tv [untitled] March 30, 2012 7:00am-7:30am EDT
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storage is free. range from three. three stooges free. food free books to clothing videos for your media projects and free video guns are. straight to live pictures here on police and protesters collide i reports of violence escalating at checkpoints between ramallah and jerusalem. looking at live pictures right here from a checkpoint in the golan heights on the israeli syrian border thousands of palestinians marched their way along the border. in the. first report some violence and begin to meet again at kalandia checkpoint with the police firing rounds of them. out when you board a live update in just
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a few moments. fueling the fire as u.n. mediators struggled to get the warring sides in syria to negotiate london vows to keep the cash flowing to the rebels in their fight against a massive. dozens of u.s. allies planning to commit yet more supports to the opposition as an international conference on sunday moved from the interesting moments. of the recent shooting rampage carried out by a french gunman into blues draws presidential candidates into a fierce pre-election rhetoric over extremism and immigration. also spain's prime minister is set to announce a new way of measures one day after a nationwide strike violence between protesters and police.
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worldwide news live from moscow this is artsy i'm a recent show live in the russian capital there is various checkpoints between ramallah and jerusalem as palestinians and arabs mark land day israel's military has already closed off the west bank in anticipation of violence the annual march commemorates the death of six arabs killed by israeli police during protests over government confiscation of land in northern israel now over thirty years ago our correspondent paula it's not a checkpoint between ramallah and jerusalem good to see you paula we've been watching the live pictures are all morning and afternoon here on r.t. seeing the current has broken out at a number of checkpoints but the situation where you are now what's the update. well the situation here at the kalandia checkpoint between jerusalem and ramallah is incredibly tense we are receiving the first reports of injuries now about fifty
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meters behind me there are palestinians who have been hurling these huge chunks of cement at the israeli wife police that have gathered on the side of the checkpoint we're also hearing the first reports of israeli police firing at the areas border crossing between israel and gaza now no reports of injuries just yet but that is happening as i speak we're also hearing reports of violence that has broken out after masked gate in the old city of jerusalem now israel is on its highest state of alert and the entire country has been mobilized all the borders have been shut tight i'm talking particularly about the lebanese syrian and jordanian borders the israeli government is very fearful that there will be a repeat on those borders of the violence that we saw last may in which dozens of people were killed we're looking at live pictures coming from the golan heights where palestinians are gathering on the borders as i say the israeli police on high alert the lebanese government to particularly in southern lebanon has sealed off
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that part of the country they too are increasingly concerned that today's events could descend into deaths and increasing violence now the entire palestinian west bank has been shut off as i'm speaking to you there are reinforcements of riot police arriving here at kalandia checkpoint today's demonstration is in commemoration of land day which marks back in one nine hundred seventy six when israeli arabs first demonstrated against what they said was israeli confiscation of palestinian land for settlements so this is an annual event today there are tens of thousands of people expected to descend here across israel in the palestinian territories and what they're calling a global march on jerusalem and if we were talking to you we've been seeing live pictures of the latest pictures showing what does appear to be absolutely a growing crowd on the checkpoint in the goal. and heights palestinians are surging in numbers we saw we also saw an israeli defense armored vehicle with
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a water cannon taking that to the crowds there we understand though these demonstrations are just local that authorities have supporters to hold their demos in other countries as well. these demonstrations turkey have international pool there are crowds that are gathering across european and american cities they're gathering in front of israeli embassies and really the message is that the israeli occupation of palestine needs to end the needs to be justice brought to the palestinian people as i'm speaking to you there are ambulances here at kalandia checkpoint we certainly are receiving now confirmation that people have been injured but somehow how severe those injuries are still remains to be seen there's also this incredible smell in the air by what is known here as a skunk machine it's almost the smell of did bodies and that has been ongoing for the last two hours in an effort by the israeli police to try and disperse the crowds there's also be heavy smell of tear gas they have been tires being burned
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here at kalandia this guy has been with us here the black smoke right now things are a little bit under control but certainly the violence here just flares up every few moments so any international appeal focused here particularly on jerusalem and elsewhere in the palestinian territories as len date commemorations getting underway right now it is a paula reporting from the checkpoint between ramallah and jerusalem thanks for that live update. tries to broker a peaceful solution to the syrian crisis washington and its allies are still backing just one side of the conflict the opposition expects even wider recognition and funding from the u.s. led quote friends of syria group the u.k. is already valid to extend your support for the rebels in london with the latest as artie's laurus. this money that. the u.k. has pledged amounts to eight hundred thousand dollars. represents
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a doubling of the funding that's being given to the opposition we're expecting other countries to follow suit including the u.s. a seventy one nation meeting on sunday it's a group that calls itself the friends of syria this is the second meeting that. in fact it seems from their agenda that they are not in fact friends of syria they're in fact friends of the syrian opposition and the goals of the meeting that they're holding on sunday includes you know icing really focus on uniting this this famously disparate opposition that we see in syria and whilst at the same time thinking up new measures to increase pressure on the regime so it's a very one sided strategy that they've got going on there has also said recently that he's looking at borrowing u.n. peacekeeping troops from various regions to try and influence a peace that doesn't actually exist yet we've seen in the last couple of days an upsurge in the amount of violence than men from the opposition are reported to have
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kidnapped a high ranking military pilots and also assassinated two colonels from the army on thursday so that looks like the opposition is stepping up its attacks in fact the opposition says that it won't contemplate even negotiating on anything which would allow for assad to stay in power meanwhile assad is very angry about this support that's being provided to the opposition from the international community he says that countries have to stop providing money and weapons the opposition immediately if this plan is to succeed he's calling the opposition terrorists of course kofi annan himself has come out and said that their deadline for a cease fire is now and that the regime in syria should and a gesture of good faith to be the first to step down of course in a bilateral cease fire it's very difficult to time those things it's very unlikely that our side will volunteer to be the first to step down so we're really not any any further forward but if the situation develops any further.
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the only way to help the syrian people is to promote negotiation and stead of simply supporting one side in a conflict that's the view of info wars dot com and it's patrick henningsen. it's unbelievable how it's got to this point where it seems ok to fund the opposition whatever form it is and let's not kid ourselves the u.s. and the u.k. have been backing guerrilla forces in syria for the last year ok and we can't erase that from the history books that has been happening that's been admitted by the u.s. state department it's been admitted by the u.k. foreign office and all the sudden they're back peddling now saying that it's all you know nice arab spring nonmilitary intervention and we're going to help the opposition it doesn't work if they want to help syria they need to engage the syrian government in diplomatic talks on neutral ground it's quite quite clear that president assad is not going to. you know accept the kofi annan peace plan as the
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western countries are still giving aid to the opposition and you know has already been caught through proxy smuggling on xp over the border in jordan and also his arms going over the border in lebanon where these coming from ok we know these are coming from these are coming from the u.s. the u.k. their allies in the region doing this to a third party. minutes past the hour here in the russian capital this is artsy and still ahead for you this hour. it's really creepy to have someone holding up a machine to your peas then you have no idea not only the health effects there are actually use it with their larger purpose do you think it is or how soon will your dishwasher start spying on you we track brothers plans for the purpose see of america. police in france have detained nineteen suspected it is the most extremists in a crackdown against religious radicalism weapons were seized during raids in
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several cities including to lose of course the scene of a spate of killings earlier this month french gunman muhammad shot dead seven people including three schoolchildren he was eventually killed by police after a thirty two hour apartment seemed authorities have been on the lookout for potential accomplices but no direct links have been confirmed mohammad was buried yesterday in the city of toulouse following days of debate on what to do with his remains but as well as being a figure of public hatred whereas a legacy has fast become a game changer in the country's upcoming election i would details on this year's r.t. strasser us to. mohamed merah was killed by police after thirty two hours seizure into loose his life may have ended that day but his story has given france's presidential hopefuls an excuse for electioneering with ever more radical rhetoric . that's giving rise to
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a huge political debate and what's made it to the foreground of the discourse is meryl's background shit. from now on anyone who regularly consults internet sites which promote terror or hatred or violence will be sentenced to prison any person going abroad but the purposes of indoctrination in terrorist ideology will be criminally punished that's in addition to sarkozy's policy of stripping a foreign born criminals of their citizenship further tightening border control saying there are too many foreigners in france and promising to bar radical muslim preachers from entering the country to participate in an islamic conference next month but clearly advocating the political change in extreme is you it's not a crime we have freedom of speech in france and they don't see. the restricted. while the french citizen and the east family came to france a very long time ago so. obviously this guy end of terrorism.
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from inside french society it's not just something that is imported from the middle east. and you cannot. take away french nationality from the french nation or this is not allowed under the french constitution and then there's marie le pen the far right national front party candidate having long pushed a more radical anti immigration line call for the revival of the death penalty for child killers and the deportation of any foreigner who goes on a suspicious trip to places like afghanistan how many mohammed merah are there in the boats and planes that arrive in france full of immigrants and how with merit is perhaps only the tip of the iceberg it's time to wage war on this from the mentalists political religious groups who are killing our children the threat of islamic fundamentalism has been underestimated. i think all that spent announced
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after these tragic events are proposals put forward solely for the election it goes to the one who proposes the most radical solutions which would aim supposedly at solving the problem and the problem is much deeper are now the growing number of immigrants in france about six million of whom are muslims is being labeled as a problem by some prominent figures politicians are throwing around what they call solutions the question is whether any of these policy ideas on immigration or security are realistic and are addressing an actual problem or simply the consequences of something more fundamental the core of the problem is a permit if you can go through it because what is the goal of the problem there doesn't seem to be much consensus on that either does or sylvia r.t. paris. well here on out here we always love it when you get involved with us here if you would take the time to log on to r.t. you thought com you can take part in our latest worldwide poll today we're asking what the french crackdown on domestic islamists really means right here the numbers
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of for this hour from our website. more than half of you believe it's president sarkozy's pre-election a move to pander to voters by just around a quarter of you say it's the start of an unseen muslim witch hunt in the country just about now thirteen percent see this as a need jerk response to the toulouse shootings by just a few now consider this is an attempt to finally address the threat of terrorism on french soil we are still taking a numbers here and r.t. dot com i just head over to the website and make sure you have your site. of course . you see many videos the latest news stories are live streaming video as well here's a taste of some of the items waiting for you there at the moment for example wall street versus main street two thirds of americans are unhappy with the u.s. economy as they continue to pay for the mistakes of financial fat cats. and defeated in cyberspace the f.b.i.
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admits it's fighting a losing battle as it continues to be a target for activists and you can find all that and so much more on the web site r t v dot com. in a few minutes as the world but for now police in spain of demonstrators during a general strike against labor reforms and further economic belt tightening it comes as prime minister. is set to announce new austerity measures for the country aimed at saving tens of billions of euros making it easier for employers to fire employees. following the protests in which. this has been causing so much for anger around the whole country you see demonstrations has
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a great place here by land sea and also here in barcelona where we saw fires in syria clashes between demonstrators and police buildings being smashed by protesters have the c m a truce and around the country the effort has been against austerity measures but more slow points it's being against our full labor law this sets the make it easier to sack employees in the future and also decrease their wages and employment rights in space startling high if not the most in any developed country has twenty three percent of the population of course the last to be changing i thought we did new but i do not believe anybody in this tea leaves the us money you know the needy we like what the committee is also a lot of young people house about the reason behind that old goes on in lloyds over
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and over and those under twenty five it's about fifty percent sure are still unemployed so it's a cools that really concerns them and has the pressure mounting from it even from the eurozone leaders to implement morse there seems to caution the deficit has meant these have the prime minister speaking out recently saying this is a condition that could include all the eurozone members well first like the spanish prime minister cannot quite tough when it comes to the future budget for it to be decided on friday he said it will be very very austere but something doesn't really have an appetite in this crowns even though they recognise there's a need for cox be placed i don't think it should be on their watch i don't think the impact should be felt by them. correspondent reporting from madrid the crisis is trying to just a gonzalo says that saving spain is a task a lot easier said than done. because it's forty percent the size of germany you
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cannot save a country that size you cannot bail him out like you would be allowed greece or ireland or portugal spain is a big country it is one trillion euros g.d.p. per year. that's simply too big for any country or any group of countries in the european the euro zone to bail out france and germany cannot bail out spain so the only solution and i think of this is inevitable is first spain to exit the euro zone and go back to the percent devalue and start rebuilding its economy and that i think will likely happen in the next government after hoyt who are who i think unfortunately is going to fail and the government after that will be left wing government and they will probably exit the eurozone and go back to the process and the value and do what has to be done because this government unfortunately they have the best of intentions and i have no doubt that they are very capable and competent but they just don't have what it takes to do what's necessary which is exit the euro. right before we get to marino with the putin's op ed for this hour
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let's get to the r.t. world update will start with north korea which has begun preparations for a rocket launch show tool for april this according to satellite images taken by a private u.s. firm washington says the exercise is actually a long range missile test than is in breach of u.n. resolutions with japan saying it is ready to shoot down a north korean rocket if necessary but young insists it's intended to send a satellite into space for scientific purposes meanwhile north korea has fired it to short range missiles our office west coast on thursday. west african nations of issued an ultimatum to the leaders of a military coup in mali to relinquish power within seventy two hours or face sanctions proposed measures would include closing off land borders with the country and freezing marley's assets a lot of who was led by soldiers are unhappy with president hu money today its
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policies because of the clear leaders have since unveiled a new constitution and an art elections in which participants would be barred from standing. a suspected u.s. drone fired two missiles at a house in northwest pakistan killing three alleged militants the attack took place early on friday in the town of around shar an area known as the sanctuary for taliban and al qaeda insurgents foreigners are believed to be among the group of those hit the strike comes at a time when pakistan is there manning an end to u.s. drone attacks in the country. big brother is slowly creeping into americans lives with the cia chief even joking about spying on people through their dishwasher but according to recent polls people in the us aren't seeing the funny side fear of big government is sort of it expanding unchecked security measures in new york is artie's marine important trucking trend. well
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ten years ago biometrics robotic spies and state surveillance grew the makings of a side by flick starring tom cruise said from the room today many scenes from the hollywood blockbuster minority report have arguably a calm and an ok reality with life ominously imitating art your walking down the street and the camera takes a picture of you is able to compare it through facial mapping is able to compare it to your driver's license photo or some other photo maybe a mug shot maybe a surveillance photo and say all right marina was on the corner of forty circuit and. three o'clock last saturday in addition to facial recognition new york city's police department is just one of many law enforcement agencies that also require citizens to undergo an iris scan before being released from police custody.
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in the past six months iris scans have been taken from hundreds of occupy wall street activists placed under arrest like christina gonzales they really don't tell you why they just say it's another form of identification and it's really creepy to have someone holding up the machine to your phrase that you have no idea not only of the health of what there are clearly use it with their larger purposes of using it is for iris scans are like a high tech fingerprint but much faster officials can quickly identify anyone who's unique scan is on the database the technology is becoming increasingly useful as a tracking tool in the u.s. in the virtual world of tweets. facebook posts and search engines every internet user is defined by a data footprint if you think anonymous comments and blogs are protected think again through the use of what's called forensic linguistics. u.s.
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investigators can now uncover whose fingers are behind every single keystroke the phone i have a good in a large enough sample of your writing and your postal card can tell you could compare it i couldn't even put it into a database. database. using that information finding every other post you ever did the digital data trail of every american will soon be connected to a massive building in utah a two billion dollar data center is reportedly being constructed for the u.s. national security agency the complex allegedly be able to collect analyze and store all forms of personal communication including online purchases cell calls google searches and yes private messages but they're actually looking at d.n. crippling all of the data that comes out so for example when you use e-mail your all your e-mails are encrypted by default google has given you their service and
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has allowed you to say my communications are protected now the n.s.a. is center is designed around building systems that will do your encrypted data and remove any protection that you can put onto it earlier this month cia director david petraeus painted a picture of america's dystopian freefall when describing the emergence of the internet of things the first refers to an increasing amount of personal information washington will eventually be able to obtain once all home electronics are wired to a network of u.s. intelligence officials estimate that by twenty twenty up to one hundred billion ordinary devices such as refrigerators and dishwashers could be wired up to the internet just the way p.c.'s and cell phones are now that bottomless pit of data could allow big brother to monitor virtually anything it wants even the cia
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director says the very idea of secrecy will change forever. we are. but getting back to our top story here on r t the tension surrounding land day the annual event in the middle east where we were looking at live pictures live pictures right here on our t.v. apologize for that technical glitch there we're looking now at the life of it from the golan heights the israeli syria border we have reports of injuries by midday the injuries occurring between skirmishes that broke out between protesters and security forces at the kalandia checkpoint in the west bank we understand that israel's military has closed off the west bank to all but humanitarian emergencies and a statement from the hamas spokesman ishmael god one says quote today we send a message to the occupation that they must leave our land and must stop the jewish takeover of jerusalem again these are live pictures for you here at r t v and you will event and day oh i know that's. the letter cross over now to all of his
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business there and speak to marine across the river. they are the last day of the workweek investors focusing today very high rory well investors seem to be focused on that we can we see a more upbeat mood and in fact their investors are looking up positive data as well as rising commodity prices the one of the only markets not doing that great right now is obvious reasons and i will talk about that a little bit later but first i want to talk about france because that's one of the best performance stock markets today and in fact the french president has just announced that the country's largest deficit equaled five point two percent of g.d.p. in two thousand and eleven and that was lower than the government's initial target the plan now is to cut that deficit to four and a half percent of g.d.p. in two thousand and twelve but let's take a look at the end to national markets or go to europe banks are leading the gains that would be empty prior basically added over one place satisfied said bank there
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now research firms are also adding and as i said that's coming off rising commodity prices we can see. now the dax is over one the percent in the black and as i mentioned earlier greece is bucking the trend and that's falling and the announcement from the greek prime minister that a third bailout is no rule that out yet we're moving on to russia a similar picture the voices here are looking at most it's of numbers the arts yes is out in over one and a half percent and so is the my success has been a good quarter for the russian market so far the r.t.s. has added seventeen percent since the beginning of the year while the my cigs group seven percent and that was a result of stronger prices as well as gains on the wall street analysts expect it's a growth twenty percent by the end of the year ok that's a look at the individual share moves on the my sites most of the blue chips are higher again of course energy companies are doing particularly well with the gas from is out in over one and a half percent this hour by that flows on the rise as well as the bees gaining
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almost two and a half percent this hour i mean plays out in over one and a half percent and the company has just gotten approval to acquire australian are nor explora flinders mines and if we move on to well prices they are going back up and i have to see in the wars the clone in a week and of course we saw that because that followed reports that u.s. stock piles on the rise and that western nations are considering releasing their strategic oil reserves let's move on to currencies nothing much has changed there since the last couple of hours he said the euro is slightly lower against the u.s. dollar and that's ahead of the e.u. finance ministers meeting and the ruble is gaining against the dollar and is lower against the euro. and that's how business looks the sour my colleague up which will have next update.
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