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tv   [untitled]    April 6, 2012 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT

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market finance. find out what's really happening to the global economy with much stronger a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to cause report on r t. moscow denounces victims sentenced calling it political as a u.s. judge rules the russian businessman should be locked up for twenty five years. before so there's still violence in syria despite the un's ultimatum that both sides lay down arms next week. and muslims say they're victims of fear mongering in france these days in the wake of the deadly to lose shootings as presidential hopefuls play on extremism worries try and sway the vote says.
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hello there a good evening from moscow bunnings kevin oh you're watching r t coming to you live it's now nine pm moscow time and our top story moscow has condemned viktor blued sentencing in the united states is an acceptable and politically motivated russia's foreign minister said the country will help to to ensure his rights are protected the russian businessman was convicted of conspiring to sell weapons to terrorists and kill americans of his more important allies in new york. the u.s. government wanted victor boot to spend the rest of his life in an american prison however a u.s. federal judge has sentenced the russian citizen to twenty five years behind bars and that is for conspiring to sell millions of dollars of weapons and surface to air missiles to colombian for rebels those rebels were really agents that were posing undercover the u.s. federal judge delivered her sentence in manhattan. thursday afternoon that
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was the mandatory minimum sentence that she could give mr boot the u.s. federal judge has said that mr hasn't been an active arms dealer since two thousand and three and believes that there is no proof that mr putin was looking for opportunities to deal with terrorists kill americans a victory for the first time stood up and they dressed the courtroom he said that he never intended to kill anyone or sell arms to anyone he said that is the truth and then he turned around and pointed his finger at the d. e. agents that testified against him saying that they know that what he's saying is the truth yes he expected the sentence because i believe the judge is very intelligent very professional it's an acknowledgement of that you really did see stations made by the prosecutors i think the judge was much constrained by google
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she would have chosen to close the case. mr booth in a recent interview said he is the victim of a us propaganda and mainstream media narrative that was bestowed upon him without any truth there was a movie made about him the lord of war and he said u.s. press dubbed him the merchant of death and that he is just a legitimate businessman since the very big. getting mr good has maintained his innocence he continues to do so his defense attorney following the sentencing came outside of the courtroom and said that victor boot is an innocent man. i want to let you know that this is not the end. that the journey is just beginning. now it was positions are clear. we intend he released conviction. was
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arrested in thailand in a sting operation in march two thousand and eight years a rest the u.s. was pressing for him to be taken to the united states according to documents released by wiki leaks the was government spent an enormous amount of time trying to get custody of viktor booth following his arrest in thailand according to u.s. cables u.s. president barack obama was urged to personally call thailand's prime minister directly about the us federal judge says she will recommend that mr bush remains in the person's general population for now the russian citizen has a bad one not some security person in brooklyn working for manhattan's federal courthouse marina r.t. but that's not the only foreigner who drew a high pressure extradition to the states britain is also handed over citizens. and says that well someone sent to the united states it's almost impossible to escape the clutches of the american legal system. and there maybe some places where it's
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permissible if somebody organized crime is the only way but i think has to be created with great caution and what we also have in under the american system is once people have been entrapped and frightened through a court you have this plea bargain system where people offer a script you know sixty five years in prison unless they plead guilty to a lesser offense and get a few years i mean this isn't in my view this isn't a legal system this is a this is a system of oppression where people are forced into making some kind of kill very often in order to get a lesser sentence and then you know or start fights longer even the would otherwise in america's barbaric prison system who could resist that kind of pressure because they were arrested and you know it's it's an unbelievable pressure on them the things that we should be protecting our own people from not surrendering people unless we think there's a cast iron case against them that they should have to answer in a foreign country. despite the u.n.
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ultimatum to syria to complete the ceasefire an extra week reports of violence from the country continue key cities and parts of the capital remain restive although president assad said he is implementing un backed peace plans by withdrawing his military from certain areas he wants later statement graters the possibility there were further steps if syria doesn't comply and negotiators have been deployed ahead of an observer mission russia is warning other nations arming the rebels because it could escalate the crisis take a bold virgo from the future of freedom foundation told to syria's opposition and nato want regime change not a ceasefire. if you have a cease fire were the rebels are under that cease fire and say ok we're we're in we're no longer going to engage in violence against this regime then one of the point of starting the rebellion in the first place and and so it's very likely that the rebels are going to use any hand a cease fire to consolidate their position and continue their goal the u.s.
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for example is pressuring the assad regime to relinquish power they're doing it under this are a democracy in freedom well this is just your piracy we know that the u.s. loves a dictatorship they just sent one point three billion dollars to the egyptian dictatorship they support the dictatorship in bahrain because of the u.s. military base there what's involved here in syria is a dictatorship that is not pro u.s. and so the u.s. sees this as an opportunity for regime change if we can get rid of this dictator and install a pro u.s. military dictator like in egypt or in other places around the world in the u.s. will be satisfied but make no mistake about it this is not some glorious cars on the part of the west you in stark and a pro freedom pro democracy regime this is about empire is that i was live. you're watching out and it is good to have you company tonight still ahead few don't care hopes it is about time residents of california rally against wind turbines which
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they say had damaging the environment and in danger of wildlife. but first last month's deadly shooting rampage by a french one of algerian descent into lose reignited the debate about immigration and radical islam in the e.u. presidential hopefuls in france jumped on the story in a bid to score political points ahead of the vote later this month however it's a focus that's made the country's muslims feel increasingly isolated as artie's tesla's today reports that. this may be a film about the struggle to live in the french suburbs but this. it is reality. the shooting of seven people in the loose by a frenchman of algeria and the serbs are the latest incident to intensify an already heated debate on security immigration and integration in
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a country with the largest muslim population in europe. firstly i must say this is an isolated case unfortunately nice young immigrants in france do not have this kind of behavior i think this is a result of his personal journey if out that it was out of place in france probably humiliation discrimination and therefore personal kind of feeling of hatred and hatred of. in the words of this second generation muslim immigrant many like yourself don't feel french. in the suburbs there is this feeling of rejection by france and the government socially when we say i'm from the suburbs they're not taken seriously the proof when young people apply for jobs and the sun resume raise and how the suburban address it causes many problems some employers tend to favor people from central paris or sometimes she says favor a more french name and therein lies the problem the french republic's values of liberty equality and fraternity seem to exclude those living on the periphery like
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this barrage of suburb of mondale where we chanced upon a lone man in a protest going to need my claim the right to live like everyone else if you were between one thousand and thirteen hundred year olds you live in as if you live in the middle of electromagnetic waves with leaves in unsanitary conditions just five minutes from posh areas like. people guy here and all in different i see no no i denounce that fact in france we'll have a revolt there's a french saying to describe the country today loosely translated as a france a moving a two speeds after the young people find themselves stuck on the slower moving frame some say they belong to a generation already lost. states may find a sense of belonging elsewhere and by the time that happens any efforts to bring them back a likely to be futile and where some may find solace is anyone's guess it's a couple years i'm not only on people but there are those who create heroes like
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robin hood and it's the likes of osama bin laden or other so-called leaders who create a deal there's a new generation that is hungry and pushes an aggressive this creates a conflict on the internet creates an easy access to information freely and easily and the worst is ignorance that is reinforced that internet this is a huge danger to you in response politicians bombard the public with proposals for even more policies like policing internet behavior you see the number of new immigrants or stripping some of their citizenship which critics say are holo president circles he has really trying to expose the line the right. nationalist party here as well. you know ways attacking immigrants talking about. making issues coverings of muslim girls used to be a major issues in france rather than the question of drugs and perhaps the question
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of how to bring back the very basics of a society that calls itself egalitarian tesser sylvia r.t. paris where into production favor president sarkozy even threatened to pull out of the e.u. border free zone but political science professor tells us he believes it's no more than a desperate attempt to win over votes. so because he says one thing one day he runs out through a different hair the next day. when he talked about chang and he said there would be strict rules but i don't think this should be taken seriously at first a lot of the stuff that is announced could not be implemented because all the other europeans will be against it strange appeal to people who focus on immigration and so he wants to be a tough he's playing games with the butterball murder that took place in into lose a few weeks ago. piers as a joke stops immigration's our first he's not doing it second no one in europe
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could agree a drastic change of change and she rhetoric for a candidate who is basically and seems to be losing right now the u.s. defense department sighing robotic warfare we're reporting that online think it's a good planning to create a humanoid robot that could fight on the battlefield drive a vehicle and perform repair interest to know more about that well check out our website r t v dot com also the u.s. coast guard opening fire on that deserted japanese ship that's been drifting in the pacific ocean lot of people been reporting on since last year's tsunami now it's being fired on why find out more details and i you tube page. these are the images. from the streets of canada. trying to corporations are all today.
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the official antti allocation your body phone the i pod touch from the q snaps to. life on the go. video on demand policies of mine broadcasts and r.s.s. feeds now in the palm of your. question on the call. policy is marking twenty years since the start of one of the bloodiest conflicts in recent history that left almost one hundred thousand dead and over four million displaced in the capital sarajevo an orchestra played in front of thousands of empty red chairs one for every man woman and child killed in the city war resulted from the breakup of yugoslavia and span of the european community recognize bosnia as an independent country conflicts or violent division among the bosnian serbs croats and muslims with nato eventually intervening but serbian
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historian a potion managed told me western countries only accelerated the conflict. but there are around at least two trapped in a conflict in a sense it's always one hundred eighty two with their. the political opposition in syria. our war story. is still at work and it keeps reminding. us it is still one thousand nine hundred two engine we haven't changed much in moved on since even the war's been twenty years there's a myth about bosnia that it was a conflict that ran rampant on its own end of the west had to step in and stop it in fact there was a guy asking peace process there had actually been results it was a constitutional we meant it compromise between the ruling parties of the communities and everything was set for a peaceful resolution of the crowd of the constitution praises and then it worse
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testimonies and information the american ambassador stepped in council with the muslim party to these even exit only really any agreement. having been promised american that which is what ended up happening in this week reciprocated the war. the war crimes court the friends team of saif ali islam gadhafi claims he's been assaulted in libya's custody the hague demands as a media hand there but tripoli wants to try the colonel son on home soil over the deaths of protesters in the revolt the deposed his father however middle east research has told me the i.c.c. has reputation as an additional bastion is questionable. and there are big questions over the fact of the justice of the i.c.c. if you look at the history there's only been one conviction recently and also who has been the target of the i.c.c. are africans african leaders and certainly africa is not the only continent to host
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war criminals and to experience grave offenses being committed and so really the i.c.c. hasn't necessarily proven its ability to effectively carry out justice and this is hugely problematic because if you're going to have an international criminal court that supposedly carrying out principles of justice if they're not equally applied then of course it's not in any way possible for them to be fair so it really is a sort of colonial power play to go after a certain bad bogeyman to probably make the west feel good about itself. well news a brief u.s. navy jets crashed in a residential area in the state of virginia the two pilots and luther rejected before their f. eighteen hornet hit the ground there are no reports of injuries on the ground these latest pictures we go through the black smoke billowing near some buildings in a video coming in a crash posted on this developing story also making headlines egypt's pray lection battles are heating up with thousands taking to cairo's tahrir square in support of
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ultra conservative islamist presidential candidate as the man who is male could be part from running though because his mother was once an american citizen an accusation he says is part of a plot against him is disqualification would leave the muslim brotherhood without a main rival. allowing president being go. has died according to medical of ministerial sources of the no official confirmation. but all three treated him said on thursday the leader was clinically dead of the suffering a heart attack if confirmed his demise could create new political tensions and add to growing social unrest is one of the poorest countries in the world with most of the population living on less than a dollar a day. but these rebels have declared independence for a large desert region in the north the early captured three key towns cheering the mayhem caused by a coup in the south african union said the declaration is null and void go to our exit long complained about their treatment by the government but
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a private separation is suspected of being drugged by al-qaeda and following on from this story a bit more analysis for people of all of these cross talk us discuss whether the war in libya the only thing to do with what we're seeing in mali now in the mali. for the particular timing in the intensity of this rebellion this really was planned before. the rising because the before nato intervention in libya the military plans. who was in libya at the time but he'd been planning this from two thousand and nine onward so i i think that the fall of gadhafi. sped up the rebellion time of the rebellion and possibly gotten more arms but i don't think that this is a direct consequence i think that narrative is that ok peter what do you think about that in washington the grievances. what can dictate how the toerags this
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those are all ongoing problems but certainly there was a new amp a sport with fires much like the n.f.l. is military commander jim is was a colonel in the libyan army. you can watch crosstalk the late edition throughout the day it's next on a just over two hours time. californians are split over how the golden state's going green communities say they're blighted by government subsidized wind farms which is damaging the environment they say and endangered wildlife has been a collection of the reports next on living in the shadow of these giant generators . vibration in the weeds and flushing rats troops at night not exactly environmentally friendly save those living right next to these giants turbans are all completely paid by taxpayers subsidies clearly rate increases it's a complete corruption by our politicians and it needs to be stopped now robert
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moran and his wife are running you can paint to start energy companies building the windmills even closer to his home a battle being fought in many small rule towns in the whole it's sort of a money pit where our taxpayer money is going into these they're destroying thousands of acres they're actually hurting the environment that governor. proposed turbines on her doorstep with almost daily letters to her local governments and she succeeded with the energy company abandoning its plans but her case was very much the exception to the rule for more than thirty years now when power industry and its largest have promoted it as a green and clean but for many who live directly with the impacts of this energy green was more about the color of money with huge government handouts wind farms began popping up all over the place but it was subsidies in the bank the high
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maintenance costs coupled with the relatively small power generation house seen many now lying idle all guy been axed when a company executive believes the industry should be left to find its own place in the energy field instead of encouraging companies only interested in the government's hand outs we should not subsidize where anderson for energy that is the wrong way to develop or normal energy. we should treat. just the same way we treat electricity from any other source whether it's coal or nuclear. gas or oil the frenzy of windmill building during the winter rush didn't just ruin the view but also devastated wildlife and many of these farm stand on my grades three past two birds so answered hundreds of birds and bats being killed by the huge blaze every year. it seems the green and clean future has generated
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little more than brute kill and a huge amount of animosity mind you know which more i.t.v. reporting from california the downside of the wind farms. and something which is that after twenty three minutes past nine oscar time records of the east records for many parts of the world marina but not troubling i guess in the european american or asian markets however you do have news of a feud here in russia between two businessmen from what i understand spill the beans yes that's right carol and actually all of the world's top aluminum producer so this is a pretty big. question are business tycoons as you said one is a vector vaccine the other one is a lead that it passed and you're about to see them on your screens right now there you go there are victor vaccine launching legal action against older lead that it
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can see here right now and that's over in agreements with commodities trader glencore to sell up to half of broussard's aluminum exports back sober it was against this deal and now claims that it has violated shareholder rights and earlier he resigned as resources for him as well as over disagreements with the company's management and he says it's horsey roth who saw it and the crisis well we spoke of a diversion coffs you from north capital i you told us that the timing of the dispute is particularly bad. a woman and crisis in their decline right now due to the so-called chaney's factor in additional pressure due to the conflicts too many conflicts actually with counterparts of all if the reports make it. much worse than shoot under difference or can sort of stances. well as we mentioned earlier it is of course a good friday many parts of the world but russia was among
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a few still trading there has closed right now for russians by the way is next week and that's why the trading floors were open what you see right now is the closing picture from friday as you can see both the r.t.s. and the why six also one and a half size now we know that the ministry of economic development say that it lowered its g.d.p. forecasts slightly for this year so that was of course didn't help matters for investors let's take a look at the main movers on the my side so naturally most of the blue chips were in the red as we can see there are gas from last over a suit percent now we do know that the company has struck a deal to increase its presence in the vietnamese shelf but that of course a bit of help matters and we have a sperm bank also losing over one and a half person and what we know are the companies that it's reported as sixty percent increase in net profit for the first quarter of two thousand and twelve products under russian accounting standards and then finally we have fertilizer all
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calling us a giant here in russia trying company about lost over one and a half per side as well and that's following news that has cut production by twenty seven percent in the first quarter after lowered them and now let's take a look at the exchange rates the ruble has lost against both the main currencies that's of course the euro and the dollar and when it comes to the euro dollar trading has been pretty much of light for a couple of hours now and that's a lot of concerns i will see more of a crisis a deeper crisis in the euro zone all of that's how business looks the sound will boom not have an update for you next hour we'll be back and just on that so our scavenge back to see if the reason why you know the next hour is because more money matters being tackled with lauren list stirrer america's financial troubles the capital account to our studios in washington d.c. with straight out of the headline.
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amy. holmes. live. at the speed.
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with. the flu. bug missed something good luck with. the money. but i'm a little. so. there hasn't been anything good on t.v. . it is to get the maximum political impact all six of the full source material is what hopes for and was a real. we wanted to present. something up.
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to execution dates in believe me oh just having one of the execution date is enough for anybody to go to my life and. you know more than fifty percent of the people who are if you didn't have or not. you know live in north darfur as merry. christmas night and you know we execute our convicted capital murder we have the highest execution rate in america we're not afraid to do it we do it well this becomes a four wheel drive comes. out of new hope. i'll get a letter your dad is due to be executed next week beza be a scary moment for you to know you can loose here want to be appearing at the in a manner of me saying i say it's time to go.


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