tv [untitled] April 4, 2012 9:00pm-9:30pm EDT
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marvin in washington d.c. and here's what's coming up tonight on the big picture i've been talking about for more than a decade and now the rest of america is talking about it begins tonight with the truth about judicial review and how the only way to save america is to rein in the power of the supreme court and later mitt romney might have sealed up the republican nomination he's also gearing up for another flip flop was a guy who has a history of changing his position for political expediency really the best the republicans can do finally in tonight's daily take what is really more dangerous to
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america i claim movement or the tea party movement. you need to know this a constitutional crisis may be brewing in america on tuesday a fifth circuit court of appeals judge jerry smith republican appointee demanded the president obama's justice department write a three page single spaced report on how the administration feels about judicial review edition review is the idea that judges can strike down laws that have been passed by congress and signed by the president department of justice is likely to ignore this partisan judges request even though the obama administration agrees the courts should have the power of judicial. if you and that's the problem here's the
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bigger picture pretty straightforward actually the constitution does not give the supreme court a power to strike down laws it's nowhere in the constitution that would make america a kingdom with nine unelected judges as kings it would mean that the nine kings and queens could override the will of we the people and our elected representatives as well as the president the power of veto laws is explicitly given in the constitution but to the president not the supreme court but many americans think that it's better for nine and wise elders to run our country in determine our laws than we the people through elected representatives we can vote in or throw out this doctrine is called judicial review and as i said it's not in the constitution and one hundred fifty eight in the cooper versus aaron case the supreme court even came out and said this is one of the cases where they affirmed their own right to judicial review they said the basic principle of the federal judiciary is supreme in the exposition of the law because division was real and that this notion has
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ever since the age of three marbury vs madison decision and the court grabbed this power better respected by this court and the country as a permanent indispensable feature of our constitutional system but in fact as the dean of the stanford law school larry kramer wrote in his book and people themselves about this we're doctrine of judicial review this of course he's talking about the cooper decision by the supreme court this of course was bluster and puff as we've seen marbury said no such thing and judicial supremacy was not cheerfully embraced in the years after marble it was decided the justices and cooper were not reporting a fact so much as trying to manufacture one and now the supreme court increasingly all the federal courts are taking out of themselves the power to strike down laws that they don't like often for political reasons and claiming that they have that power. most exhibit recent example is you know being called out on this actually was president obama said this. ultimately i'm confident that the supreme court.
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will not take what would be an unprecedented extraordinary step of overturning a law that was passed by. a strong majority of. a democratically elected congress. republican judge jerry smith on the first fifth circuit court break out when president obama said that you know pointing out that the judges in on the supreme court are not elected a lowly lawyer for the justice department before his court and smith demanded that this guy produce within forty eight hours a letter at least three pages long single spaced saying the president recognizes smith's right to strike down laws that smith doesn't like. actually the president does recognize that but you know sudden aside school lia calls himself an originalist saying he's only reflecting the original intent of the founders but the entire eighteenth century the first century of this nation's existence the supreme
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court never once struck down a law or even claimed to have the power to do that based on the constitution the courts have clearly overreached turning to the dictators of our nation throwing out the will of we the people of marbury nine hundred three the citizens united and twenty tend to this week strip search decision they're both throwing out laws and making laws powers only given in the constitution to the president and congress respectively a lot of other countries are not that crazy the united kingdom the supreme court has no power to overturn laws just like in our constitution there are only the final appeals court in disputes between parties in switzerland the supreme court advises the parliament about what's constitutional what's not in their opinion but the parliament can ignore them and frequently does in canada the supreme court can strive to strike down a law that the parliament the prime minister can ignore them and often do. andrew jackson actually did the same thing here in the united states back at eight hundred
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thirty two i think it was when he said you know the chief justice has made his decision let him and force it and jackson refused to enforce this law that had to the indian land grab hold of the story of this egregious judicial activism by the rehnquist courts the roberts courts and arguably all the way back to eighteen zero three is tearing america apart from bush v gore which blocked a recount in florida that it was only done by the newspapers found that al gore actually won the two thousand election to citizens united to turn corporations into super persons and handed our entire political system over to a handful of billionaires and this week strip search decision which created a new law saying that a local cop at his buddies can strip search and humiliated occupy protesters or for that matter a tea party or to the roberts court especially scalia and thomas showing up at right wing fundraisers and going duck hunting with defendants before the court behavior that would get them impeached in any other court in america or in any other developed country in the world this roberts supreme court is out of control
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article three section two of the constitution explicitly says that the supreme court chill have jurisdiction quote with such exceptions and under such regulations as congress shall make and quote the supreme court a subordinate to congress it's the third among equals not the first among equals it's time for congress to require the supreme court to conform at least to the federal court code of judicial conduct and it's time for congress to pass a law saying that one exception of the rulings that the supreme court could rule on has to do with regulating money in politics it is within their ability only congress can make only the president can be to them it's time to return to our real original founding principles not the phony one scalia uses as an excuse for his bad behavior and partisan. it's wednesday which means it's time for the lone liberal rumble joining me on the panel tonight chris solomon conservative commentator and activist and laughlin mark
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a reporter investigative reporter with the heritage foundation great to see you both again and for the record you just heard my rant on the supreme court and i agree i disagree with the supreme court in roe v wade i think that they made law they came up with this whole thing about three trimesters they should have they should have said it's up to the legislature to make this law brown v board had it not been decided the congress would have i mean they did eleven years later and people say oh the supreme court does wonderful stuff look at those decisions for example and i say if they haven't had them dred scott in nine hundred fifty six we wouldn't have the civil war if they hadn't done plessy versus ferguson in one thousand nine hundred nine we wouldn't had a half a century of of legalized. what he called apartheid so any out ever since brown v board and roe v wade conservatives have been yelling the same thing that i'm young and new congress still is about judicial activism and putting an end to it but all of a sudden they're silent other than newt gingrich nobody's talking and i don't hear
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anybody on the conservative side which surprises me frankly talking about citizens united which is clearly judicial activism the strip search decision last week obviously judicial activism they could or they could have simply said you know it's up to the counties the cities the states to decide what they want to do with their jails class action lawsuits obama care all this stuff is judicial activism where conservatives on these things well i'm glad that you're consistent and you can see that roe v wade is an example of judicial activism yeah absolutely but there's a difference between the way which creates right out of a lot that were out there i think i'm going there it's a created law you know it said there is a right to privacy that is nowhere articulated in a kind of fifty. and therefore abortion is legal that's different then you think as you said the marbury vs madison judicial review to strike down a law passed by congress and say that that does not conform how it's our constitution only have ways away was all over the country and we have exactly the
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same exactly but it based it not on an existing right but it needed a new right now based on the fourth amendment on their interpretation of for the moment and this is going to be on their interpretation the commerce clause and my point is they don't have the right to interpret either what it doesn't say so in the constitution is the final appeals court i thought that the comments the president made regarding the supreme court being elected were particularly telling because yes they are unaware did in a week technically live in a democratic system of government but it is not strictly a democracy it is not majority rule so the notion that simply whatever in this case you know fifty one percent of the senate and fifty one percent of the house passes is beyond reproach by you that is why this year becomes law you know bar no horse notion that that is because it becomes law it is so facto illegitimate for the supreme court to strike it down is a majority hereon tyranny of the worst kind and there is you believe that we should have nine people in black robes sitting about ten blocks from here who should be
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the wise olders of discard for all the rest of the stupid people and all those stupid people over congress what's right and what's wrong no i value the rationale for aristocracy and kingdoms that was used in the thousand when you think about our system of the three branches of government kind of like rock paper scissors one checks the other the other one checks one so you and everyone is being checked along along the way i think the supreme court's got a president has the right to veto a law right but you also have the story's not very good why would you have three branches in one branch totally not i mean our should have seen nothing wrote about it in the federalist papers and said that this is going to be the role of the court it was not every little in return rule seventy. alexander hamilton said the supreme court is the least likely to inflict damage it said they do not have the power of the sword which is the executive branch that have not have the power of the person we also said that their primary duty not just the powers that were but are given to them but their duty is to strike down laws that are contrary to the congo to read
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read rule of seventy eight i said it was a day yes and he said only this so when you think about the affordable care act and you think about what the left wants they want the nine justices to go through twenty seven hundred pages and pick out and fashion a new health care law and what scalia said is you know it's only our job to determine whether it's constitutional or not it's not it's not even the congress needs to go back and rewrite the law not the supreme court but congress has to be the one to rewrite the health care law well if the left says well what we can salvage out of here maybe the court can can piece together whatever's left and then i think that's ron from the from the severability issue this is what justice kennedy was saying which is that if we were to strike down the mandate and not the rest of the law we would essentially be leaving the country with a law that congress never even saw both of you continue to fund judicial activism you know i don't see judicial activism exactly judicial activism would be leading the country with a system of laws that was never even considered in the first place i think it's
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good night for some of us just watch reruns of sight but it was it was so predictable what was going to happen i mean he was he was funny outspending santorum what fifty to one or something in one of these states and it is just mind boggling wisconsin maryland washington d.c. and here's what one romney surrogate had to say last night about how he's going to win back the male voters. journal lectures again when you have one on one general election and they see again a reminded of governor romney's real views that turned her dad will dissipate rather quickly so they're going to shape the sketch. before and he was for a pathway to citizenship for undocumented workers before he was against it he believed in manmade global warming and want to stop greenhouse gases before he didn't believe it he was in favor of gays being openly in the military before he became opposed to it he opposed to ban on same sex marriage before supporting a ban on same sex marriage your post and cell research before her supported him for opposing it he supported the individual mandate and for being against it he
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supported limits on money in politics before opposing them and he was pro-choice and now he's anti-abortion so how many more flip flops we see between now and november well i i would let governor romney speak for himself in terms of how and why his views are evolving but i do think the keyword in the segment that you showed was remind voters will be reminded of governor romney's views and you know that will close the gender gap so the issue you know it's not really an etch a sketch comment that his views will change and senator from new hampshire was out saying the same thing today so you know they're staying on message in terms of once the general comes we use remind you which of his views that women appreciate will people be reminded of that he was pro-choice or or and so i think that they are women are as a choose to the economic issues that are dominating the national agenda certainly as are two does anyone else in the country i think help her with it considering they consume seventy to seventy five percent of the nation's health care so i think
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what's what's important for women is important to the resident next to you guys are your fellow you know i know romney fan. but. he's going to be your nominee he is going to be our nominee and you know i think what might happen is that he will lose because people want an authentic candidate more than anything else and you know i but although i do have. that the economic issues are fundamentally important and help on the issue of health care again the republican position not always the romney position the republican position is that individuals should have control over their health care dollars and make their health care decisions not kathleen sebelius or whoever mitt romney should put in at h.h.s. is the one who should make those this is how can i have control over my health care decisions and dollars if i have cancer and i know it's going to cost a quarter million bucks to fix me and i don't have a quarter million bucks and i've been buying my health insurance from a company that pays its c.e.o. a billion dollars and has one hundred employees who make over
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a million dollars they're making those decisions united health care is making those decisions how do i have any so that's why we need to fundamentally change the health care system your company shouldn't own your health care you should own your health care you should be going to guys that i should have and what they're trying to million down and there are republicans in the house and senate and in the white house we will be able to have a health care system that respects the decisions of individuals not corporations because take it why does your company own your health care fight not your idea and your give me an example an example of any country in the world where you have the system we have a for profit health banking system basically health insurance companies are just banks they don't they don't give shots to little kids and they were the people's throats the health the health insurance banking for profit industry it works. but i can't find a government run health care system anywhere else in the world that works either without long waits and so while what we have might not be great the alternative is
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so much we're we're saying wait a minute i mean you know that we've all these are the countries people live longer than most they have a better quality of life the most they have better recovery rate is every does not suffer a president has been right about the surance issue you know the number one issue should be you know what the rate of increase for health care costs is just it's astronomical so i would go to one issue to. these guys are skimming thirty percent off what i point is but i want to know that when we see if we want to use a mediator he's you know allow individuals to control their own health care dollars and just like every other sector of the economy you know when you introduce a bit of competition into it you will see the price come down. i don't believe in any case minimum wage workers are screwed new data shows that america is woefully the minimum wage in america is woefully inadequate it's currently seven twenty five if it was inflation adjusted for one hundred sixty eight with the minimum wage was then it would be about ten bucks and even at that the this new study came from the center for economic policy research found that if you had
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a person who was earning that ten dollar minimum wage in the course of an entire year after they pay their federal taxes because they all pay payroll taxes and debate whatever state taxes and everything else whatever is left over is just about enough to pay for a health insurance policy for a family of four that's assuming that they eat nothing during the entire year they don't live anywhere during the entire year they don't buy any gasoline they don't own a car they don't have anything else they just have enough to buy health insurance policy isn't this screwed up well where you know there is a ten dollar minimum wage and save for cisco for instance and there was a bit of a seizure story last week but i think with serious implications that subway can no longer offer five dollar foot loans in the bay area because the minimum we are because the minimum wage is because it's kate they say you going to wait i know and that's and that's a nice you know thing for conservatives to jump all over but i don't know if you look at property prices in san francisco there's a little bit of a difference in in portland i was living in portland oregon when they changed the law from twenty five an hour to seven fifty eight dollars whatever it is for
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servers and they actually saw economic activity go up will be made more money we spend more money we're talking about here with minimum wage workers is we're talking about those people who are paid by the hour not paid a salary we're talking about ninety four percent of the people who are paid by the hour. more than the minimum wage ninety four percent of americans raise the minimum wage who are paid right but minimum wage jobs are the stepping stone jobs here in the cervix than yours to be you cannot get the use you cannot get a job unless you have experience the best way to get experience is to get a minimum wage job most people who want a minimum are going to get you here or to move on. chris you know that sixty percent of people on minimum wage jobs don't have a high school degree you're talking about jobs for high school kids every ninety four percent of you just you just take your decision already six percent of americans are actually working at the minimum wage again and they are talking about sixty percent of the i don't know if you just see her as those he needs and i'm
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saying that bit the teenagers of teenagers seventy five percent of those aged sixteen to nineteen make more than the minimum wage only twenty five percent from the bureau of labor think take this in two thousand and ten why do you want to deny young people an opportunity to get an experience or you know you raise the minimum wage you know what happens to those jobs disappear young people don't get you know they carry into a need to do what happened when i was sixteen years old i had to get a work permit in michigan michigan was a heavily unionized state the minimum wage was was very rigorously enforced i wanted to work and receive hamburgers and i was in fact i think i was fifteen and i had a good idea get a permit signed my parents signed by my school and i was able to get a job for two dollars and twenty cents an hour flipping burgers and that was my introduction of the workplace but that's and when i was there she waits it was it was either that or slightly higher than that i mean they were they were hiring below my recollection is they were below the minimum wage but what is the the the the the time in america when minimum wage jobs or close to you know within
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a dollar of a minimal or within three dollars or the minimum wage which is a large number of jobs in america the timing of that was not entry level is it's not it's only six percent of the jobs that are not at seven dollars twenty five cents an hour if you take it up to ten dollars an hour you're looking at the largest employer in america that's roughly one. consider the number one largest employer in america so you own the business and you're looking to hire an employee and you calculate that what they want to show employee is worth to you is eight dollars an hour what they will add to your business is worth eight dollars an hour for a minimum wage goes up to ten dollars an hour you're not going to hire that employee so you could say you're not getting a job here's or here's the question and first of all i disagree because typically labor is a very very small part of the cost of any product but that said you know whether we agree or disagree on that isn't the essential question should we as a society decide whether businesses should even operate if they don't operate in a way that allows people to know businesses operate to make
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a profit not to help with the people were not there we don't give limitations of liability corporation you because they are a benefit if you require subway to pay ten dollars an hour and they're no longer able to stay in business saturday as i did my body else loses their jobs and come on minimum wage isn't all that the business has to pay you have the taxes that the business have to pay you have benefits you have everything else my point all the actual meaning of the actual cost of the business is way above the minimum wage because of what government and the liberals have done to make it so expensive that a horrible forty hour work week that's. it seems grover norquist is losing his clout yesterday congressman steve king became the latest to start walking back from grover here's what he had to say. oh. i told you this i say this but what do we. do much less chance for then. other republicans to walk back from norquist spoilage representatives timothy
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johnson john fortenberry charles stanley. mike simpson frank wolf so the question is mark was losing his political mojo i don't think he ever had the mojo that a lot of the to boil had where's you know it's not going to be walker bush i think that republicans do not need to sign a piece of paper i should say conservatives do not need to sign a piece of paper to be told that cutting taxes that is a good thing or should be told that government needs enough revenue to satisfy its basic functions and services and you know there is a happy medium there would be a cheap so it's an ok thing a very good raise taxes a lot of times but i think what lap and said is right voters care about what their members of congress do not about pieces of paper that they signed george herbert walker last because he said he wasn't going to raise taxes and then he did and it was because grover norquist who most people outside the beltway have no idea who he is told them to vote against him it's because people know when someone tells you
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one thing it's what is the american people are smart enough to say you know what that's not somebody that i want to vote for again so i support members of congress who who articulate what their position is and then keep with it and let the voters decide whether that person was still has a lease with george w. bush as much as you may have disagreed or hated what he was standing for you knew where he stood that's. ok last question quick for one sons already we're seen states like vermont montana try to create their own single payer health care systems if the supreme court strikes down obamacare which will make you crazy creating a crisis in the private health insurance market is that make single payer inevitable in the states it depends on who's in control in washington i think that's what the liberals would love but hopefully we'll have a conservative controlled government and we'll be able to avoid that and horrible fate health insurance corporations can make more billions you know i think the entire law will be struck down and it'll have to go back to the drawing board in congress and when there were there was a sixty vote. majority in the in the senate for democrats they were unable to do
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a public option i don't think they'll be able to take you now that extends you know i have coverage with preexisting conditions i'm just going to. look at but you know that's not really are you are a bit of a false dichotomy i think you're going to open my personal thing is going to open a huge hole for single payer just drop the medicare eligibility age to zero but we'll see what else any of thank you both for being thank you appreciate it. objects to americas the wealthiest nation on the planet and also has the most powerful military but not stuff makes us happy the secret to national happiness a lot after the break. wealthy british style sun. times.
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market why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike's concert for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to cars report. more news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images the world is seeing from the streets of canada. trying to corporations rule today.
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