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tv   [untitled]    April 2, 2012 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT

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get ready because the air freedom. really would light. up and they alone are still there if the real headlines with none of the most of the problem with the mainstream media today is that they're completely disconnected from the viewers and what actually matters to those viewers and so that's like young people just don't watch t.v. anymore if they want news they go online and read it but we're trying to take those stories that people actually care about and transfer them back in t.v. . you know sometimes you see a story in the scene so for sleep you think you understand it and then you live something else here's some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm sorry was a big. blow
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. to. our guys it's time for you said it i read it right take time to respond to my brilliance and engaging viewer comments from facebook twitter and you tube because when you've got something to say i listen now first i want to talk about some feedback that we got about our relatively new segment with lauren lyster called the financial checkup our. poor g t r commented on youtube and said this
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segment was awesome one of the most exciting exchanges on our t.v. this week i love how our team presents this type of information so we're happy that you guys like this new segment on our show we have fun with it and it's great to get the lovely lauren listers financial input there's a lot going on out there to be angry about it just needs to be highlighted so you can look forward to plenty more of those exciting exchanges every friday and next fingers comments on our tools and segment the honored rand paul defending tax breaks for big oil he said conservatives criticize welfare to poor people praise corporate welfare fail see the hypocrisy and double standard and you know what i couldn't agree more our tool time of rand paul definitely got the viewers talking and debating a lot of paul defenders out there but let's be honest guys well some of you want to point out that his campaign contributions from the oil industry pale in comparison to other politicians out there the essence of the argument still stands why is corporate welfare just considered encouragement and yet welfare social programs to
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americans that need it most is not it just doesn't make any sense especially with paul's ideology then one took some issues with a segment we got for profit colleges and the part that they play with in the military industrial complex he wrote on you tube alone and her hate on profit and money yet again you are completely alone on this crusade against private school loan and nobody agrees with you because the public education system has failed at all levels up to and including university you are trying to make as distrust private universities and hold up public universities as your standard how can you even repeat this nonsense out of your prompter the us public education system is one of the greatest systematic failures on this planet pretty angry well. i think that you're misunderstanding exactly what it is that we're talking about yes our public university system is riddled with problems there's no argument there but you're way off if you think the i'm the only one out there pointing out the problems with the for profit college system. there have been numerous investigative
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reports done there have been congressional inquiries into for profit institutions and these schools have been known to defraud students and roll them into classes without their knowledge then charge them for it and they oversell the value of their degrees as often they're not even considered valuable to employers not to mention according to the department of education only twelve percent of students attended for profit colleges but the institutions are responsible for forty five percent of federal student loan defaults and that's just to name a few problems so i say even take another look at the story the growing amount of evidence that shows that these institutions are scams before you say that i'm completely alone on this crusade and finally charles wrote on twitter happy alone a show is a possible to get your show on hulu for the nights i miss it well guys i've got some really good news for you i can't give you an exact date yet but pretty soon we will indeed have our shows up on hulu so stay tuned for all the details and that's it for you said i read it tonight but i'll be back with more on wednesday as usual
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. well airline passengers listen up because you might start handing over your personal information already is before boarding according to the u.k. paper the independent travelers are going to have to hand over data to the department of homeland security at least seventy two hours before they fly and i doubt it would include your full name your birth date or gender figures and if you don't shell out that info then you're not going to fly in fact the h.s. reserves the right to keep anybody from flying until it's time to take off and i'm sure the season passengers out there probably aren't all that surprised by this right they're used to giving up some privacy for the sake of that grand plane seat after all travelers to enter the u.s. well they've had to supply advance passenger information for a.p.i. before putting on the seat belt for some time now but the thing is we're not just talking about flights to and from the u.s. anymore now the department of homeland security wants to monitor anybody who's leaving the united kingdom not just americans. take
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a look at this travelers are leaving the u.k. and heading to canada especially areas like toronto ottawa montreal nova scotia well they're going to have to hand over their information and according to the independent about seven hundred fifty thousand brits make that trip every year sort of a lot of personal info now those who are traveling to mexico are also going to be sharing personal details especially if they're flying to mexico city or you can commute and if any travelers are pondering a vacation in cuba or the caribbean be prepared to give over your info to you so somebody else out here picking up on a pattern i don't know how about. their ego i don't go back to all of these passengers are not going to the united states in fact nobody is entering american airspace so far the only people reporting on this is the independent surprise surprise that no u.s. based news outlet has share this new procedure maybe because the v.h.s. knows and they're going to catch the hell for now i know we're in a post nine eleven world but who gave the u.s. government the authority to police international airspace especially when none of
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the passengers are even setting foot on u.s. soil and a lot of critics out there will say that monitoring trips to cuba might be a good way for the u.s. to put a damper on americans traveling to the country we should be breaking the rules technically but this is an excuse to collect everybody's information obviously d.h.s.s. is overstepping their bounds here but canadian and british airlines have already agreed to these new rules which are being implemented this month no questions asked now thankfully some people are expressing their concerns like simon hughes he's the deputy leader of the liberal democrats and this is what he set the concern by the u.s. for its own security is entirely understandable but it seems to me it's a whole different issue that america wishes should determine the rights and choices of people travelling between two countries neither of which is the u.s. and i hope somebody on the other side of the pond publicly questioning this but in the meantime looks like homeland security is taking upon themselves to monitor the skies not just in the us the homeland but all over the place so maybe it's time
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that they change their name. now thanks to the associated press in their in-depth and continuing investigation we've learned a lot about the n.y.p.d. and their monitoring activities since it began publishing this information last august what we've learnt as a department the police department was monitoring the muslim community from mosques to restaurants they owned in frequented to muslim students at universities across the new north east and was based on leads but simply profiling a religious group it even went as far as sending an undercover agent on a student rafting trip and stepping outside of the jurisdiction to monitor the muslim community in new jersey without telling new jersey law enforcement about it but it didn't stop there and the most recent revelation is that the n.y.p.d. also monitored left leaning political groups and stepped way outside their bounds by monitoring the people summit in april two thousand and eight in louisiana so tonight we're going to speak to one man who just recently found out that he was the
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target of this surveillance earlier i spoke with jordan flaherty a new orleans based journalist and author of the book floodlights community and resistance from katrina to the jenna six and i first asked him what his reaction was when he heard that the n.y.p.d. came all the way to new orleans to watch him. you know i should have been outraged and i certainly was surprised i had to think back and think two thousand and eight what was i doing at that time it turned out the report wasn't even accurate i wasn't even at the protests when they spied on me i was at a film festival introducing a bill and so i could be upset but it's also kind of absurd by the new york city police department flying officers all the way down to new orleans to watch me introduce the film in a film festival i think it's a pretty good question but something i want to tell you right because we see that they have these wide sweeping surveillance programs and yet you weren't even speaking at this event this is the people summit i believe their documents you they called you one of the lead organizers of this event so what does that say about the kind of intelligence gathering right so the information is inaccurate they are
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doing a huge waste of money by coming down to new orleans what does any of this have to do with keeping the people of new york city safe and do we have any sort of right to privacy and you know for me a lot of my life is fairly public anyway but it has a real chilling effect on a lot of people you know people realize that you go to a demonstration now there are police there filming almost anywhere around the country certainly in new york in new orleans regularly see police filming people's license plates so you know they're tracking people in some way so people don't have this right to privacy when they go to protest and it really scares people you know people especially from immigrant communities often say to me that they're afraid to speak at protests and i want to say that they don't have anything to be afraid of but clearly there are there is a lot to be afraid of and you know we start to ask do we really have this right to protest in this country that we say we do you know i mean let's be clear to write an undercover police officer can go and observe a protest but they're not actually supposed to do any surveillance right and even get down and less there is a criminal investigation so i mean tell us then what was this film festival you
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know that people some i guess you could say is an organization of liberal groups that are upset with the economic policies of the u.s. but either that or the film festival that you were presenting out are those really was there anything sinister going on there exactly people weren't even getting. arrested for nonviolent protests people decided it would be a very symbolic demonstration and there was certainly no so-called violent protests or anything like that and i think we're you know we really have to start asking when is enough do you know if you know today we just got the news the supreme court said that people can be strip searched when arrested right and any offense. so. it's i think people have to say when is enough enough and meanwhile of course trayvon martin's killer is still walking free in new orleans we've had two incidents of police violence recently justin and wendell allen both a young man twenty years old killed by police in his home in his pajamas completely unarmed shot and killed by officers one of the officers killed justin said he was killed at a traffic stop he
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a couple weeks later was found to be posting there was posting on an online website saying he's glad trayvon martin is dead he hope he's going to have so you know i think we're seeing police overreaching everywhere around the country and we have to ask when are we going to sort of connect these dots together and say that this is gone too far everywhere you know one of the things the right to and i've seen you write about your experience here is that in the grand scheme of things if you think of what happens if you want to talk about the stop and frisk policies of the n.y.p.d. your case is a bit of an anomaly or do you feel like often cases like yours might get more attention than you know minority groups that really see the police tracking them absolutely and you know there's no good old days when it comes to police for communities of color and this is the way police have always been especially if you look you know through the jim crow era and before for african-american communities police were never a source of safety and now it's starting to reach so wide that even privileged folks like myself are being spied on and police are losing our right to privacy but certain communities never had that right and you know i think michelle alexander's
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book new jim crow talks about this way that an entire generation of people being criminalized if we look at the n.y.p.d. in specific four million young men mostly black and latino have been stopped by police completely innocent over the last eight years in the so-called stop and frisk and this is you know it's a criminalization of a gender generation. and it's to be on our show later on this week these are excited talking of just one last thing do you think that there's a way to fight this or is there a way that it can be used because one of the things we also saw with occupy movement is that often a large police presence. led to violence like the clashes led to the excessive use of force by the police but also brought a lot of attention to the movement and also about more people on the side i think you're absolutely right i think that this is hopefully a teaching moment i think all the people around the country angry about trayvon martin i hope that it doesn't become just about trayvon martin the fact that one case but we widen it out to a wider systemic you and start asking where does real safety come from does it come
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from over over over policing or does it come from building our communities making communities stronger building up our economic prospects for young people and in community rather and militarization of our police our drug well thanks for being. with us thank you it's a pleasure. our we take another break but just ahead on the show a congressman admitted to the king and proceeded to make the same accusations we're going to tell you as the case of verbal diarrhea and i still had a happy hour mitt romney's wife says that if you understood him he isn't stiff. and it looks like a hot. day is going to make grown caring servers for all. you know the story. understand it and the. other part of it and realize.
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i'm mr. but in the alone itself you'll get a real headline for the time. the problem with the mainstream media today is that they're completely disconnected from the viewers and for what actually matters for those viewers and so that's why young people just don't watch t.v.
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anymore if they want news they go online and for that we're trying to take those stories that people actually care about and transfer them back in t.v. . card she is the state run english speaking russian channel it's kind of like. russia today has an extremely confrontational stance when it comes to us. guys it's time for tonight's tool time award and tonight we honor house budget
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committee chairman paul ryan for some remarks that he made on a.b.c. news sunday morning feed in recent days a congressman whose name is synonymous with budget cuts isn't blasting the obama administration for actually in cruel including the hundreds of billions of dollars of cuts to the pentagon to congress agreed to last year the the pentagon law fear mongering over sequestration the additional six hundred billion dollars of defense cuts that result from the trigger effect well so far they've been supportive of this initial round of cuts of four hundred eighty seven billion which is in the administration's budget for the pentagon and they say that it's doable now with ryan released his budget he actually upped defense spending so the pentagon can deal with the cuts than i do that last week ryan said that he didn't think of generals were quote giving their true advice general martin dempsey chairman of the joint chiefs he didn't like that one bit he fired back at ryan for calling military leaders collectively liars and so you know i know generals aren't exactly renowned
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for their truth telling but in this case i want him to lie about having enough money so with the national spotlight right attempted to roll back from his gaffes and naturally the blogging has absolutely love this one after all who doesn't like hearing politicians say that they misspoke so i think we have a clip of what he said here. i totally missed it was it not the impression i meant to give i talked to general dempsey and it. pressure that that sentiment. arthur was exactly as good as rick santorum claiming that he said blog people instead of black people but i would like to think of this is paul ryan's bleier moment now surely afterwards rise made a far less scrutinized statement curious remarks about the white house's plan the called into question his own reputation take a look at this. my issue is i think that the president's budget on the pentagon is a budget driven strategy not a strategy driven budget he announced the number of the cuts you wanted for the pentagon and then he began the strategy review to conform to that number. and so
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there are two problems with this statement for one ryan is undermining his apology by calling dempsey a liar again on friday the general said the following about the white house plan he said this was very much a strategy driven process to which we map the budget if he still thinks of the generals lying their lives i'm just saying it now the second problem is the paul ryan is the last person who should be criticizing a budget driven strategy will be like the catholic church criticizing former congressman mark foley creeping out under aged boys take a look at this one. this coming debt crisis is the most difficult places we've ever had in this country. and look what's happening this is why we're acting this is why we're leaving this is why we're proposing and passing of the house budget fix this problem would save our country for ourselves and for our children's future.
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pretty scared yet and i agree with the budget eventually one day has to be balanced but if you actually look beyond the talking points the ryan budget which was passed by the house last week cut the problems it cuts first and ask questions later or in other words it's the definition of a budget based strategy response led a supply side economists and fiscal times columnist classic ryan's budget for laughing crucial details he said that the plan doesn't say what tax expenditures would be cut and what ryan's new tax brackets look like he also glass of the congressman saying befalling he said i think ryan has an undeserved reputation for seriousness and budget matters the word fantasy would better apply in my opinion the ryan budget should be seen as nothing more than a p.r. document for republicans so they can say they have a plan to balance the budget cut taxes and cure the common cold i wish i could buy some of the stuff these guys are drinking or smoking now that's
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a pretty harsh criticism especially considering the fiscal times are to me comes under fire from liberals but an arguably more serious problem with ryan's budget is that well it's better on the back of average americans it would cut three hundred eighty nine billion dollars from medicare seven hundred thirty five from medicaid and nine hundred and thirty five billion from discretionary domestic spending on top of that the plan would slash the top marginal income tax rate from thirty five to twenty five percent probably sound like they would get america back on track to you because a reduction in our massive military budget one would still leave us spending almost twice as much as china if not more because that's. i don't like a catastrophe or as paul ryan has come off as a dishonest hypocrite a standout even by washington's high standards well to me it seems like ryan's of ocracy is recently level of absurdity which is why tonight is the clear winner of articles on war.
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i guys it's time for happy hour and joining me this evening r.t. producer jenny churchill and jim hansen retired special operations master sergeant and military blogger at black guy dot net hey guys i am having monday. but so this one i just really i love first book wrestling on that romney has a little bit of a people problem people call me a robot they say you can really relate and there's one other word that we see a tribute to him a lot. mitt romney say what you will about the guy but you say he's a stiff mitt romney who's known as being so stiff it turns out it he's even stiff when he eats. all right so his wife ann romney who actually does have personality and from person to mitt romney trying to save the day but she said this quote which is it's just too funny she said i guess we better
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and let the real mitt romney out because he is not not yet. i mean i think she had to have know what she was i mean doing this is her trying out some personality and fun and not be flippant knowing you're boring everybody with thousands actually i don't want to give her the benefit of the doubt here i'm afraid you're going to your how would you feel if your wife did that to you you know if you really are not over on the show for this quote of it's either a viable commercial you know or it's the quote from blazing saddles we're sure of a little says excuse me well i. know that it's good but i don't understand why she did it it's it's a sad and. ok. let's move on to our next story jim i particularly want your take on this so family research council they are no friends of gay marriage by any means and basically the
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raising of a gay pride flag at the u.s. military base in afghanistan has upset tony perkins said. he said where is the concern now for angering afghan muslims who vehemently oppose homosexuality issues as much an issue of military security as it is of religious morality after february's accident with the korans american lives are lost what price will be paid because some want to use the military to show their gay pride. ok ok just tell me this person do you think the average afghan knows what a gay pride thought looks like i don't think gainey knows what the american flag looks like so that you probably don't know i was in favor of repealing don't ask don't tell that doesn't mean i think this is a good idea it's a dumb idea all right what is it. you think somebody there's a flag here's somebody that will know it's in every newspaper it's going to be afghan papers and it's going to cause problems for the rebels in the do it you know that you know the reality here in iraq and you sure i had no it wasn't an issue
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with the security of american troops until tony perkins president of the american family research council or whatever decided to make it an issue for the state that is america africa playing out here you know how long the flag has been there i honestly don't know i doubt it flew very long because there are rules and regulations about what you can and cannot run up a flight on a u.s. base so it was a stunt all right this guy maybe don't call what he was dumb to do it was done to publicize it and in the end it needs to just stop it's not healthy i mean also in his statement he went on to say that there are very few troops who support supported ending don't ask don't tell i mean he's just a natural anyway well that and that's true tony perkins is. that's that's very true that. we are he began telling you about this story the other week but here's here's a quick refresher. the military has used drones for surveillance for
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a long while but now the infamous file sharing site the pirate bay use high altitude aircraft to avoid being taken offline many authorities don't like the way the site to its users to places where they can download copyrighted films or other material without being. the last time we spoke about this story we thought it was cool the pirate bay wanted to have its servers on drones but we realized hey maybe there is problems considering where you can find the airspace to do that you're going to have some country's airspace might run into some legal issues but. in greece today. they said they can get exclusive use such a greek airspace yeah i'm a little bit. of this is the pirate bay getting some pre-pubescent everybody that can't do it the payloads will not allow it you have to have actual servers drones can't carry very many heavy things and even the u.s. military has to spend a lot of money to keep drones flying pirate bay doesn't have that kind of fun so
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this is great pulled for him well done gentlemen but no it's a stunt and i think it's interesting from the standpoint of you know they want to find a place where they can safely do it and if the government's using drones why can't they however i don't like the idea of all of these companies being like oh well we'll just use drones because then we got some of the stakes here in this thing flying around nobody knows what who's drone that is what it's doing i'm out laying by the pool and there's no matter where i just can't i'm with you there i think that you know especially once the f.a.a. actually changes its guidelines as it's forced to do now what is it by like most of the really we're talking right with pretty much a tough call for her described as you travel got a little bit out of a job i don't know where you the crowds are delivered it's a very you know we. are in a different i tell thanks for tuning in make sure that you come back tomorrow feel the web site trademark if you have a show to talk about his campaign to expose trademark meantime don't forget become
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a fan if you want to shell on facebook and follow us on twitter and if you missed any of tonight's or any other nights you can always catch value to flush the longer show up next is the. culture is that so much about the taxpayers' money management is a shakespeare in his particular area of the power in need of social networking such as facebook you tube and twitter is undeniable but are these media themselves becoming the. wealthy british style. of the tires. market finiteness come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy
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with mike's cars or for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to the report on our.


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