tv [untitled] April 9, 2012 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT
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welcome to the launch show where the real headlines with none of the mersey are going to live in washington d.c. now it's monday so that means we're going to have a monday hangover panel ready to speak a brazilian president's visit to washington the white house backing out on forcing federal contractors to disclose their political donations and training programs for the unemployed that are running out of money then david sirota is going to join us to talk about laws being passed in the states to let corporate secrets things like
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what goes on in factory farms a secret and a look at a report that says the u.s. funded trade to any k. right here on u.s. soil as we get more details about the group that's on the state department's designated list of terrorist organizations and that's why the u.s. government will arm that but all that and more for tonight including a dose of happy hour but first take a look at the mainstream media has decided to me it's. all right so just last week it was announced by the pentagon that the lead sheikh mohammed and four coconspirators would finally be facing trial not in our federal civilian courts like the administration had been pushing for but in a military commission and the media gave it a little bit of play. police shaikh mohammad set to face the death penalty now for his role in the nine eleven attacks terrorism charges were filed for the second time because khalid shaikh mohammed the pentagon has announced
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a new military trial for the self-confessed mastermind this restarts a process to have the group go through the military court system. now friday show we walked through the timeline for you of how it was that this story this battle between a civilian trial and a military commission really played out and we specifically pointed out how it was the mainstream media that really pale played into the fear mongering and how dangerous it would be to try a terrorist on u.s. soil despite the fact that all these things are done all the time i mean really at the time they went completely nuts over this. well i think it's a good intro this is the most reckless and dangerous and irresponsible it's giving them a platform where they can preach to release of terrorists into the united states shaikh mohammad military commission responsible for much of new york for trial just blocks from the world trade center to close for comfort here at war hate america.
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act of war for murder mean the platform propaganda vehicle within our borders that is very very very. very. what a difference in time makes anyway the reason that i'm bringing this up again is because today danger a report on some new bits of information to give us insight into how this trial is going to play out let's not forget that while k.s.i. may have confessed to plotting nine eleven there's also the whole torture aspect the fact that he was water boarded one hundred eighty three times just in the first month of his captivity not to mention other techniques that were used on him so there have been some questions as to just exactly what the federal prosecutors are going to do military commission rules also do state that evidence of taint through torture is inadmissible but here's what spencer ackerman pointed out today and the government is hoping that means you can also get mo detainee of former associates of pastimes there hoping that with his testimony they can just forget all about the torture stuff economy that the plea deal of nineteen years in prison for testifying
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against the nine eleven it's kind of nothing to do with the plot or that's what officials believe and he just learned about it from chaos and after khan was also never tortured so what he says can be used in the military commission and long military commissions don't allow evidence obtained through torture to be used they do have more lenient rules on hearsay evidence so how all this plays out exactly all that has yet to be seen but there is one gigantic problem that it could all bring up the trial against them will probably be the largest terrorist. we have one of the worst things on our record though as a country post nine eleven is that our values were thrown out the window when we tortured the largest terrorism trial goes by without addressing the issue of torture and the book has been closed without ever being read the government will continue to face no consequences their own legal actions will not hinder their legal case and this entire dark episode of our history will be left unresolved oh
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bothers me here is the mainstream media now they could give a damn right you saw the noise the hysteria over the possibility of a trial being held in new york city that was fake outrage that was manufactured fear and yet when it comes to the torture record the fact that nobody has been held accountable for that they don't even try to fake it again was supposed to be the government watchdog gives the government a complete pass and chooses another huge miss. all right so it's only monday but there is a lot to talk about because the news doesn't stop over the weekend even though we might have technically not been here in the office so today's monday hangover we'll talk money we'll talk the economy brazilian president dilma rousseff is in town today has cost monetary policy energy amongst other things and what specifically might obama be able to learn from resilient leader and it seems the white house has abandoned its push to force radical contractors to disclose their political
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donations so might have something to do with the election that's coming up and government funds to train the unemployed across the u.s. are drying up now to news now that some private companies are finally picking up their hiring so grab your water grab your painkillers it's time for a monday hangover. from. all right so here's a discuss this all with me today is anthony rand as o. director of economic research for the reason our nation and matthew o'bryant associate editor at the atlantic sentiment thank you for joining me today ok so let's start with brazil right last year brazil overtook u.k. they're now the sixth largest economy and so kind of a big deal that president taylor itself is here visiting but what she did is she kind of went after obama about america's loose monetary policy right criticized our
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low interest rates and so i'm just curious what it is that you think about i mean it's not even something that she can pin on obama i know that jay carney just said talk to the treasury and the fed about. talk to them about it although president obama did. make it to the fed board some respects i guess she can maybe loosely like it to the presidency but they do. we have somewhat of a complaint about low interest rates are hitting emerging market countries brazil and this is trying to elevate themselves on the global stage and this this trip is part of that she's in the didn't just come to talk to president obama today she's going on to boston there too to give it speeches in mit and harvard and they're trying to push a lot of brazilian students to go to the united states to get educated people in sciences and in technology in brazil wants to be one of the global players this is part of it and i think that they are a little bit afraid that the u.s. economic picture is going to slow down that progress and i think that's part of the
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message restraints that i. think that he i mean what she didn't get all of this i guess you could say was a state dinner right she didn't get the red carpet treatment and so in a certain respect is that is that a bit of a shot is that saying you know you're not up there with david cameron yet a little bit brazil is probably the country has been hit the hardest by the so-called currency wars that's what they talk about and you know they have a complaint you know there the reality is pretty heavily overvalued but it's actually moving a deficit trade deficit with the u.s. and there's actually you know common purpose here with us brazil when you talk about china you know they both look at china and they say you're the real problem here so there's some room for proper action it's not just about you know the fed quantitative easing the brazilian economy. i have you know something maybe to you guys i'm not quite exactly sure how you can respond to it but let's go back to
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friday and the president had this women's forum at the time you get a little joke about what if there were women in congress they have i think a lot. fewer than twenty percent of the seats in congress are occupied by one. is it possible that congress will get more done if there were more women in congress thank you experts say joe thanks for the say thank you that is that is almost guaranteed. all right all jokes aside i mean wherever you go girl power go dilma rousseff i'm happy that there's a female president brazil but the thing about her is that she's got a seventy seven percent approval rating and now is in the latest poll that was done fast in march you know when you look at it the areas that she tries to end war handling unemployment poverty and hunger you know i mean so there isn't anything out of her policies that you think that president obama can learn from you know that could be applied here obviously they're different countries are going to come
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to those who will that that's a highly complex country different countries different economies different demographic make us different roles to play in the world. broadly speaking the chief has done an impressive job she kind of wrote in the hotels your predecessor to to a huge degree and i think that speaks to a lot of what she's been able to do and why she's got a lot of approval in brazil has not declined in the midst of the global turmoil over the past several years and to that respect you know she's she's done a good job in the eyes for people and it's understandable she has that approval rating. right now you know the developing economy is much different for us where we are right now so it's understandable why you know so that from the you know on the other hand brazil has you know a different model is capitalism have more of a social aspect to it obama could learn from it if you look at things like unemployment insurance you look at job retraining going to talk about those are areas we're definitely pretty well let's talk about that's our next topic and so
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this is what's happening as the stimulus has run out right here in washington what they've been doing is constantly extending unemployment insurance or unemployment benefits but we haven't really been talking about a whole lot of these training programs for the unemployed and so a lot of states are starting to just lose funds they're completely drying up and you know so why wouldn't you that this is not the area that we should specifically be focusing on some people don't believe that the government can create jobs they can't the government help provide training so that now that the economy is slowly picking back up again right it looks like the private sector is hiring again so that you can actually have workers that are prepared or that are trained for the jobs that need for. this is the lowest of low hanging fruit training workers if you look at the u.s. we have a much different education model in countries like france or germany where you have true church truck you have people who go to college and you have occasional schools and that's kind of where we have workers who fall in between the cracks who don't
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have quite the skills to fill the jobs that we need in good manufacturing jobs and that's where community colleges and that's where job retraining come in and we're failing there we're letting the funds just go away because i know when i first got a priority right you know in obama's new budget he's asking for i think two point eight billion dollars more of these training programs in the republican budget training programs are one of the things they could watch it is it's actually true that leverage and skills mismatch is one of the biggest problems with the employment labor pool today and this is not actually just a unique to two right now in two thousand and twelve. in the past couple years is that a growing problem this guy actually going to continue to be a growing problem for the next decade as we're sort of we're shifting we're growing probably less right now than we were in two thousand. that we know it right we weren't in the action that we were going yeah which is just kind of nuts that we're spending more when we were in a recession we are now we don't necessarily have to be completely dependent on federal training programs so there's a new york times article today about this in the lead in that was that van company
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vandalize trying to look for more commercial truck drivers and they in there's not enough people that have been going to federal programs to get these you know get these license and they cost money to be able to will they can pay for that training there's no reason that we as taxpayers need to pay for the training for drivers for those family lines they can pay workers those workers can commit to a two year contract they may work for a few years to cover the training that they have that they go anywhere else this is a model that can work it's something that american workers need to get their heads around what is this is different than the way we're used to doing what we're used to being able to go and get a job can't do that anymore we're trying to be reliant on a federal program get it was you know if you do that through any training when you're in college you know you're reading about right now we need to excite yeah but now we need to accept that you know maybe the model is ok i want to be a commercial truck driver will rather than having the taxpayers pay the four thousand other class for this the company i'm going to work for they're going to
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pay for it and then i going to guarantee jobs for a couple years from now i just i'm very skeptical of that companies these days who don't want to have to spend an extra dime because all they want to focus on is profit are going to be willing to do that training the balance right so maybe they maybe maybe raise a we've been selves off if it was that was one it's what i want to talk absolute let's to our last story here before we wrap this up to a year ago about a year ago the obama administration said that they were going to force federal contractors to disclose their political donations in about a year now so the hills are. well it seems like this instead they focus on people and they said yeah it's probably not going to happen before the election and i mean why do you think that is is not kind of a popular theme right now is that we want more transparency will not marry countability would not actually help them getting reelected i think on this one there was a little too much political cost you know the republicans attack this is an attack on political speech there are other parts of campaign finance reform a slam dunk for democrats you talk about corporations disclosing who's. giving
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money let's talk about individuals the super pacs this was a little bit harder for them to make a gracious they're not the conduit is this is that when this is really the obama administration picking the wrong point to sort of like kneel down for the republicans is this is actually very very important federal contractors they can pass it their rent seeking through their donations and disguising it as political speech we don't want political speech stifled by any means but we also don't want companies to be able to be giving donations that wind up getting directly related to them getting a bid that's problem that's transparency that both parties should come around to well hopefully something i haven't read there's a number of the legislation that are kind of working their way through i want to see it after two thousand and twelve election after the horizon but that's kind of you know if you ask me on a week to the administration all right guys thanks so much for joining me tonight. coming up after the break a look at the legislation aims to keep the truth hidden from you about everything
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mr. there is. nothing in the loan itself will get the real headlines with none this is the problem with the mainstream media today is that they're completely disconnected from the viewers and what actually matters to those viewers and so that's why young people just don't watch t.v. anymore if they want news they go online and read it but we're trying to take those stories that people actually care about and transfer them back to keeping. our is the state english speaking russian channel it's kind of like.
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russia today has an extremely confrontational stance when it comes to us. this. might come to. some choirs will be singing. and i we have a glimmer of hope in the epic battle between copyright trolls and internet users in this fight the copyright trolls the pornography company called hard drive productions hard drive monitor one of their films called amateur allured tallia first sixty three days and they found the ip addresses of ninety users who downloaded her movie through a bit torrent service so in true troll fashion the company wanted to take their information to the california courts so they could physically identify the people who were pirating the material and that would force the infringers to pay up or face a lawsuit now obviously reach the court hard drive the narrative down just to the
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infringing computers when hard drive got to the u.s. district court of northern california they didn't quite. the stamp of approval to hunt down the pirates in person judge howard lloyd said that he would permit the discovery the judicial turn for identifying individuals if the company showed good cause by proving a person is real and if the company identified all of the steps that were used to find out person but this is a think hard drive didn't quite meet the requirements judge lloyd called the company's monitoring process a phishing exercise what i want to explain that just because the i s p as the account holders name that does not mean that the account holder was the one stealing the video and one present the judge the company admitted as you that the geo location tracker used to find the infringers was reliable but only for determining which country gave be addresses in not which state which is exactly what the judge would need since as a district court ruling now obviously the hard drive productions case fell apart and the judge denied their request to find
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a people saying the following the court recognizes that plaintive is aggrieved by the apparent infringement and is sympathetic towards its arguments but lawsuits like this look like this one are the only way for it to find and stop infringers however the court will not assist in plaintiffs who seems to have no desire to actually litigate but instead seems to be using the courts to pursue an extra judicial business against possible infringers and innocent others caught up and i assume that so looks like the courts are actually exercising some common sense here nobody's advocating for anyone to steal someone else's property but trolling around on the web then blackmailing people it's not the best way to teach them a lesson so this ruling is just more good news for those who oppose copyright trolls out there especially since just two months ago make sure all right haven had seven and more of their loss was thrown out of course because they couldn't provide the judge any reason not to dismiss their suits now the judge was ruling only affects the state of california but the more decisive decisions like his and the better the chance that the trolls will be stopped for good and to me that's
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a glimmer of hope. now we know the government likes to keep its own secrets from the people especially when they can throw the under the banner of national security but how about when it comes to keeping corporate secrets in states across the country legislation has been passed to keep factory farming practices away from public view as well as the toxic chemicals that are used for fracking as well as corporate tax disclosure off the books he would think you would think a better informed public the better it is for the country the more transparency the easier it is for problems to be addressed so if that's the case what's behind these laws to let corporations keep their secrets well join me to discuss it is david sirota talk radio host and author of that's our future out in one nine hundred eighty s. explain the world we live in now david thanks for joining us tonight you know you wrote about this and you mentioned a number of different pieces of legislation that were working their way through the states out there but let's start specifically with the ag gag laws that you
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referred to can you tell us more about and where it's happening you know there's about five states right now that basically criminalize the act over infiltrating a factory farm taking pictures of factory farm when authorized and this is in response to the consumer backlash to the factory farming industry in light of revolutions about the mistreatment of animals a sanitary conditions of factory farms so proud and clean our factory farms rather than states making sure regulators are making sure that back through college or clean yourselves up the factory farming industry and this is joining together to lobby state legislatures to pass laws that simply prevent citizens from finding out what kind of atrocities are happening in most direct response why do we have any idea how much money they're really spending on this stuff you know look i'm just curious as to what exactly the case is that they make to the legislators when
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they're pushing this type of you know this. a bill of side from i guess the fact that it's if it's private industry that i want to run on their property trespassing right and taking pictures if they don't know it well worth the effort is industry is one of the most powerful corporate interests in our state legislatures right now the amount of money they spend on lobbying and campaign contributions it's absolutely enormous against a state level where a lot of the regulation is supposed to be taking place where you basically argue is that they argue to make a private property rights argument they also make a slander argument they essentially say that for a state to protect its own economic interests it has to prevent annoying or otherwise troublesome meddlesome activists and journalists from calling into question how those economic interests are behaving so you go to arguments you've got a private property argument and you have it basically an economic rejection argument
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of course left to the wayside are questions about animal rights human health the the dangers of the food supply that a lot of these stories that have gotten inside agriculture operations have really. yeah what does that tell you about priorities and imagine that you know that a lot of these responsibilities are left up to the states but at the same time if you look at what's happening on a federal level right now you have the f.d.a. who looks like it might get slashing in the budget if their public image especially goes through saying that well that when it comes to poultry farms we're going to let them self inspect and essentially let them self regulate because it's just too expensive. that's always the argument that the industry should be able to regulate itself and frankly that was the argument that was made back during the time to consume players that the jungle the jungle of course was that was the famous novel that was written eighty or ninety years ago at the time right before the first food safety was were passed in this country and the industry at that point said this is
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what you know not to worry about and dangerous to the food supply don't worry about the weight workers in these factory farms are treated the way animals are treated and ultimately we as a society said no we do have to worry about how all of this is happening and we can't trust the industry to regulate itself we can't trust the thoughts the car the henhouse right now essentially corporations in the agriculture industry are making it the opposite case they've gone back to making the case that they made back in the at the or any early twentieth century that we should all just simply be alone the problem is that we know that an industry that has a vested interest in maximizing profit is going to cut corners is not going to regulate especially the food supply in a way that most consumers would expect and want to be breaking. yeah self-regulation very promising but it's not just happening in agriculture industry fracking right you also bring out this piece of legislation that with that in pennsylvania sounds so crazy to me fails you can go in and out i'm sure of fracking
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is this controversial or them gas drilling process where oil and gas drilling huge amounts of water and toxic chemicals deep into the earth to try to extract extra amounts of oil and gas from existing wells there have been questions about whether fracking has contaminated groundwater and there have been studies from duke university studies from the environmental protection agency suggesting that people have a lot to worry about in terms of those toxic chemicals getting into ground water supplies the so the industry has responded first by trying to block any even disclosure of what kinds of chemicals it's putting into the ground so laws that have been put forward simply say that the industry you have to tell us what you're being what you're putting into the ground and the and not what not what is it that you can't with the stuff in the ground the industry has fought back in some cases the industry has been forced to concede and say i will tell some state regulators in some states what kinds of chemicals who are putting into the ground except they are even at that point in some states they are trying to kind of end around in
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pennsylvania and actually pass a law which says that while the industry has to disclose the state regulators what chemicals they're putting into the ground and physicians can have access to those that information if they're treating a patient we may have been exposed to those toxic chemicals that physicians can't actually tell the patient specifically what chemicals they have been exposed to so it's a it's a physician gag lockup. now you know we already thought about the fact that clearly there is money involved here obviously natural gas oil industry they've got a lot of money to throw around agriculture and there's a lot of money thrown around but it just seems so contradictory right because we know the government as they started out this bit they like to veil lot of things think or say when they can claim that it's good for you because it's a matter of national security and therefore it's keeping you safe but then here you know this is a matter of public health and therefore public security and linus money i guess just why does money went out right lie the corporations went out in this sense when
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it's really about what's what's going in all of our bodies because this is a political system where the ideologies change when they serve money the there is no ideology unfortunately consistent more politics which says the public should be served what it says is that arguments about the public being served will shift as long as shifting those arguments means that money and profit is protected by a question of many of these industries because remember many of these industries that are using the government to to using the power of the law to hide information from the public many of them say they have nothing to hide but there's a there's a dissonance between saying that you have nothing to hide your own gas industry saying that fracking is perfectly safe and at the same time saying they don't even want the public to know what kinds of chemicals are being used in fracking if you have nothing to hide and you want to be using while being money and political campaign contributions to get states the laws so let you have been for me. just makes sense david i want to thank you so much for joining us tonight thanks for
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having me. just ahead you said i got it and why is the us government training a group that they themselves list as a foreign terrorist organization going to speak with rays of iraq even the national iranian american council about the apparent conflict of interest. let's not forget that we had in the park partly she wrote. i think it's readable and wondered well. we never got the book says they're going to keep him safe get ready because you're going to have the freedom. to say they wouldn't. listen.
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