tv [untitled] March 31, 2012 3:30am-4:00am EDT
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eleven thirty am in moscow these iraqi have why the u.s. teams up with arab allies to pressure syria's government into submission despite ongoing u.n. efforts to mediate a diplomatic solution applaud the u.s. led coalition is expected to provide more support to syrian rebels on sunday. the washington post this week on syria's ally iran pledging said to sanction countries that don't reduce imports of oil from the islamic state new measures come in the full force at the end of june. reliving the past starting
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a business the only remaining soviet forced labor camp the poor logging here's the whoring tales from its former residence converted into a museum it's hoped the site will act as a permanent historical reminder. coming up here from christian power the head of witness protection for euro paul he shares his views on how to make the program work on an international scale that's coming up in the spotlight i first heartbreak . something good for what is happening on the streets now is the you know how to apply to day while parts of the town however i totally disagree i don't even think the party began. with access to a resolution so how can.
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hello again and welcome to. the show art i'm a. christian. in hollywood movies we often hear about a mysterious and thrilling thing called witness protection. it gives the witness a new life new identity sense people overseas in exchange for a few words in court that intriguing in real life of course in many countries the witness protection barely exists or it doesn't work well partly due to. rationing so what can be done to improve it we're asking the europe. in charge of witness protection. came to russia to share experience.
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to one extent or another the witness protection concept exists in most countries and judicial systems which usually require during trials against organized crime where defendants or their accomplices meet and intimidate witnesses thanks to hollywood the us public this protection program is the best known in the world it's really very widespread and well developed by the largest witness protection network belongs to the europe whole. criminal intelligence agency. purpose of our welcome to the show thank you very much for coming thank you for recognition rachel for me to be here thanks well our first of all i want to check out with you the recent report that we got on the words today it says that lately the europeans are seeking carter a share with russia in terms of hiding witnesses on russian territory and that an
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agreement on this could be signed soon is it true and is such a witness protection program. may conclude russia realize i'm sorry the video european law enforcement agency and russia in between in the witness protection program same units that we support the russian federation in the article zero point was what action. in a normal we are far away from relocate witnesses from the russian federation to a country of the european union or vice versa. we have the ripping law enforcement agency just coordinate. their people opened into a standard and harmonize protection procedures around the world so some of the news
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that witnesses from western europe could be relocated to russia to protection these reports are not true that i mean. if if. there is a particularly grieving. country in western europe and the russian federation claims this can be time on appeal let's replace it do you think it makes sense because the reason i'm asking it's very difficult to hide an afro american in the eskimo village it is so so it is it will be pretty hard to write a frenchman or an englishman in siberia well. so to relocate. from country to another country is always based on principles and standardised. and one of the principle is that. none of the replaces will be placed in another country without having reached an agreement with the witness before it
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is you totally right to comment that it will make no sense at all to place somebody who's speaking on the fringes of their authority of the was a people. will make sense it also means to be negotiated. with the replace we do business with units in detail and really patients can take place. russian witness from europe may be related to russia. although this this may make sense or also the russians in this country. of europe if there is since you are here in moscow talking to russians the russian counterparts and up as a country does it mean that you discuss think this witness protection programs and are you sharing some experience are russians interested in such a program and all. i can tell you really started this this project from the roof in
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order was an agency popular with the russian federation started up in two thousand and eight and it is in the framework of cooperation agreement that we have with the russian federation based on the strategic agreement that we have to wrestle federation and russia russian authorities asked europe all to support them every moment of this. actually it was and it is a pleasure for us to support. your priorities. such since because we're in the opinion that it needs to be harmonized at least to be standardized and if the russian federation is willing to take over. existing standards that were really. existing in european countries so why not supporting in that respect your europe. discuss those same in us
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respect this is we tell them. how systems are running in different countries in the group in the union and there is no need for the russian federation to reinvent the wheel because there are already countries with a lot of experience in specific field and our approach is always. telling the russian federation how it should look like because you have to find your own very run the witness protection program appear to release your showing you. those different possibilities and you take out of these programs those pieces sits in new york legislation can you explain to us the important witness protection is it true that a very large percentage of crimes and i remain and punished because of the
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reluctance of the witnesses to testify in court is that true and what is that you said you have the figures. tell your figures are pretty very serious but what i can tell you is that the last decades. police authorities around the world are confronted with very different forms of crimes. during pick twenty years it was very easy not very easy but we have to follow certain procedures at investigating crime nowadays we are confronted with new technologies we are confronted with face from we are confronted with. to transfer money from one country to you on three rather country is only to press a button. and it's there so we have to wreck the peace so that means that
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especially crime and serious crime. is not to investigate those old times therefore witness protection is. to be seen is a columnist norman if i pick him. until recent because you need somebody from inside of the organization to justify it in a court. this group is there any country or some countries in europe where the situation is worse in terms of pressure on the witnesses by the criminals or when intimidation you know. there are there is no country in europe. you can place on the top but. witness protection is a standard in a must for. all the countries in the rubin union and it brought ok in that sense
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can you give us an example maybe there is a country where some countries where the witness protection program is the best this exam three as a day this is a good question because you're easy to answer because there is no place to release what picture program each country has to build up its own witness protection program according to its needs because the needs are different so for example russian federation has a completely different approach from britain because for the rest of the european countries with this protection is appalled you is. the special take the fight against organized crime and terrorism around. you in the russian federation your approach is also to protect churches the prosecutors the british public persons who are under threat it is not the approach of us we are looking only for for us is witness protection for the most western european countries is witness
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protection the last resort in the fight against organized crime when i want charlie would movies you know when a person testifies inquiry then is promised witness protection they tell it will change your advantage you'll get a new passport and you know we will and will move you to a different part of the country or americans a big country the media places to hide a person but i will always start a person has a job you know the job he makes millions a family will want at least somebody to care that if he moves he will most probably lose his job so what is happening in europe and this is getting this sort of. compensation in full for losing his job because he lose money anybody had to pay the bills except for. one of the principals in the western european country so this we got to be protectionist to guarantee a fair trial. that requires that we cannot we cannot compensate the weakness if he's willing to testify in court for
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a crime because that would. not be a very fair trial well the country would be full right but you're right yes to have to pay he spends just to pay school fees for his kids this will be compensated this is can you but this is based in the majority of the western european countries. regulations. so this is related to you says christian power project coordinator for witness protection and you. hot spot by the movie that shortly after a break so stay with us the players. play . so phrases influential the race of. the race if you came in for example asserting that it expects.
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breast cancers more than sense on its toes conses fourteen times we forget the exact details but the shoes is not nothing that you have ever found in any epidemiological study can be read there is a wedding that brings victory. to its creator. he's not alone some are more severe than others we have something nice for him without scholes without or the least and sometimes with their legs totally missed blood means death to those who it's point just touch. unst to those who choose this window. and the celebration and they don't realize that stand looking at their own future transom and. this is just
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a fact it's so sad. i have. leakage and i'll show you the extent for much i have leakers. i've had to execution dates in believe me oh just a will want to try executions a is enough in a day to go through more life to. no more than fifty percent of the people here if he's in texas are not. like you know living on terror for was like. this it's like you know we execute our convicted capital murder we have the highest execution rate in america we're not afraid to do it we do it well. oh it comes a point. there. are every hope. i
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will get a letter your dad is due to be executed next week there's a fierce hearing on these you know you can lose here one of your parents would be in a manner of me saying actually it's time to go see the artwork. and i would lead him into the to the best chamber. out straight afterwards. welcome back to spotlight on al green of in just a reminder that my guest on the show today is christian about where project hard matter for witness protection at europol is tomorrow we talked about this witness protection program and sharing spears with the russians as
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a matter of fact how expensive is this realizing i will have the witness protection program how much does every protective witness cost you it does cost it should couple at. a pretty significant sum of money. is a little before so because protections against. the rest of the countries. are the last resort and do i think it's going to scrutiny from cannot reach the goal but some very well some of the have to replace that would take it because of the witness protection program so witness protection is a very expensive. special mission from just the patients. and therefore we in the rest of the country limited. our resources recent capital protection that means. if you
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would like if we take somebody with this protection program then he has to fulfill a theory of how close is the european national police and judiciary how close are they each other and to you in realization of this witness protection program you mean here in yeah i mean in europe. how closely yes yes the judiciary the police and in your organization different in a lot of countries so you are not reposition you're in the russian federation if you have one criminal law you have one country one police authority and you're not a deluxe or a. position in the european union we have fifty seven countries around us we have fifty seven different from going to laws we have a lot of different criminal proceedings here it's. not easy to
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cooperate but the majority of our countries in europe witness protection for even the police it's a police mission. police these people responsible for running such a program the floors of different to your country here in the russian federation you have involved a lot of ministry ministry of defense finance. state security service. maybe you want to go for forty below point in the future this point serving agreements with europol russia is not a member of your organization but since you are here i would like to ask you how close are you with the russian police how closely connected and are you are you moving in a direction now out of becoming. closely tied i mean in a joint fight against against international crime the russian federation is an
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important partner also for for for europe also for the group the lord's was made intrinsically. it is clear that we have a close cooperation with the russian federation state of play right now is that we have currently in place in the so-called strategic cooperation agreement with the russian federation that means that we cooperate and they play and we exchange strategic data on crimes on trains on you after which is. taken force from europe will play russian federation and from the russian federation to the lord fortunately agency. we have a close cooperation when it comes to drug related crime severe we exchange also strategic paper pick and force. and we will
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have. a much more plough circle peroration in the future because research. negotiation on growing pre-trained russian federation and europe will be some type of rationing equipment and this operational agreement which will be in place. in the future. allow us and this is a milestone in the corporation with us this will allow us to cooperate much more closer meaning that we are also a lot in that exchange with your country personally rather than are other examples of really joint criminal investigations with the russians. so far we made a big rumpus not allowed to have a real criminal investigation speaking to your country and. because russia is not
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a hundred. russia is we cannot be a member of the lord because this is for the. it's the name explaining it it's the twenty seven member states of. britain but britain is also a member or is it again britain is britain britain is part of europe so but that does not mean we will not cooperate we have already operational agreements with a lot of countries place and one of the operational if we will be. indifferent which are also with the russian federation and from that point onwards we will be able to . sit. on the table to start to investigate. a crime in different countries you said you envy the russians because you have
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a great country a big country and only one. criminal code yet compared to you have twenty seven so can you can you tell us how different is the russian legislation the russian or russian practice from yours is it is it a lot different or all the same from the yeah yeah i mean from from your point of view it's a difficult question because. the originating an austrian so that. it is not that much. so in principle in principle so all of the road based on the roman law i mean it's pretty much the same so same with which makes it pretty easy for you to. come and tell them i'm pretty sure from the point a few. there will be no major constraints. and what about what about the russians do you feel such
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a thing as witness protection maybe number one of the list of the problems that your rational colleagues have to sell because because for me reading the newspapers which you obviously also do i don't think. this will be their priority in the upcoming couple of years. this is the decision taken by russian authorities what is pretty worthy and what is operative. but if you allow me to tell you my honest answer so i presented my person in front of you if you would like to be successful in the fight against organized crime serious crime and terrorism cases you need to have in place with a functioning witness protection program but. in these cases of corruption of high ranking officials when they are trying in a court of law how can
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a witness be sure that relatives or friends or some other contacts have a high ranking official that they will get him anyway that they will not get the data wherever he is relocated on whatever how can you guarantee that. it can't be guaranteed to be functional replace a professional with this protection so this is the chopper for get this protection right so it would such things that they could know. you went into your house. with it's one of the special picnics we see in a witness protection so therefore it is recommended. a high standard functioning witness protection program unit place so you want to say that in this respect the police force the tactical the technology we have and the and the law that's on your service is more powerful than the highest ranking
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officials in the respective countries i mean you do have more power and and you do have authority over i mean some sort of information is that true i would say this. protection program is not. the authority for greatest protection unit. and placed on a low level in the he rocky of the. police organization or the ministry of therefore. if it is located it is we would like to have it in this. going to chore of the of the case is. placed in really high labor ministries of justice until the figures are there for they would put those witness protection and i think this will. leak. information campus information in your head
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a witness going to be sure that will not take place except the key thank you thank you sir thank you very much and just a reminder that my guest today was pristine powered project coordinator for witness protection at the rope and that's it for now from all of us here if you want to tell yourself spotlight we have someone in mind for you pain question to you next time you're drop me a line at r.t. t.v. dot party you and let's keep spotlight interact will be back with more from his comments on what's going on in and outside russia until then stay and party and take thank you in bush was perceived as nationalist.
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