tv [untitled] April 5, 2012 11:30pm-12:00am EDT
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news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. showing hope for asians rule today. i'll go back to the big picture i'm starvin coming up in this half hour it may not exactly be breaking news but the romney lied again yesterday will break down his latest falshood and ask the question is the line the only way republicans could win the presidency also california beware
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a radioactive wave is headed for the west coast of the united states courtesy of the fukushima nuclear disaster so nuclear power is still wreaking havoc on the environment are the japanese about to flip on more of their nuclear reactors and finally in some ways daily take tell you what secret weapon conservatives are using to take down public universities in the united states. to the best of the rest of the news with the republican nomination all but wrapped up for mitt romney wall street's favorite presidential candidate is turning his attention to president obama and as you would expect from a republican candidate who has the facts stacked against him romney resorted to lives here's what he said in a speech on wednesday at the newspaper association of america take a look. three and a half years later he has failed to an act or even propose a serious plan to solve the inside of a crisis instead he has taken
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a series of steps that end medicare as we know it he is the only president to ever cut five hundred billion dollars from medicare. i thought president obama didn't cut five hundred billion dollars of medicare is that cut down on the waste fraud and abuse in medicare including stopping one hundred thirty six billion dollars in corporate welfare to private health insurance companies to administer medicare advantage programs and now thanks to that cut medicare advantage is actually running more efficiently covering more people with lower premiums so is this what we should expect from the republican nominee moving forward lies lies and more lies and why is the media doing its job in calling out these lies you know as mary joins me now he's the c.e.o. and host of the trooper america radio show out with more conscientious equity welcome back hey tom thanks for having me good to see the so republicans you know paul ryan they voted to end medicare as we know it why is romney accusing the president of that well first of all i mean this is all of his big distraction we
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should be talking about jobs but if we want to talk about distortion it is the it is obama that's is distorting ron these record all he wants to do is make medicare responsible we cannot afford this new title would that even were he one zombies he wants private economy choices he wants so consented to so you're coming now you say to them for we can't afford this and we tom you know it was sort of the one nine hundred sixty we can't raise the taxes or the medicare we can't allow our company medicare to negotiate with drug companies get these prices here's what we've got to give a broken here's what we've got to medicare was started in one thousand nine hundred sixty five with the retirement age of sixty five when with life expectancy at sixty eight it was designed for three years we're living longer because of our health care system is is having to live these breakthroughs neal you and i know both the medicare would be just fine if we raise the if we raise the fica tax by about one and a half percent and if we allowed medicare to negotiate with pharmaceutical companies
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that's part of the submission so we'll actually have to do that but we asked to also raise the age in people like me and people who come to people like us we're going to have to work longer and we're going to like what i want to say to a guy who is sixty five years old midland bricks all his. life's are you going to go out there and break your back i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm saying that not with today's retirees but maybe starting five years from now we're going to have to kick our kids to occur you know we're going to save the kids we're going to keep the program for the kids because it's going to go broke if we don't do something like this not going to go pro absolutely it will because it is trying to bridge the years when it was designed for and you have succeeded in dragging me away from the original question which is how could romney get away with lying or does he really think i mean that telling lies is the way to become well i don't present a look there's distortion on both sides of this issue this but it is a president one hundred billion dollars it is a lie it's been debunked so many times and republicans keep repeating it president obama doesn't have something to run on he can't run on his record so we have to distract. after this why are we talking about job creation why do we push
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exasperatingly why this issue over and over and over again i keep hearing different republican same oh he's cut five hundred he's a first president he didn't cut five hundred it's a made up thing it's a totally made up thing is this is this the gerbil strategy tell a big wide tell it often enough people believe it or outrages it is in president obama's saying to governor romney that you're going to in medicare as we know it he just wants are yours knology that's all right i mean you're acknowledging that the republican strategy is to repeal i'm saying dad president obama cannot run on his record so he's discrediting from his record so we're talking about stuff that we should be so you're not now you're not denying that the republican strategy is going to be so absolutely i'm denying it of course i'm denying it he's not lying about president obama's health care system it's in shambles it's a mess it is you know you've got to have billionaires who have health care right now yes it is only reason you don't right now if personal had a health care system that could stand up it's can stand it's at the supreme court right now because you get twenty six republican and you had twenty six republican
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attorneys general who are trying to turn this into a political issue something that the heritage foundation was fighting for in the eighty's you know we're trying to get back to work constitution is something going to get romney was fighting for the writings. well you know president obama has created a health care system that doesn't deal with entitlements we've got to deal with in time has only does in the because of time it is medicare it is the way it is i since he saved one hundred thirty eight billion dollars from medicare tom but as both of us i mean you have entrepreneurial roots let's be lift the private economy deal with better solutions are cost us less we're going to have to work longer and people like us tom we can't buy a home here into forty eight and they want to see right here exactly to say right here in the big picture i am going to forfeit my medicare benefits so i could help my kids' generation because we're going to have to do that good luck with that. i don't think you'll win election of them but i appreciate it thank you romney's
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claims about medicare likely only the first of several lies coming out of the romney campaign during the general election we'll see if a billion dollars in super pac money can give you cover of these parsons. moving on to the continuing nuclear crisis in japan a radioactive wave is headed toward the united states scientists with the woods hole oceanographic institution are tracking to grief from last year's japanese earthquake and tsunami as it makes its way across the pacific ocean had to brea which carries with it extremely high levels of radiation is currently one hundred eighty six miles off the coast of japan and could start lashing the coast of the united states within the year pending on the currents scientists are immediately concerned about marine life being hit with radiation levels millions of times above normal but by next year it will be in our marine food supply our rain in our coastal waters so more than a year after the fukushima nuclear crisis began the world is still suffering its effects with more to come but despite all that the japanese government is
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reportedly preparing to restart one of its nuclear reactors this week the japanese prime minister will meet with cabinet officials to discuss turning on a nuclear reactor in western japan has been stuck shut out since the fukushima crisis began more than a year ago so why hasn't the world learned the lessons of nuclear power yet even as radioactive waste is headed toward the u.s. west coast seven camps joins me now he's the radioactive waste watchdog at beyond nuclear about org kevin welcome back thank you sound so what is going on here with the japanese saying i thought last time we talked in fact i thought that the consensus in japan was no nukes. well there's there's strong citizen pressure and he now fifty three of fifty four reactors in japan shut down there's only one operating commercial reactor in japan it's going to shut down in early may japan will be a nuclear free zone and it's because of the anti nuclear movement of japan the common citizens of japan who because the fukushima daichi don't want those risks in
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their lives anymore and what the government and the industry are worried about is that they enter the summer with no reactors on line and people's lights are still on the electricity supply is stable the air conditioners are working people are going to start to ask why do we have these risks in our midst so the federal government as you said is sending their minister of economy trade and industry to fukui prefecture in western japan to try to convince the governor there who you are is it a nuke safe without a grades in place or the restart that's kind of a reasonable request to just get out of the way and the feds are hinting they may just override him at this point. can these reactors be made say no i mean if you lose electricity from the grid if you lose the emergency diesels as happened at fukushima dai ichi he had an earthquake an earthquake and tsunami at some other natural disaster in japan just in recent days was hit by another major storm so there are many ways you can lose electricity to the safety systems to the
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cooling systems and of course you've got to get your name in the midwest floods in nebraska last summer which were much more serious than they ever let on at the time . this wave of radioactive waste or what has become now this little word beaches or whatever is this just a plume i guess is a pretty good word. coming it's coming out of japan and heading towards us what is it what does it mean. well almost to the day a year ago tokyo electric intentionally released eleven thousand five hundred tons or three million gallons of radioactive water into the ocean on purpose but federal government of japan gave them permission there's recent news media reports that it was under pressure from the united states government and the excuse that the time not the excuse at the time was that tokyo electric was out of storage space for radioactive water at the plant and they had a lot more calm and they were trying to keep the reactors as cool as possible
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because of the meltdowns they were clearing away last contaminated water to make room for much more contaminated water to come that's the decision they made and that plume as you said it's taken a year but it's now reached hawaii another year from now it'll probably reach the west coast of the united states and yes those are our fishing waters but the fish happen to move around there are species of tuna that spawn part of their life cycle on the japanese north east coast and they have migrated to the united states already so where is the food monitoring program there is no post food monitoring program in place that was quickly dismantled and we're back to prefer radiation monitoring which could miss a lot if amazon dot com right now by a geiger counter is up is that our food monitoring program you're on your own charlie in japan i just met a woman in new york city who's now an anti-nuclear activist and her sisters her nieces and nephews are monitoring their own food monitoring the food at the elementary school and bringing in fukushima refugees so the people of japan have
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been thrown onto their own resources to protect themselves and the people of the united states apparently very much so. we see that up and down the west coast people getting radiation monitors even to the point of checking their own food supply i actually brought in fact i brought in a little time as you were here on the show you visited the fukushima plant back in two thousand and ten we just have twenty thirty seconds left thoughts on the well it's a dead zone where i want to and the wonderful people i met are scattered to the wind to. and in other countries i also visited fukui i went to a twelve hundred year old buddhist. temple and they have been a strong leader in the resistance to those reactors that now are slated for restart it's great kevin thanks so much for being with us tonight thank you so it's great to see you even though it's rough news appreciate it's time for a worldwide ban on the most expensive and the most dangerous form of electricity generation on earth nuclear power no nukes. coming up why are conservatives afraid
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of facts and a well educated population and answer coming up in tonight's daily take. download the official policy of acacias joe i phone the i pod touch from the i choose option. which all cheated lied on the go. it's video on demand oxys mind bold colors and r.s.s. feeds now in the palm of your. position on the
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due to the loss of honeybee colonies the result of a phenomenon known as colony collapse disorder and it doesn't just raise the cost of honey it could lead to famine it's now scientists have found a strain of pesticides may be causing this disorder since two thousand and six there have been unusually high losses of honeybee colonies thirty three percent or greater losses of total colonies with a third of the loss has been attributed to colony collapse disorder but now dave goulston from the university of stirling in great britain and the team of fellow researchers have shown that pesticides including the widely used neo net gets annoyed insecticides the ones derived from nicotine from tobacco may be to blame in a study goulston though some beehives with insecticides and left others normal he then place the hives in fields where the bees can behave naturally after six weeks he found that the dosed guides were eight to twelve percent smaller than the non doze times and that those ties produced fewer queen bees than the non dose types
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green bees are crucial to the production of future generations these this is a big deal farmers in the us rely on about two point six million b. colonies every year to help pollinate their crops and agriculture is a fifteen billion dollar industry in this country and if the bees aren't there to pollinate the crops and crops don't grow plants don't reproduce and both our economy and our ecosystem are thrown into chaos insecticides have repeatedly been proven to harm humans and their health for the environment all around us and now it looks like they're responsible for an epidemic of dead beads so if you want to enjoy the sweet taste of honey help improve the environment and protect one of our part of our nation's food supply just say no just decides. just. the. it's the good the bad in the very very called trigger asli ugly the good walter
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while walter well helped form a group called missoula moves to amend which will soon be part of the national move to a better organization in the rest of the founding members of the missoula group want to end corporate rule in politics not just in montana but all over the country as wilde said the constitution talks about we the people it certainly didn't include corporation good on you walter for being part of the movement to take back the markers a bath arizona state senator judy burgess purchased along with other arizona tea party members introduced a bill in the state legislature to stop energy efficiency programs burgess says her goal is to wipe out any environmental program under budget obama. so she'll engineering including where we live and what we eat right she believes in a conspiracy where clean energy programs in arizona are up i'm serious what's a plot by the united nations to create a single world government in order to control our lives i didn't she just admit her
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pockets are lying by big oil money instead or start wearing a tin foil hat and the very very ugly viewport california polices police department police were called to the home of torii hunter a professional baseball player and his house alarm went off when they arrived they saw her outside his house and threw their weapons hunter the police asked for his id because he didn't believe he lived there on her of course is african-american and this incident is just the latest wave of racism across the country the trayvon martin martin shooting to the death of and of chamberlain sr i would leave man shot in his own home by police the police are supposed to protect our nation from the sort of racism now perpetuated that theory. of.
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conservatives are arming up for their war on public universities trying to defund them destroy them and replace them with for profit colleges and it's impossible they did the same thing during the reagan years of our national system of nonprofit hospitals which have now nearly all bitter and glazed with for profit hospitals which is a large part of why are health care costs are soaring and hospital executives are suddenly multi-millionaires so the war is on to destroy our state colleges and promote more for profit colleges and their primary weapon of choice is not budget cuts to education or tax breaks to the for profit universities go their primary weapon of choice is for rain. you see facts can be pesky things and often conservatives don't like talking in facts mainly because the facts tend to agree with liberal positions so they use the facts conservatives prefer talking
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in frayne or stories that appeal emotionally to voters. it's like how the gun supporter tends to ignore the facts that gun violence is greater in america than any developed nation in the world and then a gun in a home as a greater likelihood of being used against someone living in that home than an intruder breaking into the house those facts are instead replaced by frames stories i prefer in that guns are needed for self-defense which is usually accompanied by an apocryphal story about how a friend of a friend who was held up in a vacant parking lot and luckily the friend was carrying a gun for protection was the savior to chase the people way story doesn't have to be factually true it's enough to convince people that yeah americans should have a hand gun for self defense see how it works now here's how conservatives are using frames to attack public education in the united states take what rick santorum recently said it was a public universities in california just read something last night from the state
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of california and at the california universities there there it's several i think it's seven or eight of it of the california system of universities don't even teach an american history course it's not even available to be taught just to tell you how bad it is scott in this country we're trying to disconnect the american people from the roots of who we are so they have an understanding of what america should be it's not true all the university in all the california state and university of california campuses are for us history classes in fact the university of california website clearly states all undergraduate degree programs that you see require study in american history and institutions. the only exception is u.c. san francisco which is a graduate level medical school but even that school offers
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a class in the history of medicine in america but remember the facts don't matter it's the frain as sarah robinson points out over at alter net even though right wing narratives are often factually wrong they're absolutely never content free stories like this are always about something since farms brief comment incoherent as it seemed communicated a great deal to his audience by artfully triggering a vast universe of essential right wing mean this robinson goes on to explain why santorum chose to attack california universities namely because ever since reagan became governor of california and began screaming about ending free college education his state california higher education has been associated in the conservative mind with hippies and liberals and when conservatives hear about schools like berkeley immediately react with discussed not only that california public universities are considered the best in the nation so if you target the vanguard schools and succeed in taking them down and privatized them the way that
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they did hospitals during reagan's years the rest of the nation's public education system fall like dominoes. here's how the frame is rushed out taxpayer dollars are being used to fund public universities where liberals are ignoring american history to raise a new generation of american hating liberal this is basically what follows in this frame is the call to action which is simple cut public funding to public universities as they die it opens a hole in the business ecosystem for profit name colleges to step in and make even more money off america's young people their article on alter net sarah robinson goes on to explain how this brain is created and then passed on through all the right wing media outlets until politicians spring into action and start passing legislation based on the free santorum is frame of the public universities in california not offering american history classes came from
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a grossly partisan report by the conservative hoover institution which was selectively quoted by the wall street journal and then misquoted by rick santorum and robertson points out rightwing crusades almost always start with think tank reports and our issue eyes on the pages of conservative magazines and newspapers from there the ideas are picked up and disseminated by fox politicians conservative ministers and right wing bloggers if it all goes well within weeks the legislators will be paying attention and lobbyist will be presenting them with ready written legislation to propose to deal with this manufactured problem so we have the think tanks produce in the frame then the politicians echoing it all we need is box of the news to pick up the frame right cue steve doocy. a new report about california's public universities is raising eyebrows and concerns about what our kids are being taught on campus the report claims left leaning professors outnumber
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conservative ones and these liberal professors are allegedly using the classroom to push in some cases a political agenda so i give it a few weeks before a legislation written by alec the koch brothers funded american legislative exchange council so it's making the rounds in state legislatures and the u.s. congress to defund public universities think of it as a well oiled machine it doesn't depend on backs only needs frames but moving beyond the framing tactic to take down public universities here's the bigger picture about why conservatives hate public education the conservatives are really trying to do in america is maintain an oligarchy and now they've created an extremely wealthy elite class by cutting taxes on the rich by breaking up unions and the regulating industries the best way to keep that wealthy elite oligarchy in our is the dumbed down the population get rid of public education make learning about economics history and government a privilege only for those who are the children of the ruling. and convince the
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rest of the population that since the not as smart or as well educated they should just trust those who proven how smart they are by getting super rich people like romney and bloomberg just trust that to run our government just trust the rich to watch over us they know what's best the reality is as jefferson said repeatedly our democracy depends on a system of public education that allows americans to learn the facts necessary to make well informed of votes about what's best for our economy and our country as a whole as abraham lincoln famously said give the people the facts and the republic will be saved. but the conservatives for rick santorum to the wall street journal to the fox so-called news has no longer use facts always like mitt romney yesterday going off saying oh president obama is the first president in history to cut five hundred billion dollars out of medicare he didn't do that he actually shored up and
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strengthen medicare with obamacare so they don't need facts they just need frames and a concert to succeed in their latest frame against public universities then within a generation our democracy may well be lost at sea for the big picture tonight don't forget democracy begins when you get out there that i did show up participate occupy something your statement.
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