tv [untitled] April 4, 2012 10:00am-10:30am EDT
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three. we've learned to live video for your media drug free media. deadly debt burden of grief counseling are shoots himself in front of parliament in athens amid a soaring suicide rate and growing financial desperation across the e.u. . first u.s. marines reach australia as america's military moves in on the asia pacific region challenge china's growing and so with. russia warns against arming the syrian rebels with peace efforts underway saying they can't topple president also that it will only lead to hard. behaves injection of palestinian requests to investigate alleged israeli war crimes on their territory throws it out
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over the courts and partiality. but from our headquarters in central moscow and you're watching r t with me and he said now it's six pm here in the russian capital four pm in athens and struggling with money has proven to be an unbearable burden for a greek pensioner who shot himself dead in a square in the center of the capital is just one of a string of suicides across the you caused by financial desperation and the continuing harsh austerity measures let's cross live now to our teams tells our silly for more on this she's in brussels tasa those who witnessed the suicide call it symbolic what does it represent to them. well on the bigger picture it is a symbol of the desperation on the street of the ordinary people across the e.u.
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who are suffering from all of your steady cuts in the financial difficulties other countries are going through at the moment this seventy seven year old man before shooting himself in front of parliament in athens has that he would be leaving so as not to leave debt with his children and this is a sentiment that is called by a lot of people may be suffering a silently or they may not be protesting out of the streets or are killing themselves but it is certainly a sentiment that is reflected across the e.u. and it's not just in greece this country is seeing a rise in the suicide rates but also in italy there have been a string of recent to suicides directly linked to their financial problems we've seen a seventy eight year old woman who threw herself off of the balcony of her third floor flat and she said that it is was because she had said before that that this was because of the cuts in her pension this was the reason that her son had given to those who had been asking and this is again the interesting thing being here is these suicides are directly linked to the financial crisis and this is
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a message that they're trying to get their leaders to understand those who are trying to are making these decisions for them and again austerity cuts are still being tried to push being pushed through by leaders of these countries in order to get their accounts in accordance with what the e.u. once its emphasized goal of the sovereign debt crisis however you know greece is the latest labor have received bailout in the eyes are still on the trees like italy and spain portugal the question being asked of them is why is this is the next to receive another beloved which country is going to go downwards spiral again and there were reports from the european commission showing of the possibility of a nation or another recession coming this year or in the near future and so it's very it's clearly not the end of seeing the cycle of the spill. gnashers and unfortunately this time around increase in suicides as well. silly reporting live from brussels thanks for that. the first u.s.
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marines have arrived in australia as america boost its military presence in the asia pacific region more than two thousand personnel will be deployed there over the next few years it adds to america's military footprint in such countries as japan the philippines and singapore all of course in china's backyard asia times roving correspondent pepe escobar now joins us live from bangkok thanks for being with us once again the deal also includes an increased presence of u.s. warships and military aircraft operating from an australian base how did this cooperation further develop as you see it. happen to be yesterday and the end of this place talks to us that there were no very bright. welcoming could be cheap.
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pieces that are straight almost every week right so look this is that there's only one thing about this whole thing which is certainly if not the rest in china what are your other way around rather caressing it staffs are these two thousand five hundred marines in daraa north of australia. in the us they're discussing. schools or collaboration you know a naval base in perth in western australia then there's the malacca strait through which china imports oil from the middle east specially from iran and saudi arabia there is a plan to pool their cooperation with singapore as well and stationing of u.s. warships more station of what u.s. russia ups in singapore then there's the philippines plants were more real the szell troops based in the philippines then there's one east of the philippines more warsaw american warships and more troops as well there around four thousand five
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hundred what they want to publish and then don't forget there's japan forty thousand u.s. troops south korea twenty eight thousand five hundred u.s. troops plus roving u.s. troops. who are still trying to see and you know to see ok sixteen thousand five hundred so this is rather a fantastic welcoming committee to emerge in south china as a great superpower but it chinese know it they know this is about american culture all of the western pacific and a south china sea and they will have their counter measures in place of course what do you think that some of those countermeasures could be i mean you really paint quite a build up of military presence by the u.s. in the region what are we going to see from aging more specifically. well they are building a nuclear submarine they are improving their uneasy peace have
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a strategy which starts from the middle east and goes up to the north china sea which is being at the right that by any think tanks in the us and by some europeans as the string of pearls strategy which is so poor that the chinese navy has or will have access in the future these sports are policing people i'll give some examples in the south pakistan in the southeast myanmar for instance in bangladesh but in the south china sea where lots of oil and gas are there for the taking china will sit down with the us is the tent countries including the philippines that we mentioned vietnam singapore as well which is a very close u.s. ally and they will discuss all the remaining broadens. energy actual occasional india china doesn't have an expansionist it strategy in the south china sea look now they are facing
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a us expansionist strategy in their own backyard so their countermeasures nice be basically defensive measures but it's not that the chinese needed somewhere is going to start that's actually bolts in the south china sea but this is what some ot some freaks in the public own best their wishful thinking actually from some of the countries that are hosting these military bases and allowing for this expansion at the theme ok if not happy with a presence there and i totally aware of what they're potentially finding out for here. but i'm quite so sure in terms of singapore. yes they know what they're doing because singapore is p.c. clear u.s. aircraft carrier in the east the even the southeast asia p.c. effect their fear is not the u.s. there are fears that china their fears of indonesia their leader two hundred ten muslims in a collective leadership in singapore they're actually weary of so many muslims
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around there fadia very wealthy iowa old building divisions you know parked there smuggled ordinary illegal money where in singapore. he have a very problematic historically problematic relationship with china but they don't want to antagonize chinese fact he originally created the chinese model of development and treat relations between china of course and the philippines is very complicated because they used to be the west calling in many aspects the still part it's a very unstable country. we had a u.s. military base in the philippines their population was against fifty one to three minutes this piece is all over again they expect a lot of popular protests that the philippines so it's very it depends from country to country but they know that the we need as a media china as a partner as you know because other taken as it in at the same time you cannot see new to the practical right pepe escobar is
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a times roman correspondent live with us on the line from bangkok thailand this time thanks for your input thanks very much. but russia is accusing a group of western and arab states who are supporting the syrian opposition of undermining peace efforts gulf nations are calling for happens to be given to the rebels but moscow says the opposition will never defeat the army even if it's armed to the teeth army's correspondent paul sneer has the details. these comments by the russian foreign minister sergei lavrov come just as the u.s. take a trip state hillary clinton has restraints to the united states' position that they want the syrian president bashar assad to step down immediately against the backdrop the ongoing peace talks clinton say that the u.s. would want to test side to step down in any situation and the sooner the better now at the same time we are witnessing increasing support to the opposition inside syria with the friends of syria me pledging commitment and support to rebel
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fighters we're hearing from the gulf nations on qatar and saudi arabia that they are willing to pay several million dollars each month in salaries to rebel fighters the russian foreign minister sergei lavrov says one of this undermines peace if it's on the go those peace if it's of course initiated by the former u.n. chief kofi or not in the process that they are hampering the peace if it's because they're encouraging the parties to engage in fighting and not engage in and not engage in peace and in response to the gulf nations who are for the rebel fighters to arm themselves so they'll probably have this to say yes. it's clear as day that if the opposition is armed to the chief they will not defeat the syrian armed forces but instead they'll be slaughtered mutual killings for many many years we've heard from these syrian government that they have actually started implementing the conditions for the scorpion and peace plan that there has begun withdrawing the
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troops from more volatile cities with troops are moving to the perimeter and in khan the cities we've actually seen some of the troops returning to the army bases that according to this cease fire implementation after a positive the armed opposition will have forty eight hours in which they will have to cease their own hostilities and not be hearing from the syrian regime is that while they are committed he needs to be the same kind of commitment coming from the opposition in terms of wanting to see this violence to end. well benjamin from the center of research on globalization believes the plight of the syrian opposition gets from foreign supporters is a strong incentive not to lay down arms. the cash and. they getting so many singers. so many forces from the outside are on their side they have an interest to to to of make a compromise with the government everyone is blaming the government for the
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violence they will increase silence and counter actions in order to cause foreign intervention we saw what happened in afghanistan after u.s. intervention we saw what happened to iraq we saw what happened to libya a state that is falling apart now. if. syria. of so-called free syrian army will actually succeed to take over then we. will most likely face. very serious serious or and in syria with all these different factions fighting each other like the muslim brotherhood salafi extremists representatives of certain minorities etc. in egypt the islamist muslim brotherhood is now fielding its presidential candidates might widespread condemnation artie's cross-talk later argues whether it could put a dampener on the country's drive for freedom here's what's ahead next hour. in the wake of america's so-called war on terror which effectively put the muslim
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brotherhood push the muslim brotherhood on the ground and. the party being. officially in the political landscape. oh no no no no no no results the brotherhood has been underground for decades going back to the to the air over the model of the nasr so i mean i'm not quite sure where in the view is doing is going the fact. the international criminal court has turned down palestinian request to investigate alleged israeli war crimes on their lands the official reason for the rejection is that palestine is not a u.n. state. a professor at bethlehem university and a human rights activist now joins us live on the line thanks for being with us how
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was the hague's reasoning going down with the palestinians. not very good obviously we have palestinians believe that in a nation state of what. does this point in fact there was a un resolution one thousand nine hundred forty seven recognized palestinian state than most countries in the world. so we obviously believe we understand and we are entitled to bring charges against the state of israel. the international criminal court is already facing criticism from international groups that n.g.o.s being biased on less why do you think it's chosen this route well i think there is a lot of pressure applied on the international court of justice by the united states and by parties to prevent any accounting for the state this is not
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unusual throughout the sixty three year history israel has been able to get away with war crimes and crimes against humanity because the international community is not is not letting is not applying international law in this case and i think this has to do with the balance of power in the united states especially pressuring commercial and personnel in the world but these are not. in this case i think the technical aspect of being a state or not is not really that important anyway if they could be for example or any other state submit the petition on behalf of palestine like any of the states or any country in the world then the truth through. how do you see the future of the palestinian quest for full u.n.
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recognition. i think this has to be pushed through to think it is very clear that there is a conflict here it is not going to go away from the world stage until palestinians have their freedom we have been on their occupation. because ng for sixty three years and is top lawyer in congressional law. that we the palestinians have the right to self-determination like any other people. i think this is coming. no matter how much you know the states and israel standing alone against the will of the international community with all major powers even china russia or the european union everybody is saying it's time for a palestinian state no problem for us to push this and the strong to a ploy saying sharon's boycott divestment on the state of israel until they comply
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with international law on a slightly different topic but still the same idea israel the security forces thousands of others in hebron this thursday despite benjamin netanyahu the chance to walk the move is a promising breakthrough on the israeli crossing a dispute over the settlements as you see it. not for toll because as you can look at the numbers of houses that are taken over by a certain number of houses from which palestinians were removed you will see that there is a continuing increase in the number of houses that the surplus take over and the decrease in the houses that the palestinians the loan ethnic cleansing is still continuing. this is just one house and it was mostly for propaganda purposes israel has already evacuated several houses this week where palestinians own control this is
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a house that they took settlers out of the settlers have nothing to do with this house it's a palestinian cause and just yesterday they demolished two palestinian structures and the gate of the restaurant here in bethlehem. before system continue to serve israeli settlers against palestinians owning their own houses and notwithstanding this one house probably get full cameras and for media purposes. for faster and better one universe in human rights activists thank you very much for your time. the decision not to be ice a russian passenger plane is now considered the most likely cause of monday's deadly crash in western siberia the aircraft came down just minutes after takeoff killing thirty one of the forty three people including all the crew doctors are fighting to save the twelve critically ill survivors investigators say the plane's engines were
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functioning when the plane hit the ground a three day period of mourning victims' has begun with the first funeral taking place today. we continue to keep across developments on that plane crash in western siberia for you what are you got calm we've got more stories online including how to handle presidential prying. is a pleasure to speak to all of you. and to have a microphone that i can see. feel free to transmit any of this to let me know if you see him work obama lotsof last week's incident when a rather sensitive conversation between him and president medvedev was caught on a hot mike. and the american ambassadors our guests russia's foreign minister rounds on the u.s. envoy in moscow for saying european missile plans will plough on regardless of what other nations think. american lawmakers are having another crack at regulating the
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internet to spite the recent embarrassing climbdown one public outrage saw a piracy plan sells a cyber security bill aimed to combat hacker attacks like those which have played governments and financial websites but it's going to can reports privacy activists are worried that their fears over privacy are now being realized. the u.s. government continue spending millions of dollars to support freedom of the internet around the war but is it freedom from all we can leaks which to many has become the symbol of fear an average been under fire from u.s. officials and lawmakers because we queue each publish documents which embarrass the american government in many ways we can expect come to the enemy the u.s. has reportedly issued a secret indictment against julian assange the head of the website which leaves hundreds of thousands of documents revealing embarrassing details about wars in iraq and afghanistan five major u.s. financial institutions the seven master card pay pal western union and the bank of
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america have tried to economically strangle we can lease by blocking donations to the web site until recently peter van buren has served as a foreign service officer in the state department he says he was fired over the book and the blog that he wrote above the failure of u.s. policies in iraq the state department since two thousand and eight has spent seventy six new dollars overseas on internet freedom giving tools and support for bloggers and journalists and online people around the world particularly in countries that we have difficulties with at the same time the state of oregon has spent all that time and all that money supporting those bloggers it has found internet freedom to be inconvenient when we can leak so much work just as hard and spent probably more money trying to shut down free speech that it opposes supporting free speech but it furthers america's own political goals overseas we call that a proper shape but it's not just a leaking websites that the u.s. is after but also there's sources critics say this is mr asian is embarked on an
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unprecedented campaign against whistleblowers in this culture where this administration is going after whistleblowers in and out president away we all have an obligation to protect our sources i have to say that i write self a really nervous about the safety of some of the people that i talk to. as a journalist that covers national security i'm talking all the time with people that work in the intelligence the military community it is said shockwave through the community while trying to stifle inconvenient leaks at home the u.s. perceives the internet as social networking platforms as major tools for spreading democracy and spends millions of dollars to help people in the middle east and china get around iran and blocking fire was at the same time ironically enough american companies provide bahrain saudi arabia and kuwait with their technology to effectively block websites a lot of which were controlled better used by called repressive governments are provided by american company the differences are corporations for better or worse
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talk about profit as their motivation for government however the american government talks about freedom and democracy as its motivation when in fact in many ways you can see in the opposite direction some argue that the left uncontrolled the export of surveillance inside blocking falls by american companies and undermined here in every in the same way as arms exports undermine peace initiatives as far as the us government efforts to securing our freedom there seem to be two kinds of freedoms freedom that they encourage and freedom that they punish but is there such a thing as too freedoms and very strict reporting from washington parties. look now at some other world headlines a passenger van loaded in pakistan killing at least six people and wounding nine others three of the injured are in critical condition officials say a device was planted inside a van in the catbird district which is known to be an al qaeda and taliban.
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every class a gunman in the western city of mora killed at least four people and injured several other members of the national transitional council say the situation is critical in the city which is being hit by rockets from nearby towns in the past week one hundred fifty people have died and almost four hundred others wounded in clashes between rival militias in the south. transported militants have been seized in several police raids in france a day after charges were filed against thirteen other terrorist president sarkozy take a tougher line after last month's shooting dead of four people at a school in the murder of three french soldiers though there's a lot over the radical and policies being promoted by french leaders. three hundred joins us now with an update from the business task and it's also today on the market isn't a new trade that's right investors are dropping stock moving into the dollar as the
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outlook for the global economy for europe and for the united states is not that positive in russia the mood is also dampened by the latest release of capital outflow figures a second look at them and it's doubled in the first quarter of two thousand and twelve compared to the same period last year reached around thirty five billion dollars that's almost half of what the country saw for the whole year of two thousand love and central bank hopes the trend will reverse as soon as may after the new government is it will. take a look at how the markets are reacting out of twenty minutes left on the clock for trading in the r.t.s. is down two point seven percent my sixty two and a half percent really there's no optimism at all signal to move big b m i six rows hydro is no more than three percent on the rumors that it's sale all but two billion dollars with the stock to the bank could not good could be postponed m.k.
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. lost its gains after vs preferred shares are up pretty much one of the only gain is today that's on the launch of the new model the first car that they've produced together with. right over in the united states the opening is negative with the dow jones and nasdaq declining around one percent that's after minutes released from the fed meeting yesterday suggested that there's no quantitative easing on the whole crisis over in europe the inflation is supposed to be around two percent the g.d.p. will decline around one tenth of a percent interest rates have been kept stable at one percent and what we see is actually quite a mild one half percent. on the currencies market since a lot of selling is going on a lot of money is being pumped into the greenback the euro is losing so is the ruble against the american currency about the ruble strengthening versus the euro.
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and in commodities no support to the russian economy to the russian currency coming back lights we declining more than one dollar per barrel. in other stories despite all efforts from the russian government to cut natural resource dependency local businesses say it's only getting worse and according to the poll of around two thousand small and medium sized businesses fifty two percent said raw material prices are the most important factor for their companies and that's compared to just forty seven percent a year ago. and a bubbly i.p.o. could take place in russia market as soon as this month the country's top sparkling wine maker but i'll do the source says it's preparing to offer a ten percent of its shares and values itself at around one hundred million dollars all right that's on the business for now we will be back at the top of the out to bring you the closing bell values for the russian.
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