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tv   [untitled]    April 9, 2012 12:00am-12:30am EDT

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peace deal in danger of syrian rebels fail to provide written guarantees they will halt violence something the government says is the main condition for army withdrawal. the world's most powerful gun lobby's under fire a string of shootings leaves many americans appalled it was leans towards those pulling the trigger. plus the skill of pilots in russia is under scrutiny including find new crews are often unable to perform emergency landings we capture a fatal plane crash killed more than thirty people.
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it is eight o'clock in the russian capital you're watching r t with me marina joshing the fast approaching that line for an agreed cease fire in this year in conflict may not be met opposition forces are not offering written guarantees they will lay down their arms the main condition said by the government before it starts pulling back its forces from cities along with it was drawn by tuesday that make or break agreement brokered by special envoy kofi annan includes a complete cease and all facilities by thursday syria's foreign minister is heading to moscow reports on how the government is complying with the initiative by being rude based political analyst amar in the shop he says there are indications the rebels and the powers behind him are just not interested in peace. the so-called city from the free syrian army and its supporters in the west and some. groups that
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support that do not want. proportional to the city and people support president assad in fact. some reports claim it is the joint now eve. if it's not the majority even if it is an equal number or a large proportion of the syrian population then one cannot have a stable syria without dialogue and one cannot have a dialogue without the ceasefire so be the opposition groups or syrian free army that is supported by western powers and countries needs to. resolve this matter of priority. to the international community and to everybody and to the united nations is the priority. actually have a stable syria and to actually build government institutions are all full of course it would be more graphic reform the order is the priority. a possible
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fall out of the syrian crisis may affect israel which is under threat of losing strategically vile territories of occupied over forty years ago our disposal here has more of how israeli interests are caught up in the unrest of its neighbor the golan heights stretching back a finger between the borders of lebanon jordan and syria whoever controls these mountains controls the area. which is was done since katrina from damascus in one thousand sixty seven but there's something more fundamental than security at stake much of israel's water supply comes from here the goal line is absolutely essential for for israel's water there's no doubt about that which is why serious being closely watched by its neighbors on the side of the border you can't walk far without a reminder of this land changing ownership. these are old syrian military houses for the jew settle here now what happens next could be
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a matter of life and death if the water becomes polluted they start pumping the water away oh no there's a number of issues that that that would face in this scenario that it was totally unacceptable because it would also change the whole face of the landscape of the state of israel these really communities that live in the goal and get it thinking water from underground springs a rainwater therefore it's channeled through water reserves like this one to the sea of galilee this is the largest freshwater lake in israel it supplies about thirty percent of the country's water from here the water is pumped as far as the same tech and south of the country where it is used for both domestic and agricultural purposes the water is the main reason for making peace or for one of the war is wrong the next goal and over thirty years ago it's never been internationally recognized and returning the territory to syria was on the cards until relatively recently. but syria's instability has israelis on tenterhooks many
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feel they still technically at war and whoever replaces president assad could prove infinitely worse for them it will be like exchanging the boston strangler for jerk the ripper or vice versa and all the emotion in the world. for roughly thirty five percent or for real water resources a strategic vantage point but chiefly a vital lifeline to a parched landscape for the syrians a thirst to get back in a hands is unlikely to be quenched no matter how damascus is future plans are policy r.t. golan heights. much like the west iran is also eagerly watching events unfold in syria but from a very different perspective coming up in just twenty five minutes time if our shapira from israel's institute for national security studies tells r.t. just what iran has to lose from the fall of us at fault or hubris been
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and the dream has been iran's closest rally for over two decades if us a true dream falls apart iran is standing to lose a very strong only because any government would pick place in syria would be worse than of our own democracy which is not very likely or muslim muslim brothers who are sunis and were very hostile to. iran any route you either hostile to run or far from corporate community around the earth much of the bashar al assad regime has been. from boycotts to marches and protests there is public anger over the killing of teenager trayvon martin across america gunned down while armed only with iced tea
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and candy the episode has brought attention to the country's last gun laws which critics say i've gone far beyond just security right of ordinary ports. if the second amendment to the u.s. constitution had a soundtrack. the right to bear arms would best be recognized by gunfire. the land of the free is the most heavily armed nation in the world with two hundred ninety four million firearms floating around america hi i'm chuck norris. and some progress under my home i could use my roundhouse kick. for a look down the barrel of my gun. in a reported thirty states a us doctrine known as the castle law allows homeowners to shoot and kill intruders without becoming liable to prosecution since two thousand and five that freedom for gun owners to point and shoot in the name of self-defense has widened and her
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controversial legislation known as the stand your ground law experts say it allows going owners to use deadly force to protect themselves in public by sensually delivering a license to kill it tells people you know what if you're in a confrontation on the street with someone or getting into an argument or there's a physical altercation even if you could safely retreat from that just walk away and go home you don't have to we're going to let you shoot and potentially kill another human being and then the law will not only provide you with proper immunity from criminal prosecution but also immunity from any future civil litigations stand your ground first became law in florida but recently received national attention following the deadly shooting of seventeen year old trayvon martin the unarmed student was carrying candy and iced tea when he was shot dead by a neighborhood watch volunteer police released the gunman george zimmerman without
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charges was our son but trayvon is your son. a lot of people can relate to our situation. and it breaks their heart just like it breaks mine he said he. will continue to fight for justice for sins stand your ground took effect the number of so-called justifiable homicides in florida have tripled as martin's parents mourn the loss of their son u.s. gun laws remain historically loose in many states citizens with criminal records and prior restraining orders are still able to receive gun permits. critics say easy access comes courtesy of the national rifle association or n.r.a. a gun rights organization and the tories sleep powerful u.s. lobbying group that reportedly spent more than seventy million dollars on political ads during the two thousand and ten u.s. midterm election paid for by the n.r.a.
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everything that the n.r.a. pushes at the state and federal level is designed to sell more weapons that's what this is about there's a lot of money thrown around whether it's an or a campaign contributions to florida politicians or corporate money that can be spread around a number of different ways since two thousand and five the stand your ground law has been i adopted in twenty five states throughout america just like the sixty conduct a particular set in some of the people in our culture here to do to gun violence murder and so you know as the most powerful nation on the planet richest nation in some people's minds most democratic nation by this clearly something before you can see people should each other all of south americans since i don't believe in u.s. civil liberties and freedom have suffered in the name of national security new gun laws have some alternate history made it easier for americans to arm themselves leaving the land of liberty locked and loaded or die of heart see me up.
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and coming out in the program firing out new fear as north korea lives during will see the final preparations for its. discussed rocket launch media in the south down to you are over in a weather new you hear. the spanish global struggle underway of economic crisis and the government's failure to bring the country's public finances under control. it's been a week since a deadly plane crash in russia siberia claimed more than thirty lines and left twelve people in hospital are this current arace takes a look at a modern problems in the country's aviation industry to see what's being done to avoid similar tragedies in the future captain sergei died the day before his twenty eighth birthday his copilot. was only twenty four years old luminary investigations into the crash of flight one twenty say one possible reason may have
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been a failure to delist the plane prior to takeoff it's a decision typically made by the captain of the aircraft the problems that we have today in aviation comes down to the system that prepares and manufactures planes as well as those who train the pilots and flight personnel with only a handful of certified aviation schools across russia and the industry rapidly growing there simply aren't enough pilots in the seventy's it took only two years to become an aviator now it's a college degree and a specialized program that could take up to eight years to complete opening just last year once all is a chanting to turn back the clock and address the issue the primary goal of the arafat aviation school here in moscow is to fix the shortage of professionals in a russian aviation industry bad weather horrible equipment and even older models of planes have been to blame of recent crashes in russia however here the primary focus is on the human factor the idea that pilots and copilots should be able to
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handle high levels of stress in order to land a plane safely on the ground or in the water. but even at this school it's painfully obvious that simply turning over pilots at a faster rate don't be enough russian airlines need at least eight hundred new pilots yearly while here it takes twenty four months to graduate just a fifth of that number of these state of the art computer based programs and simulators may fall short when competing with actual flight experience with you nowadays a pilot acts only as the operator of a plane he basically pushes buttons turning them on and off with the exception of takeoff and landing older more experienced pilots have this knowledge but also have skills that help them in other more unconventional circumstances with skills like those of pilots who perform miracles landings in two thousand and ten an electrical failure crippled a plane travelling from siberia to moscow the two middle aged russian pilots on
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that flight safely landed the aircraft on an abandoned military airfield against the odds all eighty one people on board survived. the new method should be in place for the construction of our planes the preparation of pilots and flight crew on the ground and in the air in addition there should always be a system to control and check these people if we don't have this they will never be ordered in our aviation. thirteen planes crashed in russia last year eight of which resulted in fate tallaght ease and those three were due to pilot error and most tragic in u.s. law which killed all but one of the forty five people on board karen taraji archie moscow. now website r.t. dot com you can follow the whole story watch videos and photos from the crash site as well as listen to witnesses testimonies so here's a taste of what else is lined up for you there. and you'll out of mind control find out the line about the future weapons that will make zombies out of the enemy
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against their will. and controversial u.s. agriculture a giant declares war on the entire state of vermont threatening to sue if a bill regulating genetically modified foods passed. madrid could be the next capital after athens to seek international financial help of some analysts are correct and spain's fiscal reckoning is already putting the squeeze on some of the nation's biggest sporting institutions as archie's jake agrees now reports. you didn't list the many bean ball he meant to the beautiful game but off the field it's getting ugly top flight spanish clubs are
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struggling with masses of debt ninety percent of all european teams are bankrupt a based in spain. and presently to premier league clubs are either bankrupt or half bankrupt and this is a terrible result the clubs have to realize they can only spend as much as they have invested to believe. it is not just the sport it's that much a part of a nation but as with many other aspects as mannish life they think financial ruin. of a year and euro zone the nation sports minister recently said spanish clubs may be offered help in the form of restructuring or refereeing the crisis german politicians appear to have kicked better idea into touch of one n.d.p. calling the move a threat to competition and asking german clubs to speak out i find it unthinkable we are paying hundreds of millions of dollars to help them recover from the
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situation and clubs are trying to avoid paying their debts he cannot go on like this. the repos who has since been dropped but the problem persists the spanish clubs owing more than seven hundred fifty million euros and unpaid taxes rayo vallecano is one such club owner ministration is struggling to pay its players wages. i think the spanish players who are outraged when we talk about destroyed it is obvious this is going through a really difficult time and inability to pay salaries is something affecting nearly clubs last year propping place the strike wages are only part of the problem is spending to net the world's greatest talents amounting to four hundred million euros in the top league and those who lead teams from the boardrooms think something drastic needs to change. now spanish football and astonish economy need investments from abroad it's not only about football but also state as
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a whole off the pitch a similar scenario is being played out by an uncompetitive economy is not yielding many positive results and more some accuse football clubs of taking their eyes of football many are saying the same about the nation's leaders to griefs madrid spain . or to find out what happened on europe's football pitches over the we can stay with our tea for our sports bulletin coming up in about half an hour. south korean news agency reports the north is preparing a new on the ground in clear task to follow a long range rocket launch due this week and a rare move foreign reporters were allowed to see first hand a fully prepared rocket at the launch site and north samus to put a communications satellite into orbit but the u.s. and south korea say my be a covert ballistic missile test and to paris preparing to shoot the rocket down if it goes over its territory but any weapons test would further isolate the north
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something it one of risks as art and grow from the korean friendship association of the u.s. . there's a lot of little pieces like this news agencies where they're mysterious unnamed sources and no notes on nations the origins of the reports they're always rumors in this case it has no bearing on reality you know this really sure is needed and. more importantly the being made in the united states to secure more. playing time closer to. the situation in the making it so the north chair developments on this. computer. completely what is us this is a little too closely and we're a little unfair now let's take a look at some other stories from around the world a second bomb has exploded in central nigeria just hours after thirty eight people
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were killed in a suicide attack in the country's north homes in the northern city of could be one to have their windows glowing out and roofs torn away with two nearby churches also badly damaged there are fears the tap could inflame tensions in the region which lies in a dividing line between a jury's largely christian south and muslim north. but heroes mining minister has appealed for equipment and experts to help free a group of miners trapped for the last four days since the shaft in the copper mine they were working. in collapsed conditions authorities have been supplying them with food and water through a host the country's prime minister oscar walvis has visited the site and says it could be three more days before they are free. a large tanker burst into flames on a california highway after another car crashed into it the road have to be closed while over one hundred fifty firefighters tackled
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a blaze that tanker was carrying almost ninety thousand gallons of petrol at the time both drivers escaped unhurt the owner of the second arrested after testing positive for alcohol. now there are them a new stories for you the sour economy of later on crossed out today to thirty g.m.t. or to get all of our will be looking out a value of happiness and how much it really costs. if you want to go and buy foreign food or go on holiday all stop working or retire early you will need money to do it so it's a very broad and sensible objective to pursue well for yourself because it shouldn't be your only objective and if it is your objective you'll be very unhappy i'm not going to argue that sometimes there's a market failure there is buyer's remorse people sometimes buy things on the likes of i know that it didn't bring them as much pleasure as i thought it would but there's also governments and most people don't get legal maneuver this is just a simple floods in britain and then we have a government that nobody voted for. is more serious i was more knock on effects on
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everybody than somebody going out and buying something that they don't really want . and now it's a business ask where it must be quiet considering traders have been busy celebrating easter and why it is of course a europe is going to remain closed on monday but wall street traders will be back at their desks after the holidays and of course asia is already trading this monday except for the hang sang and let's see what's going on there now as you can see there the asian in the seas or at the red in tokyo the nikkei is shedding value really on concerns about the big picture of the global economic recovery and essentially that's after serious very bad losses last week in fact it saw the biggest losses in about eight months and the hang seng as i already mentioned is
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close do you think friday's closing figures a child around one percent we're expecting some key statistics coming out of china namely the first quarter g.d.p. figures the pollution results and the trade balance will definitely keep our eye on that and bring you all the latest and in the united states. we'll be back at their desks this monday you're seeing friday's closing figures we saw some disappointing jobs results despite the markets being closed and monday will be the first opportunity for the traders to react to that and u.s. futures point to a potential selloff so we'll definitely keep our eye on that and bring you all the latest the u.s. is also entering the earnings season definitely something to keep your eye on and it's less than two hours ahead of the opening bell here in moscow you see the
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closing figures from friday it was a pretty bad day in the absence of any of the global news of the my sex and the r.t.s. still managed to shed it more than one and three quarters of a percent each and as you can see the my six drop below below the fifteen hundred point level and basically. the weaker than expected the us employment results were to blame i already mentioned those results earlier friday's biggest movers on the my sex word gazprom it was down around two percent and that's despite a saying that it wants to boost its presence in the vietnamese shelf and is very bankrupt what are the sixteen percent increase in net profits in the first quarter about supporting to the russian accounting standards but that didn't help as you can see was still down and fertilizer giants growth holly was also down and also said that it was it will. decrease its production on slower demand
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and now on to the currencies the dollar is strengthening to the euro and the russian ruble on friday was weaker to both the greenback and the euro and now on to the oil markets that were closed on friday due to good friday and they are lower on friday and now back to you. i'll be back with all the latest and about fifty minutes. or an hour thanks very much indeed for this some days and there he is mania the sports are still i had the new this hour but first i'll be back with a recap of our top stories.
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the so was the plan that was responsible for causing the world's worst industrial disaster. in a condition where a source of pollution the most recent study that was done shows that this water pollution spreading.
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in the sea as. unpunished. dear mom i'm sorry that i had to do this i've been in so much pain in the past year that i can't take it anymore the stomach and chest pains have been getting worse and no doctor has been able to help me please know that i'll finally be at peace and with no more pain i wish i could have had a life with it was a bit always pictured her being my wife and mother to my kids i love you all see you all in heaven when your time comes i'm going to meet jesus christ.
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thousands of u.s. troops in iraq receive one of these drugs a drug called lariam and it may have prevented many soldiers from getting sick the question tonight is whether or not soldiers were adequately warned about its rare side effects serious life changing side effects. doesn't be a theme get on t.v. . is to get the maximum political impact. before source material is one hopes he journalism one of we. we wanted to visit. something else. he.
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