tv [untitled] April 3, 2012 10:30am-11:00am EDT
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at six thirty pm moscow time these are the top stories on our city the russian capital is rocks point to major fires the seventeen people killed in a market blaze in moscow outskirts the deadly inferno came hours after flames struck the top floors of a business the tower in which no one was injured. it is army's via a major corruption scandal involving the country's military chief that's causing oversample among india's foreign defense suppliers which could possibly give russia an upper
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hand. and president medvedev signs a new law relaxing the registration rules for political parties in russia it aims to diversify the country's political landscape but it is still smarting criticism from some opposition leaders who say there will be too many factions bidding for power. now it's hard to talks to a prominent american economist about the current state of the world's financial plight and where it's heading next. artie's sitting down with richard wolffe american author and professor at new school university his new book occupied economy challenging capitalism hits shelves in the next few months mr roth thank you very much for sitting down to speak with me thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to years ago you said that the crisis would take not just a few years but much longer to overcome it is a common belief that the so-called fight handle crisis is basically but over the
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one that started in two thousand and eight so where do you think the u.s. economy is right now i think the way to answer that question is to recognize that this crisis is a crisis of the entire global system and where it is extremely. there at one moment it will be relatively easier at another as the symptoms move around for example the united states was in much worse shape in the first two years two thousand and eight and two thousand and nine compared to europe two years later the years two thousand and ten and two thousand and eleven reverse the united states is not the extreme problem europe is and the financial crisis that we talk about is as severe today in europe as it ever was in the united states and banks in europe for example are in such trouble oh most notably is caused by a european major newspaper where someone is importing about will we have our own lehman brothers type of collapse the way we did here in the united states for both
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of the periods the two years that america was worse for two years that europe was worse brazil china india russia the bric countries and so on we're doing real well they're now in trouble so my advice is for americans count their chickens that are not hatched be we hear that a crisis that was buried here then became bared somewhere else is heading that here to give us as many problems now as we see the europeans having but we'll have them a little bit later the housing industry in the united states big improvement until about a year ago where it's flattened out and now it's going down and that is as important a shape or of the future of our economy as ever the uptick in the automobile industry is so the jury is out is not at all clear that we are anywhere near out of the woods and it would be even more difficult for americans if they got their hopes up at a time when there really is not yet the the foundation for doing so you said that
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it was world war two that tried united states after the crash. itself that was the case where is george w. bush and his successor obama doing the right thing by pursuing morris and in some cases currently considered. you know once now i think the difference is in world war two putting aside the specifics of that particular war the technology of warfare meant that if you're going to fight a war you're going to need millions and millions of people we had millions and millions of unemployed people we basically took half of them in one thousand nine hundred forty one and put them in uniform and the other half we put into factories to produce the uniforms and the guns and the bullets and all the rest today warfare for political and technological reasons does not require large numbers of people it is both politically dangerous to get large numbers of people involved and it is not necessary for the kind of high tech warfare that we now specialize in as
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a nation so warfare isn't going to do the job of the wars in afghanistan and iraq and even the one threatened with iran now are not the kinds of war that will soak up the unemployment in the united states and so it doesn't represent itself as a solution you're going to have to find some other way to take nesses of people and give them work and i don't think the private sector is up to it we've had five years in which the president first bush and then obama told us about the incentives they're going to give the private sector to hire people the inducements they gave all those incentives they gave the inducements and the private sector basically decided keep that money keep the incentives to hire the people so at this point if you don't come up with a real employment program you're not going to deal with the problem and the war isn't going to do it unless we are thinking on a scale that is really outside the realm of what is safe for even gung ho types how much do you believe the global economic turmoil that the world is really going for
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is a product of what street as oppose to main street let me be a strong and this as i possibly can because i've been asked this question after this is a problem of our economic system it is not the fault of wall street more than it is of the. anybody else i understand on the left in the right and even in the center is a desire to pin the donkey their tail on the right donkey find a scapegoat blame somebody so if you're conservative you blame poor people who take out mortgages they can't afford if you're on the liberal side you're angry at the bankers who after all gave them those mortgages out of their own greed and their own desire to make a buck i don't think that's the way the game is played i think poor people middle income people and rich people try to make a way for themselves in the system according to the way the system works but it has do what the banking system has them do and the same applies to everybody else when all the different people in a system act according to the rules of the system and the outcome is
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a bad arrangement then it's the system that's the problem actually part of australia are you really. could care of krakow on a political support to deal with the one percent if he wanted to why hasn't he gotten out my feeling is that i don't know all barack obama that well but that if he were sitting in the room he would answer something and i think i'm persuaded by this answer if the occupy movement were stronger. if it had been going for several years rather than for several months and if it had gathered the kinds of support that for example was gathered to push franklin roosevelt to changes politics in the one nine hundred thirty s. then i think mr obama would have done or would do the same thing franklin roosevelt was elected in one nine hundred thirty two as a center of the road democrat rather like mr obama he came in trucking about balancing budgets and all of the rest he came in about giving incentives to private
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employers to hire within a year and a half of taking office he goes on the radio and says the private sector has not hired the people we now have tens of millions of unemployed the unemployment rate in the winter of one nine hundred thirty three thirty four was twenty five percent three times what it is today. and he said ok if the private sector isn't going to do it i'm going to do it and when he was asked her how dare you he said there is no option he said look around you the cia oh the congress of industrial organizations was organizing tens of millions of american workers it was the unionization drive we had never had before in american history and we've never had it since ceasing occupy wall street hasn't taken africa that's right when it's not big enough it's not cohesive enough it hasn't tracked it enough people it's gotten with giora the support in the polls the sympathy is there but you've got to translate the sympathy
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into the mobilization that could go to obama and say you must do this or else in the us and in europe with our us coupled with austerity measures that the everyday it's the people that are being screened and suffering across the board on how much longer can that continue it's the sixty four trillion dollar question and the answer is it will continue only so long as the mess of the people permit it it is in a sense a game of push the greece situation in greece which is a kind of touchstone that all americans should pay attention to because if we're not very careful that our future being played out before us yes greece they can't pay their debts we can't either the debts of the united states today we are the largest the most heavily indebted country in the world our debts are in excess of our g.n.p. that's the problem that when palm got bad for greece when its total that one above
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its output we're already there we have a very serious problem we do not have a plan for solving it any more than the greeks did the hold of the rich and the corporations is that they can get enough time to kind of work it out disperse the costs among the people and maybe slither through the risk. that they will have miscalculated and you can see it already in the eyes and in the words of certain of them warren buffet in the united states one of the richest people warning the rest of the rich people in america pay more taxes give the government the wherewithal to help people or else the system that made us rich is going to collapse those are signs of warning that ought to be taken a lot more seriously than the dismissal that his fellow wealthy people have mostly given it you know for a long time in the united states the ideology the ruling way of thinking is if you
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make the money. lord knows how you do it if you make it it's yours and you're entitle to it and this myth knology this notion that i have the right to hold on and to make as much as i can and to keep as much of it as i possibly can is making everyone who plays in this economic system will all to part with it if i and if i'm not forced to i'm not gonna so whatever gets done don't touch mine don't touch mine with that mentality you don't think is the seriousness of the problem and you run the risk as buffett and others have warned it is not the only one if you don't you will miss a chance to give up a little and you'll pay the price of having to give it up altogether canada's capitalism have a future oh you know the great defense of capitalism all my life as a professor of economics and in the united states the ultimate defense of capital of them was always well yes it may have this or that floor but capitalism delivers
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the goods the rising standard of living american working people have a car a vacation all the rest ok let's give capitalism that for a long time it delivered the goods with its flaws but over the last five years it's not delivering goods is still living one barry after another falling government services falling real wages falling employment opportunities rising threats for our students rising paths for our people and at some point the very system you give praise to when it delivered has to be given the criticism when it doesn't otherwise you're not being serious and i think desperately need to ask and answer the question is capitalism whatever its virtues in the past able to deliver the goods now and if not and i think it's clear that it's not what changes have to be made or
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maybe are we. finally mature enough as a nation to ask the question can the united states do better than capitalists and your book coming out now called occupy the economy challenging capitalism could answer some of those i tried to show some of the new ways to organize a reorganize our economy that would avoid the problems we've now seen will learn from our experience and begin to move in a different economic direction and i think that's a reasonable way i don't expect everyone to agree but what i mostly hoping for is to reignite a national debate and discussion let those who like capitalism defend it but those who criticize what's wrong and offer some alternatives and i try to do that in the book and i have to leave it there thank you very much for speaking with r.t. my pleasure thank you.
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lines in the ocean would be soon which bryson if you remove the sun from funds to crush in these. stunts on tea. party's top stories the russian capital is rock right to major fires with seventeen people killed in a marketplace in moscow outskirts the deadly inferno came hours after flames struck the top floors of a business tower in which no one listens or. india's army has been shaken by a major corruption scandal involving the country's military chiefs causing over some form of india's foreign defense viruses which could possibly give russia and down. time president medvedev signs a new ball relaxing the registration rolls for political parties in russia it aims to diversify the country's political landscape but how to still start criticism
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from some opposition leaders who say go to many factions bidding for our. case here next probably to sports. thank you george and here are the top sports stories this tuesday crunch battle a must win game for scar in moscow this tuesday as the right needs just one more playoff victory to go into the current cup finals loss looking to head manchester united for a late today or when it got to go five points clear at the top of the english premier league it's seven games relating. to italian job holders barcelona prepare for a must win game and ac milan in the second leg of the champions league quarter finals let's start with i saw he and the playoffs wells in a moscow are on the verge of reaching the garden cup finals if they beat scots of
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petersburg for the full straight time this tuesday night another also households long siege in this clash and want scarred culture milosevic has urged his players to improve their discipline there to stage a miraculous comeback last season we got lead unflavored atlantis to the finals opposite number six now are also lost in the title deciding series two years ago when he was in charge of the now defunct three day. well meanwhile on monday adding guards took a two one series lead against the back to offer a narrow don't know when i might. be that bordered on to having to use the proceeds and points leader but i didn't need him assegais collating struck soon after the first interval his goal of making all the difference in order to get out on guard the overall seriously practice front running again it was not soft could have sent the game into overtime but his powerful last gasp effort was saved by kerry run by a finnish goaltender not his first pre-season shots are. moving on to go as manchester united have gone five points clear at the top of the english premier
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league after a late to know when an earthling blackburn rovers held off the defending champions are we a few minutes but i'm tony abbott and his putting effort on you the goals. paul robinson and ashley young followed up with another boston cheer united game five points ahead of manchester city with seven games left. into the bottom train on top of the fence. i think from unities point of view. you know they'll look at today and they will think fully in minutes you'll probably wonder will it always come from you know because we were in a good positions off the ball for st louis was clever on the break and you know we're disappointed we didn't just hang in there for five or six minutes because of with that because florida got a point but your point of view or no look at related to do as a favor you know in a couple of games. well meanwhile the champions league resumes this tuesday evening and i don't know when will do for defending champions barcelona take on ac milan at
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the nou camp in the second leg as i quarterfinal a goal a straw in the first leg means malani only a score draw to go through to the last four so the game find a boss that is straightforward they need to win to reach their fifty's that's the semifinal and for what is on their side is their unbeaten in fourteen home games twelve of those ending in victories you know is going to be the most important what i think this is the most important game so far this year because if we want to remain in the champions league we need to win this is a final with no room for mistakes and it is difficult to manage that you know that if we score first we need to persist and score more because with the one the result yourself in every single moment you know we need to talk a lot but also remain vigilant in our area where especially in the line had another taste of the camp during a training session on monday the last time the syrian leaders were here was in september when they dream to play with barcelona in the group stage and their captain is demanding another positive performance. tomorrow's game will have to be
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faced with courage because that is you only way to face barcelona to face them one needs to gain possession of the ball and all the rest comes in second place to come to the stadium and face barcelona with bravery is the first thing to do in football anything could happen. well tuesday's other second leg seized by a new nick host while say the german giants are the favorites as they hold a two goal advantage from the away leg and have won their last seven games however bell missed suspended midfielder bastien's feinstein and believes the job is only half done. this is this was roman from the results from the first leg is good but we haven't reached the next round yet i mean to be just like we scored two must say they can score here so we have to sleep very focused will have to show the same quality as in the last game and over the last few weeks and then i'm sure we'll get into the next round of us have already won well despite that caution most i have it also do the french side
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a nightmare domestically and have lost eight of their last nine games in all competitions however last weekend's league game against me is one bellyache was suspended allowing to be additional men to prepare for their trip to munich still believes they can cause an upset. she'll of the nation she get chosen if we want to achieve something holds barred so the team have to play it barely mentions you both collectively and individually and with like an average match we have our worried years of what we would like to do but of course we have to implement those on the pitch. and in the meantime result in football and i'm a c.l.o. has been arrested after reportedly had nothing to match fixing trying to secure all the founder who now plays for atlanta was taken to the prosecutor's office in bari on monday while legal officials say eight of his former barry teammates are also under investigation the final nine matches from very serious our campaign last season are being looked into including the dog the let's say in response to lowe's and go help let's say when to reel to avoid relegation reports saying last yellow
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has admitted scoring on purpose in return for one hundred ninety thousand euros. golf now and thousands of fans have had a sneak preview as the stars prepare for the first major of the year or last as which darts at all got so this thursday force on champions league awards is the favorite after he trained his first win on the p.g.a. tour for the cheers triumph in last week's on palmer invitational former american barca watson believes a handful of players are in contention to train the famous green jacket as we know the last three years anybody had a chance to beat him or one and if you're playing well there's about five guys that are playing great all year obviously tiger just when tiger to be up there again everyone is going to cheer from tiger tiger knows this course pretty well you know the course he's won a few times so obviously he's going to be up there on that list there's about five guys that everybody knows mickelson obviously is one here a few times there's a few guys who just play your good all the time and obviously i was playing pretty good done as i was playing good so you know there's a handful of guys that we have everybody knows about that has
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a chance. now it seems the sport of state boarding has found a new start after a twelve year old boy for detroit has made history american's home shop pulled off a ten i t last week and that means the youngster sparked three full circles in the air before landing back on the ground and in one piece maybe just five attempts to get into the history books well this is not a mean feat of skateboarders of all ages have been trying to do the same for you it is ams competing the first of about nine hundred which amounts to two and a half aerial spans was enough for tony hawk and she could prominence thirteen years ago and since become the sports household playing for. us and after a lot let's end with some russian premier league football on a weekend who hasn't stretched that lead to nine points and spotlight now except for the bottom i was sixteen goals scored and he is the pick of them for scholes below.
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