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tv   [untitled]    March 30, 2012 10:00pm-10:30pm EDT

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a lot. like. me. welcome to the lower show where we get the real headlines with none of the mersey because we live in washington d.c. now it's not going to be the jack writes about a war of words between paul ryan and the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff hillary clinton's trip to saudi arabia and the truth about america's for its rights in yemen then we'll catch up with artie's lauren lyster host of the capital account for our financial checkup bernie to discuss the latest with m.f. global the euro zone's bailout fund and a sky high salary for bank of america c.e.o.
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and david house will join us to talk about his case accords ruled that he can actually take the government to court of what he calls a violation of his first and fourth amendment rights they seize his belongings of the border questioned him for ninety minutes but was it all politically motivated we have all that and more fair night including a dose of happy hour but first let's take a look at the mainstream media has decided to be. well looks like that time the time when the mainstream media paid a lot of attention to the war in afghanistan that was short lived here unfortunately it only occurred after the tragic massacre of seventeen civilians allegedly by one u.s. army staff sergeant robert bales but we saw a drastic shift that the media started asking if the war was worth it they quietly woke up to the reality of abyss is a conflict that after ten years isn't anywhere near winnable but not sure if they actually realize yet it's because we don't know what to define or how to define
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what we're fighting for but we did see some kind of change there but anyway today it looks like they've forgotten all about the soul searching and are back into town boyd style coverage of america's longest war. and some old laws father he was which was a difference he felt. says his thirty year old widow from yemen telling pakistani police in love you moved around living in five safe houses and get this he fathered four children during his nine years in high paid so not their color television fighters puts it in drag it afghanistan was on the bin laden fathered four children and had five seat houses during his nine years on the run in pakistan this is according to bin laden's youngest wife was told the pakistani intelligence least two of those children were born in a pakistani government hospital colorful women's clothing in full beard swer everywhere on the reason for dressing up as a kid soldier says they wanted to get closer to us and nato troops to attack them.
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out of iraq the fact that osama bin laden was able to father four children who were born in public hospitals and live in five different residences during the nine years that we were hunting him it's not exactly a positive reflection on our intelligence our partners now in baghdad straight up and baer is saying. but there is in my mind some even bigger news out there and the crazy thing is that this comes from a c.n.n. poll and yet c.n.n. decided to leave it on their website go big with celebrity stories instead of this and everyone else well they didn't even want to touch it the new c.n.n. political poll shows that according to their respondents support for the war in afghanistan has fallen to an all time low and show that only twenty five percent of americans favor the war and that for the first time since the war began in two thousand and eleven a majority of republicans voiced opposition to it and i'm sure you can say that hey this is just one little poll of a thought forget that earlier this week we saw a similar results from a new york times c.b.s. poll that would show that sixty nine percent of respondents think we should be
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afghanistan so clearly the public hasn't moved on or forgotten in fact the indicators suggest that support continues to fall on the mainstream media doesn't seem to think about that big of a deal and here they have something in common with our military leadership take a look at what general odierno said earlier this week. believes it's important that we stay in there. we'll make it real i mean over there we are making real progress besides the answer somebody has said sort of curve yes up every day there's thirty for sure getting better it's a very small percentage that are acting. but how many times have we heard the same line over and over again the progress is being made but there isn't any evidence to back it up or mainstream media never counters what military officials will tell that they will rarely speak to veterans to war reporters on the ground those whose careers don't depend on this war continuing anymore they will compare the statistics the rising violence the rise in u.s.
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troop deaths despite a search that was meant to quell the taliban and they didn't get lieutenant colonel dale davis' report the time of day even though he specifically laid out so many of the figures that directly contradicts what our military leaders continue to tell congress and the media and i don't necessarily think the public opinion. if they did because they know better because they pay attention to these and consistencies more than the mainstream media does though unfortunately that's not the truth that's also not their job it's the mainstream media's job to inform the public not to fool that public support is falling because we're war weary because it's been ten years because the last few months have only been full of wonder if it had lie after another but even i don't think the public will still be convinced by generals that continue to parade around telling tales of victory seems like it's just the mainstream media that's left they'll ask questions when there's a horrific massacre but be just as easily convinced by the military establishment a few weeks later to sway the other way it doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things all that is what they choose to mess.
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our we've got a number of foreign policy issues discussed tonight speaking of generals or military officials not always telling the whole truth paul ryan has picked a fight with general martin dempsey will get in their back and force them of your of investigative journalism has provided some of the clearest accounting of the u.s. drone war in yemen putting official statements about civilian civilian casualties into question and secretary of state hillary clinton is in saudi arabia discussing iran and syria we have to ask who has the upper hand in that relationship so joining me to discuss is jack rice former cia officer and criminal defense attorney jack thanks so much for joining us tonight and i guess let me just start with this whole thing between paul ryan and joint chiefs chairman martin dempsey so basically what happened is that so far the military establishment has been supporting the current budget right. now by the obama administration that includes the cuts that
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congress actually agreed to because the defense budget and then paul ryan releases his own budget which increases defense spending and then he even says we don't think the generals are giving us their true advice. so basically he says i don't care of the generals say that the other one is enough there's enough money there i don't think they're telling us the truth martin dempsey he spoke back and he said there's a difference between having someone say they don't believe what you said versus calling us collectively liars i really want to know what's your take right because constantly we talk about the fact that at least here on this show that if you look at the statistics often with the general say doesn't exactly i doubt with the truth and that happens specifically with the war in afghanistan but you never really see it going the opposite way around where you think they're lying and saying that we we don't need that much money. yeah i completely agree with you and there is a huge just an inconsistency here and we see it constantly i guess what interest
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the aspect of congressman ryan on this one seems to be you know i guess when the pentagon is saying things that support us it establishes that they're republicans or her sardar that if they say something that's inconsistent with what the republicans are standing for right now or at least what right steady work and somehow they're saying something that they must not believe because that supports democrats i mean it doesn't some convoluted absolutely it doesn't even make any sense and i think people that pentagon are saying wait a second how is it that every time depending on spoke when there was a republican in the white house what they saw was well these are just facts these are just professional soldiers they're on here to politicians but now all of a sudden when it's not a republican in the white house and these guys are why didn't i meet let's face it we're going to i do believe something consistently or we're not i guess we're not yeah i it's weird see i don't really know and paul ryan suddenly became the expert and he doesn't really give any evidence to it but like i said ironic because i think there are areas where you can actually call out our military officials for
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not telling the whole truth but this side this is kind of a a weird way to start but one of the things that we do you know we talk about where the pentagon is heading for t.v. clee as we know that drones are here to stay right drone warfare is it's the way of the future and so what do you think about this news that we got this week that australia just might be willing to let the u.s. you know use their territory for drugs well i'm not shocked at all in fact what we have seen since president obama has taken office is that really this is the approach that we want to take in the first place you could go back several years now and again since senator obama can't became president obama we have seen more than a three hundred percent increase in terms of the use of drones and not just talking about afghanistan i'm talking about pakistan i'm talking about yemen any yemen in particular the incur. it's dramatic in the last really two years but we've also seen them in other places like somalia so we're seeing this massive increase i
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think what happens is that we've decided is it's easy it's nice and simple if we just simply send out a demand list aircraft and just push a button no thoughts no muss nice of the using but the problem is when you make decisions like that there are quote unquote nice and easy i think we don't think too deeply about the ramifications of things go wrong and things have gone wrong again and again and again just go on the ground in afghanistan just go on the ground in pakistan and look at the numbers of people who have been killed by these drone attacks who are absolutely innocents oh i want to get that again in a moment because there are some statistics out there from the that's a good journalism but really quick before we move on from australia saying this you know what kind of message do you think that sends because let's say the chinese for example are really unhappy about this and they think about the u.s. having an area to park inland and fly their drones from in australia they think
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that it's headed towards that. holder very upset about this and i think rightfully so what has happened is we knew this was coming anyway it was pretty obvious if you look back even into new was that this was very much on the public although the mainstream media never really covered it anyway is the number of marines who are going into australia up under the northern edges of australia itself in the past we have generally used to go garcia of british essentially island in the indian ocean which we have used regularly and again since we don't really have the philippines like we used to are now looking for some other place the problem is it was clearly obvious that this was going to be seen as a threat to southeast asia a threat to the chinese from their perspective and i think we miscalculated when you realize that this just sort of upset anti again and we've seen it too many times in the short term and the long term ramifications are just missed all right i want to go to yemen and so basically what the girlfriend best to get of journalism
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found out is that there have been forty four u.s. attacks in yemen about thirty four of them have happened is may have happened since may of last year so we've really seen a huge outtake since last may and then of a same time earlier this year but since february there's also been a dramatic increase and so how do you think about factors with the political developments that we've seen in again you know on one hand as you say that the second that the on the ground situation became more tense there politically once we saw uprisings the u.s. to start launching more drone strikes now are they taking advantage of being al since february a new president stepping in and ramping up even learn from strikes. absolutely we are i mean that's exactly what is going on is this a third front is this a third war without question it is if you look at al qaeda on the reiterated peninsula we made a decision that we were going to move in yes we will have the old president out
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while many people have argued that he's a work for a mill in its own right but we can set out for another day we pushed them aside and then we actually moved in with more gusto you think this was a conversation that we had with the incoming yet many administration and say we will support you and yet at the same time please understand that you will also support us heck even some of the wiki leaks things that have actually come out on this have acknowledged al that there was an agreement between the americans and the yemeni government that they would say it was their bombs that was killing these people it wasn't the americans and the guy just highlights the fact that this is a conflict whether we want to admit it or not and so in that sense the more that we see the military the cia overall start positioning themselves to use drones more is that it's neither the less that we're actually going to know about our own military actions or the cia's athens abroad see we've even seen it here with the a.c.l.u. trying to take on the government you know about being able to assassinate u.s.
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citizens abroad the cia say well we can't confirm or deny our drone program so they want to talk about it in court that's the worst part of all really because again this is just more war this is just more fighting on behalf of you and me and all american citizens and when you have no transparency at all and you shift it from the pentagon to the likes of the cia and the killing of americans like anwar locky and again this is what's out there right now and without any transparency whatsoever without any due process of any kind and we sit back and say well you know what that guy's a terrorist that's good enough well based upon whose decision and if we have nobody who can say very clearly this is what we're doing this is how we're doing it this is why we're doing it this is how much it's going to cause. this is the good this is the bad this is the ugly when americans can't actually decide what it is that we want to do and that's a very very serious problem for the country i jack last question before we go is there hillary clinton currently in saudi arabia trying to put pressure on when it
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comes to iran when it comes to syria but do you think really i mean how do you how do you see that relationship playing out the somebody have the upper hand is hillary clinton going in begging for some kind of action or is it saudi arabia or you know what's going on oh yeah we're breaking i mean that's exactly what's going on right now our influence is minimal in some ways and we have to consider what's going on with the iranians on the one side we're still dealing with the israelis on the other and have a very serious problems there but trying to convince the saudis to move some of the other countries in the region to move in and deal with the syria should the americans don't want to touch this one they don't want to be near or just wonder if they can help it and yet they continue to watch something done they just don't want to have to do what they want i guess if we call this a proxy war well maybe that's the most appropriate are able to call it now i don't know we'll find out. thanks so much for joining us tonight thank you. so i had some members of congress believe that i would say prisons are just like club
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med now you heard me correct they think the immigration detention center is our vacation spots as far as we can back and on his pride even within our weekly financial take half as the capital account lauren look for what do i need him for something and. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so silly you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and here's some other part of it and realized everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm sorry because of the rich.
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you know the real headline but. the problem with the mainstream media today is that . disconnected from the viewers from what actually matters. if they want. what we're trying to take those stories that people actually care about and transfer them back. channel it's kind of like.
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an extremely confrontational stance when it comes to us. now while most legal walks focus their attention on supreme court health care debate this week the house judiciary panel held a rather troubling hearing on wednesday republican congressman on the panel's immigration subcommittee decided to look into what they did bounce as the obama administration's efforts to turn immigration have sent the detention centers into all inclusive resorts now given the absurd moniker holiday on ice ice being immigrations and customs enforcement house republicans decided to scrutinize new regulations introduced by the obama administration in february see the white house introduce the rules in a bid to create more humane conditions at ice detention centers that's a problem that dates back to the early days of the post nine eleven era in the wake
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of the tragedy the bush administration took a hard line against immigration and it was a move that led to deteriorating conditions immigration detention facilities throughout the u.s. president obama wanted to rectify this problem by trying to improve access to health care and legal assistance and by providing improved protection for prisoners who report mistreatment so you want to house republicans reacted well just take a look at this. administration's new detention you reach more like the hospitality guideline for illegal immigrants the new detention standards expand recreation for illegal immigrants for instance illegal and criminal immigrants in ice custody will have often such a soccer bar your bar in basketball instead of guards and on resident advisor patrol the grounds and the cost of the complex over thirty million taxpayer dollars to make matters worse the new standards expanded complaint process against ice
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officers and facilities. so does smith have a point are democrats wasting taxpayer money to pander to their bleeding heart base for maybe a little right after all government agencies love any excuse to inflate their budgets but conservatives allow detainees a place for it's hardly seems excessive when considering the conditions inside of these facilities the subcommittee is ranking democrat so he lofgren recalled some of the more gruesome stories that are unearthed needs attention centers take a look. last fall and i scored was criminally charged after essentially assaulted at least nine women during transportation the new reforms could have spared francis who passed from air station of his penis and the incidents like these led this committee to hold hearings in two thousand and seven and eight whose hearings uncovered policies that led to suffering and we learned that ice was tracking the amount of money it would saving by denying critical medical care i don't think that
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the hospitality guideline to prevent rape and prevent death and abuse of detainees in custody. yeah doesn't exactly sound like the kind of holiday i'd like to take these abuses don't just talk on the liberal heartstrings or what i would like to consider the fundamental values of humane treatment they could also end up saving the taxpayer money i suppose will some cells have been concerned that negligence and mistreatment could lead to expensive lawsuits after all many of these detainees are related to american citizens or publicans are still ice cold when confronted with the reality of these facilities and the conditions of treatment there perhaps the most outlandish statement came from republican steve king when discussing the number of i see cheney's that have died in recent years king said one hundred ten deaths is not alarming to me and really we care that little for human life what if one hundred ten american detainees died in custody abroad in another country no matter how they got there documented or not would that be alarming now isn't alarming as the administration's attempts to at least address
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this issue even if they haven't proposed the best possible solution it's alarming as republicans efforts to undermine human rights and sensible policy by pandering to their zenith of a base. our guys now it's time for our financial check up where we take a look at some of the biggest headlines from wall street of the eurozone everywhere and we try to make sense of them all so tonight we're getting an update on the and i've global affair and a new fed survey shows that investors really did get spooked. by then greg smith now infamous for writing that new york times op ed turns out he's going to cash out pretty big with his new book deal and the eurozone is just their bail out to nearly one trillion dollars so discuss this is lauren lister host of capital account owners. lauren thanks for joining us tonight so i want to start off by following up on a story that you and i spoke about last week because last friday just broke in that perhaps there was a record of junk or signed approving one hundred seventy five million dollar transfer and you know it was. really damning for him what's going on ok so after
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that you kind of have these e-mails that point fingers different directions one saying junk or as i authorize this and it was coming from customer money then just showing the murkiness of all of this is whole issue of segregated money and what's house money and what's customer money they can be mixed in some of these segregated accounts and then there's other e-mails coming out that say we got assurances that this was house money and not customer money so all of that is the backdrop upon which we have this hearing this week that was highly anticipated at least by people who are covering this and who have lost money on capitol hill with the executives of m.f. global people we haven't heard from we had c.f.o. as we had the legal counsel we had the assistant treasurer who had that e-mail that . had authorized this money to be transferred alona they said nothing none of them knew what happened it was nobody's responsibility i was on
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vacation brian pled the fifth lawmakers said this reminds one did this reminds me of the executives this out before me years before who were at the helm at enron so we really didn't get a lot more information the more people that i talked to about this i mean there is so much of a bigger picture than even ok there's a lot of focus right now on for example the two hundred million dollars that was transferred but this is so much more widespread i talked to one analyst this week who according to her due diligence because of how incredibly risky this trade was that junk or sign was all end with because of that she said that there would have been many days in two thousand and eleven where was short and based on the firm situation he may have dipped into. more money more times than this and just this was the time that they got caught so there is so much more that was going on and really these hearings the information we've gotten is really scratch the surface no one will call this bath or fraud yet when you hear these things ok that the legal
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counsel is. exactly and she's it's wrong that this customer money is gone one billion dollars about one point six billion dollars but oh you know i don't know if you can call it that because i'm heavily wired up and i'm a lawyer and i can't say that or all be in jail you know so it's really difficult to get answers but they're so are these arguments are you scared to really take it on but you know i think it's interesting to the point you make that it's just scratching the surface this could have been going on every day and it's just the time that they got caught and i think that you spoke about this on your show earlier too this week and it's this you turn to the head of our borders a great great package of you know some guy that got caught for white collar crime back the savings and loans crisis and she asked him what he thought about it he just said i'm sorry i got caught there was no i wish i had done it i wish i had cheated people but i guess it's just the same type of mentality same type of attitude you know the just keeps prevailing there and so the you know that makes you curious as to what you think about bank of america's c.e.o. we just found out that twenty eleven he made a big seven point five million dollars as a salary that was
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a huge raise from twenty ten and so you got to wonder what would he get rewarded for i can't figure out what he got rewarded for their stock plunged by fifteen percent last year alone or you need to take part in the accounting gimmicks that make this more complicated and keep us from really understanding what is the reality because look at this i had one headline bank of america c.e.o. pay quadruples as you just said oh but look at this one all street journal c.e.o. cut shot out of cash ok based on another calculation yet based on another guy collation this was a thirty percent pay cut from the prior year because performance wasn't good this talk very small sixty percent and so hey look he didn't get the cash bonus that is other executives did and this is actually a pay cut so this just really shows how. much we're not able to see i mean this is based on one of their accounts a lot of time. this is a pay cut ok everybody else they see a different story here how about greg smith right now the guys are tory is because
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he wrote this op ed in new york times trashing goldman sachs saying it's a culture of change telling everybody that called their clients muppets turns out now he's got a book deal it's going to be the same amount of money that he would have made in three years of salary so i don't know if he does that does that mean that it pays one point five million dollars as a pay to go out there and talk trash or in the long halls are not really that much well i don't know i mean maybe it pays to go out there and talk trash maybe this book will get published and you won't get sued by goldman sachs for breaking whatever fine print is in his contract is that it had to be confidential but i don't know people say he's never going to work in the industry again and when you really look at the bigger picture i'm sorry but i have to go with the angle that it must pay more to sit pretty and he's too big to fail banks get this great compensation take these risky positions extract wealth from the economy and not even have to be competitive because there's all of these other firms and people who can't compete because they don't have the benefit that you do sitting in a firm that is basically guaranteed to be bailed out because of the systemic risk you pose if you go down and you benefit from all of these programs the cheap money
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from the fed it is zero percent interest rates all of these benefits that ordinary people in smaller firms don't get that i think is the far better deal to worry about whether your books good or not or whether it's just good to fail up at some of these. last thing to write those so there's this big announcement today about the euro zone degree to have money in their bailout fund i mean is that easing worries out there or you know is it just the same conversation that that's not exactly what they need anyway it's not going to fix the problem three years you never know if you don't even need to answer the question you already know you like it is ok. have to report on it because we're you know doing this this is our job but nothing has changed all these countries are still. saddled in debt sure if you're someone who's a trader who's trying to figure out how to trade on the next government policy i'm sure this is good news but if you're looking at this situation going how do you solve the problem of all this debt by papering it over with money as we're doing
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then you can see that this is just more of the same all right lauren lyster capital account of the next three ok thanks. are just ahead tonight they boil companies are rolling in the dough thanks to record high gas prices and a lot of other things but a u.s. senator thinks that they deserve encouragement and not having their tax rates cuts with more on that are full time and then he's suing the department of homeland security for harassing him while he was reentering rests a few minutes david house will update us on his face. let's not forget that we know for sure. i think. he'd want to well. we have a global nuclear safe here.


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