tv [untitled] April 13, 2012 3:00pm-3:30pm EDT
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it's time to feel. the same good fight. tonight moscow says piling new sanctions on north korea is not the way forward as the united nations looks into pyongyang it's a controversial failed rocket launch. the u.n. said to send more observers into syria as a draft resolution is laid out before the security council has persisted reports of clashes inside the country. and meet news makers and opinion formers right here on this channel r.t. . coming soon to a screen new julian assange his highly anticipated new program is on its way to r.t. joining me for more in just a moment to find out what's the world's most wanted whistleblower has in store.
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hello brokers to live from moscow around the world this is our t.v. it's now eleven pm here money kevin zero in our top story the u.n. security council denounced north korea's controversial rocket launch but it's not imposed any punitive measures against pyongyang russia's been calling on council members for restraint and diplomacy over what past action to take the u.n. says the launch breached security council resolution says the north is banned from testing intercontinental ballistic missiles pyongyang for its part insists it was just trying to send a satellite into orbit but that launch ended in failure as the rocket plummeted into the sea just moments after it took off of course all the latest developments for you now artie's peter all of a report. the russians. minister sergey lavrov has been speaking alongside his
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chinese and indian counterparts to be holding a meeting here in moscow that meeting dominated by the fallout from this failed rocket launch coming out of north korea. expressed russia's regret that the launch it taking place but said. it was concerned putting more sanctions on north korea wouldn't really do any good when it came to stopping these type of launches taking place perhaps in the future now those sentiments were sparked by the chinese foreign minister saying that china was opposed to any form of sanctions further sanctions being placed appalled. and now this goes against the sentiments we're hearing coming out of countries like the united states south korea and japan those three nations have expressed their concern deep concern up this rocket launch in fact saying that it wasn't the a rocket trying to put a satellite into space is the north koreans had said but it wasn't part of
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a cover for a test of a long range intercontinental ballistic missile something which north korea is prohibited from trying to carry out it's expected that those three countries are mentioned the united states south korea and japan may try and call for further sanctions something that russia of not boxed. up saying diplomacy was the only way to try and find a solution we convinced challenges are. purely political and diplomatic means we're calling on all sides concerned to be restrained. and committed sumption of the six party talks this format has no alternative to. the situation. for the u.s. is saying that north korea is have gone back on promises that were made earlier this year they said that they wouldn't test any further rockets in exchange for food eight also reports coming out of south korea the north could be prepared. a
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nother nuclear test now this would be the third time that they conducted such a test the u.n. had been involved several resolutions have been on the table regarding north korea's nuclear program but all of this is happening against the backdrop of the united states be thinking of their presence in the asia pacific region now the reasons for this that are being given from d.c. is that the united states wants to move their focus away from military focus away from the middle east its awards that asia pacific region to try and keep an eye on nations like china and like iran. one of people over there was discuss the latest developments from north korea with john fatheads from the institute for policy studies on the line now from washington sir good evening to you the u.n. security council says the discussions on how to respond to the launch is set to continue is it likely to show the restraint that russia is calling for today. well i think the security council is divided as has been pointed out you know the state south korea and japan want a tougher line russia china as well are
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a little bit more cautious they don't want to push north korea to the edge they don't want to encourage greater instability in the region and your leader is that what you're going to find the u.n. what's behind this yr. well it's hard to know of course we were takes place in pyongyang is usually behind a veil of secrecy we have a young untested leader kim jong un only the third leader the north korea has ever had it's likely that the plans to launch a satellite had been in place for some time prior to his becoming the leader at the end of last year my guess is that the celebration of the one hundredth anniversary of the birth of the founder of north korea kim il sung was a special occasion and they want to celebrate this special way launching a satellite was something that has been on their agenda for some time and despite the hype surrounding it
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a lot of foreign journalists were vital to go to the press center a bit of watch the launch there's a bit of a silence for about four there until official comment was made and what i look at it is embarrassing for them it was hyped up as these these big anniversary was in it. you know it's not just the anniversary of birth it's also the year of concert on a group which in korean means a economically prosperous and militarily strong country and two thousand and twelve was supposed to be the year in which north korea achieves this status of concert so the journalists are there not only to see a successful satellite launch but also in some sense to mark north korea's arrival at that status what does this failure say the technological capabilities of north korea i mean how much of a threat is north korea as a nuclear. but i think those are two separate questions in some sense whether north korea is a threat and what their technological prowess is in many respects north korea is
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technologically quite advanced and has been for many years for many decades its major problem of course is money it costs paf a billion dollars to launch one of these rockets and that's a lot of money in north korea they don't have a lot of money to continually test these things so failure frankly is more likely than success that doesn't necessarily for a reflect badly on the science scientists or the scientific community it just means they don't have a lot of money on the side of threat does north korea really represent a threat well frankly it doesn't have much in the way of a military at this point of course has a very large army but we're talking about a military that is declined rather precipitously relative to the south korean military and certainly relatively to the u.s. military the nuclear program was in some sense an attempt to level the field the
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fact that it doesn't have much of a nuclear program maybe it's held to task neither of which were particularly successful tried to put a satellite into orbit hasn't been successful that suggests that this attempt to level the playing field is represents for north korea kind of a baseline of deterrence a new kind of offensive threat for other. john going to couple of seconds i mean how is north korea the u.s. beefing up its military presence in the asia pacific region right now. not really happy about it i mean north korea takes a look around the world and sees what happened in libya what happened in iraq says to itself hey if we don't have a nuclear program we might be next so i think that's the thinking going on in show young could very could have been the program thanks ever so much john for the institute for policy studies on the line from washington d.c. on r.t. international well we're asking you as we always like to do every day with the big stories of the day what you think about it what you think the international community should do to resolve north korea's rocket controversies and
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a website tonight where you can cast your vote in our online poll about how the issue should be dealt with what do you think this is we've been telling the majority still to say doesn't change much over the last sixty just over sixty percent of you saying turn in cheek the world should show goodwill by giving the north or south already it all but saving the money. for the meantime a quarter of you suggesting turning a blind eye to it seven percent you can say this deploying every missile systems in the region is the best solution the rest of the minority the six calling for the sanctions against pyongyang tell us what you think by casting your vote at r.t. . this is r.t. and still to come a blow to e.u. attempts to curb iran's nuclear program and china saying the supertanker to help transport it's all ahead of the plan the european oil embargo got the latest on the floor. but next a u.n. observer team is on standby to enter syria tonight to help monitor
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a fragile cease fire there it's now awaiting approval resolution from the security council this is opposition rallies and reported clashes have already put troops to the test that is going to put nice got the latest from new york. if the security council adopts this resolution it essentially gives a green light for up to ten to twelve observers to get on a plane board a plane and go to syria to monitor the cease fire the fragile cease fire that has been put into place according to the spokesman of joint envoy kofi annan on a team of up to two hundred fifty people will eventually make it to syria mr anon through his spokesperson said that the ceasefire has been relatively respected and however syria has yet to comply with all the demands including opening of the humanitarian corridors that was why this six point peace plan from the very
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beginning was endorsed and supported mr non's plan to bring peace to syria following thirteen months of violence the russian ambassador to the u.n. for telly churkin did address the media saying that this is a time for the opposition groups to also try to gauge more in dialogue it's crucial for the monitors to be on the ground to make sure that they need transgressions of the of the got a state of once that is going to be detected that everybody must be framed from any any human provocation with concerns of the possibility of provocations so instead of instead of cooking. demonstrations position leaders must finally formulate their attitude was political dialogue thursday the syrian national council called for those supporting the opposition to take to the streets and we have seen images of some violence taking place instead of the opposition groups
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claiming. government has used water cannons and tear gas to suppress those out on the streets those that support the opposition but the assad government said they did not have permission to be out there in. we have to remember that the u.s. and its allies have chris previously said the publish our side. also pledged more support for the opposition group inside the arabia u.s. as close as arab allies have also openly called to arm the opposition so here you have on one side the security council trying to reach a consensus to bring peace to syria but that is also being undermined by very powerful nations that are are calling for government to step aside in follows developing story on our website our bird tonight as well you'll also hear about on our t.v. over correspondent in
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a list of the country's enemies why what we can find out who world's telling considers a threat to its security from us and our to your com spectacular pictures too about that interrupting again in sicily we've got some this amazing footage there of europe's most active volcano going to catch up with that it's sort of t.v. dot com. china is set to help around counter the e.u. all of bugaboos shooter come into force in july beijing will deliver the first of twelve huge crude couriers to run next month to expand its tank of fleet as many firms refused to transport a rein in oil now because of the western sanctions investment advisor patrick young told me the embargo with the e.u. more than around. it's absolutely tragic for them because just at the point in time work all of the other colors of their civilization are gradually being kept because the fiscal firmament is a total disaster they find that the oil that they caught at very reasonable prices is suddenly going to have to go to market really it's
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a little bit they're going to up transource from somewhere else so it's one of these curious predicaments were no one really wants to argue about the politics of the affair bought ultimately into the european union's weakest nations that are actually in the direct line to suffer more than necessarily they are really in some circles i mean clearly the e.u. has a series of different issues that it wants to bring forward and one of them is that the european union wants to act like some kind of major foreign power and the problem then is of course sometimes you have to do things in foreign policy that well to use an old irish expression you end up cutting off your nose to spite your face in other words you end up with a problem because actually economically you can hurt your room people rather than somewhere else but again i think the problem with this is it's a kind of growing pain for the european union because they haven't really got their head around how they can manage to juggle all the different balls of multinational stateroom whether it be the economy what it is feeling
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a business or indeed an international state obviously they're trying very very hard to stop around getting a nuclear weapon but at the same time they don't it is not good for their economy. next a story for us as we watch those mystery of the world's most famous whistleblower and his forthcoming show and it's finally happening next tuesday where julian assange his program premiers on this very channel things that are smith and caught up with him and got a sneak sneak peek of what's waiting for. the first episode of the show will be broadcast on cheese day april seventeenth so that's this tuesday coming and we and judy and together really hoping this is going to be an exclusive new show i can't tell you the name of the first guest you'll have to chew name yourselves to find that out on shoes day but i can tell you that they are all opinion formers some of them dissidents and some of them have never been interviewed before on english language television the first guest is particularly controversial and according to
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julian in the wake of the interview highly charismatic and find out what that's all about i met with him recently and i talked all about the show how he changed his guests why he decided to do it and of course he spent a lot of time sitting on the other side of the interview his desk and he told me a bit about his disenchantment really with the mainstream media and why he chose r.t. to broadcast first this show the things that we've been trying to report. card. in the race records. but it works. for her instantly or not this week coming up for the week in which the first show's going to be broadcast is really a week of anniversaries for him both personal and professional is going to be five hundred days since the investigation into these allegations of sexual assaults by two swedish women began now we've seen that at the request for his extradition go
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through the courts here in the u.k. right up to the supremes courts which in that case finished at the beginning of february that's ten weeks ago now we still don't have a verdict we are expecting it possibly to come next week but there's still no set date for that verdict to be handed down and still after five hundred days no charges have been laid against him it's also five hundred days since the wiki leaks bank accounts were first phrase and so that has made funding for wiki leaks very difficult. and threatening that whistle blowing organization all together and really that's what makes this program so unique the fact that it was conceived thought of while she was virtually living under house arrest here in britain awaiting this verdict on his extradition because two reasons first of all being on the house arrest it's nice to happen occasionally to. talk more about the world.
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the conversations we were having a quite interesting. for the people of the story that's one the second reason is that as someone who's given a lot of need for and it's been on the receiving end of a very aggressive. i felt i wasn't getting much more insight. pretty quickly. you know sort of principles from. people but. the context that i wanted to have a different approach with the people. and why. it has been so i think it's also it's excellent. really sorry it's very interesting and important. because. if you're going to sort of sort of house arrest. and go through political problems. so you can see the full version of that interview on monday the sixteenth of april and that will be followed hot on the hills by the
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first episode of the program on tuesday the seventeenth of april we're still awaiting the verdict on julian assange his extradition but we are quite glad that he's managed to make this program before whatever happens to him happens temp obviously his main fear has always been that he will be extradited from sweden to the u.s. . there hasn't been anything here to keep the. peace to get the maximum the facts. before the source. two years for he still was and we. we want to present. something. it's exciting programme it's must watch t.v. for us you can follow the build up to it and get sneak previews of will be talked to in these forthcoming programmes on twitter on line from us and are you teaching
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pages for great program coming up for you. know tens of thousands of egyptians to take the streets in support of a new law banning former regime officials from running for president the demonstration was called by the muslim brotherhood another islamist groups that move follows the surprise candidate to see announcement of former vice president and telephones chief under mubarak mr omer survey him and let's talk about that with dr my good book trusts the chairman for political science department hell when universities on the line from cairo now dr a pleasure to have you on the program this legislation first has to be approved of course by the ruling military council which took probably last year that i've been talking about do you think that they will approve it and it will become law. i believe this law is unconstitutional because the supreme constitutional law. and court has to review any legislation that affects the presidential elections like the
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coming presidential elections so i believe this law is going to be abolished for a very simple reason it violates. all principles in the constitution and declaration is typically think the conditions where the presidential elections take place. now the loudest voice in the new parliament is the muslim brotherhood as we've been reporting so clearly against the most public support what future do you think awakes egypt if they increasingly powerful the muslim brotherhood. well i believe the muslim brotherhood were creeping towards grasping all the power in egypt the first they had the overwhelmed the civil societies the unions
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then the second phase of the strategic plan is too overwhelmed and controlled the alleged. then the exact it was then later on the last stage they have some representatives in the judicial authority so they are. accelerating the pace in controlling the power in egypt controlling those four. dimensions or key players in the political scene in egypt interesting you say that the muslim brotherhood along with the ultra conservative salafi is another islamists where the people who rallied their supporters in tahrir square today those pictures we saw which was of course the very same place that saw the uprising that ousted hosni mubarak a year ago it begs the question how people got what they were fighting for back then do you think. well as a matter of fact the muslim brotherhood. has lost
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a lot of its popular grounds in egypt because people do not believe in what they say and now all the pledges were violated they pledge first they're not running for president action now they don't have one can do they have two candidates for any case the second thing they said we will not run for more than thirty percent of the parliamentary seats and they run four hundred percent of the parliamentary seats and they got. more than sixty percent now the the loose the ability in the industry as regards to the seller fees. we still have some scandals as regards to many of the candidates in the parliament in performance in the political performance in the parliament. issues is not satisfactory and talks a lot about big data on the calendar the first of july that handover date will the
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egypt's military council has promised athol handover to civilian rule there are fears are that it will try to hold on to his influence is that a valid concern do you think. no i don't think. there would be any change in the plan. and the agenda preset adjourned to handover the power i believe that the power will be handed pain on time but those clouds of confrontation i think they will be resolved in the last minute because it's not in the favor of any of the political actors to confront this critical point of history of egypt because the confrontation would be destructive for all parties for the whole political arena then i don't think at the end of the day nobody wants confrontation because confrontation as i said would be
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destructive and in not in the favor of any one of them it's really interesting using the terms actors and plan there how it's going to play out we could talk about this an awful lot more tonight but i'm afraid times against as we go to go to the business bulletin next door to my good thought for us chairman of political science at howard university thanks for being on the program. and as promised on live business let's go to business now and interest there. thanks karen alone a warm welcome to the market update on what we're looking at today's of course chinese g.d.p. data came out of course in the morning and it was pretty disappointing although we are seeing a hefty growth rate of eight point one percent it was short of expectations as eight point four was forecast so this indicates basically that the chinese economy could be heading for a hard landing and that's disappointing and versus what's going on in the united
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states let's just take a look at the dow jones and the nasdaq are coming off some very hefty gains that we've seen on that wednesday and on thursday the down half a percent and more than one percent also not providing any optimism of financial reports from wells fargo and j.p. morgan chase over in europe this session on friday also ended on a very pessimistic notice specially in frankfurt which was down more than two percent led by banks and this is of course coupled with worries about the state of the economy about sovereign debt about foreign costs notably in spain and in its in the. in russia pretty different story pretty much all week long the nice legs out of correlation with the global markets up by a notch this is take a look at what was moving really nice now well financial stocks were depressed as everywheres burbank for example was down no more than one percent let's take
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a look at those figures. he was down a notch but gas prom was up one point three percent at the close of the session that's on the back of fresh initiatives from the government to stimulates production in the arctic shelf and notably to provide an ease in terms of the tax burden now maksim must go from u.b.s. says that although these initiatives look generous they will not be in a. listen think he has to leave huge dearest but you can still you can see this. production tax and zero zero zero it's all good he didn't say it well it's not enough if you have exploration release like a bar for a fifty sixty percent of. people who really clear. legal framework because you know all this expert do just the from so interesting about this expert
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you just could be changed overnight because there's so little the monthly wages. all right quickly now is take a look at what's happening in commodities and the other climbing that's on the back of a stronger dollar and as you can see there let's let's switch to two currencies thank you the euro is declining strongly versus the dollar as you can see there one hundred and eleven points a well if i'm saying that correctly this is on the back of course of the fact that investors are cashing out and on the back of those sovereign debt worries in europe well that's it from the business team and that's it from me joy no business r c eight twenty am on monday of course moscow time.
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