tv [untitled] April 13, 2012 10:00am-10:30am EDT
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stosur is piling new sanctions on north korea is not the way to go word as the united nations looks into pyongyang's controversial failed rocket launch. the u.n. is set to send more observers into syria as a draft resolution is laid out before the security council with persistent reports of clashes inside the country. and meet news makers and opinion formers right here on our t.v. . coming soon to a screen you julian our soldiers highly anticipated new program is on its way to our team join me for more in just
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a moment to find out what's the world's most one stage whistleblower has in store. thanks for joining our to you with me karen saracini broadcasting live from the heart of moscow where russia has expressed regret over north korea's controversial rocket launch but it's calling for restraint and diplomacy as the u.n. security council is preparing for an emergency meeting over what action to take against counting out the launch ended in failure as the rocket plummeted into the sea moments after takeoff south korea japan and the u.s. suspect the north tested intercontinental ballistic missile something it's banned from doing by u.n. resolutions telling young insists it was trying to send a satellite into orbit pressure maintains the north has a right to a peaceful space program archies peter all of our has all the developments. the
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russian foreign minister sergey lavrov speech speaking alongside his chinese and indian counterparts to be holding a meeting here in moscow that meeting culminated with the fallout from this failed rocket launch coming out of north korea. of rob expressed russia's regret that the launch had taken place but said. it was concerned putting more sanctions on north korea wouldn't really do any good when it came to stopping these type of launches taking place perhaps in the future you know they said symons was fucked up by the chinese foreign minister saying that china was opposed to any form of sanctions for the sanctions being placed up told. and now this goes against the sentiments we're hearing coming out of countries like the united states south korea and japan no those three nations have expressed their concern deep concern out they say this rocket launch in fact saying that it wasn't the trying to play satellites into
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space is the north koreans had said that it was in fact a cover for a test of a long range intercontinental ballistic missile something which north korea is prohibited from trying to to carry out its expected those three countries that they mentioned the united states south korea and japan may try and call for further sanctions something that russia of not boxed. up saying the plume was the only way to try and find a solution we convinced challenges it must be political and diplomatic means we're calling on all sides concerned to be restrained responsible and committed. this format has. to resolve the situation. for what the u.s. is saying that north korea is have gone back on promises that were made earlier this year they said that they wouldn't test any further rockets in exchange for
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food aid also reports coming out of south korea. the north. could be preparing a nother nuclear test now this would be the third time that they conducted such a test the u.n. have been involved in several resolutions have been on the table regarding north korea's nuclear program but all of this is happening against the backdrop of the united states the thing up their presence in the asia pacific region now the reasons for this that have been given from d.c. is that the united states wants to move their focus away from their military focus away from the middle east towards that asia pacific region to try and keep an eye on nations like china and like iran has a specialist ten b.-l. things north korea is just trying to stand up for its rights and its sovereignty it's all part in negotiating ploy really will be an american. technology to make some concessions to the same time they have to stand up
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often regarded as this overnight and russia. and china are quite right to point out every country has the right to launch satellites. peaceful space exploration they didn't want your satellite violates international nor if not quite correct thirdly it violating the united nations sanctions when you know that's apparently the americans and the way to run there is a lot of tension. and. ultimately don't really count. on young young young years just to get an economic back and ease sanctions. well today we're asking what you think the international community should do to resolve north korea's rocket controversy you can log onto our q dot com to cast your vote in our online poll about how the issue should be dealt with here's what you think so far the majority sixty percent say the world should show goodwill by
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giving the north a satellite already in or a bit one in five you were suggesting turning a blind eye eleven percent say deploying anti-missile systems in the region is the solution and the rest of eight percent are calling for more sanctions against young tell us what you think cast your vote at parties. coming up on r t a b election fear factor french politicians including nicole russell posey are turning to fall right rhetoric there are accused of isolating muslims ahead of next week's presidential ballot. a u.n. observer team is on standby to enter syria to help monitor a fragile cease fire there it's now waiting in approval resolution from the security council envoy kofi annan says forces in the country have not yet fully complied with the terms of the peace deal as reports emerge of clashes near the
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turkish border are she's going to can and has been looking at the latest u.n. draft. it calls for all parties in syria to immediately cease all armed violence in all its forms that's a quote it would also authorize an initial deployment to syria of up to thirty on armed un observers to monitor the sites compliance with kofi annan six point plan will hurt the syrian envoy to the united nations say that syria is ready to accept even servers and that it's determined to stick to the plan in the meantime the russian ambassador to the u.n. reiterated that russia is very supportive of the plan and does everything it can to make sure the cease fire holds it's crucial for the monitors to be on the ground to make sure that the new transgressions of the good of the got of the state over in the world and so it is going to be difficult there's a lot of skepticism here in washington about kofi annan plan the u.s. accept it the plan but it almost designated it as doomed even before the plan had
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a chance to work but so far it has worked violence has reportedly stopped the u.s. ambassador to the u.n. susan rice described described it as quote a brief positive step obviously implying that the ceasefire is not going to hold and maybe not to miss rice with too many it's clear that the ball is now in the court of the syrian opposition the last thing we heard from them was that they were going to organize mass demonstrations but we didn't hear much about their plans on engaging in a dialogue with the government take a listen to what the russian ambassador had to say about. i'm very concerned that into some sort of large gatherings of people the possibility of provocations will be greatly enhanced so instead of instead of. demonstrations there should be those must finally formulate their attitude towards political dialogue so far the main point of diplomatic big crying over syria has been the one sided approach of the u.s. in a number of other countries that would could always sponsibility in the hands of
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president assad and would never address the. opposition whereas russia's stance has been the same all the way and that is all parties must lay down their arms but with this resolution which appears as more impartial which calls for dialogue and addresses all sides of the conflict one may argue there is finally hope for the much needed consensus in the international community that is of course if the resolution constitute passed then the chances are it will at least clogger karl shara is skeptical that the opposition will be able to comply with the back peace plan there's a certain imbalance in there is the opposition or the officially recognized opposition in the name of the s.n.c. the syrian national council doesn't actually control events on the ground nor does it have a direct relationship with the free syrian army or the other groups that have the weapons so in agreeing in entering this agreement and agreeing to a kind of restrict the amount of arms or eliminated they don't actually have the
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means to effectively control dot on the ground however we've seen a noticeable decline in the violence but what he means really worrying is the fact that we've heard reports today of thousands of demonstrations coming out onto the streets that is the crucial aspect in taking back this syrian uprising to a more nonviolent peaceful path if the those demonstrations should be allowed which would take away their legitimacy from anyone trying to use violence under those circumstances so what's really required is a sense of leadership from the kind of both the opposition and the government or either camp in syria who kind of have the vision to take syria forward but unfortunately just kind of treating this as a set of violent confrontations that need to be repressed will only stores from further trouble down down the line. of president assad's reforms apparently being and. elections due in may syrians hope the un backed cease fire well help make
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change and reality reports from damascus. damascus greeted the ceasefire with a sunny day and high spirits residents took to the parks rather than streets and sprinklers not bullets all that needed dodging yeah this picture perfect morning was laden with fear and uncertainty as them esteems anxiously awaited news from the north africa my biggest wish now is for the cease fire to heal long days when you could walk the streets without fear and could loose one day without hearing that somebody was killed. that's what wasn't the case in the rest of the country on thursday proceedings were rocked by three blasts that killed and injured twenty five harsh though that is a country that has grown accustomed to a daily death toll exceeding a hundred even that could be seen as a step forward to one hundred of everyone here it was a routine politics once one thing for syria and it is peace in the capitals all
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bizarre business is slow many locals are pressed for money interests are few and far between the centuries trade was serious best antidote to six area and all religious conflict but its politics draw a wedge between syria communities and relieve you know here. everyone in the mosque and. you know we like the. u.s. the damn acing stores that once held syria to war there of european crusaders some fear that syria may become the target of yet another mortar in the western conquests it would again seek to impose its values this time it twenty first century where plants. bludgeoned of the infallible demisting swords isn't part of his possible for syrians seeing themselves as
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a nation of great warriors or valuable or about everything else that's revolutionary violence free in the country more and more syrians are far more eager to the not a part of their cultural heritage that peace loving peace cherish a nation. true that syria doesn't have a long period of political pluralism the main rallying cry of the opposition but there are efforts to change their. political parties for a graduate student in recent months some of them openly seeking to challenge the dominance of the ba'ath party. we used to have three taboos religion sex and politics at least we can talk about politics now the fair is a member of the party of supporters it can boast only fourteen hundred people so far they're still figuring out the details of their political agenda but the first says he's pretty certain of the means it will not use to achieve it but.
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it's true that the regime has a long way to go to make our political system more inclusive but we also have to agree that using any kind of violence in politics is unacceptable politics is about compromising with your rivals and you can't do that while shooting and many here are saying that if there's any force that can unite syrians these these is the opposition the opposition to war it's not going to artsy damascus syria. remember to head to our web site r t dot com for more news including a story also which. argues correspondent is tied to a list of the country's enemies find out who else tallent considers a threat to its security. also mt etna is erupting in sicily we've got more amazing video of europe's most active volcano that's on line for you at our t.v. dot com. there's been much buzz and mystery about the world's most
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famous whistleblower and his forthcoming show on our t.v. and it's finally happening next tuesday when julia massagers program for mears on this very channel artie's laura smith caught up with him and got a sneak peek of what's waiting for you. the first episode of the show will be broadcast on cheese day april seventeenth so that's this cheese day coming and we and julian together really hoping this is going to be an explosive new show i can't tell you the name of the first guest you'll have to tune in yourselves to find that out on tuesday but i can tell you that they are all opinion formers some of them this isn't and some of them have never been interviewed before on english language television the first guest is particularly controversial and according to julian in the wake of the interview highly charismatic and find out what that's all about i met with him recently and i talked all about the show how he chose his guests why
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he decided to do it and of course he spent a lot of time sitting on the other side of the interview as desk and he told me a bit about his disenchantment really with the mainstream media and why he chose r.t. to broadcast first this show the things that we're trying to report not being carried through in the mainstream purse or who. work. for currents gently or not this week coming up for the week in which the first show is going to be broadcast is really a week of anniversaries for him both personal and professional it's going to be five hundred days since the investigation into these allegations of sexual assaults by two swedish women began now we've seen that at the request of his extradition go through the courts here in the u.k. right up to the supremes courts which in that case finished at the beginning of february that's ten weeks ago now we still don't have a verdict we are expecting it possibly to come next week but there's still no set
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date for that verdict to be handed down and still after thought of hundred days no charges have been laid against him it's also five hundred days since the wiki leaks bank accounts were first frozen so that has made funding for wiki leaks very difficult. i'm threatening that whistle blowing organization altogether i really that's what makes this program so unique the fact that it was conceived thought of while songs was virtually living under house arrest here in britain awaiting this verdict on his extradition there's two reasons first of all being on the house arrest of someone it's nice to have a visitor. more about the world and. the conversations we were having a very interesting. thought of what was going on that's one the second reason is that as someone who's given the order for and it's been receiving a very aggressive and. i found. them to be much more i mean.
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pretty quickly. it was. pretty principle. the context so i wanted to have a different approach with the people. but the point has been so i think it's also it's excellent. it's very interesting. because we're not dealing with. people who saw something house arrest. so you can see the full version of that interview on monday the sixteenth of april and that will be followed hot on the heels by the first episode of the program on tuesday the seventeenth of april we're still awaiting the verdict on julian assange as extradition but we are quite glad that he's managed to make this program before whatever happens to him happens to him obviously his main fear has always been that
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he will be extradited from sweden to the u.s. . has he been here. is to get the maximum the full. source. cereal is what helps keep the reason. we want to present. something. like you're just joining us ninety minutes past the hour and with a french set to choose their next president in just over a week politicians are rushing to secure at last minute support growing immigration and fear of terrorism are being used by some candidates to sway voters with president sarkozy who's seeking a second term among the front runners and the charts to the right artist s. are silly reports from paris. and he immigration and to euro
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antiglobalization and advocates of protectionism all in the name of the french state and national identity. there is not a single french per cent not one european who does not know that i am a sworn enemy of the european single currency us goods that is a radical islam is a direct consequence of mass immigration from the left and the right imposed on us for decades is that no. conditionally on the fringes of france's national politics the rhetoric of today's far right may no longer be as far off for its citizens as it once was opinion polls suggest that presidential candidate marine le pen of the ultra right wing national front party is third with potentially ten million votes its biggest support base ever there is no party see if include griffen france so if the french. doesn't bother anyone
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but. we don't want. to play to england so we don't all want to have a different communities but don't speak together. as an identity. it's globalization destroyed deciding to. enter them with her calls for economic patriotism prioritizing france over europe its native citizens over others giving the french back their jobs. and center right incumbent nicolas sarkozy stands accused of jumping on the far right bandwagon some say for the ballot sake. our integration system is getting worse and worse why because we have too many foreigners in our territory threatening to withdraw from the shank and border free agreement by no coincidence at a time when europe is seeing an influx of refugees fleeing conflicts in north africa and the middle east this is a break
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a literal clift so we were left in the sea israel. has. sarkozy knows pretty well as he was elected in two thousand and seven only because he was able to catch. the national front and know the situation is quite the same some say that what was once a protest vote is now a more permanent part of the french political spectrum so i'm going. there is certainly a part of the electorate vote for the reasons of dissent but i think it must now be recognised him if it's difficult to accept that the vote for the national front is increasingly a vote of support. we increasing prominence of right wing rhetoric in france especially the lead up to the presidential elections is clear but what's more difficult to decipher is whether the strong support for the right reflects the direction the fungicide of values has taken or is simply a knee jerk reaction to everything the french see wrong in their country just are
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so your artsy paris. all right let's now take a look at what's got their neighbors in italy riled up thousands have walked out onto the streets of lawn to protest the overhaul of the pension system the demonstrators are saying the new rules will leave bills recently retired without means to support themselves for several years the reform will start raising the pension age from this year to labor unions this protest is the latest sign of the time dissatisfaction with the on elected technocrat government. and that other world news of the prime minister of guinea carlos gomez jr has been arrested by our soldiers and an apparent coup soldiers attacked his residence residence with heavy weapons seizing the premier in advance of a run all presidential election later this month but she was expected to win he's opposed by the army which also took control of key buildings and a radio station in the volatile nation
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a military spokesman said it didn't want to take power but claim the prime minister planned to bring angolan troops into the country. officials who served under egypt's out's leader hosni mubarak could be banned from running in the presidential election that's according to a new law which has been passed by the country's parliament but still has to be approved by the ruling military council the move follows the surprise candidacy and now it's meant of former vice president and intelligence chief under mubarak omar summa thousands of egyptians have protested on friday demanding the military giunta and forces the bat. the un has called for an immediate and escalating fighting between sudan and south sudan in a disputed border region it's after southern forces captured headley a town responsible for half of sudan's oil production the un wants forces from both sides to withdraw behind borders and for a presidential summit to be held
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a tween the countries to resolve the conflict by fighting along the oil rich friend here is the worst since south sudan became independent still a long. time for the business news with the metering and it's been something of a friday the thirteenth on the markets why is that well not out of the ordinary but it's all looking very pessimistic indeed that solves the china report of the g.d.p. failing to meet expectations of eight point one percent while eight point four was forecast oh we see right now in the u.s. markets declining they're coming off of yesterday's pretty hefty gains of one a half percent for the dow and also we're seeing j.p. morgan chase and wells fargo in the middle of the earnings season after their reports they are down. in europe these concerns are coupled with the worries about the debt situation obviously and therefore we are seeing for the underdogs down the
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dax almost two percent lower dragged by commas bank which is very hard as a lot of in russia it's looking more positive for russia has been though somewhat of an odd fellow this this week actually not very much in correlation with the other markets with the nice legs but just a bit now it's a driven forward by energy shares while financials are a drag really gazprom is the central stock today it's on the spot lives up one point six percent. initiatives from the government to support companies working on the arctic shelf the government wants to ease the tax burden but not see much call from u.b.s. . says these initiatives are attractive but not good at. this and thinking here is that these huge heroes are utility future and say what's this. production cracks and there is little property. we really didn't think it but it's still not enough
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if you kind of explanation that he's right about sixty percent should be. really clear. legal framework because you know all this expert due to the. so interesting about this expert is they could be changed overnight because they are certain the monthly basis. oil is on the decline on the hopes that basically the peaceful resolution will come out with the situation surrounding iran meanwhile russia's economic ministry has taken out its crystal ball with a forecast the prices for twenty twenty twenty thirty these will be one hundred twenty two and one hundred fifty eight dollars per boe respectively best food for four for you and in the currency market the euro is declining massively versus the dollar this is because of the sell off with investors cashing out and also because of those sovereign debt problems in that the e.u. . and that's all i have for you the russian markets will close around twenty
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