tv [untitled] April 9, 2012 11:30pm-12:00am EDT
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back to the big picture i'm tom hartman coming up in this half hour the loss of our manufacturing sector is one of the greatest challenges facing america today see how one man has a very simple solution for rebuilding the backbone of our nation also last year a courageous war veteran gave a dose of reality and common sense to the infamous congressional supercommittee and was arrested for actions dr about her activism her upcoming trial and how to get this country back on track and in tonight's daily take america's lost frankly we've gone nuts and the rest of the world is laughing at us what can we do to restore our
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nation's they. are the best of the rest the news since two thousand and one our nation has laid off fifty thousand manufacturing jobs every single month also since two thousand and one forty two thousand american factories have been forced to shut down as c.e.o. look overseas for cheaper labor and fewer environmental regulations in the last decade the united states is a manufacturing base has been decimated without it we're no longer able to produce actual wealth on our own and our trade deficit with other nations have exploded killing a massive national is stored the loss of a manufacturing sector is one of the greatest challenges facing our nation today and now one man might have an answer about how to rebuild our crumbling manufacturing base and it's a solution as simple as new product labels joining me now to talk about how to
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bring back manufacturing jobs is alan u.k. owner of underwater kinetics and author of the book buying america back allan welcome thank you for having me. they have you but you are republican i'm a democrat this is not about politics no it's actually about just living in america and looking out for america's future so how do we do this well two thirds of the economy is consumer spending and the one thing they haven't tried to do right now is to try to get information to consumers about where their money's going when they buy something and the laws they have right now for labeling are decades old and there are a lot of no longer appropriate and they actually have been played with so many times that it would mean much anymore so we're talking about if i buy something they'll be a single little label on this is made in japan made in malaysia made in the united states were made in our state you can have like ninety percent chinese components bring it here assemble a claim it's made ninety states because the rules as a last significant transformation is the source is that that's why the idea of
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they're still doing it for a while dell for example was manufactured was assembling computers down in texas so labor doesn't need as much as it should and what i want to do is have percentage of content by country so it's like a food label you see how many calories it has and how much fat how much carbohydrates you see what percentage of contents coming from where and so when you buy it you know it's you know with the spread is that there's an american content and also mix that would have our trade ratios which is our relationship to how much we buy forces we sell to them so you can see if these countries that have other components and percentages in their art fair traders which with us not against trades the balance should i totally agree or so a trade ratio if you were buying something from the united states would be presumably want to warren is so what i'm guessing you know the stuff off the top your head what is our trade ratio what are our trade ratios with our major trading partner will give an example. but the worst is china it's twenty five percent so
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for every dollar that we buy from them they buy twenty five cents from us they tried not up to one ratio for zero they'd say and but their biggest imports are scrap steel and paper. try to find manufactured things united states so if you buy something korea for example it's seventy nine percent so korea television seventy nine percent bounces back to the united states for chinese television only twenty five percent down suspect no states so you can help the economy just by picking we're your importing products from now this is not i mean this may seem like a new novel or strange idea that americans but it's not the japanese it's not the south koreans it's not the taiwanese it's not chinese if i understand correctly from what i read your book right they are very nationalistic in their purchases and if they can get something made in their own country they will do it and even if they pay more than it's good americans basically don't give that kind of team a virtue of their own product is many cases americans don't have
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a clue. largely because the label we they play this game which probably was not allowed member countries were probably could be made anywhere they can just run it through simple process here and then claim it's american made in fact an opposite when the i phone says me in china but actually there's more american continent and i phone than there is chinese it's just the symbol there oh that's interesting that the labels don't mean anything anymore and that's why we need this new label you know because we don't really know even with the label it's coming from and this new one will give you all this information so you can make a rational decision we have just a couple seconds left have you got any interest from any body from either party innocent parties and reporting that there are a coalition to put a bipartisan bill through that's great alan i wish you the very thank you very much thank you very much for being with us good luck aside from alan's idea of better labeling america can go a long way to revive its manufacturing base by doing one simple thing ditching so-called free trade. in other news you might remember last year when the so-called
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congressional super committee was tasked with finding one and a half trillion dollars in deficit reduction as part of a deal worked out between president obama and house republicans to avoid a national fault. ultimately like every other form of gang government tried throughout the years that supercommittee failed but not before the committee was given a dose of reality and common sense a former navy commander and now president of the group veterans for peace and the bolger take a look. my committee will be in the meeting room yes. with percentages of g.d.p. this is just fine. but your response to rewrite oh i'm sorry. i just you asked me. why we are requesting capital. and fish we have this massive spending on the wars in the mission readiness and.
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the hartmans i. was. following her courage is the act of civil disobedience former presidential candidate ralph nader who was also a member of the group reference for peace released this statement saying the government is dysfunctional working for corporate interests rather than providing for the people's necessities balder showed what active citizens should be doing peacefully confronting the corruption corruption head on and making sure the public knows what is really going on and should be honored for actions well sort of being honored for actions this week we're bolger is facing a judge and could be sentenced to six months in prison for the disruption of a congressional hearing that you just saw joins me now she's a retired navy commander and now the president of the organization but france for peace we are welcome thank you and good on you congratulations for speaking out.
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i understand how difficult that must be and how intimidating. what prompted you to do this well you know a lot of people felt the way i feel and they told me that they thanked me for what i did and not everybody has the. guts but i guess to stand up and do that kind of thing but i'm able to do that and i that's something i can do and you know i have. i have the flexibility in my schedule to come to court i have i don't have children at home i have you know i can come and be a part of the resistance and so that's what i do and i can i feel like i am speaking on behalf of the majority of american public so much like many of the civil rights leaders you're willing to step over the legal line considering the inappropriate legal line and you're willing to pay the price for doing so absolutely you're going to be people pleading guilty yes or yes well i'm pleading
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guilty because you know what i what i hope to point out during the hearing and now is is that why spoke is much more important about what exactly i said the fact that you have to commit an act of civil disobedience to have the ear of congress as this is reprehensible but you know the super committee was a super secret committee they met in secret. they said was secret my own congressman did not have access to the super committee and so after listening to this hearing for for over an hour and realizing the people's opinion was not being heard i thought here's an opportunity where i can speak and i took advantage of it and i'm glad i did i wish you know there were more opportunities but this is this is so sad that it's come to this that you have to commit a crime in order to have the ear of congress but at the time you said and even now the majority of americans agreed. to it to your call for action and the wars tax
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the rich the vast majority of americans agree with both of those. since the middle of the bush administration in fact the tax the rich part of the vast majority of americans agreed on since the reagan you know since reagan cut taxes and started running up huge budget deficits right why is it the congress isn't doing what the american people money i mean you know that it's the lobbyists. the moneyed interests. pretty interesting so if you were given those congresspeople you know a fifty thousand dollar campaign contribution each you wouldn't be arrested you would have been having dinner with paul ryan's three hundred dollars so why there were over two hundred fifty registered lobbyist who had access to this what twelve members of the super committee and it was widely publicized those twelve people were were seen and given access to two hundred fifty lobbyists but my congressperson did not have access to the super committee so it doesn't matter how many people i gathered or partitions or or protests outside because they're not
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going to listen to me so you have to you have to do something maybe out of the box a little bit to get their attention what you have done to reminds me of i think it was eight hundred seventy two i'm probably wrong on the year that one susan b. anthony went out and voted and was arrested for voting and was convicted. you know she didn't live to see. and while she didn't. i was city and legal discrimination that's still there to some extent in fact scott walker just signed back into law on wisconsin but didn't live to see women having the right to vote. but it happened. i'm curious your thoughts on the importance of standing up speaking out purchases even when you don't see immediate results well it's absolutely critical and you never know when you are making a difference and not everybody can go in for an extra committee and do what i did but everybody can do something and helen keller i think said you know i can't do
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everything but i can do the one thing that i can do and that's what i will do when i'm paraphrasing but the point is everybody can do something and i hope that this video will empower people to realize that they do have a voice and they can speak up and it will give them maybe a little bit of moral courage to stand up and know that their voice can be heard we should urge us to follow thank you so much thanks so much for this please. coming up after the break modern religious teachings tell you that religion is a patriarchal institution but how does new research sheds light on the role women once played in the early stages of our organized religions.
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your foot in the air you have a right. to charge the object you know is right organized religion has always had a patriarchal nature or so we've been brought up to believe those who are religious have been taught that their god must be a man and as a result matter best suited to teach us about religion however there is a battle raging in great britain right now or whether or not the church of england should allow women to be bishops and as you research suggests there might be precedent for women being at the top of the religious order so if you think women have never had a prominent role in religious practice then everything you know about religion may be wrong joining me now from london to discuss more on this is bethany hughes author historian and creative presenter of the new series divine women on the b.b.c. that anyone can price i'm not here thank you for joining us we're women actually
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major roles in the early church the history we read is mostly mouth. i. mean company had a row with mary. the very beginning. of the development of the space station you're comfortable that isn't for eyes are you looking at least. two hundred percent who. are who the surface of you. are women are. you fair haired in the days when we're seeing proof. stories that we are very very expensive and there was a kind of a minor revival of that in the late seventeen hundreds here in washington d.c. and they created a goddess for the united states named her after kwan. seven eyes is named columbia
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and her statues on everything machines on top of the capitol and this is the district of the goddess the district of columbia that's saying i mean we're. not going to. see thank you very very. safe. if you do your highness until. the new year because. her an event in american life. because of this very. seriously. credit limits of a romance one. hundred sixty in the world again. this time it's based. on the word phrase i think parents. need.
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to really. think is not the right. line to find out that winning for you is the given that the role of women has been diminished in the modern christian church since the fourth century by and large how do you think this thing with the church of england is going to play out. really so you get the question how do you think the situation with the church of england is going to play out. and then you got a question. were given i think this is to not. offensive people who think in england one. hundred. women should be enough for you it's. very painful kind of. thing apparently. to make. putting. your hope. that it could be putting.
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them all. right. and good on you for assuring the information bettany thanks so much for being with us. now everything you know about women's role in religion right. just. it's the good the bad of the very very bad maisha slee ugly good sacramento area league of associated muslims a group allowed a church was christian congregation to use their mosque for easter services sunday
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reverend michael moran leader of the christian con congregation asked the muslim group for permission to use their mosque and after never muslims to worship there before the group allowed for the easter sunday services the head of the league dr met wallie on america said the group represents the true peaceful essence of the religion of islam as reverend moran pointed out the gesture was a big step toward peace among the two religions well done the bad representative vicky hartzler hardwood told a crowd of constituents this weekend that she has doubts over president obama's person that's right we have another birth for our hands when asked about the president's birth certificate hardships that i have done so there really is words of it i want a lot of americans through yet more evidence that the birth there is will never go away and personally in my opinion it has something to do with black guy being in the white house or that's what the role of any and the very very ugly steve doocy
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on today's episode of fox and friends do see argued that the notion of a war on women in america was invented by democrats because president obama's stimulus plan was a failure tables as the economy not working for the president as a campaign issue you know the stimulus didn't work out so well he's got a lot of problems so in the last couple of months what they have done the democrats is they have invented this phony war on women to. do this and that. was republicans who invented the war on women when they decided to take their two thousand and ten election mandate to create jobs and instead work hard to kill rights for women and now the republicans are staring down an eighteen point deficit among female voters it's time to call in the p.r. team over a fox news that's very clear of. all
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the nine kings and queens of the supreme court mull over the fate of obamacare the rest of the world is looking at us like we're freaking crazy as john hudson over the atlantic wire sums up the idea that health care coverage largely considered a universal right in europe could be deemed an affront to liberty is baffling first the u.k. where the supreme court cannot strike down laws is weighing in on what's going on over here and guardian's kevin pollak published a column last week saying it wasn't the point to make sure the richest and most powerful nation on the planet could protect its own people as other nations do if americans are promised not just liberty but life an app enos is there not a constitutional right to affordable health care the germans are getting into the game to calling us crazy columnists sabina scott wrote about the absurdity of the
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supreme court at the bait in the german financial times asking rhetorical if the group would require people to take out health insurance could they not then be forced to also buy broccoli the analogy of broccoli has been dragged through the long debate about the american health care reform but putting aside judicial review for the moment the fate of obamacare and big picture here is this the world thinks we're crazy because well. we're crazy the united states is so far out of the mainstream with the rest of the world and today's republican party only wants to take us further in the opposite direction think about it for a second we're the only developed world nation in the world that doesn't hold health care as a basic human right we're also the only developed nation where any politician thinks there's any controversy about global warming we're the only developed nation that still uses the death penalty we're the only one that regards corporations as people and lets millionaires and billionaires viol russians and politicians we're
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one of the only developed nations in the world that doesn't guarantee all workers a minimal number of occasions and sick days and when it comes to preparing for the future our national insanity really kicks into high gear as germany raised for the largest investment in clean energy since world war two with a massive new system of solar panels and twenty first century national smart grid the united states is still debating dirty nineteenth century oil pipelines like keystone as china builds twenty first century high speed rail lines all across the country the united states has yet to lay even one mile of high speed rail anywhere on the planet today we have a two trillion dollar infrastructure deficit meaning nineteenth and twentieth century roads bridges roads systems and will raise across the nation need to trillion dollars worth of repairs just to keep them a lot of the republicans in congress are trying to cut even that and that two trillion dollar deficit is just to update one nine hundred fifty s.
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infrastructure eisenhower's infrastructure it doesn't include a penny to build twenty first century infrastructure like the rest of the world is doing it massive new solar plant sprawling wind farms inefficient you energy grid high tech localized water treatment plants high speed rail in this country were instead debating whether to keep alive twentieth century infrastructure projects and twenty first century infrastructure not even part of a discussion. well maybe the united states could justify the stark departure from the mainstream if we were actually producing decent results maximizing wealth providing a better quality of life making the united states more competitive in the global marketplace maybe we can take some comfort and what president reagan said it's about is that we were at an exceptional nation but here's the thing we're not doing as well as the rest of the developed world in most indicators as the thirty four nation group known as the o.e.c.d. organisation for cooperation in economic development uncovered it out of states
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ranks twenty ninth out of thirty four nations and safety with enormous homicides and celebrates we rank twenty third in work life balance we work more hours a year than all the rest of the developed nations in the world we rank sixteenth in overall health and have a life expectancy rate of nearly seventy eight years which is a full year bowl low the average of other developed nations we rank eighteenth in the cleanliness of our environment we rank twentieth in the strength of our communities we rank eighteenth in joblessness and long term unemployment so it's pretty clear whatever we're doing that's different from the rest of the developed world and it's not working and we did reaganomics and bush nominates we should have doing the same thing over and over and over again for the last thirty years and mitt romney and paul ryan they want to keep doing it for another decade we've been cutting taxes for the rich refuted part of the social safety net giving corporations more influence on our government and denying what science is telling
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us and each and every time we expect these policies to make us all better off they haven't they've only made the top one percent or better off. and as the old saying goes the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results we've gone insane and the rest of the world recognizes the only question is how long until the majority of american voters recognize that insanity and kick the crazies out of office that's it for the big sixty that's up for the big picture tonight don't forget to mark receive begins when you get out there and get active when you show up when you participate get out there get active ted your it occupies.
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