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tv   [untitled]    April 4, 2012 4:00pm-4:30pm EDT

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watching one hour to. play. today on r.t. and are headed for a land down under two hundred american marines moving into a defacto base in darwin australia will show you the latest moves on the global deal political task for. we're going to let you shoot and potentially kill another human being and then the law will not only provide you with broad immunity from criminal prosecution but also immunity from any future civil litigations these so-called stand your ground law is under fire these days after the death of a seventeen year old african-american teen and his shooter claimed it was self-defense but does this law give gun owners a license to kill but question mark. and the u.s.
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government claims we are now saved her bad ever before but what is the price of our freedom and how many people have suffered at the hands of national security interests will open up the bulk of secrets and shine a light on america's tortured past. it's a lens a fourth for pm in washington d.c. i'm liz wahl and you're watching artsy. well starting off this hour australia is a broadening out the red carpet for two hundred u.s. marines that arrived today they are the first of the twenty five hundred soldiers expected in darwin the troops will be rotating in and out of the region every six months or so as part of an agreement by president obama and prime minister julia taylor back in november its latest move by the u.s. military to amp up its presence in the region and a major shift on the on the global geo political chessboard the u.s.
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of course has no issues with australia president obama even went as far as to call the country one of america's closest allies it does however demonstrate an ever increasing american interest in the pacific but many are questioning the exact motives behind the move and i know more critical than china dr packing on law and explains why china is concerned about the developments i think the situation now is already be called the attention not be chinese communist faulty paul. was false by the saudis discretion and the chinese government to chinese government. started to. some concerns there's a perception that the u.s. and china relations is in a sealed game now in this regard it will have some very important implications
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all of the chinese foreign policy. the press of the north china. will be i think he's one of the possibility to chinese government for the future apart from continue to be forceful because he promised see an economic. activities in the overseas chinese government is going to. to take a more assertive more active position to trying to influence internal poor. countries number one number two i think he's also for the chinese government to. increase and to. increase its military presence in order to promote.
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the kind of missile no interest that it has overseas. so as you heard china is certainly concerned over its audience of elements and this comes as china itself looks to increase its presence in various parts of the middle east currently the country has its sights on pakistan and already has a cordon where they are that was built back in two thousand and five last year pakistan asked china to build a naval base there and maintain a regular presence south of port china has denied the possibility of a naval base there but this statement hasn't subdued fears from the u.s. and india and the strategic importance of this part cannot be underestimated it is quite close to the strait of hormuz which is where one fifth of the world's oil travels through and it was the scene of a tense standoff between american and iranian able forces not a go after president but did it out there and shot the water way down. and so he has developments along with china's interest in the region shows how the chess pieces of these two global powers are slowly gravitating toward one another we will
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continue to follow this story as it expands. that are a hot topic in america today it's being called a license to kill the stand your ground law coming under scrutiny after the death of florida teen trayvon martin amanda pulled the trigger remains free today and that's because police took his word that he shot more in self-defense and florida is one of the twenty four states that allows people to use deadly force wherever they are as long as they claim self-defense artie's morning a fortnight takes a close look at the controversial stand your ground law. if the second amendment to the u.s. constitution had a soundtrack and. the right to bear arms would best be erased by gunfire. the land of the free is the most heavily armed nation in the world with two hundred ninety four million firearms floating around america hi i'm chuck
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norris well patriot there's some progress in my home i can use my roundhouse kick. or a leg on the barrel of my gun. in a reported thirty states a us doctrine known as the castle law allows homeowners to shoot and kill in shooters without becoming liable to prosecution since two thousand and five the freedom for gun owners to thank you and shoot in the name of self-defense has widened center controversial legislation known as the stand your ground law experts say it allows going owners to use deadly force to protect themselves and public essential philip bring a license to kill it tells people you know what if you're in a confrontation on the street with someone or getting into an argument or there's a physical altercation even if you could safely retreat from that just walk away and go home you don't have to we're going to let you shoot and potentially kill another human being and then the law will not only provide you with immunity from
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criminal prosecution but also immunity from any future civil litigations that stand your ground first became law in florida but recently received national attention following the deadly shooting of seventeen year old trayvon martin the unarmed student was carrying candy and iced tea when he was shot dead by a neighborhood watch volunteer police released the gunman george zimmerman without charges for you tom was our son but trayvon is your son. a lot of people can relate to our situation oh oh. and it breaks their heart just like you he said. continue to fight for justice for since stand your ground took effect the number of so-called justifiable homicides in florida have tripled as martin's parents mourn the loss of their son u.s. gun laws remain historically loose in many states citizens with criminal records
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and prior restraining orders are still able to perceive gun permits. critics say easy access comes courtesy of the national rifle association or n.r.a. a gun rights organization and a tory sleep powerful us lobbying group that reportedly spent more than seven million dollars on political ads during the two thousand and ten u.s. midterm election paid for by the n.r.a. everything that the n.r.a. pushes at the state and federal level is designed to sell more weapons that's what this is about there's a lot of money thrown around whether it's an array campaign contributions to florida politicians or corporate money that can be spread around a number of different ways since two thousand and five the stand your ground law has been adopted in twenty five states throughout america just like you sixty conduct big budget committee were set in which about a million people in our country are to do with gun violence and so you know as the
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most powerful nation on the planet is the greatest nation in some people's minds most in a great nation but clearly something is lost if you can see that people should be treated all of south america since nine eleven the u.s. civil liberties and freedom have suffered in the name of national security while new gun laws have some ulterior misleading needed easier for americans to arm themselves leaving the land of liberty locked and loaded for an up or down or artsy new york. we'll talk more about the implications of being allowed to stand your ground stephen crowder fox news contributor joins me now. welcome steve ed so critics say that this is just lost in your ground encourages vigilante style justice in this case zimmerman he wasn't a police officer he was a self-proclaimed neighborhood watchman so this mark of people the right to shoot and kill people. well firstly do you guys have some kind of a scoop on the trayvon story that i'm not aware of yet because last i heard we
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haven't seen a case and we don't know what's happened and zimmerman hasn't been going to get well it's hard to know what happened when he's not even arrested and no he's not going to run again i don't think you're out of happiness if they were in fact i think the argument that people want to be brought to justice isn't something put on trial that target seven filed against him and let's not remember correctly i'm not a quarter a lot of back to decide whether or not he's guilty but that's not really the argument people are bringing here just like you guys i decided to show the picture of trayvon martin i don't know why the picture is several years old whereas as a woman picture is only his mug shot this man hasn't seen a trial he's been convicted guilty by the american public you've had spike lee and roseanne barr publicly tweeting his address this is not a man who people want to see brought to justice we don't know what's happened listen i don't know anything about mr zimmerman i don't know if he was defending himself we don't know that he shot trayvon in the back while he's running away let's assume for a second that we do have all the facts he did shoot trayvon while he was running away in a back that doesn't really mean these are racist we don't really know enough about
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that i think to confuse the the stand your ground law with the castle doctrine to with the not report isn't entirely accurate i do think what's very very important here too is we do talk about the florida i guess acceptable homicides you guys call them which would really be shooting in self-defense what's happened to the florida total violent crime rate since then during that same time. you know well what i was doing what i do now is i asked also what i what has increased was so called just a file requested by a homicide so in cases where you are allowed to tell somebody that knows somebody was and i did it once for your law to defend yourself i think and that's a perfect point if you're a criminal the thing that scares you the most and statistically the thing that would scare them the most is in an armed citizen who would be there to impose sudden is now on this idea that that victims should be able to defend themselves i think is ridiculous and of course these people aren't necessarily shooting to try and kill. someone i think people need to understand is this dynamic here the same
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thing with mr zimmerman i don't know i haven't seen the ballistics yet but when i have a weapon and most people have weapons they buy self-defense rounds ok a self defense round is not designed to kill as a matter pack a round you would use to hunt would be a full metal jacket is designed to pierce organs and kill whatever it is that you're hunting a self defense round is used to enter the body cavity and expand causing more instant central nervous system damage to stop the assailant you aren't shooting to kill you're shooting to stop and listen shooting somebody isn't the sort of vital point blank they're going to tell about now is likely to have some kind of ahead of some of them in the test so they're going to tell them and that would be very sad ever since they had anyone who's taken a single concealed carry again i am going to will not you never aim for that you always aim for body mass so that's another myth that you could aim for the heads or aim for the legs that we get from video games and i would never get into body mass and whatever you aim your gun at you better be damn well sure that you are prepared ready and justified to shoot that is what you are taught but the act of shooting
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somebody is not an immoral act so that's why i think it's important look at total violent crime rates in florida versus these i guess justifiable homicide which is at the minute you are using i can shoot somebody to steal his wallet and kill him and leave him in the street or i can shoot somebody to prevent a rape and murder just like money is a moral you can take a hundred dollars and donate it to a charity where you can take a hundred dollars and go buy some drugs up the street it really depends on your world view would you rather see headlines that read victims shot and tossed in a gutter or woman raped and left an alleyway would you rather read a headline that reads would be victim was born and manage to defend himself from assailant get away safely but in either case in this case and the victim wasn't armed he was a holding a bag of skittles and an arizona iced seem so in this case it doesn't that tragic was a tragedy had lived this is a headline that i don't want to relive are you were just on my pillow we weren't talking much. we were talking about stand your ground law sort of tied back to the
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trayvon case now for talking about trayvon listen i don't know i can't speak for mr zimmerman i don't know what happened he may be right he may be completely wrong but that doesn't mean that the stand your ground law or the castle law as you would have in texas to which are very different things is inherently wrong it depends what we want to discuss it were discussed the details of the zimmerman trayvon case but we don't have them yet we don't and i agree with you we don't have details because he wasn't arrested he wasn't we don't know well there's a lot of there's a lot of conflicting reports a lot of conflicting about evidence i don't know for sure you don't know for sure there's a lot of unknowns at this point because a lot of people say it's due to the fact that he wasn't arrested and they decide at face value the fact that he acted in self-defense and we don't know that possibly he dead possibly he did it we don't know that but one of the most and one of them are controversial things even about this law is that is it's a spinoff of the castle doctrine which is a little bit more broad because in that case of somebody comes into your home ok somebody is clearly regularity carefully so you can you can defend yourself clearly
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that person shouldn't be there but a sound your ground law allows you to take your god and patrol neighborhoods theoretically and she know somebody does that in a public place. and a public place that is not accurate that integral law does not allow someone to buy a gun and control neighborhoods with his gun the fact that zimmerman had a concealed handgun and a carry license if he did it is not the same as you mean part of an unneutered watch as a matter of fact most neighborhood watches do not allow their members to hold guns the stand your ground law does not say you can run around shooting people bet is not what it says the stand your ground law says that if you are any lethal or past possibly deadly situation you do not have to flee and put yourself in the position of being even more the victim you're allowed to defend yourself against also says that it doesn't it doesn't require the person removed. cell from a dangerous situation and i would think i mean i wouldn't argue that self-defense
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is a bad thing but i would think that it should be a last resort last resort that shooting somebody should be a last resort and you should try to flee or do something else not resort to pulling the trigger. to sadism and that's why the ad was created because you can't determine whether it was a last resort or not you can determine if this person was justified in using lethal or deadly force and it's not just. as a reporter said if you claim self-defense you don't look at all she was not shoot to dispel these two and this year about about stand your ground law is not allowing people to strap themselves with a gun and go around shooting people legally to be criminals and that is not allowed and you're not you don't look like claiming self-defense it has to be proven that you were defending yourself and that your actions were justified and i think that's a good look at stephen glad to have you on for the debate that was steven crowder fox news contributor. well the u.s. is one of the strictest countries in the world when it comes to cracking down on
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kids and each year hundreds of thousands of children are tried as adults and it's kids that are prime targets for physical and sexual abuse and adult jails and prisons and beyond being tried as adults the u.s. remains the only western country that sentences children to life without parole at the sentencing is cruel and unusual cruel and unusual by the international community the supreme court now taking up the subject of locking up kids for life and it wasn't too long ago that here in america kids could be handed the death penalty we take a look now at the consequences of trying to punish the back out of america's troubled you. authorities in western pennsylvania have charged eleven year old jordan brown as an adult the boys will have won a trial together in adult court of late but his sentence is also the length of his life they're not old enough to drive drink or go but in america kids as young as seven years old can be tried as adults when you hold the youth accountable the same manner and fashion in which you hold an adult it's just not right and it's not fair
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michael can't knows what it's like to be a kid locked up in an adult prison you never know what one of my daughters might do to you so you did before and i. was going to happen so it was locked up for the first time when he was twelve years old here at oak hill juvenile correctional facility ok it was not wasn't and neither was the design and so rehabilitation was designed for punishment you know having barwise around again and just but paying for. a lifeguard like most kids that serve time as a juvenile in the u.s. he got into trouble again at seventeen he was charged with armed robbery as an adult he says for a kid being in an adult prison is a constant struggle to survive they know why we come off the bus and you don't have any notice. so they pull you when in reality trying to get a favorite you flowers or sexual act you know and you if they can i will you know
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if you become someone's. person he was spared from sexual abuse but many kids aren't so lucky in fact one in five victims of sexual violence in jails and prisons are under the age of eighteen youth and dull facilities are thirty six times more likely to commit suicide than those in the juvenile system on any given day in america ten thousand children are held in adult jails and prisons most of them have never been convicted of a crime and kids are fair game for solitary confinement cam says for five months he spent twenty three and a half hours per day locked up alone i could have went crazy and if there. is i would have someone from the do for critics slammed a practice of putting kids in adult jails as cruel and unusual punishment they are less capable of understanding the consequences of their behavior their development is incomplete and that's why the supreme court struck down the death penalty for
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juveniles in two thousand and five but today the united states is the only country that sentences kids to life without parole it was viewed as a substitute to the ultimate penalty there are now twenty five hundred inmates that were sentenced to die in jail as children this is a peculiarly american phenomenon in which we tend to believe that harsher the penalties the greater the public safety pay off kids should instead be rehabilitated says lugo that's the focus on washington d.c. is newly opened new beginnings now walking into a classroom at new beginnings is much different from walking into a classroom at other juvenile detention facilities now this is considered to be a model facility it's a system based on rewards rather than punishment and experts say that this system is much more effective at rehabilitating youths become productive members of society but unfortunately places like this and the u.s. are rare here kids are given
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a second chance but in most prisons throughout the country remain america's forgotten children hope for the future gone at an early age in washington liz wall are taking. well a document just released reveals the defense department's top torturing techniques the thirty seven page guide book details ten ways officials can torture a detainee is suspected of having ties to terrorism and it was reportedly handed out for the first time back in two thousand and two to officials of the bush administration and it sheds light on the birth of the bush administration's torture policy and now there's a debate over whether or not using the methods to tell them this book. and use on detainees are considered war crimes to talk more about this the man that files the freedom of information request to obtain the documents jason leopold lead investigator. for truthout dot org welcome j. said so first want to ask you when did you file the request for these documents and what were you hoping to find out. but i want to make that clear the these i did not
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file the freedom of information act requests for this document i found out that this document was released by the department of defense it was actually released to mcclatchy newspapers under a freedom of information act request that they filed but the news heard it is asian did not do anything with this document or file any story it's my opinion that they do not recognize the significance of this in the context of how it pertains to the origins of the bush administration's torture program so this was actually posted on the defense department's foyer reading room web site place i visit frequently and i downloaded it i looked at it and it was stunning to me i knew exactly what it was when i had opened it up this is a document that was actually referenced in the justice department's inspector general report actually it watchdog report back in two thousand and ten if you
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recall when they investigated the legal boruc that went into the preparation of the torture memo prepared by john yoo and signed by his postulate bybee this document as briefly reference it's called pre laboratory operating instructions dated may seventh two thousand and two and you mention that there are ten techniques there's actually many many techniques in this document this is the document that we use that the united states uses to train service members in a in an area known as survival evasion resistance and escape c or how to avoid resistance to interrogation if captured by an enemy this is what we've heard many over the years in terms of reverse engineering in this document there are seven of the ten techniques that ended up in the torture memo come directly from the stockmen while. which is slamming a detaining against
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a rock there is cramped confinement tanian to a smallpox. facial slaps water water torture a whole wide range of documents excuse me of the techniques that they employ here and now do you think are these methods considered legal. well that's a very interesting question so you know as i indicated and as you stated this is a may seventh two thousand and two that's the big not sure if it was created on the tape but that's the date that was actually included in the justice department investigative report. so we know now as a result of this document that some of the interrogation methods that the first high value detainees have been subjected to in may of two thousand and two that same month that this document was supposedly created. that there was this
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this happened before the legal memo was prepare so that legal memo is what gave the cia the authorization to subject you know this detainees and later on others to these techniques so it it's clear that there was likely some furball authorization taking place. between the cia and its interrogators out of prison but you know what's really significant about this is that this is the first document the first training manual the first real. piece of hard evidence that provides deep insight into the origins of the bush torture program and also they did originate from the bush administration are they also being use it in the obama administration . well you know there is some debate as to what is actually being what's very important to point out as a. the army field manual does contain certain techniques such as.
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i believe there's isolation maybe hooding in there in which we know has been used as a form of torture so when the obama administration says that you know they have ended torture that they for banned in outlawed if you will these techniques it's it's it's really up for debate on how you define torture. i've discussed this with you know with our team many times before in regard to solitary confinement solitary confinement is a form of torture and that is actually something that's continuing to take place. at prisons and bob graham in guantanamo and certainly in u.s. prisons as well so. with regard to what the obama administration is doing. it's it's really difficult to say we were more or less have to take their word for from the administration there were they are not no longer using these techniques that originated in the bush are now do you think what is the
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significance of this and i know that you wanted to make this information public because the other news outlet failed why do you think it's important for this information to be made public. also the important question is first we want to have a troop the document where we can talk in historically what the origins were of the push torture program but what's really important about this document and i quoted in my story. which i wrote along with my colleagues your feet kay we quote a veteran interrogator an intelligence professional colonel steve climate he went through these resistance training programs he also was an instructor this is the guidebook to false confessions this particular manual as he's stated is it's if you want to get reliable intelligence information this is not the manual to use if
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you want to obtain false confessions this is the manual to you while this is said he may have you alive that i wish we could continue to offer i wish we could continue this debate in part and i we're at a time we'll be right back here in half hour. shows that so much maybe you should be sitting on the mark with. the muslim brothers decision presidential candidate the election done to me is appalling.
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the fire. sometimes you see a story and it seems so for you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything is. hard welcome to the big picture. and the mission is free cribbage a should be free. for judges free. reign.


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