tv [untitled] April 1, 2012 4:00am-4:30am EDT
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please please. please . western and arab supporters of the syrian revolution meeting in turkey to press the assad regime with some members pushing for further militarization of the conflict. hot mike moment between leaders medvedev and obama sees us republican hawks with the value of anti-war sure rhetoric dismissed by moscow as cold war hollywood cliche. anti austerity riots and protests break out across spain as the government announces massive new cuts unparalleled since the franco dictatorship.
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nude in moscow i matter as i have you with us here on r t us we bring you today's top stories and a look back at the week's news calls for more arms to the syrian rebels growing louder with saudi arabia saying supplying weapons is a duty this is one of the major opposition groups appealed to syria's neighboring states to allow the transit the request comes ahead of the seventy nation friends of syria meeting that's just started in turkey in istanbul turkey r.t. sara for his there she joins us live with the latest so sara what's going on where you are and what's expected to be achieved. well the conference is going on the way here in istanbul we had the prime minister giving the aping address now in that he said that the country doesn't aim to interfere with any other country's. policies but he thought the syrian government continues. to cement the nuns all of the
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syrian people not that conference is going on inside eventually caught in the station is the syrian people the nazi government then station i just outside that building to take his prime minister will say saying that twenty thousand syrian people now inside turkey he with close to flee from. the violence now the friends of syria conference today is going to aim to provide support to the main opposition body the syrian national council and they're going to be looking to make that body stronger and also you can expect to see today probably pledges and both humanitarian and financial aid as well now the opposition bodies for the first time have called for the neighboring countries to allow the free syrian army to be armed we heard the saudi saudi arabia saying after a meeting with the u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton that it was a duty to supply these arms now while some of the gulf countries such as saudi arabia and qatar have been pushing for that for quite a long time to arm the opposition we know that there are
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a lot of concerns in the international community about that happening is that but that would fuel sectarian violence that unlikely that you're going to see that today come out of the conference sir what's moscow's three going to gathering there . well this is the second friends of syria conference i was in in attendance and the first and again it has been attended today there are concerns really about the fact that the friends of syria is seen as being quite one sided and questions a vote whether or not they're really going to be pushing for dialogue and of course talks of arming the opposition is certainly not going to help that approach from the syrian government and the international community right now has signed on to case peace so there is a sense that possibly this group it does exclude different countries including russia has taken not to attend and is seen as being quite one sided now must go. whatever the conference but it cannot speak judge the implementation of peace plan
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it can't speak on behalf of the international community will be a replacement for the security council now interestingly a lot of people are speaking to here and say cave the past few days have said that it is very unlikely that the talks that have met recently have a buffer zone or of arming the opposition very very unlikely to go ahead without the support of the security council as he said today aside from the pledges for humanitarian and financial aid the u.s. also talking about maybe providing the opposition with communications and non-lethal aid a siphon that really there isn't that much more that the friends of syria conference can offer already sorry for a fire for us in a standoff thanks very much for that. presser stephens's from the university of san francisco thinks democracy in syria is unachievable if the rebels are bolstered by street such as saudi arabia come to power. her lord hands are you against our
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forces in the region of course the obvious irony in star saudi arabia is clearly not interested in democracy or syria or anywhere else saudi arabia has been strong backer of other autocratic regimes is almost across regimes on the. arizona ehrman's they were questioning the legitimacy of the syrian regime and i agree. there were question why i think it's legitimate to subpoena. how can you call now look like saudi arabia hasan power simply because. this is really perception worsening like it happened really the poor he's outside counsel getting caught especially in n.c. support are we. hard lines. for a person's. power. not going to be
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a. takings in syria. as syria hovers on the brink of civil war we revisit one of the most controversial events of the arab spring. too many votes to who have interests that said that he does and that he should be silenced photo of. the man who engineered the libyan regime is downfall says the grisly end of the khadafi regime may have been about more than just revenge. and washington decides to leave north korea hungary having announced it will suspend today to the parish nation as a response to pyongyang's plans to launch an earth observation satellite but the u.s. calls it a missile test. but first america's missile shield plans emerged again this week to form a stumbling block between russia and the u.s. the pentagon now wants to expand the defense system in asia and the middle east this is presidents medvedev and obama held key talks an international nuclear
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security summit in seoul. a microphone caught obama's private remark asking for space until november's elections passed his republican challengers immediately pounced on it using him of secretly plotting with moscow but is more hawks and jump on the anti russian bandwagon or he's got a cheap reports of the war cries aren't resonating with the american voters. the run up to the presidential election in the u.s. . a perfect time to drag out the good old cold war skeleton from the closet. russia this is without question our number one geopolitical foe in the world of the presidential hopeful mitt romney russia is america's prime enemy while it's president elect who should remain.
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i think represents a real threat to the. stability of the world but that's in the world of mitt romney what about well america there is no evidence of any popular support for bashing russia for hostility towards russia so this idea that somehow or another russia is a concern for americans it just doesn't add up at all with a very small sliver of people asked about romney's comments president made of it advise them to stop reverting to olden days hollywood steered types and take a look at the calendar. and you can do i would advise all u.s. presidential candidates to make reasonable statements it wouldn't do them any home to do so and the ship will choose it's the year two thousand and twelve midnight in seventy's and the current leaders of the two countries may have long delayed the
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cold war to aggress but first some it's just too good to like girl boy to return to those cold war simple days. russia is not the only foreign policy bandwagon the republican presidential hopefuls are capitalizing on the list also includes china iran's syria each candidate except ron paul trying to sound tougher than the other strategies they put forward warming harming isolating threatening i want to be. china i want to go to war with china these guys are ranchers and at the end of it and stand and look for ways to do it to want to harm a sick or should take military action it is unacceptable for iran to have a nuclear weapon but what if all of what the trigger happy candidate suggest on foreign policy actually happens i worry about the world in which romney became president because i think he would adopt
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a more militaristic foreign policy as world is depicted in your sketch it's some kind of him it's cool and very kind of a real view of the world if america takes up a much more aggressive stance towards lots of foreign countries it will be a much more dangerous world a bill also be dangerous for america because we can't afford to do that mitt romney will most likely win the republican nomination and america will face a choice between him and president obama polls show the majority of americans disapprove of obama's policies but most experts agree that he will leave them out of leeway in the leipzig because too many americans are just plain scared of having someone like romney as their future leader i'm going to stick our reporting cost and put our take. so to come this hour france for the french ideological less than the first even deportation the country's presidential campaign turd's it was hard line opposition as politicians talk on realistic solutions to very real problems.
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but first some of the biggest riots in decades swept spain this week with mass protests coinciding with a nationwide general strike over austerity cuts the government remained on dotted analysing twenty seven billion euros worth of cuts the next day spending on education social safety and every other sector slashed by about seventeen percent furthermore tax hikes being introduced across the spectrum state workers will be struck with a pay freeze critics have called the cuts the most draconian since the dictatorship of general. branco three decades ago economic analyst michael moss things automatically even these measures won't work. what i can see is that what this buy in want to make the spanish government is not only is it if pill it's also impossible when you look at the private sector private sector is totally over get more or less bankrupt when you look at the banks over there bankrupt central
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bank bankrupt government also modernise bankrupt how can you implemented authority package in these circumstances so everybody will see that this will this won't work we've got i what i see is that spain is the last nail in the euro zone coffin and pollutants are talking about adjustment adjustment in such a nice word but it means in reality that people there have to become poorer they have to become poorer this is the adjustment that i mean so again this could easily lead to a domestic insurrection and this could also trigger more problems in the other southern countries here in europe while prices around the world meanwhile continue soaring amid growing tensions over western sanctions and rhetoric against iran and it's especially worrying for the e.u. which has been weakened by austerity and is now with the mercy of market mandated prices from the national iranian american council thinks the sanctions were just
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a costly kneejerk reaction. the real problem here is that the u.s. and the e.u. have passed these unprecedented sanctions without a real strategy or understanding of comes next we're sort of making this up as we go along and we're finding that the centuries that we've put in place to try to restrict iran from profiting off of oil sales is really actually backfiring on us and that iran has tremendous leverage against us if we're going to take this confrontation to one to energy so i'm skeptical of the ability of the united states and france and others to actually mitigate this the fear of a war with iran has actually added about twenty dollars to the price of a barrel of oil so this concern that israel may strike iran or that the united states may end up in a war with iran is one of the driving factors of why it's so expensive and simply addressing the supply issue is not going to mitigate that. so look on this hour
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here on our t.v. violence erupts again in the middle east brutal clashes are the last day memory by palestinians who say it's a symbol of their struggle against israeli occupation. and the state's prying eyes monitoring technology in the u.s. could leave the public with nowhere to hide. but first french police have carried out a series of nationwide raids arresting one thousand suspected islam is and seizing caches of weapons arrests come just a week after mohamed merah french made of algerian origin was shot dead by police and to lose after he gunned down seven people last month as are these tests or so he reports from paris the case is dominating the race for the country's presidency ahmed mera was killed by police after thirty two hours seizure and to lose his life may have ended that day but his story has given france's presidential hopefuls an excuse for electioneering with ever more radicals metric. that's given rise to
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a huge political debate and what's made it to the foreground of the discourse is meryl's background shit. from anyone who regularly consults internet sites which promote terror or hatred or violence will be sentenced to prison any person going abroad for the purposes of indoctrination in terrorist ideology will be criminally punished so that's in addition to psychos east policy of stripping foreign born criminals of their citizenship further tightening border control saying there are too many foreigners in france the clearly appropriate thing the political change in it's from is you it's not a crime we have freedom of speech in france and they don't see it all restricted to news. was a french citizen a nice family came to france a very long time ago so. obviously this kind of terrorism.
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from inside for most of society it's not just something that is imported from the middle east. and you cannot. take away french nationality from a french nation or this is not allowed under the french constitution and then there's marine le pen the far right national front party candidate having long pushed a more radical anti immigration line call for the revival of the death penalty for child killers and the deportation of any foreigner who goes on a suspicious trip to places like afghanistan how many mohammed merah are there in the boats and planes that arrive in france full of immigrants how did marriage is perhaps only the tip of the iceberg it's time to wage war on this from the mentalists political religious groups who are killing our children a threat of islamic fundamentalism has been underestimated. i think all that's been announced after these tragic events are proposals put forward so we've. the
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election it goes to the one who proposes the most radical solutions which would aim supposedly at solving the problem but the problem is much deeper who are now the growing number of immigrants in france about six million of whom are muslims is being labeled as a problem by some prominent figures politicians are throwing around what they call solutions to the question is whether any of these policy ideas on immigration are security are realistic and are addressing an actual problem or simply the consequences of something more fundamental the core of the problem is the third beat if you could to conclude it's because what is the goal though of the problem there doesn't seem to be much consensus on that either does or still you are tea parents p.r. yang has slammed the u.s. over its decision to suspend food aid to north korea blaming washington for breaching february's humanitarian agreement two hundred forty thousand tons of provisions were promised in return for the communist state halting nuclear and
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missile tests north korea announced this week it refuses to hold back its plan of large of an earth observation satellite in mid april the u.s. and south korea think the launch is really a long range missile test young young claims that sending a satellite into space for peaceful purposes and is reportedly invited outside experts to prove its sincerity erik's iraq and co-founder of the campaign to end the korean war says washington is acting against international law by involving food aid in a political standoff. just a week or two before we heard the administration in washington saying that this was a good deal it was going to get food to the neediest people in north korea and now we're playing politics with food food as a weapon of war under international law has always been illegal to use and we really need to find a way back to the table not see individual acts as a provocation they certainly have a right to put a satellite into space as other nations do but let's demilitarized let's look at
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the base issues let's look at getting a peace treaty to end the korean war finally and then i think these kinds of issues one runs where you can find all the latest stories and videos a click away on our t.v. dot com here's what's online for you right now. the firat of a devastating thirty meter tsunami looms over japan as a panel of experts warn the country should prepare for a new mega quake. and the world goes dark however briefly for earth hour as millions around the world sacrifice modern day conveniences in the name of environmental awareness. thousands of protesters clashed with israeli security forces at palestinian israeli
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border points friday while marking a land day event sees palestinians commemorating the deaths of six arabs killed by police in demonstrations against a land conversations by israel in one thousand seven hundred six or his policy or has been following the events. this year the annual landay demonstrations turn violence with one protester killed in gaza several dozen injured across the west bank and at least thirty four people arrested in the event and marks the killing back in one nine hundred seventy six six palestinians enjoying a round confiscation policy of the game israeli government palestinians complain that these ladies took arab learned and used it for building israeli settlements and since then this and the event has been used to sinai to the plight of the palestinian people this year it coincided with what was dubbed the global march to jerusalem and its all some eighty two countries participating the attention was focused on numerous palestinian cities and villages as well as arab israeli towns
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and the israeli borders along the israel jordanian border some twenty thousand people gathered and while there were no reports of violence even certain highlighted the palestinian struggle among the groups there was a jewish group calling itself jews united against zionism and they were waving palestinian flags and chanting anti israeli slogans at the come under chip points which is the main checkpoint between jerusalem and ramallah it was violence starting from the early as new day friday here the israeli police were using rubber bullets and tear gas to push back protesters who were burning tires and also throwing stones at israeli border police. hundred fifty killed more than four hundred injured as a result of the latest throes of violence sweeping libya's former rebels and tribesmen to get out for power there and asians governments brokered a cease fire but in reality there is little power for the vast number of our groups
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left over from the revolution as violence across the country continues there's a growing sense among critics that a lot of fears are rising produce little change up later this hour he's exclusive interview with architect of could after his downfall a fright will cost him the reasoning behind the rebels for. too many proxies who have interests that it doesn't do that he should be silenced photo of. who is trying to buy something he sent to me in the messenger you know one of them was bush who was sent to france who were providing some sense who. what he called wouldn't win the solution with that who was killed by entity or killed by the libyans who are libyans and they are from the other us i really don't know but. is that too many. who have the real interests that the just keep silent for them and.
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the ousted libyan leader no only carry closely guarded secrets but was also viewed by some as a stabilizing figure in the wider african continent in the next hour we report on the military coup in mali a country that now would put off a god it's fighting itself in the grip of violent under arrest. and the n.h.s. reforms in the u.k. leave many wondering if really health care why from the roster profiteers who stand to make millions from the changes. but first the increasing use of modern technology in the u.s. has left folks wondering of big brother is more fact than fiction through the use of forensics and even tracking online data and seems to know what will be safe from prying eyes as archie's marina porton i reports from new york. can years ago by all metrics robotic spies and state surveillance were the makings of a side by flick starring tom cruise from. today many scenes from the hollywood blockbuster
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minority report however arguably a calm and american reality with life ominously imitating art your walking down the street and the camera that takes a picture of you is able to compare it through facial mapping is able to compare it to your driver's license photo or some other photo be a mug shot maybe a surveillance photo and say all right marina was on the corner of forty second and had three o'clock last saturday in addition to facial recognition new york city's police department is just one of many law enforcement agencies that also require citizens to undergo an iris scan before being released from police custody. in the past six months iris scans have been taken from hundreds of occupy wall street activists placed under arrest by christina gonzales they really don't tell you why they just say it's another form of identification and it's really creepy to
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have someone holding up the machine to your phrase that you have no idea not only the health of bags of it but what there are clearly use it with their larger purposes of using it is for in the virtual world of tweets. facebook posts and search engines every internet user is defined by a data footprint if you think i'm not in his comments and blogs are protected think again through the use of what's called forensic linguistics u.s. investigators can now uncover whose fingers are behind every single keystroke if i have a good in a large enough sample of your writing and your postal card can tell you can and compare it i can import it into a data. database. using that information finding every other post you ever do the digital data trail of every american will soon be connected to a massive building in utah a two billion dollar data center is reportedly being constructed for the u.s.
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national security agency the complex will allegedly be able to collect analyze and store all forms of personal communication including online purchases so calls google searches and yes private messages for example when you used e-mail your all your e-mails are encrypted by default google has given you this service and has allowed you to say my communications are protected now the n.s.a. center is designed around building systems that will d. encrypt that data and remove any protection that you can put onto it u.s. intelligence officials estimate that by twenty twenty up to one hundred billion ordinary devices such as refrigerators and dishwashers could be wired up to the internet just the way p.c.'s and cell phones are now that bottomless pit of data could allow big brother to monitor virtually anything it wants even the cia
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director says the very idea of secrecy will change forever. our team. turned out of some other stories making headlines across the globe anders breathe a survey responsible for seventy seven deaths in the last year is double terror attack in norway may have been planning to kill u.s. president barack obama or a port by the country's second biggest tabloids as bridget was working to carry out the assassination during the two thousand and nine nobel peace prize ceremony in oslo the newspaper says he confessed to the plot while being questioned by prosecutors brevik he's accused of orchestrating a bomb blast and carrying out a shooting spree last summer the deadliest acts of terrorism and norway's history. two separate grenade attacks on the kenyan coast have killed one person injured about two dozen others a church gathering in a restaurant were targeted the country's capital nairobi has been victim to several grenade attacks in recent months with police blaming previous blasts on al shabaab
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