tv [untitled] April 3, 2012 4:00pm-4:30pm EDT
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officials collets cyber security but these days it seems their own insecurities are driving internet protection legislation and if you thought people were bad get ready to meet the great light of digital rights bills or the wild wild west internet days where users roam free over. and while congress debates cyber bills the dollar and its european counterpart might just be running on empty so the currency is still worth the paper it's printed on alas that questions of the founder of the economic collapse blog. old buddy. and talk about powerful politics ron paul will likely not clinch the republican
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nomination but he's certainly changed the political discourse in this country and young voters are rallying around his cause but find out what's next for the ron paul revolution. it's tuesday april third four pm here in washington d.c. i'm liz wahl and you're watching our team. well it's the latest attempt at regulating the answer in at least the public outcry over sopa but now a sofa like bill is being debated in congress now so it was supposed to stop i'm online piracy but critics say be only thing that was stopping was online freedoms given too much power to companies allowing them to pull the plug on sites that big thing violates copyright laws and then there was so counterpart in the senate known as pepa or the protect p. act it requires more court intervention to go after an accused website but now
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there is a bill called the cyber intelligence sharing and protection act now what this bill does is allow companies to collect information of value and give it to the government the government simply needs to request it and the name of cybersecurity but critics say the bill is so broad it can lead to companies and the government monitoring and censoring what people say so is the era of internet freedom coming to an end to talk about what this means for your online freedom senior national security fellow at the center for democracy and technology council berman joins me now welcome to the show kendall thanks so much for having me so this system bill the newest of the bills that are causing controversy should people be alarmed well just to put it a little bit in contacts there are a number of cybersecurity bills that are on the hill right now and we understand that probably the first of those to move are going to be in the house likely in the
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third week of april with the senate moving closely after that and we are very concerned about certain components of the information sharing schemes that are parts of each of these bells and representative rogers bill this is bill is really the most alarming in terms of how vast it could potentially be in terms of the types of information that the government would be allowed to receive under the name of cybersecurity talk a little bit more about exactly. what is in the bill that people should be concerned about sure so essentially what the bill does is it creates a structure whereby private companies are encouraged to monitor for cyber threat information that goes across their networks and then share that information with the government doesn't specify to whom in the government that information should be shared but the structure of the bill all likelihood would be that it would be shared primarily with the national security agency or another component of the department of defense so we have a number of concerns with something like this bill that creates sort of
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a vast hole in the privacy law to allow government to receive those kinds of information so we saw a lot of outrage over a sofa how does this bill compare well i think one of the lessons that we learned in the reaction to sopa and pipa is that when congress tries to legislate on the things that are going to affect internet users experience the internet users are going to pay attention and bills you know like congressman rogers building information gerri and bills on congress definitely could affect in a very serious way the internet experience and so you know we know people are starting to notice but do you think people are noticing as much i remember there was that whole blackout with sopa and pipa where a lot of online sites shut down basically in protest of this do you think there is as much. public awareness about this bill not yet but i think that is things move progressively on the hill that we may see something that's like that i think that
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the other components of cybersecurity have gotten a lot of attention this far but the information sharing schemes are extremely important to pay attention to now up until now the internet has been pretty much unregulated arguably about some people just disagree with this republican presidential candidate rick santorum is one of them let's take a listen to what what he said about this. the internet is not a. free free zone where anybody can do anything they want to do and trample the rights of other people but the idea that you know anything go on the internet we're going to come from we're in america. now that's interesting coming from a republican who usually advocates less government but in this case when it comes to freedom of speech on line he's advocating more of it but what do you make of his argument well look i don't know what rick santorum thinks of the cybersecurity legislation but i do think you know in terms of his promise that the internet is
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unregulated that's not true just because you commit a crime on the internet doesn't immunize you from liability just because it's on the internet and law enforcement has many tools to go after crimes that are committed anywhere including the internet now what is the likelihood that you think that this is going to pass well i'm not sure i think that you know no one knows right now there's a lot of different movements on the hill but we take this. extremely seriously and particularly congressman rogers as well we think a very serious. now supporters of this bill will point to things that do need to get regulated for example copyright infringement or if there is a possible link to terrorist activity being posted online or about the government would need to get ahold of this information so what do you make of that argument where these these regulations need to be put in place in order to protect citizens well i mean i think when you look at the purpose of cyber security legislation you know we think that it can have huge benefits for people and we're not against the
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purpose of an information sharing regime that so long as it's narrowly tailored but when you talk about using information that the government receives that's purportedly for the purpose of protecting cybersecurity and you're using it to you know for law enforcement purposes or for national security purposes they don't have anything to do with cyber security will law enforcement has tools are ready to go after those crimes and we don't we very much fear. the information. sharing regime that's related to cybersecurity could very much become a back door wiretap or a surveillance program by another name so you're saying the danger that when it comes to this bill is that there is not really one does it when does it end will it go too far there's not really any control but because the bill the language in the bill is so broad that's exactly right we have a lot of concerns with the breadth of the bill if it was very narrowly tailored to information it was very much related to cyber threat information you know there would be comfort level with that but the way that it was written it applies to so much of your online communication and to have that risk go straight to the national
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security agency we think creates a real civil liberties problem now we saw something like sopa and pipa now we have this bill so we see this effort to regulate and control the answer to it so i mean could this be the beginning of the end for internet freedoms for people you know as we know it well i don't know about that i think you know as i said before cyber security when done right and when done narrowly could benefit everyone but it needs to be done in an incremental way with a narrow approach and the heavy hand you know current lawmakers are taking with these bills you know it really is it brings out real genuine concerns and for people that are concerned about this and don't want to see the legislation go as far as it could but what can they do why would certainly pay attention to you know the website sort of for democracy and technology and the types of activism groups like c.d.t. and others are doing around these issues excellent cadel nice to have you and he was kendall durban senior security fellow at the center for democracy and
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technology. well looks like the days of the almighty dollar could be coming to an end and as the currency weakens countries are looking for alternatives and it looks like the girl also has a bleak future economists are pointing to a weakening us and e.u. economy while emerging economies are growing china for example is expected to trump the u.s. g.d.p. and just a few years and just last week at the bric summit in india the five most rapidly growing countries agreed to ditch the dollar and trade using their own currencies so has the dollar seen its day and as the euro going down but it michael snyder founder of the economic collapse blog dot com is here to discuss more welcome michael so what are the signs that there that the dollar is weakening what signs are we seeing today. well a lot of nations around the world are getting tired of using the u.s. dollar as essentially the defacto currency of the world for the past four decades
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essentially u.s. dollar has been used in most international trade transactions and in particular in a trade for oil back in one nine hundred seventy three the united states made an agreement with saudi arabia to trade to do all trade in u.s. dollars and is greatly benefited the united states but recently we've seen for take a lease on these emerging countries that you talked about they stood up and say why should the u.s. dollar continue to have preeminence for example china but i mean that this project into china will have the largest economy in the world i'm here to one sixty or so china sitting there and they're asking well russia and our currency how the moral place on the global stage and so we started this city a lot of these agreements come into place for example china russia have been trading with each other in their own currencies for over a year and then just a few months ago we saw china and japan the second and third largest economies on
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the globe reach an agreement where they would start promoting the use of their own currencies and trade with one another so we're starting to see this huge move away from the u.s. dollar. and now also want to talk about they care al the dollars widely known as the wild reserve currency and it's not just the dollar necessarily about slipping as they care out and danger tail. oh absolutely but the euro would fit for different reasons we do because in greece portugal italy spain and europe is really starting to crumble economically and so that's the reason we're seeing the battle you a bit of the euro go down for a bit for a long time people thought that your the euro would be the primary the arrival of the dollar but it is the financial problems which are far from over people need to realize that europe is headed for her some really really hard times and the euro is going to continue to do so decline in value i want to see some of these emergency emerging currencies become
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a more widely used the more widely demanded now michael would you say that the euro is and more again gary babbitt are. well i think you're looking at a couple different set of problems that you know we have this huge financial crisis back in two thousand and eight which was centered on wall street but now i believe that the next great playing into a crisis is going to be spent in europe and back rethought unemployment europe in the euro zone a go it's a ten point eight percent increase for ten months in a row they're heading into another tremendous recession. and there is a lack of confidence in the euro we're going to see the value decline up as far as the u.s. dollar what we're seeing in the world the one i'm not to use it so much as the global trade currencies you know as i mentioned earlier i mean we're seeing other things for example china and saudi arabia initially requiring came to this huge agreement where they would build this massive oil refinery in saudi arabia and most people don't realize that up china actually buys more oil from saudi arabia today
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than united states does just so china is becoming the most important customer to saudi arabia still hello saudi arabia stick to trading in only u.s. dollars if china's more important customer or that is that when we're talking about the e.u. dollar as a biological parent parents say coming to an ad like and replacing. well that's a good question china is saying hey what about our currency or we've seen other proposals by the i.m.f. with the night in a should was talking about a basket of currencies or ultimately a new global currency which would be a truly global currency so we're going to proposals out there so we're just going to have to see how labor but ultimately the people are talking about it the united nations in the name out there putting out papers or putting their reports talking the need about them about the need to move away from the u.s. dollar and then another a big factor is that you know you look there will dick actually if you go around
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and around the world united states was great love but today animosity toward the united states is rising and that's you know also fueling part of this move away from the u.s. dollar because people don't like the united states so much anymore so the question well why should we continue to use u.s. currency now we are seeing the assigned my car at the dollar and corrected but it has been it a standard reserve currency for quite some time you mention china how realistic is it that china as currency would be the alternative but china is of very much promoting this like is that they're about to become the largest economy in the world in just a few years and for example showing the making all sorts of agreements in africa and promoting to use the chinese currency throughout the african continent so there's been all kinds of newspapers articles about this lately and meanwhile the united states and people in back and then also you see china recently made an agreement with the united arab emirates to trade oil in chinese currency in the
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united states dollars so china is being very aggressive in this regard so you know with that really seeing a shift occurred i would shift take place now michael's lack of what the chef happened if that were to happen. well it. is probably going to play out over time. over a period of time now what could accelerate that is the loss of competence in the u.s. dollar and in u.s. debt and of a big river in there because that is we're seeing the u.s. budget deficit absolutely exploded over fifteen and a half trillion dollars just i'm wrong regardless it's been enough it's risen by about five trillion more dollars in federal reserve with wanted to do using it but printing money and expanding the money supply route for the same is the same road as low stable currency and that's part of the reason they're saying well maybe we need to wait the dollar because the dollar is not stable anymore they're playing
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games with the dollar do you notice the governments are running a tremendous amount of the risk sees this and they're starting to say maybe it's time for an alternative so this is all happening a con a mess are talking about it but i want to ask you i mean so what right should the average american care what are the implications of all of this far far as the average citizen well because the u.s. dollar has been used in oil trade in international trade all these years it's created a tremendous demand for dollars all over the world when governments are going to start pile extra dollars to trade in the budget will that if that changes then also the debian per dollars and the demand for u.s. government debt will do but will dramatically that means the value of the dollar will decline and we'll see inflation here in the united states the price of gasoline the price of the things you buy in the stores all that will go up so average americans will be able to feel it when christie's huge move away from the u.s. dollar and with gas prices as high as they are right now i have
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a feeling that american but i want to go any higher thought that would be disastrous for the price that the pump it sounds like hopefully it doesn't go in there michael thanks for coming on the show that was michael snyder founder of the economic collapse a lot of fact time. well still ahead on our it's he might not be the g.o.p. front runner but he is changing the political conversation and this country coming up i'll tell you why you should pay attention. to. what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions. who can you trust no one who hears your view with the oval machinery see where we had a state controlled capitalism. session when nobody dares to ask you our t.v. question more. argy is the state run english speaking russian
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well there is no doubt that the state of the economy will be on everyone's mind this election season primaries are being held today in wisconsin maryland and right here and you see mitt romney has officially had the halfway mark in the delegate count on this republican establishment has been circling its wagons around the g.o.p. front runner but the other candidates aren't there owing in the towel yet about this presidential contest young voters have rallied around paul and continue to support him we have interviewed many of them here on our t.v. and although the chances of this seventy six year old winning are unlikely at this point for ron paul and his supporters it isn't about winning the election but changing the political discourse so what's next for his campaign lou rockwell is the chairman of the reeses institute and the author of the book the left the right at this stage and joins me now for more. welcome to the show luke so rob
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lowe ron paul backers are still as energized as ever about their candidate but at this point in the race it doesn't look like he's going to pull off the nomination but ron paul has said it isn't about winning. it is it's pretty unlikely although i would say not impossible there are some people who feel the run is more far more delegates than the official media are giving him credit for and of course if there were to be a brokered convention i agree that it's unlikely but not impossible though. who knows what could happen in. warren g. harding my favorite person of the twentieth century and it up even though he went into the republican convention way behind in delegates everybody liked him and because everybody liked him so much and he was such a dignified and pro liberty candidate sort of the ron paul of this time he ended up being the nominee and winning by a huge margin one of the biggest margins ever in american history so this is an important but again i would argue the ron paul has as an a in the more fundamental
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sense already won the election i mean he's already won the future really more than more important election because of all these young people millions of young people energized educated by him dedicated to his ideals so since political change comes after a change in the climate of opinion policy has changed and will be continuing to change the climate of opinion so i think no matter who you know whether it's a bad guy a or bad guy b. who is the eventually victor in november they ron paul and the ron paul ron paul's ideas pre-stage a tremendous future for america and for ron if they are adopted as i believe they are being adopted as you mentioned you know young people and one of our reporters went down to ron paul event over in maryland just a few days ago and he's been described as somewhat of a rock star so a lot of energy surrounding ron paul so do you think that this is kind of a preview of what's to come in terms of the
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a political shift that the young people and these are your generations are going to be what our political ideology is going to be like this is the future and it's not only in the united states ron paul his followers. all over the world in brazil and turkey in western europe in japan in china i mean all i'm sure and russia too all over the world young people are looking to ron paul to see him as something so different from the regular politician and is offering solutions to the horrible problems we face that we don't need to go down an economic course and we don't have to have a police state we don't have a bloody empire murdering hundreds of thousands millions of people we don't have to have that kind of country so we can have a better america and i think people overseas want a ron paul america certainly young people here and it's not only teenagers and college students kids ten and twelve years old are ron paul supporters so ron paul is the future even if it's romney or obama was inaugurated coming in january now
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a lot of what's behind this whole phenomenon with ron paul is that if he's been called consistent in his message anti-war message small government message to what extent do you think ron paul has been successful and changing the political conversation especially within the republican party. well certainly among you know the young people are a different story from the republican party that were i to say i don't have much respect or liking for the republican party programs already is pretty bad bunch will have to look at what they did when george w. bush was sort of the romney it is time you know fast deficits past wars expansion of the police state i'm in a bamma is just george w. bush with a different haircut so it's. i think the republican party i don't know i mean i i think it has to be my own view is that this is an educational struggle and hearts and minds are changed outside of political parties which are just partisan and it's
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just about my gang instead of your gang being in power it's not a very inspiring thing and i think kids see it see through it and see disc around they see that this is not the path to follow so i think. again i don't know about the republican party i'm sure there are some decent part people in the republican party especially the temporary ones who went into it to support ron paul but the party itself it's it's you know it's corrupt it's authoritarian it represents the worst of america the democrats to to also to the other way so they're all bad all both parties are bad the two wings of the same predatory bird as publish a report so i think it has to be outside politics outside of. outside of both of those parties and i think you know the ron paul people are that they these kids are not part of the political system but they are going to change this country and change will have to come from the bottom up it never comes from the top down except change towards evil. so change for good will come from these kids and i makes me
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very enthusiastic very optimistic about the future despite the economic troubles we have the vicious american police state and you know the so-called supreme court just the other day said that people can be strip searched if they're picked up for for not walking their dog on a leash i mean even i don't think. you know it's just incredible what's going on so the government is getting worse and worse and worse every day and it started out pretty bad. for the american people are getting better and this is a struggle and i think the struggle can be won and it's going to be won in the hearts of knives of young people those are the people ron paul touches not only because he has the right ideas and he certainly has the right ideas about peace about sound money about prosperity about civil liberties and i'm individual liberty because he's so transparently an honest man i mean he compare him to everybody else in politics ron paul and they never agree with him but you know he's honest and
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he's saying what he really thinks so he really is unique i don't think by the way the success of ron paul means that we should the politics is the way to go about things because he is unique because anybody else like him. and he's going to continue to be a leader after he's out of congress is going to continue to lead these young people many many many more of us older and older types too towards a very different kind of country so it is exciting and what's going to happen in november all these primaries and so forth are far less important in the scheme of things in the long term than what ron paul is doing with these young people all right larry pratt pleasure to have you on the show that was rahm wow chairman of revenge on music and he was an author of the last. well that's going to do it for the news but the capital account is up next on artsy let's check in with lauren lister to see what's on today's agenda laura and i don't know if you covered it earlier that speech that obama gave about the republican
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budget saying that they were going after social darwinism and that this is stripping opportunity this country has been known for we asked dr marc fogger he is a very famous fund manager he writes a very popular gloom gloom and doom report we ask him what opportunity is left because he predicts wealth destruction he predicts that this could lead to social unrest and war so we really get this skinny from him especially on a day where we've seen stocks reach multi-year highs yesterday and then fall when the federal reserve says that more monetary easing isn't coming unless the u.s. economy stops growing as much as it has been so you have this kind of always monitoring what the government is doing in order to make your decisions about the economy and figure out what direction it's going and we ask how healthy is that and how much is that what you should see in a free market economy all right to get some answers that's coming up next on the capital account with lauren listserver that's going to do it for the news for more
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market why not. come to find out what's really happening to the global economy with much stronger there are no holds barred global financial headlines two kinds of reports on r.g.p. you know how sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then he glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm sorry welcome to the big picture. of the mission and free credit stations free zones for charges free. range month free.
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