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tv   [untitled]    April 2, 2012 9:30pm-10:00pm EDT

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well go back to the big picture i'm tom hartman coming up in this half hour an elderly african-american man accidentally calls for medical help ends up being shot dead in his own home so how did a false alarm turn into a senseless death and in tonight's daily take the fear machine is tearing apart american society i can we turn it off and return america the land of the free the home of the great. with a nation still trying to figure out what happened in sanford florida that led to
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the death of seventeen year old trayvon martin back in february and why george zimmerman is still walking around as a free man a new and just as disturbing case is coming to light out in new york it was there that a sixty eight year old african-american man was gunned down in his own home by police officers who were responding to a false alarm ken chamberlain sr a former marine who suffered from a heart condition had a medical alert system but would be but when pressed would call for emergency medical. somehow chamberlain's medical alert system was triggered leading to an ambulance being dispatched to his home along with several police cruisers on arriving at the scene the police attempted to enter chamberlain's home but chamberlain who insists that he was feeling fine refused to let them in but police snapped the locks on the front door and barged in on it clearly distressed chamberlain officers fired tasers and bean bag rounds at sixty eight year old man
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and then according to police reports chamberlain reached for a knife in his kitchen and was promptly gunned down by two bullets in the chest. he died in the hospital so how did this false alarm turn into a pile of police response that led to the death of an african-american senior citizen is this about race excessive police force or both hillary shop shelton joins me now he's the washington bureau director and senior vice president for advocacy and policy at the end of the short hilary welcome back thomas way to be with your show bill in the police will it create the history. first of all trayvon martin just the i'm sorry. and just wrapping that up if we could. what's what's the latest with that story as things are now our hope is that charges of being prepared to guess mr zimmerman
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be very clear that this both of us has listened to the evidence made available as as as this unfolded we see that there is no reason this formal charges for murder not been brought against mr zimmerman under these circumstances of course that we have again is a seventeen year old youth that was walking back from a seven eleven picking up a bag of skittles and a can of arizona iced tea talking to his girlfriend on the phone mrs zimmerman sees him applying the same racial profiling strategies that we've heard so often it's having to be because he is a young african-american man he's wearing a hoodie and put his hood over his head as it was lightly drizzling outside and somehow know that he must have just committed some kind of crime or on his way to miss some crime the side of even after speaking to the law enforcement officials calling nine one one mr martin telling them that this this this this man walking around it looks very suspicious but nothing why he's suspicious not saying
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by the problem saying that he's going to presume they ass on the stand down he goes after him anyway they want to send a cruiser out from the police department he ends up dead and mr zimmerman goes to jail for just a minute to be questioned for some reason because that either interpretation or because of the way the stand your ground law was written it's ok for someone to taunt someone to target someone and then to shoot in the death on the streets and then you set off a chase absolutely so it's our hope now the justice department got involved and now we have someone actually watching over the police department is clearly flubs so much along the way that perhaps the justice can be charged will be brought and it will also be their day in court today the people who had to. the forensics on the audiotape of one of the neighbors who were not one one and you can hear the. shouting in the background to the tape and zimmerman has been claiming the shooter as been claiming that that was him yelling for help and they said ninety nine
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percent certainty we will testify under oath in court to it this was not zimmerman's voice this is that had this is a stance because quite frankly for those of us who happen to be followers of teenage sons and in my case i have a seventeen year old son that i've had to have at the scutcheon about what to do when you're confronted with the police or when somebody confronts you how you have to be on a different kind of behavior and responded that kind of thing when i heard those voices screaming when i heard their earlier nine one one tapes their screams for help help help and it went on until that shot was fired and then it was silence for ever when i heard that i had knew that i was a seventeen year old teenage kid but those we have teenage children we know that are boys in that age group and are just going to be those voice changes just haven't gone through those puberty chains and whatnot but when they become excited frantic along those lines that all crackly we hear during those early teen years thirteen and fourteen comes back you could hear that in their tape i would have
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been absolutely floored if somehow that voice that i heard over the television all the recordings of those nine one one tapes was anything other than a teenage boy i have. had virtually every every african-american of my age or you know parent parenting age from with whom i've talked about this has told me the story of a conversation they've had with their kids and i've had a number of young people call in to my radio show telling them telling me about the conversation that their parents had with them and nowadays you know it's i mean this is a different generation than it was in the if you sixty's seventy's but it's still there and and and i've had young african-americans call the. we're going to say you know when my dad first brought this up with me i thought you know this is nonsense it's not. i don't think most of our white viewers at least those who have not grown up close to the african-american community have any idea what you and i are
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talking about right now about that conversation from the african-american parents have with their kids can you tell me about that i'm sure is the issue today for i think many take for granted it's one i wish we could is the one that we recognize that for some reason or another as we look at how thin the move to a society that african-american skin is actually it lowers the threshold for what is the red that is if an african-american to raise their voice and righteous indignation somehow it's perceived as the next step to a violent attack if we're stopped on the streets by a police officer and we know we haven't done anything wrong and we perceive that it might be the practice of racial profiling for us the question is somehow seen is the preparation for an assault so we have to talk to our children about how import it is when you're driving down see if you could pulled over keep your hands in plain view don't make any fast moves we have to tell them how important is for them not to raise their voice and not to even plead their case but to simply talk to the
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police officer as respectfully as possible but i tell my sons is also process in your mind two things that badge number and also process the name tag on their shirts they're not going to be able to do anything for you at that point if you come back and talk to us and then we'll address it then but make sure you're able to come back and talk to us we've seen too many cases where african-american young people were dealt with as if they were some kind of violent criminal because of their perception based on the color of their skin but i'll tell you this if we were able to make those transitions in and show americans what someone look like with a different skin color going through the same thing i believe we'd be much more outraged than we are it's unfortunate that we have had this congress. asian parents like me and he really is the feeling that if we don't is a dereliction of our response those parents need our children to come home and we need them not to be another trayvon martin and this is a conversation that white parents frankly speaking as one. never felt the need to
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have with their kids and it's a wonderful society incredible divide in america and i hope we can get everyone to that point and we recognize that this is happening is not a figment of our imagination these have in this happened to our children under those circumstances there's still cases that go back if you think about for a minute even. in new york city what you have thank you somehow a wallet and and a door key some magically transformed into a gun police officer able to let go of forty two shots hitting them twenty one times killing them but when they go before the the judge and jury then this is even more outrageous as the police officers cry and say we felt threatened somehow or another because that man was black we said we understand i think they got off this is the hotel until and emmett till is the echo of going all the way back to the sixteen hundreds we have just
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a minute or so left and we haven't yet talked about mr chamberlain yes as in the sixty year old man your thoughts are absolute what we have in this case is is a man that the police came to see about along with the the medical service providers. former marine he's in his apartment somehow know that his medical alert goes off they come to the store he tells them he doesn't leave that actually a discussion would on between he on the inside and the police officer then the medical alert staff on the outside for about an hour he actually call it medical alert and told him i don't need any help center ways i didn't send this that this off at least not on purpose and i don't need anything after an hour of them said we want to see you want to since i don't want to deal with the. they kick the door down they come in they tasered him and then the side to shoot him to death this something really wrong with the perception of threat they had for him under those circumstances where you have a sixty eight year old african-american stand there literally in his boxer shorts
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push shot to death by police officers to forty millimeter shots to the chest that is our rages we should all be concerned about what happens on his own property by the with your paid to serve and protect. hillary thank you so much for being with us and that is about pleasure people keep up the good work to spread the word we need to all be wary of police power in america the idea to protect and serve has been lost and people are dying. crazy a large what are the odds bill isles a forty eight year old wichita kansas man bought a ticket for friday's mega millions lottery jackpot and like most americans he didn't want to single penny he did get struck by lightning just hours after purchasing the tickets aisles of trains storm spotter was reporting on a storm and he was struck by lightning outside his home total local television
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network that his whole body started twitching however he did not suffer any major burns. so you're going to have some things with my memory that are going to bother me for a while but i wasn't burned. i had a little bit of an irregular heartbeat he had a one in one hundred seventy six million chance of winning mega millions on friday he had a one in seventy seven hundred seventy five thousand chance of being struck by lightning this year i guess he cashed in on the lightning strike odds iles a story gives new meaning to the old adage you have a better chance of getting struck by lightning and winning the lottery. coming up in tonight's daily take on sunday night made explosive device was detonated outside a window of a planned parenthood office in wisconsin we haven't heard a peep about it in the mainstream media why i'll tell you half of them.
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we just put a picture of me when i was like nine years old until the first live. look i'm a contestant i'm a total get of friends that i love rap and hip hop is a pretty. cutter's kind of yesterday. i'm very proud of the role without sincere and simply. look look look look look look look look. look.
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but you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so for like sleep you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else here's you some other part of it and realize that everything is off you don't i'm sorry welcome to the big picture. with.
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your take my take is your chance to send in your questions comments rants and observations about anything we talk about here on the big picture or during my radio show our first comments and i comes from daniel in federal way washington called into our viewer rant line and had this interesting take on the trayvon martin tragedy. on the city i know i just don't know if you know in the trayvon martin case that george zimmerman has claimed that trayvon martin and he attacked a third war she the one statement things like you got a problem with me you do now and you're going to die tonight and after
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a woman shot trayvon martin i mean. travon the back and went got me i just let you know that in a concealed pistol license lien cases which i brought up a lot of people on silly statements like this on the part of the shooter the concealed pistol like this guy are very common it's the way that they make their slaves look legitimate regardless of whether they are legitimate or not so when you read conceal case histories and files on a look at what the shooter claimed happened that night right before the so-called bad guy attacks him in almost every case you've read that the bad guy was conveniently said something like you're going to die now or i'm going to kill you or something like that and it's basically something that concealed pistol license people learn from books and magazines they read that teach them not only how to kill people factory but also what to say to the police after the slaying is done
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just lodges like to know about that thanks but. you know my guess is that it isn't so much that there's like you know secret society of concealed carry people who all know the magic words to say the police after they killed somebody as it is george zimmerman and a lot of men in particular in the united states grew up as little boys watching westerns and watching that dylan and watching dirty whatever may be whatever era they came from and you know seeing men use guns as a way of achieving power and when you combine it because a gun it is real power i mean here is they're fairly heavy and they represent instant death that's the power of life or death that's the greatest power there is when you combine a person who feels fundamentally disempowered somebody who feels that their life isn't working and they've got a crummy job nobody likes them they're aware whatever with that power of life or
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death in their hand. i think that they more often than not may well kind of step into that comic book world that childhood a world that they grew up in and that probably accounts for those kind of comments just just my opinion our final count of the night comes from gavin in the united kingdom he posted this in our tom hartman dot com message boards i'm sure glad we don't have people walking around with guns like in the states i really don't see the reason for people to have the right to own a single use instruments of death. if i come up against criminals i'd much prefer they didn't have guns like most of them in england and you know it's one thing in england most year criminals don't have guns in fact when i was a kid growing up your police didn't have guns it would be extraordinary if the world was more civil rise if we didn't have this incredible armaments industry literally worldwide that is making i mean there's far more guns and there are
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people on the planet. it's really quite a story you look at countries that actually have strong gun control laws countries like japan and you know very very much lower rates of violence it would confirm that and you know that's it for your take my take tonight if you'd like your comments or questions heard on this side of the picture with stuff we want to know your to send us your comments by visiting the tom hartman facebook page by a twitter at tom underscore hartman or in the chat room on the message boards or through the blog at thom hartmann dot com you can also leave a message on our ramp line at two two three six fifty three zero six agree disagree sound off it's all welcome or remember that your comments may be used on the air. it's the good the bad and the very very you'll are trisha slowly oddly the good
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aung sun suu kyi key the opposition leader and my him are also known as burma won a seat in that country's parliament following sunday's election he's party the national league for democracy is trying to win forty five seats in the election the fact that he won market major victory for many in the country who have lived under military rule for the past five decades slightly wide ranging reports of voter irregularities and voter fraud appears key and mayan mar burma have started the journey to democracy without a u.s. led war to force saddam. the bad texas governor rick perry rick perry in texas are full steam ahead in executing another potentially innocent death row inmate jean will it was arrested for killing a deputy sheriff in two thousand but there's a great deal of evidence to suggest that he's innocent will is in a process of appealing to the courts not sure though that he'll get through it before they put him to death since rick perry became governor two hundred thirty
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five prisoners have been executed many with very questionable convictions it's time texas. and the rest of this country stop the death penalty and the injustices that go along with it and the very very ugly arizona superintendent of schools john huppenthal two years ago arizona banned the teaching of ethnic studies in k. through twelve education and now they're going after universities to alcohol said that suspended ad ethnic studies classes for example like ones of mexican american relations teach students to resent whites and the university programs that educate public school teachers are to blame he went on to say by god for those talks are things starts from here a person to me who is the problem was a lack of balance going on in those clouds. he says nothing to do a teaching students to hate whites and everything to do with arizona's all out assault on immigrants from south of the border and it is very clear.
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on sunday night someone walked up to a planned parenthood clinic in grand chute wisconsin and detonated a homemade explosive device outside a window luckily no one was inside the clinic at the time so no one was injured wisconsin like a number of other states under the control of republican state legislatures is currently in the midst of a heated debate over abortion and that rhetoric could turn the war on women hot leading to some less than stable religious warrior who attacked a planned parenthood clinic we don't know for sure what happened yet as the police are continuing their investigation but you probably haven't heard much about this story. that's because it's received virtually no coverage from the mainstream corporate media. but had that clinic been a church or
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a government building and had that bomb maker been wearing a turban or going to member of the new black panthers and you can bet it would have received wall to wall media attention especially if iraq so-called news the word terrorism has been plastered with exhibit would it implies or going to war you can use graphics on televisions all across america but this act of terrorism presumably committed by a white christian. not so much so why is that it's because of the way the fear machine in america works this is the fear machine in america so a multi-billion dollar industry that makes tremendous profits by scaring americans to death about everything from muslims to undocumented immigrants to the national debt a gets flipped on whenever it's convenient to whip up fear in america like whenever americans need to be scared about that have asserted and can is to support austerity measures or profit as ation of the social safety net let's just give
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social security off the wall street with muslims in particular this fear machine is incredibly effective the center for american progress recently uncovered a network of right wing organizations that are bankrolling a forty two million dollars loan a phobia fear machine that serves only one purpose make us all scared to death of muslims so back in two thousand and ten when a muslim organization tried to build a community center in lower manhattan the fear machine was turned on full power and the fear mongers went to work on places like fox so-called news. do i want five hundred sixty feet away from were a lot of my friends died and i lived i work too i want to mosque that maybe that may be a meeting place for some of the scariest months of the some of the biggest terrorism are the reason the muslim community is so radical muslim community is so anxious for this thing to be built is because they want to counter the assimilation it's
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tendencies of muslims in the united states. and then someone flipped the switch on again to scare americans into thinking chill real was not the large they're taking over america. as muslims move into the west you see an increase in on a killings they are ramping up in europe certainly increased dramatically in canada and now here i mean how many girls have to die where are we in relationship to that have we allowed it have we embraced it are they actually starting to live by sharia law within our own us law be afraid. that the real purpose of the fear machine is not just to make americans fear of the death of anyone wearing a turban but also to generate massive profits for certain industries that depend on fear from defense contractors who are making billions of the never ending war on terror to security contractors who are making billions off certo extreme scanners
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in our airports to islamophobia who are making money off t.v. appearances books and lectures the theory sheet is generating enormous fortunes for those who are banking on americans being afraid of muslims not to mention the political benefits the republican party receives when americans hit the polls and vote based on fear so when a planned parenthood clinic gets by wisconsin there's a real simple reason why that fear machine. isn't fired up there's no money to be made no political points to be scored no one was there was no scanners in planned parenthood clinics no one stands to profit from a never ending war against christian extremism and republicans don't win elections by defending planned parenthood so the fear machine. and the brazen attack and women's reproductive rights is ignored we americans go about our day as if everything is fine least until a fairly sheen gets rebooted when a muslim does something or an african-american does something could be spun into it
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throughout our nation was not conceived in here we stared down the greatest military in the world and one of our independence of the british we were a nation that in the midst of the great depression one of the worst economic catastrophes that we've ever seen we were told that we have nothing to fear but fear itself a president franklin roosevelt and without any fear we beat back hitler in europe and the japanese in the pacific during world war two we are not the fearful nation that that fear machine wants us to think that we are it's time we acknowledge what's happening in america and take a sledgehammer to that fear machine that is manipulating all of us and turning us into lunatics over fake threats all having us ignore the actual threats against america threats like the destruction of the middle class the war against women you know we used to be the land of the free and the home of the great and we can be
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that way again if we'll just call a lot of the fear machine. that's a pretty picture and i don't forget democracy begins when you get out there get active play your it sort of. download the official anti obligation to honk so no i pod touch from the i choose option. one cianci life on the go. video on demand all season long rolled costs and r.s.s. feeds are now in the palm of your. question on the call.
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