tv [untitled] April 10, 2012 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT
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but the military would like a little. luck and they alone are still you know get the real headlines with none of them are the problem with the mainstream media today is that they're completely disconnected from the viewers and what actually matters to their viewers and so that's why young people just don't watch t.v. anymore if they want news they go online and read it but we're trying to take those stories that people actually care about and transfer them back in t.v. . you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so for life you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and here's some other part of it and realized everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm sorry welcome to the big picture.
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recently we've been spending a lot of time on the show speaking about the case of tim de christopher the activist who's serving two years in prison for violating the offshore oil and gas leasing reform act of making false statements to the government now it turns out that tim isn't the only one who violated the offshore oil and gas are for a map and he isn't the only one who made all statements to the government so apparently to big oil companies are also guilty of both of those things but seeing
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as how they're not really scary environmental activists they will be facing any jail time for basically two oil companies that is an energy corporation and as a key interest they entered into a written agreement in two thousand and five knots to big against each other in these auctions and then to divvy up the land acquired amongst themselves ensuring that the amount of money they had to pay the government to the government would be kept low so basically you have two companies striking backroom deals and what do you know it turns out that that's illegal but rather just decide to go after them and in a settlement reached last month if you companies are forced to shell out two hundred seventy five thousand dollars a piece and what is going toted as a landmark settlement i just can't help but ask why is it that those companies get away with a slap on the wrist while the christopher is rotting in a jail cell and has to pay a fine of ten thousand dollars so you see these corporations break the same laws in an extremely calculated manner in an effort to rip off the u.s.
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government and what's the result no jail time no convictions if you're wondering what the price tag is for corporations colluding against the government in this auctions we remind you it's two hundred seventy five thousand dollars and i really reminds me of a segment on the today show eat this not that. back now at seven forty four we eat this not that in this morning fast food breakfast they're a big part of a lot of change the bottom line if you're not careful you could end up supersized. now why you might think that going to a government option pretending to be a real bit or throw a wrench. in the system and draw attention to your causes an activist is mostly harmless it's not that action could come with a prison term and federal charges but if you're a corporation and you get together with another corporation have some meetings do some backroom deals collude with each other to rip off the government and the taxpayers will just get a fine and a wag of the finger so please do this and that or the price you pay for grating the law could get supersized and don't think about the only example of you this we've
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got for you today recently on the show i spoke with activist and he said he spent three years in prison for an activist website one that which he and his he and others posted on pros has posted on about protest efforts to shut down an animal testing facility now some of the posts were about legal actions protests other posts covered illegal actions like stealing animals from laughs and the government side of the website was encouraging domestic terrorism so andy and the other website authors were tried and convicted under the animal enterprise protection act now the p.a. makes the destruction of an animal enterprise that leads to economic damage or loss of profits terrorism guess what if you're a corporation you can threaten and intimidate people do things that lead to a loss of profits or that all you want and that's what's called business as usual take for example monsanto and biotech giant it holds patents on altered soybeans corn cotton sugar beets and canola seed genes well apparently monsanto is
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a little habit of going after farmers for patent infringement on their seats even though those farmers often claim the seeds ended up on their farms you to cross contamination so here's a monsanto farmer who was a farmer and said to him after after describing how the lawsuits work. it doesn't matter how guess you feel they can make the holes told. him the story and you know my wife and i were she got a question in canola which we had been doing for over fifty years we sure are in need of a bit of the seize control of even we lost all that research when the court called . so according to the public patent foundation between one thousand nine hundred seven april twenty ten monsanto filed one hundred forty four lawsuits against farmers for patent infringement and more than five hundred farms are investigated for that a year so basically monsanto finds a farm that has its genes in their cross then they go after them in court for infringement and usually those farms collapse under the pressure of pressure of the
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legal cost of fighting the giants and they give it so once again we've got to do this not that scenario if you're an activist with a website that supports the actions of others and those actions result in the loss of profits for animal testing facility well then you can be tried as a terrorist but if you're a company that goes after small farms for pan infringement because your patented seeds go onto their land and take their entire crop resulting in a loss of profits for that small farmer well that's just another day at the office so please do this and not that you know obviously we don't want anybody to actually do any of those things but the point here to us is that the government has a trend of going after activists and throwing them in jail and when corporations do similar things they face laughable fines or in some cases they even get the aid of the government just yesterday david sirota was telling us about agag laws but prosecute activists or journalists are trying to expose the illegal actions of factory farmers. there's a lot of states right now on basically
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a criminal was. infiltrated a factory farm taking pictures of factory farm went on authorized and this is in response to a consumer backlash that this is the factory farming industry in light of revelations about the mistreatment of the century. so that's just the latest trend in criminalizing the activists all turning a blind eye to the sins of corporations and one way to you can fight this is by helping us in our efforts to figure out which congressperson requested the environmental activist to christopher it in isolation we've spoken about a law on the show so i'm not going to go through the whole story again but you can learn more about things in isolation what you have been released from now and how to help us on our facebook page and remember if you do find anything out you want to share with us please e-mail us at ts producer at g. mail dot com. our we take another short break but when we come back been hailed as the next sopa and while that may not be true let's talk about why the cybersecurity
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bill says but i think even scarier the details will return. to the capitol and i'm mr. they are. love and they alone are still real there's a real headline that none of them are the problem with the mainstream media today is that they're completely disconnected from their viewers and what actually matters to those viewers and so that's why young people just don't watch t.v. anymore if they want news they go online and read it but we're trying to take those
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stories that people actually care about and transfer them back in t.v. . is sis but the next sopa you may have seen it have i am making its way across the internet in the last week or so so tonight i want to clear a few things up i know these cyber intelligence sharing and protection act better notices but it's not the next so the truth is that it's even scarier and we spoke about it just last week and it's just one of several competing cybersecurity bills making their way through congress but this but specifically is the house version and it's the worst of them all out of the veil of doing things for cyber security purposes a very broad and vague definition it would allow companies to collect and monitor private communications and then share those with the government and anybody else even compared to sopa in the sense that it's already starting to anger
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a large portion of the internet community it's in the past we told you about how private companies like i espied space book other telecoms have been gathering information about you to share with third parties then of course thanks to the patriot act the government has the ability to do all kinds of monitoring including the authority to intercept wire oral and electronic communications as long as it's for the sake of fighting terrorism but cisco would add a brand new or william dimension where the government intelligence firms can work with private companies think alike your personal information and the law doesn't specify where that information would go as in which particular government agency so that means that it could end up in the hands of the n.s.a. or another military agency for all we know and let's face it they're probably the ones would want this information the most l. oh did i mention if you're being watched you probably wouldn't even know about it and you probably already have lots of questions right so what will you monitor what type of private information can be monitored wife can the government do with it
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once it actually has that information or frankly we have a lot of questions because as of now the language in this bill is so incredibly vague according to the bill theft or misappropriation of private or government information intellectual. pretty or personally identifiable information all that information collected so that opens up a lot of doors and as trevor chen brought up last week and let us conveniently overlook privacy laws because after all they say that they're on the lookout to keep you safe. so what it does is essential we carved out a cyber security exception to all of our privacy laws and then once it gets to the government and all of this information your you know your communications your private communications we don't know exactly where it goes or what they're using of course we don't know which agency it goes through or whether they're allowed to share between agencies so there are lots of use this information for other than cyber security purposes like normal criminal investigations and we know in the
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rogers bill the n.s.a. is probably going to be one of the biggest benefactors. goodson know right the government could monitor share even hold on to any and all communications were discovered by private companies and we don't even know where to go now is this broad language that has so many people so worried anonymous is just one of the many critics out there of h.r. three five to three pointing out that it allows the government to interpret the law in such a number of degrees that any online communication could be suspect and thus unknowing unknowingly monitored but i guess we can't be too shocked by this legislation after all cybercrime has been declared enemy number one here in d.c. and surprise surprise lawmakers that are heading up the cyber war committees are also the ones will sponsor in this bill both dutch ruppersberger and mike rogers are ranking members of the permanent select committee on intelligence and rogers to explain that he's backing this bill because every day u.s. businesses are targeted by nation state actors like china for cyber exploitation
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and theft the broad base of support for this bill shows that congress recognizes the urgent need to help our private sector better defend itself from these attacks how convenient right throwing a little line about china being the bad guys and the fear. longer the fear mongering the crap out of politicians until they sign on to this bill but sadly that's kind of what's happening that's far this bill oddie has one hundred sponsors after all you want to speak out against national security and those are the only politicians in favor of cisco there are a large number of corporations that are voicing their support see facebook microsoft arisan an i.b.m. they're all months of corporations who think that since it is a good idea to andrew coots over at digital trends the reason they're in favor of this bill over sopa and pipa when it comes down to business see if you remember so pro would essentially force companies to police the web hunt down pirates putting the onus on them so of course they said no but this was different it would actually
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make life easier for those companies because they're not responsible for finding anything they would be protected against any personal lawsuits from privacy advocates because all this would be the law plus they'd be part of the bigger plan to stop any cyber security threat so politically this is a win win for them so let's go back to the original question here is sista the new sopa no not really a number of tech companies are actually backing this bill unlike sopa and although some are concerned that cisco could even the interpreted to go after copyright infringement it doesn't stop there this thing is about security not just piracy and when it comes to the congressional signatures so how about eighty supporters until the internet blackout on january nineteenth forced them to change their minds but both bills have raised the ire of the internet community for their alarmingly broad language when it comes to monitoring the internet savvy though we haven't seen the same outcry over this bill that we saw when it came to sopa thankfully though advocacy groups out there an anonymous do continue their campaign against h.r.
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three five to three. just censorship but we could sneak through congress however anyone can see the future of the internet should be on the lookout for sr as it continues to be considered on capitol hill. and in fact and on is already have tended to companies that have openly backed says but the real question here is can anything be done to stop this legislation can the internet community perform another sopa miracle without the help of the major type companies to kill this bill before it comes along. because there's going to have to wait and see. or taking one last break but when we come back he says that his name is the only thing wrong with the bush tax cut that's right bush is back and he's taking over told time award and on happy hour. he says i am the v.h.s. one in your. welcome back.
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but in the alone the film will get the real headlines with none the less the problem with the mainstream media today is that they're completely disconnected from the viewers and for what actually matters for those viewers and so that's like young people just don't watch t.v. anymore if they want news they go online and read it but we're trying to take those stories that people actually care about and transfer them back to t.v. .
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guide time for tonight's thoughts on ward and tonight honor goes there former president george w. bush for comments that he made at the new york historical society last night. was speaking about the merits of low taxes and his vision for economic growth if anybody really wants to hear about economic policy from the guy to lead us to the brink of disaster but anyway he went on to speak about the tax cuts that he championed while in office and then have this say that it. if you raise taxes if you let the i wish the more called the bush tax cuts they're called some other body's tax cuts they're probably less likely to be rationed. you know we all know that george w. doesn't come off as the most clever guy in the world but he's really think that americans are that because they think we wouldn't associate him with the trillions in tax cuts that he consistently praised during his administration if they didn't
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have his name slapped on the front i don't know maybe that's or maybe he was just trying to be cute like he was when he made this joke at the two thousand and four radio and television correspondents association dinner those weapons of mass destruction got to be somewhere. now wasn't that funny mr president when your lives helped lead to the deaths of thousands of americans hundreds of thousands of iraqis and added trillions to the national debt but of course a little quip last night was the only reason he acted like complete fool take a look at his justification for continuing to push economic snake oil much of the political debate and i just rightly so it's about our balance sheet that makes sense to me and you look at the. the debt to g.d.p. is pretty high but we believe that in order to solve the whole sheet first and foremost you've got to grow the private sector most small businesses pay tax at the individual income tax level therefore if you raise taxes on
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the so-called rich you're really raising taxes on the job creators. now there are a number of things wrong with this first the public sector can be crucial to economic growth just yesterday on monday hangover we were talking about how federal funds for job retraining programs are running out it's a troubling development with american workers lacking crucial skills but if an official excuse me official unemployment rate refusing to drop below eight percent then there's the fact that government spending itself leaves for private sector jobs and when those jobs results from crucial of public investments like those in education research technology and transportation there's an even greater multiplier effect now thirdly if tax cuts actually did shrink the debt and we probably wouldn't be in this mess in the first place just take a look at the orange part on this graph here the center on budget and policy priorities as the made last year the over half of the federal deficit by twenty
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nineteen didn't come from bush's tax cuts but as bush offer up a rick perry hoops for his role not so-called but your prices no he does offers more of the same and finally and perhaps the centerpiece of bush's smoke and mirrors tax policy is the idea that tax cuts on the ridge harm job creators and if you believe that and i know a great ski lodge of the bahamas they should go visit democrats that consistently make the point that they would only repeal the bush tax cuts on households making over a quarter of a million dollars that amount of million only two percent of all american households actually make that and twenty ten analysis from a nonpartisan research organization shows that less than three percent of small businesses will be affected by rolling back bush's tax rebate so that's might sound a great deal small business to me but if the tax cuts are to stay trillions will be added to the debt over the next ten years and you would pay if the proposed house republican budget is any indication it would be the most vulnerable income bracket by the way that spends a higher percentage of its money than the wealthy making them more likely to create
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jobs than bush's two percent because all have it's die hard and bush finds it necessary to shill for the super rich again and because he wishes the tax cuts that racked up the deficit because didn't have his name on them then no one could blame him for anything. oh absolutely he was nights tool time award. our guidance time for have the hour and joining me this evening lauren lyster host of the capital account here on r.t. and michaele labor journalist and staff writer for in these times. thanks for joining me guys thank you lona all right so you know what a shocker the feds want to break into another thing so they can spy on you there on the homeland security has launched a research project to find ways of happening into gaming console to obtain sensitive information about those gamers and so you might wonder why gamers. figure
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out for. the u.s. government is ok the how it can. export some place it's worth the console's not to be used by a pitiful terrorists to carry secret conversations through the guy in chat functions that means sign criminals could potentially be talking to your kids and over there so should parents be worried. sorry i kid does laugh i have to lever that story we have a little kid in there i think. anyway really you know i think what's funny is that if you slap pedophile and terrorist onto anything it'll make it's like p.r. for people to support it when in reality it might be an excuse for a million other things that don't really address those i was really messed up right there to use their gaming console for all kinds of things you know play station in reno like you go online and who knows what is it more than sit in their parents' basement and communicate with other people the world work after whatever it is. i
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mean look at porn on the internet but what i would like to point to get a. little bit is you know let's be clear that stuff you're pressure game kind of gaming. i mean you know i just wonder how they're going to think of the more you game the more likely terrorist. you have to be careful with what you put in your living room because i have friends that work in tech and it's very scary what they're trying to do with those gaming console as they have been cable console they have spine to where they can see when you lose attention so that they know what to advertise to you. i don't know if this is rolled out yet but i know this is all in the works and this is all part of the same gray area of what can go wrong with things in your consul well this is the big stories actually kind of. kind of related i guess except for it's not really being done secretly business in legislation that's actually. even consulate knowing about
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it but. this specifically we can talk about new york right now where they announce an initiative operation game over and so they're removing the profiles of registered sex offenders for certain games and take a look at what general eric. schneiderman provided a list of the state's registered sex offenders two leading online gaming companies who in turn canceled the accounts of more than thirty five hundred people. i mean is that fair because you were a registered sex offender you never allowed to game again they already can't do anything and they're not able to live many places many of them are stuck out in the boonies because of all the regulations what else are they supposed to do other than play video games. and i guess it's you know the stuff high cost for being a sex offender you know if it were not so much of the so you know why are some people actually get the sex offender label slapped on them for something like
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seventy when they were like drunken college not that there are there are actual sex offenders out there that are complete psycho sickos and you know it's a really tough balance basically it is a great kind of fight because there are always those loopholes where you have a couple that maybe someone was over eighteen and someone was underage and it was a normal couple that stage together and then someone's out and that being a sex offender for life and now they can play video games now we know you know really a lot. that's. coming together. yes what's despite how much everyone is freaking out about birth control and everything in this country teen pregnancy rates are actually record lows record low in the seven decades and such since his digs were last collected and i think there's going to offer all kinds of reasons all those people standing on playing a game. maybe this m.t.v. show. was my so far as you know. it's not.
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just your. suit in the challenges you know which group. i was a joke but there's make life look pretty miserable if you're if you're a teen long yeah i don't know what does this say that abstinence only education actually works you know i think this is i'm pretty bearish on the economy but this was something that made me go because the fact that teens are delaying sex which was one of the things that reason that was given they said increased contraception and delaying sex maybe means that the economy is improving a little bit we know that teens have been hit very hard by unemployment sex is free therefore the fact that rates are going down maybe mean people have some more money and you know. i mean i don't really believe that but i did think that if.
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you're going to go about it. why don't we take it out on the most why but i just think that obviously you know if you have sex ed where you can teach kids about everything that comes along with it from the fact that i guess abstinence is the only one hundred percent sure way to get you know as you get pregnant to all of the other options that are out there like contraception the kids will get smarter about it i agree with their choice yeah it's a good thing rick santorum suspended his campaign so we can't mess these numbers up . who are we going to miss rick santorum or romney everyone rick santorum who will draw on the national. so there you go wrong. guys i got to thanks for joining me tonight that's a good night's show thanks for tuning in nature you come back tomorrow and in the meantime don't forget to become a fan of the floor show on facebook and follow us on twitter if you missed any of the night's show or any other nights. you want to show they go find the interview
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in its entirety coming up next is the. the folks. you know are some leisure see a story and it seems so for life you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm sorry welcome to the big picture.
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