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tv   [untitled]    April 3, 2012 5:00pm-5:30pm EDT

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three. three. three. and three volunteers videos for your media drug free media are cheap drugs top. officials call it cyber security but these days it seems their own insecurities are driving internet protection legislation and if you thought sopa and pipa were bad get ready to meet the great white of digital rights bills so are the wild wild west internet days where users roam free over. and well congress debates cyber bills the dollar and its european counterpart might just be running on empty so is the currency still worth the paper it's printed on or ask that question to the founder of the economic collapse along. the. road.
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and if you're running for president you better have some thick skin that and some deep pockets this election season is the ugliest most expensive one in american history and mainstream media networks are loving the spectacle while news stations demand candidates be transparent maybe they need to take a look in the mirror. it's tuesday april third five pm here in washington d.c. and less well you're watching our team. well it's the latest attempt at regulating the internet now we saw the public outcry over sopa but now a simple like bill is being debated in congress so it was supposed to stop online piracy but critics say the only thing it was stopping was on my freedoms giving too much power to a company is allowing them to public like on sites that they think violates
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copyright copyright laws and then there was his counterpart in the senate known as pepa or the protect ip act that requires more court intervention so go our little allows for more court intervention to go after the accused website and now there is a bill called the cyber intelligence sharing and protection act i would this bill does allow companies to collect information about you and give it to the government and the government simply needs to be requested in the name of cybersecurity but critics say that the bill is so grotty can lead to companies and the government monitoring and censoring what people say so is the era of internet freedom coming to an end and our last hour i spoke to senior national security fellow at the center for democracy and technology berman we discussed what this means for your online freedoms and people should be alarmed take a listen well just to put it a little bit in context there are a number of cybersecurity bills that are on the hill right now and we understand
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that probably the first of those to move are going to be in the house likely in the third week of april with the senate moving closely after that and we are very concerned about certain components of the information sharing schemes that are parts of each of these bells and representative rogers bill the suspect bell is really the most alarming in terms of how vast it could potentially be in terms of the types of information that the government would be allowed to receive under the name of cybersecurity talk a little bit more about exactly what is in the bill that people should be concerned about sure so. what the bill does is it creates a structure whereby private companies are encouraged to monitor for cyber threat information that goes across their networks and then share that information with the government doesn't specify to whom in the government that information should be shared but the structure of the bill all likelihood would be that it would be shared primarily with the national security agency or another component of the
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department of defense so we have a number of concerns with something like this bill that creates sort of a vast hole in the privacy law to allow government to receive this kinds of information so we saw a lot of outrage over so how does this bill compare well i think one of the lessons that we learned in the reaction to it. is that when congress tries to legislate on the things that are going to affect internet users experience that internet users are going to pay attention and bills you know like congressman rogers information bells on congress definitely could affect in a very serious way the internet experience and so you know people are starting to notice but do you think people are noticing as much i remember there was that whole blackout. and where a lot of online sites shut down basically in protest of this do you think there is as much. public awareness about this bill not yet but i think that is things move
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aggressively on the hill that we may see something that's like that i think the other components of cyber security have gotten a lot of attention this far but the information sharing schemes are extremely important to pay attention to now up until now the internet has been pretty much unregulated arguably but some people do disagree with this republican presidential candidate rick santorum is one of them let's take a listen to what but he said about this. the internet is not a. free free zone or anybody can do anything they want to do and trample the rights of other people but the idea that you know anything goes on the internet we're there we're in america. now that's interesting coming from a republican who usually advocates less government but in this case when it comes to freedom of speech on line he's advocating more of it but what do you make of his argument well look i don't know what rick santorum thinks of the cybersecurity
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legislation but i do think that you know in terms of his promise that the internet is unregulated that's not true just because you commit a crime on the internet doesn't immunize you from liability just because it's on the internet and law enforcement has many tools to go after crimes that are committed anywhere including the internet now what is the likelihood that you think that this is going to pass well i'm not sure i think you know no one knows right now there's a lot of different movements on the hill but we take this. extremely seriously and particularly congressman rogers as we take it very seriously is now supporters of this bill will point to things that do need to get regulated for example copyright infringement or there is a possible link to terrorist activity being posted online or where the government would need to get ahold of this information so what do you make of that argument where these regulations need to be put in place in order to protect citizens well i mean i think when you look at the purpose of cyber security legislation you know we
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think that have huge benefits for people and we're not against the purpose of an information sharing regime that is a long as it's narrowly tailored but when you talk about using information that the government receives that's purportedly for the purpose of protecting cybersecurity and you're using it to you know for law enforcement purposes or for national security purposes they don't have anything to do with security will law enforcement has tools are ready to go after those crimes and we don't we very much fear that the information. sharing regime that's related to cyber security could very much become a backdoor wiretap or a surveillance program by another name so you're saying the danger that when it comes to this bill is that there is not really one does it where does it end will it go too far there is not really any control but because the bill the language in the bill is so broad that that's exactly right we have a lot of concerns with the breadth of the bill if it was very narrowly tailored to information you know that was very much related to cyber threat information you know there would be comfort level with the way that it was written it applies to so
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much of your online communication and to have that risk go straight to the national security agency we think creates a real civil liberties problem that we saw something like sopa and pipa now we have this bill so we see this effort to regulate and control the answer net so i mean could this be the beginning of the end for internet freedoms for people you know as we know it why do we know about that i think you know as i said before cyber security when done right and when done narrowly could benefit everyone it needs to be done in an incremental way with a narrow approach and the heavy hand lawmakers are taking with these bills you know it really is it brings up real genuine concerns and for people that are concerned about this and don't want to see the legislation go as far as it could but what can they do why would certainly pay attention to you know the website for democracy and technology and the types of activism groups like c.d.t. and others are doing around these issues excellent to have you here you know that
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was kendall verb and senior security official at the center for democracy and technology. well it's like today of the almighty dollar could be coming to an end as the currency weakens countries are looking for alternatives and it looks like they are also has a bleak future economists are pointing to a weakening us and you economy while emerging economies are growing china for example is expected to trump the u.s. g.d.p. in just a few years and just last week at the bric summit in india the five most rapidly growing countries agreed to ditch the dollar and trade using their own currencies so has the dollar seen its day and is the euro going down with that guarantee the lengthy publisher of the trans journal and director of the transit research institute joins me now to dig deeper into all of this welcome carol nice to see you so another some signs today that the dollar is weakening but look at the price of gas remember these are petro dollars and what do we have gas prices now we're
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seeing brant crude of one hundred twenty five dollars a barrel and what they're really doing is they're creating the same scenario that they did to blow up the barbel that ended with the real estate crisis in the financial credit crisis so go back to two thousand and nine as they crashed what that they did well after nine eleven alan greenspan began to low interest rates to forty six year lows of course the nation was in a recession and they use that as an excuse so they're doing the same exact thing now only but a little differently in the sense that now the federal reserve has said that interest rates are going to remain low essentially throughout twenty five. twenty fourteen and what are they doing well now it's a different kind of bubble so now consumers are again going into debt losing their
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savings and borrowing more building up more credit card debt student loans again more debt what's fueling the equity markets it's simple low interest rates so they're creating another bubble in the europeans are doing the same thing with their central bank tried dumping wiped out one point three trillion euros into the banking system since the end of last year and loaning it out to banks at virtually no interest rate so of course the brics wanted to come up with another currency because they know they're getting shafted now we are the u.s. has a very big cap problem as you just mentioned but there is also this crisis in the euro zone which currency do you think is a more trouble i think right now the euro zone is in much deeper trouble but again it's relative it's which one is going to go first and liz when you read the quote by dilma rousseff the president of brazil at the bric meeting recently she
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said quote it will not be overcome simply through measures of was stary the crisis that started in the developed world. fiscal consolidation is and depreciation of labor costs let alone through quantitative easing policies that have triggered what can only be described as a monetary tsunami has led to a currency war and have introduced new and perverse forms of protectionism around the world what she's saying is very important go back to the crash of one nine hundred twenty nine what was it the crash of depression as you have now in a lot of the world a deep recession followed by currency wars followed by trade wars followed by world war two the same scenario since the panic of zero way is playing itself
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out again now we are saying the bracks just last week there they want to take matters into their own hands and say hey we don't need to use the dollar we want to trade in our own currency but if there is a barrel the shacks away from the dollar as a world reserve currency like i'm going to replace that. well again probably a best of currencies and oddly enough the the head of the world bank who about two years ago came out and said that there should be a basket of currencies of which gold should be part of it has also come out in favor of the britain nations deciding that they want another finance vehicle he said quote i'm going to cut enough of an economist that i'm not a monopolist so something new is going to be created and it's very important that the dollar became the reserve currency after world war two with a britain woods agreement and at that time when you go back he decided states was
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the only game in town europe was destroyed there was no russia in the business china it was behind you know the the i incurred that they had the yellow curtain over there you had no india and brazil what was presumed doing this is a whole new world it's beyond the post world war two world it's a twenty first century world and the times definitely are changing especially with the u.s. now not as powerful as it once was in terms of the economy at least and we see the brics nations out there they're a con and his are growing at a very rapidly rapid rate so gerald how soon if we do see the shack to a different world reserve currency when will that happen i would expect it to happen after the presidential election. because they do everything they can to try to keep this going and to try to soothe any kind of ripples coming from around the world but you know this is much bigger than just the dollar crisis it's really the
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decline of them pyar america in so many different ways whether it's waging its losing wars overseas and draining its treasury whether that's the noun tense of debt that they're piling up or whether the declines in virtually every o.e.c.d. a lead in this see whether it's quality of life health care the list goes on and on so what we're seeing is the cline of of america and the building up of really a twenty first century economy i think it's going to happen after the elections now ultimately what would this mean cuz you know economists are talking about what the implications of this could be about why should the average us citizen care if the dollar is no longer the world reserve currency what are the implications for everyday americans it's a lower standard of living it continues to decline and the price of everything costs more the united states of course like you know the eurozone has the the
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leverage for printed money so the more that they print the cheaper the the the less the value so what this means to americans is a continued decline of quality of life and i don't say that is just a throw away phrase by all indices for example median household income is below ninety ninety levels when you see the decline of the of the the decline of real wages over the last quarter it's one after another so that's what it mean and speaking of quality of life carol what kind of plays into that as well as gas prices. exactly that's what i was saying that it's petrodollars that again this came about all the in the one nine hundred seventy s. and that we're going to start pulling off that as we're already starting to be seen so it you look at the price of everything old by the way how foolish of me to orcon you to talk about oil prices because the federal reserve has does not include food
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and fuel into our core index so we just have to throw that away because after all we don't have to eat or use fuel what what the range the ball i would really include that into a core index the books are being called the numbers are a lot worse than they are and all the federal reserve is doing i believe is pumping this up to make it so that it looks like there's a recall every up and saw lection. scary stuff to jerrold thank you so much for coming on the show and sharing your views with us i was gerald celente a publisher at the trans journal and director of the transit research institute. well still ahead r t well the super bowl might have the best commercials in town but when it comes to attack ads nothing tops americans running for office and news networks are making big bucks off the mud slinging but their hands aren't so clean
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either will explain in just a minute. but in the loan itself you know the real headline is live not the most of the problem with the mainstream media today is that they're completely disconnected from the viewers and for what actually matters to those viewers and so that's why young people just don't watch t.v. anymore if they want news they go online and read it but we're trying to take those stories that people actually care about and transfer them back in t.v. .
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the counseling i'm laura mr. what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions break through it's already been made who can you trust no one. is your view with that noble mission overseas where we had a state controlled capitalism it's called sessions when nobody dares to ask we do our tea question more. all the media it's been called before the state expected to hold the government government officials and people in power accountable and demand transparency what happen what happens when it's the media that refuses to be transparent well that's the case this election season and for the mainstream media election season means airing ads with millions of reeling in the big bucks let's take a look at what's been happening the airwaves recently this is the latest attack ad
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out from a pro obama super pac. in the senate swearing in president. from high gas prices is going right into mitt romney's campaign because i will judge it's a pledge from hundred million to help him and the woman he's pledged to protect their record profits and their opinions and special tax breaks to these guys in the process you pay the price. and here's a look at some of the attack ads for various g.o.p. candidates. this time romney is firing his mother. rick santorum a record of betrayal and a leadership style that can only be described as leadership by chaos. welcome to obama. for someone who's just like obama.
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and just like john kerry. told. he speaks french to. say about. now the mainstream media is making a killing off is that an estimated three billion dollars now with the money pumped into campaigns from super pacs the f.c.c. wants the public to know exactly who is behind these that it's but the big broadcasters are fighting at c.b.s. to fox a.b.c. companies say they don't want to be bothered let's go to the public so what's the problem keeping us informed stock more about this christopher chambers journalism professor at georgetown university joins me now welcome to the show and you can read so the media they demand transparency but they don't want to be transparent hypocritical very as a matter of fact the deans of some of the major journalism and communications schools in this country and individual faculty people such as myself of actually
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commented on this rule change saying you know this is immensely hypocritical we're teaching our students one thing and then you're turning around and saying well you know it's it's a business you know you know you wouldn't understand what we do understand it is hypocritical the f.c.c. just wants to basically put this have them put this online in a database right now they sit in rusty file cabinets on paper and hundreds of network affiliates all around the country and they're saying you know that they do ties everything else as a job saving nut job killing yet they don't want to do this chairman. of the f.c.c. says that this is the only industry ironically that's that's making that argument it has to stay in paper it rusty file cabinets under the receptionist desk now some of the our arguments from some of the networks seem kind of ludicrous on the surface some of these say we don't have the manpower to do it right i'll take too much time killing a job killer out of his seems like it's giving somebody
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a job because you know i would pay to get somebody something to do so it would be creating more weren't really what do you think is behind it what do they have for. well it's a couple of things first of all that rule is going to basically make the data available about super pac spending which at which is out the market rate if you don't get a discount for that candidate spending. video news releases we're basically a company a corporation can make their own video and give it to the network the network basically slaps their logo on it and then there's a little tiny disclaimer maybe or maybe not and then and then you know kind of covert consolidation where local stations will combine their news divisions to save money they'll lay off a bunch of reporters and have the same stories but they'll pretend to be two different channels and the public is not served by that the public is served by vigorous debate and transparency so basically what they're doing is they don't want this stuff out there because they're then people will see the ludicrous almost mind
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boggling japanese monster movie level of spending the day that they are riding the crest of i mean it's going to be double what it was in two thousand and four and the election cycle in two thousand for election cycle is about one point five billion probably about three to maybe three point four billion that's you know basically paying to play and that's not right and we're seeing sell much money as it is billions out billions of dollars being and these campaigns especially now that we the super pacs are involved is this ultimately at the consequence of the media being a big business at the end of the day well what they are but they also have to realize the roots you have to go back to where the stuff came from the jurisdiction of the f.c.c. it radio and then the television spectrum and these were thought of as the blue sky and that the government had to own the you know you know blue sky intrust as trustee for us for all of america and you know they get their licenses based on
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there are certain burdens that they have including keeping the records. all they're saying is put the records up. on a database like everything else is and not in a rusty file cabinet where you have to go and demand to see it and somebody may or may not give it to you and you know again i mean for the deans of major journalism and communications schools to all get together which is like herding cats on this i mean that is pretty important but do you have an american doesn't really you know no i mean it's almost like net neutrality and you know it or you know regularly the internet it's all tied in to the wall of these issues and you know we need to take more care of what is out there because that affects us the effects our perception of the world and our perception distorted is distorted then you know we're want you know one step closer to the chaos that you know the previous guest talked about
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about the economic system and you know you would think that you know providing this information here you're keeping your viewers informed and that's it i suppose as a license see if you're a licensee you know it's not civility to give us an arms but that if they're not doing best then it doesn't seem like their primary responsibility responsibility is to get viewers but to hip well first of all to the political interests that they fuel i mean that this isn't a liberal or conservative thing although conservatives have taken the lead on on keeping this you know trying to keep us in this rule the rule making process now are collecting public comments keeping it down because they probably benefited the most ever since the destruction of what the r.c.c. had called the fairness doctrine in the eighty's but i mean this is the these are you know c.n.n. and b c universal comcast you know we're sorry n.b.c. comcast disney which owns a.b.c. the so-called liberal media time warner you know they're all in it together because
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they don't want to release this information me because some of the conservatives however think that it's going to. harken back to the fairness doctrine undercut their you know the ability of conservative causes and candidates to really perpetuate themselves on the year but you know it's weird how you know they were the ones who want government accountability and transparency of the obama administration it said or etc they don't seem to want to hear now the election process and the last very democratic country you get every person every citizen of the election process but when you have super pacs and big donors talking so much money and the campaign then does it had a drought out of the average citizen of course i mean it's you know some people have said it's legalized bribery i mean others have said it's legitimate free speech and that's what the citizens united supreme court case and a lot of other cases you know going back to the red lion broadcasting versus the
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f.c.c. there's a first amendment right you know to to to to put your ideas out there and be a media outlet be a t.v. outlet you know versus a newspaper newspapers are not regulated except for obscenity you know so i understand i also understand that their view that this is proprietary information and if you know revenue sources are identified there might it might distort the market but you know they turn around on the other hand and say we need to deregulate or regulate other areas because the market is being distorted well you can't have it both ways you can't be a licensee and be a part of the trust of the public airways and then turn around and say well no i mean the stuff that we're supposed to provide we just don't feel like making it accessible crass rather time for pleasure to have you know if that was desperate chambers journalism professor at georgetown university. well the alona show was coming up in just a half an hour let's check in with a loaded to see what's on t.v.
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is agenda. alone what can we look forward to pay lives well i know that you guys have been covering this all day the scary new piece of cyber security legislation that's being brought up in the house and so we're going to talk about that so you will also talk about neutral which is something that prisoners all across the country eat but it turns out one court has decided i actually violate the eighth amendment and be considered cruel and unusual punishment because some prisoners have gotten so sick from it and that we're going to take a look at documents that have come out of an air force study of the actually gives us a look into these control stations where the drone aircraft are piloted from the show you that not only are you see are there big moral issues but certain technical issues that might actually increase the amount of civilian deaths i'm interested in finding out what that new carlos stuff is all about that sounds pretty gross and that's coming up next on the alone a show that's going to do for now from are the stories we cover you can head on over to to you.


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