tv [untitled] April 9, 2012 11:00pm-11:30pm EDT
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marvin in washington d.c. and here's what's coming up tonight on the big picture. republicans have been working tirelessly for the last three years that destroyed the american economy so how long can they continue to get away with crashing our economy for political gain also thanks to citizens united corporations have a new way to throw their influence around congress without the help of k. street so what could possibly put the millionaire lobbyists out of business and internets daily take america has gone insane and the rest of the world is noticing
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how can we kick the crazies out of office and restore our national sanity. you need to know this nearly thirteen million americans are out of job and out of work and looking for a job unfortunately federal funding to retrain american workers and prepare them for the jobs of the twenty first century is drying up funding for job training programs across the country is down eighteen percent from two thousand and six when george bush was president even though there are six million more unemployed americans the day in fact funding for job retraining for americans is roughly half of what it used to be more than a decade ago so now even though the economy is slightly improving businesses are having difficulty finding american workers who are trained and qualified to handle the new job president obama's budget proposal called for
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a massive increase in job retraining programs increasing funding to nearly three billion dollars a year and studies show this is a good economic investment is every dollar spent on retraining unemployed americans for new jobs yields as much as eight. dollars for the local community however wealthy millionaire congressman paul ryan's republican trickle down austerity budget once again slashes funding for a federal job retraining programs under their proposal it's far more important to give three trillion dollars in tax breaks to the super rich and to give working americans new job skills but here's the bigger picture a lot of republicans have come on the show over the over the last year or so seeming to complain about unemployment being persistent lehi they do the same thing in other t.v. and radio shows and in print but here's what's going on they're not really complaining they're bragging about their accomplishments and services across the nation in the states and state governments red mostly red state governments have
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laid off almost a half million workers since president obama came into office at the federal level they forced obama to layoff more federal employees just last year alone republicans passed laws in the house fortunately all blocked by democrats in the senate that would have laid off another seven million american workers so government workers have been dropping like flies six hundred thousand since obama took office but during the reagan and both bush administrations millions of government workers were hired to boost the economy both administrations actually increased government employees still in fact there's the chart right here this is your this is private sector job growth so still despite all this republican obstructionism for the past two years over four million new jobs have been created you see this chair is private say this. crashing under george bush coming back under president obama's stimulus happened right about here. so much of this tracks back to the stimulus
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which in just a few months took us from losing seven hundred thousand jobs a month under bush to twenty four straight months of job creation some of it also comes from obama saving g.m. and chrysler over mitt romney's loud objections an op ed in the new york times to let obama go bankrupt senate minority leader mitch mcconnell laid out clearly the republican strategy on jobs. our top political priority over the next two years should be to deny a president obama's second term republicans are working to destroy jobs for three years and fortunately the democrats in the senate to block them but in the states they've succeeded in destroying over after million jobs and cut another hundred thousand at the federal level so when you hear republicans talk about high unemployment remember they are complaining they're bragging so how long can republicans get away with crashing the economy for political gain here to answer that is the o. as brit host of the truth for america radio show and author of the book
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conscientious equity he'll welcome thanks for having me back tom thanks for joining us are you afraid that your party's plan to crash the economy might backfire and have republicans lose big november. well tom it's not the republicans that's doing this it's america's job creators already looking past this president it's the entrepreneurs it's the small businesses that create seventy percent of all new jobs over this last decade it has nothing to do with the republicans in the house or the senate it's america's job creators has already passed a verdict on president obama and they don't like what they see they're looking to november they have been creating jobs steadily for twenty four straight months neal but my question is when reagan came into office he he hired people like crazy when bush sr came into office he hired at the guy in the federal level they hired people like crazy when when bush jr came into office he hired millions of government employees obama has lost six hundred thousand points we have the paul ryan budget
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among others would have cut seven million people from the work force had these things been passed please name for me one piece of legislation that the republicans have put forward that would have put anybody to work. well tom i mean the federal bloated age of federal agency isn't the key to job creation what you seem to indicate is that it's the government's responsibility to create jobs no tell it is when they put it in the private sector lock a job you don't understand when the private sector fails when the private sector locks up when you have high insanely because regulations policies like you had under bush and greenspan when you have thirty years or reaganomics destroying the economy and it crashes just like hoover nomics and hardy nomics and coolidge nomics crashed the economy then the i'm the government has to be the employer a last resort there's nobody else i remove tom no tom we have to inspire the private sector we have to prove inspiring the sire of the cars that go out there
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and create these jobs i mean if you know what inspires a hundred years of the middle east insane you know what inspires i'm sure there is no bonus policies of high taxes high energy costs all right the promise kind of taxes need only use them honest i don't have access to a prominent person. apparently the republican strategy is going to be to just b.s. your way into november obama cut taxes the biggest tax cut of the middle class make history of the united states he has increased oil drilling you say you're trying to blame high gasoline prices on here there's actually more gasoline now as early as often as he said it was europe that's his own secretary of energy said that that he had a completely different context can you twisting things if this is the republican strategy to take things out of context or lie about things i get it why you're probably not going to win you know it's. it's not that it's all about job creation last month in march one hundred twenty two thousand new jobs were created but a hundred sixty five thousand people just give up and stop looking for work well
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they did slightly mean us neal is job creation strategy is if everybody just stopped looking for a job you know they just give up full of despair forget about it we can't find work well this might be this might be annealed where are your level or your about the only job creation. this policy is this sort of crisis is everybody stop looking for mark this might be where your republican efforts are actually going to backfire because you say people stop looking for work what the government says is they stop being eligible for unemployment the republicans forced obama to cut the ninety nine even as a way of job creation tomba ninety nine week extension of unemployment benefits down to seventy six weeks so now you have people fall off the rolls faster quote not looking for work faster and so those numbers are going to have strains that may hugo chavez over so well that i've pointed out he's right to get into israel programs my point is that what inspires entrepreneurs and any business is demand if you if the government hires people and puts money in their pocket those people are
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like c.e.o.'s who put their money in swiss bank accounts those people go to the local community and buy things that creates demand demand creates demand for manufacturing and for work we need to get money into the pockets of people who will spend it. why they're also going to america's entrepreneurs and small business owners is confidence tom president obama just does not have an who his tool set the skills needed to run this occurred to me he's in way over his head of america's entrepreneurs this check out on him they're looking past this president to november you are gay people are going to have to decide this recovery come in six months or does it come in five years it's absolutely impossible for recovery under president obama didn't need already to say thirty to thirty years thirty years or reaganomics sister of innocent of a ditch we had just in the last ten years we've lost over sixty thousand to reason and on jobs factories in the united states shipped overseas thirty years of
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reaganomics has destroyed us it is you know it is so clear and i think to pretty much all americans and you guys the only solution i care from you is more taxes three trillion dollars or the tax cuts for rich people and an increase in taxes on working people romney's twenty five percent let's let's go for a flat tax let's have people who work as greeters at walmart or pay in federal income taxes i don't see how that's going to make any jobs well i tell you talk about manufacturing and that's something that we do agree on tom and i'm very passionate about that as an american manufacturer i started my career as an asian manufacturer and there's literally legions of people like me who want to come back home but they're looking for a sign let's bring these job creators back home some of the best job creators in the world but they left our country let's bring about those in a job creators and helping our leaders communicate with those they are here doesn't talk the language he doesn't talk the language of the leaches you call in job creators i call them leeches the job creators are the people who are spending money
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who are creating demand if there's no demand in economy you've got not that job creators are the are the risk takers what built this country into the greatest economy that the world has ever known is because of american entrepreneurs and moving their jobs over a ship overseas they're leeches. and i say they want to come home but let's create the environment that they do get is it isn't obama think you don't need a reading urban for i did and why did we have strong domestic manufacturing for two hundred ten years in the united states and all of a sudden in twenty five years it went away why would that be because because of the marshall plan when we opened our market wide to the world and we ask for nothing in return we've had sixty years of the marshall plan export economics and we've got to turn that around to not have it in france where no more kids for america and you're fabulous let me get me handed to you if you want to be partisan about this let me hand you something first of all look at seven hundred ninety three about alexander in america now it's seven hundred ninety three george washington street alexander hamilton put into place tariffs they stood until the clinton administration that's
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when it fell apart and we joined now to get rid of and it's been all downhill ever since but that was something that was championed by reagan it was championed by bush sr and was championed by clinton and it was crazy and we got to undo it well well you know and i'm going to last i'm going to time so i can see is it's not pickle put our head into sand we have nothing to fear about the world economy if we're allowed to export our products as freely as they can export to our country there's where this whole thing breaks down if we access the foreign markets and we will create more jobs in this country good luck with that deal because they're all protecting their markets and we're not in a deal has been that if you're going with a leadership with a vision in president obama in defense of our trickle down austerity agenda conservatives are at the are the first to argue that without massive budget cuts the united states will end up like greece in a debt crisis but actually it's the exact opposite of conservatives when begin of members are successful in pushing through their trickle down austerity agenda then the united states will be like greece gripped by economic turmoil social unrest and
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exploding suicide rates and what happens in every other nation where we are republican trickle down stairs he takes hold that it will happen here too if we get the right in the republicans what they want. coming up what could possibly make a street lobbyist go out of business how has the citizens united decision allowed corporations to throw their influence around congress without the help of the k. street cronies. down to the official ante up location q i phone or i pulled touch from the on choose option. one john see life on the go. video on demand oxys mind bold colors and r.s.s.
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in screwed news the more things change the more they stay the same it was ronald reagan over a quarter century ago relaying what sounds like a very familiar story about rich people not paying their fair share and taxes but just a moment ago few moments ago i told some people inside the building here of a letter that i just received day before yesterday it's a letter from a man out here in the country an executive who's earning in six figures will above
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one hundred thousand dollars a year he wrote me in support of the tax plan because he said i am legally able to take advantage of the present tax code nothing dishonest doing what the law prescribes and wind up paying a smaller salary than my secretary gets or get i mean paying a small i'm sorry paying a smaller tax than my secretary pays. and he wrote me the letter to tell me he'd like to come to washington and testify before congress as to how that's possible for him to do and why it is wrong. that's right both ronald reagan and president obama agree warren buffett shouldn't be pain a tax rate lower than his secretary so the question is what's changed in washington d.c. now when republicans can't even utter the words tax increase on the rich from
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a few decades ago when their party's figurehead actively called for tax hikes on the rich the answer the power of lobbyists in particular lobbyist like multimillionaire grover norquist whose pledge against raising taxes on the rich is a track of the signatures of nearly every single republican lawmaker on capitol hill rob use it's run in washington d.c. now and even republicans like senator jim de mint acknowledged as much here's what he said to investigative reporter lee funk when asked about k. street's implements on capitol hill. you think of the root cause of the problem is that k. street company you keep asking for special deals on this this will keep happening unless a case or yours reforms kill we need a balanced budget amendment so we have to balance our budget since we could not do everything it being the committee asked for but that is a problem everyone who comes to washington just about except these people want more from government sometimes republicans do tell the truth what if i told you lobbying
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could soon be obsolete but now thanks to the supreme court citizens united decision corporations can throw their influence around congress in other even cheaper ways than good old fashioned being in campaign contributions dave johnson is a fellow at the campaign for america's future and senior fellow at the new california joins me now to talk more about this issue a david walker our tom how has citizens united nearly rendered lobbying obsolete. well you have to understand that citizens united and they hold corporations and billionaires to contribute unlimited amounts of money and spend on limited amounts of money and this is led to a new phenomenon called a super pac now wall street the financial sector of course is stainless for financial innovation and along comes a super pac with a really good financial innovation here that's going to save them a ton of money. the old way that you felt that you got your influence in washington
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which you actually purchased from legislators you would contribute money to their campaigns and use that to aggregate it in smaller amounts now you can of course just vote on limited money behind it or what you could also do you would purchase a legislator or their staff by offering them jobs that they would then get once they elected the elected office or tremendous amounts of money well this new in or they just thank her super pac is. using a new formula where they're gathering a whole lot of money and they're going to use that money it's threatening to just now this is one of the one of the worst fears that comes out of the citizens united is that they can come into your office they can say you vote against our interests here we can limited money against you in a campaign or otherwise we can smear you so bad that you won't even be able to go
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home when you read your kids will get the don't have school so think about what's different here though is when you used to purchase a legislator you had to actually calm or. pay the tab the campaign contributions or like like the representative who shepherded to that medicare prescription deal really talented. and then immediately left office to become the lobbyist for the pharmaceutical industry last year he got ten million dollars so year after year you have to keep a. do you guys or women mostly guys but this financial innovation is great because now all you have to do is you just have to crush want to crush them remember had come up with a ton of money crush a really bad in to somebody on the inside so when you've crossed one or two or all the rest of them will live in fear and you don't even have to put out any particular effort so think about how much money to susan this is a wonderful wonderful going to do some precision see and use and it's extraordinary
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instead of having to give a carrot to everybody just use one stick on a couple of people and everybody else sees the stick in there they're afraid are you following the story of peter de fazio and his last congressional campaign that's right i think some somebody from a hedge fund put up something like ten million dollars just just going to congressional it wasn't that much but it's what so many i lived in oregon at the time and peter told the story on our program but it was just it's just incredible he had you know he's the congressman from southern oregon he's very progressive and it's an area that includes a you know a college town of progressive area although there was concern at some at certain areas he was running against a guy named our robinson who believes that our public education should be done away with our robinson home school his own kids and who invented this incredible innovation he discovered discovered that low levels of radiation over long periods of time is good for you and so his discovery was if we take all the nuclear waste in america and mix it up with home insulating material and put it everybody's
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houses everybody will be warm and we'll get rid of all the radioactive waste everybody in oregon thought this guy was a joke and these and peter had it congressman de fazio dinner to some legislation would raise the taxes on hedge fund managers and these two hedge fund guys came into the state and just funded art robinson turned him into these ads you'd think he was you know the second incarnation of jesus and now in the primary here we are two years later almost two years later in the primary his son has really registered as a democrat. as running into todd you have to be my pretty badly in the primary and then he's going to go against him again in the general it's like he's had fun managers don't give up and it's just it's it's amazing with regard to these banks you quote robber beveridge the president the c.e.o. of the oklahoma bankers association this merican banker article saying congress isn't afraid of bankers we are trying to change that perception. matt packard the super pacs chairman called his efforts a surgical and he said you know we used to give five or ten thousand dollars he
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says and you say ok but if the bankers are going to put one hundred thousand five hundred thousand or a million into your opponent's campaign that starts to draw some attention i guess that they were going to see as kind of the fazio takedowns around the country or these efforts that was unsuccessful but i think only largely because you know there were some of us on the radio in that area we drew attention to but of course tom i mean this is so much more economical i know i'm being a little snarky this is actually really dangerous but that american banker article is roller while they're talking about hammering lawmakers taking them out of office making them afraid using a big stick and of course others are going to come along and do this because it has to be back to the trouble with this town is that what it means now is again the worst of the citizens united is that this is not about supporting candidates is about crushing candidates this is about getting in what you want but what they're
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going to get passionately on does what's called a free market because this means that the biggest players with the most money get what they want and what they want is legislation that crushes their competitors we're seeing that already. you know it's really quite extraordinary dave johnson. thank you so much for being with us tonight. or should here's the bigger picture for the supreme court citizens united decision and how it may play out as our system is more and more corrupted by the fact the matter is there may actually be nice and good news here you know for centuries plutocrats an oligarchy the k.-street guys you know the billionaires they're front men and women and the corporations are paid off politicians they found all sorts of ways to do it from giving them campaign contributions to take him out of golf trips to scotland to drop him in
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a hot tub with champagne and hookers randy cunningham was citizens united though first of all it looked you know hey they they were saying this is really cool we can buy our own politicians and when they do when they do buy politicians the return on investment is actually pretty good big oil for example it's a fifty eight percent fifty eight hundred percent return on its investment in buying politicians now a normal small business you know or even a big business and good times might get ten or thirty or forty percent something like that i mean anything more than forty percent profit in a company is going to bring in competitors going to pay it let's get on this marketplace but by and politicians because you can walk them up and there's a limited number of them that's the best investment a business can make in america and that's why industries cartel. their politician buying efforts they run them or launder them through trade associations like the n.r.a. or through business groups like the u.s.
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chamber of commerce but now as dave johnson points out they may have gone too far and this is the possible good news ins so far most of the republicans have been feeding out of the hands of the corporations and the oligarchs. but now that the bank stores are threatening to turn their feeding hand into a fist it might cause them to reconsider their position say it's been a fist against the democrats for a long time which is why the democrats have fought for transparency in campaign loans but now that it may also be used against republicans as a fist things may change hopefully this will be the moment when the banks toure's and the other corporate interest groups and the all the guards will have gone too far they will have slapped too many people too hard too many politicians are threatened that this new effort by the oller guards in america to break politicians of both parties to terrify it may just unite them against citizens united it's happened before in american history back in the days of the railroads and the oil
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barons in the eight hundred eighty s. those guys overreached so far that congress passed to protect itself passed the sherman antitrust act and the progressive era was pork and included both parties it's time to overturn citizens united tell your republican legislators to go to move to a man. crazy alert can target odds got to go to ever ever want to learn to play the guitar i want to play guitar while you're taking care of business in the bathroom well you can do both if you want a brazilian company has invented guitar p. and interactive you're in a game that allows men who have to go to make some music while they're at it take a look. it's developed by a brazilian agency and it comes with several chords and a computer that record your tunes there's also a mobile only website where you can go and listen to what others have composed so
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no word yet if eric clapton or carlos santana are investors in the company one thing's for sure move over singing in the shower there's a new type of music coming through about from there you. after the break how can something as simple as new product labels help rebuild america's crippled manufacturing sector.
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