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tv   [untitled]    April 10, 2012 2:30pm-3:00pm EDT

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thanks for joining our t. and a half past the hour and parents are up with their headlines international envoy on cereal kofi anon says there is still time for the u.n. peace plan and the bloodshed in the country to work amid loud skepticism in western and arab states deadline russia's foreign minister has urged the knowledge of a pile pressure on the opposition to implement the cease fire. the british prime minister and his japanese counterpart agreed to expand collaboration on defense
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equipment many see the move as mirroring washington's recent drop to boost its military presence in the asia pacific. and russia and poland remember the victims of the tragic plane crash near somalia that killed the polish president and most of the country's political elite two years ago separate investigations by both moscow and warsaw included weather conditions and the stakes by the crew were to blame for the catastrophe. those stories in full coming up in just a half an hour in the meantime it's back to our washington studio for the second part of the show.
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hi guys it's time for you said it read it all right take time to respond to my brilliance and engaging viewer comments from facebook twitter and you tube because you got to me to say i listen now first i want to respond to a viewer that watched our tool time from last friday was called that republicans were whining that the g.o.p. waged war on women is made up of three one eleven comments on you tube you left out possibly the most brazen anti woman bull of the week the bill scott walker sign the repeal of this constant equal pay for equal work law or so many heinous bills that you probably lost track of them now during a segment i brought up two of the measures that was causing governor scott walker signed last thursday bills barring abortion coverage through health insurance exchanges and requiring doctors to consult privately with women who are seeking abortions along with those other bills he did quietly signed into law something else as our viewer pointed out last week walker appealed to wisconsin law that made it easier for the victims of wage discrimination to go to court for two thousand and nine equal pay and foresman act to prevent employers from discriminating
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against certain groups by giving workers more avenues to press charges and allowed individuals to plead their cases in less costly the more accessible state circuit court system rather than just in federal court so not only did scott walker attack women's health by putting restrictions on abortion services he then also repealed wisconsin's equal pay law that's not a war on women i don't know what is next i want to share some of the some of our viewers feedback with our interview with van jones from last friday i pressed him on his comments that libertarians quote hate the brown folk the gays the lesbians now here's bonded by saying that it's common. were overly broad and you guys had to say about it telling component to it it ilona show thank you for that telling van jones that disparaging speech is a cute way st joe johnson tweeted at us a lot of back pedaling by jones libertarian so-called american dream etc thanks for asking challenging questions and they were unusual tweeted at us if you want to
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show an event jones why would you walk it back it's true libertarians just want feudalism so some differing opinions of maher viewers on that one but thanks you guys for all the feedback thanks for all the passion we're excited to have van jones on the show and rest assured i won't stop asking the tough questions now finally a note from a kind fan michael shields tweeted that it's just discovered your program and are to keep at it a breath of fresh air content drive and analysis so thank you michael i always love to hear people newly discovering the show so tell your friends to spread the word and of course keep coming back that's it for my rantings today but i'll be back with more as usual later in the week. well turns out of the u.s. may have been arming and training terrorist organization right here on u.s. soil at the department of energy's nevada national security site and the group is the ne k. or the region. you may or mek recognize this name as a group that a number of former u.s.
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officials are working towards getting delisted and for which the lobbying efforts have resulted in these ads constantly playing on your television. it's a romance democratic opposition working toward a nuclear free iran founded on human rights unjustly listed a terrorist group and we can use the victim's life radical regime and their iraqi allies europe has to be listed. and in two thousand and ten a us court order to review iranians u.s. lawmakers and former senior officials demanded listing secretary clinton for democracy and freedom in iraq do you list any k. . and as a good journalist seymour hersh wrote in the new yorker last friday that jay sock conducted training for members of the two thousand and five at the training and some time before president obama took office and that training included cryptography communications small unit tactics weaponry and her spoke to a number of sources for this former senior intelligence official
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a retired four star general who advise the bush and obama administrations retired cia agent pentagon consultants and i make a defector and others so if it's true the next question we have to ask is why are this so with me is raising the russian research director of the national iranian american council here's the thing so much for joining us tonight that's right so for starters you know what do you think of this report is this something that you have you heard about this before and i think it's safe to say that most people in the u.s. government to work on iran related issues probably didn't know i myself in two thousand and six and two thousand and seven when i was working at the state participated in the terrorists their nation review of any case that us and nothing like this ever came up so but do you believe it do you think that it's possible i think where there's smoke there's fire and it's known to be a good investigative reporter so it's not something that's easily dismissible that being said it doesn't mean that you can take it as the word of god or you can take it as one hundred percent back at the same time so it's certainly
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a cause for concern and i think by her feel good about really making sure that it was clear in his piece that this was something that happened in the bush admin to. ration stopped when obama shortly before obama came into office but there still are some lingering after effects at least according to the piece that most people probably didn't know about and that's what we need to get to. you before we do that because we've spoken about them making a number of times around the show right and it's about the fact that you have a number of politicians that are going out there taking speaking fees you know you might see these as on t.v. all the time and i think that a lot of americans probably don't really know that much about the m.k. about the history right about who's running it so you know can we can we run this through some of this and do a bit of a breakdown to kind of explain why the answer there on this doesn't mean a list of terrorist organizations sure i mean a quick brief history is that prior to the iranian revolution in one thousand seven hundred it was one of many leftist slash marxist organizations that worked together with the other various political factions to overthrow the shah of iran after the
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revolution in one nine hundred seventy nine the current regime in power helped to expunge or work very different religion to expunge a lot of these groups and u.k. included after that happened they started to assassinate regime officials they were kicked out of iran saddam hussein based them up until two thousand and three in iraq and in the iran iraq war from one thousand nine hundred eighty eight they fought on the side of saddam hussein therefore they are deeply unpopular inside of iran amongst the iranian people themselves fast forward to the iraq war the bush administration had a choice to make do you get rid of what is called camp ashraf in iraq where the enemy is currently based or do you maintain it and to utilize it as a pressure point for the iranian regime most of the bush administration thought that you should go with the approach of the terrorists to the terrorists and discard these individuals but there were some prominent neoconservative officials that thought they would be useful to use of the pressure points were cited her story comes in as i but this is right this kind of vicious cycle and a trend and
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a pattern that we've seen you know many times over with the u.s. i guess you could say if it was you know. funding the budget he wanted was trying to get them to happen so they could fight the soviets because the soviets weren't on the side of america at that time and then who are fighting right now in afghanistan or if you want to talk about saddam hussein that was our friend that was our enemy at some point and you know so doesn't make it you know why don't we learn do you think that arming training funding the enemy hey is a good idea for us national security foreign policy you know and i'm call ice cube because i can speak confidently that most u.s. government officials don't think it's a good idea but sometimes we have a propensity here in the united states to look at the six inches right in front of our face as opposed to maybe gaining things out two or three steps ahead particularly on issues of critical national security and foreign policy importance like the iran issue and i think neoconservatives in the bush administration demonstrated time and time again that that's what they did and that's one of the reasons why the balkans like the iraq war took place the obama administration has
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done a good job of walking some of that back but if there are lingering effects and lingering cooperation whether directly or indirectly with the u.s. has cooperated with the designated terrorist organization like i make a and that opens us up as the united states to accusations of hypocrisy and double standards and that more than most things we have going for during a terrorist terrorist organization you know according to our resting on our own soil but so there's a lot of you know there are reports out there too that if you look at the assassination of iranian nuclear scientists it was that make a that they did it and that they were funded by the assad but then you also hear that was u.s. intelligence that was applied you know are they maybe not listing any cave because they're an easy pawn have to do the dirty work i think with the listing aspect of it it's a bit murky when it comes to its connection or lack thereof with regards to these kinds of operations because on the one hand i mean it was relisted year after year after year over the eight year duration of the bush administration and it's been
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relisted year after year since obama came into office so it might just be as easy as you know if we're going to continue. to cooperate with this group directly or indirectly it doesn't really make a difference right there on the terrorist list because this was so close hold until recently this wasn't readily available information even to people inside the u.s. government but it's easy to say does it make a difference for those people that actually may have been doing the training now we do see investigation that's been launched by the treasury department against some of these former officials have actually been taking speaking fees for them because if you look you know supreme court rulings then if you provide any kind of material support to a terrorist organization you will be punished for it that's breaking the law and you see a lot of people get punished for a lot less you know because it's called national security and so you know that's where the part where the hypocrisy i think really lies but do you think that's changing at all with his investigation what he thinks going to happen with that i mean going green was done a great job writing about exactly this point and i think one of the overarching
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points that he makes and it applies to the and and more broadly conceived is that when you have these kinds of double standards when you open yourself up to accusations of hypocrisy and what you're really doing at the end of the day is weakening the overall national security of the united states because then people are able to poke holes in your arguments people who are less likely to follow your lead broadly conceived this is an argument that a lot of people make and i think that you know the obama administration really had a pretty significant mess to clean up the conceived when it came into the white house or the bush administration have left it behind and the process of cleaning up those messes has been a haphazard process to say the least it's an imperfect science this is one thing where there is room for improvement and there's no doubt about the last thing i want to ask you to give an idea where all the funding is coming from because these people were speaking fees of tens of thousands of dollars. and we see those commercials playing all the time where's the money from it's a great question and following the money is something that i think people inside and outside the u.s. government have been trying to do unnamed senior obama administration officials have said for the money is coming from the israeli government that hasn't been
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substantiated as fact but that's the best lead that we have right now visit thanks so much for joining us tonight. all right guys i just want to take a quick moment to remind everybody to participate in our project to find out which congress person requested that environmental activist tim to christopher be put in isolation you can learn more about his case and how to help us figure out which member of congress of the hyde is on our facebook page and remember if you do find anything out you want to share with us please e-mail us producer. are you one more break tonight bottle with a back send the often comes off as stupid on twitter calls president obama stupid on twitter and on happy hour should sex offenders be banned from posting underage kids online and according to the white house he had diabetes were disabled we'll have all those stories and more we get back.
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to be so much brighter than if you only sung songs songs to the passion and some. of these fun stunts on t.v. don't come.
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our guys aside resides tool time award and tonight's winner is chuck grassley the senior republican senator from iowa so over the weekend grassley sent out a tweet that sent shock waves around the country see president obama made some comments last week saying the supreme court should no overturn obamacare kind of possibility an unprecedented extraordinary step and in response grassley tweeted the following the constituents asked why i'm not outraged at pres attack on supreme court independence because american people are not stupid as this x. prof of con law yes a senior senator just called the president of the united states stupid playground
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style but what might be even more interesting here in the adolescent name calling it obvious lack of respect for the office of the president is that this usually goes the other way around the republicans attacked democrats defending the judiciary as a grass he had to say about judicial independence and may of two thousand and eleven those who get their policy views enact it through the legislative process as our constitution requires was returned to the koch but i flatly reject that notion the constitution various legislative power in the congress not to torch judges are simply not policy makers. until you want them to be of course but that's not even why tonight's bull's-eye winner see chuck grassley should be calling anybody stupid on twitter tasted know these tweets mostly consist of incomprehensible drivel and grassley insists on doing his own tweeting he loves to tweet and
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interview last friday is another explain why is tweets are like that which is in comprehensible he said it because of auto correct and because he didn't like the type now of course a lot of make his tweets any less stupid and in fact it's quite the joke of the twitter verse but tonight it deserves can be called that on t.v. we just take a look at some of these tweets here chuck announces he has a new i phone clearly he's struggling just a little bit and here are some examples of his nonsensical accounts from town hall meetings in iowa. ninety nine county tour profit oakland college of and uni students kaunda very good variety of q.'s see these students you know we have great supply teachers or this one has tag nine counties two or grand junction not colorado tell me issue help small town f n f many of thirty people expressed great distrust of term limits the state tats. i would just say spell check check spell check and i know they can only put one
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hundred forty characters in but is all the abbreviation really necessary so it's not just telling the whole town hall meeting two weeks ago make sense either take a look at what he's had to say about democratic politics here's an almost coherent rant against the pink slime campaign says they'll be swayed by ms in poking campaign against lean fine textured beef say for twenty years i eat it or how about his berry barely literate to eat in which you suggest that labor could cure america's childhood obesity epidemic obama your farm child labor rules are in conflict with michelle obama child obesity program family members working on their family farm fight obesity and who can forget grassley is micro rants against the history channel i well you might a point about its lack of historical programming the tweets are still hilarious here's a couple complaining about or there are a couple complaining about x.-men mudcat and how the channel should change its name yet when he recently tweeted about a favorite historical book of his he actually praised bill o'reilly's killing of
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lincoln book and that was the one that was banned from the ford theater bookstore so perhaps he should apply his strange and historical standards to his own library and then finally grassley the silliest problem not exclusive to him are the one letter pocket tweets check these out. you see it furthering the notion that is being is written by an unstable bad lady so i would suggest the grassley director schoolyard taunts of the president or somebody else but for someone who's dettori is for looking stupid on twitter to call the president stupid on twitter i think all that makes chuck grassley tonight's tools time winner. ok guys it's time for happy hour and joining me this evening artsy producer jenny churchill and that is money roll calls her on the hill reporter hello girls playing
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. all right so you know we talk about this all the time everyone likes to throw a lot of money around in d.c. when they want to get their way and netflix is no different in fact they really stepped up their their money lately. the amount of money the company has spent on lobbying has dramatically increased over the last few years during the second quarter of the year no flick spent one hundred ten thousand dollars on federal law being that's up from eighty thousand dollars during the first quarter of two thousand and eleven and that's up from just ten thousand dollars one year ago furthermore two years ago doubtful it was conspicuously absent from the d.c. lobbying game. all right so they've been lobbying a lot more lately but look at what else they did netflix has created a pac called little pac and it's designed to support anti-piracy measures in washington and the candidates that favor them and basically netflix i think we should all be pretty sure of what kind of stuff they're going to be in favor of
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because they initially supported sopa and pipa and they just try to pretend like they were neutral and really have a stance when everybody started freaking out about it yeah i mean it's pretty ridiculous that they would even pretend to not be for so it's so obvious that that's something that they would be for because if they're not first open then how are they going to you know work with these companies and make deals it's so i might have misunderstood i thought they were totally poor so and that we were and then they try to you saying like you know we're not really taking a stance on so but you know they had already written a formal letter supporting them and we're like any time you put something in writing that's pretty much where you're going to stand and let's you write something else in writing and like legally. i wonder if there's going to be lot of netflix hate out there now because they're you know we were all right he was netflix the turn into a lot of netflix hate because they raise their prices by like a couple dollars an hour but he freaked out and you know but now we just know they're going to support anti-piracy measures and i think that's why they kind of
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tried to come out and say that they weren't explicitly force because they saw the backlash when they decided to raise their prices by like two dollars right now everyone lost it so they were like oh no well we can't be on the wrong side of this but now they're coming out and putting tons of money into a pac to lobby and i think it's really fascinating that they were doing no lobbying two years ago well it. made me nervous when i found out about that because then i'm wondering if there's going to be blockbuster happen. is hulu good i'm going to have a little bit already i'm on a lot of families so why do you have to start the packers because the cable companies have pacs and they're in a war with the cable companies right now over streaming video and all of that every other and everyone you know so it's try to pin their let's move on to something a little more fun. basically this is a new business will start up in las vegas because there are because there's a party and what do you do when you have a horrible hangover hangover heaven will send an i.d.
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equipped bus to you to give you a quick recovery here somebody tried it. at the hotel i'm pretty. pretty pretty. much when i do the treatment. it's a cool feeling just feel great. feel refreshed and feel crisp. cold singley feel i just think it's the best idea ever know the last thing i want when i'm on the strip in vegas is to be like oh stranger please and needle into my arms. that stuff works better for i haven't actually done it but i'm really hung over and they just get the idea was there i was saying earlier in the us the novel. you know the guy who wrote trainspotting so you know anything about the guy you were spouting is probably something not to do but anyway
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there was a doctor who had a drug problem and this is how he got over his rough nights he would give himself an i.v. i mean i guess if if he. can get a pick me up from an i.v. why not question all drinkers i don't know how to get angry. you see him actually you seem to be having an action. just that wasn't i would call it had. i also know that i'm talking about. ok let's talk about diabetes. and basically. the white house on their website they're trying to tout how much diversity they've brought to the courts in the u.s. you see right there and i think as greg sargent over the managed to make this which is that the president's accomplishments on helping minority justices and the high courts they include openly gay federal court justices the first latina justice
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justice is a vietnamese korean and chinese descent and then the first disabled justice and so everyone's wondering who's the disabled justice and it turns out that because sonia sotomayor has diabetes they've included her as a disabled justice so apparently that's a disability well wasn't it always i don't know technically can i really do the ability though i did i was right that you could pick yourself and then ok and these areas were you shocked and i just have trouble with them saying that being hired someone who is disabled when they have a disease and if it's not if it's not you know impending their ability to do their job like diabetes becomes a disability when the effects of it become so great that you're not able to do things you would normally be able to do like if you're just saying oh well they can't eat sugar or whatever they want to will then i have celiac disease i have a disability congratulations you employ someone with a disability it's ridiculous. she's not in those countries.
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i want to share something about myself. let's talk about. hillary clinton you know she's caught in a little bit of fun from the past about her fashion sense here is ten going on about it. she's the secretary of state she's the former senator from new york she's a former first lady well she dressed that way i think she's going to use of either gender or all these big baggy pants were tailored social or really serious. all right so there is a. magazine and basically it's talking about how hard it is to travel when you're a female statesman whatever because you've got to look good all the time when you're traveling all the time and so the fischel state department official said that they're trying to get rid of hillary clinton's scrunchies they want to ban them i think that don't mean i'm just not going to kandahar or there are you with i
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support hillary and her scrunchy are scary and she's go all the time i mean i all the time i was there i mean all that i'm not going to make it with her. i am the last person on the planet who came to criticize hillary first friendship wearing it because i have you know been accused of a lot of the same things she has as far as myself from the out of key you know grandma so i think over and over in the car that your insight today jenny craig and i i'm not going to cast the first stone all right well i mean i agree i think scrunchies are kind but if your whole dog for. a moment ever well you know wearing it's crunchy probably what i think i don't have but it's a bun having it's going to party with me. and i'd say oh thanks for tuning in and make sure you come back tomorrow. you have sort of heard is prisons drive you to be joining us for happy hour and meantime to forget become a fan of your show on facebook and i'm always on twitter and if you miss anything it's that you seem dot com slash the a lot of show and coming up next is. the
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so was the plant that was responsible for causing the world's worst industrial disaster and now it had been abandoned in a condition where it had become a source of pollution and the most recent study that was done shows that this water pollution and spreading. more than a hundred thousand people. talking and. more likely to be born it must effects in children and the rest of. the people in the sea as little as five hundred dollars for lifelong injuries and the
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unpunished. wealthy british scientists scientists and. market. happening to the global economy with my cars are no holds barred the global financial headlines kaiser reports.


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