israel and now over thirty years ago let's find out more from our correspondent paula at the checkpoint between ramallah and jerusalem here live on the program paula thousands of troops have been deployed in anticipation of possible violence and other what is what is the current situation where you are. well i'm standing here at a very smoky kalandia checkpoint between jerusalem and ramallah the heavy smell of tear gas is everywhere for the last hour or so palestinians just behind me have
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been pelting stones at the israeli border police as well as army troops have been brought out here they've been gathering behind me and every so often you hear another burst of tear gas the situation on the ground is incredibly tense and as we move the camera a little bit behind me you will see the army and the police who have gathered here in anticipation for what many fear could be a day that sees a lot of violence there are some of the scenes unfolding at various checkpoints throughout the west bank as well as in key israeli arab towns and along the lebanese syrian and jordan borders the pictures we're bringing to you now are live from the golan heights here too you can see thousands of people gathering along the borders they gathering here because this really is essentially to mark land day now to land a commemorates that in one thousand nine hundred seventy six when the palestinians first protested against what they said was the israeli seizing of arab land which
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it built statements and ever since then there is this annual commemoration which is what we witnessing today now the israeli police are on the estate of highest alert and they have mobilized throughout the country that's at the same time we're hearing from the lebanese army that they too are fearful that they could be a showdown of violence along the borders just last year there were dozens of people killed and nobody wants a repeat of that incident so we've been talking to you we've been showing our live pictures over of many palestinians on the streets in the golan heights area many. flags others lobbing stones as well we know the palestinian authority supporters to hold demonstrations in other countries just how far does it spread i know you mentioned some regional areas but can you give us more on that. but we know that demonstrators are gathering in front of israeli embassies at key european and american cities and here too the israeli government is on
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a state of high alert it follows a call as you say from the palestinian authority for tens of thousands of people to mark what they calling a global march to jerusalem we're hearing from organizers that they are planning for a non violent demonstration we are hearing the figures of some thirty thousand if not more the in baghdad about the goal of today is really to bring attention to the plight of the palestinian people cause for justice course for an end to the occupation and an end for israeli control over palestinian land according to the israeli defense ministry it has closed off the whole of the west bank which means it will be incredibly difficult if not impossible today for palestinians living in the west bank to move around and to get around we also know that there is an extensive land caravan that has made its way to the israeli lebanese border and here we're looking at protesters have come as far as india and malaysia he ran into
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nisha and tells you can stand so the mood on the ground incredibly tense on both sides of the border people are fearful that events could descend into chaos but certainly the palestinian people hoping that they plight and they struggle will make world headlines paula as you say are certainly a widespread calls here for people to stand up and and defend what is the annual event of land as we're speaking to you we're now seeing reports that israeli forces have opened fire on palestinians in the west bank i know you're between ramallah and jerusalem do keep us posted and do take. place here. tries to broker a peaceful solution to the syria crisis by washington as our eyes are still backing just one side of the conflict. expects even one. of recognition and funding from the u.s. led quote friends of syria group the u.k. has already vowed to extend material support to the rebels let's try and get some more details on this now from our teaser laura smith standing by in london joining
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us on the program so while the un's are trying to get the warring sides in syria to sit down for talks britain is backing the insurgency why's that. well it seems that this is the general consensus that backing the insurgency is the thing to do as you mentioned the u.s. is doing it too this this money that. the u.k. has pledged amounts to eight hundred thousand dollars and represents a doubling of the funding that's being given to the opposition we're expecting other countries to follow suit including the u.s. at a seventy one nation meeting on sunday which as you mentioned it's a group that calls itself the friends of syria this is the second meeting that they had and in fact it seems from their agenda that they are not in fact friends of syria they're in fact friends of the syrian opposition and the goals of the mason that they're holding on sunday includes uniting what really focus on uniting this
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this famously disparate opposition that we see in syria and whilst at the same time thinking up new measures to increase pressure on the regime so it's a very one sided strategy that they've got going on pressurising assad on the one hand helping out the opposition on the other helping them to unite their forces c.n.n. has also said recently that he's looking at a growing u.n. peacekeeping troops from various regions from there the israel border from golan heights that you were just talking about and also from southern lebanon to try to enforce a peace that doesn't actually exist yet u.n. the u.n. peacekeeping department also says that it might go to damascus to try and put some sort of plan in place for enforcing some kind of peace. the six point plan for peace which involves a bilateral ceasefire but so far nothing concrete on the table or it's no more than a week since the u.n. security council issued a statement appealing for
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a cease fire in syria but it is being heated and if not what can we expect to see. well quite the opposite actually we've seen in the last couple of days an upsurge in the amount of violence. gunmen from the opposition are reported to have kidnapped a high ranking military pilots and also assassinated two colonels from the army on thursday so that looks like the opposition is stepping up its attacks in fact there's a reported forty three people dead from violence just on thursday. we are seeing sort of a sort of concerted plan to implement this cease fire but we seem to be in something of a standoff at the moment the opposition says that it won't contemplate even negotiating on anything which would allow for our side to stay in power meanwhile assad is very angry about this support that's being provided to the opposition from the international community he says that countries have to stop providing money and weapons the opposition immediately if this plan is to succeed he's calling the
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opposition terrorists of course kofi annan himself has come out and said that the deadline for a cease fire is now and that the regime in syria should in a gesture of good faith be the first to step down course in a bilateral cease fire it's very difficult to time these things it's very unlikely that our side will volunteer to be the first to step down so we're really not any any further forward and if not so who knows what will happen as we've seen the support for the opposition is increasing all countries have said that they will stop short of arming the opposition but if the situation develops any further who. live in london thanks very much why would you stay with us here on the program on our to your coming up next hour on cross talk opinions you know why washington has taken such a compromising stance towards the syrian. the united states is acting out of humanitarian desire to see this in this does not mean that we will engage in direct
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military intervention as i suggested despite the fact that senator mccain and others have suggested we do so so i think it's perfectly clear that we have an interest in seeing assad ousted we also have an interest in seeing stability occur after assad is removed how that stability will occur remains to be seen will it be a democratic will there be democratic impulses i doubt it the muslim brotherhood is well organized to take control of the country ok maybe sunni. tribal leaders or here is what i need what have you confused the legal issues around everyone well if the muslim brotherhood does come to power in syria democratically then we have to accept the outcome right herbert exactly i'm sure we will matter as well but what are you saying is you don't like the current government in syria but you sound like a potential future government in syria in other words this isn't about democracy it's not about what the syrian people themselves well it's about what the americans
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want and that is not acceptable. you stay with us across talking about an hour and twenty minutes from now but for this hour here on the program still ahead for you. it's really creepy to have someone holding up a machine to your face that you have no idea not only the health effects of it but they're actually use it with their larger purpose do you think it is or how soon will your dishwasher starts flying on you we track big brother's plans for the privacy of america. police in france have detained nineteen suspected it is the most extremist and a crackdown against religious radicalism weapons was seized during raids in several cities including two lose the scene of a spate of killings earlier this month french government mohamed merah shot at seven people. including three schoolchildren he was eventually killed by police
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after a thirty two hour apartment siege authorities have been on the lookout for potential accomplices but no direct links have been confirmed mohammad merah out was buried yesterday in the city of toulouse following days of debate on what to do with his remains as well as being a figure of public hatred whereas the legacy has become a game changer in the country's upcoming election i with this story as artist. a mom of mira was killed by police after thirty two hours seizure into loose his life may have ended that day but his story has given france's presidential hopefuls an excuse for electioneering with ever more radical rhetoric. that's given rise to a huge political debate and what's made it to the foreground of the discourse is narrow as a background should be really neat for anyone who regularly consults internet sites which promote terror or hatred or violence will be sentenced to prison any person
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going abroad for the purposes of indoctrination in terrorist ideology will be criminally punished and that's in addition to sarkozy's policy of stripping foreign born criminals of their citizenship further tightening border control saying there are too many foreigners in france and promising to bar radical muslim preachers from entering the country to participate in an islamic conference next month but clearly advocating the political change in it's really is you it's not a crime we have freedom of speech in france and they don't see. restricted. was a french citizen in the east family came to france a very long time ago so. obviously this kind of terrorism. from inside friends of society it's not just something that is imported from the middle east. and you cannot. take away french nationality from
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a french nation or this is not allowed under the french constitution and then there's marine le pen the far right national front party candidate having long pushed a more radical anti immigration line call for the revival of the death penalty for child killers and the deportation of any foreigner who goes on a suspicious trip to places like afghanistan how many mohammed merah are there in the boats and planes that arrive in france full of immigrants mohammed merah is perhaps only the tip of the iceberg it's time to put you on this and the mentalist political religious groups who are killing our children the threat of islamic fundamentalism has been underestimated. i think all of it's been announced after these tragic events are proposals put forward soley for the election it goes to the one who proposes the most radical solutions which would aim supposedly at solving the problem but the problem is much deeper are a growing number of immigrants in france about six million of whom are muslims is
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being labeled as a problem by some prominent figures and politicians are throwing around what they call solutions but the question is whether any of these policy ideas on immigration or security are realistic and are addressing an actual problem are simply the consequences of something more fundamental the core of the problem is a tribute if you can go through it because what is the goal of all the problem there doesn't seem to be much consensus on that either does or sylvia r.t. paris. come to life or moscow now about our top story here the tension surrounding the annual event of land in the middle east that we're looking at live pictures here it's just outside a checkpoint in the golan heights on the israeli syrian border you can see a mass of palestinians there with their flags a march but we do know that up to a thousand or more israeli defense force. soldiers have been put on standby to try and maintain peace and order we did have reports earlier that the i.d.f.
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the israeli defense forces have already opened fire on some members there now that monday marks the death of six arabs killed by israeli police during protests over the government conversation of land in northern israel over thirty years ago we are going to be covering this story all day today as it develops throughout the day i'll correspondent paula syria is live in the region and we'll bring you up to date as all the events unfold here on. for more news and video you can always i just go to our website our t. comma. waiting for you there right now about wall street versus main street two thirds of americans are unhappy with the u.s. economy as they continue to pay for the most stakes are financial cuts. and defeated in cyberspace the f.b.i. admits it's fighting a losing battle as it continues to be a target for activists but you can find all that and so much more of our team doc.
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in a few minutes as the world update here on r t but for now police in spain of clashed with demonstrators during a general strike against labor reforms and further economic belt tightening it comes as prime minister mariano rajoy is set to announce new austerity measures for the country aimed at saving tens of billions of euros and for making it easier for employers to fire employees policy correspondent jake agreement has been following the protests by trade. and this has been causing so much corn anger around the whole country you see demonstrations taking place here by land sea and also here in barcelona where we saw violence in syria with clashes between demonstrators and
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police buildings being smashed by protesters on the sea and the troops and around the country the effort has been against austerity measures but most of the points it's being against a reform to labor law this sets the make it easier to sack boys in the future and also decrease their wages unemployment crisis space startling high if not the most in any developed country has twenty three percent of the population all comes the lawsuit changing i thought we did new but i do not know you anybody in this state we've seen money you know we have the needy we like watching big meaty there's also a lot of young people out and about the reason behind us all of those on in lloyd's over oh oh and those on the twenty five about fifty percent you're still unemployed
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so it's a cools that really concerns them but has been pressure mounting from the e.u. from the eurozone leaders to implement morse there seems to cost the deficit has meant the italian prime minister speaking out recently saying this is a condition that could include all the eurozone members as well first let the spanish prime minister cannot quite tough when it comes to the future budget to be decided on friday he said it will be very very austere but something doesn't really have an appetite in this crowd even though they recognize there's a need for cuts to be placed i don't think it should be on their watch i don't think the impact should be felt by them. twenty minutes past the hour here in moscow big brother is slowly creeping into americans' lives. with cia chief even joking about spying on people through their dishwasher but according to recent polls people in the us aren't particularly amused by this fear of big government has soared amid expanding unchecked security measures parties miniport ny attracts
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the trend from new york. when ten years ago biometrics robotic spies and state surveillance were the makings of a by flick starring tom cruise from the room today many scenes from the hollywood blockbuster minority report have arguably become an american reality with life ominously imitating art you're working on the story of the camera takes a picture of you is able to compare it through facial grappling was able to compare it to your driver's license for the job or some other photo of your mug shot maybe a surveillance photo and say all right marina was on the corner of forty second and . three o'clock last saturday in addition to officials recognition new york city's police department is just one of many law enforcement agencies that also require
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citizens to undergo an iris scan before being released from police custody. in the past six months iris scans have been taken from hundreds of occupy wall street activists police under arrest like christina gonzales they really don't tell you why they just say it's another form of identification and it's really creepy to have someone holding up the machine to your prey's that you have no idea not only the health of fags what there are clearly use it with their larger purposes of using it is for iris scans are like a high tech fingerprint but much faster officials can quickly identify anyone who's unique scan is on the database the technology is becoming increasingly useful as a tracking tool in the u.s. in the virtual world of tweets. facebook posts and search engines every internet user is defined by a data footprint if you think i'm not amiss comments and blogs are protected think
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again through the use of what's called forensic linguistics. u.s. investigators can now uncover whose fingers are behind every single keystroke if i have a good in a large enough sample of your writing and your postal card can tell you can compare it i couldn't even put it into a database and database. using that information finally every other post you ever did the digital data trail of every american will soon be connected to a massive building in utah a two billion dollar data center is reportedly being constructed for the u.s. national security agency the complex will allegedly be able to collect analyze and store all forms of personal communication including online purchases cell calls google searches and yes private messages but they're actually looking at de encrypting all of the data that comes out so for example when you use g.
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mail your all your e-mails are encrypted by default google has given you this service and has allowed you to say my communications are protected now the n.s.a. center is designed around building systems that will d.m. correct that data and remove any protection that you can put onto it earlier this month cia director david petraeus painted a picture of america's dystopian freefall when describing the emergence of the internet of things the furries refers to an increasing amount of personal information washington will eventually be able to obtain once all home electronics are wired to a network of u.s. intelligence officials estimate that by twenty twenty up to one hundred billion ordinary devices such as referred to rivers and dishwashers could be wired up to the internet just the way p.c.'s and cell phones are now that bottomless pit of data could allow big brother to monitor virtually anything it wants even the
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cia director says. very idea of secrecy will change forever. archy new york. all right it's time to talk money here and i'll tell you there's really a culture of business that's going to be you know keeping a close watch on the european markets and he joins you have good news to report. rory of all the european markets have definitely made the u. turn after thursday's a loss is in fact the only market not doing so well in europe currently is greece but also you more about that a little bit later in fact the best performance stock market today so far is in france and since i mention the country i like to set up a french prize that has announced that the country's budget deficit equaled five point eight percent of g.d.p. in two thousand and eleven and this was lower than the government's initial target and the plan that is to cut this deficit to four in the half percent of g.d.p. in two thousand and twelve all right now let's take
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a look at international markets we'll start with europe of course banks are leading the gains there with b.m.p. part by gaining over a one and a half percent this hour and also resource for such a thought well and that's on the back on rising commodity prices the footsie as we can see there is a point almost seven percent in the black wall of the vax is adding over one percent this hour as i mentioned greece is a bucking that trend and of course that's not really a surprise but another factor is that the greek prime minister has announced that a third bailout may be avoidable all right let's move on to russia a similar picture here at seoul in the black with the arts yes in fact adding over two percent us have this happen last hour in the my sense is slowly ahead in there as well and this has been quite a good quarter for russian forces the i.d.f. has added seventeen percent since the beginning of the year and while the mice and screw seven percent and that's due to stronger well prices as well as gains on the wall street analysts expect this summer to me it's one supply side by the end of
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the year all right let's take a look at some individual shovels on the high stakes most of the blue chips are higher and. gains in all of course are supports an energy substance that gas from his attic over two percent is our financial stocks are also on the rise with the city getting over two and a half percent and i'm ok is also heading towards that and one of the companies got an approval to acquire a story in iron ore explore and that's called flinders. movements that well oiled prices up i'm back up after seeing the words the client in a week and that was because of reports that u.s. stock cars are on the rise as well as that western nations are considering releasing their strategic oil reserves to produce prices lower and that will take a look at currencies the euro is still slightly lower against the u.s. dollar and that's ahead of the e.u. finance ministers meeting with discuss expanding the bailout fund when it comes to the ruble we see that it's gaining against the dollar but loosening against the euro and now another user global i.p.o.
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exhibits he has seventy percent in the first quarter of two thousand and twelve that's compared to the same period and it seems thousand and eleven according to a report by counsel from ernst and young which says he owes amounts it's roughly fourteen billion dollars so far and that's the lowest level in years the uncertainty in the euro zone and a smaller number of largest banks from states on farms created these unfavorable conditions now emerging markets are still the i.p.o. leaders with china topping the list and the number of russia is out of believe and the last time it hosted i.p.o.'s it was. well you never know we might see more i.p.o.'s this. time that's it for your already thanks very much that we'll check in with you next hour of the friday market movement see you then but i still to come here on r t a recap of our top stories are going to be followed by the latest fund filled edition of must go out of course with nobody else except not in churches have to see you say.
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something to you what is happening since no is the you know the after forty for.


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