tv [untitled] April 3, 2012 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT
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markets. come to find out what's really happening to the global economy for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tuning in to cause a report on. the syrian government confirms to russia it's begun carrying out the u.n. envoy for peace plan while the opposition says western and arab states are promising very millions of dollars to step up the fight against the regime. corruption at the top of india's army sees a shake up of arms purchasing with russian suppliers now in line to fill in behind filed for it's. making it easier to get the party started in russia president deby to be a bit of signs into law reforms to the political system however some opposition leaders are still on topic. and dishing the dirt at a high level flirts
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a senior f.b.i. official claims a russian spy siren anna chapman was extradited for getting too close to someone inside of bombers in a circle got the back story there for. welcome it's nine pm choose the evening here in moscow this is our my name is kevin know in our top story this hour russia says it's got confirmation from the syrian authorities that they started implementing the international peace plan. the u.n. arab league envoy kofi annan told the security council would present the sound excepted the april the deadline for ending military operations opposition fighters then have forty eight hours to cease their fighting. peacekeeping planners are heading to syria to caves. away for
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a new monitoring mission however saudi arabia and its allies have agreed to pay rebels fighting the syrian regime or that money is part of a broader pledge by more than seventy arab and western countries to provide normally full aid to the opposition. get more reaction on that than go to beirut talk to dr mayer saluting from the universal peace federation talk to you live on r.t. thanks for being with us from beirut tonight. how does the confirmation that russia's been given about carrying out coffee and peace plan tally with the reports of the continuing violence on both sides in syria. well i believe the the russian role is a very important role today in order to stabilize the whole lation actually inside syria nevertheless i mean the united nations so four or kofi annan six point plan is a very important plan so far to stabilize and try to have
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a peaceful situation inside syria today between the both conflicting. parties and inside battling actually i meant the regime of president bashar al assad and the rebels or the terrorists as he sees them or the opposition just as the syrian national council today headed by god how to deal with now the whole situation i think this serious to the people of syria they need my friend in mosque or they need a break but they only it is true to have a break a peaceful break to ceasefire and to open up a dialogue between both conflicting parties under the umbrella of the united nations but i would like to know how to see if any international power would be much more interested then the u.n. u.n. umbrella to intervene and not to support any or any party involved like the president himself or the doctor would have to deal you know let's say as heads of conflicting parties seriously but what the people need they want shelter they need
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food they need not arms for sure and not to the group the battle the next battle coming up inside syria i have got this situation need to really break inside syria after the bloodshed after innocent people getting killed from both parties as i am analyzing the whole situation but with you tonight the talk there's a lot of skepticism amongst some west now arab states saying that past experience shows that president assad will not stick to his promise he has done so in the past so he really think he'll do that now. please can you repeat your question i did not hear your. skepticism among the last sentence and indeed will stick by his progress stand by his promise to abide by this new peace plan do you think he'll do it i think he can do it yes the president can do it and the worst is pressuring him to leave as
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we have witnessed or we have listened to mrs clinton the foreign minister or the secretary of state in the united states she's been pushing a lot of president assad to true or to stop any cease fire through our means to cease fire and to stop any military action against any innocent citizens as being actually seen by the west today no the whole situation is how serious are we planning both parties i mean the president and oppositionist in order to stop crying and stop battles all the sudden here i'm sorry to say this because it has been so far in action since a year and this battle is not a small battle it's been behind us and behind major cities and major villages inside syria and talks so the answer is we shall talk to doctors two three abided by both parties likely absolutely absolutely loved us that's the next question will the opposition. i'm sure they need to stand
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by it but i know you are regional powers such as turkey saudi arabia. because the they are not willing to stop all cease fire they want to hear very much pressure on the regime of president bashar assad the want to continue with. the military pressure against in order for him to leave the country and have the new president as a loyal to the saudis or the companies and even the west that this is what they hope for but i think the plan is being i mean not succeed so far it has failed my friend ok my friend. ever so much for your thoughts dr saeed jerks a few times. against us and i was pretty to ask you dr saloon from the universal peace federation thanks for being on r.t. international. and there's more to come on r.t.
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tonight as well about the fallout of western and arab countries funneling money into the military arm of the syrian opposition since days edition of the alone a show coming up tonight at six pm g.m.t. . i'm curious as to what exactly that means i think the underlying flaw is this is sort of a second edition of libya right now we're seeing the aftermath and follow where this succession is and then guys the black immigrants are now held in detention and torture chambers there is fighting in the south so we armed all these people too and now we have basically a state of nature as opposed to get r.t. and so we similarly in syria we have no idea who the people are who would be recent being put on salary. the russian capital struck by two massive fires within hours of each other first
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the top floors of a skyscraper in moscow's new business comp. because we go through flames on monday was a huge spectacle took over one hundred firefighters and several helicopters for hours to extinguish the flames on top of that which is said to become europe's tallest ones constructions completed obviously those but not. the way to a fire broke out of one of the markets because it was seventeen people in all the three migrant workers were killed by the blaze with a rope to the boat where they had probably lived because of the fires thought to be a mole functioning to the use of the key. and that you could find more footage for photographs of both those photos and a website on. the battle for in the is lucrative to france market is intensifying right now but a scandal involving the country's military chief could see a reshuffle among foreign suppliers in his defense ministers already banned for firms and that could see russia hopefully go up things proof as the latest from.
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a major scandal has rocked india involving a three billion dollars bribe allegedly with india's army general he's written a statement to the indian prime minister saying that the army tanks are out of ammunition and the infantry is short of critical blackfin obviously that is causing a major security concern but it's also an incredible opportunity for other foreign countries to come into india to sell military technology in france the united states the united kingdom and russia are four of the key players who are interested in selling military technology to india for the world's biggest importer of arms and india is expected to spend one hundred billion dollars on military equipment in the next ten years and russia has that it can provide three billion dollars of equipment in the next year one of the pieces of military equipment that the russians are trying to sell to the indians are the at four hundred surface to air
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missiles. by from moscow this is r.t. coming up the final moments of a passenger plane that crashed in western siberia the aircraft came apart on impact during the agency landing which left twelve survivors out of the forty three on board plus the stakes are high for italy these days it's combating a burgeoning gambling problem most people place more trust in the lottery than to chance their luck with a government report coming out. but it's not easier for political groups here in russia to register as official parties president the better to put pen to paper on a new law which is the first in a series of major reforms to diversify the country's political makeup artist peter oliver explained. it's going to have quite a significant impact on the the political landscape in russia now the call for change really came about following the parliamentary elections in december of last
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year we saw tens of thousands of people out on the streets of russia unhappy with what they saw as electoral irregularities in that ballots one of the main points they were making was say that there was a lack of political options and that they wanted to see changes to the political system to allow that choice to be there for them now what this law changes is it makes it much easier for a political party to be just says now previously you needed forty thousand members forty thousand signatories in order to set up a political party this law is that number to five hundred so what we will see from this law is that more parties will be created and it will also be more difficult for the parties to be to night registration juta regularities changes to the law is something that the opposition had been quite vocal about how that it's been signed into play though what we're hearing from some of the opposition is that they're not entirely happy with it. they say this the fact it will lead to just too many
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political parties. the power that's needed. to be a successful opposition no to counter that the government is saying that the ability to establish new political parties much easier will be will allow a broader representation of the of the russian people and still be aircraft among those deadly crash in western siberia disintegrated when one of the engines touch the ground investigators say the pilot was trying to make an emergency landing and then rolled heavily to the left thirty one people were killed when the plane hit the ground just minutes after takeoff and doctors trying still tonight to save twelve of the survivors technical failures considered the most likely cause of the crash but invest. the gators are also looking into why the plane's wings were before the flight so the aviation consultant fall apart a captive by vices is vital the icing is a very critical factor if icing conditions exist and there are certain parameters
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that will require. aircraft to be it's a preventative measure that would allow the wings to maintain the lift under adverse circumstances and once you get the black box and determine what happened with the engines what happened with the air for old wind itself the cockpit voice recorders will tell you a lot the transmission to be air traffic controllers whether or not they're secure an emergency had been declared. you know throwing out terms like pilot error is very easy but not necessarily accurate. if you love further details about the plane crash in western siberia our web site r t v dot com is the place to be there you'll find a timeline of analysis of what could have led to that tragedy as investigation continues as well as more images and a look at concerns over safety on some of russia's domestic airlines.
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f.b.i. top brass in america have admitted that russian spy anna chapman got a little too close for comfort the country intelligence chief claims the bomb style beauty tried to seduce a top official in president obama's administration these are the bennett's got the details. well i certainly don't think this was we thought we'd heard the last about a chapman and the reason why she was suddenly deported from the us and these fresh allegations against the russian spy turned sex symbol supposedly revealed the real reason as to why she was suddenly arrested and deported from america in two thousand and ten a top u.s. official claims that she was being used as a honey trap to ensnare a member of president obama's inner circle and supposedly she became she came actually very close to suggesting her target now if this were true certainly would go some way to explaining why anna chapman along with nine other and i and others were suddenly exposed as a russian sleeper agent and why the u.s. government hastily deported them in what was the biggest price war with russia
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since the end of the cold war and this isn't by any means the first allegation of a russian honeytrap only last year there were claims against a suspected spy katty is that sort of yet or she's being used as a honeytrap to gain high level access within the british government that was after details emerged of her an affair that she was conducting with them he announced three times her age in that case the british government can actually prove its claims now when it comes to anna chapman the us government of course won't have to prove its claims and it's already deported but either way i don't think anna chapman will be particularly bothered because certainly in the british tabloids is the only serve to enhance her reputation. plus this too you'll need a head for heights that r t dot com tale of these amazing pictures filmed by a climber who conquered one of the famous iconic starlit sky scrapers of bosco took a camera up there with it that's what it looks like from the top but it had me but
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it's going in the other direction lucky escape for these drivers of these two trucks which as you can see plunged this hill in norway that's a bad day the video of the terrifying turn. it r.t. dot com. a long running feud over all money between a rock and it's the top of the kurdish region is deepening tonight the kurds of hole to add fuel deliveries claiming the government's failed to pay for nearly a year now but baghdad in turn accuses them of denying the country of the vital revenue it gets for them exporting the oil it's a complicated story let's shed some light on it with mike ready he is the with the london based antiwar group democracy village mr bradley good evening thank you for being on r.t. now this oil of dispute comes weeks after the kurds divided in the full independence from baghdad how do you see all this escalating. policy this is been
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on the cards for some time the kurdish region has been under the call that they've reached with the central government in baghdad last year has been shipping about fifty thousand barrels back to the central government for export of iraq since last may that have been paid for any of this so the other producers in the north which is actually the easiest oil to extract in the country are not getting paid the southern oil fields which are are still in disarray after the u.s. u.k. invasion need billions hundreds of billions of pounds worth of infrastructure improvements be able to extract that readily that doesn't seem to be forthcoming from the western oil companies like b.p. like chevron total they have got contracts in there i mean though they were actually the deal was that they would get the contracts and they would build the infrastructure not of the infrastructure as it happens would actually benefit the iraqi people in any case but the iraqi people will be left with the bill for the at the end of the time it's not just about money though and contracts mike i guess is
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this is a long running ethnic dispute and ethnic conflict why wasn't it sorted out before the us troops pulled out why couldn't they get a handle on it they were there long enough some would say. well i actually think that this was all part of the plan. you know the years before that the troops pulled out they were talking and escalating this rhetoric up for civil war the country wasn't divided before but it is really divided now and this is another another one of those divisive tactics to split the country into two. as say the oil revenues are just not forthcoming to the kurdish. produced in the kurdish region so they have every right to shut off supply and in fact try and sell their oil elsewhere order through iran or turkey which i think is what's happening now is these kids often turn violent who think the gulf war and saddam hussein's time in the west then supported the kurds if it became violent now what kind of response do
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you think we can expect from the u.s. and its allies. well you have to remember the u.s. hasn't exactly pulled out what the reason the combat troops left last year was because they were the iraqi government denied them immunity from prosecution but there are still thousands of private contractors working in iraq secure in providing security for all workers many of them christian or workers so there is still a western military presence there although as i say it's now been privatized but the problem with the two regions in iraq is there are affectively now fall in amongst each other about all revenues this is the chaos there is the post-war plan for iraq it's the most laissez faire economy on the planet and this is exactly what corporations want is it's just political disputes amongst the amongst the regions but no one's actually looking at the bigger picture which is the pillage of iraq by western private corporations mike thanks for your thoughts on the program my granny
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there from the london based antiwar group marc receive really. picking. up to date on some top news stories is now coming up to exactly twenty minutes past nine at night most of the time dozens of al qaeda militants have been killed in southern yemen after three days of government in strikes the raids there in response to an attack on a nearby army place last week is a miss rebels have used the past year of anti-government protests to expand their influence in the country hope to bring you live comment on that developing story in the coming hours on this channel argentinean protesters against britain's control the foreclosed islands have clashed with riot police in one as there is a spate is outside the british embassy hurled petrol bombs and tore down police barricades before officers responded with tear gas and demo marks the thirtieth anniversary of the start of the falklands war and which ones thousand people died. record breaking winds of a hundred fifty kilometers an hour have been recorded in japan and they've caused two deaths in tokyo which is
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a simple walk across the street didn't come as you can see without its major challenges many people had trouble holding on to their belongings just standing up hundreds of flights have been canceled and those gusts are expected to continue through to wednesday. italy's got a gambling problem the number of people getting addicted to scratch cards and lotteries there is booming and it's the deeply struggling economy that is making it worse as it is a country which over found fourth. car. for eighty years now marco has been telling his story over and over again to other members of gamblers anonymous but even that's not long enough he says to cure himself of the addiction of the book around being go to go away his parents wife and several jobs at one point he resorted to stealing money from his own mother. for her from. the king and the and the gambling was taking over.
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i got a very good grub for a while i was earning a lot of money. from broadway. markel started gambling when he was eight legged then there were no t.v. law tricks but there were beautiful movies and irresistible you were for potential gamblers. goodie in august i got my new thriller that i get that i didn't have that desperate to win their fortune in modern italy around a million dollars a figure growing rapidly due to the economic crisis in america. marketing has become very aggressive and sells gambling as if a lottery tickets were daily groceries commercials promises of who will help overcome financial difficulties because of the crisis is not only men who gamble it's also their wives and children who play poker online before gambling in italy was like an erotic movie today it's like porn. after the us
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italy has the largest lot france credit card markets in the world last year alone eighty billion euros were up for grabs and while he'd casinos and he put drones have been losing clients mass gambling. gambling is the only thing people spend money on here they spend three hundred four hundred years then they were one hundred years and are happy because they won when in fact they've lost two hundred this is one of the most popular ways of gambling any totally all you have to do is scratch a strip on a ticket and you could win a court i wasn't that lucky today but for some the promise of becoming an instant millionaire is simply too much to resist on average ten percent of a family income you need to lease spent on gambling it significantly helps the government feel its coffers but the health ministry is beating the law are gambling will soon be included on the list of acknowledged diseases and it will change
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everything will work and prevention campaigns will offer psychological assistance to gamble as well also in large medical programs the health minister also proposes amending the current. to take the television and seriously restrict gambling but before these happens for marco and his other fellows overcoming addiction will remain a question of self discipline and faith it's in a great show of on our team. just let you know as well but later today marks and stacy back again explaining this time out of the giant investment banks the trading countries likely to the dry. time after time on the crisis report articles have shown if you purchased some credit derivatives from goldman sachs from j.p. morgan look at the entirety of italy municipalities going broke all across italy why because they bought credit derivatives from j.p. morgan goldman sachs are going to a country like greece based on faulty plans they cut their work so they can get
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into the euro and they collapse then greece and other countries got involved sacks the help of cure the problem of having dealt with goldman sachs and of course the earnings are up and it's a virtuous cycle what kind of drugs are they got these great people taking. place the rule the world would be a different place right it's twenty five minutes past this tuesday evening but we have the business i think that's culturally dimitry high the entry. port big airport is using regular self make it a new. site about well yes and we have two of russia's wealthiest businessmen up for a battle for this prize there so the largest airport in the country indeed the merging of in one corner there's freedom and he's the owner of alpha group and he's got the backing of state run ve bank nashik and on bacon's ready to provide two
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billion dollars in financial support in the other quarter is the head of supermarket capital. vestment bankers if we didn't them again near the earth and he's got the backing of his burbank some a capital specializes in transport infrastructure assets they're both offering three billion dollars for the asset but the devil is management is asking fifty percent more now whoever ends up buying yes it still needs a an approval from the gov it's. all right the factory orders have come out in the united states at a plus cost sales also growing but the market is still correcting selling pressure coming in and profit taking dow jones down point four percent nasdaq down or a little bit less than that point one percent after a good session on monday now in europe the session has also ended as it has in russian i mean down point six percent of that one percent yet again profit taking
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after a very bullish session on monday now in the currencies the euro is slightly recovering persons the dollar whereas the ruble is continuing strengthening strengthening strongly actually verses of both parents is both the dollar and the euro as you can see there half of the cents of the euro and even more than that versus the dollar. now when it comes to commodities even though we are seeing a decline still very high levels one hundred twenty five dollars for bread that has been providing a lot of support for the russian economy heading into the high season of driving in the united states also require a result in for maintenance checks and therefore they will be closed less supply now what was happening in russia on tuesday was a completely different picture from how the markets are the r.t.s. and my six flamboyant actually up more than two percent for the r.t.s.
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because of the difference in exchange rates for the brief window because the obvious is not places and deals now lukoil was an interesting hour set up two and a half percent so that's a as investors speculate it might not go ahead become today with its ambitious plans to boost output and cord ruble dividends without increasing the debt good now gazprom was all set up despite correcting well prices and mitchell saw an impressive four percent gain on higher commodity prices. now there's a big international acquisition in the brewing industry north america's malls and causers bourse its czech star bev rival which is famous for its start up and brand cause say the three and a half billion dollar deal will provide it a route into central and eastern european. that's our goal for getting flamboyant russian back it's what a splendid world he said of
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a trip to see your cat so we can later i noticed that you know as well we've got the world's finances. the checks the states of america's economy and our half of the company of a washington d.c. studios coming up in a couple of minutes after i've updated you on the headlines on r.t. moscow. and. the you're. wealthy british style. i'd like to look. like that.
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