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tv   [untitled]    April 1, 2012 3:30am-4:00am EDT

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eleven thirty am in moscow these here are the headlines of western and arab supporters of the syrian revolution meeting turkey to press the assad regime with some of the members pushing for a further militarization of the conflict. a hot like moment between leaders medvedev and obama sees us republican hawks swoop with a volley of anti russian rhetoric dismissed by moscow as cold war hollywood cliche . anti austerity riots and protests break out across spain as the government
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announces massive new cuts unparalleled since the dictatorship of general franco. next part two of our special report from the scene of some of the worst fighting in the u.s. and iraq war stay with us here at r.t. . i continue my inquest and champagne illinois two hundred kilometers from chicago and home to don't run. for dog rock the presence of uranium and comes as no surprise this former high ranking officer served more than thirty five years in the us army in particular during the first gulf war at that time he had a research program into the consequences of a new uranium based weapon after testing on behalf of the pentagon he became its first victim and he now suffers from several cancers and renal problems per the nevada test. what i'm doing is blowing up the shootin burn enough but what you see
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is the direct impact on the iranian mission zero impact but the uranium the brace of burns and burns and burns and burns and burned for a long time you see how long it lasts he claims that your angel has been used in american minissha else since one thousand nine hundred one in missiles shells and armor plating for military vehicles. and when i shut up with four by fours man it worked great this stuff is good ok i mean after stan the purpose is to kill and destroy and uranium weapons are the ultimate because there's a massive fireball of drawing uranium for eight months that are moving extraordinarily high velocity in fragments that are not burning that cost massive secondary explosions or massive fires anything that will burn. your radio is a mineral used to nuclear power plants part of it isn't rich and used as fuel for the reactors. the rest is radioactive waste known as depleted uranium
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as the cost of storage are high the us army has decided to use some of it to manufacture munitions and armor plating. dug roxy's depleted uranium quite simply as a nuclear weapon and yes it is a solid radioactive waste as chemically toxic and it's radioactive radioactive for eternity. it's a dirty bomb and yeah it is i always call nuclear for what it is it's nuclear waste used to kill and destroy us contaminate air war soil and food that remains there to cause harm for eternity this weapon was used for the first time in iraq in one thousand nine hundred one at the time the u.s. army asked to inspect the tons of burnt down iraqi tanks destroyed by the clue to the iranian missiles this is measuring the contamination undestroyed know as a result and he says he were seriously contaminated by failing to read it just
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today doug is one of the only survivors of that group and we need to look at me i mean what i look like there was a lot different story early healthy and now we're british or nearly sick little me right there and we were the best of the best all i for many morse not worth it too many people are sick too many people are dead. since this photo was taken twenty one members of his team died returning from iraq doug submitted an unfavorable report on the use of depleted uranium. once i told the us army that it was dangerous we couldn't clean it up and he couldn't do it they saw the packing. they said how do you also be ghosts. we don't want to hear from you no we don't want to talk to you i mean you got your job keep doing things but shut up and go away the u.s. army never took doug rocks recommendations into account do you think you look just so you think there is a luge extensively in pollution totally it sensibly in fallujah not
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a question we see everything in all the other people we see every place has been used we see it i mean you try to clean it up and you can't that's what i tried to do or i could that's why i told him no more. to find out more i tried to reach colonel peter newall he was in command of the battle through june two thousand and four i never managed to obtain an interview nor would he even answer the phone. the issue appears to be embarrassing the only answer i received is a link to the u.s. army's internet site. this article praises the merits of the pleated uranium and minimizes its dangerousness the only allusion to health consequences is contained in this phrase the department of defense and many other organizations have studied and continue to study the health chemical radiological and environmental effects on
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exposures of depleted uranium that's all they wrote to the u.s. army the use of depleted uranium is taboo i did manage to speak to one former high ranking official at the department of defense being west was with the marines at the battle of fallujah he later wrote a book recognized in the u.s. as the reference on american strategy in the rebel city you heard about that you keep it real all the life was for us. but anything. it's all nonsense. raney i'm or something. i bomb as a bomb. it's not like somebody is leaving behind radioactive so that the marines walk through i mean radioactive fails then all the marines die if any scientists show a linkage between the lingering health problems relative to
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a military weapon. then that military weapon should not be you unless there's an extraordinary reason however if there is a lingering problem the first people to be affected would be the soldiers on the battlefield and i know of no soldiers who are complaining about uranium. yet it's not that hard to find american soldiers had tammet by depleted uranium a few kilometers from new york. isn't easy and their children are to all appearances it's epochal american family. apart from one detail in two thousand and three matthew served more than six months in iraq but truck driver we transported what you call like blown up equipment things move around on
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the truck so we have to tie it down so that's when susceptibility of being exposed to oil sleeping in that environment with the trucks because you know some of the missions don't take just one day takes more than one day fell ill several months later the early symptoms seem trivial standard headaches problems with his vision but his state quickly worsened the beginnings of a brain tumor renal problems the list is long i have leakage and i'll show you to the extent how much i have leakage. today has to wear diapers but there's worse his daughter bit toria after his return from iraq as a deformed right hand this picture is a reminder of flu just deformed babies. in the front his story has made headlines all over the world but isn't the only one to fall ill eight of his comrades in arms who served in iraq have shown the same symptoms urine tests reveal an abnormal
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concentration of uranium. i never was told about depleted uranium in the military i never attend the class and never show never going to a class on how to handle the equipment that we're exposed to where i don't even know what you did leader in the last time i hope not even depleted uranium was when i took chemistry he believes he was contaminated during his mission in iraq he decided to file a formal complaint against the us army claiming it broke safety regulations by exposing him to radioactive material his wife has gone even further. she wrote every senator and like almost every representative and every one was basically this is just one of them she wrote was sending back letters at the times from even president bush's office had taken up the issue on behalf of president bush thank you for your letter staking even better i broke some of the order and he said the white house assuming your inquiry is the following agent i mean of the banks i
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think you a service is a social security administration nasa correspondence because. no assistance was provided nor any response to these questions i feel the all human apology because. so so this day. when extending love the marine corps i don't understand a lot but he always says that if something happens then you must be very good in his marine corps uniform. and that upsets me because i i don't understand how faithful you think how committed he is and i have to respect his wishes so for me i don't understand how the government can actually. treat a man that we just want to spend. this country. the army refuses to recognize its responsibility six months in iraq were enough to shatter the lives
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of gerard and his family. in fallujah thousands of inhabitants still live in these buildings destroyed by american bombs seven years in a contaminated city. polluters hospital a short staffed and cruelly lax medical equipment nothing can be done to save these children so to keep evidence of their births a photographer has been drafted in by the doctors. will tell you why photographing them. but you know why am i photographing them should cost a. little less fraud edifice we try to keep it updated every month these photos are unbearable most of these babies will only live for a few hours every month twenty or so babies like these are born and they die in
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this hospital. not to mention the countless newborns with serious illness and. you see most families would rather the children die. i remember one day the father said to me each time i see my deformed son. i die. a generation sacrificed and how many more for these children it's already too late faced with this human catastrophe the iraqis are powerless but to prevent the tragedy if the loser from happening elsewhere some people in europe are starting to take action. in london a stone's throw from the houses of parliament bernie easton camps out on this pavement every day. he has been campaigning against the war in iraq since two
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thousand and five. the foot of big ben is well chosen to attract both wonders and tourists. behind him photos of the form babies are exhibited for all to see shocking pictures that attempt to boost public awareness. i suppose just because this. is the wickedness of the. thing. it's not. the truth so they are. service they may be it's only. thing. entirely a different career. the slogan and the slew of iraqi baby photos hadn't managed to rally great support but tony easton isn't alone in his fight others are campaigning on a different scale an ngo network present in around thirty countries is also campaigning
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for a ban on all depleted uranium weapons its headquarters are in manchester. show you some of the materials that we campaign with and some of those other organizations. we have briefings with she has a very big inquest complex issue to use every try and pull together all the necessary information into an easily digestible format this was a briefing which we produced for members of parliament in the u.k. a few years ago services the national campaign and we held a parliamentary briefing that. it's always a challenge to try and get politicians up to date on the issue. douglas is all too aware of the consequences of iranian based weapons he has studied the subject since the balkan war in one thousand nine hundred four in that time he and his team have devised a method for identifying and decontaminating bombs zones his first battlefield was
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in bosnia where the americans were already using depleted uranium weapons this is a map of a place in bosnia which was a site ready your weapons were used in ninety ninety four ninety ninety five there were quite high levels of contamination of the site so we've been doing quite well to work around that just to try to put it to you has been used in bosnia the organization identified twelve highly contaminated zones this information unable the bosnian environment ministry to take steps to limit the damage so this is one quarter of that church was decontaminated in two thousand and seven as you can see from here it's a pretty extensive task that they have real problems in trying to identify the actual sites where the year is that's a big deal around that's being dug out this starts to break down in the soil yep seven yellow you can see on the outside is uranium oxide. with three hundred grams in it should it have the traces collaborating closely with the local authorities
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douglas was able to work freely in bosnia in iraq the situation is much more complicated. the problem is that there are three three quite different kinds of contamination in iraq you'll have the contamination from the time coming mission children quite enjoy playing on hold for wreckage and so that was one problem in itself and you have. d.n.a. from aircraft strikes where you may end up with a lot of contamination in the soil and then you have another kind of contamination from the home and fighting vehicles which can fire a small caliber round and i will definitely be within built up areas so you have three different kinds of contamination all of this needs to be mapped but at the moment the u.s. hasn't released data on where it's five any of these weapons and this is a huge issue so. this information militants have demonstrated outside the american embassy in london but the u.s. army still refuses to provide it in the meantime the n.g.o.s attacking the british
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government also accused of having used depleted uranium weapons in iraq. recently these accusations had even been taken up by a british member of parliament during a session the leader of the house may have seen stays distrusting of course here by the increased rate of birth defects in philip cameron have to play it up right this issue so we can hear from the foreign secretary what representations he is making to his u.s. counterpart about this appalling legacy of the iraq war. in two thousand and ten the british ministry of defense finally admitted the use of depleted uranium in iraq and supplied the united nations with information on the zones targeted a u.s. ally is beginning to voice its doubts on this weapon. only belgium ireland coasta rica and new zealand have formally banned uranium in their arms but today no international convention even mentions depleted uranium and its
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texts. this allows the u.s. administration to continue using it without fear of reprisals. at the illinois law faculty francis boyle claims that the usa could be hauled before a tribunal this lawyer and harvard graduate has an international reputation agent orange in vietnam gulf war syndrome or trials or specialty today francis boyle is locked in a new battle to have the use of the pleated uranium recognized as a war crime ukrainian munitions violate the hague regulations of nineteen zero seven and then r d you also violates the geneva protocol one nine hundred twenty five. so they are clear the use of the u. is clearly a war crime is it a little late is it to you it shouldn't be but why does the united states use our land mines why we don't we're trying to stop it the problem is how. do you know how
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do you bring the rule of law to bear on the united states government it's very difficult to do and especially on the pentagon there are you know there are a lot to themselves so that's why it's so hard to bring the united states to heel or he sees isolation on the international stage as being the only way forward i think if we can get all the parties to the geneva protocol to send in that letter to the french government now apparently even the british are willing to go although that is armed and the u.s. then is the only outlier on d. you just maybe they'll say ok let's stop using the. france's boyles cause seems a desperate one the united states continue to make use of the iranians in developing their military arsenal. in two thousand and three one year before the
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battle of fallujah donald rumsfeld then defense secretary made a reference before the u.s. congress to the use of a new weapon the hellfire missile. the new missile can take out the first floor of a building without damaging the floors above and is capable of reaching around corners striking enemy forces that hide in caves or bunkers this declaration went largely unnoticed but it heralded the development of a new missile that would be tested during the early days of the war in iraq. some experts did react to rumsfeld declaration one of them was arms researcher di williams. this scientist is a member of the un institute for disarmament research. he claims that hellfire missile is a new generation it was used several times during the battle of fallujah the experts call it a thermal barrel weapon. they were using small tactical
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weapons that they wanted these new thermobaric weapons which are specifically designed for very local killing and what they do now is some of these are right in the target of it they just get frightened the it is so high temperature it just burns everything. but also if they are within. maybe fifty meters it will also kill them because you get you get a bang and it sucks all of the air out and so you get a pressure wave which goes high pressure very low pressure and the air pressure goes down to maybe ten percent. and if you're in that area your lungs. you can't breathe. williams has not only analyze the photographs of the bombing in iraq but it's also a list of the new types of thermobaric bombs developed by the u.s. army once again they remain very discreet as to the use of uranium you have nine
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different the weapon systems going from one hundred kilos up to two thousand and if you look in the in the report all they say is dense metal but it says dense metal warhead dense metal ballast high density payload when you realize what they're trying they're using every word they come except in uranium they say this is a secret heavy metal but they never say what. according to die williams these thermobaric bombs were showered on the rebels who had taken refuge in houses and for longer peace we'll see how much smoke contamination that's a mixture of concrete and. if that is using uranium then you've got five hundred kilos of iranian dust in the. northeast right over the heart of town. and they're celebrating and they don't realize that
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they're looking at their own future can't. this is just. so sad. to. see you in. my biggest question for fallujah is probably it was an experimental area for new explosives probably raney and possibly other new. chemicals which we haven't even thought of yet. and so this is where looking at. at the first he thinks we have to question which systems we have. was my parents' hometown of saluja used as a laboratory by the u.s. army how long the iraqis have to suffer the consequences of the war.
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the bush administration boasted of waging a clean war but it continues to sacrifice generations of children both in iraq and the united states. in fallujah two to three deformed babies are born every day most live but a few hours. a space in the cemetery reserved for these victims grow steadily.
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morning news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of chatter that. sheinkopf orations to rule the day.


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