tv [untitled] April 5, 2012 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT
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tonight on our team russian businessman victor boots await sentencing in the united states c. faces life behind bars for alleged gun running but he insists he's innocent. the u.n. security council calls on the syrian regime to pull out troops by the april tenth deadline and a full cease fire on both sides in the following forty eight hours. skepticism about whether or not a man's peace plan will work with warnings from the united nations and moscow that arming the rebels will only fuel the conflict more on this interest a few moments. and a potent symbol of the struggle of greece warns the distraught elderly victim of
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the government who suicide outside. clashes. this is our team name is kevin zero in our top story and eight pm from moscow american prosecutors are seeking life imprisonment for a russian businessman vic to boot he was convicted of arming terrorists and conspiring to kill u.s. citizens a court will announce the simpsons later on thursday. he's innocent and that his cases fabricated result he's innocent reports. years spent by the u.s. to hunt down one russian man tens of millions of dollars of taxpayer cash forward into a sting operation snatched up from a third country alleged arms dealer viktor boot was handcuffed them to the u.s. and placed in solitary confinement for months before
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a trial found him guilty on all four charges one conspiring to kill united states nationals two conspiring to kill united states officers and employees three conspiring to use an acquire anti-aircraft missiles and for conspiring to provide material support to the far forty four year old russian air cargo business men fascinated hollywood wanted everywhere. your record. and only army are all right boot lost his case in the court of u.s. public opinion long before his trial kicked off raising concerns of the fairness of his trial this is the lord of war. the merchant of death right and you got him in your hands spread he's in custody it's a great feeling u.s. officials were relentless in their efforts to get behind bars the so-called merchant of death is now a federal inmate american agents posing as fart members
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a colombian group terrorist in the u.s. but not by many other countries and the un met with and then arrested in thailand in two thousand and eight after twice being found not guilty by thai courts the u.s. reportedly dirty arm twisting thailand into extraditing him to america they're willing to flawed every international law to get what they want and that means doing all these illegal things in the case of the to extradite him or should say kidnapping boot family also hold us actions entrapment and kidnapping but i could accept the possibility that i might have some information that might be of interest to someone but why is it that other countries don't just think to themselves if there is someone who has some interest in information and why don't those governments just drive those people onto their territory moscow's request to send him to russia for trial were brushed aside there was no official decision of an extradition russia called boots extradition illegal and question the validity of his conviction one of
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the main arguments of the defense that the u.s. lacked jurisdiction was ignored by the court booted friend says the russian was aware that he was not in touch with real far remembers this and all he was trying to do still it was to all the cargo planes get the use of imaginary crimes manufactured jurisdiction and then actually everything journalist george map has attended every hearing in the case he says is one of many victims of u.s. judicial power play feel that victor in this particular charges that were brought against him that he is innocent so you know i don't i don't want any innocent man. russian citizen british who are troika you know sentence right or are crying or pleading commit victor boot is the second. russian citizen in the new year to face sentencing on american territory for legit crimes committed in a third nation peace is a major precedence and represents a worrying us tragedy to simply override the legal systems of other countries is
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this a trick an up or to be. over to boot what spoke to us a lot of moscow before the new york trial she says no one was looking for venter until the us decided it wanted him. to give the canard out of war when you have a state department spokesperson describing how much money and effort they put in to get it to extradited to the us it's perfectly clear that they had no intention of acquitted him also it was in two thousand and one that the us media first launched a massive campaign against victor accusing him of being a major arms dealer even though there was absolutely no evidence to substantiate those claims it was a long period of eight years from two thousand and one to two thousand and eight and have there been any proof that he was really involved in some illegal activities at the un russia and into paul would have certainly known about it and would have done something but in reality nobody did anything nobody was really looking for victor they all claimed they were looking for him but they did nothing
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she wasn't hiding she was openly living in russia under his real name. still ahead this hour the muslims on a mission to make an impression islamic groups including the muslim brotherhood from post revolt egypt to go to capitol hill in order to boost their image and relations with the u.s. people to report on that coming. also india's beleaguered army in jewish major bribes and corrupts corporations but russian firms say they're now at the ready to support the world's largest defense importer. the u.n. security council is calling on damascus to meet the april tenth deadline to pull back troops with a full cease fire on both sides in the forty eight hours which follow that president assad says he's already withdrawing its military from certain areas but the opposition claims there is still fighting middle east correspondent paula. the united nations has given its formal backing to the peace put forward by the former
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u.n. chief kofi annan on thursday the united nations security council issued a statement on syria in which it pushes the syrian president bashar assad to it here to his commitments and then told the united nations that syria had pledged to cease all kind of movement towards population centers he also said that he was in contact with the opposition and urging them to stop financing at the same time he called for both sides can show political world now on tuesday also a united nations team alive in syria they will be weighing the groundwork for a observer mission which is to come and then also preparing the scene for the april tenth deadline now that is the deadline according to announce the plan we also know that following that they found it would be forty eight hours for the opposition to lay down arms with a final deadline being on april twelfth at six am now the syrian regime has
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indicated that it has already begun preparing the ground work for observing that deadline it says that it has started moving its troops out of volatile cities where they are moving towards the perimeter and in the much calmer cities its troops have already withdrawn withdrawn to the barracks but the opposition claims that fighting is continuing in damascus and in other centers and that the fighting is actually getting worse there is certainly there's a lot of skepticism with relation to both sides as far as the fire aside because there is skepticism that he will continue with his troop withdrawal and actually meet this deadline and then escape this isn't being voiced by countries such as russia particularly amid calls for arming the opposition and the rebels and that's fun as a friends of syria meeting that's all countries like qatar and saudi arabia pledging millions of dollars to pay the salaries of rebel fighters and at the same time we heard from the unite. it states a pledge that if it would provide communication equipment so there is
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a lot of skepticism as to whether or not the deadline for the cease fire would be met and indeed whether or not this political world to actually adhere to this paula slee or middle east correspondent there were more good graphics was influential son and won't be heading to a war crimes court anytime soon libya wants to try so follow islam on home soil over the killing of protesters in the revolver which deposed his father let's get more on this story now from certain research middle east research and syracuse university she's joining us tonight from beirut there the war crimes court concerned that saif al islam won't get a fair trial in libya but will anything be achieved at the hague i guess which is only valid one verdict the same time history kind of begs that question doesn't it what do you think. absolutely very much agree with you that there is a there are big questions over the effectiveness and the justness of the i.c.c. if you look at the history like you said there's only been one conviction recently
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and also who has been the target of the i.c.c. are africans african leaders and certainly africa is not the only continent to host war criminals and to experience grave offenses being committed and so we really have the i.c.c. hasn't necessarily proven its ability to effectively carry out justice in. a way that's globally. applied and really effectively done they don't have the necessary facilities to. arrest people they don't seem to have the capability to. implement their plans and even if they did like i said their plans are often or seemingly quite biased to target african leaders and so i really don't blame the libyan government for refusing to turn over. so we know the king to trace the roots of good graphics regime should be equally interested in the deaths caused
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by nato airstrikes during the revolution. well absolutely in this is again another problem with the i.c.c. in my own country the united states of america has not ratified the i.c.c. the president has but the congress and every day so basically the i.c.c. has no jurisdiction to try any american citizens and this is hugely problematic because if you're going to have an international criminal court that supposedly carrying out principles of justice if they're not equally applied then of course it's not in any way possible for them to be fair and so this is a huge issue and also there are questions over even the way it is set up for these kinds of war crimes is it really necessary to go after individuals or are there other ways of reconciliation or local means of justice look at what happens to communities different kinds of relationships these aren't really being factored in
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by the i.c.c. and so it really is a sort of colonial power play to go after certain bad bogeyman so you probably make the west feel good about it more generally let's just step back and look at the situation that's that's left to live with the former regime open topple but the legacy of torture remains militia are still in control in almost every aspect of life looks like one brutal to the show's been swapped for another there's no. absolutely those continued fighting in the west stand until recently in the south in fact we're probably seeing more lives lost in libya than we are in someplace like syria where the entire international community's attention is being focused and then of course you know before when the nato aggression was occurring we saw a much greater loss of life anywhere after thirty thousand people died over the last year in libya and so it's very sad to see the continued rust to know that the country has suffered for decades under an oppressor and then had to deal with bombs
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dropping being dropped from the sky in order to quote unquote protect their civilians and liberate them meanwhile destroying lives and infrastructure and now we just see a lot of fading and a lot of chaos happening and it looks like the government really has the m.d.c. really has little capability of doing anything and pushing any sort of security plan through building the country and security not only you know what i'm talking about on the streets but among people among tribes and there has to be a level of trust for a country to become successful united and it doesn't look like we're anywhere near approaching that with libya and i think again this should really make the international community rethink how it tries to interfere in meddle into other countries' affairs because democracy cannot be forced upon a country and has to be collectively collectively established by the people of any country and doing it by force is just now i'm going to achieve any just solution it's going to be continued war and it's going to be continued mistrust and like we
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see in libya just plain chaos which is just devastating for a country to have to go through after this long drawn out civil war so really appreciate your informed view of view the middle east the searchers you are from syracuse university joining us there on the line from beirut tonight thanks ever so much. greeks are mourning the pension o'shanter himself good in front of parliament in athens seventy seven year old retired pharmacist beatrice christus. left a suicide note accusing the government's cuts of destroying his livelihood his death triggered clashes hundreds indeed gathered on syntagma square to lay flowers and like candles but then violence erupted as groups of protesters hurled petrol bombs at the police who responded with tear gas athens has been steadily slashing pensions and salaries well raising taxes to secure the e.u. and i.m.f. bailouts greece is now extended the deadline for the last part of a bond swap which is leaving private investors shouldering massive losses economic analysts next crackers told us the policy he thinks needs
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a major rethink. at this point inside we have about a third of the population in greece living underneath the poverty line and we've got about a million people unemployed and probably half a million kids really don't we very well at all all we need is something like used to catalyze opinion and send us into deep reflection i think the more austerity cuts follows on through cuts to pensions public sector wages tax increases are an absolute nightmare it's like putting an anorexic on a very strict diet it's going to backfire what we really need here is more structural reforms some sensible privatizations to clamp down on waste and corruption can actually get the very rich to pay their share as well because at the moment it's the are employed people it's the pensioners and it's middle classes that are suffering while the people that have stashed away close to a trillion overseas have gotten away with it. here is an employment cindy hopes
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worst since the currency was born the newest members who had nothing to do with the pilot gets no big brag go to the stone is promised is funny an increasingly hard to sell the idea of bailing out larger economies to the citizens jacob graves for the reports from the capital tell it. two thousand and eleven as the new welcomes in the new year and a new era as part of the euro club is a moment of triumph after years of tough financial discipline for the nation which is the pockets of everyone in the euro zone demanded that as a condition of membership but just over a year on and the idea has lost its fizz joining the euro has made an already painful situation even worse teachers really suffer here our monthly pay is insufficient even to survive. as the new kid in the block a study of played no part in amassing the devastating debt dragging it down but
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it's still being asked to contribute to the multi billion euros by will designed to cushion the currency against a crisis like the one which gripped greece teachers or just some of those in uproar after having wage cuts forcing them to join the currency union has little appetite for sending money abroad to richer countries particularly when it's only salaries of a full well below the e.u. average even key legislators think this massive financial stake in it for the euro zone threatens its the new sovereignty by limiting say over their own budget yesterday in my urgent decisions would require only eighty five percent of the world of the countries let me remind you that the share of the stone will just be slightly over zero point two percent this means that all decision will be taken very large countries such as germany france and italy and spain one point three billion euro stone is being asked to hand over a piece small in the scheme of things but as
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a zones poor. still every price on the face of it the amount guaranteed by a stone near isn't all that much. other euro club members germany for instance or if one euro coins could be equated to ten billion euros this is how their efforts would journey spending one hundred thirty nine billion euros making this small change to repeat that according to a percentage of g.d.p. then it paints a very different picture with the stone you're seeming to be forking out more of the basis of stoney's contributions than that eight point five percent of g.d.p. growth to be speaking that's high in germany france italy my own i think the chancellor of justice does the right thing challenging the ears same treaty in the constitutional court the pointers as evil and the use of building issues emerge regarding partial transfer of national sovereignty to these institutions
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politicians and courts may be debating but the nation appears to have made up its mind opinion polls suggest most are against the bailout fund they worldwide something of the mistakes of others degrees c. town in the study as well europe's money troubles are explained in our lives on our website r t v dot com also they discover the door could be closing on greece soon as germany seeks to bring back border controls in europe to stop the tide of illegal immigrants flooding through slat greek checkpoints at stories online from a slight also if you missed this for yesterday got played on a california college cost driving students into a quiet protest but nonetheless they get pepper sprayed in the face anyway so arty got caught on the full story. senior members from islamic groups including the muslim brotherhood are in washington to try and boost their image on relations with the united states it said of the first post revolution presidential
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election in egypt next month where political battles are already heating up but cairo based political sociology aside subjects' is the new egyptian leaders are bringing nothing new to the table. there was a historical friendship between political. us and this is very or diffuse remember him before if he is to have returned to school meant that the sort independence from the world where we could do that was because it's clear to see how he and americans and the european colonialists the give should go to political it's lehmkuhl fired the nationalist movement in. the political movement came to power after spring term percent a message to do to you or to the us and e.u. need to know that we are not going to change the foreign policy of. the countries that we are now leading and we continue the same policy and so we have
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a lot of instincts. is the climbing rapidly so why what was the bottle of god if you are going to be this see him like all dick people who used to also prove to the laws of the white house quick look at some of the world's top news stories this gunman who killed ten policemen in the attack on a remote checkpoint in western afghanistan the militants first strangle the guard before opening fire on security offices elsewhere a suicide bomber struck a bazaar in the north east killing two wounding sixteen others but i'm supposed to be increasing following the harsh afghan winter during which is usually with caption in. mollies rebels have declared a cease fire after seizing the three main towns in the north they want their own state of affectively split the country into the rebels took advantage of the chaos in the wake of the military coup sparked by the president's handling of the
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insurgency west african leaders will meet and discuss possible ventured to force mallees to give up power. to solve the played mastermind of the nine eleven terror attacks has been sent to trial along with four suspected accomplices the guantanamo bay prisoners face the death penalty if convicted they're accused of planning and executing the attacks which killed nearly three thousand people in two thousand and one of the bomber one of them tried in a civilian court with that decision was reversed last year after widespread opposition india's army is getting stuck in the trenches beset by dodgy weapons makers and multibillion dollar corruption some of the flaky foreign firms now being hounded out and russian military manufacturers are on guard to help the world's largest importer of arms to soldier on chris read a report. the rampant corruption and army falling to pieces the current state of the indian military according to the country's top general himself he recently
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reveals he was offered a bribe of almost three billion dollars by a lobbyist to buy substandard defense a quote meant he turned down the bribe but the scandal has rocked the country and caused the ministry of defense to suspend six defense firms for ten years over their lobbying tactics what happens is you have long believed you have some berms is a bureaucratic lever you have a decision which is sometimes at the level of the politicians so there. is a huge problem but we're joris of clothes first opened for others many foreign defense firms are now i'm the opportunity to take a slice of india's huge defense india is the world's largest importer of arms that is set to spend one hundred billion dollars in the next ten years to modernize its military equipment russia is at the forefront of that battle to win some of those
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contracts moscow says it can provide three billion dollars worth of weapons to india every year. thanks to the air defense systems there's also very intense competition for or. grading. these electric submarines to india. and russia. india also appears keen on the opportunity to let russia help modernize its defense systems and says the partnership with the country could be beneficial for both sides russia is one of the through countries that have joined joint development of military hardware one of the classic example is. the other example is the. and we are also working together on the fifth generation fighter aircraft so when your string of military scandals is providing
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a shakeup in its military suppliers the competition to fill the void will be fierce among the russian and international firms bidding to bring india's armed forces city preassure either r t new delhi india. it's exactly twenty five minutes past eight no time to catch up with a business person to be true to the market still dominated by pessimism no they are they have been falling for a couple of sessions right now they're flat to negative mostly even though we have had some positive data coming out and of course better retail sales and better job less claims we'll look at them in more detail in just a second first of all secular world how russia managed to capture that optimism in the last fifteen twenty minutes of trading and therefore we saw the r.t.s. of the my six again. around three quarters of a percent that's after all going to win the heart of the previous session on the might say reports coming out from many companies m.
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video said that its net profit grew fifty percent the previous year therefore the gains of two point six percent and gold rather than trade on russia forty one percent to net profit growth in the previous year also pretty much in line with the market lukoil was a bit better than the market on commodities will look at them of course a bit like the two over in the united states well it's hovering around the same levels we saw at the close in the previous session that jones right now is lower now is that a bit better than that retail sales came out better than expected in the month of march and this is providing optimism to investors that despite higher gasoline prices people are still spending the economy's still recovering and jobless claims declined by six thousand this week. moving on to europe where yields for spanish and italian bonds been going up this has been putting pressure on the
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markets and therefore the dow is over the dax is still lower whereas the footsie managed to gain a cent on the currencies markets the euro continues to lose its positions i've been talking about this to you past couple of days at times of uncertainty and correction of course a lot of money is being pumped out of assets into cash and therefore demand is of course for the dollar rather than other currencies but the ruble managed to show some gains against the basket of two. and on the commodities market light sweet brands are recovering on those higher retail sales needs more spending and basically more than for gasoline. and other news ukraine has reportedly come up with a new idea to diversify its gas supplies away from russia which it claims are too expensive promise that newspaper says it's ready to invest around eight hundred million dollars in the construction of the trans caspian pipeline the eight billion dollar project is backed by to understand and azerbaijan which would then be
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