tv [untitled] April 11, 2012 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT
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serious government troops will stop all military operations on thursday morning in accordance with the u.n. brokered deadline for a ceasefire with opposition fighters. and as russia urges foreign partners to use diplomatic game floors to promote peace in syria the u.s. is using seemingly under climatic language towards moscow i'll be back with more in just a few minutes. also this hour of the british from in a search turns his tour of the asia into a western the sales pitch seeking arms deals with nations in the pacific a move many see as an attempt to undermine china's growing clout plus. you have to
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cut the farm that's fine but not coming to the bone as worries over the state of spain's finances and tense upon along with fears there'll be a need for a bailout critics say resorting to more austerity cuts will just aggravate the crisis. using common broadcasting to live from the heart of moscow and parents are actually the syrian government confirms it will halt all military operations by thursday morning in accordance with the un brokered cease fire agreement earlier special envoy kofi annan said his peace plan is very much alive and some western countries again unleashed of criticism on the regime for its alleged failure to stick to commitments archies talks on
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a boycott reports from damascus. here is the finance minister says that it indeed intends to silence their guns and hold all military operations starting at six am local time now how will the cease fire may last it's still an open question the syrian authorities are saying. if they see that the ceasefire is being misused or abused by the opposite side and if the opposition doesn't lay down its arms then be at do reserve the right to respond as of now we haven't heard any reaction from the syrian opposition the feeling here in damascus is that despite all the unanimous support for the annan proposal some countries have been really trying to hind the scene to sabotage the peace process. can recall to that in fact statements coming out of washington suggesting that these peace plan was a failing even before as the assad government actually accepted the visit by
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a prominent u.s. senators john mccain and joe lieberman who once again. for supplying the opposition with arms and it's still unclear how that could really benefit the peace process if you're really serious about that at a time when koffi annan it ah there are supporters of his peace initiative including russia are really working hard to try to put pressure on the assad government to try to persuade it to speed up the pullout of forces from some of the northern settlements and trying to persuade him not to respond in such a manner to the attacks admired the militarized opposition as far as russia goes it does strengthen and tough on its language with regards to syria russia's foreign minister sergei lavrov of two meeting his syrian counterpart the ones the most called sad the syrian authorities could have and should have been more decisive and more proactive in
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a hearing to the kofi annan peace plan. but he also made it clear that it was only fair worthwhile if other parties would put this same pressure on the opposition and would persuade opposition fighters to lay down their arms professor on middle eastern history and politics jeremy salt says voices coming from the u.s. and some other countries are seriously how bring peace efforts in syria so no. loss to our two reporters was actually able to mask this kind of attitude is hardly . literature to cease fire the image of the island is trying to set off moments the opponents of syria there is not goodwill very clearly among some states and or single out here so you are in qatar they want a syrian government destroyed their interest is not in syria their interest is not treating the syrian people they are interested not human rights the syrian people or they don't their own people don't have those rights so what is the game in syria what do they want they want yes a government toppled in the day this fall largely sectarian reasons they're trying
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to set up which might cause an innocent wall across the middle east to block iraq and to block the rise as he is an across the region iran syria is tied up in a strategic alliance across the region and saudi arabia wants regularize for reasons of its own those reasons also converge with the determination of united states to break so you think you can see there is most definitely a very big geopolitical game going on here which will determine the stable middle east for a long time to come. russia has called on foreign powers to use and diplomatic leverage to start hostilities the us has accused nascar of being eroded block in and strive to topple the syrian regime but elements in the crisis try to country will be our heart topic as foreign ministers from g eight countries are gathering in washington for a two day meeting party's going to go reports from the u.s. capitol. right now the rhetoric essentially between the u.s. and russia is very tense to say the least secretary clinton said russia's refusal
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to support quote unquote constructive action by the u.n. security council on the crisis in syria is keeping its president bashar al assad in power the u.s. ambassador to the united nations susan rice went even further saying russia and china have both laws on their hands who are refusing to go along with an intervention in syria and that she was discussed that her words very graphic statements one would argue utterly and diplomatic susan rice is generally known for making diplomatic statements and sometimes getting too creative with facts for example she wants announce that could offer troops were being issued as i am told to rate propose a measure against terror but interesting u.s. military and intelligence officials said there was no evidence no basis for miss rice's claims anyways there are policymakers here who are very pro intervention and they tend to blame russia for all that's happening in syria so that's the kind of
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environment that russian diplomats have to work in and it is a very tough environment pushing for a political solution with a dialogue between the opposition and the government. some hawks in washington keep calling for military and and syria or launching a preemptive strike on iran the majority of americans are against such drastic steps that's according to opinion polls which often reveal views the authorities are unwilling to listen to and eight thirty pm g.m.t. will bring you an interview with the c.e.o. of the major u.s. pollster gallup there's a quick look at what's to come. americans are not nearly as war aggressive as we were. a few years ago we have enormous. war fatigue now that's not really a positive for in the way that americans believe that iran has nuclear capabilities
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they believe that they're evil and they want to do bad and all that kind of thing. americans really want to take a break from war. and switch running our t.v. past the hour selling the last of france a quick note to one of the world's most important democracies have how the british prime minister has defended his start off in indonesia as part of his arms trade tour of asia that comes a decade after the country saw an embargo by the u.k. itself for using british jets to bomb civilians david cameron arrived in jakarta from japan as britain seeks to boost its military presence in the region that's all in china's backyard artie's arbella for ports. selling weapons is quickly becoming what britain does best prime minister david cameron unashamedly counting the u.k.'s military hardware only he calls it flying the flag for britain it's
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seeking to become only the second country other than america to trade arms with japan not only big business but the chance for a crucial foothold in what's clearly the place to be this must be the perfectly predictable result of meeting the shifting focus of american attention and any attention of much of the world to be asia pacific region as china obviously continues to be an economic powerhouse and and even in be earned it and in other countries in the region for him to actually become more economically dominant i think with that comes the attended attention from the militaries of of the u.s. and u.k. and other countries america's recently announced plans to station two thousand the remains in australia hoping to exert influence in the region china says isn't theirs to meddle in and britain could soon join them part of its defense deal with japan could see a british hunter submarine deployed in china's backyard complete with missiles and
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all the physical presence the british government. claims is needed these geopolitics or relevance but i think that's even more reason for the u.k. to be going out there to engage with what is one of a few key allies in the region with over thirty executives from the u.k.'s highly profitable arms industry this isn't the first time they've been cameron's been criticized for turning an overseas trip into a traveling sales pitch cameron was left red faced last year when on the same trip he went from praising democratic uprisings in cairo to flogging weapons in q wait prime minister david cameron's been forced to defend his party weapons manufacturer is saying it's perfectly responsible and respectable but this is a region that's highly sensitive to any kind of military maneuver and tensions at the moment particularly high north korea's planned rocket launch later this week is stoking their traditional regional panic japan and south korea threatening to shoot
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it down fearing it's a disguise long range missile test similar suspicions are being cast on china to its japan and south korea seek allies further afield. you certainly want to confront. and you do not have the resources to work your. military restrains. sort of. abbess. and of course. because more strategically. want foreign power was into the region so as to have a good challenge on. the. international community on china until now britain and america have had to make do with exerting their influence on the region from a far but with the talk of physical presence there the theories could upset the balance either bennett r t london. as beijing steams or head to overtake the us
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ours the world's largest economy participator about asked his guests whether washington is ready to be the number to watch a full program later today on r.t. . there is a lot of parallels to be drawn here between the declining car of the united states and the declining powers of europe but let us remember that even after the decline in european quality of lives g.d.p. per capita air quality. education level control of corruption are still much much better than most of the emerging markets if you have not educated people you know supposedly talking about how their education is much better in america and then in eighty odd for example that's their job because in just looking at the international record they are always coming out and top obviously education seems to be considerably better in asia and then to say that this is not the case you know shows maybe never something wrong is that haitian american.
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spain is still at the epicenter of the e.u. debt crisis as its borrowing costs remain alarmed. concerns are growing that the euro zone's fourth largest economy will need rescuing following smaller bailouts for greece portugal and ireland economic blogger gonzalo says the e.u. was too busy saving greece and lapis situation in spain get out of control prickly spain is simply too big to bail out it is roughly half the size of germany and it's . the hole that it has on both its own sovereign balance sheet as well as the bank's balance sheet is simply too big the solution is a combination of austerity measures but not so many that you're cutting to the moment you have to cut the fat and that's fine but not coming to the moon this can only lead to the i want i don't want to say revolution serious serious social
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problems in spain which will only exacerbate its financial the issue of saving greece of course was to show the world that the euro kratz are serious about potentially backstopping any of the sovereign debt of many of the other major countries but of course they botched the job stretch it out over a two year period from may two thousand and ten until march of two thousand and twelve and it kept just getting bigger and worse and they just did not do the firewall that they should have done initially and so of course now that in decisiveness it is is coming back to haunt them because the markets in general don't really think that the euro it's the troika that is the european commission the european central bank and the international monetary fund and nobody really thinks that they have the. political will to really fix a country is because spain. here with are clearly still ahead for you versus our indian protesters rage against nuclear. it's feared that the protest movement are
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much more bigger powers who are green with envy rather than environmentalists and. palestinians have appealed to the un security council asking for a condemnation of israel settlement activity comes ahead of a meeting of major world powers aimed at jumpstarting peace talks between the two sides as are clear explains ordinary palestinians feel they are being marginalized and mistreated are there on lap while the world's attention is focused on the arab spring comes to news all focused on a different kind of spring the kind that farmers rely on for their livelihood and without which many palestinian villagers would not survive. i'm afraid to stand here even though this is the soldiers and settlers often come here to harass us you being here protects me israelis are controlling all springs the source of our water . this is an obvious style of religion
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a place where the tommy tribe has lived for some four hundred years but nearly three decades ago and israeli settlements strong up next door and slowly started encroaching on villages land today a third of what used to be to me ground is controlled by sickly as. it's very frustrating to see the settlement on loans that is ours and which we can no longer access it's part of a plan and i'm afraid that the day will come when they will knock on my door and say this house it's not yours it's ours. the one spring in the area is the main source of water for these palestinian farmers but they can now only access it can hours a week while the cities use it all the time and far from it being in a city for them they are making money using it as a tourism site the settlers have been investing a lot of effort to try and get israeli public to come here internet sites an advertisement spoke about a gourmet restaurant and wineries and of course the magnificent springs the not the silent spring is one of fifty six that the united nations detailed in
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a recent report. eighty four percent of the springs all colors to private so you can submerge and. in a lab where water is raise a red commodity to supply the few have it for decades and generations is lost because the new settlers are come up. with that it's. what palestinians feel the water spring issue is only the tip of the iceberg because while the world is zoomed in on the arab spring the israelis are using the chance to go about their business i think it's a bad for time for the israelis to step up to their or their actions against the palestinians i think the wall is busy with themselves nobody nobody is q two years ago the palestinian last year. has been record in terms of the increases in the number of new housing units israel have very limited or. in the occupied territory is as expansion of settlements and so for as long as the world
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remains focused on the big battles happening across the arab world the daily fight these farmers put up for every drop of water will continue i noticed policy r t v file of village palestinian administration. let's take a look at some other news from around the world this hour a series of powerful earthquakes of western indonesia have caused widespread panic around the indian ocean mass evacuations took place and many coastal regions with people fearful after last year's disaster in japan there were no immediate reports of death or damage and tsunami warnings have been called off in two thousand and four a nine point one magnitude earthquake and tsunami killed almost a quarter of a million people in countries and islands around the indian ocean but. now in peruvian miners trapped underground for a week by a rock bottom after been rescued they were met by relatives and president. outside
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. nagel mining in southern peru the men left the mine one by one wearing blankets and sunglasses to protect their rights are also to be in good health. north korea has fueled up the controversial rocket it plans to send into space to launch an observation satellite western nations and japan have condemned of the plan fearing it's a test of can young's nuclear capability north korea says the launch is for peaceful reasons taking place on the one hundredth anniversary of the birth of the nation's founder kim il sung left office scheduled to take place between thursday and sunday depending on weather conditions. india's ambitious nuclear energy plans are being met head on by a growing green protest movement the indian government however has accused the us of stoking the opposition but as archie's priya sridhar reports american interests
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are being driven by money rather than environmentalism. protests have erupted across india outside of nuclear power stations like this the current uncool implant a joint indian russian venture in the south of there will be the largest such electricity generating facility in the country construction of nuclear power plants in india has been stopped because of growing opposition and now the indian government has said it's the united states that's behind the protests motivated by american business interests. corporate interests and wall it would be. the politics of the nuclear industry a plea for. larger geopolitical concerns that india's prime minister manmohan singh is taking away the licenses of three n.g.o.s and put seventy seven more on the global watch list for key believes the american n.g.o.s are helping fund entire
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nuclear protesters. well such aid is not illegal the action reflects government anger delhi sees as interference in india's internal affairs and energy policy in a recent interview to the american journal science prime minister singh said the atomic energy program has got us into difficulties because these embryos mostly i think based to the us still appreciate the need for country to increase energy and . the protesters deny that they're receiving funds from america the small amount of money that we need comes from our own people the fisherman. writes. but according to information from the indian home ministry released to parliament last year one third of indian ngo funding actually came from the united states india have maintained that developing a peaceful nuclear energy program will only help the country meet its growing
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energy needs and decrease its dependence on foreign sources of energy but other countries see india's growing energy needs as a potential business opportunity while the u.s. says it's got no objection to india's civilian nuclear program u.s. and western firms will be keen that they win the business rather than russian firms in the last few years india has access to the international record market india's this great market but they would earn billions of dollars. while protesters may be simply opposed to nuclear power some of the money behind them may be motivated by very different reasons the power of american business interests to keep others out of one of the world's fastest growing energy markets preassure either r t india. climbing high is what prompted people to explore space and after fifty one years after the first man did just that some have gone to fairly lofty
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heights to honor the achievements in moscow a team of enthusiastic started to wash the monument to u.t. gogarty one of the tallest in the russian capital it's proved a tricky turn our scares you can see a professional professional equipment had to be used to get to the top of the statue which is over forty meters tall the cleanup took place on the eve of the anniversary of guardians historic flight into space. now if you're jaded by world news a new program on our website could be for you tim kirby looks to explain why you should care with an offbeat take on current affairs only on r.t. dot com. good leverage or cheer mccurry was need to build a huge most sophisticated radios which on repeat leave those interviews with doing about anything to change mission to teach creation and why you should care about
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humans and. this is why you should care only. time now to check the markets business school and marina so crude seems to be the hot spot on the market right now why is that. yes that's right that's because oil prices are basically going to higher supported by a rise in stock markets as well as we can the gains are limited because a report came out showing that us are on the rise now let's take a look at the latest figures basically what we had was that you as crude and mentors rose sharply last week and that's as the rest of production reached a thirty year high this same time imports were on the way down and that's according of course the american petroleum institute so we had a mix of data and then the prices that i mentioned this late so let's go and see what's happening there with the market stocks are bouncing by thrown. a low and the
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main factor there are investors are looking at alcoa the company unexpectedly posted a profit and that's first quarter and no one expected that's of course they're really pleased about that now when it comes to. the s. and m i six and of the trading session on a positive note you can see there they added around a half a percent each and basically investors here were reacting to a speech made by vladimir putin where he said that russia has over the declines of previous years the economy is now bigger than it was before the crisis and it continues to grow quickly correspondent daniel bushell listens to the speech at the stadium and he wraps it up for us. unemployment's also importantly no on the levels of two thousand and eight yet the government that remains low the controls did with the united states and europe's largest deficits and their very high unemployment levels their use of the e.u. states like greece losing this sovereignty in effect handing over national decisionmaking to crossings in return for aid so it's good he said that russia
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doesn't need help side help now for the countries however it is not to the whole noble to all price changes as some may think this listening to what he had to say. all the social initiatives are not connected with oil and gas revenues we shape the budget according to a conservative scenario for prices and even if the oil price falls to seventy dollars a barrel will still be able to meet. you in the us it's a process of crude oil stay high russia will be one of the world's fourth biggest economies like p.p.p. does purchasing power parity he said it would he admitted the country still lags world war z. cheat areas call of duty is only half as high and that means it takes twice as long for a russian worker to achieve the same amount he also said that there will be laws to ease doing business of bringing guarantees through this does that he's discussing with president medvedev creating a public prosecutor who will control
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a level playing field for business overall as you said the tone of the speech was to mystic well received by m.p.'s with a standing ovation at the end. seems optimistic as the award of her day here at last i have it on our plate for not next hour but the hour after hour of crisis thanks for that update marina more finance in just a few minutes laura lester explores how big money affects politics and capital account and after the headlines of the current era.
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